The Dark Park: Chapter III

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#302 of Commissions

Chapter III

For Parapanora

Vel doesn't mean to wander off, but something is calling to the drake. A deep, commanding voice beckons him towards the many carnival games, and two truly immense figures. How much will he risk for the chance at a big prize? 

Includes two endings!

Features: gambling on sex, size difference, smothering, cock vore, anal vore, digestion. 

Someone was calling Vel's voice. He was sure of it. The sound cut through the noise of the crowds, the blaring loudspeakers, the bustle of the packed carnival. Someone wanted his attention, and they weren't going to stop at anything to get it. Vel had to know who was speaking to him, and in such a deep, sexy voice no less. He didn't even bother to offer any explanation as he stepped away from the rest of the group all on his own.

It didn't take him long to find who he was looking for - or who was looking for him. Stepping past an assortment of relatively forgettable sideshow games eventually led him to the biggest bear he'd ever seen. The hulk before him was as broad as he was burly, a chunky yet well-dressed beast. His fine suit highlighted just how muscular he was beneath the fat. Vel barely came higher than his belly. The hefty ursine offered a warm grin and nodded his head down to the drake who had so openly approached him.

"Ah, there you are! I knew you looked like a winner from afar. Step right up and try your luck on the wheel, what do you say?"

His voice was as friendly as it was imposingly powerful. His smile was pleasant, though the look in his eyes glinted in such a way that intimidated the much smaller drake. He only glimpsed it for a second, but there was something almost hollow about that glare, as if the giant bear was nothing more than the clothing for something else, something that was inhabiting that massive, powerful body. Such thoughts quickly slipped away when the big fellow offered his huge paw in greeting.

"Name's Benedict, but Ben or Benny work all the same to me. A pleasure to meet you."

Vel wasn't even sure how he was going to go about shaking a hand that size. He placed his in Ben's palm and felt the gentle squeeze of those meaty fingers. The bear could be gentle when he wished to be, despite his size. He didn't let go just yet though. With a little tug, he guided the drake into a small tent, where there waited a large table, some oversized chairs, and something beneath a large red sheet. Something about it gave off an oddly menacing feeling the more Vel looked at it.

"Are you ready to spin the wheel, Vel? I know the sort. You don't mind taking a risk, now do you?"

A hearty chuckle from the bear was at the same time friendly and imposing. The drake looked up to watch that big bear gut jiggle within that form-fitting suit, then just gave his timid reply.

"Yessir. Er, no sir, I mean."

"That's right." Benedict got closer, putting an arm around Vel. "You're a dreamer. A player. A high roller, as we say around these parts. I always know them from a single look even in a crowd."

He ushered Vel closer, then threw the sheet off the hidden object. There stood the wheel. It was a large, elaborate thing, all blue and black. Each individual wedge had some sort of art on it, from a pair of lips to a black heart to, concerningly, what looked like a dragon's skull. Yet for all his doubts about it, he felt compelled to stare at it, felt drawn towards it. Even if he didn't fully understand what he stood to win or lose, some part of him didn't care. Just getting to spin the wheel itself seemed like all the justification he could ever need.

"How does it work?" he blurted, before he could think about it any longer.

"It's quite simple. For every spin you take, you'll either earn a favour, or you'll owe me one yourself. Get lucky, and there's a grand prize. Get unlucky, and oh, I doubt you'll mind the punishment too much." Ben offered a flirty wink. "Really, you can't lose."

He took his time to look over the giant who stood so very close to him. The tent was small enough that wherever he stood, he was within arm's reach of that huge bear. Benny made him feel like he'd fallen out of his world and into another where everything, everyone was so much bigger. The noise of the crowd seemed so distant with only a single tent flap separating him from the rest of the carnival. He felt truly alone with him, subject to the bear's whims, in just as much danger as Benedict decided he was. Something about that felt so good.

"Okay. Um. I'm Vel by the way," he meekly said.

"Mmhmm. I know," Ben told him back with a subtle smile. "Told you. I have an eye for winners. Two of them, even."

For as many questions as Vel might have had, he knew only the game before him. He wanted to play. He had to know what fate had in store for him. The bear tipped his hat to him and then stepped aside, allowing him full access to the wheel. He reached out for it, but then hesitated. Some semblance of reason still lingered with him, enough to inspire a question.

"What do I stand to win though?"

"Everything," the bear said emphatically. "All you've ever wanted, and so much more. It's all on the line now, Vel. You won't back down from the call now will you?"

Of course he wouldn't. He wasn't a coward. Plus, he was just as intrigued about what might happen if he lost as if he won. Finally laying hands on that wheel filled him with a strange sort of energized feeling. He was ready. It gave a few clicks as he tested it out, and then he just closed his eyes tight and threw his weight into spinning that thing as hard as he could. Eve softly chuckled as his enthusiasm while he stood there listening to the rapid clack clack clack. For some reason, he still didn't open his eyes, even as the ticking slowed to a stop.

"Oh, bad luck!" came Benny's voice. "Looks like you lose this round, Vel. Don't worry. We'll start off small."

The drake wasn't sure why he didn't do a single thing about it as the massive bear set down his cane, made his approach, and effortlessly scooped him up. Maybe it was fear. Just feeling those hefty hands on his body, clutching him by the rump to pluck him right up off his feet made him readily aware of the power within that enormous frame. Benedict could have crushed him by accident with something as simple as a muscle spasm. Yet he handled the drake with care as he brought him to lean against that heavy gut, face to face, staring into those dark eyes.

"All I ask is a kiss. Then we're even."

That was far from a small ask. The bear's head was so much bigger than his own. He looked over those dark lips, and the way they parted briefly to reveal the shiny pearl of Ben's teeth. The warmth of the bear's breath washed over him, smooth, tinged slightly with cinnamon. A slow, unsteady breath was enough to make Vel draw closer, to lean in all on his own without any urging from the bear who clutched him close. He met Benedict in the desired smooch before he even had time to think about it further. Laying both of his lips against the lower of the bear's, he offered a soft peck, and felt Ben's grip tighten in response.

A little pressure, a little force was what allowed Benedict to completely overtake Vel's entire face with a hot, sloppy kiss properly befitting of a bear. He tasted good. His body was strong, yet soft in the right places to make him ever so pleasant to press up against. A satisfied grunt escaped the bear as he pressed the drake closer and closer, squishing Vel into that wet makeout session. A thick tongue entered the drake's mouth, overwhelming his palate, sharing an excess of drool. Vel could barely even manage to suck on it.

