My lil cousin grows up, but not too much!

Story by MaxyFox on SoFurry

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#3 of Max and Cassie

I tend to rant. I can't focus. They say it's normal for teens. I wanted to tell you about this story from the beginning, but instead, I ended up speaking about my very first sexual experience with my cousin Cassie, when he was just a baby.

But I suppose it made sense so I don't have to drift off the story's mainframe and explain everything again. Like I was explaining at the beginning, most people I know think that my feet stink. My mom says it will eventually quit happening when I become a full adult, and that saddens me. Mind you, there's lot of ways to hide or conceal your feet stink, so it's not really such a problem, mostly just when you have to take off your footwear for some reason, so I just don't normally do it.

Because that problem, together with my gayness makes it hard for me (no pun intended) to bear with locker rooms and communal showers. Nobody knows I like guys, much less my group of friends, so when I use my foot stink as a excuse to not bother anybody in the locker room, nobody really minds it so much. So in the end, I always go back home without showering in school.

I like that, because my mom usually gets home around an hour after I do. That gives me plenty of time to enjoy my sneakers' scent, make love to my dick for a while and finally have a great orgasm while I hold my sweaty underwear against my nose, remembering my little cousin Cassie and fantasizing with him.

I haven't seen him in 2 years. When I met him I was 12 and his mom (mine's sister) and him lived with us for a couple of months, during which I became 13 and learned how to change his diapers and take care of a baby, but... you already knew that.

They moved to another country. My aunt is an independent investigation journalist and she got no home she can call her own. After getting knocked up by some random leopard 3 years ago in one of her trips, she's lived in several countries, and just spent those months with us during a brief vacation-break.

I never wanted to ask when I'd see my cousin again. My mom speaks with my aunt ocasionally over Foxkype or Facefur, and sometimes she tells me about her or shows me pictures of her and Cassie. Wow, he's really getting cute, even cuter than when he was a baby.

So you can imagine my surprise when I arrived at home that day. A hot june day. The town where I live is next to a grea lake, so big that it looks like a sea, only that the water is not salty, but you can imagine how humid it is, and when it's sunny, it makes you sweat like if you were in a Turkish bath.

I couldn't wait to get home. After the football game I was exhausted, panting crazily, my tongue lolling out. I didn't even want to wank, just.. wanted to get under a cold shower and relax. I whimpered when I saw my mom's car there. Mom only arrives so early when she's got one of her migrains, and that's usually when she's having her period. That makes her moody and downright unbearable. Everything I do is bad for her when she's like that: If I eat, cuz I eat too much. If I sneeze, cuz I never put on more clothes when it's cold (even in summer!). So I opened the door quietly, thinking about heading into my room as quick as possible. Didn't need a lecture about stinkiness, slobby appearance, violent sports, etc.

But when I opened the door I heard laughter and loud female conversation. I instantly knew that it was not a migraine, but a visit. At this time of the day? And mom agreed to leave her beauty salon to her employees for the rest of the day? Must be somebody important.

  • 'I'm home!' I announced after closing the door, heading to the living room's door to see who was there. I gasped and open my eyes wide, and then grinned at what I saw, "Hey, auntie Claire!"

  • 'Maxy!' she instantly stood from the sofa and I raised a paw from under the living room's door, "Oops, nope, auntie, don't get close, I just had a game! I'll go shower first, okay?" She giggled and nodded, sitting again while my mom, who seemed quite happy to see her sister, added, "I brought you the shampoo, hon, it's in the bathroom." I blinked and ohs, rolling my eyes a bit, "Mkay, mom." That fruity-scented shampoo. I hated it! But it was not the time to be rebel. Aunt was here and mom wanted me to be nice and tidy. I looked around, wondering where my cousin was, but I was not going to ask until later. When you like little cubs sexually you get very paranoid that anything you would say or do would let others know that you're into that. She'll tell me eventually about him, and I assumed that she hadn't brought him along for whatever reason, so I sighed and turned around to head into my room.

