Tales of the Owlfolk: Surali and the Owlfolk Tribe

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News Update: Today I will be graduating from my University with a BBA in Cyber Security!

-There will be two new series coming out, both being hobby sets from D&D and His Majesty's Dragon.

-The Next chapter of Dragons Dame is almost complete!

-I am rewriting a Werewolf Lewd Short Story!

-And I have completed Chapter 17/18 of my Halo Evolutions fanfiction on Fanfiction.net!

Tales of the Owlfolk

Surali and the Owlfolk Tribe

Surali panted as she hiked her way through the Neverwinter wood. The air was cool around her face, but sweat still dripped down her violet feathered neck and back. She'd passed over ten miles since setting off at dawn this morning to get away from Neverwinter before its folk in the peasant district started its daily brawl for food amongst itself. Surali had hoped that it would be safer to camp here instead of risking coming into the town, laying two additional days march past the woods. She hadn't expected trouble so soon though... or did someone just follow her?

The little owl shivered when she heard something rustling above her head. Her violet feathers lifted up on end, ready to fight if needed. She looked up and saw two large eyes peering down at her.

"Who's there?" She asked. She was half afraid she might see one of the more scarier folk. A druid warrior. But instead... the creature dropped down to the ground, revealing itself to be a six-foot-tall, brown feathered owlfolk tribal. Surali gasped, staring at him in surprise. He was very well built. His arms and legs were strong and his muscles bulged under his feathers. He wore nothing except a small loincloth that hung low on his hips.

"Who are you?" Surali asked, trying not to stare at his chest. She didn't want him to think she was interested in mating with him. He could tell she wasn't. Not even if he wanted to mate with her. She was a female of noble birth, of the House of Grechin.

"I am Thokk. I have come to take you to my village," he said, noticing her blush and candor.

"Oh... um... thank you," Surali said. "I was hoping to find a place to rest and eat." She requested, looking back at him suggestively. It was not her intention, but with her slender frame, stinking body, and heightened posture; the tribal was easily seduced by her presence alone.

"Come," Thokk said, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her along after him.

"Um..." Surali said, trying to pull herself free.

Thokk laughed. "You are not going anywhere else. You belong to me now."

Surali yelped and tried to kick him in the leg. He grabbed her foot and squeezed it hard enough to make her wince in pain. He would proceed to lift her leg high, forcing her to the ground with a crash as the male took advantage of her. His strength surprised Surali, who couldn't believe how much stronger the owlfolk tribesman was. The more she struggled, the harder he held her down until she gave up resisting. He then proceeded to mount her, his claws going to tear at her clothes, leaving them shredded to pieces. It was only when all that was left of her clothing were torn skirt laces that bridged her inner thighs did the male stop.

He pulled himself off of her from that rush of movement, panting slightly as he stared at her near-naked body with hungry eyes. Surali blushed redder than ever before in her life, embarrassed beyond belief at what was going to happen. What made the squawking female even more nervous of the situation... was how much she liked it this way.

"Please... no..." She begged him.

The tribal male did not answer plea's however, before he proceeded to toss his loincloth to the side and reveal his cock to her. It stood erect and proud, covered in soft skin that pulsed and jutted outwards. Surali felt herself grow wet between her thighs as she gazed upon the massive phallus; before she screamed out as he forced himself inside of her. It hurt, but it felt good too. The feeling of having her pussy stretched open made her feel like she was being split in two.

"You are mine now," Thokk growled into her ear as he began to thrust his hips against hers, driving his shaft deeper and deeper into her womb.

Surali cried out as she felt his cock pulsing inside of her, causing her insides to spasm around him. Her pussy walls tightened around his shaft, squeezing him painfully, making him moan in pleasure. She felt him tense up and pull back slightly before slamming into her again, causing her to scream out in pain and ecstasy as he filled her completely with his thick shaft. She gripped onto his shoulders for dear life as he pounded her into submission, using her body like a toy until finally he came inside of her, filling her womb with his seed.

