At the mercy of a Storm Dragon part 1

Story by hunkyhusky on SoFurry

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Story by Hunkyhusky

Edited by  Iscin


Story by Hunkyhusky

Edited by magic7black


Nick by Hunkyhusky

Iscin by Iscin


It was early in the afternoon, and the sun was beating down on the land. A husky, who had been travelling down the road, thought to himself satirically if only something else would beat on me that hard. Nick, or "Ocean-eyes" as his friends call him, is of average height for a husky; 5ft 10in. He has ebony fur whit splashes of white across his face, chest, and his inner thighs and calves. Nick was panting a little from walking most of the day. Then, as he trudged around a corner, he came across a lake. He smiled to himself as he neared the water's edge, looking into his refection, and staring at his dark blue eyes (which were the source of his nickname.) Yet what Nick didn't know was that someone else was watching him from afar.

Taking off his shirt, Nick jumped into the lake. With a satisfied sigh as the water gave him a much needed cool down, he dove beneath the surface, paddling in as graceful a dance as any sea dweller was able. He then proceeded to swim around the lake a little bit before he decided to practice his water magic so as to stay at peak ability.Nick slowly swam back to the shoreline and lifted his arms, calling out in a calm voice, "Water Style-Water Manipulation Ninjutsu." An instant later good volume of water rose out from the lake's body. Nick continued to move his hand in an upward motion, the water trailing the path of his hands.

After some basic forms, Nick pulled up more water until he had close to half the lake floating in the air. But then a voice from nowhere rang out, breaking the silence... and Nick's concentration; "Hey there," it said. With that, all the water that was floating in the air came crashing down, causing a large wave that drenched [a previously dry] Nick completely.

Turning around, water dripping from his fur, Nick looked for the person that spoke. Immediately he noticed a dragon that was at least 10 feet tall, with good sized wings, and white scales with dark spots resembling those scattered on snow leopards.

"Sorry about that. I haven't ever seen anybody manipulate that much water without breaking a sweat," the dragon said while he traipsed down to Nick. He noticed as the dragon got near what he was wearing; an open neck, brown T-shirt and non-denim trousers with a black belt holding them up. The dragon lazily scratched his brown hair that draped a some down his neck.

Smiling Nick said "Oh, it's ok. No harm done... So, what's your name big fella?" Just after asking this of his new companion, he began to shake his body, trying to get himself dry, but also causing Nick's pants to fall off, revealing one nice pair of white boxers (which were tight enough to show off his sheath and balls).

Blushing the dragon said, "Well, my name's Iscin. How about yours?" Iscin bent over and picked up Nick's shorts. Nick, not noticing that his pants had fallen off, went to grab his shirt. "Name's Nick," he said, as he turned around to see a blushing Iscin holding the his pants in one of his claws.Nick, blushing deeply too, took the errant pair of traveller's jeans and quickly put them on.

"Oh God..I'm so sorry about that." Iscin just shook his head and said ,"It's okay, it happens sometimes; just today it happened to you." As Iscin sat down, he motioned Nick to sit beside him.

"So what is a person like you doing all alone out here anyway?" The dragon asks of the other male.

"Well I'm heading to New Fardern to find a master so that I can learn the discipline of fire. I've already mastered water, and learned earth right after." Nick said whilst smiling up at the cute drake.

Iscin than asked how old the canine was, to which Nick blushed a little. He responded, "Well I'm 19 actually." When Nick finished his reply Iscin put his hand on Nick's shoulder and shook him a little. "Wow so young and yet you have mastered two elements already? I'm impressed little one," the larger of the said, awed. Smiling at Iscin, Nick admitted, "Thanks. It's been hard but I'm managing. I don't exactly know where I'm going, though."

Smirking, Iscin said, "Silly pup, I've been there so I already know the way. Would you like me to show you how to get there?" Nick pouted a little. "Pup? Why you-" playfully punching Iscin in the arm. "Well, why not?," he replied, with a fresh look of excitment, "I could use the company." They both got up and started down the path that heads toward New Fardern.

