King Of RHEI

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The overseer of a secret organization decides to bring his staff and test subjects closer by turning himself into a test- but not everything goes to plan. Unfortunately his solution makes things drastically worse. Now years later it is finally time to test the real cure, and restore the King of RHEI to his throne.

(M TF Anthro Hippogriff, genital mutation & hyper)

Julius Wingael; a name recognized across all of the paradise island of RHEI. The island was created to house the test subjects of the Rebuilding Humanity Effort- RHE. When Julius first set foot on the island it was still being founded. The sorceress paragon Moth helped lead the researchers and provided them with this paradise to work with. Originally they came to the island to help her with her own tests, but once she was done the researchers banded together for their own cause to found RHE. Moth remained on board long enough to help create their first test subject- the resplendent Test Subject 01; Serene Stonewall.

Where Julius fit in, is his father Gratory Wingael is one of the researchers in RHE; he is an Bio Alchemist. He distills and transmutes the genetic information of animals to imprint their traits into a transmittable substance. When he brought his son Julius with him to RHE, he was only 9 years old, and seemingly too young to go to such a remote work location with his old man, but unfortunately there was no mother back home to look after him. Shortly after giving birth to Julius' baby sister; Gratory's wife was killed in a traffic accident. There are no schools on the island, so unlike Gratory himself; Julius does not live on RHEI, but he visited it to stay with his father often. Gratory could teach him plenty on his own as well, being a certified professor. When his father could not guide him around his stays on RHEI, Serene looked after Julius, being the next youngest person present. Serene was only 19 when she became a test subject. Serene being his babysitter and secret young crush; Julius became very invested in RHE's work at a very young age, and already made up his mind to follow his father's work.

Though far from stupid- it did become apparent with time that Julius was not quite up to snuff with the others on the research team. Like Serene, he did not take well to sitting in one place for too long, or being too serious for too long. There was too many things he wanted to see and do in life and humans have too few years in the world to experience it in, it seemed impossible to justify sitting still. Julius' baby sister eventually proved herself somewhat of a prodigy and matched her older brother's knowledge in only a fraction of the time. Compared to most people Julius is brilliant- but to be an RHE researcher and re-engineer a human body on its most base levels you have to be a cut above even other genius, and Julius is not that. He had charisma though, and thanks to having spent much more time on the island than his sister, Julius had the ability to inspire and bring together the staff and subjects. Tessa Bucset was the original RHE Overseer. A rather stern woman, but a skilled researcher and an excellent planner. It was her organizational skills that formed RHE from the formerly nameless research team Moth had gathered. When eventually Tessa stepped down to retire to a less involved General Applications role, she crowned Julius the new Overseer. He had the knowledge to keep up with the lingo of the researchers, he had the experience to know how RHE ran, and he had the connections to knit together the research team and its subjects better than Tessa could have done herself.

For the first year of Julius' rule things went quite well, and all according to plan. His little sister Olivia was finishing University and by the end of the year Julius was introducing her as their newest Bioarcanist. Olviia's role is a step up from their father's work- Gratory's alchemy provided the genetic solutions to use as building blocks for the tinctures. Olivia's Bioarcanistry is what put the tincture together using those building blocks. Transformation magic existed everywhere in the world- though very expensive in most places. What set those apart from what RHE is doing is that RHE's tinctures change your actual genome. If a spell runs out of mana or is dispelled, the effects end immediately as if having simply been an illusion. RHE tinctures never wear off. They change your genetics- the body you transform into becomes the new you, that is your life from then on. It was not enough that it created a body that simply looked a certain way- it needed to function like that on a microbiological level. Olivia took the genetic instructions from other creatures that alchemists like her father extracted, and then distilled the aspects needed to make a unique blend to apply to someone else and re-write how their cells regenerate.

That is where Julius' legacy truly became defined. Shortly into the next year, after barely getting his sister settled into her new role- he proposed himself as RHE's next test subject. Having made a promise to Serene as a child; Julius is determined to bridge the gap between RHE researchers and its test subjects. As it stood, the two remain isolated from one another- the test subjects inherited paradise down in the island valley with their self-forged society. The RHE staff however remained in the main complex up on their plateau on the north end of the island, and only really venture out into the rest of the island on business- checking up on test subjects. It is not as though anyone was unhappy about this, but that did not mean it couldn't be better. The RHE staff deserved a slice of the paradise they helped create too, and the test subjects did not need to feel so out of place around them.

Julius proposed that he make himself the 37th test subject for RHE. This would allow him to be both Overseer and Test Subject at the same time; using himself as a bridge between the two. Many other RHE staff expressed uncertainty and tried to argue the situation, but none of them had any actual arguments against his proposed idea. It caught everyone off-guard, and even Olivia was leery of going along with it, letting her own brother transform himself. Well... most of what Olivia was against was Julius informing her that she would not be one of the researchers working on his tincture. Being his little sister, she demanded to work on it obviously, but it Julius would not have it.

"Conflict of interest, little sister. You want to make sure I am alright- you care about me, but this tincture is about a test, not love. You can't take my side over results, so only neutral parties will be involved. Hermela Tristmagistus will be the one in charge of the TS37 tincture."

Olivia inflated her cheeks in an exaggerated pout. "Hermela is an eccentric! She gave herself four arms! I wouldn't even trust her to cook a meal without trying to make a lab rat out of it!"

Julius laughed, patting her head. "I would rather her make a lab rat out of a meal than a meal out of a lab rat. The fact she is willing to go to those extremes is not what you should focus on- but more the fact she is able to make those extremes work. I trust this in her... many hands."

Both Olivia and Julius have golden hair and seafoam blue eyes, but soon Julius would be getting a mix of other traits. He did not want to become a test subject just for the sake of changing to call himself one- it had to be an actual test, so a form RHE had not yet attempted. For this he chose the unusual beast- Hippogriff. It looks exactly like a half horse, half bird- though it is a convergent species, and has no direct genetic ties with birds or horses.

Julius watched the tincture empty from the syringe as Hermela injected it. "So... flight?"

Hermela shrugged. "Maybe, but I wouldn't get your hopes up. We trained the initial transformative cells to basically act as gate keepers- they will watch the strain level on your system, and freak out if it gets too high. Wings would need to be huge to carry even your current weight, and big limbs require more bloodflow than you may be able to handle. We leave this up to the transformative cells though, because we do not know yet how the genes will even interact with you. Technically hippogriff is one species to hybridize with, but it has the traits of two other animals in itself- so it's like you are becoming a three way hybrid rather than two."

She wiped the injection site with cotton using a second right hand while placing down the syringe. Hermela has 3 right hands- her organic arm ends at the elbow. She gave herself three prosthetic, golem arms instead of one, though other researchers have warned her that splitting her cognitive control of her right arm three ways may have long-term repercussions on her mental health. Her brain isn't meant to control that many limbs.

Julius hummed in thought. "How long will this take? I know it's been different time frames for almost every transformation..."

Hermela nodded. "We control the speed for the most part, or in cases like your bestie Serene- break it into stages. Faster is generally better, because then they skip the awkward middle stages where their body sort of don't work right. For you this should not take too long. We do not know if you will get wings, hooves, claws or all the above, so best not wander around. Just hang out in your room and it should be done before the night is out."

Julius went to leave but paused at the door. "Oh and... make sure Olivia doesn't come to see me before this is done, ya?"

"Knowing how these transformations work and how awkward or sexual they can inadvertently become; I seriously doubt she would even try, as concerned as she may be. But, sure."

Julius did not need to actually leave the building- since he just became a test subject now he does not yet have a place in the valley with the others. His apartment is in a side building attached to the main one through the offices on the second floor- you actually cannot get into the building from outside, only the overpass from the offices. Most of the staff were busy researching since it was the middle of the afternoon, so he did not run into anyone on his way back to the apartment. Julius flopped onto his bed and started to play some videogames while waiting for the changes to kick in. He definitely felt something, but it was an odd feeling he could not describe deep inside of himself.

Julius reached back to scratch his neck and paused in thought a second, realizing his hairline was unusually far down. He held his hand there for a moment concentrating, and sure enough felt new hairs poking his hand as they sprouted at unnatural speeds. That was the slight itch he felt back there- his hairline was advancing down! What part of the changes was that, though? He supposed it must be the mane- except an actual hippogriff has a mane of feathers, not hair. Both human and horse have hair though, which must have caused it to change. As the hairline advanced down it became narrow quickly, so it only travelled down the back of his neck in a relatively thin line. This change did not even get the chance to finish before the muscles in his leg started to involuntarily stretch. The muscles stretched like they would in a normal sense, but this was followed by a squirming as they stretched in a more literal sense, and then repeated the process in soft pulses. Julius was expecting the feeling to be more intense, but it was surprisingly subtle and almost natural feeling. It also sounded more intense than it actually is- once the changes pushed against the confines of his human foot the multitude of small bones started to sound off muffled clicks and snaps that sounded like it should be painful, yet was not.