They lingered there together, humming, even moaning into each other's mouths. Of course it had an effect on the drake. He went from tentatively attracted to immensely aroused seemingly all at once. Firming up in his pants meant bulging against the bear's gut. Benedict surely felt it, but he made no comment, nor did he try to stop the drake from grinding on him. The slow roll of his hips just came naturally to Vel when he was pressed up against that much bulk. His body felt the urge to admire one that was so powerful, so impressive, so seemingly impossible - yet every touch and taste was as real as it could be.

Steam rose from the bear's mouth as he pulled back from that deep makeout session. Vel panted. It took him time to even register how much drool there was on his scales. Wiping at the mess, he chuckled softly, blushing hard. It had taken so little to turn him on. When the bear set him down on his feet, Vel was shaky, grabbing for the nearby table to keep himself steady. Benedict was patient while the drake recovered his senses, but as soon as Vel was coherent again, he asked his player a question that truly needed no answer.

"Would you like to take another spin?"

As for what the other slots on the wheel might have meant, it was hard to tell. Some of them were vaguely suggestive, others were simple symbols like clubs and spades, though he had no guess what they could have represented. He walked over softly and reached for that fate-bearing thing while the bear grinned at his prompt response. It was time for another try, no matter what might have awaited him. This time, Vel stood up tall on his toes so he could throw himself into a truly impressive turn of fortune.

The symbols whizzed by, blending together while the wheel clacked away. This time it slowly came to rest on one of the blue notches, with a symbol sort of like a wide vase. He couldn't quite interpret it, but Benedict's beaming expression told him it was a good thing. Probably.

"Aha! A winner! Now do hold on a moment, Vel. That there is a blue space, as you might well have noticed. That means it's time to make this company into a threesome. Eve, darling?"

Vel tried to think back to the look he got at the tent from the outside. It looked like a pretty small thing, with only enough room for the two of them. Yet when Benedict called, another figure emerged from the back. An immense, soft matron of a gator woman, all thickly-set and blue-scaled, she was quite possibly bigger than even Benedict himself. The two of them were a pair of plump, towering, door-blocking giants, yet there was something ever so soft to her appearance. She offered her finest grin when she got a good look at their guest.

"Ahh, such a scrumptious one!" she said, brightly enough that Vel didn't think about her referring to his apparent taste. "You always know how to pick them, dear."

"Something about him just called to me. So I called to him. Heard me, didn't you Vel?"

"Y-yes sir," was the drake's simple response. He still couldn't explain how he'd managed to hear the bear from so far away, how he knew exactly where to go, but he had the enduring feeling that he was in the right place.

"Lucky drake just won himself a belly rub. Not many get the privilege. From the outside, at least!"

Vel wasn't sure what to make of that. Ben and Eve alike chuckled at it, but was it because it was a simple joke, or something more sinister? Bodies that size had to run on some sort of fuel. Nonetheless, when the gatoress in the purple dress reached for him to pull him close, he didn't hold back one bit. He stood just high enough to dive face first into her considerable belly when she embraced him, pushing him deeper and deeper into those layers of squishy gator fat. It took him until then to understand just how much he'd always wanted to do such a thing.

Of course, he didn't let such an opportunity go to waste. He rubbed his face against Eve's gut, then reached up to knead his fingers into her padding. Massaging as firmly as he could into that doughy middle had his hands all but disappearing into the soft mass. She held him there, giving her deepest gator rumbles, like the most powerful purr he'd ever felt. His very bones were rattling from the feeling. Eve stroked her fingers down the back of his head, then his spine while he cuddled up to her, stroking across the smooth scales of her belly, admiring her with every touch. It really did feel like he'd won a prize.

That was far from the end of it. Eve allowed him to massage her a while longer, but eventually she grew more insistent about how deeply he shoved his face in against her fat. That had him backing up just to stay on his feet, but he stopped in place when he collided with something solid - if soft. Benedict moved behind him to cushion him with his own gut, leaving the drake sandwiched between both hefty bodies, pleasantly squished between their middles while they rubbed on him. It was enough to leave him murmuring and moaning where he shakily stood, legs trembling, toes curling, and chest slightly aching when he was utterly smothered for long enough that he needed air.

Another gasp of relief came when they freed him from their pudge, leaving him staggering until the bear caught him with those great big hands. Vel stared forth a little, enamoured of his two hefty hosts, secretly wanting to go right back to rubbing on their bellies. Some part of him wanted to hump all that soft padding, to really show how much he admired their absolutely massive figures, but instead he was left listening closely to everything the bear said when Benedict piped up once more.

"Such fun we're having, don't you agree Vel? I know you're just as excited as we are. Maybe even more." The teasing wink left the drake blushing. "What do you say we raise the stakes a little?"

"What does - phew - what does that mean?"


Benedict snapped his fingers - a feat that seemed almost impossible even the sheer size of them - and the wheel reacted. What were simple symbols before grew suddenly much more abstract. The swirling designs felt almost ancient, like a forgotten language or a strange mural from an age long ago. He squinted at them briefly, but he had no guesses. They still came in black and blue. He at least knew what that represented.

"These ones, they're a little more drastic, let's just say," Benedict explained. "More to gain. More to give. Do you think you're up for it? I wouldn't have reeled in a quitter, now would I?"

Vel didn't want to let that bear down. He wanted to impress. And he didn't want to know what would happen if he didn't. There was still that looming something, that sense of slight threat that came from the huge fellow, no matter how friendly he may have acted. Timidly stepping towards the wheel once more, he looked it up and down, trying to take a guess as to what exactly he was gambling with. He still couldn't hear the activities outside. There had been all sorts of voices, along with the ringing bells and wailing sirens of the carnival games, but when he stepped into that tent, it was like the whole world consisted of nothing but him, the bear, and the gator.

That wasn't enough to keep him from going for another spin. He had to know. His boner wasn't going to let him live it down if he walked away from those two gorgeous titans. Another good clacking spin and he watched as it came to rest on one of the black spaces, one with a tangle of lines and what looked, perhaps, like two figures. He was just starting to figure out how suggestive it really was when the bear's burly voice broke his concentration.

"Ah! Was hoping for that one," Benedict exclaimed as Vel stared at the results.

"Now, was that fair, dear?" Eve questioned him.

"Of course. Entirely. Without a doubt," the bear answered. "My word is gold. I believe in the purity of chance."

She simply chuckled lightly as she patiently watched the bear circle around the front of the drake.

"Afraid you lose once more," he explained. "You'll have to work a little harder to make it up to me this time."

