Lacyus of the Shadows

Story by Axis on SoFurry

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"Ahhh god. Nephilla, you little bitch!" Rykuu said, panting. "Quit holding back and make me cum!"

"If you be a bad boy," Nephilla teased. "I won't make you cum."

She returned to sucking on his cock. She had him on a edge, close to cumming, but still needing more. This was incredible, the way she was sucking. It was just the right pressure on his tip as she flicked her tongue over it.

"Ahhh! I'm gonnna..." Rykuu sniffed the air and the scent he caught killed his orgasm. "S-S-Stop." He said, panting.

Nephilla looked up, smiling mischeviously. "Why should I? I want your cum."

"Seriously, stop." Rykuu regained his breath. "I smell gunpowder."

Nephilla's face quickly changed into a stony, cold expression. "Where?" She released his cock, the erection fading fast.

"I dunno. It's almost like-"


A bullet tore out Rykuu's brains in a bloody, gory shower. Nephilla swore and jumped to her feet. Rykuu, being a regenerator, could easilly survive the loss of his brain. It would just grow back. She looked around desperately for the gunman. Something clubbed her in the back of her head and she blacked out.


Sunset woke up groggily. Something about the sleep she had bugged her. It was too deep. Like she was sedated. Then she realized: her arms and hands were bolted to the wall and she was naked, set in a position so her pussy was exposed to the world.

Animal instinct kicked in and she began to struggle against them, snarling and roaring, to no effect.

"It won't work. The shackles are invulnerable to most elemental magic."

A Velociraptor Xeno guard stepped into her field of view. He was naked, holding a shotgun.

"You look so lovely chained up like that." He gave her vulva a lick, causing her to tense up. "It's such a stroke of luck, our leader giving me permission to dispose of you to my liking."

"What the hell happened you pervert!?!?!" She snarled.

"Patience, lovely. I'll tell you after I've used you to replace my mate." His thick, red penis emerged from his colaca. He jestured to it. "I hope you'll like this as much as I will."

An idea suddenly popped into Sunset's head. She eyed his cock enviously, licking her lips. "That's so big. Twice the size of my mate's." She looked up eagerly. "Mind if I suck it?"

"Not at all, lovely." The raptor smiled. "I'll get a stool."

He quickly stepped out, then came back with a small ladder. She set it in front of Sunset and climbed up to where his cock was level with her face.

"I hope you don't mind, but I can't release you. The boss will get mad at me."

"No problem honey." Sunset said seductively. "I just want your cock."

She extended her neck and began to brutally suck on the raptor cock. The raptor moaned and began to spurt pre out of the tip. Instinct kicked in and Sunset eagerly lapped up the cum.

"Ohhh yes! You feel so good lovely." The raptor hissed.

"Do I?" She felt his cock begin to throb. "Well, can I get a treat for that?" She said innocently.

The raptor groaned and hissed as he came in Sunset's mouth. She swallowed it all, filling her stomach.

She looked up at him, licking the droplets of cum dripping down her muzzle. "Mmmmm. You taste so good. Nice and sweet."

The raptor smiled. "Oh really. Just wait a second lovely."

He stepped down from the ladder. Kneeling down to where his mouth was in line with her pussy, he stuck a single finger in and began to play inside of her. Sunset hissed in pleasure.

"Ohhh god! My mate never did that! Give me more!"

He withdrew his finger. "Sorry lovely, but I just can't hold back anymore."

The raptor stood up and shoved his member into Sunset's hot, wet, cunt. She gasped, feeling the massive male intrusion begin to stroke in and out. She gave him a deep passionate kiss.

Unfortunately, the raptor didn't have the ability to hold back like Lacyus did, so he came very fast. The excess cum broke their tight seal. The raptor moaned and collapsed on the floor. He was panting heavilly. Sunset put her plan into motion. She used the cum inside of her vagina to absorb his DNA form into her shapeshifting complex.

The raptor managed to sit up. "Fuck what the boss says. I wanna hump you."

He released the shackles on Sunset. She sauntered over to him seductively.

"There's one think I'd like to do before we mate." She drew a claw down his phallus.

Suddenly, she extended her right hand's claws and drove them through his neck. The raptor's eyes bulged and defocused as he died.

"Burn in hell, pervert." Sunset spat on him.

She morphed into an exact replica of him and began her search for Lacyus. All the sex with the raptor just made her want to mate Lacyus when they got out of this place.


Lacyus howled and pounded on the cell door. "LET ME OUT AND I'LL SHOW YOU A REALLY NEAT SOUL REAPING SPELL!" He was still naked from mating Sunset

"Ugghhh." Nephilla had her hands over her ears. She was naked as well. "Quit your pounding and yelling. You're giving me a headache."

