Sibling X Girlfriend 9.1 - In the Cabin

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#12 of Three-Peaks

The night culminates in an all-participants wuffing.

In the Cabin

The cabin, rustic and cozy in design, contained exactly two features that qualified as "luxuries": the king-size bed, and an air tub set in the floor along one side of the bathroom. It was designed for two to soak comfortably side-by-side. They could fit all four of them if they didn't mind getting cozy and weaving legs together...or sitting in each other's laps.

"There," Gemini sighed as she settled into the warm, bubbly water opposite her brother, their feet propped up on each other's thighs and their tails playing patty-cake beneath the water, "Ahhh...that's so nice," the female Doberman cooed as the water rose over her breasts. Her hands idly began rubbing up and down his calves, and she pretended not to notice his sac wafting against her butt as everyone settled and adjusted and sloshed in the water. Gemi was careful to avoid her brother's feet, knowing how ludicrously ticklish they were, but appreciated it when he took hers in his large, strong hands and began kneading the day's walks away.

Beside them, Johanna gently kicked her feet away from Dane's grip as he tried to do the same. "Thank you, but Gemi already treated me pretty well, and this is my special treat to you. So you just relax and let me do the work," she told him, already lathering up a cloth with shampoo. Her brother gave her an uncertain look...feeling a little guilty for letting her indulge him so much without returning the favor...but she seemed to be in one of those moods where she wanted this to go exactly her way, and he didn't have the heart to argue with her. So he let her rub his feet through the sudsy cloth...and his legs...

Gemini gave them a sly grin as her hands worked from Ares' calves to his thighs. "Where, exactly, does that hand think it's going?" the larger Doberman growled, pulling Gemini's attention back to him with a blink.

She answered with another sly grin, and reached down between them. "Right about here, maybe," she teased, rubbing her palm flat across the top of his bone, pressing it down into the thick fur of her muffin. Ares tried hard to look disapproving...he really did...but a grin cracked the facade and Gemi beamed in triumph. She suddenly reversed directions, pulling her feet from his grip and upending him, very nearly dunking him under the water as she leaned forward against his chest and kissed his nose. "She's right. This is our very special treat to you. So you sit back, close your eyes, and don't worry one bit about where my hands are going or what they're doing with you. Can you trust me that much?"

"S'not really a question of trust," he sighed, leaning back against the edge of the pool with his arms spread out and only her weight on his hips keeping them from floating, "But sure. Do what you like. Wake me if you want me to do anything back." Tipping his head back on the floor, Ares closed his eyes with a contented exhale, letting the warm water and his sister's shameless touches soothe the tension from every rippling muscle he possessed.

The water sloshed again, this time as Dane shifted on top of Johanna at her direction, resting his arms above her shoulders while hers wrapped around him, kneading the shampoo into his buttocks, stroking it up his tail, and working her way from there up his back, all while he laid propped against her. "Happy anniversary, brother," he said softly, kissing the underside of his chin and throat.

"Heh...tell me that again tomorrow, while I give you your extra-special anniversary wuff," he grinned, kissing the top of her head.

"Oo," she cooed, running her hands along his strong back and shoulders, "I get an extra-special wuff? I'll look forward to that. Something reminiscent of our first one, I hope," she kissed his chest before her hands moved around under his arms to begin working the shampoo into his pects. His bone rested rock-hard between their bellies by now, ignored but not unwelcome.

Gemini had taken a...rather more brazen approach...pouring the shampoo into the "v" between her breasts, rubbing them together until the lather began to form, and then essentially hugging her brother and rubbing her whole upper body against anything she wanted to scrub. His muscular chest felt great against her shampoo-slicked mounds. So did his tummy, neatly divided into a four-pack, though she looked a little silly bobbing up and down slowly with just her head poking out of the water. The grin on her face said she was having a good time, regardless of how she looked.

"Roll over," Gemini told her brother.

"Sit back," Johanna told hers at about the same time.

Standing up fully again, the female Doberman spread more shampoo on her hands, apparently content to use them this time, as Ares obeyed and she began kneading his tight shoulders with nearly her full body weight. Her brother grunted appreciatively, genuinely enjoying this particular treatment, all the way down to his tail...and then even lower. He grit his teeth behind his smile, and refused to make any complaint.

"Feet," Johanna prompted Dane, tapping her shoulders with her fingertips. Stretching out just a little, Dane rested his ankles obediently on either side of her neck, then Johanna leaned toward him, half-standing and braced against his legs, doubling him up and lifting his hindquarters nearly out of the water. He blushed as her hands dipped below the surface, carrying some suds with them, to once against squeeze and massage and tease his rump. This time her fingers slid deep into the cleft, spreading him gently, and traced pleasant but completely-unnecessary circles around his button. "I'm going to ask you to do something really embarrassing in a moment," his sister warned him as her fingers slid gently back and forth across his back door, "Will you endure it for me?"

He met her eyes with his own half-lidded in a mix of adoration and lust. "Do I really have any right to refuse, after everything you've said and done? And that's just tonight, not even counting the whole year before that...or the year before that."

His sister leaned into him more, and with some effort they managed to curl him up enough for their lips to meet briefly. "You will always have the right to refuse," she assured him, even as her middle finger paused with the tip pressed firmly against his button, "Everything except my special kiss."

Dane leaned his head back and closed his eyes, giving her a subtle nod...and didn't even grimace as she gently penetrated him, just a little bit. "If I were going to refuse you anything, that would be it," he chuckled, trying hard to enjoy what she was doing, for whatever reason she was doing it. "So...embarrass me."

Her finger withdrew and she patted the curve of his rump appreciatively, then leaned back a little and took his legs down from her shoulders. "Here, please," she patted the floor at the edge of the tub, "Face-down." They squirmed passed each other, Gemini giving Dane's tush an adoring pat as it brushed by her, and the male Dalmatian bent over the edge of the tub, resting his knees on the little seat, with his tail lifted and posterior exposed just above the waterline.

