Between Pallet and Viridian (Chapter 2 of my pokemon series)

Story by Flame Warrior on SoFurry

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#2 of Pokemon Series

It was said to be a short day's walk from Pallet Town to Viridian City, but it sure didn't seem that way with new trainers catching Ratatta and Pidgey during the day, and Spinarak and Hoothoot at night. John looked over the scene, knowing sooner or later, some of them would pick up on the fact that he was a new trainer, and he only had one pokemon at his side. Unfortunately, it was Janice, the crimson Mew that had clung to him for five years, and she didn't look like she wanted to fight at all.

He sighed and looked at her, remembering that the professor had found a strange 'S' symbol, looking like a version of the Unown alphabet. Oak had asked him to find pokemon with similar symbols on them, and if his theory was right, there would be between twenty-seven to twenty-nine pokemon to find. Considering that they might be on special colored pokemon, this would be no easy task. Making this even harder was the fact that Team Rocket had gotten bolder and, somehow, more dangerous. Perhaps they also found pokemon with these symbols and are extorting them to their profit?

He shook his head to clear his thoughts. He needed other pokemon other than Janice to help him in tough spots. He had overheard that some areas and paths wouldn't be accessed by trainers unless they held a certain badge. That being said, John didn't think that he had much of a chance to stay out of trouble, from either the Rockets, or Mew.

"What are you thinking out John?" came Janice's voice.

"Remember those blockades that wouldn't let trainers past unless they held a certain badge from a gym because of how aggressive Team Rocket is getting?"

"Yes, why?" she asked, blinking in confusion.

"Well... this means that I'm gonna have to battle gym leaders to continue this search Oak asked me to do."

She sighed, knowing full well that it would be inevitable. Besides that, Professor Oak hadn't had a shipment of starter pokemon since Team Rocket began it's ruthless rampage. John figured she had been out of technique practice since she roomed with him, except for her Transform ability. Even that would take some time to use, since people would see her silhouette before she even finished.

"We'll figure things out as we go Janice, don't worry. This also means that I'm going to need to build a team to help me through tough times." he said comfortingly and stating a well-known fact about these dark times for trainers. She just nodded and they continued walking along, Janice deep in thought about actually having to battle, and John thinking about what kind of team he should build, now that time was crucial.

"Why not build a Dragon-type team?" the diguised Mew asked bluntly.

"Well, depends, even the last form of Dratini has a secondary type, making it weaker against Ice and Lightning based attacks, as well as Rock. Charizard isn't considered a dragon, making the Ice attacks somewhat normal damage, but it makes it weak against Lightning. And even the Legendary Dragons have secondary types. There is no true Dragon type pokemon."

"Then what? Dark-type? Fighter?"

"Well... every type has it's pros and cons in type-vs-type matches, Psychic is strong against Poison, but weak against Bug, Dark, and Ghost. Thankfully, the first three Ghost-type pokemon, Ghastly, Haunter, and Gengar, have Poison as their secondary."

"Ah, I think I remember an old Dragon-type friend of mine, before I met you."

John raised his eyebrow, wondering if she was talking about the Dragon/Ghost Legendary. If so, that would be a major addition to his arsenal, and maybe even to Oak's research into the Unknown-marked pokemon. Many a medium have searched for this pokemon, as well as Dragon trainers, and all have failed. That being the case, he figured he'd still have a shot at getting it.

"You mean Giratina? That's a powerful Dragon-type." he stated.

"Yes, and this one was a bright blue hue."

"Hm... later tonight, we'll camp out here in the wilderness. Think you could call him out? Would be worth the look."

"I don't know, but I'll try," she smiled, glad she could at least help with research and maybe even have a friend along. John was glad that there might be some other pokemon that he could at least sit and talk with. He didn't have a translator device on him, which means he'd have to ask Mew to translate for him. A temporary barrier in the languages solved... at least for now.

Both of them heard a twig snap behind them, whirling around to see what had caused it. A small boy in a white t-shirt and blue shorts stood there, a pokeball in hand. His face looked determined underneath his red-dyed hair, obviously unkept. He looked like he'd been out and about for at least a few days, meaning he had turned ten not long ago.

"I challenge you to a battle! Prepare yourself!!" he yelled and hurled the pokeball, releasing a Ratata. John looked at Janice, who sighed, nodding in agreement.