He let out a sigh of contentment before rolling off of her, allowing Surali to fall flat on the ground. She lay there breathing heavily, trying to catch her breath and regain some composure. After a few moments, she felt Thokk grab her by the waist and pick her up, carrying her over his shoulder as he walked through the woods.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, clinging tightly to him as they continued their journey. As she started to grow limp under his great strength, Surali could smell the musk that ebbed from his body. It was quite powerful and strong. She could tell that he had been mating with other females recently, probably since he'd found her earlier today.

They eventually reached a large clearing where a dozen or so tents were set up in scattered rows. Each tent was made up in different colors, each one belonging to an individual tribe member. They passed by the first row of tents until they arrived at the second, where Thokk stopped walking and dropped Surali to the ground. She landed hard on her feet, falling face forward into the grassy earth.

"Wait here," Thokk told her. "I will bring food."

Surali sat up slowly, rubbing the back of her head where it had hit the ground. She looked up at Thokk and saw him turn away from her and walk into the largest tent in the middle of the camp. A few minutes later, several owlfolk emerged from the tent carrying bowls and trays full of food. They proceeded to pass out plates of steaming meat and vegetables to everyone in the clearing.

The tribal folk gathered around the tables, eating heartily while Surali watched them from afar. She didn't know what to do or say. She hadn't eaten anything since this morning, when she'd snacked on some berries growing along the forest floor. All she could do at the moment was take in her reeking and stinking body, or rub her sore; cum coated snatch that leaked seed and femcum all the way down her legs.

After about ten minutes, Thokk returned with a bowl of food for Surali. He handed it to her and she took it gratefully, stuffing her mouth with whatever she could find inside. There was a strange taste to it that she couldn't place. It was salty and sweet all at once. When she finished pecking and chewing, she realized that it tasted like pork mixed with fruit juice.

"Thank you," Surali said after swallowing the last bite of her meal. "This is very good."

"You are welcome," Thokk replied, looking down at her with lustful eyes. His cock was still semi-hard, though not nearly as big as it had been before he'd fucked her. He wanted to fuck her again... but knew better than to try it now. She would be sore and tired enough from his previous efforts.

Surali stood up and stretched, shaking her feathers free of dirt and leaves. She then turned around and faced Thokk, who continued to stare at her with hungry eyes. She blushed, but didn't look away from him.

"What now?" She asked.

"Now we rest," he replied. "You stay with me tonight, share in my hut. We warm our bodies tonight."

"Okay..." Surali said uncertainly. She wasn't sure how she felt about sharing another in bed. Then again, she could not help but admit she loved being taken like some slut. She was conflicted, allowing the male to see what she was concerned about.

In that moment, she would feel Thokk move right behind her. His arms wrapped around her belly affectionately and his beak started to preen her bare shoulder and chest. Surali melted at such an affectionate touch. She leaned back against his soft feathers and sighed as his tongue licked and cleaned the sweat from her skin and his beak nibbling through her feathery layer. The feeling of his warm breath blowing across her neck sent shivers through her body.

"You smell so good," Thokk whispered into her ear. "I want you tonight."

"You can have me if you want," Surali replied shyly. "I don't mind."

Thokk smiled and pulled her closer to him, kissing her softly along her cheek. He then moved his beak over to hers and kissed her more passionately. Surali moaned in pleasure, letting him deepen the kiss until they both were lost in each other's embrace.

It was at that moment, Surali gripped the last piece of fabric along her waist and tore off the piece of clothing. So full of lust was she at this point, she did not care that she would possibly be walking naked all throughout the tribe. She just wanted to get fucked as much as possible before she needed to worry about laying a clutch.

Thokk chuckled as he looked down at her nude form, admiring the beauty of her slender body. And her hips were wide and curved nicely, making him wonder what it would be like to bury himself inside at a different angle.

"Let us warm our bodies tonight."

Surali nodded and followed him willingly, not even caring anymore about what was going to happen nor cared for what happened to her body tomorrow. She just wanted to enjoy herself for tonight, and let Thokk show her the life of being a tribal female.

Laying on her back, Surali spread her legs instinctively for Thokk, allowing him to lay between them and enter her without hesitation. She gasped in shock as his large shaft entered her cloaca again, stretching her open as far as it could go. Her inner walls squeezed tight around his thick shaft once more, albeit a little more loosely than last time.