Johanna held out her hand to Gemini, who abandoned her brother for a moment to fish around in a crowded basked she had set by the corner of the tub. It was filled practically to bursting with little jars and bottles, mostly labeled with a single iconic picture on the front. Finding the one she was looking for, the Doberman poured a generous dose into Johanna's palm, and the Dalmatian rubbed it thickly around both of her hands.

"What's that?" Dane had to ask, as his sister centered herself behind him again. Pushing her tummy up to his rear, she bent over his back and cupped one hand in front of his nose. He sniffed gently. "Smells like apples. It's nice."

"It's Gemi's special blend," his sister explained, while the other female beamed proudly, likewise coating her hands in something as her brother sat upright on the edge of the pool beside them. Johanna began running her hands firmly across Dane's exposed backside, kneading the thick lotion into the fur and skin beneath. "Part moisturizer, part conditioner, part sanitizer, part scented oil...when I went over to her place for Purge Day, I had no idea she'd majored in alchemy," his sister smiled.

Gemi giggled at the compliment. "Right! While you were earning that certificate in network security, I was dabbling in chemistry! Mmm...this is all I make, though," she admitted, nodding to the basket as her hands began treating Ares' sac and sheath with a shamelessness similar to what Johanna was doing to her brother's backside. "Shampoos and oils and lotions and creams...I guess you could say I specialize in stuff I can rub all over people's bodies," she grinned as she demonstrated. Ares patted her head gently, eyes closed and focused on controlling his breathing, else her hands were going to do more than "moisturize" him.

Dane couldn't help but notice, as Johanna once again spread the cheeks below his tail and began massaging the (admittedly pleasant) lotion into the crease and sensitive skin of his rim, where each of them was concentrating their attentions. Laying his cheek down on the floor, he watched his girlfriend work her brother over. "...I'm about to get wuffed, aren't I?"

"Mmm," Gemi hummed noncommittally, reaching underneath her brother to spread a little of the lotion further back...probably about to where Johanna was treating Dane.

"By Ares?" the Dalmatian prompted, wanting at least a little confirmation, one way or the other.

It was his sister that answered, even as she pressed a dollop of the soothing cream through his back door...and even Dane had to admit it had a pleasant, relaxing effect on his inner lining. "Only if you don't say 'no'. Or 'stop', or something to those general effects," she assured him, patting his pampered posterior affectionately before bending herself over him to lay on his back, hugging him lightly and speaking softly into his ear. "You guys were pretty on-the-mark when you were discussing things on the trail. But you can always refuse. I will still be your affectionate sister, even if you crush my bestie's dreams."

"Hey!" Gemi giggled, then leaned over to peck a quick kiss on Dane's nose, "And I will still be your girlfriend, even if you refuse. Although I will be pouty for about an hour," she quickly admitted with a grin, her hands never stopping as they ran over and under her brother's intimate places.

"And even if you refuse," Ares chuckled, a little strained with the effort of ignoring his sister's attentions, "I'll still be--"

"You stop that!" the male Dalmatian laughed. Then he laid his head back down with a sigh that wasn't entirely reluctant. "Well...I'm not, so where are we doing this? Right here?" He hiked his hips a little under his sister's, giving them an inviting wag.

Gemini smiled big, and patted her brother's knees. "Nope! That's not 'til phase four. Right now--"

"Exactly how many phases are there to this master plan of yours?" Ares demanded, looking down with an arched brow at the entirely-too-excited girl between his legs.

"Four," she promised, her smile never faltering, "But right now it's time for you two to get out, dry off, and go to the living room. We girls need extra steps, so do whatever you need to stay good and hard while you wait...just don't start without us," she winked.

Ares rolled his eyes and pulled his feet out of the water to stand. "Not much worry of that, I think," he promised, moving over to the counter to activate one of the two hair dryers. Johanna gave Dane's rump a kiss and a pat, sending him off to do the same, while she and Gemi went through the basket for their own favorite "treatments". By the time the boys were dried from head to toe, the Dalmatian had Gemi's ankles up on her shoulders much like she had held Dane, and was speaking softly directly into her ear so as to be heard over the dryers, but not by the boys.

"You know, I almost hate to admit it, but this stuff of hers actually works," Ares remarked as the pair strode into the living room in their birthday suits. He gave his still-erect bone a gentle squeeze, experimentally. "Whatever it is, it tingles. Just enough to be pleasant, and keep me hard."

Dane chuckled as he laid down on the couch, knowing what the Doberman meant. "Yeah, I'm embarrassed to say it, but my backside's never felt this clean and comfortable before." He patted himself, as if to check that his butt was still attached to the rest of his body.

"Well that's good," the Doberman chuckled, taking his customary seat in the chair to one side and stroking himself idly. "...Would you feel better about it if we traded places?" he asked sincerely.

"Oh, definitely," Dane answered without even having to think about it, "But they seem to have their own idea who they want to see on top and on bottom, and I don't want to disappoint them. So I'll just tell you the same thing Johanna told me our first time."

Ares arched a curious brow. "Go on..."

Dane looked at him, straight in the eye, with as much worry and desire as he could muster. "Gently. And with this," he added, holding up an invisible, imaginary jar of lubricating jelly...a very large jar, shaking it a little for emphasis, "Lots of this!" They both laughed, then a contemplative quiet fell over the room as their minds wandered into their own preferential fantasies to keep themselves excited...

"Aww," the reverie was broken by Gemini as she peeked out the door of the bathroom, sounding mildly disappointed, "I thought for sure one of you would at least be touching the other. Maybe even with tongue."

A nudge from Johanna forced her on out into the hall...where both males were curious to see the strap-on buckled around her hips, a bright-green imitation bone wagging eagerly in front of her. For the first time in Dane's memory, she actually looked mildly embarrassed, cupping her hands over her face for a second before running them through her short hair and standing fully upright again, sauntering into the living room with her silicone boy-bits on proud display. Johanna paced along a step behind her, hands behind her back and hips swaying hypnotically.

"Uh-huh...and exactly where is that going?" Ares asked as the pair entered the room, circling around the coffee table to stand by Dane.

