Alex's Turn

Story by michael crest on SoFurry

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#7 of Prince Here, Action Where

this chapter takes place in the same time frame as the end of last chapter. it's also focused on Alex and his fun with vore and cock vore. so if you're not into that or something don't read. i think this isn't my best chapter though but i hope you'd still enjoy it.^^

Chapter7: Alex's turn

A fox watched hieroglyphs as he followed the wolf that mated him down temple stairs. They were in the temple of Ssitï, a snake god. The images showed the snake god in several rituals. An offering of food and arts was one scene. Another picture had the snake god giving blessings to his worshipers. Then Alex saw the snake god completely swallowing living sacrifices. Alex member strained against his armor again. The first time was from simply hearing Ssitï in person. He continued to watch the devoured move down the snake's insides and bulge.

By then the fox walked with the images instead of his wolf. Alex moaned watching the details of another swallowing. The next set of hieroglyphs depicted the snake god sitting up proudly with his duel members extended. The next scene had the god force struggling fur into one of Ssitï's members. Next frame, the forced fur was deeper inside the god's cock but was no longer being held.

"I don't know what this is but I can just imagine how it feels. Murr" more pictures showed the random fur sinking into the large snake's maleness. Alex was imagining this new desire and murred more. Just as the fur disappeared from sight, a thunderous hissed rang in the room ahead. Alex yelped thinking it was right next to him.

"Welcome, fox of the Desired One." Alex looked to the room the hieroglyphs led him to. A stone replica of Ssitï rested in the center. The room itself was 18 feet high and twice as long from Alex to behind the statue. "Enter. Master wishes you to please yourself as he gives your wolf his gift and pleasure." Alex stared in awe at the snake statue's mouth. Its insides were of flesh unlike its stone skin. The statue's voice woke the fox; "would your desire to prove my insides are not an illusion be met?" the statue slithered to the bewildered canine and dropped its head level to Alex. He stared but less in a trance.

"Won't that kill me?"

"Oh but of course. Master relished the thought of you never to return so master can have the Desired One to himself. Fortune to you that Master loves the wolf so much to never wish him sorrow and gave me a blessing to use on you whenever you want to...with limits" the statue laughed out a hiss after giving emphasis to "limits". Alex didn't fear from how the snake spoke but wasn't sure how much he understood. The fact that Crest was with Ssitï instead of him didn't pass his mind...yet.

"I can be reborn no matter how I find death?"

"Yesss," the statue answered hissing in a more welcoming manner. "But its use may only be preformed once a day." The fox tilted his head.

"I don't understand."

"The sun or moon must pass the position it held when I cast the spell, before using it again." Alex didn't pay attention anymore. He was too interested in the opening and closing bed of pink mass. The statue continued to talk but now explained the process of vore. Alex started stripping himself of his armor, completely ignoring the words coming from what he sought. Please gods, hope I don't ruin myself with what I'm about to do. The now nude fox readied himself and leaped into the living statue's mouth.

The snake suddenly stopped talking and clamped its mouth shut on the intact fox. Alex murred loudly to be sandwiched in the softer than feather flesh. If the animated being had emotions, it would've shook with pleasure feeling the fox's murring vibrate inside the snake's mouth. "Don't rush, fox of Desired One! I need to give you the blessing first!" it exclaimed after making sure it didn't bite Alex. It readied the spell and held the white glow positive acts do. It opened its mouth and touched the resting fox. The snake flicked its tongue and tried to wrap the fox with it. The flexible sensory tool curled but couldn't fully coil around Alex's body.

Having a degree of desire in his depths, Alex turned his focus to what the snake statue said "Desired One". "Is 'Desired One' Crest?" he asked.

"yesss." The response was hissed out. Alex felt the hiss and the vibrations the hiss was created from.

"Why does Ssitï want my king?" Alex tried to turn on his back but slipped on saliva and slid deeper into the mouth. Muscles gave into his mass, retracting and contracting. They held the fox in the snake's throat. The snake didn't respond till Alex passed its throat. Up until now the fox only enjoyed the process. Now he started to love the feel the snake's insides gave him and his re-erect member. Alex's knot finally formed when he left the tight throat.

"Master wishes to give and receive pleasure as I am to grant yours." Alex noticed something wrong this time.

"Wait... Ssitï will claim Crest his?" he asked shouting in the snake's long stomach.

"Yes but you shall be forever with your other if you don't evoke both your desires tonight." Alex squirmed in protest despite the reassurance. As if the statue wasn't living before and now experienced emotions, the snake writhed in growing discomfort and groaned. Alex felt the reaction from inside. Although he slid farther in the snake as it sat up, the fox could feel the strong muscles slowly force him out. Alex struggled more for he was winning. "Why?" the snake screamed, its discomfort turning into pain, though still growing. A bulge grew from its waist as well.

Alex's flailing gave no external image on the snake as he rose up the body. The bulge at the snake's stone waist split with a pop and two members jutted out. The snake tried to make a sound between pain and pleasure but gagged instead. The fox within him was at his throat. Alex tortured the stone-scaled snake with his thrashing. The snake desperately grasped for the fox lodged in his throat. No bleeding formed but should have with the fox's strength and unintentional claws. "Gahet haout!" the snake begged screaming and choking. As if his wish was granted, Alex launched out of the chaotic mouth. The snake continued to cough as it recovered. Alex stood up and grinned remembering the only spell he managed to learn in Clat's tutoring.