Surali yelped out as Thokk began thrusting his hips into her again, causing her insides to spasm around him. He reached down with his hand and grabbed onto her thighs, squeezing them tightly together as he pounded into her hard and fast. His wings flapped loudly as he fucked her, creating a loud squawking noise that echoed around the clearing. Surali cried out as he drove his cock into her, filling her womb with seed once more. It only took a few minutes before he came inside of her, filling her with his cum.

After he finished, he started again, fucking her harder and faster than he had ever done before. He grunted and growled as he slammed his cock into her, pulling her close to him by the waist as he rutted her senselessly.

Surali screamed out in pleasure as he filled her pussy with his seed yet again. She felt him tense up and pull back slightly before slamming into her again, causing her insides to spasm around him. She could hear the sounds of other owlfolk in the distance murmuring and calling out to one another as some started to watch Thokk mate with a new female.

He kept doing it over and over, pounding her into submission while she cried out in pleasure. Surali couldn't stop moaning or gasping as he continued to fuck her, making her feel like she was a sex toy rather than a living creature. Eventually though, Thokk pulled away from her, rolling off of her and falling onto the grassy earth beside her. They laid there side-by-side for a moment, catching their breaths and regaining composure after having been used so roughly.

Surali smiled as she panted, feeling satisfied but exhausted from the intense mating session. She was still sore and tired, but she knew that tomorrow would be better. Tomorrow she'd lay eggs... and hopefully Thokk would be ready to breed her again.

A low moan escaped Surali's lips as she stirred from her sleep, her body instinctively responding to the sensation of a new tribal male filling her. Her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dim light inside the hut. A glance downward revealed the bulky-brown owlfolk, his clear red eyes meeting hers in a silent exchange that sent a jolt of heat coursing through her veins.

His touch was different, gentler perhaps, but no less potent in eliciting a response from her. The rhythm of his movements, the intensity in his gaze, it was all so different from what she had experienced with Thokk and the brown-feathered owlfolk, yet just as intoxicating. This male was full of brawn and might, but precise and calculating like a hunter claiming prey.

He moved with a practiced ease, his fingers tracing patterns on her skin that left trails of heat in their wake. Surali's breath hitched, her body arching into his touch as waves of pleasure washed over her. This was a new experience, a different kind of intimacy that was just as compelling as the raw, primal encounters she had shared with the other males. The sensation of being filled, of being claimed by this new male, was overwhelming. Yet, amidst the heady rush of pleasure, the female thought of the days prior before she awoke to this moment.

Raised in the grandeur of the noble court, she'd been surrounded by tales of the world outside, stories filled with danger, discovery, and thrill. These stories, told by travelers and bards, had set a spark in her heart that only grew brighter as she grew older. The Neverwinter Woods, in particular, held a unique allure for her. The vast expanse of the forest, with its dense foliage and its untamed inhabitants, was a stark contrast to the organized, controlled environment of the court. It was a place of mystery and danger, a place where she could test her skills and mettle.

As a female owlfolk, she had been expected to fulfill certain roles, primarily those centered around court life. But Surali had always felt a pull towards the unknown, a longing for experiences beyond the confines of her noble birth. The world outside held a sense of freedom, a promise of experiences that court life could never provide. Her father, Lord Solas of the Starweaver Guilds and High Artificer of the Lords Alliance in the city warned Surali of her thoughts and where it would lead her.

"I was an adventurer, once Surali... and it led to the death of a lot of innocents, friends, and those who had taken part in the subterfuge attempts on our family name... a name made by my hands and your mothers." The memory of Solas spoke, sitting on his throne of Jade and of magical runes. He was a black feathered Owlfolk, one with red eyes that glowed with dark and regal robes. "Should the urge of my blood come into you, learn the court before you embark on your quest to find worth."

There was a reason why she was here besides the intentions of the court. The city of Neverwinter had been plagued by increasing tensions, particularly in the peasant district. Food shortages and civil unrest had become more frequent, leading to daily brawls and a general sense of unease. Surali, in her wisdom, had decided that it would be safer to camp outside the city, at least until things calmed down.