"Well, you're kind of a big ride for a first-timer," Gemini winked at him over her shoulder, then turned her attention to her boyfriend...who was giving dubious looks to what she had wagging in front of his face, but was clearly waiting to hear her out, "And we both had the advantage of prior planning and practice before we ever attempted you. So we thought we'd give you another option, and I might be a little more your speed, if you wanted to break in easy."

"Or you could just wuff me and forgo the whole thing," his sister reminded him, taking a seat beside him.

The artificial bone was definitely a smaller girth than Ares, Dane could clearly see (thanks to the Doberman still being near rock-hard in the chair beside them), and lacked any kind of knot. It was embarrassing to say he was almost tempted to take them up on the offer...but instead gently turned it away with the back of his hand. "Thanks, but I'll take the real thing, if I'm going to take one at all. I do have a pretty good idea what you can do with that, though," the Dalmatian tapped the tip of the toy.

His girlfriend's tail immediately started wagging. "Do tell!"

Dane turned to look at Johanna. "First, you have to decide whether you want to watch my tail get stuffed, or the faces I make while it's happening."

His sister tilted her head, then cupped his cheeks in her hands. "Your face. I want to see what I look like when you take me." They were just shy of a year apart in age, but nearly twins in their features. If he let his hair grow out, they might even fool someone who wasn't really paying attention into thinking they were the same face. Still...

"Oh, I guarantee I'm not going to be that cute," he rubbed his nose against hers, "Now lay down on the table." Her tail wagged twice, pleased at the way he'd taken the initiative, and obediently (but carefully) laid down on the coffee table, on her back, with her hips just hanging off one end. Dane stood up and took one of Gemi's ears, rubbing it gently between his fingers. "Now I need you to get your brother all ready. Then you two are going to wuff us together. How does that sound?"

Her eyes were threatening to cross at the thought, her fingers already subconsciously reaching for the pearl currently hidden behind the dildo. "Hot," was all Gemi could manage, giving him a quick kiss on the lips before skipping around to her brother, who had already stood up from his chair to give Johanna a quick kiss as she lay on the table.

Dane positioned himself at the other end of the table, bending over and bracing himself with hands on the edges, their faces forming a little '69' with his above his sister's. "Good enough view?" he asked, trying not to let his nerves get to him now that he was in position.

"Beautiful," Johanna assured him, lifting her head to share another kiss with him.

Beside them, Gemini was rolling a neon-blue condom down her brother's thick bone, licking him teasingly as she went. The rubber was quickly followed by her favorite brand of lubricating jelly...and a thick coat of it, at that. "Be gentle with my boyfriend," she warned as she spread the transparent gel carefully around his knot, "I need him to fill me up later."

"I will pin you to the wall," Dane broke his and Johanna's kiss to reassure her, "Payback for that kiss against the porch."

Johanna licked his chin as he promise-threatened his girlfriend. "And what do you plan for me, brother?" she asked, eyes half-lidded and tail wagging languidly below her hips. She might be back in acting mode, but Dane suspected she was getting genuinely excited, now that he seemed to be forming his own plan for the evening. If it interfered with anything she and Gemi had cooked up, she didn't complain.

"I'll let you know when Ares is done," he grinned at her, "Because it's going to be everything he puts me through. You'd better hope he's gentle."

His sister sighed, closing her eyes at the thought, and wrapped her arms loosely around Dane's neck. "No, I hope he drives you hard, then. Make him brace against Gemi," she cooed to Ares as Gemini finished with him and moved behind Dane to add a little extra smoothness around his back door. Ares gave her a conspiratorial wink, which Dane did not see, as the Dalmatian was too busy giving worried looks to Johanna.

"Hey! I have to survive to that point, you know!" he laughed nervously, grimacing just a little as Gemini's finger briefly invaded him. Then the female Doberman stepped around between Johanna's legs, wrapping the Dalmatian's knees around her hips and lining up the tip of the silicone bone with her wet and wanting muffin. With the head nestled snug against the entrance, the Doberman leaned down over her bestie, placing an affectionate kiss between her breasts, then sharing another with Dane as her brother situated himself in similar fashion under Dane's tail, resting his hands on Dane's lower back.

"Ready?" Gemi asked softly, though whether it was to Dane or Johanna was a little ambiguous.

"Were you this nervous the first time I took you?" Dane asked his sister, gazing down into her eyes and trying to keep a confident smile.

"I was terrified," she told him with an unwavering smile of her own, "That you were going to stop at any second, come to your senses, and tell me we could never touch one another again. And I have never been more content than when your knot pushed through, and I finally felt safe in the knowledge we were bound to each other," she sighed as she kissed him once more, before her arms moved from his neck to Gemini's and she firmed the grip of her legs on the Doberman's hips.

How she picked these moments to open those windows to her inner workings, Dane could not understand. But she was clearly a master at leaving him speechless with desire, both to have her and to do more for her. With a little chuckle of resignation, Dane rocked his hips back a little, and Ares responded by pushing forward. Gemini chewed her lip as she did the same, though with rather less restraint, and plunged the full length of the strapon into Johanna. The female Dalmatian moaned as she was suddenly filled, lifting her head to lick her brother's throat. Dane looked rather less thrilled with his own experience, though Ares was taking the soft and slow approach.

"Oh wuff...he is big," Dane panted, going down on his elbows as he concentrated on just keeping his hindquarters relaxed, placing his head beside his sister's.

"You can take it," Johanna cooed into his ear, "His knot's smaller than yours, at least." He could feel her rocking each time Gemi thrust into her, and hear the Doberman's panting breath as she watched the pair being driven into each other.

Dane pressed his cheek against her muzzle. "Don't be mean. He can hear you, you know."

"I've had you both," she reminded him, "So it's just the truth. I'll make him forgive me. Now pick your head up. I want to see your face," she admonished with a kiss to his cheek. Dane obediently pushed himself back up from the table, hovering over her while they smiled reassuringly to one another, and Gemini cut in to share kisses with them both.

"Erk! Easy there, big guy!" Dane grimaced as Ares finished driving the rest of his length through the Dalmatian's back door, snugging his knot up against it. "Give me a minute before you try getting that through," Dane was breathing heavily now, looking more like he was enduring a workout than sex.