Julius had been resting back quite a bit but sat up to get a better look at his feet changing. 37 test subjects in- he was confident there would be no problem with his leg structures so he was perfectly calm watching them change shape, as bizarre as it looked in the halfway stages. The heel of his foot ballooned up huge, and then his foot started to stretch rapidly and the bones were pulled in to one another, fusing into a single cannon bone. The cannon bone then swelled to better match the huge ankle and heel. All the toe joints merged into a single joint which bulged to also mirror the ankle. His toes thickened and darkened as the material became inhumanly dense, and started to shove the skin away as the nails overtook the ends of his toes. When his toes were yanked together by the fusion of the bones inside, they united into one and the nail segments almost immediately after did the same. The extra-long nail continued to get more and more thick, pulling the structure of the singular toe back to match its growth. It arched backward and filled in, creating the signature U shaped hoof print of an equine. It was actually a bit of a coin toss what his feet would turn into, since a hippogriff has different ends to their fore and hind legs- there was a small chance he got bird feet. Julius was actually happier to get hooves. From what other test subjects have reported- standing for long periods of time is easier on hooves, and you never really have to worry about shoes. Obviously stepping on jagged rocks or dropped nails or something would still be a hazard even with hooves- if the hoof itself becomes chipped or cracked; it will hurt bad, and take a considerable amount of time to heal. The change felt to him like a bit of a mix between expanding and contracting at the same time- the inward force of the bones fusing and compacting together but also enlarging and taking up more space, putting outward pressure on the surface tissue. He was not wearing socks since he is just hanging out in his apartment he took them off ahead of time. His pants now no longer covered his legs properly- the humanoid portion of his legs remained the same length, so adding a cannon bone in place of a normal foot gave his overall legs at least an additional foot of length, making the pant legs much too short.

Julius turned himself toward the door to his apartment and stood up off the bed, but teetered and almost fell back down, when the feeling surged up his legs! He thought the change was done, but putting his weight on his legs emphasized the lingering feeling and he realized the changes were working their way up! The bones in his lower legs are actually larger than the upper- this was now correcting itself. This thigh structure did not change from human, so he would have no trouble walking on two legs still- but the bone inside is enlarging and the muscle around it tightened on its own and swelled! His thighs became larger quickly, but as the size change slowed, the structure continued to condense; becoming more solid and defined- you could see the muscle inside on the surface! His pants pulled tight, making the legs seem even shorter because his thighs were taking up more material for themselves. This also caused his glutes to enlarge, and then internal pressure caused his hip bones to audibly groan, forcing Julius to bent over forward- putting his hands on his knees to hold himself up. The bigger his butt got, the further his pants sunk in the back, exposing more of himself. The enlarged leg bones needed larger sockets to link into the hip, and the muscle structure is becoming too large for his human hips anyway. Like his thighs- his hips did not change shape at all; they just got bigger. His hip bone groaned with a sound similar to hard plastic being bent to the point of almost snapping. Because the pelvis has no joints in itself, it never popped, so there was no abrupt re-adjustment, just a pressure and groaning sound as it slowly expanded.

His anus completely vanished between the large butt cheeks, but the gradual expansion of his hips spaced the cheeks out further, and then his anus gained more equine traits, projecting out further and darkening into a deep brown, plush doughnut shape. Julius sat back down on the edge of the bed slowly and pulled his pants off, since they did not even come close to fitting properly anymore anyway. When he removed them he seen the coloration of his skin altering. From the hooves up- his legs were gaining a dark brown coat of very short hairs- the fine shimmering pelt of an equine. The skin under the fur was changing too though- it was darkening in some places more than others. The near-black shade of brown his enlarged anus took crept up his taint as it enlarged up toward the front of his crotch. It was an odd feeling, sort of like getting an erection except it was starting much further back. Once the growth passed over his balls, they heated up and pulled closer to his body and felt a dull tingle as they swelled! Julius always knew his genitals changing was a likely possibility, but had not given it particularly close thought. The skin on his penis seemed to be affected rather than the phallus itself- the swelling growth that travelled up the parineum paused at the base. The skin darkened and bloated out, making the shaft very thick, but then continued to grow even more, causing it to layer itself, creating soft rubbery folds of skin. The growth of excess skin turned to the same near-black as the rest affected by these changes and started to tug on the shaft where the foreskin joined for a moment, before suddenly it let go! The skin advanced further than the shaft itself and popped relatively straight, removing many of the folds! It turned into a sheath! Julius blushed and gently grabbed the sheath, squishing it in his hands to feel the new flesh. It is very soft and smooth, and frankly fun to play with. His balls were still growing- surpassing tennis ball size now and quickly advancing to softballs. They are rocking up and down in the sheath so the weight increase is not yet apparent, because they are yet to fully rest in the scrotum. The growth kept triggering minor contractions so the balls kept lifting themselves, and then pushing lower as their size increases, so they were hovering around the mid-point in their sack.

Even though the scrotal flesh was keeping up with the ball size, the creases in it naturally ironed themselves out- equine have smooth scrotums. Julius also felt resistance against his hand squishing the sheath flesh, and let go as it swelled larger! His penis within was changing shape and growing considerably larger. By the time the head popped out of the sheath it was already looking purpled as the skin color shifted to match the rest- though a single spot on the upper part of the shaft remained immune, and stayed a neon pink. The glans became stretched and flattened a bit as the shaft expanded in girth ahead of it, pulling it out horizontally. Julius leaned far back, holding himself up with his hands on the bed, watching his crotch with curiosity, and enjoying the automatic pleasure it caused. As his penis emerged it wobbled back and forth on its own- and internally it almost felt like it was filling with some sort of thick fluid- thicker than the blood it is actually filling with. The growth is not entirely even, so it feels like it is bouncing back and forth like waves inside of the shaft, causing it to flop around entirely on its own. It became nearly as thick as a beer can before he felt the tightening inside travelling up- the normal feeling of getting an erection. Which means all the growth so far was just that- raw growth; it's still fully flaccid and already longer than it used to be at full mast!

It stood in attention- the wobbling of the growth being subdued by the rigidness. The urethra seemed to pull straight faster than the rest, causing it to project from the glans. The divot it sat between started to sink in around the urethra, and then the entire head flared outward- the corona becoming bumpy and very pronounced, opening up like an umbrella. The domed front of the glans remained relatively the same, just stretched out much further horizontally and the divot between the two haves a bit more pronounced. When it started to actually stand, Julius started to worry a bit. It was twice his old size before it even started to actually erect. It was still growing slowly in girth when it erected too- so rather than narrow a bit as it stretched; it is still the girth of a beer can! Then it stretched longer. 12 soft inches of thick, heavy, rubbery meat- then 13, 14... already beyond record breaking human size. 15 inches, 16, 17, 18, 19 now, a meat-bat big enough to knock someone out with. It no longer wobbled, and when its weight shifted he could feel the tug on his crotch at the base of the sheath, the force of its increasing weight. 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 inches- his sheath did nothing to rein it in, unlike an actual horse sheath; his was not fused to his underside. It only attached at the very base, so if anything it just added even more to the overall length! Julius started to feel a bit chilly and light headed... this was a problem. His dick is bigger than his heart is meant to handle- erecting it is causing his blood pressure to plummet. When Julius gets erections now he becomes almost literally love drunk- he will be delirious from being anemic thanks to his crotch hogging all the blood oxygen. The really bad part though, is that his shaft still has some bend to it... it is still going. 26, 27, 28, 29- his thoughts are spinning and Julius sits up straight to grasp the shaft, already trying to work it to get it down, before it is even fully up. Sitting up like this- the head of his cock is already above his actual head! 30 inches long, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35; you now had better odds of finding his pulse by grabbing his cock than you did his wrist or neck. The shaft felt hot but his body became cold. The glans flared as he cupped one hand exclusively below the corona, bumping up against its underside to attack the phallus at its weakest point. The medial ring was the second most sensitive part, so his other hand was just below it, and brushed against it on the up-stroke. The glans started to itch from the blood pressure collecting there, pulling it so tight. 36 inches, 37 inches, 38 inches, and another 0.4 before it finally capped out, and the shaft was completely rigid! That is 3.2 feet long total- not at all something that should be hanging from a human crotch.

Julius could not even completely touch finger to thumb around the girth of the shaft, and thrust softly with his hips as he twisted his hands and tried to work at the most sensitive points only- since his hands could only cover a small percentage of the overall dick. This was the full size of a well hung stud; bigger than a human could actually use properly, to masturbate or have sex using. Heck he wouldn't even be able to use smaller bathrooms because his dick would be inside of the toilet bowl by the time he had enough unraveled to pee out of. By the time his balls stopped growing, each was the size of an ostrich egg- just shy of a small cantaloupe in size, and when they finally relaxed and hung fully in the scrotum he could definitely notice the weight. That was part of the reason he started to thrust softly with his hips- feeling his huge nuts flop against the edge of the bed was nice, but also their weight tugging on the base of his sheath caused the lower shaft to tighten, pulling the nerves within tighter momentarily. Julius could not concentrate on anything but sexual thoughts even if he wanted to at the moment, and even those thoughts were rapid blips- unable to grasp one for very long. Feeling became louder than conscious thought. Some of the fat veins toward the base of the shaft were as thick as his fingers. He would have liked to nibble on the corona to help set himself over the edge but the dick is taller than he is and has no bend to it anymore so his mouth can't actually get to the head. Luckily, the reason equine do not have baculum in their penis is because they don't take long at all to mate, so the shaft doesn't need to stay erect for long. The shaft throbbed stone hard, and he could feel the hot rush jet up as his massive hefty balls lifted themselves to bopped against his crotch. He managed to bend the shaft forward a bit before it started to erupt horse cum against the wall. If he left it to blast straight up it would have rained down all over the room!