Thus, fortified with courage and a burning curiosity, Surali embarked on an expedition into the heart of the Neverwinter Woods. Unbeknownst to her, this journey was destined to lead her into an untamed encounter that would test her in ways she could never have foreseen. Initially, it was Thokk who discovered her, the one who found her and bred her in the woods, his tent, and made her succumb to the ways of the tribe.

It was also here where she learned the secret of the tribe... Druidcraft. As an Artificer, she knew how this played into the effects of nature and how life essence was manipulated to serve the will of the caster. She had an idea on how it worked for the individual, including how one could cast a spell or make the components necessary to work on the crafts of life.

On the morning of the first day, the tribal druids discovered a method to induce Surali to lay clutches of eggs in mere hours, a remarkable feat that made her a more useful asset to the tribe. Embracing the tribal customs, Surali found herself participating in rituals and tribal gatherings, her presence readily accepted by the rest of the tribe. She shared in their meals, learned their traditions, and being taken by every single male in the tribe. Every day, she found herself growing more attached to the tribe and the simple, yet fulfilling life they led.

Surali was no stranger to the ways of the tribe now. She had come to appreciate their raw, unapologetic need for physical satisfaction, a primal desire that was far removed from the polite courtesies of the court. There was no pretense here, no games or flattery, just raw, unfettered lust. She reveled in the brown owlfolk's touch, his muscular form pinning her to the forest floor, his firm grip on her hips as he moved rhythmically, taking her with an animalistic hunger that was as thrilling as it was terrifying.

His breath was ragged against her ear, his grunts of pleasure echoing in the quiet of the tribe, a testament to the passion that consumed them. Each thrust sent waves of pleasure coursing through her, her body responding to his with an abandon she had never experienced before. As the tribal male's pace increased, so too did Surali's pleasure. Her own moans echoed in the tent, a symphony of pleasure and desire that had her arching beneath him. She clung to him, her claws digging into his broad back,rasping as his musk filled her vision and his shaft filling her snatch.

Surali's world narrowed to the feeling of the males, their bodies entwined with hers, their scents mingling with her own. The male was unrelenting, his powerful thrusts sending waves of pleasure washing over her. As he grunted his release, she felt a hot rush fill her, his seed marking her internally in a deeply primal way.

The sensation of being filled with his essence, of being claimed so intimately, was a heady one. Surali moaned in ecstasy, her body convulsing in pleasure. The rawness of the act, the animalistic lust that drove them, was more intoxicating than any wine she'd ever tasted.

No sooner had the male finished, a lean black-feathered owlfolk took his place. He moved with a deliberate slowness that was as maddening as it was enticing. His cock, slick with the previous male's release, slid into her easily. His grip on her hips was firm, pulling her to him as he began his own rhythm.

Surali could do nothing but accept him, her body still trembling from her previous climax. His thrusts were slow, deliberate, drawing out the pleasure in a torturous symphony of sensation. She could feel him filling her, each thrust pushing her closer to the edge once more. When he finally spilled his seed within her, the feeling of being filled again pushed her over, her body convulsing in a powerful climax.

Lastly, a purple-feathered owlfolk took his turn. He was gentler than the others, his touch almost tender. His seed joined the others inside her, a potent mix that left her feeling claimed, marked, possessed. As his essence filled her, Surali felt a strange sense of completion, a fulfillment of the primal attraction that had drawn them together.

Exhausted yet fulfilled, Surali found herself being gently lifted by firm hands. Opening her eyes, she saw the face of Thokk, his golden eyes soft with a concern that surprised her. "Raug wishes to see you," he stated, his tone non-negotiable. She did not know who this Raug was... but she assumed authority lingered within the tribe.

With that, she was guided through the tribe's campsite, her body still trembling from the multiple climaxes. She walked with a dazed gait, her senses still overwhelmed by the intoxicating musk of the owlfolk males that lingered on her feathery hide.