Johanna broke her lip-lock with Gemi, tilting her head to one side and her expression going blank with thought for a moment. "...Need help?"

He blinked at her...then chuckled. "I guess if anybody here has a pro-tip, it's you."

His sister smiled at him, and shook her head. "Not really a tip. Just something to help you relax. Push, Gemi," the female Dalmatian instructed, taking her brother under the arms. With a giggle, Gemini leaned into her heavily, and Johanna pulled with her arms, and together they slid her almost a full body-length under Dane...plenty far enough for her to wrap her lips around his bone. And with the way Gemini was leaning over her, he got a nice face-full of her ample breasts as well, which she made no effort to restrain.

"You do get all the love here, huh?" chuckled Ares, nudging his hips against Dane's backside in mock threat, though his hands were rubbing up and down the Dalmatian's back trying to get him to loosen up.

Gemi gave her brother a sultry look over Dane's back. "Oh, don't you worry, brother. You're going to get plenty of your girl tonight, and your sister, too. We're just starting off greedy." She giggled as Dane kissed her stomach, and he sighed in pleasure as his bone disappeared into the warmth of his sister's muzzle.

She ran her hands under his stomach as her tongue swirled around his tip, combing fingers through the short, soft fur, following it to his thighs and circling around to the back of them. Gemini got her legs under her and resumed gently rocking inside her, nudging the Dalmatian forward and back on Dane's shaft. The male Dalmatian took a deep breath and exhaled slowly as his arousal rose, feeling the fullness under his tail, the gentle stroking sensation along his bone, and the soft pat of Gemi's breasts against his cheek. Johanna traced her fingers up the back of his legs to his rump, easing between it and Ares' hips and gently spreading him a little wider to allow Ares deeper reach. The lube was still doing its job splendidly, making her grip a little precarious, but the effect of her constantly moving her fingers to maintain it only heightened the pleasant sensations under Dane's tail.

Whatever the other male was feeling, Dane's arousal was definitely growing swiftly. He wasn't so sure it was actually relaxing him...but the growing saturation of endorphins made him more willing to risk a little not-pleasure. Shifting his weight to one shoulder, he reached back with a hand toward Ares. "Come on, big guy. It's now or never, I'm pretty sure..."

With a chuckle, the big Doberman took the offered hand and rocked against him a couple of times, snugging up as much as he dared before they pulled together. Gemini leaned a hand against Dane's shoulder for extra support, and Johanna moved her hands from Dane's rump to Ares', pulling carefully. For one moment, every body in the room was tense with desire and the need to drive just a little deeper into their respective partners...

"ErrRRAHGH!" Dane barked at the slight jerk as the knot finally passed, almost falling onto his sister's belly in relief. "Augh...ah...hah..."

"Hmhmm...satisfying, isn't it?" Johanna asked from under his belly, nuzzling his bone as she let it slide from her mouth.

"Mm...ah...sorry," he panted, sounding more strained than satisfied, though at least he was genuinely smiling, "I missed...the face..."

She patted his thigh sympathetically. "It's okay. There will be other chances. Being wuffed with you, on the same table, by our best friends, is arousing enough."

"Oh, I got to see it," Gemini sighed, "And now I just want to lie down and let you bury your bone in me."

"Hehe...soon enough, sweetheart. Mmm...your brother's going to have to release me first, though," Dane rocked back gently, feeling another sac bounce against his, and heard Ares growl at the tight fit. Even little motions sent shocks of strained pleasure through the Dalmatian's body, threatening to steal the breath from his lungs. Dane bent his head down and began licking Johanna's pearl, just above where Gemi's silicone imitation disappeared inside her, and felt her take to alternating between licking his balls and the set behind them.

The squirming, slurping, grinding mass lasted maybe another five minutes. Dane felt Ares' grip tighten, and the Doberman tried to say something in warning through his grit teeth...but mostly it just sounded like a strained groan. It was enough for Dane to get the picture, though, and firm up his grip on the table, bouncing his bottom in short, careful motions against the other male's hips. Dane grit his own teeth as the growl started to rise, feeling the tremble in Ares' body. "Oh...oh, wuff!" the Dalmatian gasped as the first pulse rocked through the length of flesh inside him, and Ares's hands clamped down around his hips, drawing him back and locking him in place like a vice. It was a miracle he hadn't bruised Johanna yesterday with that grip!

Gemini's mouth was hanging open, tongue lolling happily as she watched them, her own hips grinding against Johanna needfully. "I'm sorry," she said quietly to the female Dalmatian under her, realizing she was being a little rough in her desperation to press her pearl against the back of the silicone bone she was driving...but Johanna just tightened the grip of her legs around the other female's hips, drawing her in and applying all the pressure she could stand. Gemini was howling seconds later, just as her brother was starting to come back down off his climax. Johanna followed, gasping with mouth open around Dane's bone as he continued gently lapping her pearl and her legs clenched around the Doberman between her thighs.

Ares relaxed with an audible sigh, bending forward over Dane's back while taking care to keep snug against him. " okay back there?" the Dalmatian asked, patting the hip behind his, and felt Ares nod against his back.

"Yeah...just feels an actual lover," the Doberman chuckled, "Tight one, too..."

Dane wiggled his hips with a grin. "Advantage of virginity," he chuckled, then laid his head down on Johanna's belly, savoring the sweet scent of her recent release and patting her cheek gently as she began to suck him again. "Take a break, sis. I think I'm over done for the moment."

She paused, and he felt her nod, then carefully release him and wiggle her face out from under his stomach. "Not working for you, huh?" she asked sympathetically, moving her hand to lightly scratch the back of his balls...a pleasant touch to a much less stimulated area.

"It's going to take some getting used to," he admitted, "Too full to move comfortably, arms getting a little tired from holding up, hips feeling a little shaky from being aroused so long...maybe a different position next time," he chuckled.

