Hello! Hello! Chapter 6 - Best. Fucking. Friends.

Story by Torren on SoFurry

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#6 of Hello! Hello!

Author's Note: How you gonna do a freaky girl song and not include Nicki Minaj? I mean come on, you know my fucking name. Ok, so next chapter. I'm not really wanting to say too much about it, but it's about to get crazy. Thanks for all the comments support and everything. You guys are awesome. THANKS TO: BOBLIOS for the fresh ideas.

If I eat it then everybody gonna order that, everything I do these bitches wishing they'd a thought of that, I'm an Indian giver, I want the quarterback, If hip-hop was dead, bitch I just brought it back!


"So how did the rest of the party go?" Seth asked awkwardly. The baby blue and white husky was reading intently with his nose stuck in the science book.

"Um, I'd rather not talk about it," I mumbled checking my phone for text messages. Kaiden still hadn't texted me. Suddenly, I noticed a pair of red heels appear on the floor behind my phone.

"Mr. Minaj, perhaps you could share such an interesting text message with the class," Mrs. Baker warned. She was an older fox with the typical orange-red fur. Her blue eyes were glaring at me.

"Um, no ma'am, I'll put it up." I started to put the phone up, but she tapped on the desk with a long red fingernail indicating where she wanted the phone. I took a deep breath and handed it to her. She began scrolling through the menus, but before she saw anything worth while, the intercom blared over the classroom.

"Mrs. Baker, we need Nicki Minaj to come to the front for a checkout," the voice commanded. I glanced at Seth and shrugged. I wasn't planning on checking out. Was it my mom or dad? Kaiden? I stood quickly and gathered my books. Mrs. Baker followed me into the hallway.

"Nick," she glared, "if I ever see pictures like this on your phone again, you can kiss your education in this country goodbye." She quickly handed the phone back and the screen was stuck on a nude picture of myself.

"You can't just go through my pictures like that! You don't have any right!" I growled.

"Prove it," she glided back into her classroom and I sped down the corridors to the front office. I was fuming with anger, but I lost all previous thoughts and emotions when I got to the office.

"What's up, Nickster?" RJ smirked. I wrapped my arms tightly around the German Shepherd. I noticed he seemed very anxious to leave. After I let him go, he walked me out of the school with a paw on my shoulder.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him. I suspected we were doing something very dangerous, but he looked very confident.

Alright, stop. He did look confident, but even more than that he looked super sexy with the sunlight hitting his fur the way it did. RJ is possibly the hottest guy I've ever known. Smiley face! Play.

"I'm picking you up from school, duh," he chuckled.

"I know that, but why?" Smart ass.

"Well, apparently you've been playing those games very well. Kaiden told me to let you have a day away just to clear your head," RJ shined his canines at me.

"Yeah, but I can't keep doing it, RJ."

"Why not?"

"He's getting more violent and when he cries it makes me feel guilty," I confided.

"Well, you are guilty and of course he's going to get violent. What do you expect?"

"I expected to be able to crush his feelings and get away with it."

"Yeah, that's probably not going to happen. You just have to use your guilt against him. If you stop, right now, I'm not positive that you'll ever get out. You'll only feel worse next time." I nodded solemnly as we crossed the parking lot. Suddenly, my jaw hit the concrete in shock at RJ's ride. RJ drove a silver 2010 Mustang convertible with two white racing stripes.

"This is your car?" I tried to not sound so surprised.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool. It's kind of hot today so I'm leaving the top down. You don't mind, do you?" RJ said as we took our seats. I buckled my seatbelt and nodded when I was ready. RJ sped down the highway away from the city. The air felt good against my fur. "So, what do you want to do?"

"I don't really have anything on my mind," I said honestly. I really needed to talk to Seth, but I would settle for an evening with a sexy sheppie.

"Do you want to just invite a few friends over at my house or what?"

"Why?" RJ looked very confused at my response.

"Well, I just thought you'd like to do that," RJ laughed, "Sorry, if I was wrong."

"Well, I could invite Seth, but I'd want it to be later on."

"That's cool too," RJ smiled. I felt like a kid on Christmas morning when he smiled at me. I wondered what my chances were with a guy like him.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked quietly.


"Um," I hesitated. Maybe I shouldn't ask him what I wanted to. "Why can't... why can't we be more than friends?" I instantly turned my face away and hid a strong blush.