Julius was panting for some time, just staring forward as his mental prowess started to return to him. It felt like if that had gone on for much longer he would have started to black out. The giant beast between his legs lost its rigidity quickly, flopping down heavily, then started to fatten up as it shortened. The front packing itself in under the medial ring, while the ring and the shaft below that pulled into the sheath, making it thicker as well. His sheath was quite large and fat looking once it finally packed itself away completely- there was not enough room even in his enlarged human hips to stuff it all, so the sheath took almost all of it. Julius had not noticed other changes taking hold during all that- he had not been aware of anything other than the throbbing pillar in front of him. Behind him now swished a horse tail- though the hair on it is black, not the dark brown his fur took. The fur that started at his hooves now consumed his hips and stopped there. At the base of the equine tail though; there is a large plume of dark metallic green feathers! They are long and narrow, and form a large fan at the base of the tail just before the hair starts. The mane forming on his neck was now complete as well- his neck has gotten a little thicker and the veins inside also increasing in size while the hairline advanced down to between his shoulder blades on his upper back before stopping. The mane grew in at the same length as the hair on his head already was- which is just a bit over two inches. His hair transitioned from his natural golden blond in the front to black at the very end- the color of the hair on his tail. Julius ran his hands over his head to feel around and found his ears were now leaf-shaped and able to pivot around like equine ears too.

His changes seemed to stop, but he was also extremely hungry now suddenly. After masturbating and transforming his body's resources were dangerously low, so he went to his kitchen to prepare himself a massive snack of whatever random things he could eat with the least amount of preparation time and even then he ended up eating several things without doing anything at all with it- like taking two bites out of a brick of cheese. The kitchen in his apartment is tiny- but the fridge itself is connected by a summoning spell that measures missing food, and replenishes it once a day. All the test subjects in the valley have the same thing- at around noon every day their food is restocked instantly without them having to do or say anything. Of course what the spell restocks the fridge with can be altered if they want- as long as they don't order something harmful, like a dangerous amount of alcohol. The test subjects actually had it better than the RHE staff- they have a one floor home, but it is a nice place and fairly spacious- including vertically, because many of the test subjects are taller than normal humans. The RHE staff however live in an apartment about the size of the living room of one of the test subjects. A bed under a single window- the kitchen area about the same size as the closet beside it. The TV actually pulled out from the counter in the kitchen, because it is down from the foot of the bed. Then a small space for a desk or whatever, and behind the head of the bed is the wall dividing it from the small bathroom. So the bedroom, living area, and kitchen were all technically the same place- there is no wall dividing them. Walking from his bed to the kitchen was literally two steps. It is a good thing his expanded hips put his legs a bit further apart from each other- it gave his thighs a bit more of a gap to help fit his now massive package. Every step he took he felt the heavy balls flop from one side to the other, and the fat sheath bouncing on top of them from every little movement.

He ate ravenously for some time, and even as he ate he started to feel the sensation of bodily changes starting up again. The transformation only stopped because his body ran out of materials to fuel it. It started as weak pulses of pressure that he could not pin-point, but each pulse seemed to be stronger and last for longer, and soon it became clear that it had no specific point of origin. He grabbed the counter to steady himself and groaned loudly as his entire body grew larger! The pressure was through his entire skeletal structure. Julius flinched and looked at his hands as his skin started to scrunch up on its own and pinch tighter! His nails and skin thickened and darkened the same. His fingernails grew thicker and darker, but then became much more narrow horizontally, causing them to thicken even faster and then became longer at double the speed! His skin darkened and hardened as it became thick and then folded over itself slightly at several points, becoming scale-like. Like a bird leg. The forelegs of a hippogriff are avian. Uh oh... if they turn all the way he won't be able to hold things properly! Julius' concentration became split once again as another change hit him before these even finished! Long bulges of muscle squirmed in his upper back, branching off existing muscles, forming the structure for new limbs without actually having the limbs to occupy yet. His overall growth at least stopped relatively soon- he only gained a few more inches in height. His little sister would now be considerably smaller than he is now- especially with the added height his new hooves gave him on top of the growth.

Julis gripped the counter from the feelings in his hands, but surprised himself and quickly released when he unintentionally dug trenches in the countertop! His nails evolved into pointed claws, and then into hooked talons- they would be four inches long each if you were to somehow straighten the steep curve out of them. Each talon is shaped like a crescent moon, forming a half circle off the end of his fingers. The banded flesh of the bird limbs did not turn quite as dark as the talons- the talons were a charcoal grey, nearly black. The skin stopped at a dark base grey, and on his palms it still had a slight pink hue from his former coloration. The further up his arms it went the less it seemed to affect though- turning less into the banded scales of a birds leg. By the time it reached his elbows it gave up entirely, leaving his upper arms completely unaffected. Which also means the structure of his hands isn't changing. His hands are still human shaped, It's just the skin and talons that changed, so he still has thumbs to be able to manipulate things like a normal human. Julius was able to breathe a sigh of relief from that at least.

Julius flopped over the counter and arched his back forward as the skin over the bulges on his back started to yank outward and stretch into new limbs! Calcium jelly formed into the little noodle limbs, then condensed into proper bone, but again the changes seemed to stop short. Once the initial segment of the limbs formed it stopped- with just a single joint it was not really a wing. He grunt and flinched again from a powerful prickling feeling in them as quills blossomed and bloomed into a flurry of dark metallic green feathers to match those around the base of his tail- they consumed the proto-limbs. They were essentially just large plumes of feathers he could fan out off his back- not really wings, and not even a fraction of the size they would need to be to enable flight in the first place. He waited a bit longer, lingering in the kitchen to slowly snack on a bit more food, waiting for more changes but this seemed to be the actual end of it.

Julius tapped a talon against the counter. "Great, oversized genitals and I also cannot fly..."

He used his onyx slate to summon Hermela to his apartment after a few hours of gaming after his changes, and made sure to tell her to bring some extra-large pants, with extra-long legs. When she arrived, she tossed the pants onto the bed and immediately knelt down to examine his changes immediately with no initial conversation. Julius just rolled his eyes and sat up on the edge of the bed again to let her look him over. He has known the RHE research team since he was a kid- he knows how they work, so he knows not to be embarrassed about being exposed to them, even if the researcher is a woman. They look at your genetic code- they have already examined human bodies on a level of detail most can only imagine; there is nothing to hide from them. Especially now that he is transformed- this is a body she designed after all. These changes are like a sculpture she made, and his original body was the clay.

Hermela nodded. "Well. Everything seems to have worked out. Now we know how convergent species hybrids work in transformation. It does indeed apply them 1:1 for the most part. Parts that are bird on the origin sample are bird on the end result. If we did not program specific genetic instructions to delegate avian limbs to say your hands or feet when transforming it would be a coin toss which the transformation did. But on this species the front and back legs are different, so you had to get bird on the front and horse in the back or nothing at all- hippogriff looks like a hybrid of two species but its only one set of genetic instructions so the body still reacts as if it were only one set of features- which means there is no room for the traits to become jumbled."

He leaned forward and pointed at his mane. "Hippogriff are feather from the midriff up though."

"That is from human interference though, not a result of the horse and bird traits clashing. YOU are still a hybrid, because you are still over half human." She took out a notebook and started to scribble notes in a handwriting so awful only she would be able to read.

"So uhm... when the genitals were changing... they became... full sized."

Hermela raised an eyebrow, pausing her writing for a moment. "Full sized in regards to-?"

"A large horse."

"Ah, so... too big for a human." Julius nodded. "Well... shit. That might be an issue."

"Didn't you say you programmed the germination genes to freak out if the body became strained? Why didn't they work?"

"Well, technically your body is fine." She motioned over him as he slipped the new pants on. "You have no issues right now. The issue comes from your phallus being grossly oversized, but... it is only like that when erect. It isn't normally erect. It likely engorged itself as a result of the changes, which means by the time it strained your system, it was already too late to do anything about it. Changes can only be induced, not removed. At best, we MIGHT be able to regress them, slightly. And even that is a big maybe. Look at Nancy- completely feral." Hermela shrugged. "We can't do a thing for her. Let's see how you handle it. Go about your days normally and we will see how big of an issue it really is. Preferably we only attempt to regress you if it is a severe issue- because we run the risk of potentially making things worse by trying to fuck with it."

"Like Tolli."

Hermela nodded. "Yea, like Tolli."