Vel had to tilt his head back all the way just to look the bear in the eye. Even then, his gaze remained slightly off to the side, too intimidated to lock looks with Benedict.

"What do I need to do?" he timidly asked, and his answer was immediate.

"You're going to suck my dick, is what."

The throaty rumble that came with that blunt declaration was almost like a growl. Surely it wasn't a threat. Vel at the same time startled as he throbbed. Oh, he wanted that so much, but he wasn't sure if he could outright admit it. Was he allowed to? Would anyone in the room think less of him for it? Benedict didn't give him much time to think about it. He was already unbuckling.

Vel watched in silent awe as that big fat bear cock flopped free before his eyes. It was every bit as plump and wide as its owner. A thick, uncut shaft of dark-toned bear meat nestled atop a pair of equally ample nuts drew Vel's gaze and kept it there. He couldn't help but stare. His mouth was outright watering. Benedict grunted with relief when he got all that gear free to the open air. He let the drake look a little longer, but his patience only went so far.

A heavy hand on the back of Vel's head forced him snout-first into the bear's crotch. There he got buried in the heated fur and musk of the huge male. He couldn't help but sniff. It was enough to make his eyes slightly glassy, to make his jaw drop a little to accommodate the drool starting to drip from his mouth. Oh, he wanted, needed more of that. Huffing his lungs full of pure bear was enough to send him from horny to absolutely desperate. He couldn't have been more eager to serve.

Benedict held him there just firmly enough to allow Vel to start licking his way up from the bottom of that fat shaft. Even soft, it was so much bigger than the drake's own that it simply had to be admired. He felt it swelling and filling out against his tongue while he tended to it, dotting along the veins, soaking his palate in the heady taste. It flexed and pulsed under his attention, filling out to a larger and larger size by the time he slathered his way to the tip. There was plenty for him to lap up there, dripping thickly from the slit while his tongue danced along it and beneath the excess skin snugly wrapping it up. The musk stained his tongue as he swallowed down all the juices he could get.

"Mmm. I do so love seeing such a well-behaved, eager boy at work," Eve noted. "I do hope he has some of that tongue for me."

"All in time, dear," Benny grunted, giving a little buck of his hips. "I'm not letting this one go until he's got a belly full of my cum. He has to earn his right to keep playing after all, doesn't he?"

Fitting his mouth around that much cock was going to mean stretching his jaw a little. Vel was as determined as Ben was impatient. The bear took him by the horns harshly enough that it felt like he might take them right off. Pushing forth, he made a battering ram attempt at penetrating the drake's throat right then and there. Vel glurked and slightly choked in response. He wasn't ready. Though with enough effort, he did manage to slowly slip his lips around that leaking tip, kneading his way along a half-inch at a time, kneading and tasting that bear dick all the way along. He wanted as much as he could take, but it was going to take time to adjust to sucking off a guy so much bigger than him.

Benedict couldn't help but thrust his hips slowly into Vel's mouth. The drake choked a little more, struggling with all that cock, but he swallowed a little with each slow thrust, then a little more. His throat bulged with all that girth while his eyes watered a little from the strain, but the masculine taste getting imprinted on his tongue the whole time was all the motivation he needed. He tried his best to be an active participant in that increasingly sloppy blowjob, but it became quickly apparent that he was more of a toy for the bear than anything.

Swallowing that dick again and again, Vel bobbed along with Benny's greedy tugs and thrusts as the bear growled his delight at having such a nice, obedient throat to fuck. A muffled hmmmf of effort and pleasure alike came from the drake as he got his face used for a sleeve, snout bumping into the thick fur above the base of the bear's cock every time he got pulled to the very base. Ben had such a tight grip on him that the drake almost left his feet with those greedy yanks, smacking his lower lip into a pair of great, fat nuts, coated with a pleasant layer of sweat. He would have licked it up if he wasn't so busy.

He knew he was doing a good job by the rising power of Benedict's grunted growls. They only grew deeper and deeper the faster he made use of that eager drake mouth. His cock flexed harder, bulging out with the pressure of the rising tension. He spurted extra pre right down Vel's throat. The drake had to loudly gulp just to keep from drowning in all those juices, chugging what felt like an entire load from the bear's tap. It was only getting thicker, more plentiful, more potent. He was going to be one full drake in a few moments.

That growl built to a bellow as the bear smacked a hand on the back of the drake's head, harshly forcing him all the way down on that shaft, fully burying it in Vel's throat. With his eyes closed, the comparatively tiny reptile simply did his best not to suffocate as he swallowed hard in anticipation of all he was about to drink. The bear's shaft pounded hard, throbbing to the rapid beat of his head, and then there came that immense eruption. Benedict shot his load straight down Vel's throat, and he expected the drake to take as much as he could.

It started as a desperate effort and only grew more so the longer the bear dumped his nuts inside the drake. Vel felt his belly swelling, felt himself growing heavy and hot with all that was getting pumped inside his body. He reached up to rub his belly just to ease the straight right at the same moment the bear pulled out at last. There was still so much more for Vel to take. A splat of spunk in the face left him reeling, disoriented. The rest poured down his chest or simply shot past him onto the floor. The bear wasn't exactly precise when he was cumming that hard, but he left the drake a coughing mess, steaming hot with the coating of fresh bear spunk soaking right through his clothes and into his scales.

"Mm," he grunted, which sounded like a compliment in bear.

"Oh, Benny. Such a mess you've made of his cute outfit," Eve chided.

"He won't be needing it. Go ahead and strip out of that once you've got your mind back," the bear told him.

Vel was busy gasping his way back to stability. He shook his head and braced himself with his hands on his knees, quivering a little. Shaken and devastated, yet still lingering on just how good that dick tasted, he took that advice to heart in time. It meant peeling himself from layers of absolutely cum-drenched clothing that was never going to smell of anything but bear again. It splatted down to the ground when he dropped it, leaving him slightly less soaked in bear jizz, but still thoroughly, deliciously marked and claimed by the bear.

"Another," Benny said, and this time it wasn't a question.

He nudged Vel until the drake straightened up, still a dripping, half-drowned mess. His cock was stiff, but he ignored it in favour of doing as he was told. There wasn't much strength in his spin this time, but he still got a good few revolutions before it came to a stop on something blue. It was something of a relief. Surely the big, gentle-voiced gator would treat him more softly than the bear. The symbol was less immediately suggestive than the last. It kind of looked like little more than a chair.

"Oooh, my my." Eve spoke in such a way that it was easy to picture little hearts fluttering off of her with every word. "Now you're just spoiling me, dear."