"Alright, Janice! Go! Transform!" John called out, Janice quickly changing to look exactly like the Ratata, knowing all it's moves easily, including the elusive Hyper Fang technique. The kid stood stunned, believing that the woman was actually a Ditto, keeping Mew's identity a secret.

"Ratata, Quick Attack!" the boy called out, his pokemon racing quickly, barely seen as a purple blur.

"Janice, dodge it and go for a Hyper Fang!" he called out gently, the imposter barely dodging the blow, her fangs glowing bright white as it launched forward, scoring it's hit perfectly.

"AH!!! RATATA!" the boy cried out, obviously his only pokemon. Seeing it badly injured, he recalled the rat pokemon, Janice returning to her human guise.

"Look, I don't really have alot of time to deal with trainers in general right now, I'm sorry about your pokemon, but I obviously didn't have a choice in losing." John said bluntly, the kid tossing a few coins his way and running back towards Pallet Town to rest up his pokemon. Janice just sighed sadly, not wanting to be put in a position like this.

He saw this, and it confirmed his theory in building a team up, knowing that having Janice in battle is a total last resort. He rubbed her shoulders gently, feeling her quiver at his touch. He softly whispered that they needed to get to a secluded spot before dark to keep out of other trainers' sights. She nodded hurriedly and they searched for such a spot.

Before dusk, they had gathered some dry wood to light a small fire to keep warm and had found a small clearing that had some Cherrums dancing nearby. Janice sat and watched them dance as John recorded their info on his Pokedex, getting that one out of the way. He laid back and relaxed a bit, staring at the pinkish sky, feeling somewhat tired already.

When he opened his eyes, he felt the warmth of a nearby campfire and saw that the sky was dark. How long had he been asleep? Too long he thought, before feeling something rather misty and cold nudge his forearm. Feeling fear strike him, he remained motionless, his eyes slowly looking at what had nudged him.

"Glad to see you're awake John," he heard in his mind, Mew probably in her pokemon form.

"Mew? Where are you?"

"Look up," was all he heard mentally, causing his vision to follow the command, seeing Mew alright, but also a Giratina that was very light blue, in the Origin Form that few even considered was the Dragon pokemon. He knew his eyes went as wide as saucers upon seeing Janice's friend, but it was still quite surprising to even see one, much less one that was eye to eye with him.

It gruffed softly, seemingly laying down near the fire, with Mew 'perched' atop it's head. John's mind was a traffic jam of questions, none of them sensible. The crimson pokemon flitted towards John, sneaking a peck on his cheek before noticably blushing.

"M-Mew... y-your friend?" he stammered.

"Yes, this is Giratina. He said hello earlier, so don't be too scared."

"Um... does he have... a mark like yours?" Mew took some time mentally conversing with the ethereal pokemon, it gruffing in different tones, most likely wondering why such personal questions were being asked by it's friend. After some time, Janice flitted back to John.

"It does, in the shape of the Unown letter 'B'. It's also interested in you, wondering why you have trainer gear, but no pokemon. I... told it that... I willingly became part of your team." she replied.

"What does it think of the choice you made? I didn't force you you know."

"I know. It thought that it was a risky move on my part, but it misses me alot."

"I need to make a mental note to pick up a translating device when we get to Vermillion, since Lt. Surge has been working on such a device."

Mew giggled and flitted around playfully, getting the Giratina's attention. John secretly flipped his Pokedex open, recording the info on both of them, just in case Oak wanted to see his progress as a researcher and recorder. Giratina floated towards him, getting close to his face again, causing John to back against the tree as if it was his only sanctuary. It gruffed a few times, looking at Janice to translate what it had just said.

"It... he... wants to join you," she translated, causing John's heart to skip a few beats. Slowly, he held out a pokeball, letting Giratina make it's choice. The ethereal pokemon sniffed it, even licked the top part of the ball, before pushing the button, being transported inside. The ball shook a few times before settling down to a rest.

Sighing in great relief that he had gotten a very rare pokemon in his arsenal, he put the pokeball on his belt, ready to use whenever he needed it. He looked back at Mew, seeing her in her human guise. For some odd reason, seeing her with a campfire lighting her nude body turned him on, his mind caught off guard.

She gently laid against him, not bothering with the clothes she decided to wear for their trip. She smiled at him, blushing even, gazing into his eyes. His own eyes were now halfway closed, smelling a faint odor that seemed to make his cock throb more. What is wrong with you?! She's a pokemon!! His mind screamed in protest, but that was quickly quieted down.

