The New King of Swords

Story by Rhys Foxx on SoFurry

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#1 of Arcana

Arcana, a name spoken in hushed tones by government furs around the world. Arcana, a word ...

Arcana, a name spoken in hushed tones by government furs around the world. Arcana, a word synonymous to death, and silenced voices of those who know too much. Some say Arcana isn't real, others say that it controls all aspects of all governments in the world. The twenty one Major Arcana are said to preside over the organization with the minor Arcana carrying out their orders. Led by the mysterious Dealer, Arcana has existed for one hundred and fifty years. No Arcana member knows the identity of the Dealer, other than the Dealer his/herself, and the Dealer names their successor on their death bed secretly preventing the others from finding out who was named the new Dealer. Kristopher is the Death card and the one who is sent to pass judgment upon those the Dealer wishes. He just received a message from the Dealer saying that the current King of Swords has been stealing from Arcana and must be removed from the order.


The beat to the music was fast and just the way Kristopher like listen to before a job. The Dealer had contacted him informing him that Police Chief Grant Richards had been stealing from the Arcana and needed to be removed from his position however Kristopher deemed necessary. The Bull was always at the station so Kristopher had his work cut out for him with this task. The Black Panther wasn't worried about completing his orders, just about how he could do it quickly. As it happened he had a date that evening with a cute Wolf he'd finally asked out after seeing him while he was running at at local park and remembering how it happened still made him happy. Kristopher had been out jogging on one of the trails at the park, when the Timber Wolf, named Jason, and had ended up running into Kristopher as he crested a hill running in the opposite direction of the Panther. One thing led to another and Kristopher ended up asking Jason out, and the Wolf accepted quite quickly. Kristopher had been thinking about Jason when he had discovered a note placed under the wiper of his car. At first he had been suspicious of whoever had placed it on his Lamborghini Murcielago, but as soon as he saw the handwriting his suspicion turned to exhilaration as well as a twinge of annoyance at the fact that he had a new assignment. Still the extra cash he'd been paid in advance for whatever tools and items he might need to complete his assignment would come in handy with the date. Kristopher usually used tools he already had available and saved the money for personal use as was allowed by the Dealer's agreement with the Major Arcana, but this time he needed it for a new garrote as well. His last one had finally broken during his last assignment, and he's had to use a knife to finish off his target. He had stopped by his supplier and picked up the newest model of garrote, and it happened to be the thinnest one as well. Able to be hidden in any way and guaranteed to cut skin if there was an fight put up by the target the garrote was one of his favorite tools to use. Kristopher was a fan of up close and personal kills if he had the choice as to ho the assignment was carried out. Thinking about how he would get the Bull alone to finish his task caused the Panther to pause in his preparations. How would he get the Bull alone in the station when he was usually around at least one other officer at all times? He'd have to get creative if he wanted to complete the assignment without losing time to meet Jason for dinner. The music stopped and Kristopher knew it was time to go to work. He hopped into his car and drove to the station. None of the minor Arcana knew his or the other Major Arcana's faces, and his was only seen if it was time for a card to change hands and he had to eliminate the current holder. So just by saying it was Arcana business would put the Bull on edge, so he couldn't say he was part of the Arcana, maybe I could take the Bull in the parking lot, he thought to himself as he drove. Shortly after he arrived at the station, he strapped his hidden blade to his right arm inside his jacket and climbed out of his car. Walking over to the door, he asked the closest officer to get Chief Richards to come speak to him. After about three minutes, the Chief stormed up to the Panther and spoke gruffly.

"What do you want?"

"I have a message for you sir, it involves a deck of cards if you catch my drift."

"Let's step into my office and discuss this then," the Bull said suddenly a little more respectful off the Panther, as well as a bit more wary.

"With all due respect sir, I was told to deliver something else as well, something that I believe you would not like inside the station," Said Kristopher hoping that the Bull wouldn't get suspicious of his plans.

"Oh well why didn't you say that in the first place? I was wondering when Cups would get me what he promised me," Richards said relaxing. "Let's go."