She nodded, and pushed a foot gently against Gemini, urging her to back out and catch her own breath. Then Johanna swiveled herself around on the table, letting Dane lay his head on her breasts instead of her tummy, and tucked her knees up under him to help support his hips and tummy and let him relax his arms. The female Dalmatian ran her fingers affectionately through his hair and rubbed his ears. "Well I'm still happy to take yours, in any position you like."

Dane nodded, kissing her wrist as she reached for his head again. "Yeah, you're always too good to me."

She just smiled, then tipped her head back to look, upside down, at Gemini, who had unbuckled the strap-on and set it aside while she sat against the wall recovering from her climax. "I know it's not part of the plan, but I'd like to take him for some private time after this. Will that bother you?"

Gemi shook her head with a knowing smile. "Wuff the plan. You give him a good treat for that, and I'll show our appreciation to Ares." The female Dalmatian nodded her gratitude, then they all sat quietly for the next several minutes, basking in the afterglow and avoiding anything that might re-arouse Ares and harden his knot again.

After about ten minutes the big Doberman pulled himself up and laid his hands on either side of Dane's bottom. Dane braced himself and sighed as he was vacated, finally allowing his knees to buckle under him and kneel on the edge of the table. "Ooh...that feels a lot better coming out than going in."

"Hehe, I'll bet," chuckled Ares, giving him one more pat on the rear before Gemini was beside them, giving her brother an appreciative kiss on the cheek and assuming responsibility for rolling the rubber off his...slightly...softening member.

Dropping it in the garbage, she skipped over to help Dane and Johanna get their feet back under them, then nudged them both off in the direction of the bedrooms. "Now scoot, you two, and don't let me see you again until you're ready to wuff me silly," she giggled. Her boyfriend chuckled at her before Johanna took his hand and lead him off to...the bathroom again, surprisingly, instead of either of the bedrooms.

Ares was already sitting back in his favorite chair by the time the door closed...and his sister turned smoking-hot bedroom eyes on him. " was it?" she asked in mock-innocence as she sauntered over to him, breasts swinging with every step.

"Hmm...still not my preference," he confirmed, "You and Johanna are definitely the more wuffable pair."

She giggled, nodding her understanding, then straddled his knees and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her bare breasts against his chest and her wet muffin against his sheath. "I won't ask you to do it again, but it makes me all warm and fuzzy in my belly that you went that far to indulge me. I heard you two talking today, and you were wrong about one thing: I can understand why sex is unpleasant for some people, at least between certain couples. Dane's never shown the least hint of interest in other males, so we figured we'd just swap you two back and forth, and enjoy each other when neither of you was available. It kind of shocked me when you went down on him that first night."

Her brother quirked a brow as she cuddled up against him. "Really? Because I seem to remember being told it was explicitly expected of me. Wasn't that rule number three?"

Gemi giggled, pulling back to look him in the eyes. "You forgot there were some pretty important ifs in there. We didn't actually think he'd go for that, so we didn't expect it to come up. He might enjoy sandwiching us with you, sure, but not...that. So yes, it was a surprise...and then you and he both said such sweet things while we were out walking...I just couldn't help myself," she admitted with a sheepish grin, her tail wagging above his knees. "So, now you've indulged your nympho sister, how can she indulge you?" the female Doberman asked, tapping his nose with a grin. "Worship your bone with my tongue? Or maybe you'd like to roll my muffin? I don't share Johanna's misgivings about condoms, so you're welcome to have that anytime. Or should I kiss your tail like she does his?" she gave him a sly grin, running her tongue over her lips, "Mmm...or maybe you'd like to try on some cuffs?"

He had to admit the last was a tempting offer...but instead Ares just took her by the shoulders and turned her again, hugging her back to his chest and kissing the back of her neck. "I think I'll save that for Johanna to try first, since they are her cuffs, after all. You, dear sister, I'm going to take like a real woman, and make this little mutual-incest thing official. My bone definitely wants a softer bed after being up for all this time," he grunted, nudging the still-rock-hard length against her back.

Gemi giggled in his grip, nudging right back with her butt. "I guess that ointment's still doing its thing, huh? I hope it helped. So...floor? Kitchen table? Porch railing?"

Her brother smirked at her. "Such a dirty girl. Always pushing the envelope," he muttered, sliding an arm under her thighs and lifting her up just high enough for the tip of his bone to slide forward and line up with her entrance.

"Whoa! Wait a sec! You're not dressed yet!" she reminded him, though she didn't fight his grip.

"Heh...I'm not going to explode at the first touch," he reassured her as he slowly lowered her back down onto him. She was thoroughly soaked, warm and soft and plenty eager to swallow him up. Ares settled his sister onto his thighs with a satisfied sigh. "Mmm...that feels much nicer."

Gemini rolled her eyes...and rocked her hips against him with a grin. "Okay, you daredevil, get a good coat before I put your rain-jacket on." He chuckled and patted her rump as he let her go, and Gemini bent forward as she pulled off from him, giving him a good view of himself sliding out of her. She looked back with a wink before fishing a fresh rubber out of the basket.

Crawling between his legs with a mischievous smile, Gemini gently licked his balls, and his knot, and the length of his bone once while she tore the little package open, before she rolled the protective cover down his length. "Now," she cooed as she smoothed down the covering near his tip and got to her feet, then gestured to her breasts, "Front? Or Back?" She turned around and gave her hips a little jiggle.

Ares answered by reaching out and gathering her to him in almost exactly the same position he'd had her held in before, arms crossed in front of her with a hand over each breast. "I kind of like the grip I have on you here," he chuckled into her ear, feeling her tail start wagging against his tummy and taking that as a sign she didn't find it unpleasant. With her hands on his hips, she began bouncing her own hips lightly in his lap, letting him relax and enjoy the sensation of her walls sliding around him and her soft breasts in his fingers.

"Mmm...yeah...this is pretty great," she cooed happily, her own arousal growing as she rode him, "How does it feel? Wuffing your sister, that is?" Gemi winked at him over her shoulder.

"Hehe...tighter than I expected," he teased, kissing the side of her neck and bucking his hips against her, adding a little extra pressure to each fall.

