Misconceptions Ch5

Story by claytontheappy on SoFurry

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It had been several years but tensions in the realms died down. The war between humans and

unicorns was just barely averted only because King Darnon knew he couldn't take on all the kingdoms,

neither did he wish to. Now a lone figure sat in the rear of the tavern with his dark green cloak pulled

down over his head so only his muzzle poked out. Hid fur, a dark bluish green, looked rather bright next to

the deep dark of his clothing as he nibbled a few greens in silence. He never said much to anyone and to be

honest the other patrons liked it that way. There was an air about him that was just un-nerving. Though he

was quiet he was thinking.

He spent nearly all his time in deep dark thoughts. For 5 years now he had done nothing but plan

his revenge on those that had wronged him. Every night laying awake for hours, dreaming of how he would

take his retribution. A group of stallions had been eyeballing him from their corner for sometime but he had

learned to ignore such things. Well at least he had until he realized they were making lewd jokes and groping

themselves trying to get his attention. He finally gave it to them with a cold icy stare as he stood up, done with his

meal, and turned for the door. As soon as he did he heard their chairs scoot back. He smirked to himself as he

decided they would be fair practice. And practice is always good. He turned left and started walking down the dark

street before turning down a quick alley with the cold air nipping at his fur. He didn't feel the cold but his breath

puffed in front of him as he hurried but they had seen him and soon he heard their hooves behind him in the dark

alley as one of the studs called out.

"Hey cutie. You just gonna tease us and leave like that? You know that's not fair." The roan stallion teased as if he

were talking to some sluty mare as he trotted in front of the smaller unicorn who stopped in his tracks. The other

two stallions stopped behind him pinning him between them all.

'I'm not interested in pleasing the three of you. Now ladies if you will get out of my way I'll be on it." The cloaked

unicorn said not even twitching a muscle.

"Aww don't play hard to get. A sexy little thing like you probably has the experience to know what quality meat is

being offered right now. And I'd sure hate to have to rough up a cute little muzzle like yours. I bet you could swallow

a draft without gagging." the roan said as he reached up to stroke the unicorn's cheek while his buddies snickered

behind their prey.

The unicorn quickly pulled back, stepping into the other two big stallions who caught his arms and pinned them

behind him as their leader began to take his pants off and pull out his already drooling stallion hood. "We tried to

be nice. We were going to treat you right. But now. well you're gonna be the sorest piece of ass in town by morning.

Now why don't you open up and let me make it a little easier on you." he said as the black and painted stallion

forced the smaller unicorn to his knees.

"Yeah bitch.....Trevor loves a willing slut. But it turns him on more when they fight like you are. Makes them good

and tight while the scream into a gag. " He grinned down as the third stallion pulled the unicorns hood back. His

fur was immaculate but those deep blue eyes burned with rage as he gazed up with gritted teeth while the roan

stallion walked closer, almost shoving his cock in the other's face.

"Last chance. And if you even think about biting my cock I'll break every tooth out of your skull before we each skull

fuck you and stomp your balls into a gelding. Got it?" He said grabbing the unicorns horn and tilting his head till it

was level with his cock.

"This is your last chance....." He said with a voice that commanded authority making the two stallions holding him

look at one another. "Let me go and you will live. I can assure you the other option is far worse than death." He

gazed coldly into the roan's eyes sending a sharp chill down his spine almost freezing him in place before he tried

to shake it off and be the big stud.

"You know what? I don't like disrespect. Especially not from little cock suckers like you. Boys I think he needs a

lesson in manners." He smiled and nodded to the two who picked up the unicorn half way so his legs were

spread. And with a swift kick the roan stallion threw his hoof into the unicorns crotch making him cry out in a single

sharp whinny before tumbling over to his stomach clutching himself. Satisfied with his work he smiled as the other

two undressed as well, each with the impressive package of a horse making the night a series of pink and black

pony poles. The writhing unicorn coughed as the roan knelt behind him and lifted his rump, exposing his smooth

rump while 0the other two walked up next to squirming unicorn and grinned down. Then as the roan pressed his

thick rod to the prey's tail hole a hoof flew out from under the unicorn catching him square in his aroused and

unprepared Jacob's. The formerly masculine stallion squealed like a filly as he tumbled over unable to get his

breath. At the same time the unicorn reached out and grabbed the other two stud's ankles. With a groan they both

sank to one knee and finally fell over twitching on the ground for a few moments as they looked over at the

recovered bitch they were going to rape who had a wicked grin on his muzzle. Those eyes burned into each ones

soul as he looked back and forth between them before their light was finally extinguished. As their bodies lay

there cooling in the night air he turned back to the roan who's erection had now gone limp. The strong blow had

turned him from boy to boi as he groaned and whimpered in coherently. The unicorn bent down and squeezed the

soft, useless sack between the roan's legs as he turned his head over.

"Now didn't you learn rape is a terrible crime? I can just imagine how much fun you had with these. But now you'll

sleep, a never ending nightmare. I promised you it would be worse than death. Some of us just don't learn quick

enough." He nearly hissed as he pressed his finger to the stud's eyelids and pulled them down. Immediately the

body stopped twitching but he wasn't dead. The necromancer had simply sealed his consciousness inside,

putting him in a permanent nightmare where he would relive every time he had forced himself on someone from

their point of view over and over. Never getting used to the pain. And since necromancer's were so few, him being

one of only three and one of those being his teacher, there wouldn't be anyone who knew how to break the spell. "I

still got it." he said holding his arm as if it had been hurt. "But I'm still not strong enough."