I sighed again, closing the door and flopping onto my bed. Maybe the cub is with his dad? He finally took responsability on him? Even more than my own dad? Those thoughts ran through my head while I lazily leaned in to unlace my sneakers and push them off my tired, sweaty feet, and I leaned back on the bed, sprawling my toes in my socks with a moan of relief, and decided to close my eyes for a moment, take a 5-minutes rest before going to shower. They wouldn't miss me much, they have a lot of stuff to talk about, I'm sure.

I smiled when the scent of my sneakers got to my nostrills. It was filling up my room with it so nicely! I murred and squirmed a little against my bed, but I was not going to do anything else, at least not now. I couldn't anyway, mom was home and she was not alone. And it was when I heard a sniffing sound that was not mine that I realized that I was not alone in my room either. I blinked and opened my eyes, furrowing my brows and looking at the ceiling. 'Cassie?' I thought, so I payed more attention. I heard some rustling sound under the bed and more sniffing. Okay... so it's either my cousin or a feral raccoon, or... a feral rat? I bit my lower lip. Anybody else would have just jumped off the bed and carefully look under it to find out, but I wanted to go with my first theory.... my lil cousin, who must be almost 3yo right now, is hiding under my bed.

Wasn't it a real good chance for my exhibitionist nature to strike in? I remembered how he had liked my slippers' scent when he was a baby, so I sat up and stretched out, talking aloud but making it sound like if I was talking to myself, "Mmmmm, I'm so tired.. I'm gonna get naked and take a shower." I pushed my sneakers under the bed with my heels and then lifted my feet to take off my socks and letting them on the bed before I stood by it and began to get undressed. If Cassie was under there, he'd be able to both enjoy my sneakers and also see my naked feet and ankles from his position. He'd for sure see my shorts and boxers when they fell before I stepped off them.

Of course, I wanted him to see my groin without him knowing that I knew he was watching, so I had to plan something. Well, he's a 3yo, he'll prolly fall for everything, even if it's lame, so I went for the first thing that went through my brain and said aloud, "Mmmkay, first I gotta fold up my clothes and prepare them for laundry... but I'm soo exhausted! I'll just sit on the floor to do that." So I did, sitting my fuzzy butt on the carpeted floor, facing the bed, and sprawling out my legs while I continued to speak, "Gaaah, so boring... this is going to take a while."

If my plan worked and my assumptions were correct, my cousin would now be seeing my half-erection. At that moment I supposed that any other little boy would giggle and give out his position, but I heard nothing else but more sniffing. I made sounds on the bed so it seemed that I was working on doing something on it with my clothes, and I felt the sniffing getting closer. I swallowed. I was even feeling his breath on my foreskin tip. This had to be my cousin for sure. Either that, or my dick was going to be bit by a feral, non-sentient creature.

My cock jumped a bit and I got another wicked idea, "Argh, this itch is annoying.." I commented before I slipped my paw under the bed, hearing him moving back as I stroked the top part of my erection, purposefully driving back the foreskin until my cockhead was totally out, and I sighed, "Aaaah, that's much better."

Just at that moment, there was a knock on my door, "Max? Is Cassy in there with you?" I gasped and quickly got on my feet, "No, mom, I'm alone, hold on a moment!" And I was erect on top of that. Having gone through that many times, I knew what to do: push my balls and erection down between my legs and wrap a towel around my waist, so I did and I went to open the door, "Uh..." I blushed as both my mom and aunt were standing there, looking worried, and I was just in a little towel before them.

My mom sighed, "Good grief, Max, use the damn shampoo. Sorry, Claire." My mom apologized to her sister about my stink and got into the room. I prudely put my paws to my towel's edge, lowering my ears a little, my bushy tail hanging low.

  • "Here he is." Said my mom, moving my sneakers off after getting on her knees by the bed.

  • "Thanks God!" my aunt sighed in relief, then furrowed her brows, "Cassie, I told you it's not nice to play hide and seek before I say so. You worry me!" then she smiled at me, "I'm sorry, Max. You didn't know he was there?"

I quickly blushed and shook my head, "N.. no, I was just getting ready to shower.."