The campsite was a haphazard arrangement of tents and fire pits, the tribe's members giving her curious glances as she passed. She saw the faces of the females, many of whom smirked at her being carried off like a cheap whore bred for the men. It was not long till she witnessed the males, their gazes lingering on her with a primal interest.

As they approached the largest tent at the center of the camp, her heart pounded in her chest. It was draped in deer skins and adorned with symbols and talismans that held significance to the tribe. It was a clear sign of the inhabitant's status as leader.

The entrance to the tent was pulled back, revealing a grand figure. The black feathered owlfolk was unmistakably Raug. Tall, with strong, muscled arms and a broad chest, he was an imposing sight. His black feathers glistened in the firelight, and his piercing crimson eyes met hers with a predatory gaze that sent shivers down her spine.

Raug was naked, the dim light from the fires playing over the ridges of his muscular form, his maleness presented with a blunt, unapologetic confidence. His scent hit her then, a stronger, more potent version of the musk that had ensnared her before. It was heady, intoxicating, making her head swim and her body respond in a way that both startled and excited her. Surali's body ached from the recent coupling and the journey to Raug's tent, but she managed to stand, her legs trembling slightly.

Raug studied her for a moment, his eyes traveling over her exposed body, taking in the marks left by the previous encounters. There was a predatory gleam in his gaze, an unspoken promise that there was more to come. And in that moment, Surali knew that she would submit to him too, the primal connection between them too powerful to resist.

"Approach, young one."

Raug's voice was like the low rumble of distant thunder, deep and commanding. The tent seemed to grow quieter at his words, as if even the elements outside bowed to his authority.

Surali hesitated, her heart pounding in her chest. She could see the expectancy in his fiery gaze, the demanding presence that was his alone. The scent of him wafted towards her, even more potent up close, making her senses reel. It was an intoxicating mix of male musk, the distinct tang of the forest, and a smell uniquely his.

Slowly, her body trembling with anticipation and uncertainty, Surali moved forward. Each step seemed to echo loudly in the quiet tent, the tension between her and Raug growing more palpable with each passing moment. He watched her silently, his predatory gaze never leaving her form.

Once she was close enough, Raug extended a large hand, his fingers brushing lightly against her soft feathers. His touch was as electrifying as it was terrifying, sparking a wave of desire within her. Despite the earlier couplings and her exhaustion, Surali felt her body react, her desire flaring up at his touch.

"Good," he rumbled, his voice echoing through the tent. His fingers traced down her body, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake. His touch was surprisingly gentle, a stark contrast to his imposing presence. "What is your name my dear? I see the eye of nobility on you..."

"Surali Grechin... of the House of Grechin..."

Raug's gaze met hers, a challenge and a promise gleaming in his fiery eyes. His fingers lightly gripped her chin, tilting her head up to better meet his gaze. "You are mine now, Surali of House Grechin..." he declared, his voice resonating with an authority that brooked no argument. "Thokk did well... more than the whores of Neverwinter... but a Noble... and an obedient one at that."

Surali could only nod, the overpowering scent of him making her head spin. Her body was sore and fatigued, yet she found herself drawn towards him, his scent drawing her closer and closer to him.

With a snap of his fingers, Surali would feel her entire body be cleaned with the use of magic. Raug had used his control over the essence of magic to clean her, like she was a fresh whore.

The sudden sensation of cleanliness brought a soft gasp from Surali. It was a feeling of purity that sharply contrasted the raw, primal experiences she had just undergone. Magic - a familiar yet strange sensation. It was not like the artificer magic she knew and used. This was Druidcraft - primal, raw, as untamed as the owlfolk who practiced it.

Raug's scent engulfed her, a heady mix of musk and earthiness, a hint of forest pine and smoky firewood. Her body was free of the evidence of past encounters, but the memories were as vivid as ever. The rough touch of different hands on her body, the strong bodies dominating her, and the intoxicating scent that had wrapped around her senses, had become a part of her.

Then Raug was pulling her closer, his sturdy arm drawing her into his broad chest. His gaze bore into hers, a smoldering intensity simmering beneath the surface. His beak was upon hers before she had the chance to protest.