"I see you can smell my... attractive scent," she said seductively, seeing the opportunity she's been seeking for five years.

"Y-yeah... I want to say no, but it's driving me a bit crazy," he confessed, never smelling this before. She leaned in close, placing a gentle kiss on his lips, her hands pushing back his open leather vest, leaving him topless in the middle of the night. He swore his spire would burst free of it's confines, knowing he had a bulge in his pants.

"John..." she whispered in his ear.

"Yes Janice?"

"I'm... in heat..." she admitted to him, his eyes opening a little more. He had heard of pokemon getting ready for mating before, but didn't think that it would affect a human's mind. Then again, she was in a human guise, so it would seem plausible that it would affect his mind.

"No wonder I feel like putty." he admitted.

"I don't want you like this though... I can see how it's making you. I want you how you normally are, not like a ravenous horny freak."

"So the tables are turned all of a sudden? First you want me, and I reject your advances, and now I want you, but I'm getting shot down... the irony..."

"Shhh John... I need to know... do you want to go through with this?" she asked soothingly, his mind briefly freed of the lust her heat was causing him via her mental powers. John, looked at her, taking in her features, her personality, the way she always was around him. He even reminded himself not to change her personality after she made her choice.

"Yes... I do want to do this..." was all he could utter before his mind was flooded with her heat, wondering how it got this strong. He heard the metallic zipping, then the sound of fabric being ruffled, feeling a warm soft hand grasp his phallus. He resituated his position so he was completely laying down, gazing up into her eyes.

Janice kissed him deeply, her tongue wrapping around his as her hands removed his pants and boxers, freeing him completely. John couldn't say no anymore. Five years, he had been pestered, awoken late at night, licked, fed, and even had a lapdance for his recent birthday. Five years was a long enough wait, since he was pretty sure no other woman would love him like this one, even if she was a pokemon.

He closed his eyes as he wrapped his arms around her frame, feeling her bare back, the smooth skin. She never broke the kiss, her hand slowly rubbing his thick member, making sure it was as hard as it would get. He wanted so bad to roll on top of her, plunge his tool into her waiting depths, and fuck her senseless, but he resisted that, letting her do this at her own pace.

He soon felt something hot and wet push against his tip, groaning in natural response, knowing it was her puffy pussy lips. He was nearly going nuts, his heart racing rapidly for the chance to let five years of built up cum empty out in one night. He held onto her tighter, urging her to continue.

She did not disappoint, she pushed a little more, taking his cock into her tunnel slowly until she felt him reach a barrier. He opened his eyes a little, wondering if he felt a hymen, indicating she was a virgin. With a quick thrust and a loud whine of pain, his suspicions were confirmed. He closed his eyes again, letting her continue at her own rate.

She engulfed more of John's thickness into her love hole, his heart racing faster, making him think he was going to faint. Janice finally pulled back from the kiss, inhaling deeply as she took the last inch into her, her eyes widening upon feeling something within her open up. He looked up at her, the look on her face confirming he had pushed past her human cervix.

Just then, her pace changed, pinning him down and riding him fast and harder, obviously taken over by her heat. Her love interest lay there, moaning and groaning as she impaled herself over and over on his shaft, enjoying every pleasurable shockwave it gave her. His arms never uncoilled from her frame, his head leaning back as his groans deepend.

The pokemon in disguise let out a soft moan, feeling him beginning to thrust in time with her, increasing both of their pleasure. She didn't want to have him leave her, and she didn't want to leave his side, her mind thinking dirty thoughts as her ears listened to the wet sounds of their coupling. She soon felt his cock's veins throbbing every half second, knowing he was close to letting the flood gates open.

"Ahh... oohhh... John... give it... to me... cum in me..." was all she could utter, gasping loudly as her own body climaxed unexpectantly. He looked up, nodding in response to her request, thrusting upwards into her faster. He couldn't help but bring her head down and kiss her deeply as he came into her tunnel, filling her womb with extremely potent seed.

They lay there, panting heavily as John's load continued spilling forth, Janice's pussy clenching and milking the cock within her, feeling it ebb to a stop. She looked over at her new love, seeing him passed out on the grassy ground, laying on top of him and cuddling to, using her mental powers to bring a blanket to keep them warm. She drifted to sleep with him, a smile on her face as they both slept peacefully.