Though he is a test subject now; Julius is also still the RHE Overseer, so he remained in his apartment with no plans to move into the valley yet. He got used to the hooves quickly- horse hooves are very large so they provide a good sturdy surface area to stand on. The only issue is it was a bit difficult to stand up off a smooth surface, like an uncarpeted flood, because the hooves had less grip than human flesh would on such a material. The other issue is sound- it is really hard to move around without making a clopping sound from his hooves against the ground. Olivia was quick to visit him and check on his changes. As expected, she insisted she braid his new horse tail and annoyingly kept playing with his equine ears. Julius ended up watching her braid his tail to remember for himself later. The tail was a bit of a pain when using the toilet, because he had to keep all its hair from falling in; which is a lot less of an issue if all the hair is already collected into a braid. His talons were a bit trickier to work around; their points are very sharp so it is easy to accidentally puncture things or hook blankets or clothing by accident and rip them. It was a good thing he got to practice using them on other things before he ever had to masturbate while having them- because they would definitely not feel good against his shaft.

After three days, Julius was getting nervous about his endowments. Hermela was still clearly leery about issuing any additional changes and kept telling him to test it out more, but Julius was clearly leaning toward changing again. When he sat down on any firm surface it put pressure on his taint- which caused his sheath to bulge and a bit of the soft dick to pop out the top and threaten to start engorging. When he woke up his morning wood is so big the head rubs against the wall over the headboard of his bed! He can turn his alarm clock off just by rolling over- causing his cock to slam down on top of it. This prevents him from going to the bathroom first thing in the morning unless he figures out a way to pee straight up. When he is in the shower, having to clean his junk it always ends up at at least a half-chub. He has to clean out the sheath opening too or it gets real musky. He planned to move into the valley at some point, but right now he would never survive being around all the test subjects at once. Serene alone has tits the size of his entire body each- how is he going to stand in the shadow of those behemoths and expect his rod to stay sleeping? It did not take much to wake the beast up- and it's so large that it is hard to avoid bumping into anything; he cannot walk without flopping it back and forth. And it is so large that he doesn't need to get a full erection for it to already be a problem! Julius knows as well as anyone that using a second transformation is risky, and he could endure the embarrassment of having such large, trigger happy endowments... but not with the bodily strain on top of it.

Julius wandered down into the valley after an early dinner on the fourth day transformed. The sun was starting to dip lower, and most test subjects would be staying inside for the night at this point- though the island was never completely quiet. He was going to head to the beach and think about his decision. RHEI is an island, but because it was formerly a caldera it is surrounded on all sides by mountains that were formerly the rim of the great volcano- so there was only a beach on the west side of the island that actually looked out onto the ocean. He paused in the great grass field on the way over though, hearing someone speak up from the shadow of the nearby forest, nestled to the north between the plains and the main complex.

"We have a new test subject? I never heard anything about that."

"Yea... what is your number? There must be around forty of us now."

Julius put his hand over his brow in an effort to see them, but the leaning light of the evening sun made too high a contrast to the shadow under the forest canopy. Looking into the light from a dark place is a lot easier than looking from a bright place into the dark.

"I am TS37. Julius." He left out the part about him being in charge of the entire island, but they also didn't really need to know, and he would rather them not give him any special treatment.

"Ah, I am TS15."

"And TS16."

Julius thought for a moment. "The Hydra..."

They smiled and stepped out into the light, revealing they both share a single body. Kiri is TS15, her husband Luan is TS16. They had been given hydra genes in an effort to see if a fusion transformation could be instigated using RHE's permanent, gene altering methods. Yes, it can. The fusion actually starts to divide in the upper torso, where the chest is unusually wide and then forks into two long serpentine necks that end in two snake-like heads, though their muzzles are longer than most snakes. They each grew their own tail before properly merging, so they retained their two tails, but also grew a third in between from the mass that had formerly been Kiri's left leg and Luan's right leg. Though not bigger than Julius- they are taller because their midriff is unusually long and flexible, and if they stood their necks upright they would be many times taller still. Their collar bone looks like a figure eight, and because their chest is double wide- it is adorned with not two but three large breasts in a row. Because they are hybridized with a type of dragon however- they are unable to lactate; their breasts are ornamental only.

They stood on feet that resembled paws- their soles lifted off the ground and stretched long, and the front of their feet are padded, but their toes are unusually long; better resembling fingers. Similarly; their hands have pads but only on the top of the palm, and their fingers are tipped with claws identical to on their toes. Their claws are rounder than Julius' talons, are not as steeply curved, and from much more use their tips are slightly dulled. Also unlike Julis' talons- their claws are not colored, they are translucent. They have a forward swept arch of bone from their pelvis- a pelvic wing- which is more characteristic of aerial dragonid species, not aquatic like theirs. The sheath of a male makes up the bottom edge of the wing, projecting the phallus off the tip- the balls are only half exposed on the surface at its base, and held taught to the body under thick skin rather than a loose scrotum. Behind that is a horizontal slit marking the start of the center tail- this is a fully female cloaca. Thanks to how the genitals are positioned; they both retained their gendered bits.

Kiri and Luan lost their human facial features and every strand of hair on their body, but the two heads are still easy to tell apart. Kiri's head is adorned with two sets of large horns, but they grew so close to one another that they became inseparably fused together. One set is relatively straight growing up and back, while the second set coils around it and divides only at the very tip- sticking downward. She has what at first appears to be a third set of horns, but the third set is in fact tusks. The tusks grow from the very back of her jaw, lancing through the skin on the sides of her face, putting their exit point directly below her horns. Rather than point up and back, they stuck straight out and curved back.

Luan's head had several long scutes trailing around his nostrils down to his front fangs, making it look like the fangs took up the entire front of his face with a serrated edge. They are so large that they also overhang his bottom jaw, slightly surpassing his chin when his mouth is fully closed. This also makes it a bit harder for him to pronounce some words, because his front lips are stiff and permanently overlapped.

They both stand with a bit of hunch, just because their midriff and spine overall is unusually long. Since they are also out for fresh air to think- Julius decides to follow them, and they wander back into the north woods, revealing a foot-beaten path. The movement of their three different tails is hard to predict, so Julius hangs back by several feet. When they walk, they drop onto all fours. They could still walk on two legs, but it's just easier on four, and they have pads on their palms so it's not like they will hurt their hands. In this position, their body looks like a dark maroon in color, but their front side is peach toned human flesh, only their sides and back are maroon. The dark maroon flesh also looks like it is covered in diamond shaped scales- but it's just extra dense skin with a lower nerve count- they are not true scales, and have a feel similar to boiled leather.

Luan spoke up. "So, a hippogriff, huh? Shame your wings did not come in fully. Ranos is still the only test subject able to fly."

Julius sighed and nodded. "Yea, well I am more concerned with my... well, other parts of my body. It is not as balanced as it appears."

Kiri fully turned her head around, leaving her husband to direct their shared body, she exposed some of her teeth in what must be a serpentine equivalent of a grin. "Hippogriff is half horse... did you get a little TOO endowed?"

Luan scoffed. "Oh come on, do you really need to know that?"

Julius just nodded and Kiri grinned even wider. "Hehe~"

"I am right here!"

Kiri sighed and lowered her brows. "How can you still be jealous? I am literally bound to you for all eternity. You can afford my attention to wander."

Awkward. Julius imagined a lot of things are a bit awkward for them- they are two different people, two different genders but they only have one body now. It is true Luan has nothing to worry about from having Kiri being flirtatious- it's literally impossible for her to cheat on him with his own body. They share control, so if one attempts to go left and the other right; the body just won't move at all. It can get two different instructions but it can only act on one- if their instructions are similar their body will find the middle ground between them and do that, but if they are complete opposites the body just doesn't do anything. Since they were husband and wife long before they were a hydra- they know how to read each other quite well, so trading control from one to the other is no big deal. It also means they are ambidextrous- because they can each take control of a different hand, to use both of them fully at the same time for two separate tasks. Only Kiri controls her neck and the left tail though- and only Luan controls his head and the right tail, even though they both still feel their counterpart's... parts.

You could tell they have been together for some time- they bicker with one another a lot, but just as quickly shift from their argument to the next topic without actually being phased by it. Julius had been around this area many times before- either wandering around the island bored or following Serene, but he had never gone so deep into the woods and is a bit nervous of getting lost. The sky is turning a metallic orange as the sun dips behind the mountain peaks, casting the island into the shadow of night before the sun has actually set. The forest became immediately pitch black, but Kiri and Luan told him they would guide the way, so he did not have to worry about becoming lost. Hydra are aquatic type draconids- their iris are reflective to reuse what little light penetrates the deep ocean waters, which means Luan and Kiri can see in the dark. They formerly had hazel and brown eyes, but after transforming both their eyes turned aquamarine.

Julius let the two rant with one another and guide the way, being mostly just quiet himself and sticking close by so they did not get separated- he could barely see the trail at all. The cooling evening air and the different company helped clear his mind of the things he did not need to think about immediately. Forgetting for a moment his job as Overseer, he tried to look at the situation purely as a person who has been transformed. Don't think about how his changes will affect his interactions with others, or his job- these are things that can be adjusted to or worked around easily. How does it affect his actual basic living? How does it make him feel about himself? Is it worth risking another change, and what change would he even induce to correct it?

"So I guess you two had a lot of adjustments to make after being transformed, huh?"

Kiri hummed in thought. "Eh, not that much. We had been married already so we were used to seeing each other all the time. Sharing control of a single body is... I dunno, sort of just like having someone possess your own body. You know? Like, mentally I still consider it my body, he just has the ability to control it. And he mentally considers it just his body, with me as a co-pilot."