Unable to believe what he was hearing he led the Bull to the lot to his car. So the King of Cups was involved in Sword's betrayal? The dealer would have to be informed of the news he decided, it wasn't his place to make the decision on taking out Cups. Richards' voice interrupted his thoughts.

"So where is what you are to give me?"

"Right here," he said pulling out a Death Tarot card and handing it to the Bull.

"Huh? What's thi-" started the Bull, but he was cut short as Kristopher plunged his blade into the Bull's sternum and twisted. The blade had pierced the Bull's heart and he was surly dead in a few moments. However he had time for one more word, "Why?"

"It is my job to follow out Dealers orders. I am Death, the Dealer's strong right hand, and his tool to use as he sees fit. His orders required this for your theft from us,' Kristopher said ominously. "Goodbye King of Swords, may you find your reward for you deeds in the next life. Name your successor now or we will pick the next King of Swords."

"Jason Blackthorn, my girlfriend's brother. He is worthy and has the right... stuff... to... take... my......pla," and then the King of Swords spoke no more."

"May you find peace in the Summerland Grant Richards, King of Swords."

Pulling out his phone, Kristopher got into his car and drove off. He dialed the number for the dealer and left a message in the automated voicemail system informing the dealer of his success and of the choice for the next King of Swords. Then he sped home to wash the blood off his fur and change into a new outfit for his date with Jason. Suddenly he slammed on the brakes. Blackthorn was a name not unknown to Kristopher, it happened to be the last name of the Wolf he was meeting. Blackthorn was a common name in this town and there was no way that the next Swords was to be... suddenly his phone rang. The Dealer was returning his call, an unheard of event. Kristopher answered the phone.

"Death, you faithful servant Dealer," he spoke into the phone.

"He named Jason Blackthorn as his successor? "

"Yes my master, he did. I happen to be going to dinner with a Jason Blackthorn, a Timber Wolf. Is, is he the one?"

"Does he have a black patch under his chin in the shape of a star?"

"Yes my master he does," Kristopher was afraid of the Dealer's next words.

"Then he is the correct Jason Blackthorn. He was in fact my own choice for the next King of Swords."

"Shall I inform him for you my master?"

"Please do my child."


"Yes Death?" asked the Dealer curiously.

"I have feelings for the new King of Swords, shall I suppress them?"

"Do you wish to?"

"No my master," answered Kristopher after a few moments of thought. "I do not wish to, but I will do what ever you feel is best."

"Very good my child," said the Dealer with a happy laugh. "As it happens I feel that your feelings for the new King are a good thing. I want you to befriend him, tell him who you are, show him how we work. I do not want a repeat of the last King of Swords and I think you will be the best choice for his teacher."

"Yes my master," he replied smiling. "I await your next order."

The Dealer hung up the phone and Kristopher returned to his drive home. Showering off and dressing in a purple shirt and black jeans he threw a black jacket on and drove over to the restaurant where he had made the reservations for dinner. He pulled into the lot and saw Jason climb out of his car. Grabbing a spot next to the Wolf's car he got out and called to Jason.

"Hey cutie, waiting for someone?"

"Yes I'm supposed to meet a handsome feline here for dinner tonight," he said calmly. "Have you seen him?"

"Jason you silly Wolf," he laughed.

"Kris, how are you doing tonight sweetie?"

"Really good to be honest," he said with a smile. "Just got some news I wasn't expecting to be good that was, and even though I had to work for a bit everything went smoothly and I got paid some upfront to use tonight so dinner's on me."

"Sounds good. What news did you get?"

"I'll tell you over dinner, let's go get some food."

They sat down and ordered, Kristopher got Bakaliaros me Shorthair (Salt Cod with Garlic Mashed Potatoes) and Jason got a Greek Salad. Kristopher ordered a bottle of DRC La Tache for them to share, which caused Jason to protest that it was too expensive to order. Kristopher just laughed, and said it wasn't at all. Once their food arrived, Jason asked again about Kristopher's day. Kristopher asked him to wait a few more moments and to let them eat just a little bit before he told him, to which Jason agreed.

"So will you tell me now Kris?"