"Nick," he turned the radio down so I could hear him better, "look, I really like you, I do, but I'm twenty-two and you're sixteen."

"I'm with a twenty-six year old right now."

"And that's working out so well for you."

"You would be different though. You aren't like Kaiden."

"How do you know? How do you know I'm not telling Kaiden everything you say? You don't know anything about me other than the fact that you like my body and who I appear be."

"I know you wouldn't hurt me." There was an awkward silence for a moment.

"No, I wouldn't, but does that mean we're meant to be together?"

"What are you so afraid of?!" I yelled in frustration.

"I'm afraid that you'll end up like me! Damn it, you're so fucking annoying. You can't just let it go, can you? I like you, but I won't lose you just because you're horny."

"I can be with you and not have sex!"

"Bullshit! You couldn't even make out with me without pawing me off!"

"You liked it!"

"No shit! Most people do!"

"You didn't stop me!"

"I already admitted that was my fault!"


"Nicki!" RJ glared at me before he turned his eyes back to the road. Awesome. I managed to kill the mood before we even arrived at his house.

Alright, stop. The three most effective ways to kill a potential hook-up. One, mention that the night is a hook-up. Two, mention a previous hook-up with the same person. Three, do anything that I do. Play.

I sat quietly with my arms folded over my chest. RJ took a deep breath. "Look, when you get away from Kaiden, I, uh, I could maybe try to take you out sometime and we'll take it from there. Is that closer to what you wanted to hear?" I grinned internally.

"We'll see if I still like you by then." RJ giggled sarcastically and turned at a large golden gate. The initials read: RJ. "How rich are you?"

"I'm not rich, I'm just well off," he winked at me as the gate parted and RJ sped down the long driveway. At the end of the driveway, there was possibly the most beautiful house I'd ever seen. The house was, at least, two stories of elegant brown wood with elongated windows placed perfectly around the house. Flowers and bushes of every color blossomed around the edges.

"You're so rich," I mumbled in awe.

"So, what's first?"

"A tour, maybe?" RJ looked disappointed.

"We can do that whenever. What about swimming?" The Shepherd's tail was wagging excitedly as he stepped out of the car. He didn't have any neighbors. I thought Kaiden's house was far off the road, but people couldn't see RJ's house if they knew exactly where it was. RJ led me through a stony path in between elegant flowers and bushes.

"Wow, RJ, this is..." My voice trailed off as I saw the back of the house. The entire back wall of the house was made of glass. Smooth gray concrete circled both sides of a massive swimming pool that led into a large cave where I assumed more water was held. Beyond the cave, rolling green fields roared across the horizon. It was like heaven in a backyard.

"This is what?" RJ teased as he removed his white t-shirt to reveal his rock hard muscles. Then he placed his paws around his waistline. He gave me a mischievous grin and slowly worked the pants down until he was completely naked. "This isn't bothering you, is it? I mean, you've seen it before." Obviously, I wasn't thinking about his house anymore.

"No, it's cool. I've been skinny dipping before." I remove my clothing just as fast and returned the grin. RJ dove into the pool and I followed him into the clear blue waters. The water felt perfect against the heat of the day. Of course, my focus wasn't really on the water either. RJ was pulling me towards the cave and I was an eager follower. He seemed to have control of every muscle in the water. In my completely biased opinion, RJ is the best naked swimmer in the world. We eventually reached the cave. I expected the cave to be dark, but somehow the water cast a blue glow on the rocky crevices. In the middle of the cave, a giant waterfall cascaded over the rocks above and fell into the pool below. RJ pulled me behind the waterfall and into a tiny area carved out of the rocks. "Are you trying to take advantage of me?" I grinned.

"No," he chuckled, "tell me about you." I hate talking about myself.

"You would be a much more interesting subject," I offered.

"Yeah, but I already know everything about me and nothing about you." He used one paw to massage my back. I groaned at the sensation.

"If you keep doing that I'll tell you anything you want to know," I growled pleasurably. RJ chuckled and continued the massage.

"How about family life? Just for starters," RJ suggested.

"My mother is a drug addict and my father is an alcoholic. I used to have a younger brother, but my father sold him for money. I hate both of them. They probably hate me or just don't give a shit either way. I haven't said a word to my dad in two years and my mom is always asleep. Good enough?" My reply was more offensive than I meant for it to be.