Along the way they started talking about various things from career plans, and hobbies, to what type of lifestyle they both led. Then Iscin asked Nick, "Whenever you are looking for someone to instruct you in lightning magic, I might be able to help. I do know a lot of it, as I am an accomplished master in that element." Nick smiled a wide, ear touching smirk, which threatened to grow bigger than his face.

"Well, what the heck... when I'm finished with fire, I might take you up on that proposition." His statement caused the drake to blush a little from thinking of Nick actually living with him. Soon these thoughts turned naughty, causing his very large cock to twitch perceptibly. Iscin reddened further at the same time trying to will his body back under control before Nick noticed anything. But Nick did notice the reptile's sudden discomfort.

"Hey Iscin, what's wrong buddy?" Nick asked with a hint of concern in his voice, as he placed a hand on his arm. Iscin looks into Nick's eyes and responds, "Oh, it's nothing, just got this feeling we are being followed somehow, though."

Nick then turned sharply, looking at his surroundings; trying to see if anyone was stalking them. "Well, I can't see or feel anything hostile. Maybe it's just the feeling of this place, is all." This made Iscin laugh a little. "You know, I manged to sneak behind you already." Nick gave Iscin another pouting look. "That was only because I was concentrating on what I was doing before." Again, Nick playfully punched Iscin in the arm making him chuckel even harder.

They continued down their path for some time, until a rustling sound caused Nick and Iscin to turn, which is when the half dozen hooded figures jump from the trees and surround them in a circular formation. They were ready for a fight.Nick stared by taking a defensive stance, while Iscin opened his wings a bit and charged electricity into his claws, readying himself for a fight to the death. Just then, the hooded figure on Iscin's right spoke out.

"You there, dragon, step aside. We have business only with the dog there," the hooded figure demanded while pointing on Nick's direction. Iscin growled back, "Hell no am I gonna leave a friend behind to fend for himself. What kind of person would I be if I did that?" the imposing male spit. Nick smiled at Iscin the second before the fight broke out.

Nick slammed his foot into the dirt, causing several head-size stones to levitate off the ground in front of him. He smugly called out in a calm voice, "Earth Style-Earth Stone Missile Volley." Suddenly, all of the stones shot forward at great speed, striking two of the hooded attackers and sending them flying head-over-heels into the trees which were meters behind them a second ago. "Ok, that leaves just ten more to take down," Iscin thought as he shot a lightning bolt from his claws. The glowing stream arced across, hitting the hooded figure that previously spoke right in the crotch! The assassin had the emasculation of screaming like a little girl before he was destroyed.

Iscin then took to the skies as a giant fireball zoomed very close to his head. Nick, seeing this, quickly changed his tactic. He swiftly opened his bag and, after rooting around anxiously, grabbed his water jug before opening it and bellowing, "Water Style-Water Whip!" Water shot out of the jug, quickly forming into something that was most likely said whip.

Nick then proceeded in attacking the assailant who had shot the giant fireball at his friend. Nick screamed out, "What, are you afraid of water?" as he flung the whip into the man's face. He misjudged the aim of the deadly thin weapon and decapitated the attacker with a single flick, the man's head still surprised as it landed on the grass. His two allies who were standing by him yelped and charged right at Nick with fire blades in their hands. Nick spun around, sending the whip to them for an exceptional parry. The liquid weapon made contact with firey blades, snuffing out their weapons and freezing their empty, grasping hands.

Meanwhile, Iscin concentrated his electricity into his tail, creating his own whip.Enraged, Iscin brought his tail down with onto a group of enemies crying, "Now die with the thunder clap!!" His tail hit them, striking the ground and creating a rumble similar to that of an actual thunder blast. It immediately ended two out of three lives attempting to take his, missing the third as he jumped out of the way at the last moment. His luck ran out, however, when Iscin deftly impaled him on his thorny tail. He dismissively shook off the body with a jerk that threw it into a boulder. Iscin carelessly brought his tail up, getting ready to eviscerate another enemy, when he heard Nick yell loudly.

Nick has just taken out the two fire-users and was bringing his water whip up for another attack when he was struck with unexpected, extreme pain. Nick managed to look around in an attempt to find the cause of the agony when he saw what was shocking him: his water whip had accidentally made contact with Iscin's electric whip, causing the electricity to travel through Nick's magic tool and enter his body.