"Why? *cough*" the snake looked up with more confusion than hate. "Why did you do not wish the pleasure I was giving you? That is all I am to do, give you pleasure. Why turn on a servant of a god?"

"The thought of my king being with someone else didn't agree with me." Alex smirked as he also remembered the last set of hieroglyphs on the way here.

"But the Desired One, he's not lost from you! Master new of this and had me make sure you don't stay in the world of the dead." The snake calmed down and tried to calm the fox, of wish he was created for, down. Alex tried to let the words penetrate his divided mind. His erection started to take over as the knot kept the canine's member full and in pain for not being answered. But the fox finally gotten the massage and dropped the spell he was making.

"Crest is still wants me over a god?"

"That's not...the wolf favors you because you're his first and only. The same goes for master," the snake paused trying to say something that seemed like he shouldn't. "Ssitï, favors...Crest because of something your wolf did for him long ago. The Desired One noticed him from puphood. And master alone watched over him and waited the time he could make him happy and show his." Alex lowered his head till he was looking at his erection. The snake noticed too and moved closer. "I am to your pleasure while master gives and takes it."

Alex didn't know what to do anymore...he lost interest in everything while he reflected on learning how much both Crest and his god felt about him and each other. The only thing that kept bringing him into reality was that persistent knot making his erection painfully pleasurable. "I think I know a way you can still pleasure me." He remembered the last hieroglyphs again and stared grinning at the stone snake in front of him. It tilted his head and flicked a tongue to try to sense anything other than words.

Alex charged up the spell again and released it at the dismayed statue. A faint yellow light radiated from the snake. Then the snake lost an inch in size, then two, then a foot. The snake kept shrinking till its body circumference was half an inch at the largest part of the lower body. "There..." Alex said half with enthusiasm and half with exhaustion. He walked to the tiny snake and picked the six inch long male up. "Wonder how'd would feel with you in me." The little snake shook for a moment but calmed down and rested flat in the paw that held it. The fox examined the cold slithering form and smiled more. He moved his head to the snake and sniffed. "You don't have a scent and you're getting warmer on my hand..." the snake looked puzzled considering the situation he was now in. "no I'm not going eat you. I'm going to have you enter me someplace else."

Alex grabbed the snake by the tail and moved down to his throbbing erection. The little form in the fox's hand started squirming. "No you were not foreseen to do thisss." The snake cried out with his voice only lower in volume.

"Heh gods or not I still get pleasured." Alex lowed down on the now still form. The snake obeyed it's only propose in its life. "Aww don't stop I want to feel the same as I dreamt watching the walls." The tiny form returned to shake and struggle as it obeyed. "Good..." Alex held his member in one hand and brought the snake's tail to the tip of his flesh. The snake continued to struggle at it was told, its tail flicking at the fox's member tip.

Alex moaned and again after inserting the snake's tail into his eager member. The tiny snake gasped feeling the flesh stretch on its body. "Oh yes that is unbelievable!" the Alex growled as the snake resisted, no longer obeying its life but fighting for it. Two inches of the tiny snake's body now filled the fox. Alex's growling melted into moaning, as he didn't have to hold onto the snake. The snake's protesting motions wormed the snake inside.

Four inches deep and pre flowed without end. Alex moaning weakened the farther the snake slid into his member. The fox's breathing hastened. "Gods it feels b-better...t-than I...dreamed." Alex couldn't handle the sensations and soon grasped the snake and his member for his release.

"y-you had your pleasure. N-now please let me go. I-I fear death." The snake pleaded. Its back and lower body was caked with the fox's cum. Alex took awhile to recover from his seed shooting.

"I may be done with my seed but I'm not done with my pleasure." He smirked and let go of his member and the snake. It returned to its struggle for freedom but the snakes spinal twisting and cum soaked bodies caused it to be driven into the flesh more. Alex fell to the floor to relax while the squirming snake unintentionally forces itself into his member. The snake now had his entire lower body inside Alex's cock. The 5 inches felt more soothing now that the snake was wet and slippery. It was up to its waist and tried to use its arms to pull itself out without success.

This fox doesn't understand that the blessing that gives rebirthing abilities will be passed to him if I die in him. I'm glad I'm pleasuring him but...I don't want to die and he shouldn't get the power. The snake paniced and struggled more but its arms slipped passed the slit of the member. "By my master's brethren, no..." the snake cried before its head slipped into the member. The snake's body bulged more dramatically with its upper portion inside. Alex murred and petted his maleness. The somewhat small bulge wiggled slightly to the touch. It slid down more into Alex's member which refused to shrink. Luckily for Alex, his knot wasn't screaming full anymore, it shrunk instead of the entire member.

The snake now passed halfway down in the passage. Alex could feel it flicking its tongue still but less frequently. Each breath the snake made with that tongue sent shivers of delight up Alex's spine. Minute later, only the snake's head expanded the member. Soon all of the snake rested and began to sleep the never waking dream.

Alex never felt so calm before as if he had just earned something. He then remembered Crest and the words of the snake. "I know he'll keep me. We gave ourselves to each other." The fox smiled, looked for his armor and fell sleep where he sat. As he slept a soft glow grew and faded from his waist. The snake had died and dissolved into seed and with the passing gave Alex the blessing of reform. The passing and the gift would go unnoticed even after the fox wakes. Until then, tranquility lives in the temple of Ssitï.

postamble(); comment+critique please. comments=better/more stories and critiques=better quality