It was not a gentle kiss. It was possessive, hungry, a testament to the raw passion that Raug felt for her. His maw claimed hers, his tongue sweeping into her mouth, an intoxicating dance that left her dazed and breathless.

When they finally parted, Surali was left panting, her heart pounding in her chest. Her body was still nestled close to Raug's, the heat radiating from him making her own desire spark anew. Raug's hold on her tightened, his possessive grip a clear declaration - Surali was his.

And strangely, in the heart of the Neverwinter woods, surrounded by these tribal owlfolk, Surali found herself not minding that at all.

Raug's embrace remained firm yet tender, a contradiction that somehow made perfect sense in this surreal context. Surali could feel the steady rhythm of his heart, a silent testament to the vigor that resided within his robust form. She turned her head, her violet eyes taking in the intricacies of his face - the sharp cut of his beak, the fierce fire in his eyes, and the mesmerizing hue of his dark feathers.

His deep voice rumbled through his chest as he began to speak. "We have much to learn from each other, Surali of House Grechin," he said, his fiery gaze holding her captive. "You are here with us now, a part of our tribe. We shall respect your wisdom, your heritage, and in return, you shall expand your bloodline through ours."

With these words echoing in her ears, Surali felt a strange sense of acceptance. It was true that her life as a noble had never truly felt fulfilling. Always confined by rules and expectations, she had long yearned for something more--something that allowed her to explore her true self. The owlfolk tribe, as wild and untamed as the long roads they called home, offered her that very opportunity.

"Expand your bloodline through ours..." The words hit her with their full force, the implications clear. Raug was not merely inviting her into their tribe; he was asking her to intermingle her lineage with theirs, to be a mother to their offspring. A role that she would never have imagined for herself, yet now, it felt... right.

Yet that act had been completed in the prior days, was he trying to sugar coat this?

Raug's firm grip on her shifted subtly, a comforting squeeze as if he could sense the whirlwind of thoughts in her mind. His gaze, intense yet reassuring, held hers as he continued. "Our ways might seem strange to you now, but in time, you will understand. You are now part of a lineage that stretches back generations, a chain unbroken, tied to the very essence of nature and life itself. Your blood will mix with ours, strengthening our tribe, preserving our customs, and ensuring our future... and ensure yours."

Surali nodded, a sense of determination rising within her. She was no longer just Surali of House Grechin. She was Surali of the owlfolk, of Raug's tribe. The future would hold challenges, of course, but she was ready to face them. And, if fate was kind, she would bear the fruits of this union, cementing her place within the tribe not just as a mate, but as a brood mother.

"What do you think... young Surali? Do we have a deal?"

A deal. Those words seemed to hang in the air, heavy with their implications. Surali's violet eyes met Raug's fiery gaze, a surge of determination coursing through her. She was no stranger to negotiations, to the delicate art of crafting deals that favored her family. Yet this was something entirely different, a deal that held more than just economic or political implications. It was a pact, a covenant that bound her to a people she had only just met, yet felt an unexpected connection with.

For a moment, Surali looked around the tent, her gaze sweeping over the ornate tribal decorations, the familiar faces of Thokk and the others, and the imposing figure of Raug. She saw their expectations, their hopes. She saw her future.

Slowly, she turned her gaze back to Raug, the fierce leader of the tribe, the male who had claimed her, who was offering her a place in his tribe, a role she had never envisioned for herself.

"Yes, Raug," Surali finally said, her voice clear and steady despite the wild beating of her heart. "We have a deal."

A collective sigh of relief seemed to echo through the tent at her words. Surali felt Raug's grip on her tighten, a sense of approval radiating from him. She watched as he slowly stood up, drawing her with him, his firm grip never leaving her.

"As the leader of this tribe, I, Raug, accept your pledge, Surali of House Grechin," he declared, his deep voice echoing through the silence of the tent. "From this moment onward, you bear the title of Brood Mother of my tribe. Your duty extends beyond merely carrying my offspring, but extends to nurturing the offspring of all the males within our tribe."