"Oh, I'm sorry." RJ seemed deep in thought. "I didn't mean to cross any boundaries."

"No, you didn't. I just can't explain it any other way. If I just say it as fast as I can and be as truthful as I can then there aren't any problems. I can't take the time to dissect any of it. It hurts too much."

"I understand. My parents aren't really like that. My mom died when I was four. My dad raised me and my brother. My brother was shot at school one day and I was very upset. My dad was the president of some franchised business and that brings us to today where I work as a shareholder and I make important decisions. Two days a week."

"Ok, I sympathize with the beginning, but after your brother died, you had the best luck ever."

"Sometimes," RJ said in a strange tone, "What about boys?"

"What about them?"

"Who, what, how long."

"Ok, well Kaiden is my first real boyfriend. My first hook-up with a guy was in eighth grade. I was in the boys' locker room with a senior and he told me to suck him off, so I did and I liked it. We had a steady sex relationship for like a year or so."

"Worst sexual experience?"

"You were present."

"Oh yeah."

"What about you?"

"My first boyfriend's name was Jackson. He was sixteen and I was ten."


"Yeah, I know that probably falls under molestation, but I still count him because he pretended to care. He tied me to the bed every night. Then came Michael who liked to make me pee in my pants first. Then, of course, we have the marvelous Kaiden."

"You have the most fucked up dating record I've ever heard."

"I did not have good luck, but I liked the idea of someone only paying attention to me, even if it was negative."

"Story of my life. See? We could be good for each other. Neither of us are crazy and we don't beat each other!"

"Nick, stop," RJ groaned, "I already told you."

"Ok, but we don't have to be sexual!" I just wanted a kiss.

"Why don't you just invite Seth over before it gets dark and I'll make some drinks. We can watch movies, we can swim again, we can do whatever, but we can't talk about this anymore." I sighed and nodded in agreement. "Ten bucks says you will try to get laid tonight." I was a little offended.

"Oh, you're so on," I accepted foolishly. The chances of me trying were very high. Whether or not he gives in will be a different story. "So, can I see the house now or are we sleeping in this cave?"

"The cave," RJ teased. I totally had a comeback though.

"I knew you couldn't afford this house." RJ laughed at my joke. I smiled.

The inside of the house was even more impressive than the outside. He mentioned the designer's name, but it was some French name I couldn't repeat. The house had six bedrooms, four bathrooms and a multitude of other rooms full of different stuff. He had his own arcade room.

Alright, stop. Three signs you should marry someone immediately, even if it isn't legal to do so yet. Sign one, they look as good as RJ. Sign two, their house is gorgeous and immaculately clean. Sign three, they have an arcade room not because they play the games, but simply because they didn't know where else to put the money. Shallow? Maybe. Right? Ask RJ. Play.

Seth arrived soon. Things were still awkward between us, but with a little help from RJ, I was able to explain everything to Seth in a way that he accepted. RJ was keeping me on the drinks. I can't remember a second that I didn't have a glass in my hand. We watched a few scary movies and then RJ had to go to bed. I tried to follow him, but he told me I would owe him ten dollars. (By the way, I would gladly pay ten dollars to sleep in the same bed as RJ.) Seth was getting tired too so we picked a large bedroom and I curled up next to the blue husky.

"Nick?" Seth asked quietly.

"Yeah," I slurred.

"I want to talk to you, but I'm scared." I tried to shake my intoxication, but it was impossible at this point.

"Well, you can still trust me. I'm not evil, yet." I giggled.

"I don't want Trent to be my first memory of sex." I couldn't quite make out his point, but his fingers were massaging my ears gently.

"I'm sorry, Seth."

"No, I mean, uh, how, ugh, will you, um, maybe like do something with me?" Seth spit the words as fast as he could find them.

"Are you serious?" I had never thought about Seth sexually, but with the alcohol and all of RJ's teasing, I was pretty horny. Seth wasn't bad looking either. He wasn't anything special compared to RJ, but he was better than average.

"I think I am. I mean, I know I want it. I don't want to say I lost my virginity to a stranger at a party."

"I...I don't know, Seth. We're kind of in a bad place right now. What if this only makes our friendship worse? Besides, wouldn't you rather be with a girl?"