"Me? Certainly not. However, this fine boy is about to." He gave Vel a heart smack on the back that used a greatly restrained amount of his strength, but still almost flattened the drake anyway. "Looks like you're on a bit of a cold streak. Not that we mind. Get that tongue ready."

Vel was still so breathless that he couldn't manage to form a question. He stammered a little before the gator took him by both hands like she was about to lead him on a romantic dance. Following her along, he let her guide him to the side of the room, well away from the tables and chairs, supporting his weight the whole time. Then she simply let him go. He fell back and collapsed hard on the ground, staring up at her and her massive shapes. She looked even more unfathomably large from down there.

Eve hummed to herself as she slowly stripped from her fine dress and everything beneath, one by one. Vel might have been more inclined towards a masculine figure, but he nonetheless found himself getting a good look over those plump, purple-tipped breasts that rested there atop her great white belly. Once the gator was fully bared to him, he was pleasantly surprised to see a violet shaft slipping free of a slit atop a pair of smooth balls. That was something he knew how to satisfy, though he wasn't sure how much room he had left in his body for more cum. Eve had something other than a blowjob in mind anyway.

A slow sway of her heavy tail and a turn of her mighty hips left Vel confronted with the shape of her ass. Chair indeed. He was about to become a living seat for a woman more than big enough to crush him, and yet for some reason he didn't move a muscle. At least she took it slow, lowering herself towards his face little by little to give him plenty of time to appreciate the sight of her before she completely overtook his vision in darkness. She squished him between those ample cheeks and completely enveloped him in soft gator ass, smothering him as she fully sat right atop his pretty little face.

"Mmm, oh, yes, yes," she moaned and hissed, wiggling into place against his muzzle. "The goodest of boys indeed."

She rubbed on his face until she had her rim snugly placed right against his, offering him a smooch of sorts. He took the hint to kiss back, and it didn't take him long to start servicing her while she sat on him. Her weight was overwhelming, but she held off enough to keep from crushing him. He was pinned and enveloped in her cheeks, but rather cozy all around. There was plenty of room to move his head with the nodding motions of long, dragging slurps. He licked her ass like the best seat he could possibly be, offering firmer and more thorough attention the longer she remained atop him.

Even completely overtaken by juicy gator ass, he could still hear her musically moaning for him. She had such a sweet voice when she was feeling good, almost as if she was singing to him while he ate her out. Digging deeper and deeper, he pleasured her relentlessly, immersed in her soft, feminine scent the whole time. He felt her clench a little when he buried his tongue inside of her, felt her flexing with pleasure and grinding back on him whenever he licked a particularly sensitive spot. That and the slow schlick of her gliding her fingers up and down her shaft while she rode Vel's face told him he was doing a wonderful, appreciated job.

Her position atop him grew less and less passive the longer she remained atop him. A slow bounce and a firm, deep grind on his face got him wedged deeper and deeper between those cheeks. Soon it wasn't just his tongue that was inside of her, but his whole muzzle. She held onto him and kept him trapped there, clenching on him, working herself near to orgasm with her little drake toy. The moans she offered in response to his performance grew more and more muffled, filtered through the internal sound of her body. The flexes of pleasure threatened to swallow him up then and there.

Only after building to a sharp hiss of pleasure did Eve finally calm herself before she completely consumed the drake. Even then, she didn't let him go, only settling down to sitting on him once more, releasing him from that tight, greedy grip. She slowly swayed her tail along the floor and bounced atop him a few more times, her hefty ass jiggling with every little thump to the ground.

"Oh, I could just take you right this very moment," Eve mused with a huff of pleasure. "Ever so tempting. But I mustn't be greedy! Only fate can give you to me, isn't that so?"

"If you decided you wanted him I would be powerless to stop you," Benny chuckled. "Your restraint is appreciated. It's almost time for the finale."

Eve ever so slowly took her time peeling her enormous rump from his face, leaving him gasping and sweat-sheened by the time she finally freed him from those scaled cheeks. He made no immediate effort to move from where he was sprawled. It was going to take some time before he could even think again. He certainly hadn't been afraid of ending up fully stuffed away inside the curvy gatoress. If anything he was slightly disappointed she didn't let herself get carried away. His senses were swimming with a combination of raunchy bear musk and refined gator scent, and his cock was still rigid. Surely there had to be an end to it all soon.

They were waiting for him at the table by the time he finally sat up. There was one seat left for him. He struggled to his feet and stumbled over, climbing up into a chair that was entirely too big, feeling like he had somehow shrunk down when he sat in it, barely peering over the edge of the table itself. There were two cards lying face up before him. Each of them was adorned with a tasteful yet saucy depiction of his sizable hosts in an inviting pose.

"While I am most certainly inclined to share all that I have with my dear gator, it remains true that you are but one drake," Benny declared.

"And we both want you so very much," Eve added. "Yet here we are, far too polite to argue. I think each of us deserves you equally after all."

Vel scanned his eyes back and forth between the two of them as they spoke. His vision was as blurry as his thoughts, but he was pretty sure he was following the general idea.

"That's why we shall leave your final fate in your hands, Vel," Benny went on with a pleasant smile. "No tricks. Just the turn of a card. This is double or nothing, friend. Are you ready to decide your future?"

He squinted a little. It wasn't entirely clear to him what exactly he was playing for, nor what they were trying to decide between the two of them. Maybe it was as simple as determining who was going to fuck him. Yet even as he thought it, he knew it was something more than that. His heart was pounding, and not just from lust. Something told him he was about to make the most important decision of his entire life. Without a word, he just nodded, and the bear flipped the cards over so he could shuffle.

It should have been easy to keep track of a mere two cards, but Vel lost track within moments of Benedict swirling and shifting them from hand to hand. Those big paws could really move, mixing those cards so swiftly that at times he seemed to duplicate them. There were three, four, or more of them sliding about on the table. He let them roll over the back of his hand, or dance between his fingers and claws. When he was done showing off, he laid them out, taking great care to evenly space them out so there was absolutely nothing that could have informed Vel's decision. It was left or right, one or two, bear or gator.

"Go ahead then. Pick a card."

With his cock twitching hard enough to make him suppress a whimper, and the two giants smiling at him from across the high table, Vel got up on his knees so he could reach out and make his selection, even if he didn't fully know what it was going to mean.