Iscin saw this, too, and canceled out the electricity that was flowing into his tail. Suddenly, Nick collapsed onto the ground with a thud. Cursing to himself, the master of storm magic rushed over to Nick's side and, as an afterthought, crushed the final two attackers with a gesture of his palm and shock that slammed the men against the earth.

"Nick can you hear me? Please, Nick, tell me that you're alright!" Iscin said in great concern as he looked over the unconscious husky. Seeing him breath gave Iscin some relief, but something made him stop and brought forth a deep-red blush. Nick's pants had fallen off again; but this time the top of his sheath was poking out from his underwear.

Still blushing, Iscin put Nick's pants back on and picked him up when a very naughty idea popped into his head. "Well... you are injured and my cave isn't that far from here... so mind if we take a side trip?" Nick groaned a little. "I'll take that as a yes than" Iscin said as he chuckled and took to the sky-heading to his cave for a some fun.


three hours later


Nick groaned loudly as he regained consciousness. As he tried to move he heard someone chuckle. "Well; finally you woke up."

Nick recognized the voice. "Iscin," Nick said as got to his feet, feeling a little sore. He had a surprise when he found he had a collar around his neck with an attached leash. Nick followed were the leash lead and saw [a very nude] Iscin holding the other end of the leash.

Iscin smiled to himself when he saw Nick eyes go wide as saucers. "Like what you see?" he asked a shocked Nick. Tugging the leash at little and signaling that he wanted Nick to come near him, he purred out, "Don't worry, I don't bite." Nick stumbled as he uncertainly got to his feet.

Nick made his way warily over to Iscin, looking him top to bottom; the dragon was very well muscled, even sporting a nice six-pack the ran down towards his crotch. But when his eyes found the reptilian cock Nick could do nothing but gasp. Iscin's cock was the very definition of huge; a giant 18" long and not even fully hard, covered with barbs at the head and ridges that ran down the entire length, and, the coup-de-tat, a knot which was close in size to a watermelon with a set of balls the size of oranges to complete the beautiful image of his cock.

Iscin smiled deeply, knowing that he gotten the desired effect he wanted out of Nick. The moment Nick reached to where Iscin sat, the dominating male patted his thigh, a clear signal for Nick to sit. The leashed canine hesitated. Sighing to himself, Iscin yanked the leash... which resulted in Nick falling face first into Iscin's crotch.

"Well, someone's shy here," Iscin said with a sardonic chuckle, as Nick started to blush. When he took a sniff of Iscin's musk it caused his sheath to warm and his cock to spring out. That was when Nick finally noticed that he was naked too.

Blushing immensely Nick, tried futilely to cover himself. "Aww don't be shy," Iscin purred and put a finger underneath Nick's chin, lifting his head a little to look him in those ocean blue eyes. "You were injured and I took you to my cave for some healing" he crooned.

Nick remembered some what had previously happened leading up to the current incident. Smiling shyly Nick said, "Ummm, thanks, but why am I naked and wearing this around my neck?" Nick gestured questionly at his leash and collar.

Laughing a little, Iscin replied with "Well, I was hoping for a little fun with my best friend here." By then Nick's cock was at his full 9 and a half inches, the entirety of which was pointing straight towards the ceiling.

Nick, blushing, asked hurriedly, "Why would I agreed with that huh?" Nick got his answer in the form of Iscin tugging the leash a little and smiling wider still.

Sighing Nick said "You saved my life, so why the hell not?" Iscin was waiting for precisely that. Just as Nick finished speaking he grabbed the subby canine's head and gently placed him in front of his cock. "Then you might want to get started quick, huh."

Nick shyly rubbed Iscin's massive cock, trying to think on how he was going to get this dragon off, but the bigger male was getting impatient. The large reptile opened Nick's mouth with his claws and stuffed his cock in nearly halfway. Nick gagged and tried to calm himself down while he adjusted his mouth better adapt to the dragon's size. Soon, though, he managed by moving his tongue up and down what he had in his mouth until he found the head and started to dip his tongue into Iscin's cum slit probing just a little.