Luan nodded. "It took a while to consider walking on all fours... well, outside of the house anyway. Normal society does not exist on the island though, and everyone acts different to suit their new bodies here, so it helped with feeling less weird about doing it."

"Everyone has to make adjustments. Most people have something go at least a little wrong with their test, but this is a paradise island- you have all the time in the world to adjust to it, and lots of warm and welcoming people to do it with."

"Yea, our transformation was actually relatively easy to adjust to."

Yea- it isn't as though Julius' transformation is directly interrupting anything in his life. But it is a prominent problem, and not particularly good for his physical health, either. Every time his penis gets so much as a chub, his conscious thoughts start to dull and wander, making it harder to not think about sexual thoughts and keep it from getting fully erect. Once fully erect he has to deal with it quickly or risks blacking out completely. It is only a problem with a body part that is only active some of the time but it really did seem like a major dent in his overall quality of life. It also made it very hard to maintain any sort of professionalism when his own body forces him to throw gutter balls because his brain becomes delirious.

Julius was guided out of the forest once night started to fully set in and the temperatures started to rapidly drop- though RHEI is in the sub-tropics so it never actually gets cold. Kiri and Luan returned to their home and Julius split off up the huge ramp to the main complex. As he was passing through the office there was only a few computers still on, illuminating the faces of a few researchers still working even though the office lights were off for the night now. Julius spotted Hermela at her dark, using her several right hands to hold a pen to write notes, using the computer mouse and holding a cup of tea all at the same time.

"Hey, you are working late."

"I get locked into tasks- whenever I do something I get lost in it completely. I am still working on you, technically. I am examining your genome in its current transformed state. Your little sister was here just a bit ago too, taking a peek."

"Did you remember to archive my crystalized memory of the transformation?"

"Obviously- I did that immediately. I didn't even put the crystal down; I took it straight from the condenser to the archive."

"So I have been thinking about it and... this size is still definitely a problem. True; it is only a problem sometimes, it is still a pretty big problem and at bare minimum it interferes with me at least once a day- at bare minimum."

"Mmm, yea, morning wood- it is physically impossible to not get at least one erection every day. Your body will cause an erection as you wake up to circulate blood through the area and make sure your bits are still in working order. And in your case- you cannot really wait around for it to go down on its own, or the blood loss will cause you to pass back out and sleep again." She took a drink from her tea. "That is the only reason I am still poking around at this. If it was just you being embarrassed about your junk being too big, I would disregard it entirely- whether you're my boss or not, I am not going to fuck around with someone's genes over a minor inconvenience. But, being oxygen deprived so frequently is going to be bad for your brain and a strain on your cardiovascular system overall. Like, not a huge issue, but being as consistent as it is... it will definitely start to stack up."

"So it occurred to me tonight... we can shift gender pretty easily, right? We did it with Lulu- formerly known as Lucius."

She turned slowly in her chair with a furrowed brow. "You want to become a woman?"

"No, but if we give me minor female genes it would reduce my size. The halfway point between giant penis and a vagina is a small penis, right?"

Hermela hummed in thought. "Yea... true. It wouldn't be without risk though- we would have to be very careful about the amount we give you. Your testes may invert and form into ovaries before your shaft regresses, or you lose your prostate and can't ejaculate. Heck, might even invert your sexual preference by accident."

"That isn't that big of an issue, and those would still be relatively simple to correct though in comparison to adding more animal traits to try and correct it. Gendered traits are more universal, and will affect species relatively the same way, so the fact I am part animal now shouldn't factor in to a gender shift."

"Mm, also true. Okay, so is that your order?"

Julius chuckled, shrugging. "You are my handler- I don't order you around. Whatever the doctor orders..."

Hermela rolled her eyes, and then spun her chair back around to pull up some files on gender shift tinctures. "Right, well it just so happens that my boss made some interesting suggestions. It is another test; and getting two tests out of one subject certainly furthers our overall research along, so as far as RHE is concerned as a whole- this is win-win. You are rolling the dice again, and could end up with a lower number than you started with potentially, but it is your body to gamble with. I should be able to get this together by tomorrow morning."

"Don't you need to... sleep?"

"Sleep is for the weak. I might need to get someone else to actually inject you with the tincture because I will probably be sleeping when you wake up, but that makes little difference."

"Just as long as it isn't Angie."

Hermela smiled. "Is she really that bad at giving injections? I thought she just got the real babies."

"Three for three, I dunno. I don't want to risk it; I have enough to deal with."

And so while Julius slept- Hermela worked on a new tincture for him. This one only meant to suppress his overly prominent gendered bits- so as far as tinctures go; this one is incredibly simple. She went to sleep only two hours before he woke back up, so it was Morgan LeFay who took him back to the injection room on the opposite side of the wall from the offices. Morgan is fairly young, but a very hard worker and well trusted. She gave him his injection painlessly and made sure to log it for when Hermela woke up again. Julius returned to his room, eager to feel the changes start to take effect, and went back to just gaming from his bed to pass the time. After a while his crotch started to heat up on its own, and his sheath fattened as his penis started to lazily emerge unwarranted. The transformation may end up giving him an erection again from the changes, but since it is also going to shrink him down, he should not have to worry about it. He paused the game and just propped his back against the wall over the bed to watch the changes happen.

He felt his urethra pulse tight down even through his taint ahead of the rest of the shaft, long before the rest even started to stiffen which seemed a bit odd. Once the penis flopped out fully from the sheath it started to stiffen quickly, rolling out to pull the fat folds smooth, then start to stand up further and further as the veins thickened and pulsed under its surface. The tremendous length of the ebon pillar bobbing with each beat of his heart and his mind became clouded again because of it- and because his thoughts became so slow it took him longer than it should have to realize something was wrong. His urethra bulged tremendously from the base of the shaft, and his perineum inflated huge between his equine butt cheeks! It became so wide that there was a soft *smeck* sound as the urethral opening opened on its own, and remained open; becoming wide enough for him to easily slide a finger into it if he wanted. Julius breathed heavily and his eyes wandered down the shaft and just glazed over, concentrating only on the feeling for now, so he failed to notice at first that his penis was not getting smaller... it is getting even bigger.

Getting both longer and thicker- it became so girthy that it could not be properly held in his hand, which means he would no longer be able to properly masturbate it to try and tame the beast! It was as thick around as a pint glass! It stretched taller and taller, rising up toward both the roof and wall at the same time in a slight arch. In spite of being at a fully erect state, it started to bend slightly from its weight- his body no longer had any more blood it could offer up to the giant phallic idol, so now it was impossible to make fully hard, and still it grew!

Julius snapped back into attention when he felt it pressing outward on the skin of his crotch and his balls trying to push his lags apart! He panicked and noticed immediately how tremendously thick it is, and then almost had a heart attack at how massively fucking long it is- it is nearly touching the roof! Even if you include his legs, the cock is as big if not bigger than his entire body now! What happened?! How would FEMALE genes do this?! He had to spread his legs to give his balls room because they were expanding too! He furrowed his brows at the way they grew though- they were getting taller than they are wide? He turned slightly and let the head of his giant cock thud against the top of the wall to look around the base at his balls a bit better and realized they were not getting taller- there was a second set of balls developing behind the ones he already has, lifting them up! The new balls were not normal however- the front balls squished them inward a bit from their weight, which would normally hurt a lot, but they were fine- which meant they were not nearly as solid as testicles are supposed to be. The scrotum started to become taxed from trying to contain them, and the shape of the rear balls shifted to adapt to the lack of room! The front of them caved in under the pressure of the front balls, and the rest sort of wrapped around them from behind! Sort of like fitting a circle into a crescent moon shape to make a much larger circle- it once again looked like he just had two balls even though there was four objects total. Each ball was the size of a medicine ball and still growing- though slowing down now. The scrotum was pulled perfectly smooth for several moments before the surface skin started to catch up, and soften, forming looser folds in the divot at the top against the sheath.

Even in his cock's expanded state, the urethra grew so large it almost doubled the girth on its own, now so wide that you could probably fist the opening! Julius groaned as he started to feel a powerful electrical pleasure fire up through the shaft, and continued to grow stronger, pushing up the shaft in magnitude! The pleasure was just as intense as having an orgasm, but it did not stop and did not incite an actual climax! Because it's so damn huge now his cock wobbles around from the pleasure spikes and strange growth deep inside the shaft itself. With the shaft softer now, the veins are less visible and the skin looks pudgy and plush again, even though the phallus is tall enough to wedge the head against the wall and roof- the top corner of his room from the bed! The head of his cock started to contract strangely, and caused a lightning bolt of pleasure to tingle through his whole shaft and tighten in his crotch. There was a tightness in the center of the glans, and it felt like some sort of growth, like the skin was collecting there to grow into something. Julius knew he could not stand up- his genitals were too big and heavy, and he was far too dizzy and out of it to balance properly. He instead turned his body to the left, causing his giant dong to swing through the air and flop over, bending enough easily to bounce the head off the floor and splash a massive gob of precum onto it! His eyes widened at the reflection on the mirror on the back of his apartment door- his cock now faced it, allowing him to see the front of the glans and realize what had gone wrong.