Ending 1

Vel chose the one on the left. Nothing told him to. It was simply his first impulse. Benedict couldn't fully conceal the smirk that came over him as he moved to reveal the result. There on the other side was the bear, naked littered with fallen autumn leaves. A tasteful portrait, in contrast to the abrupt, blunt rise from his seat Benny made shortly after, his cock still on display, glistening and wet. He moved to look more like his artistic depiction, bit by bit, disrobing from that tight formal wear to fully reveal the fat, muscular enormity of his body.

"Oh, he's going to look wonderful in you," Eve pleasantly said. There wasn't a hint of jealousy in her voice.

Benedict leaned his neck back and forth with an audible crack, then stretched out his arms while his dick started firming up once more. It was getting thicker. Longer. Broader. It had already been intimidatingly large when Vel sucked it, but somehow the bear was getting even bigger, just looming there, standing above the seated drake who watched his every move. When he was fully erect, Benedict's cock was bigger than Vel's entire torso. The heat emanating off of it made the air ripple.

"You know, the thing with demonhood is it's just so tempting to take the easy path to whatever I want," the bear explained with a scary grin. The darkness in his eyes was all the more prominent then, looking all the deeper, all the more empty. "I could have simply snatched you up right in front of your friends and forced you down. What could they have done about it? Yet this way, letting fate bring you to me, no matter how many chances I gave you to get away ... oh, I am going to fucking enjoy this so much more."

It occurred to Vel that maybe it was time for him to leave. He thought about how quickly he could have sprang up from that chair and sprinted out the way he came. Surely there was safety out there among the crowds, even if he couldn't hear them anymore. They must have still been out there, and so were his friends. He didn't know why he had decided to leave them alone so abruptly. He wished he hadn't.

Before he could make his move, Eve casually reached over and took him by the horns. She wasn't quick, but he couldn't bring himself to dodge her anyway. The gator was still all smiles as she plucked the squirming, whimpering drake up from his seat. He dangled from her grip briefly, reaching up to try to pry her hands off of him to no avail. Then he found himself facedown on the table, bent over and facing the bear while Eve clutched his hips. That position had him directly confronting that oversized cock, watching it throb and drip right in his face, dousing him with another dose of mind-melting bear musk. There was no way he could suck something of that size, but that wasn't what Benedict wanted from him. He wanted more.

He brought the drake closer and closer until Vel was smothered against the messy tip of the cock he'd sucked dry. It spat juices all over Vel's features, drenching the drake all over again, leaving him sputtering but unable to turn away. The bear had him too firmly for that. Benedict just kept pushing, applying the tip of the drake's snout to his cockslit, which squished and expanded around Vel's features all the more with each shove. The drake found himself absolutely swimming in rich, masculine scent as he got his head fed smoothly into the bear's dick, and it only got warmer, more humid when that shaft squeezed down around his head with a firm, claiming clamp.

Bent over the table as he was, he was perfectly vulnerable to Eve's every whim as well. The gator took her time in mounting the squirmy drake. Vel was still very much transfixed by the whole situation, and the musk that swam through his senses, but he was getting harder to hold onto. That didn't keep Eve from pushing her purple shaft up beneath his tail and giving him a firm, demanding prod. Her shaft came lubed up by the slit it slipped from, sliding smoothly against his rim, spreading him, stretching him. His muzzle was too busy being buried in bear dick to get a sound out, but maybe that was for the best. He wasn't just moaning, he progressed to something like a squeal as she buried herself inside him, penetrating deep and pushing in more and more of her knotted shaft until that thick tie at the bottom nudged against his cute butt.

"Fuck him right down if you like," Benedict told her.

"Oh I most certainly like."

Vel got to feel that cock overwhelming him more and more with every thrust and slap of Eve's nuts against his backside. Her balls were plump enough to spank the back of his thighs just as much as his butt as she slowly yet powerfully fucked him straight down the bear's dick. Benedict barely had to do anything but to clutch his cock while Eve fed him, but he couldn't help but hurry things along with a hefty clench now and then to gulp that drake down towards his fat balls. Vel was absolutely swimming in musk just as much as pleasure, quivering with delight as he rocketed towards the release he so badly needed. Eve's shaft touched him just right inside.

For all her power and dominance, Eve moaned like she was the one getting fucked as she humped that tight butt in long, lunging strokes. Vel could still hear her quite clearly over the fleshy noises all around him, though she grew ever so slightly more muffled with each thrust. He was vanishing straight into the bear, getting swallowed whole by a cock nearly the size of his entire body. His face neared the base of Benny's dick by the time he was up to his waist in it, nearing those nuts, surrounded by the smell of bear cum and lust alike.

His own shaft was twitching madly, spurting precum all over himself and his predator alike without so much as a touch. All the pleasure he needed to cum himself senseless came in the form of that pleasantly purple gator cock shoving in and out of his rump. Eve gave him a good plapping while he faintly kicked and whimpered his way into Benedict's balls. As soon as his dick got caught up in that hungry cockslit, as soon as he felt the slightest squeeze of pressure around his tip, it was already enough to make him erupt.

Vel came hard while he slipped past the point of half engulfed in bear cock. The squeezes that came to his own member only kept him going, kept him gushing all over his belly, shooting his seed right down to where his face dunked down to the bottom of Benny's sack. It was hard to notice just how much of a mess he was making. Everything was wet, soaking with fresh spunk while he bathed in a scent that completely overwrote his own. The pleasure kept him going through each subsequent gulp, until he was shivering and shaking in the afterglow, still lightly spurting as he panted in the balls that were taking him for their own.

"Oh, he's so cute! I haven't even finished with him yet, and there he goes," Eve said. "Let's give him a nice full belly before I part ways with him."

With a long thrust and a feminine cry of ah!, Eve threw herself into a climax that had her knot hammered up against Vel's rim, threatening to slip inside. She held back on that so as not to rob the bear of his prize, instead grunting and rumbling as only a gator could through a cock-swelling orgasm right inside the drake's tender rear. Her cum was thick and plentiful, velvety smooth as it filled him up once more. He was drooling it before long at all, and Eve just kept unloading, kept fucking her spunk inside of him with a sloppy squelch of pulling back and forth. She kept him there, on the very threshold of being mostly swallowed, until she just pulled back and threw her enormous weight into one more slam that tucked him away with a nice messy thud.

Once his butt was fully shoved inside the bear's cock, Eve pulled out of Vel at last. She left him gaping, drooling her cum as the bear swallowed down his mostly motionless legs. He didn't even have the strength to kick anymore. His mind was overwhelmed with the sensations around him, slipping, slickling, suckling around his body as he writhed down into that heavy sack. Benny's balls sagged and stretched with the weight of his prey getting tucked away inside of them. They swayed and jostled loudly as Vel got fully slurped away with one last musky gulp, leaving a bulge of drake descending that huge dick until he was nothing more than a nut-stuffing weight.