Gemini laughed, tilting her head to give him greater freedom to reach where he wished with his mouth and his eyes. "I'll be sure to wuff Dane first to loosen up for you from now on, you big wuss," she teased right back, "Now wuff me harder!" Her brother answered with a playful growl and squeeze on her breasts, then shifted his hands down to her hips, pressing down on her hips with each bounce, adding as much weight as he could. "Mmm, yeah...that's more like it," she sighed, tongue beginning to loll from the corner of her mouth.

A muffled howl could barely be heard coming from the bathroom, making Gemi grin. "Sounds like Dane enjoyed his treat," she remarked, running he tongue over her lips. Over her shoulder, Ares' face had scrunched up in concentration, his jaw clenched and a soft whine growing in his throat. "Mmm...looks like you're about to do the same," his sister observed, looking over her shoulder, then moved her grip from his hips to the arms of the chair, pulling herself down into him with each bounce. "Don't hold back now," she encouraged him softly, "Let it all out. Fill me all up..."

The whine became a growl, and Gemi grit her own teeth as his knot invaded her, groaning at the sense of fullness that came with it. Bucking his hips one more time, Ares pressed her down firmly into his lap...hard. His whole body weight seemed to rest on her hips, his hands practically sinking into her waist. "Augh! Just--HOWL--for wuff's sake!" Gemi moaned as he squeezed her, genuinely pained for a moment by the ferocity of his grip. Ares' whole body seemed to uncoil like a spring, and he nearly slid out of the seat as his back arched and his nose turned up to the ceiling. A deep, heavy howl broke from his throat, loud and pure enough to make any wolf proud. Gemi had to cover her ears.

"Ugh!" Ares gulped a lungful of air as his climax passed, and his whole body seemed to melt back into the chair. Gemini, curled up against his chest, was likewise fighting to catch her breath, eyes closed and tongue lolling shamelessly as she panted. "Wow," Ares huffed, "That's...that's new. Definitely...never that my hand," he admitted with a breathless chuckle.

"Ooow...yeah," his sister sighed, tongue hanging loosely from her open mouth and her eyes full of bliss as she tensed and relaxed repeatedly. Ares could feel her insides clenching around him, as though trying to draw out every last drop of his pleasure.

Ares arched a brow at her as they both panted for breath. "You...came?"

She nodded, leaning back against him as her own fluttering began to weaken. "Not that you could hear it over that. Wow, I can see why you try so hard to choke it--"

The bathroom door flung open, and Dane dashed into the hall, peering into the living room. He was still naked and soaking wet, and gripping a plunger like a bat. Half-hiding behind him, Johanna looked mildly confused, with a towel wrapped around her breasts and her phone in her free hand, thumb hovering over a button that would do who-knows-what.

Ares and Gemini blinked at them, and they blinked right back...then Gemini started laughing. "Sorry! Everything's fine. I had no idea his climax howl was that amazing!"

Dane blinked again. "That...that was you?" he looked impressed at Ares. "I thought maybe a bear had...yeah, that doesn't make sense...but, wow, you startled us!"

"He nearly killed himself sliding on the floor to get out here," Johanna nodded, closing whatever app she'd had at the ready on her phone.

The big Doberman rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah, sorry about that. It's been a long time since I let it cut loose. Kind of forgot how loud I actually am."

"Aww, but that's so sweet!" Gemini cooed, holding a hand out toward Dane, "You thought we were in trouble and came rushing to help? Come here, hero," she grinned, pulling him down into an adoring (if slightly awkward) kiss as soon as he came within reach.

"We should go finish drying," Johanna observed, unwrapping the towel from around herself and dropping it on the hardwood floor, sliding it around with one foot to soak up the worst of the trail they had left. Gemini let Dane go with a nod and a grateful smile, then leaned back against Ares again as the Dalmatians retreated back into the bathroom.

"Well...that was embarrassing," her brother pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Why? I mean, yeah, we scared them, but they'll know what's going on next time," she giggled, "I hope the new house has enough yard that you can do that every time from now on, without disturbing the neighbors."

Ares swatted her rump...lightly. "Yeah, not all of us want the whole house to know every time we have sex. Especially if someone else is trying to enjoy their own."

Gemini giggled again, but not at what her brother had just said. "Ooo, you know what I just realized?" she cooed, giving him a sly grin and a kiss on the cheek, "I know when you started masturbating. Roughly. into it kind of late, didn't you?" She definitely remembered hearing that sound before, a few months before they moved out on their own, though at the time it confused her so much that she couldn't believe it came from his room and dismissed it as something going on outside. She couldn't for a minute believe he had never touched himself after that, so he'd probably learned very quickly to hush himself, meaning that one time she caught was pretty early in his experience.

Her brother just rolled his eyes, and didn't even try to deny it. "Compared to you, a lot of people start late."

"Mmm...probably," she nodded, turning side-ways in his lap to curl against his chest, running her hand over his pects and nuzzling the side of his neck. "...Feel good?"

"Best I've ever had," her brother admitted, returning her soft affections, then added, "Kind of worried I don't have enough energy left for Johanna now." This was chased by a yawn in spite of his efforts to suppress it, and a subtle sensation of release between her thighs as his knot shrank enough to slip free of its own accord.

Gemi nodded against him. "She'll probably be okay with that. It's Dane who should be worried," the Doberman grinned, "I'm good and warmed-up now."

Ares chuckled, patting her cheek. "Have some mercy on the guy." They sat there, cuddling quietly for a little while, and Ares almost dozed off before the Dalmatians emerged, clean and dry and ready to continue the night.

"You two look cozy," Dane observed as he and Johanna returned to the living room, "Ready for bed?"

"Heh...this one is," Gemi patted her brother's chest, "Honeypot, why don't you take him? You're not great with late nights, either. You," she looked pointedly at Dane with a smug smile, "Promised to nail me to a wall...and I am ready to be hammered!"