  • "He'd had prolly freaked out if he had found out, you know, like when I knocked on the door." My mom added with a smirk, "We'd have heard it instantly."

I blushed more and sighed, frowning, "Mom..." But I was happy she had unknowingly covered me. Now both of there were sure that I wasn't helping him to hide, and much less that I was taking advantage of it by exhibiting myself to him. It was perfect, so if the little boy told her mom what he saw, nobody would suspect I had done it deliberatelly, "Hi, Cassie." I gave my cousin a blushy smile, still in the same self-conscious posture. I was actually quite uncomfortable having my mom and aunt there when I was just in a towel and still had an erection trapped between my thighs.

Cassie licked his lips and just stared up at me, then looked down at my towel, but not for too long, as he snapped back into reality turning to his mom when she said, "Well, little man, aren't you going to say hi to your cousin Max?" He nodded at her with her mouth open, and then looked at me again, raised his paws with a grin and opened and closed his fingers towards me, "Hi-hi, cuzzy Max!" I just grinned sheepishly down at him. He had such a cute voice! Knowing that he was sniffing at my dick just some minutes ago made me even harder, "Hi, Cassie, you... grew up a lot!" He giggled and continued to do that movement with his fingers, and my aunt chuckled, "He wants to give you a kiss, Max."

"Oh!" I replied, and chuckled a little, leaning in to let him put his paws on my neck and kiss my cheek, "Hehehe, hi..." Both females giggled, in the way they usually do when they see something 'cute' and 'adorable'. Well, what's more cute and adorable than an awkward teen greeting his affectionate pre-schooler cousin? After I straightened back up, my aunt took Cassie's paw, grinning, "Alright, Cassie, give your big cousin some privacy, okay? He'll play with you later."

"Use the shampoo." Added my mom giving me a dirty look before they both headed out. I closed the door and sighed in relief, leaning against it and opening my towel while I parted my legs. My raging erection sprung out, and it was aching badly. I needed relief. Good thing I was going to shower! This time I took all of my dirty clothes and waited some minutes to get out of my room so I'd get 'down'. When I opened the door, I did it slowly, hearing the females chatting. Okay, they were in the living room again. I went down the corridor towards the bathroom, holding my clothes towards my chest in my arms, but then something suddenly jumped off into the corridor from my mom's room, startling me and making me drop them all, "Ah!"

Cassie giggled lots, "Yous got scawwed!!"

  • "Cassie, be good or I'll go there!" I heard my aunt calling out from the living room.

  • "It's ok, auntie, he's not doing anything."

The innocent, naughty cub was still giggling madly before me and the pile of clothes I dropped, and I smirked at him, placing my paws to my waist and speaking at him in a low tone, "I'll get you for this sometime!" I squatted, knowing that in that position my cousin could see my groin in the towel if he got down on the floor, "You could help me get my clothes!" I told him with another smirk, and he nodded, still giggling, and got on all fours.

2-year-olds are too innocent to know much about anything, so I knew that he wasn't wondering while I was in that squatting position facing him if I was picking the clothes at my sides and behind me. I pretended to not be looking at him while he was downright staring into my towel with a serious expression, watching my cock growing back to life before his cute green eyes. I let him have his curious fun for a moment, and they I smirked, "Hey! Whatcha doin, Cassie? Get those clothes!" He gasped and nodded with a blush, picking up (by coincidence? Not really) my briefs and socks, which were just before me. I saw him sneaking a couple more of looks into my towel while he was getting them, and then grinned at him, "Okay, you're a good boy." letting him put them on top of the rest before I stood up. Now I had a quite big tent on my towel, but I guessed it was silly to try to hide it to him, so I continued my way to the bathroom, "Can you open the door for me, Cass?" He nodded and pushed the door, plainly staring at my tent until I stepped in.

While I was crouching in front of the washing machine, throwing the clothes into it, Cass was standing by my side, so I decided to make a little talk, "You know what's this, uh, Cass? The washing machine." He nodded and purred with a grin, "It to wafsh cwothes." I chuckled and raised a paw to fuzzle his headfur, "Very good, champ! You're a smart boy, huh? How old are you now?"