With a stroke down his dick and then a two-handed heft of his sack to lift and drop the drake for extra jiggling and sloshing, Benny grinned proudly. Vel was all consumed, fully locked in the embrace of the balls that churned and rumbled around him. Part of him knew what was coming next, knew that he was in quite a bit of danger, but he had neither the strength nor the mental capacity left to do anything about it. He was helpless to the bear's strokes and squeezes, to every jiggle and slosh that stirred the creamy contents of those nuts around him. Nor did he have any comment to make when the two giants spoke of him as if he wasn't there.

"How many clenches do you think he'll last, dearest?" he asked Eve.

"Hmmm. A difficult wager to make, for certain." The gator pondered as she stood there with her cock hotly dripping. "He's a strong one. More so than he looks. But he is still just ever so soft. I wouldn't give him more than four."

"Such little faith!" Benny chuckled. "But you're probably right. A boy like him, he's meant to be jizzed out by some big bastard."

"And you are the biggest bastard of all," Eve told him, affectionately.

All the while, Vel was stirring around within those musk-packed nuts, breathing almost nothing but bear. He felt as if he could simply pass out at any moment, but something stopped him from doing that. For whatever reason, he wanted to stay conscious to remain away all throughout the process of getting processed and melted down into a thick, gooey drake-like shape, and then fully assimilated into the hot cum rising all around him. The process had already begun. The slow squelching kneading of the walls around him, the steady rumble and blorble meant he was already getting transformed, already growing a little softer for every moment he spent cooking in the sauna of Benedict's balls. Yet a bear wasn't going to be satisfied with a slow, subtle transformation. He wanted results.

Eve pressed close to fondly stroke at the bear's cock while Benny stretched his arms behind his head, flexing his balls down round his prey until there was a clear silhouette of drake pressing out in the middle of them. Vel was still very much whole, but that powerful clench that saw the walls sealing all around him and the cum squishing deep into his scales as if to become part of his body, that was going to change that. He was already sinking inwards, already losing his structure, already melting around the edges so that the outline of his form was less distinct after just a single deliberate squeeze.

"One. Oh, you might have been right dear," Ben grunted. "He's not going to hold up long."

The tension relaxed from around Vel and he slumped down in the rising cream that was at least partly made out of him. His toes felt numb. Other parts of him were ablaze with pleasure even then, and it was more than just afterglow. He panted and he sometimes moaned, only to gurgle as he gargled bear cum in the middle of the second squeeze that clamped down on him without a hint of mercy. It wasn't crushing him, but it was certainly squishing him, leaving him weaker with every moment he endured under all that pressure.


The bear sounded quite pleased with the progress he was making on his prey. Bracing himself, he threw his power into a pair of squeezes that worked down on Vel so harshly he thought he was going to be simply crushed. Instead, he got formed into a smaller and smaller shape, one that hardly seemed like himself anymore. Still, there was enough of him to wriggle a little, which only seemed to please the bear currently melting him into a load of cum.

"Three! Four! Oh, he's still going! Feel him squirm!"

Eve most certainly did, running her hands along the diminished but living shape of the drake bulging out her bear's balls. Vel was softened and gooey, but still whole for the most part, still squirming. Some slight trace of panic brought him the adrenaline to keep going, that little piece of his remaining mind that knew he was being eradicated. He reached out the walls around him as if to push them apart, but he wouldn't have been strong enough for that even at his best. After just a few seconds of breathing room, he felt the flex around his body again and some of his body simply collapsed under the force, completely turned to creamy goo inside the bear's expanding nuts.

"Fiiiiiive. Nnngh. That was a good one," the bear grunted.

Vel felt himself getting squelched and liquefied, softened everywhere, and not just the edges. He wasn't looking much like a drake anymore. The lump Eve was stroking was mostly rounded out, smoothed over and lacking the features that made him distinctly who he once was. Still, he was somehow still going, still thinking and feeling. He wasn't sure if he could endure another squish like that without completely turning into softened, thickened spunk. There wasn't much of him left that was still fully solid, and there was even less after he got forced into an almost perfect ball by the next squeeze.

"Six, ohhh ... was that it? No, it can't be. My boy wouldn't go out so quietly. One more." Benedict seemed almost to whisper in anticipation of the end of his prey.

This one wasn't quite as sudden. The walls pressed down on what remained of Vel harder and harder every moment, building and building. He felt himself giving in, felt that rich musk completely overtaking not just his mind, but his very existence. He was nothing but bear cum, and he knew it in those final moments. His integrity weakened and weakened until those balls clenched up hard around him with one more final GLURK that left him completely liquefied, utterly processed into pure spunk. He joined the rest of the fat load packing those massive nuts, swinging back and forth between the bear's powerful thighs.

"Seven! Ohh, Vel. Good work. I knew you were lucky." Benedict sighed as he finished the drake off completely.

"Most impressive," Eve mused with a smile. "I underestimated him."

"He was determined. For what reason, I couldn't say," Ben chuckled. "And now he's going to be my next cumshot."

It wasn't going to be long before the bear had to let out all that extra pressure. His cock was twitching madly, already leaking great long strands of precum that stretched all the way to the ground. He was making a puddle where he stood. A snuffling, grunting growl rose from his throat more and more as he stood there, his hands on his hips just to brace himself, sweat pouring down his massive body. '

"Shhh. You've worked so hard today," Eve murmured to him in her most soothing of voices. "Even demons need a little rest. Just relax and let me spoil you."

All it took was her two hands gliding up and down the bear's shaft to leave Benedict utterly gasping in pleasure. He clenched his teeth and swayed on his feet, looking like he might collapse for a moment. His balls gave a jostle, a loud slosh, stirring their tightly packed contents around. The veins on his cock bulged out as the tension pulsed through his entire body. Through it all, Eve just kept stroking, massaging her bear's dick just right, making sure he could get all that extra cum worked out in one good cumshot.

That tent might not have been especially large, but neither of them needed to worry about making a mess. It wasn't like they were still standing in the fairgrounds. Vel had been right to wonder about how quiet it was. He'd stepped into another place entirely ever since accepting Benedict's invitation. Now he was going to get jizzed out all over the floor of some hellish chamber or another. The bear's grunts grew to snarls, then to a bellowing roar. He shouted his glorious triumph over that mortal snack like it was the most impressive victory he'd ever had. In the moment of climax, coaxed out by the lovely gator mama, it felt like it.