"You know your sister's boyfriend?"

"I didn't know you knew my sister," he replied shocked. "But, yes."

"Did you like him? As a person I mean."

"No I wanted him to die, he kept abusing my sister, but if you know her you'd know that."

"I never met her and I don't know her, but I promise he's not gonna hurt anyone again. He's dead."


"We'll get to that. Have you ever heard of Arcana?"

"The Tarot card classifications?"

"No, THE Arcana. As in the group."

"That's a dangerous thing to talk about."

"So you do know, who told you about us first?"

"My grandfather. Wait, US? You're an Arcana member?"

"I'm not just a member, I'm a Major Arcana. Number 13 in fact."

"Death! Are you here to kill me," Jason began to panic.

"Not at all, calm down sweetie. I'm actually here to tell you something, Grant Richards was the King of Swords before the Dealer ordered me to kill him. He named you as the next King of Swords, and as it happens so did the Dealer. This means that you are now the new King of Swords, and as such I am to be your teacher in the was of the Arcana."

"You killed... How? Why? Why me? Is that the only reason you asked me out?"

"Yes. Stabbed his heart. He was stealing from the Arcana. I can't answer that. No, I only found out all this right before I left to come here. I was actually worried I would have to be never see you again to be honest, normally the minor Arcana never get to know the Major unless they are to be eliminated by me. The Dealer actually asked me personally by phone to teach you and let you know who and what I am. It's an unheard of request. As far as I know it has never happened."

"So... I'm... wait, you were worried you couldn't see me?"

"I do like you, after all, you're the reason I was going to that park to run. I've been to shy to ask you out."

"Death is shy?'

"At times," laughed Kristopher.

"You know, that was the first day I had been to that park I kept going back hoping to see you as well," confessed Jason. "So why did you go to that park?"

"Well... I was looking for a change of scenery to be honest. I'd had run all the trails so many times I'd become stuck in a pattern of repetition. Which for me is a bad thing."

"Oh? What about going out with me? Will that become a pattern which would be bad?"

"Not at all, besides I have no intention of letting any harm befall you, and I plan to make it a pattern if I can."

"I'll let you make it one I think cutie. So now what?"

"I vote we finish eating and head back to my place to talk and explain things, what do you say?"

"I'm all for going to your house, I live with my grandfather on the edge of town, how about you?"

"Oh I live in the city, over in the new high-rise. You'll like it I think. You ready to go?"

"Yep, did you pay already?"

"I'll take care of it on the way out. Let's go."

As they left he slipped the waitress a couple of hundred. She looked shocked and began to protest, but he made sure she took it all and kept the change. He rarely ate out, preferring to cook for himself, and tended to make sure to tip extremely well, often tipping as much as twice the cost of the meal because he wanted to make sure those who waited on him we doing ok financially. When they got outside, he offered to drive Jason because his building had restricted parking. Jason agreed, so he decided to give him a little ride to one of his favorite spots on the river for a bit of a romantic interlude.

"Where are we going? We're headed out of the city," questioned Jason.

"Just to a slightly romantic spot for a little while. We won't get much of a chance to be romantic if we go straight back to my place."

"Ok, sounds good to me."

They arrived by the river and Kristopher grabbed a blanket from the trunk of his car. Walking a few yards down the bank he spread it out, and laid back to look at the stars. He felt rather than saw Jason lay down beside him, and he moved to rest his head on Jason's shoulder. Jason tensed for a moment and the relaxed as he realized that that was all Kristopher was doing. Slowly he moved his hand to rest it on Kristopher's shoulder.

"It's beautiful out here," Jason said after a while. "Just like you."

"Why thank you, but I was about to say the same thing," laughed Kristopher.

"So what happens now?"

"Well, how about this?"