Rather than cancel out his male traits, the second tincture just slapped female traits on top of them! The giant extra masses in his scrotum are a twin set of wombs! His urethra is now gigantic because it now doubles as a vagina!! While the glans of his monstrous equine cock still look normal overall- the divot around the urethral opening and the opening itself are completely replaced... by an entire functional equine vulva!! The extra dense knot of flesh he felt forming and the pleasure firing up through his shaft was the formation of a clitoris! The exposed head of which was on its own the size of a golf ball! The clit pulsed tight with each throb of pleasure, parting the fat ebon labia, exposing the plush pink folds of the insides, and releasing thick streams of precum! He has a pussy inside of his penis!

He tried to masturbate to get it to go down again, but could not. Even both hands together on the same section of cock could not 100% wrap around the shaft. It was also somewhat soft in spite of how aroused it was forcing him to be, which meant the nerves were less exposed to the surface and harder to stimulate. The best he could do was actually to press the glans into the wall and thrust against it- rolling it against the wall rubbed the clit on the hard surface which fired a powerful jolt of pleasure up into his groin, but it was not enough to set him over the edge. His gigantic, mutated cock burbled up enough precum to form a literal puddle on his floor but he was getting very tired and dizzy from hazardously low blood pressure and could not afford the energy to push himself over the edge.

Julius woke up again a bit later and it took him a bit to realize where he even was. He was at the forest again where he had been with Luan and Kiri the other night, but it was day time now, and no one else was around. How did he get here? There was also a lot of birds around and he spotted several horses- who in turn spotted him once he woke up and attempted to move. He is completely naked now- he had his clothes on when he transformed, which means someone both stripped him and also brought him to the forest for some reason? He groaned as he had to lean against a tree to pull himself to his feet- the weight of his mutant genitals extremely apparent. His sheath was so fat and bloated, it was wide enough to fit a garbage can into it- but his dick is so giant that even with his sheath overstuffed, half the flaccid cock is still drooping out the end! Every little movement he made caused the soft rubbery flesh to jiggle this way and that, almost hypnotic in its floppy movements. Even sticking straight off from him his cock was almost level with his chest, because his balls sat on the front of his legs. He had to spread his legs quite a bit to allow them to flop between- and then it was extremely awkward to walk. The horses wandered toward him from out of the forest, curious about the intruder, but he had other things to worry about at the moment. He waddled his way toward the open fields so he could return to the main complex, but every step he took his cock bounced a little further out of the sheath, drooping toward the ground, till finally the head bumped the ground and he abruptly stopped from the unwanted pleasure of having the head touched. Every movement he makes jostles his genitals- and that causes them to wake up and threaten to knock him out.

One of the horses walked up beside the path and poked its head out from between the trees to sniff the giant phallus, wondering what it even was- though also vaguely recognizing the smell. The hot jets of air from its huge nostrils tickled the shaft, and it slowly crept forward becoming chubbier. Julius groaned and told the horse to shoo- though it obviously did not understand. Several more horses appeared around him smelling his body and mutated genitals, brushing him with their hot breath and their soft pliable lips as their noses and lips touched him all over.

Julius' spine suddenly let out several cracks, causing him to go rigid in surprise! His hips popped and he fell forward, catching himself around either side of his giant cock. He could smell his own musk coming from the cock and especially the soft folds of the sheath- since his genitals are so big, its smell is amplified as well. His hips started to reshape to be equine as well! He could not stand upright! His body started to barrel out, and his ribs rapidly popped and reshaped, shoving his arms more to the sides! His shoulder blades then sunk lower around the sides of the ribs and his arms started to get bigger overall, and the birds banded scales advanced up to consume his entire arms! Feathers started to sprout rapidly over his upper body where the fur ended, and his proto wings started to rapidly develop into full, huge wings! It was all happening so fast that he had no time to think about how oddly smooth the transformation is, or question why it was happening at all. His neck throbbed and grew giantly as his teeth fused together and started to grow out of his mouth, stretching his lips into obscurity! Once he had a horse's neck and a birds head and face, he had completely changed into a hippogriff! He tried to shoo the horses away, but now the only sound that could come out of his mouth was odd sounding squawks and clucks that even he did not understand- never mind the horses.

Julius could also not continue to exit the forest to get away from their gentle exploration of his body. His dick is so huge he can barely hold his body up off it even with the increased arm length. It dragged on the ground several feet longer than his body, so he could not move at all without dragging it, which would only made it erect faster. He was too confused by the overall situation to realize that the phallus erecting was not making him dizzy this time. He could feel the flesh of his monster cock rolling over smooth pebbles and roots as it advanced forward on its own, bouncing off the ground a bit with each throb. Several horses pressed their lips to it and licked it- human skin is slightly salty, so herbivores are inclined to lick it, since their normal diet is sodium deprived. Unbelievably Julius' cock became even larger than ever before- unlike in his room before this, it had no problem becoming fully hard, which made it several more feet longer! It was both thicker and taller than the trees of the forest around him! It took up the entire trail ahead of him, and is so long that it almost reached the grassy plains outside the forest! He seen a stallion at the end of his cock, nickering and bouncing his front hooves off the ground, looking ab it aggressive. When Julius noticed its own large cock bouncing around under him he shook his head and tried to back up but his balls anchored him to the ground, and he could no longer stand on two legs! And he had no human voice to issue any commands to the stud to try and talk it down.

The stallion seen the giant winking pussy at the end of Julius' gigantic glans and penetrated him! The stallion hooked his front arms over the flared corona of the glans and started thrusting into Julius's horse pussy! He could feel the horse's cock thrusting inside of his own! Because his mutant dick was rigid this time, the force of each aggressive thrust travelled straight down the entire shaft and bounced off his crotch, sending ripples into the soft scrotal flesh under him. He did not want this, did not want the pleasure, but it was certainly there- and building fast. He could not get off earlier because he was so badly mutated, but he was approaching orgasm fast enough like this. Being embarrassingly mounted by a feral beast! The huge clit locked in at its hardest, and the urethral bulge down his shaft expanded with tightness. The stallion whinnied loudly and came into Julius' cock, and the vaginal walls clenched as if trying to drink the fluid, but remained clenched a moment before the entire shaft jumped with the force of a massive jet of cum in the opposite direction as Julius finally hit climax! The stallion was startled and jumped off and away quickly as its own crotch was hosed down with a blast of sticky hot white. The orgasm absolutely painted the trees around the end of his cock. Julius was barely starting to catch his breath, finally watching the cock fatten and shorten- going back to sleep and pulling back to his sheath when he noticed his balls were actually growing! They swelled up larger and tighter, and since they are trapped under him they pushed up against his crotch and forced his legs further apart, and then started to lift the entire lower half of his body off the ground by their size! He felt an odd writhing inside of them, and then a sudden kick from inside and his eyes widened as he realized the stallion had gotten him pregnant! It came into his mutant cock- delivering foreign sperm to the womballs!

Julius then woke up a second time back in his room, tucked into his bed with a sheet over him though his clothes were still on- except for over his genitals since there was no way they would fit. He looked at Hermela standing over him and taking notes and sighed as he realized he had been dreaming about the forest. His inability to get off after his mutation caused him to black out.

"And the diagnosis?"

"A hundred percent fucked, with a zero percent chance of silver linings."

"Oh goodie."

She looked at him and shook her head, tapping the pencil on the side of her clipboard. "I can't say I didn't tell you so. I knew there was risks, and I told you before... although, the particular degree is well beyond any projected parameters. On one hand I am kind of glad we did this, because now we have data on this to make sure it doesn't happen again- because we never would have expected this particular mutation to ever happen. I don't think we would have even though to do something like this on purpose, never mind accidentally stumbling into it. On the other hand- sucks for you, big time."

"And the third hand?"

"Haaaa.... it is good you still have your sense of humor, because hell if I know what to do about THIS." She motioned over the huge hill under the sheet that was his sleeping mutant dong.


"Distracted, deliberately. We can only keep her out of the loop for so long, she is your little sister- she is going to come looking for you no matter what. There is no way you're going to convince me to slap some more traits onto here to try and fix this again, only to have your cock evolve into some sort of perverse kaiju."

"Trait reversion?"

"Won't work for this- your last mutation was due to a gender alteration and the trait reversion doesn't regard gender as a normal trait."

"Heart growth or modification to increase blood capacity?"

She shook her head. "We could- double down and give you a hippogriff heart on top of your human one but even that won't even come close to remotely solving this problem. In order to maintain this behemoth monster your heart would need to be larger than your rib cage can even contain, even if we removed every other organ from your torso. In fact, just to keep it from going through atrophy, we will need to give you a spell to draw in and circulate blood forcefully through your genitals, because your body can't even do it."

Anchored down by the size and weight of his endowments, Julius was given a wheelchair in order to get around at all. He kept a blanket in his lap to cover the severe mutation, and canceled any plans he had been forming to move into the valley with the other test subjects. He had a hard enough time dealing with a full horse phallus- no one could live with this giant monster in their lap. He instead had the arcanist teams and engineers get to work building a pod for him in the hidden bunker below the RHE main complex- the facility built to house the Extreme Variant test subjects, as his mutations now forced his designation to change to TS37-XV.