Everything Vel had had been came shooting out of the bear's fat dick, splashing out over the floor, hitting the table and knocking it right over along with the chairs. The cards that had determined the drake's creamy fate fluttered down to the floor, buried in spunk moments later. Benny blew the tent right down with the force of his cumshot, revealing the darkened cavern outside, rather than the carnival. It was his own place, his own realm to cum on, and he grunted brutishly all throughout that squelching, pouring, thick-as-hell, high pressure cumshot splattering his surroundings.

Eve took some of it, letting it splash her belly, her breasts, even land in the drooling confines of her purple maw. She swallowed down her taste of it and kept on stroking Benedict off, making sure he was completely satisfied before she relented. Benny came for a minute straight, his fattened balls slowly shrinking as they emptied out in hot slurts of pure cum. The puddle was more of a flood by then, clinging to every surface, every object, flowing away in great steaming rivers.

When it finally trickled to a close, the bear slumped and sighed, licking his chops. He was slathered in sweat, puffing hot steam with his heaving breaths of satisfaction. In the aftermath of digesting Vel, he'd taken on some extra weight, but not around his belly or thighs. Instead, the extra padding went right to the very shaft that had swallowed him, thickening it even more than it already was, giving it some extra solid heft even as it began to soften. He couldn't help but squeeze at it as he settled down, not to pleasure himself, but simply to admire it.

"Made my dick fat," was the first thing Benedict said as that steamy afterglow overtook him.

"And your balls too," Eve noted, hefting the bear's nuts. They were still heavier and round even after emptying Vel out of them. "I think he looks good on you."

"I knew he would. But that settles it. The next one is for you. I know just who you should eat."

Vel wasn't going to find his way back to his friends that night, and maybe never again. It was entirely up to the demon who had consumed him if he'd ever return to mortal form - and even then, there was no guarantee that he'd ever be the same. For that night and the foreseeable future, the drake's curiosity rewarded him with an existence that consisted of nothing but slowly flowing into the cracks of some dark cavern. He was gone, for the sake of Benedict's pleasure, and that was his only prize.

Ending 2

Vel chose the one on the right. Nothing told him to. It was simply his first impulse. Benedict gave a great big grin as he turned it over to reveal the result. There on the other side was the elegant gator herself, posing on a bed with only her arm and her hat keeping her somewhat decent. Of course, it was hardly a scandalous sight when he'd already been sat on by the big reptile. He looked across the table at her and she beamed in apparent delight at the revelation.

"Oh, you spoil me!"

"Pure chance. I want him just as much," Benny assured her. "But there it is. He is all yours, to have, to use, for as long as you wish."

"I have already decided. I'm going to keep him." Eve offered the drake a kind smile. "Vel honey. Why don't we pick up where we left off, hmm?"

She reached across the table to gently take him by the hand, and he stood along with her. They didn't travel far with her as his guide. She turned and tugged him along, only to abruptly stop where she was. With her heavy tail raised, he ended up walking straight into her rump. It was a cushioned collision for certain, smacking snugly between her blue cheeks once more, smothered in an instant. Though he was short enough compared to her that he could barely reach her rim, settling somewhere more around her smooth taint - which he found himself lapping the sweat right off of without so much as a second thought.

"Benny dear. Do give him a hand along, won't you?"

"Would love to. All the way?" he asked.

"All the way," Eve answered, with a tone of utter confidence. She knew what she wanted.

Vel wobbled where he stood until the bear steadied him. Then he found himself lifted right up off his feet by Benedict's massive strength. The bear clutched him under the arms and bent him over a little, rubbing a heavy dick against his butt. Vel had managed to suck it, but taking it in the ass seemed an even more intimidating prospect. It was wet with cum and spit alike, but even then, the first unceremonious prod to the rim the bear gave him didn't go anywhere. It was simply too much, too big, too thick, and wielded by someone with simply too much strength.

As he got humped and rubbed on, the bear pushed him right under the gator's fat tail, burying him in that rump once more. Even whimpering and hesitant about what Benedict was doing to him, he didn't skimp on the worshipful rimjob. Something about Eve made him utterly need to praise her with his every touch. She was a soft, seductive beauty, sweetly perfumed all over, impossibly thick. That ass simply deserved his attention, and he gave it more and more intimately as the bear's humps pushed him against Eve's taut ring all the more firmly with each motion of Ben's hips.

Eventually, the bear's insistence proved fruitful. He penetrated the drake, bulging his belly with heavy dick, leaving him whimpering into Eve's rump. Those sounds were mostly muffled as he got smothered hard into that rim. It flexed against his face, slowly clenching with the pleasure he brought her with his tongue. He pushed deeper and deeper, slurping, eating her out, giving her all his praise while the bear started fucking him. Of course, Benedict wasn't about to go gently into that good drake, humping hard as soon as he was comfortably aside, using him like a scaly little condom until he fucked him right into Eve's ass.

That smooth slide inside the gator flooded him with warmth and surrounded him with kneading pressure and need. Eve gave a great big rumble as she clamped down on her new toy, making him gasp from the force of her squeezes. This time, she wasn't holding anything back. She worked on him to drag him inside, inch by inch, smothering him in her body heat, making him sweat and groan while the bear drove him deeper and deeper inside with every greedy hump.

Benedict might have been overwhelmingly large, but he was still going to make the drake cum. Vel could barely stand how good it felt to get drilled by that big fat bear dick, his eyes rolling back until he was simply drooling inside Eve rather than licking. His moans were muffled in her fat belly, barely audible even to himself. The sound of squelching flesh around him drowned out all else while he entered her, failing to make so much as even a slight indent beneath the pudge layered over the gator's broad middle. She was simply too fast for a meal like Vel to make much impact.

She did make sure to rub her belly as he entered her though, and he could faintly feel her gentle touch amidst the much less subtle squeezes of her pleasured insides flexing all around him. He was making her feel good, and the bassy rumbles surrounding him told him as much. Her cock dripped away while she got a boy fucked up her butt, plunged back and forth by the bear's plunging thrusts. Vel was quickly disappearing, barely more than a pair of legs sticking out of that huge ass by then, and his own cock soon got to feel the embrace of her tight ass around his dick.