While Dane looked just a little regretful at his choice of words, Johanna just nodded, stepping forward to give the other female a fond goodnight-kiss, before taking Ares' hand and leading him down the hall to the bedroom. Leading him through the door, she shut it behind them with a soft click. "On the bed," she told him curtly, her voice soft but her tone surprisingly insistent, as she checked something on her phone briefly. She quickly laid it on the nightstand as Ares obliged, crawling onto the large mattress while she paced beside him at the foot of the bed. "On your back," she told him as he reached the center and started to lie down. Ares rolled into his back, giving her a vaguely questioning look between his spread knees. Crawling onto the bed between his ankles, her next instruction was, "Knees wider, and put your hands by your head."

Johanna crawled over him, pushing his thighs with her knees even further up and apart, then taking his wrists in her hands and holding them down under her weight as she got high enough on him. The picture they painted was almost absurd: her looming dominant over him, with him spread and submissive as a girl about to be mounted, despite being nearly a head taller than her and easily double (maybe even triple) her weight. In spite of that, Ares felt pretty comfortable, and relaxed, as his girlfriend looked down at him with a curiously blank stare, head tilted a little to one side as if she wasn't quite sure who he was.

"Gemi knows me pretty well," Johanna began slowly, "I'm tired. I don't mind you using my body, but I can't keep up my little act much more. If you're okay with wuffing a doll, do as you like with me for the rest of the night."

Her boyfriend quirked a brow. "Kind of strange hearing that from this position," he noted, flexing his wrists in her hands without making any serious attempt to break her hold.

She nodded, leaning her head down close to rub her nose gently against his. "I just want you to know where I stand right now. I like clear communication. And I don't know what I'm going to do with you yet, but I want you to remember this pose. We're going to come back to it, the next time we wuff, and you will do exactly as I tell you. I'll use the cuffs...and probably the blindfold. I'll dictate your every move, and when and how we join," the female Dalmatian promised, giving his lips a soft kiss. "Will that please you?"

The Doberman's eyes had gone wide, his mouth hanging slightly open...and his bone miraculously reappearing from his sheath. "Wuff...I thought I was already done for the night!" he breathed.

She glanced between their tummies, noticing his renewed arousal, and nodded. "I'll take that as a yes. Remember what I said, then," and she flopped onto her side, releasing her grip on him and closing her eyes as though she had fallen asleep instantly. "I might not look it," she said softly, tail wagging slowly against the mattress behind her, "But I'm a very willing partner, and pretty contented right now. I just don't have much drive left. So don't worry if I seem passive, or about getting me to climax."

Ares rolled onto his side as well, giving her a kiss on the nose. "Gotta keep you wet enough to be comfortable, at least," he remarked as he continued to roll, essentially reversing their positions from a moment ago. He knit his fingers with hers, held to either side of her head, and leaned down to kiss her, full and firm on the lips. Johanna welcomed him, tangling her tongue with his briefly, before he nudged her chin up to kiss her underneath it, dotting a little line down her neck with his lips. He licked the side of her neck. He licked her throat. He kissed it, slowly spreading his lips wider around her until he had the whole front of her throat in his mouth, then clenched down, crushing her windpipe, his sharp teeth breaking the skin and spraying--

"Hey, you okay?" Ares asked, feeling her tense up. Johanna blinked at him as he looked down at her in obvious concern, his face still well above hers. The Dalmatian considered her boyfriend blankly for a moment.

"I...need to tell you something awful," she warned him quietly, "Please don't take it personally. You...scare me. Irrationally."

The Doberman tilted his head at her, then shrugged. "I scare a lot of people. I've got that physique. You know I'm not going to hurt you, though."

Johanna nodded without hesitation. "I know. I know better than most. That's why it's an awful thing to say."

He shrugged again. "Can't help what you feel, and I appreciate the honesty."

She flexed her fingers between his, as though testing the strength of his grip. "You can keep going. I don't seem to be the sort who reacts violently to being scared, so we should be safe. Studies show that irrational fear is best overcome by voluntary exposure in controlled circumstances, so it would be best to..."

Ares arched a brow, and let go of one hand to place a finger over her lips. "Research and statistics aren't great bedroom talk. What you like, what makes you comfortable, that's what I want to hear. No way I'm gonna wuff you scared." He rolled onto his side as well, keeping a light hold of her hand, and they lay facing each other with noses close enough to feel each other's breath.

"I'm not being a very good girlfriend," she admitted, reaching carefully between his legs, "We can take a different approach, if you like. I don't want to leave you disappointed."

Her boyfriend took her hand and laid it on his hip instead, then put his on hers and scooted their bodies just close enough to share warmth, since they weren't under blankets yet. "Won't be the first or last time I go to bed blue-balled," he assured her, "Nor the last time we'll wuff. You certainly haven't been reluctant up to this point. Now how about you tell me what's been setting you off. Maybe I can avoid it in the future."

She kissed his lips lightly, closing her eyes, now clearly comfortable again. Johanna described for him what had gone through her mind, bordering on hallucinations, during the two episodes she'd experienced that day. "Sounds like you really don't like the idea of being restrained," Ares observed, "You seemed calm enough flipping the tables, though. That works out in my favor, as far as I'm concerned."

But Johanna shook her head. "I refuse to think it acceptable that my boyfriend cannot 'hold' me without my brother in the room." Both of them perked an ear in the direction of the door as a soft thumping sound rolled through it from the living room. "Sounds like she managed to work him up again. Come on. We're going to try once more, too," the Dalmatian insisted, this time rolling onto her stomach and pulling her knees up to put her tail in the air.

Ares quirked a brow. "You sure? It's really okay if you want to just cuddle for a while."

"I don't have the cuffs handy," his girlfriend admonished with just a hint of firmness creeping into her voice, "But you will do what you're told. Now mount me, and take care you find the right hole." The Doberman blinked, half in surprise and half in excitement, and obediently sidled up behind her. Bending over her upturned rump, he hugged her around the tummy as his peeking bone sought her entrance. "Hands over mine," the Dalmatian insisted, "And put your head on my shoulder." Ares moved his hands down along her arms to rest his palms against the back of hers. Johanna spread her fingers so they could knit them together again, and nuzzled his cheek as he rested his head beside hers. "Thank you," she told him softly as she felt him finally find her entrance, the tip of him sliding through her muffin to nest against it, "Now tell me you're going to be rough."