Julius sat under the massive oak tree at the peak of the ramp up to the main complex, and looked down at the valley below from his wheelchair.

"Ah~ so there he is."

Julius' heart sunk. He knew that honeyed voice anywhere; Serene. It came from behind him though- which means she had been inside of the complex for some reason. Perhaps looking for him and they missed each other- but at this point they are both a hard target to miss.

Serene stands at the very least at twice the height of any normal humanoid on the island. Her lower half is similar to a bovine centaur- though all four of her legs are technically hind legs and there is no bovine torso; she is just one hip after the other. The breasts on her chest are both modified in structure themselves, but also required heavy, custom modification in the rest of body to handle, because they are so gigantic that each breast is larger than an entire grown human. Her shimmering straight hair is so long that it still manages to brush the ground under her. She is TS01- RHE's genesis project and Julius' longest held friend. He considers her an older sister... so having her see him in this state is rather painful. It seems she is not alone though; another immense test subject follows close behind her, but Julius is not familiar with the other.

"H-hey... Serene. Been a bit."

She glanced at the huge hill in his lap hidden under the blanket and sighed, placing her hands on her front hips. "Yea, I heard mixed messages regarding your transformation. Half the staff seem to think it went fine while the other half seem to be having a panic attack." She motioned toward him with a nod. "I see the latter half are the ones who are the most up to date."

"W-well, the transformation initially went... mostly fine, and we tried to fix a problem with... proportions. The second transformation went completely sideways in a way no one was expecting and-" He motioned over his lap. "We somehow managed to do the literal opposite."

Serene came here looking for Julius specifically, but also encountered TS10 who was here to be milked in the lactation stations. Serene thought Julius might care to see her, because Audumbla is a bizarre form herself. An early attempt to adopt more animal posture and a full sized udder, but before RHE developed hand-hoof hybridization and reinforced bone structure, that meant she needed proper hooves and a lot larger of a body. As clumsy and feral as she looks- Audumbla is surprisingly functional.

Though lacking fur, Audumbla's head is that of a cow, though she has human hair and eyebrows. The skin on her neck is three times as big as it needs to be, forming long loose dewlaps off the underside, but bizarrely the top is adorned with additional horns! She has massive bull horns on her head, but then smaller ones behind that at the top of her neck, smaller ones behind that in the middle, and tiny little spike-like horns at the base! She has four sets of horns! She has a massive haunch of muscle on her upper back, helping to operate four shoulder blades! Because RHE had yet to invent hoof-hand hybridization, in order to allow her to walk on all fours she needed hooves, but they also did not want to deprive her of human hands... so she has both. She has human arms that are sized up to match the second set of arms, which are the forelimbs of a cow! When she stands upright the bovine arms just hang at her side, and when she stands on all fours her human arms gently hold the cow limbs. She has a massive ring in her nose, three in her dewlaps, and every one of her digits have a ring around them as well, making her well adorned in spite of being otherwise nude.

Her chest is very large and devoid of human breasts, but unlike a cow her midriff is sunken in, causing the milk veins across it to project out more obviously, leading into her colossal bovine udder. Her legs are extremely girthy- both muscular and containing unusually thick bones. They are mostly bovine in shape but her thighs are more round than the flat, triangular shape of a true cow haunch. She has not one but two bovine tails behind her that are usually twined around one another. Her skin is a mix between pale peach and a creamy brown, but the brown splotches are so large that the pale peach skin exists only as cracks between the brown. Her nose and lips are the same neon pink as her udder though. Audumbla isn't just sized up to a cow- she is actually larger than most cows, making her as tall as Julius is when standing in his transformed state... when she is on all fours. If she were to actually stand and walk on two legs- which she is fully able to do- she is even taller than Serene, absolutely towering over every other person on the island. Never mind trying to fit through a doorway- when she is standing she is taller than the test subjects' homes! Every step she takes can be FELT through the ground from several feet away from her- she shakes the earth with her weight.

Trying to give her one aspect caused them to need to modify something else, which caused them to need to modify something else. Eventually they ended up with this super-cow form that looks like it was blended with multiple different bovine. The people behind the creation of her tincture took a lot of pride in the results- it took quite a bit of ingenuity to make it all work with the limited advancements they had only ten test subjects in. And Julius knew that, because his little sister Olivia was the bioarchanist who worked on Audumbla's tincture. He had never seen Audumbla before- but he recognized her test subject number and immediately matched what he sees to the description his sister gave.

Serene and Audumbla sat on either side of Julius and he looked to Audumbla first. "So... that form must have taken some getting used to. Most test subjects have the exact same home design but there is no way yours is the same? You wouldn't even fit through the doors."

She chuckled in a very deep, though still womanly voice. "Moo-m-my house isn't that different actuooally. They used a spacial distortion spell to m-mu-make it bigger on the inside than it is on the outside than it actuOOoally is without physically changing it. My body though.... that to-ooohk some time."

She has to be careful of her strength and size- bumping into someone lightly to her could be enough to send the other person flying. There is so much weight and strength behind her limbs she could just as easily rip a door out of the frame as she would opening it. Audumbla actually could fit through the doors though just barely- if it wasn't for her many horns, those are what make her too tall to get through them. She can walk on two legs or four, but she cannot remain standing for long periods of time without straining her back with her tremendous weight, so she usually just walks on four legs. Her voice also likes to lock into lower pitches- that is what causes her to roll her Ms and Os, forcing a moo out of her randomly while she is trying to talk. Unlike most others who came to RHEI- Audumbla was actually a former transformation addict; that is what drew her here. Since her specific transformation here was under observation there was a period of time she could not modify her own form- something she had been doing constantly for a long while. RHE unintentionally helped cure her of her addiction- she came to accept this new body as her true self, but getting there was not easy. The first while took a lot of will power.

Julius sighed. "I would like to say I could overcome the shortcomings of my own transformation like you did but..."

Serene crossed her arms, causing them to vanish entirely under the bottom curve of her colossal tits. "Well, with your transformation the problem seems to be more of an issue with your body being physically incapable of functioning properly, opposed to it just fucking with your lifestyle."

Audumbla tilted her head. "Why not use transformation moogic? RHE already got it's testing in- if all you need now is a sol-oou-tion to your form, just magically change it?"

Serene shook her head, sending waves through her long hair. "Yea, but regular transformation magic wears off, is the issue. Burn off the mana, or interrupt it for even a moment and poof- your back to normal. It is a temporary solution to a lifelong problem."

"Better than nothing, noou? What other options are there?"

Serene grumbled. "Yea... they already used a second tincture to get to this point."

Julius nodded. "And regression is out of the picture, so we are out of options. And I cannot properly run RHE in this state. I am going to name a temporary Overseer in my stead."

Serene looked at him with a mix of worry and surprise at that. "Why, where are you going?"

"I have them currently construction a chrono stasis pod in the XV bunker below the main complex."

"Wuh?" She furrowed her brows. "So you are just putting yourself on ice? That doesn't solve anything!"

He put his hands up weakly in defense. "It is not like I don't have a plan! I am mapping out a future project to help unite test subjects and RHE staff better. Whether my form turned out functional or not- I am now technically both, and can act as a sort of bridge. In the meantime, I put Dr. Daniella Seraphica in charge of a Mark 2 Tincture project. The MK2 tincture will hopefully be able to restore some humanity to test subjects who... went a little too far. Like curing me, or Tolli, Nancy, and any other XVs that we may unintentionally create in the meantime. Obviously since she just started and it is a complicated problem to solve in the first place- she has her work cut out for her. Daniella likely will not be done for a long, long time."

Serene sighed, a bit defeated. "Which is why you are going into stasis."

And so Mahogany Primrosa was named RHE Overseer in his wake, and Julius vanished from RHEI for a good long time. In chrono stasis he essentially did not ever age, but he did find a way to still work, eventually. When the brilliant engineer Endraja Kieloque came to work for RHE, she was tasked with engineering a drone for Julius to observe the outside world while his body remained in stasis. Using this, he wandered the island many times over and met with every test subject RHE had. And RHE continued to create more, and more. He was the latest subject at 37, but by the time they were done, they had introduced TS103. After over a hundred test subjects RHE downsized greatly, and finally stopped actively looking for more subjects to work on. It was then that Daniella was put in command of almost the entirety of the remaining researchers and the MK2 project ramped up to full speed.

The pod hissed as the doors depressurized and Julius' talons clicked on the sides as he hoisted himself out. The pod is on a bit of a slant so he has to pick himself up, and having been inside for so long made him a bit wobbly. Olivia was waiting to catch him in his wheel chair, and tossed the blanket over his lap to cover his bits.

"Well, today is the big day."

Julius chuckled weakly, still a bit out of it from having just woken from stasis. "The big day was a bit ago."

The very first MK2 tincture was designed and tested on Tolli, and while her form is still not especially humanoid- it's a lot more human and a lot more functional than it has ever been before, so the tincture worked wonderfully. Tolli had been regressed into a mutated aurochs cow, so she was an especially hard test for the tincture to pass- because she had zero humanity left. The tincture had to rebuild her humanity from literally nothing. So if it worked on her, they were sure it would work on Julius.