In a way it might have been fucking her, though he was mostly using his whole body for that. Still, that pressure and the thump of bear cock in his ass, the spank of Benny's heavy nuts against his thighs, it set him off in seconds. A whimpering cry escaped him while he wriggled within the gatoress, splattering her insides and himself alike in a thick shot of drake cream that rushed out of him all at once. He simply couldn't hold it back any longer, even as his situation grew increasingly dire. Benedict kept his dick inside the drake for as long as Vel kept spurting, penetrating the gator in the process for how deep he'd pushed him.

With just legs and tail sticking out between Eve's cheeks, Vel was almost entirely consumed. Eve sighed and moaned her way towards orgasm, lightly stroking her shaft, but she didn't really need to. Letting go in favour of simply rubbing her middle as Vel entered her, she painted the slight bulge of drake that finally showed up in her belly while she squirted her precum harder than the drake just came. Benedict's thrusts entered Vel less and less eventually as he pushed those feet away inside the gator, fully sealing him away to be prey for a gatoress. Instead, he just humped Eve's butt, making her plump body jiggle with those forceful slams, spurting his pre all over the trapped drake just to make things all the more musky in his new prison.

The walls closed around Vel, constantly clamping as Eve's pleasure rose. The bear massaged her insides with his whole dick, balls deep in her massive butt, making a mess of Vel but shooting on him again and again. Those juices were getting thicker. The squeezes were getting tighter. He could hear the gator's rumbles mixing with the bear's rising grunts, though everything was muffled by flesh. He was tugged away snugly within Eve, curled up and held in place by her powerful squeezing. The heat was rising as the bear fucked her to a powerful mutual orgasm, and all he could do was settled down in there, stewing in his own afterglow.

Their collective roars were deafening even to him. He feared to imagine how loud they truly were. His thoughts were already clouded enough, by he got wiped right out of coherence by the bear's hot cum hitting him. Benedict emptied his nuts all over the drake inside the gator, soaking him, drenching him, utterly flooding him as he slipped slowly deeper. The cream clinging to him just nicely lubed him up for sliding deeper and deeper into Eve's body while the gator's insides flexed around him with her own climax. She came all over the tent, milking at the bear's dick until even Benedict was weak in the knees from all the possessive squeezing, giving her everything she wanted and then some.

Only when he'd utterly drained his balls inside her did Eve let Benny go. The same most certainly couldn't be said for Vel. He remained inside her, dragged deeper and deeper, winding his way through her intestines while they tickled and tingled at him the whole way. He thought at first perhaps he was working his way into her belly, but he didn't make it that far. Somewhere, lost in the labyrinth of her digestive system, he came to a rest at last. He was somewhere, surrounded by warm, flexing flesh, getting kneaded into submission by a body that wanted him.

"Do stretch yourself out, dear. I want you to feel him making my ass fatter."

Somehow Vel could still hear the gator's voice resonating through the many layers between him and the outside world, even after travelling so far inside of her. He felt sleepy. It was a cozy place to simply submit to a body so much bigger, so much more powerful than him. He didn't feel a hint of panic, even confined inside her like that. She treated him with a certain care, even as she started to slowly churn away at his body, not so much digesting him as just absorbing him directly into the walls around him, claiming his nutrients directly.

He was already softening, already turning to a gooier form of a drake as Eve sat down on the bear's face, soaking him in some of his own cum. He lapped it up diligently, cleaning up his own mess. She could be a lot rougher with him than she could with Vel. Grinding on Benedict's muzzle, lifting and thumping her rear on his snout, rubbing firmly against his tongue, she rode him for all he was worth and didn't let him up for air for a moment. Vel got jostled around a little with the vigorous motions, though Eve's insides gripped him far too tightly to bounce around much. She had him.

Soon, the vague bulge in her belly grew even less noticeable as the drake began to shrink down. She worked him down to something soft and easily absorbed with such ease. He wondered if she could even be natural, for how easily she simply processed him like that. There weren't going to be many wonders left in his head for much longer. He was already diminishing, already shrinking down, getting taken and added to her massive body. With curves like those, and so very much squishy gator padding, it was hard to say just how many people she'd devoured over her many years. He was simply one more.

"Ahhh. There he goes. Less and less a drake, more and more a part of what makes me soft. But I know he can still hear me. Isn't that right, Vel?"

It was like she was speaking directly into him, despite his partly digested, gooey state. He had no way of responding. Every moment that went by was another he sank down into himself, resembling nothing like a drake as she painlessly digested him. Not only didn't it hurt to be added to her body, there was some strange sense of relief, even pleasure from it. She melted his burdens away and made him into something better. Even fading out, there was some trace of pride that he was going to be part of her gorgeous body, that he was worth adding to her shapely form.

"Do you feel him? He's packing on a good many pounds for a cute thing like him. It'll be such fun to heft around the extra weight once he's all gone."

He heard the word gone, but he didn't hear anything after that. The constant glorp overtook all else, leaving him sighing his way to complete submission, to utter defeat. He melted inside the gator's rump and absorbed directly into the fine ass that had swallowed him whole. Eve packed him onto her curves and used that added weight to press down firmly on the bear's face with a commanding thud. He got his hands up to clutch her hips and knead her cheeks, but he couldn't remove her from his face until she was absolutely done getting all the pleasure out of him.

She rode and rubbed, grinding his lips and tongue until she snorted and hissed her way to a climax. Her knotted cock swelled out with the force of a cumshot that she painted all over Benedict's belly, hosing down the pinned bear with all the cream Vel helped her make. Indirectly, anyway. She sighed and she hummed, spurting hard, cumming shot after shot after shot. By the time she was done, she was surrounded by a pool of steaming gator jizz. She sat atop her throne of bear, sweating lightly, keeping him wedged between the prey-fattened cheeks with some dominant wiggles until she finally decided she was satisfied.

"Thank you. He was a treat. I'm going to take him everywhere."

Benedict wasn't out of breath when she raised her rump up off his face, despite how long he'd been under. He just returned her smile.

"Going to want him back eventually?"

"Absolutely not," the gator emphasized, giving her ass a solid smack. "There he shall stay. I am a greedy gator. You know this well. And he simply must remain mine, forevermore."

Benedict simply chuckled and nodded when he saw how firmly she'd made up her mind. "As you wish. Forever it is. I think it suits him."

If any of his friends had survived their encounters of the night, they weren't going to find him, no matter how much they looked. He'd vanished without a trace for the pleasure of an indulgent lady. The seductive gator was going to wear him wherever she went as another few pounds of trophy weight, right along with all the other cute things she'd decided she simply had to keep. He contributed to her vastness with every moment, adding just that much more jiggle, that much more heft, making her all the more gorgeous for the next foolish gambler to admire.