"In return, you will have our protection, our respect, and our seed. You will become part of our history, your name echoed in our stories and your legacy carried forward by our offspring. This is not merely a physical transaction, Surali. It is a pact of souls, of lives intertwined, of lifetimes shared."

"So, I ask you again, Surali of House Grechin--Surali of our tribe--do we have an accord?"

"Raug," she began, her voice steady despite the inquisitive thoughts in her mind. "Are you a noble?" She asked him, the words he spoke were specific, precise and very much in the tongue of those in court.

Raug's gaze flickered for a moment, taken aback by Surali's question. His talons, which were resting gently on her arm, tensed subtly. The quiet within the tent seemed to grow deeper, stretching on as the tribal leader considered his response.

After a few moments, Raug let out a soft chuckle, a rumbling sound that resonated in the silent tent. His fiery gaze met hers once more, this time accompanied by a subtle gleam of amusement. "Noble?" he echoed, a wry grin curling his beak. "Is that what you think, young Surali?"

He shook his head, his black feathers rustling gently. "No, Surali, I am no noble. At least, not in the way your city-folk would understand. I have no title, no lands, no inheritance passed down through generations. This tribe is my family, the Neverwinter Woods, our home for the moment."

He paused, his gaze unwavering. "However, I am a leader, chosen not by birthright, but by the strength of mytalons, the wisdom of my spirit, and the trust of my tribe. I speak in the tongue of the court because I have traded with your people, learned your language, and understood your customs."

His grip on her tightened subtly, a gentle affirmation of his words. "But do not mistake this for subservience to your ways. We have our own ways, our own laws. We are no less noble in our own right." He concluded, his voice ringing with conviction.

Surali looked at Raug, her violet eyes gleaming with newfound understanding. Here was a creature of dignity and authority, not granted by birth or privilege, but earned through strength, wisdom, and the respect of his kin. In this moment, she felt a surge of respect, and even admiration, for the black-feathered owlfolk before her.

Guided by an instinct she had not known she possessed, Surali leaned in, closing the distance between them. She reached out, her slender fingers tracing the rough edges of his beak, her touch feather-light. The gaze they shared was unwavering, a silent testament to the intimacy of the moment.

Her hand rested on his strong jaw, the warmth of his skin seeping into her palm. She could feel the firmness of his muscles beneath her touch, a silent testament to the strength that lay within. With a soft sigh, she leaned closer still, her eyelashes brushing against his as she finally closed the gap.

Her lips met Raug's beak in a gentle kiss, a stark contrast to the fervent, ravenous kisses they had shared earlier. It was a soft, lingering touch, an expression of the understanding and mutual respect that had blossomed between them. Her heart fluttered within her chest, a wave of warmth spreading through her at the sensation.

Raug's response was immediate, yet equally gentle. He reciprocated the kiss, his beak pressing softly against her lips. One of his taloned hands came up to cradle her cheek, his touch surprisingly tender. Raug's fiery gaze never wavered, his eyes smoldering with an intensity that made Surali's breath hitch in her throat. Slowly, he reached for her, his sturdy hands sliding down her body with a possessive yet tender touch. He was mindful of the delicate feathers that adorned her form, his touch tracing over her curves with reverence and care.

He lowered her gently onto the soft cloth bedding beneath them, his muscled form towering over her. His gaze roamed her body, drinking in her exposed form with an appreciative gaze. His talons roamed across her body, tracing patterns that made her gasp and squirm beneath him.

As Raug's sturdy hands explored her body, his scent overwhelmed her, making her head spin. It was intoxicating, clouding her thoughts until there was nothing but him - his touch, his gaze, his musk. Surali found herself drawn towards it, as though it was a beacon guiding her in the vast wilderness of their passion.

The musk clung to her feathers, a tangible reminder of their intimacy and shared desire. It was a potent aphrodisiac, driving her own arousal and making her more receptive to his advances. Each inhale was a reminder of Raug - his strength, his passion, his claim.

As their beaks remained locked in a fervent dance, Raug's muscular hips descended, aligning himself with Surali. Then, without any preamble, he thrust forward, penetrating her in a single, potent motion that elicited a sharp gasp from Surali. Her grip around him tightened instinctively, pulling him even deeper into her.