With that, Kristopher moved in to kiss Jason. Slowly , Jason began to move into the kiss quickly becoming more intense as his libido began to increase. Kristopher rolled over onto Jason and deepened the kiss. He felt Jason begin to rub against him as he kissed Kristopher. Kristopher responded in turn and began to grind against him in return, causing Jason to begin to explore more about what it was that caused reactions most in Kristopher. Slipping his hands under his shirt, Jason began to play with Kristopher's nipples. This caused him to moan with pleasure, so Jason slipped the shirt Kristopher was wearing over his head. Kristopher took the hint and removed Jason's as well. Undoing his pants to free himself from confinement, reveling that had not been wearing anything under his jeans. Jason had removed the last of his own clothing and was showing his own member poking out of his sheath. In response, Kristopher's member began to poke from his sheath.

"Mhmm, it looks like someone's excited," teased Jason.

"I'm not the only one," replied Kristopher seeing that Jason's cock was at full erection.

"So what now?"

"What do you want to do?"

Instead of responding verbally, Jason immediately began to lick his way down Kristopher's neck slowly making his way towards his groin. In response, Kristopher's cock sprang to full attention by the time Jason reached it. Slowly he took the cock into his muzzle, lightly licking the underside of it as he did so. This incited a moan of pleasure from Kristopher, causing Jason to do it again. He then began to suck at Kristopher's erection, making the Panther writhe in delight and pleasure. Kristopher felt his orgasm building so he used one of the techniques he had learned for sensory control to decrease how much stimulation he felt as Jason's expert mouth did its work. Jason knew how close he had gotten him, and stopped when he felt Kristopher's reaction lessen.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just don't want to cum by mouth. I'd much rather you fuck the cum out of me."

"That can be arranged."

Jason quickly spun Kristopher around and roughly held his tail aloft as he viciously began to lick his tail hole. Moaning in immense pleasure, Kristopher began to pant. Having lubed his tail hole enough, Jason began to lube up his own cock. Once he's made it slick enough, he positioned it at the base of Kristopher's tail and began to push. With a cry that was half pleasure and half pain, Kris began to buck his hips back against Jason's thrusts. Jason was shocked at how much control Kristopher had over the muscles in his ass. Each thrust was accompanying be a pulsing warmth from Kristopher which quickly brought Jason to a climax and he shot his load deep into Kristopher's bowels with a howl. At the same time, Kristopher shot his load all over the blanket below him with a howl of his own. The two of them collapsed on to each other, panting, basking in the afterglow of such a powerful orgasm. Slowly, as his cock began to soften, Jason pulled out and Kristopher rolled over to kiss him.

"That... was... amazing," he breathed.

"My god... your ass... it's amazing on its own. How did you learn to do that?"

"Lots of practice with muscle control. I had to learn to control individual muscles so I could work through injuries, it allowed me to master that."


"We should get cleaned up and head back to my place to talk about your new position.

"You're right."

Both walked down to the river and dove in. After much groping, fondling, and making out they finally gave it a rest and cleaned up. Once they were dressed, they headed back to Kristopher's apartment. Once they got into the elevator, Kristopher inserted a keycard into the slot marked "authorized personnel only."

"What floor does that take us to?"

"The thirteenth. It's the top floor, and the penthouse as it happens. I'm the only one with a key to get to it. I also happen to own the building."

"Just how much do you make," laughed Jason.

"This is just my way of making money, I invested most of what I make for my jobs as the Death card. I only make about as much as any normal CEO of a company."

"Wow, no wonder you said dinner wasn't to expensive."

"So do you want the tour, some sleep and talk in the morning or to talk now?"

"To be honest, I want to sleep, after a good cuddle though."

"That's perfectly fine with me," laughed Kristopher in return. "The bed's this way."

And with that, Death led the new King of Swords to his innermost chamber. All his secrets were laid bare before the newest member of the Arcana, including just how much he actually like the color purple (which was quite a lot as it happened). The two new lovers fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms. The discussion of the duties held by the King of Swords forgotten until the morning.

And in a large house on the outskirts of the city, the Dealer smiled as his informants reported the events that had gone on between his new King of Swords, and his faithful servant Death. With a laugh the Dealer dismissed his informants, poured himself a glass of wine, and though about the changes he had made to the structure and the function of the Arcana. He smiled and looking at the portrait of a young husky hanging on the wall said, "Have fun my children."