"Awwwwww fuck," was all Iscin could say as he involuntarily bucked his hips, trying to get even deeper into Nick's throat. *Wow this husky's a pro* Iscin thought, humping into Nick's mouth. The amazing sensation making his cock grow to its full 24" length.

Nick was again surprised at how big Iscin was as the cock grew. It became harder for him to use his tongue eventually making Nick just suck and drink the large amount of pre that was leaking from the draconic penis. While trying to deepthroat the big male, his gag reflex stopped him getting anymore of that huge cock down.

Having enough of the blowjob, Iscin slowly pulled his cock out from Nick's mouth, leaving a trail of pre and saliva on his chest. "Fuck man, you have one tight mouth there." Iscin remarked as he rubbed his cock against the husky's face, moaning as the fur gave his sensitive cock-tip some pleasure.

Panting, Nick said, "Thanks... but I never done this before though." Nick then licked his lips getting a small amount of pre that trickle on his face.

"Ha-ha, I bet your ass is just as tight as you mouth is." With that, Iscin gave a low growl and quickly turned Nick around so he was able to look at his butt. "mmmmm...nice and fluffy, just how I like em," Iscin said seductively while sticking his tongue out. Nick started moaning *ummhmm, tastes good too!* Iscin thought as he continued moistening Nick's tail hole for the next part...

Moaning, Nick tried to say "Oh go-- you- aww fuck!" Iscin found Nick's prostate and was giving it a good whipping with his tongue; making Nick say random spurts of cuss words spread through with moans.

Soon, Iscin figured that Nick was ready for the task at-hand, giving the canine's butt one last lick before picking Nick up and positioning him over his cock. Nick was still in a daze, and before he could realize what was going to happen [to ready himself for the huge cock to rip him in two], Iscin slowly lowered the husky onto his cock.

Nick gasped from the sudden intrusion that spread him wider than he had ever stretched before. "Grawwaaaa," was all Nick could say as he took inch after inch of dragon cock, until about half of Iscin's cock was in his tail hole.

Nick than leaned against Iscin groaning and panting, trying to get to grips from the pleasure he was receiving. Iscin, however, started to thrust in and out slowly, but picking up speed. Quickly he began to fuck the living daylights out of Nick. The submissive dog could only moan and pant for the whole of it, which lasted for quite some time- until Iscin thought of a insane idea that just popped into his head.

Iscin lowered Nick down on his cock as far as he could without hurting the husky and let him lean back against him again; but he didn't stop there. Iscin built up an electric current through his cock, and let it grow. Before he used it, though, he took the leash that was still attached to Nick's collar and wrapped it around Nick's cock, tightening until he felt satisfied with it. Then he released the small-weak lightning bolts through his cock and shocked Nick's prostate with low levels of electricity. Nick howled loudly as he felt his prostate experiencing a pleasurable shock every three seconds.

After about the five minutes of Iscin shocking Nick's prostate, he started twisting his nipples, which finally brought Nick over the edge. "I think- I gonna... CUMMMMM!!!!" Nick howled and his inner muscles in his anal track squeezed Iscin's cock bringing Iscin over the edge as well. Grabbing Nick and biting down on his shoulder, not hard enough to hurt him, he started to splurt Nick full of his dragon seed until it started to spill out of the sides his butt.

Nick's orgasm was still going strongly because of the leash tied around his cock, which prevented his cum for shooting out and lengthened his orgasm for some time. Iscin let go of the leash at last and hot husky seed rocketed from Nick's cock and hitting him straight in the face.

When they both finished their orgasms they were tired and sore. "Wow- that was something," Iscin said sighing, pulling Nick into a hug while kissing him on the forehead.

Nick sighed. "Yeah, it was." Soon, sleep started to take him, and just before he passed out Iscin said, "but, after we rest up. I have more fun in store for you." Nick didn't have time to protest against the promise as he passed out from his mind blowing orgasm.

Iscin [chuckling] lifted himself and Nick to his bed, where made sure they were both comfortable. As Iscin lay his head on the pillow he whispered to himself, "I think my boyfriend should be back in the morning, too." Smiling to himself and thinking how he loved his tiger, he made a mental note to eat out his tiger's butt too.

End chapter 1