  • "I'm two but I be thwee in thwee months!" he quickly responded.

  • "Wow, that's a very big boy, Cass! And you already know how to sneak and scare your victim like a good big cat, huh? Rawr, rawr!" I playfully tickled his sides, which sent him into a fit of giggles, but then he cutely 'rawred' back and pounced at me. I 'dramatically' fell on my butt and squirmed, "Argh! No! Mister big cat, please, don't eat this foxie! Ouch!"

He giggled and nibbled all around my neck and under my jaw, and I pushed myself against the floor pretending I wanted to get away, chuckling as well, "Nooo.. please, lemme go! Please!" When I felt my towel slipping off my waist I pushed him off and quickly stood against the wall, pressing back to it. My cock was at full mast before me, and when the giggly cub finally got up as well and came back to me, he stopped in his tracks as he saw my teen pole just before his eyes.

I swallowed, and let some seconds pass, but then I gasped, "Ack! My towel!!" I quickly moved off and put it back on, hearing my mom's voice coming down the corridor at that moment, "Maaaaax..." I widened my eyes and pushed my cock between my legs so it wouldn't tent out the towel obscenelly, like before, and I grinned sheepishly as my mom stood by the bathroom's door, "Cassie, come with me, Max is gonna have a bath, c'mon." and then she frowned at me, "Will you get in the shower already, for crying out loud? You're more of a baby like him!"

"He followed me in!" I protested, furrowing my brows, and then she left with my cousin. I knew the fun was over for now, so I went to the door and locked it, placing my ear on it. I heard my mom telling my aunt that my cousin was with me again, and she laughed. I tried to hear more, but they were not speaking so loud anymore.

I sighed and went to sit on the toilet, leaning back, and moaned as my erection sprung out again. I stroked myself a bit, curling my toes. Okay, so my 2yo cute cousin was here.. he had seen my cock several times and had my stinky sneakers next to him. Will he tell his mom that he saw me naked? Will he tell her that I was hard? I knew that wouldn't get me in trouble, since I supposedly didn't know, except for the time I was naked before him and when I noticed, I went to cover up instantly. I hoped that let him know that he was not supposed to see my dick.

But I couldn't take his expression off my head. He was staring at my dick with such a serious expression. I really don't know if he was liking it, or finding it hediously ugly and strange. But of course, as I continued masturbating I went for the first version, imagining my cousin kissing my cock, licking it and saying how much he liked it. I moaned and began to cum, shooting ropes of sperm in the air and opening my muzzle to catch some of the drops that fell on it. It was not like when I was just 13 and squirted watery cum. I was a big thick-cum squirter now at 15. My balls were full of raging teen hormones willing to work for me.

After the big release, I went into the shower, and used the grossly fruit-scented expensive shampoo my mom brought me.

When I dried up and got back out from the bathroom in a bigger towel this time, Cassie was not in the corridor. He didn't seem to be under my bed either when I listened after closing my room's door. Ah well, yeah, the fun was over for the day.

When I got back into the living room, now all neat and clean and smelling like fruit, Cassie got down from his mom's lap and came over to 'pounce' at me again. I chuckled and sat down on a couch with him so I could join in the conversation while I idly played with Cass. Great news! She was in another hiatus from work, and even better news... we'll have to share the bed! My mom and aunt would sleep on my mom's super-king-sized's bed like last time she visited, but then again, they're sisters and the bed is enormous. But mine is a single bed. I'm not so big, but hey, it's not a bed made to fit more than one fur. I knew I had to make an 'unhappy' expression at those news, so I just replied with an 'Oh.', folding back my ears a little, but my mom told me to not be grumpy, that they'll get a bigger bed one of these days so we'll have plenty of space. I sighed again, and nodded like if I 'accepted' that deal, but deep inside I was totally thrilled!!! Cass and me were going to not only share the same bedroom, but also the same 35-inches wide bed!

I salivated and had to swallow. This was going to be a great day again. It had already been, but it'd get better, I was sure, and not only today.. but tomorrow and for the next weeks too.