"I would love to be with a girl, but it's kind of late for that and the only guy I've ever considered doing anything with is you." I glanced at Seth. He was blushing intensely and a nervous smile crossed his lips.

"I guess," I used a RJ grin. Seth looked very nervous. "You have to chill first, dude. Deep breath. It's nothing huge."

"It's not for you. How did you feel your first time?"

"Ok, yeah, but I was with a stranger. I'm your best friend and I'm not going to hurt you. I'm not going to laugh at you. There's nothing to be worried about." I leaned closer to the blue huskies muzzle. I giggled as his eyes closed. "Am I your first kiss too?" He nodded anxiously.

"You said you wouldn't laugh!" Seth sounded panicked.

"I'm not, but you just look so... cute when you're nervous." Before Seth could reply, I locked my lips against his. I could feel his lips quiver with fear. I slowly pushed my tongue into his mouth. He whimpered and I pulled away. "What?"

"I... couldn't breathe!"

"Use your nose, dummy." Seth nodded and I continued to kiss him. He finally started moving his tongue, but his lack of experience was evident to me. I was definitely going to be doing all the work. I slowly moved away from his mouth to nibble and suck at his neck. He was already breathing very heavily. "Dude, breathe! We haven't even gotten to the good part yet!"

"I'm t-trying," Seth was holding back moans as I ran my paws across his chest and stomach. One of his paws traced my ribs while the other kept my head close to his body. He stopped at the waist of my grey pajama pants with trembling fingers. I reached his boxers soon after. I ran a paw over his cock, which caused a moan and a twitch. He was already throbbing hard through pre-cum soaked yellow boxers.

"Ok, after tonight, we're working on self-control." Seth blushed and nodded. I gently caressed the white insides of the husky's thighs. I played around his taint through the cotton yellow boxers. He was breathing even heavier.

"I didn't know that every touch felt so good," he whispered.

"I did the same thing on my first time." I rolled his balls in my hand smoothly. When I finally peeled the boxers off, Seth was soaked in his own pre-cum and fully erect.

"I haven't, um, you know, cum in like three days." He was very nervous and looking for excuses, but I could totally buy that one because his balls felt very full.

"It's cool, Seth. It's not small or anything. It's about the same size as mine." I gently ran a paw against the underside, which made Seth whimper.

"Shouldn't I get your pants off first?" Seth was stalling. I used his paws to take off my pants and boxers. Seth went immediately for my dick.

"Wait, dude. You have to work up to that point."

"I'm sorry," he yelped. He was so embarrassed. I took one of his paws and placed it on my thigh.

"Now, rub it like you're afraid to break it," I offered. Seth gently caressed my thigh. He leaned closer to kiss my chest and stomach. It was difficult to mess up on anything oral, but of course Seth would do it. "Use your tongue," I commanded. Seth obliged by twisting his tongue around my belly button. I used my paw to push him lower. "No teeth on this part," I reminded as his tongue flickered over the tip of my cock. I placed his free paw on my sheath and he slowly worked my cock out of its hiding place. I moaned as his lips took more and more of my throbbing member down his muzzle. Soon his nose was rubbing against my knot and he was gagging himself on my cock. "Dude, you don't have to take all of it. If you can't breathe pull off and breathe for a minute." The husky blinked and stopped sucking.

"I always see that in the movies though and is my mouth supposed to be sore?"

"They've had years of cock sucking experience and yes, it will be."

"Ok, I can go again." The husky took one more breath and continued lapping at the sensitive underside of my cock. I moaned at the warm wetness surrounding my member. In a stroke of genius, Seth used one paw to hold my butt and the other to massage my balls. With every moan I released, Seth got more aggressive. I was getting too close to the climax. I grabbed his head and pulled it off my throbbing member. "What did I do?"

"Nothing, but I was about to cum and I figured you would want to do more." Seth nodded and I pulled him to his knees. I played with his member before I leaned down to admire the hard pink flesh. He was still dripping with pre-cum. I gingerly licked at the seeping hole before I took the crown into my muzzle. Seth moaned and bucked at the sensation. I knew he wouldn't last very long. I sucked slowly as his pre-cum filled my mouth. His hips bucked against my muzzle in excitement. Seth let out a low growl as my lips kissed his knot. His paw locked around my skull in a death grip. He pumped his hips hard against my muzzle.

"Nick...I...I'm about to-" I quickly forced my head away from his cock. He whined at the loss of warmth. "I'm sorry."