"I won't," her boyfriend replied, softly but firmly, "Not until you're more comfortable with me alone."

Johanna nodded again, wagging her hips against him. "Lie to me, then. Just say it. I want to hear it in that growl of yours."

He gave her a dubious look, then closed his eyes and curled his lips in the beginnings of a snarl, gripping her hands tight. "Then...I'm gonna wuff you so hard, girl, you're not gonna be able to walk straight in the morning," he told her in a rough, gravely voice deep in his throat.

She tilted her head from side to side, as if deciding how convincing he was, or testing the effect on her psyche. "Good boy. Now don't stop until the knot is in, or I'll have to pretend to be angry with you, and I don't have the energy for that tonight."

"Punish me in the morning, then," Ares chuckled, and rocked gently into her. She didn't seem to react as he worked his way deep into her, one nudge at a time. Johanna just lay there, her head on the mattress with eyes closed, almost convincing him she'd fallen asleep until his knot bumped against her entrance.

"One hard push," she commanded, spreading her knees a little wider. Ares pulled himself up a little to put his weight behind it, releasing her hands to grip her hips, then drove himself relentlessly through her entrance. It enveloped him with only a slight gasp from her lips. "Good boy. Come back down here," she beckoned with her fingers. As soon as he was bent over her again, she kissed his cheek. "Now put your teeth on my neck." He arched a brow, and started to ask what she was doing...but remained obedient, letting her call the shots as she liked, no questions asked. Ares kissed her neck first, then licked it, nibbling at the fur under his tongue, then gently nipping at the skin beneath.

"That's...actually pretty nice," his girlfriend sighed underneath him, clenching her walls around him as a reward, "Now...bite my ear." He kissed a trail from her neck to her jaw, then up to the space behind her ear, before taking the delicate skin in his teeth. He nibbled it more with his lips than his teeth at first, then began slowly increasing pressure, intending to stop before he felt like he might puncture the skin...

"Stop," she told him well before that, gritting her own teeth as she said it. Ares immediately let her go, delicately kissing the offended ear. But he could feel her tail wag lazily once against his hip, and she seemed to relax more after that. "Thank you," Johanna told him sincerely, "The sense of control definitely helps. You can finish now. I'm comfortable, and you've been a very understanding boyfriend." Turning her head, she kissed his cheek again, rocking slightly underneath him to let him feel the slick wetness around his bone, aching for him to continue what they'd started.

"I have a pretty indulgent girlfriend," he returned, rocking right back against her with a growing need, "You can take control any time. It lets me relax. Mostly," he winked, bucking into her hard once to indicate what kind of work he still had to do.

Johanna just nodded her understanding. "I'll be sure to relieve you of that part, too, once in a while," she promised, matching each rock of his hips with her own. "Mmm...better hurry, or you're going to have an audience for your big finish," she warned, hearing Gemini's muffled howl from the living room.

"Heh...I'm in big...trouble already...if that was...gonna bother me," he panted, increasing the tempo of his thrusts just a little. Truth be told, he was already fairly close...though not quite close enough, apparently.

"Whoops! Too soon?" Gemini asked quietly as she and Dane peeked through the door to find Ares still desperately humping the Dalmatian's posterior.

Johanna just shook her head, still rocking back against Ares with each thrust. "It's okay. He's close," she assured them, as the growl was already growing in Ares' throat. Looking back over her shoulder, Johanna gave him one more instruction: "Let's hear it again. Nobody will be frightened this time."

Just as he was beginning to clench down on her, Ares arched his back and loosed his pleasure-howl, every bit as deep and loud as the first one. Gemini grinned, even as she had to cover her ears again, apparently a little sensitive to the pitch he used, and Dane looked impressed again. "Wow, you sure there's no Wolf in your family tree?"

"Mother's...grandmother...actually," Ares panted breathlessly, still trembling and pulsing inside Johanna.

"Oh, wuff...we forgot the rubber," the Dalmatian observed, feeling the surge of his pleasure inside her. Ares immediately moved to withdraw, but Johanna scooted back right in lockstep with him, following the pull of the knot inside her. Sitting up on her knees to rest in his lap, she reached behind her to hold his hips in place. "Huh-uh. Too late now, so just enjoy it. I'm not wet enough for you to just yank out, anyway."

Gemini crawled up onto the bed behind her brother, giving him some extra support to lean against as he caught his breath. "Sorry, that was kind of my fault, I think," Gemini said to Johanna, "I forgot to redress him after our go."

The Dalmatian just shook her head. "I know the difference between skin and rubber, I was just distracted with other priorities. One more reason I don't let you in my muffin at all," she admitted to her brother, who had likewise crawled onto the bed, though he was mostly just keeping out of the way. His sister yawned, and patted the side of her boyfriend's hip as his breathing steadied out. "I know we're still stuck for a while, but think we can manage to lay down? I'm about at my limit."

"Sure, sweetcakes," Ares nodded. With a little extra support from their siblings, the couple managed to comfortably get stretched out on their sides on the bed, scooted far enough to one side to let the other two lay down as well. "Now," the female Dalmatian sighed, "I'll probably be asleep by the time you come free, so just roll me over and give me a shake. I want to give you a proper goodnight kiss."

Gemini pushed Dane down in front of his sister, who gently pulled his back to her with a contented sigh and rested her cheek against his shoulder, while the female Doberman curled up on his other side, facing him. "Dalmatian sandwich tonight," she giggled in amusement, "You can put me and brother in the middle next time."

" like arranging us, don't you?" Dane smirked, giving her a kiss on the nose as he settled in between the girls.

"It's fun," his girlfriend admitted, "Thinking about how we'll rotate around so everyone gets to cuddle with everyone from time to time. I've kind of come to like sharing attention since you and Johanna started me. It's like one of those mobile games where you have to keep all the customers satisfied...but better, since none of you are going to get mad if I'm a little off schedule, or show some slight favoritism," she winked.

Dane chuckled again, pulling her snug against him and kissing her affectionately. "You have a bit of a game fetish, don't you?"

She gave him a sly smile. "Maybe. Just a small one."