Lacyus roared and hit the door with a Radiation Surge. The metal under his hand began to turn red, but it never melted. He howled in anger.

There was talking outside. Lacyus managed to open the viewing slot. A raptor was talking to a wolf that quarding them.

"You're taking them? Be careful. The Shadowdragon's a bit pissed off."

The raptor's eyes narrowed. "Which one?"

"He claims to be Lacyus Akival. Hey, what about that lovely dragoness we took to the 'special cell?' You two have some fun yet?"

"She gave me a good suck." Lacyus gasped as he realized they were talking about Sunset. "But, as hot as she was, she wasn't worth anything special. So I killed her."

Nephilla's eyes filled with horror. She joined Lacyus in howling and pounding the door, both of them crying at the loss of Sunset.

"DAMMIT YOU BASTARDS! I'M GONNA DRAIN AND TORTURE YOUR DAMN SOULS! BURN IN HELL MOTHER FUCKERS! DIE!" Lacyus howled in sorrow, tears flowing down his face. He collapsed to his knees, howling in sorrow.

Nephilla knelt down, crying as well. "I-I-I'm so sorry." She collapsed on his shoulder, shaking with sobs.

The door opened and the raptor stood in the door way. He gave the two a concerned look. "What's wrong you-"

Lacyus and Nephilla launched themselves onto the raptor, propelled by rage and the need for revenge.

"Hold him down while I drain his soul." Lacyus hissed, eyes full of murderous intent.

Nephilla smiled, tears dripping off of her muzzle. "Make him suffer."

"WAIT!" The raptor barked. It's scales shivered and it shape changed, revealing Sunset. Lacyus stared in astonishment. Then he grabbed her, hugging her tightly.

"Never scare me like that! Never!" He sobbed.

Sunset gently pried him off of her. "Not now. We need to find the others."


The full group ran out of the bandit complex, Lacyus leading. His arms were soked in blood. During the fight, he unleashed his full compliment of Shadow spells, ranging from simple cloak spells to complex soul possesion spells. They stopped at where they landed from the crossover. Sunset's eye's flared up in anger.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me you were a Shadowdragon?"

Lacyus gave her a stricken look. "I knew you didn't like Shadowdrag-"

"Bullshit! I bet you were planning something against me. Maybe you wanted my soul so that you could shapeshift! Or maybe you'd possess me and make me your slave!"

"Sunset, you know that I love you."

"Quit lying! You're just using me! Am I right!?!?"

"No!" Lacyus' face was full of distress. "I truely love you!"

"Sure!" Sunset barked sarcasticly. "I suppose you tried to drain my soul back there without thinking it was me in shapeshifted form! You could have figured it out from our link!"

"How could I know!" Lacyus howled in distress. "I was focused on getting revenge for you!"

"Yeah right!" Sunset snarled. "What's next Darkling?"

Mira flinched. "Bad idea." She said under her breath.

Darkling was a term reserved for the most evil and unpure demons and monsters that sprung from the gates of hell itself. And Lacyus took the slur personally.

His eyes filled with a murderous intent. "What. Did. You. Call. Me?"

Sunset snorted arrogantly. "A Darkling. What? It that too personal Shadowdragon?" Poision lashed every word of her sentence. "Suck it up buttercup!"

"That's it. I'm out." Lacyus snarled. He grabbed his bag and began walking away from the group.

Rykuu gave a hopeful laugh. "This is a joke right Lac? Right?" His spirt was fading quickly. "Seriously! It's not funny anymore! You've made your point!"

"SHUT UP!" Lacyus roared.

He extended his left arm in Rykuu's direction. It dissolved into a black, seething liquid. Forming itself into a spike, it shot off and impaled Rykuu's neck. He made a gurgling noise as he fell. The spike retreated and it reformed into Lacyus' arm. Mira started forward, mind clouded with rage

"That was uncalled for!" Mira barked. "You and Sunset are engaged! You promised her your life!"

Lacyus chuckled menacingly. "Promises can be broken. I'm glad I did this one."


Mira never got the chance to finish. Lacyus grabbed her wrist.

"External Discharge-" He said calmly as a warning. Mira realized in horror what he was doing. "-RADIATION SURGE!"

She screamed as she felt the flesh under his grip liquify and boil. Drips of molten flesh began to seep through his grip. The pain was unbelievable. She couldn't scream loud enough. The spell ended and he released her wrist. Mira collapsed to her knees, screaming in pain.

Lacyus extended a hand towards Nephilla. He could smell her fear and decided to manipulate it. He smiled maniacly. "Don't think that I won't use that on you."

Nephilla passed out. Lacyus laughed softly and picked his bag up. "Hope you rot in hell Sunset." He waved and walked out of sight.