"No, you're supposed to enjoy it, but if you cum now you wont be as excited for later." Seth nodded in understanding.

"Your breath smells terrible."

"I blame you. So, do you want to top first or bottom?"


"You know, give or receive?" Seth still looked confused. "Would you rather take t up the ass or give it?"

"Can we do both?"

"I don't think you have the control for that."

"Which one is easier?"

"Well, the top has to work more, but the bottom has to deal with the pain at first. It gets better as you go."

"I'll... bottom this time."

"You say that like there is a next time."

"Is there? I mean, I know you're in a relationship and all, but..." his voice trailed off.


"Nevermind, it was stupid."

"No, I want to know."

"I like doing this... with you I mean. I mean, I want to do this with you... more."

"Are you trying to say you like me?" I hoped not. I was too drunk to explain why it was a bad idea.

"No, well," he hesitated trying to find the right words, "I just want to... I don't know."

"Seth, I don't think it's a good idea."

Alright, stop. Three reasons why not only sleeping with your friend is bad, but having a potential relationship is worse. Reason one, sex leads to relationships. Reason two, relationships lead to break-ups. Reason three, break-ups lead to awkward silences between friends that normally never have awkward silences. Play.

"Could we talk about it later? It's kind of killing the mood," Seth asked and I grinned. "How do you want me?"

"However you are more comfortable." Seth turned away from me and stuck his tail into the air.

"How bad is this going to hurt?"

"Just relax and you'll be fine." I positioned myself at his rear. I used my muzzle to slick my finger before I slowly pressed it into his tiny pink hole. He grunted as I forced the finger all the way in. He was very warm and tight. I slid the finger in and out at a slow pace before adding another finger. He grunted again as the fingers spread the walls of his tail hole. I used my other paw to massage his balls from behind. Seth moaned quietly. "Are you ready?"

"I'm still a little scared."

"It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you." Seth nodded as I placed both paws around his waist. I slowly pressed my member against the tight pink hole. I forced the tip into the hole, which made Seth cry out.

"Stop, I don't like it."

"It's just the tip!" I explained. I pushed in a little further and Seth was still tense. "Seth, relax." I could see him trying, but I was getting bored. I grabbed his muzzle and shoved my cock all the way in. The knot really caused some problems with Seth. He screamed into my paws. "Hey, hey, hey," I whispered, "It's over. I'm in. You're ok." Once he calmed down, I released his muzzle.

"What the fuck, dude?"

"I wouldn't even be in halfway if we waited."

"But that fucking hurt! It still hurts."

"I'll let you adjust." I rested on Seth's back as my cock throbbed in the tight passage. I moved just slightly to keep hard. He was so warm and tight. After a minute or so he was ready to move on. I sat up straight and gently pulled out of the blue husky. There was a little blood, but not enough to worry him. I thrusted against him again and knocked the breath from the husky. He didn't seem to be enjoying it yet. I reached around to play with his member. He definitely enjoyed that. I moved my paw at the same speed of my hips. He moaned at the gentle pace. "Can I go a little faster?"

"Please, do." I giggled and sped my pace. My thick member stretched a nice passage into the husky and the pre-cum was acting as a slick lubricant. My hips went on autopilot and compressed his rear at light speed. We moaned at the same time. "Nick, I'm getting close again," he said between compressions. I leaned against his back for more support and continued to pump the hole as fast as I could. Seth groaned loudly as his load sprayed across the sheets. I massaged the knot until he whined with completion. I wasn't to far behind as my cock bucked and spit streams of cum into his bowels. I continued to pump until every last drop was lost inside him. I stayed on top of him as I caught my breath. It wasn't until my member was out that I realized the mistake I'd just made. I just fucked my best friend. Seth was breathing heavily and laying in his own sticky mess.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"Good. Really really good." He whispered.

"You're sure?"

"Yeah, you don't?" Seth looked confused and scared.

"No, I feel great, but I don't want it to ruin everything."

"I don't think it will as long as we figure out how to deal with it."


Alright, stop. The biggest thing he just said "figure out." Of course you have to learn how to deal with it, but what are you supposed to do in the meantime? Talk about it? Act like it never happened? Get drunk and do it again? Any advice is welcome. Play.

Oh wait, that's the end. God, I have this habit of wanting to keep writing.