The rawness of the action left her breathless, the blend of pleasure and surprise rendering her momentarily speechless. The sheer size of him was overwhelming, filling her in ways she had never known before. Each deliberate motion of his hips sent waves of pleasure radiating through her, the rhythm of their bodies syncing in an unspoken understanding.

His muscular frame leaned over her, his powerful wings folding protectively around her body. Each thrust was met with her eager response, her body arching to meet his. As his beak nipped at the sensitive spot at the crook of her neck, Surali's world narrowed down to the feel of Raug - his scent, his taste, his touch - everything else was secondary.

an impressive specimen of his kind. His muscular body was enveloped by black feathers that glistened under the firelight. His large eyes, a fiery crimson, held an enigmatic depth, their gaze as entrancing as it was intense. His beak was a sharp contrast against his dark feathers, a potent symbol of his status and strength.

As Raug continued to move within Surali, his talons gripped her hips, guiding her to meet each of his powerful thrusts. She could feel the press of his feathers against her skin, the unique texture adding another layer of sensation to their coupling.

Surali, on her part, responded eagerly to his touch. The feeling of his talons against her skin, the tickle of his feathers as they brushed against her, the heady scent of him, all conspired to drive her to new heights of pleasure. The primal rhythm of their bodies moving together stirred something within her, awakening an instinct she hadn't known existed.

Raug's beak traced a path along her collarbone, the cool touch contrasting with the heat of their bodies. The feathered wings that folded around them provided a sense of intimacy and protection, a cocoon that isolated them from the world outside. Their gasps and moans were the only sounds that filled the tent, a testament to the passion that flared between them.

Driven by raw need, Raug moved with relentless intensity. His grunts and growls of pleasure were muffled against her neck, his hot breath causing shivers to dance down her spine. His talons dug into her hips, guiding her movements to meet his own. Their bodies were a symphony of desire and need, each note resounding through the stillness of the tent.

Raug's explorations were unhurried, reverent even, as he traced his talons over the contours of her body, eliciting soft sighs and gasps as he discovered places that made her shudder with desire. He traced the curve of her beak with his, before descending to the juncture of her neck and shoulder, nipping and teasing in a way that sent tingles of pleasure down her spine.

As his powerful body moved rhythmically within her, Surali felt the friction against her sensitive inner walls, and her body responded in kind, gripping him tight. Her own talons trailed over his back, a mixture of gentle touches and excited scratches that only seemed to spur him on further.

Raug's grip on her tightened as his thrusts became more demanding, a clear sign of his approaching climax. In response, Surali arched her back, her talons digging into his shoulders as she met him thrust for thrust, the overwhelming wave of pleasure building within her.

Finally, with a shared cry that echoed within the confines of the tent, they found their release. Surali clung to him as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her, her body convulsing with the force of her climax. Raug growled, his body tense as he released his seed into her, their mutual pleasure marking the culmination of their union.

As they lay there in the aftermath, their bodies tangled and sated, Surali felt a deep sense of contentment. She was more than just Surali of House Grechin now; she was Surali of Raug's tribe, connected to him in ways she had never thought possible. The scent of him, so intoxicating, so unique, seemed to seep into her very being, becoming a part of her just as she was becoming a part of him. In the silence that followed, all she could hear was the steady beat of his heart, a testament to the wild, passionate, and beautiful life they now shared.

Knowing Raug's interest in her... this was only the beginning.

News Update: Today I will be graduating from my University with a BBA in Cyber Security! I personally would not have gotten to this point without having you all as my outlet and reviewers of my writing when I first lost my grandmother and went through Covid. As a graduation present, I am offering everyone a chance for me to DM a campaign for you all!

If this interests you, please DM me at: TrueForgiveness#0508 on Discord!

In other news...

  • -There will be two new series coming out, both being hobby sets from D&D and His Majesty's Dragon.

  • -The Next chapter of Dragons Dame is almost complete!

  • -I am rewriting a Werewolf Lewd Short Story!

  • -And I have completed Chapter 17/18 of my Halo Evolutions fanfiction on Fanfiction.net!