"Big day for you, I mean. And RHE as a whole. Once you get back on your feet; RHE gets its Overseer back."

"Assuming it works without any hitches. Mahogany has done a good job as Overseer too- don't diminish her work in all this."

"Ugh, don't make me dump you off your chair."

Thanks to the drone Andraja created for him; Julius has been around the island talking with people again for some time now- but never in the flesh. In anticipation of the MK2 tincture being complete, and him finally having properly met all test subjects; Julius had many changes installed into the island recently to help unite the staff and subjects, keeping a long held promise with Serene. Now, it was time for him to finally correct this last error. Restore his body, and regain his crown as the King of RHEI. His own apartment had long ago been given to another staff member, who then a long time after that retired and once again left it empty- but he was not planning to return there anyway. He had his old stuff moved to an unoccupied home in the valley. At the north end closest to the main complex, right at the edge of the grassy plains and northern forest there was an empty house he decided to take. Olivia wheeled him down there now, rolling the tincture syringe out of her pocket as he opened the door to his new place in the valley, among the test subjects he has spent so long befriending remotely.

"Well? Ready?"

"Physically? Of Course. I will never be emotionally ready- so jam it in before I have a chance to get nervous about it."

She stuck it in and injected the tincture. "So... I guess you don't want me to hang around?"

"For THIS? No. Hopefully I will see you in a little while- if things don't go horribly wrong yet again."

"Your onyx slate is on the night table by the bed- for when you're done, so Hermela can diagnose you. Or do the autopsy."


Just in the time it took him to say goodbye to his sister for now and close the door; Julius could already feel his body starting to change. It was a subtle feeling though, a ripple in his muscles as if the transformation was wandering around trying to decide where to start first- or perhaps setting up changes simultaneously. Julius was in stasis when this was being developed so he doesn't know much about the tincture itself, just the form it is supposed to result in if it all goes to plan. Since he was just in his house, he left the wheelchair by the door and staggered around on his own two hooves. His muscles started to twitch more noticeably though, causing his movements to stutter as a result, making moving around reliably a bit harder still.

He felt a heat wash over his genitals, and his gargantuan mutant started to wobble its way out of the stretched sheath. The heat was a sign of rapid cellular activity- movement creates friction, creates heat. Julius had been making his way to the bedroom already, and now hustled. If his monolithic meat pillar starts to stand up, it will lay him flat on the floor, so he needed to get to his bed quick. He got to the doorway only when he felt a powerful contraction and his genitals tightened but... not in a normal way. He still was not getting an erection- it was not solidifying from the inside out because of pressure, it was compressing from the outside in because its shrinking! His giant cock was not even remotely solid and already touching the floor under him while fully standing, but the soft, bulging skin folds of the soft shaft started to pull tight and smooth out, compressing everything within! His balls started to shuffle around rather energetically in his giant loose sack- at first his testicles devoured the unused wombs entirely, swelling larger with the stolen mass, but then they started to shrink.

The compression seemed to work its way from the furthest point in toward his crotch, and then sent a several shivers up his entire body as a strange tingle spread through him! His muscles sort of jumped on their own, then started to flex and release automatically all over his body. Now his entire body felt tight! Julius groaned and leaned forward while still holding himself up against the doorframe. All of his muscles started to bulge! All the discharged mass from his shrinking genitals is being repurposed! It almost looked like something squirming under his skin, but it was just the muscle receiving added mass in waves. His skin started to tighten over them, and his muscles became more visible on the surface. He went from an average figure to athletic in moments in spite of his body having been in stasis for ages, and doing mostly just office work before that- not exactly physically involved stuff. A particular strong surge in his muscles travelled up around his arms, getting stronger at his shoulders and then pulsed powerfully in the plumes on his back! His proto wings started to develop again! Calcium jelly formed inside and stretched the surface tissue around new bone growth as the bulging muscles coiled around it. The muscle bulged at the base and then surged up into the forming limbs as they expanded- moving in large enough lurches to actually create a muffled squelching sound with each wave. The smaller his genitals got the more his other changes progressed as a result. His urethra started to tighten and shrink down, though also lost the muscle ribbing inside, losing its vaginal features after the collapse and absorption of the wombs. The clitoris regressed and then caused him to yelp at a sudden, sharp blast of pleasure as the pleasure nerve concentration from the clit left it and branched into the rest of the shaft. The soft rubbery folds of the labia tightened and conformed back to the shape of the glans, reverting the vulva back into nothing more than a normal equine urethra!

The hairs on his tail started to fall out; pushed by advancing quills, adding layers to the fan of feathers that only enwreathed the very base formerly. What had been half bird, half horse tail was turning full bird. Each layer of feathers was a larger version of the ones before them, turning his tail into an increasingly large fan of feathers. Once they got to a certain size, patterns started to show up on them near the ends. The base feathers were a very dark metallic green- and look black if there isn't any light shining directly on them. Metallic blue spots started to appear on the later ones, and evolved into blue rings around secondary blue spots on the very last, and largest feathers. His horse fur advanced a bit onto his torso in a narrow stripe up from his crotch to his belly button as it deepened into the crevices between his abs as they became visible on the surface. The fur dipped the lowest in the back- only barely covering the base of the tail, then to the top of his hips on the sides. His hair and mane started to grow a bit longer though now up top, and the coloration of his human hair got forced out entirely for the black of the mane all the way up! A mat of horse fur started to form separately on his chest, but basically grew roughly into the shape of a downward triangle and did not spread out any further than that, and his nipples on either side turned to a near-black shade of brown, as if to match his genitals.

By now his balls were back to ostrich egg sized and his dick started to slip itself back into the sheath as the tightness started to ease off its surface... he supposed that meant it was done shrinking? It is still 3.2 feet long- that puts it at the size of an average work horse's dong; the size it was before the mutation. That would mean that it is too big still technically- except his heart was being modified too. His muscles became more and more pronounced, now making him look like an amateur body builder. His lower abs were webbed with thick veins trailing into the base of his genitals- carrying the darker skin tone up his body a ways on them. He heard the joints pop on his new wings and groaned loudly as he leaned back and stretched them- using the length of the hall on either side of the doorway to stretch them out into! Their span was as wide as he is tall, and the feathers were still coming in- that length was just the flesh and blood portion. He scrunched up his face at the prickly feeling of so many hundreds of feathers growing in across the surface of the wings at the same time- these feathers are metallic green just like his tail, and also like his tail; the largest feathers toward the ends have blue tips. The base brown pelt of the horse half had a few black dots almost like large freckles across his upper thighs and butt- and the fur faded black just over the hooves as well, where it became shaggier than the rest.

Julius could feel his heart growing a second segment- forming into a horse heart to aid his human one. Not just the horse phallus but the span of his impressively large wings required much more blood flow- so a second heart was a must. His heart beat rang louder and louder in his twitching equine ears and then he could feel it in his neck as the veins bulged massive! The muscle expansion resumed, now in his throat causing his back to let out several rather loud pops as his neck actually got forced longer! He is growing a horse shaped neck, and his mane on the back of it was keeping up just fine, so make sure it still did not end till between his shoulder blades and wings. His ears, cheeks and forehead felt scalding hot for several moments as the blood pressure surged. Once the second heart formed properly it synced its beat to his original and the blood pressure settled down and equalized through his body. His wings actually looked like they had more joints than a regular bird, but that is just because the upper joint on a bird is almost hidden entirely against its body because of all the feathers.

Julius remained standing in the doorway a bit dazed, and wondering if it was truly over. His muscles remained flinching every now and then, but that was just his body circulating blood flow to the new tissue and settling itself into the new shape.

He stood in the mirror, looking himself over for over a half hour. "So this is finally me, huh? I have to make sure to thank every last person on the research team for this. So many people and so much time went into the research to make all three of the forms I ended up with. This was a long time coming..."

He went through his closet and the placeholder outfits RHE gave him. He found a pair of pants for his equine shaped legs- with pant legs that actually made it past his ankles, stopping just over his hooves. Because they expected him to keep the hooves- he also found some ornamental horseshoes. Rather than the type you nail into place over the bottoms- these horse shoes had metal filament that came up over the sides, so you just stretched the filament open and pop it on over the hoof- the pressure of the filament on the sides of the hooves hold it in place without needing nails. There is also a coarse brush almost like steel wool for polishing the hooves surface, if they get scratched or scuffed. Julius pulled out several different sized shirts- since they were not entirely sure if his muscles would get huge or if his entire body may get bigger. He found one that fit, but used his talons to cut strips down the back of the blazer so he could pop his wings through the back. There is a tail hole in the pants already- though they were expecting him to still have a horse tail, when he folds his bird tail up he can still thread it through the gap. Julius found a large file as well and used it to dull all of his talons so they are less... dangerous. Kiri and Luan did not have to worry about theirs because when they walk on all fours, they naturally dull on the ground. He combed out his mane, brushing his hair back neatly and to one side.

Julius opened the door to his home in the valley, took a deep breath of the fresh wind blowing in off the sea and mixing with the earthy smells of the nearby forest. Hello, world. Julius Wingael is back on his feet, and ready to meet the day. It only took a few seconds before several other test subjects spotted him standing out front and waved him over to hang out. The king is back.