Mega Trainer Chapter 3

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#3 of Mega Trainer

Seth and Soul try to make some money before moving on but discover something more important.



Seth the Trainer

Soul the Absol

Chp 3

I woke up from the sunlight shining in my eyes. I groggily rolled my head to look at the curtains. The bulk of absol on my chest prevented the rest of my body from moving. The curtains were parted enough to allow the light in. The only problem was that the window was on the west side.

"Shit!" I said as I bolted up, startling Soul as she clung to my now non furry chest. "Soul, c'mon, we gotta go, it's already afternoon."

"Sol..." she purred lightly. [Can't we just sleep in and fuck all night again?]

"Hmm, I'm not a pokemon anymore..." I said as I slid out from under her and began to get dressed. "You wanna go in your ball or not?"

Soul walked up and nosed her ball, being consumed by the red light it emitted. I gathered up the rest of my things and left the pokemon center. I headed to the town park to find some trainers to battle for some extra cash. Afterwards, I was planning to leave town and try and make some progress to the next town, which happened to be the home of the first league gym.

When I arrived at the park, a large crowd was gathered around a pair of trainers battling. I walked up to one of the onlookers and asked what was going on. Apparently, one of the trainers, named Alex, had been going on a winning streak with his prize espeon. With Soul, I should have the advantage, so I got in line to fight him. When it was my turn I got a clear look at him and his pokemon. He looked average, but his espeon caught my eyes. It had blue eyes and a blue gem instead of red, almost like the color of the sky. It had the saddest look I had ever seen, almost like it was about to cry. As I released Soul, I bent down and whispered "Look at that espeon. Find out what's wrong with it" into her ear. She nodded and stepped forward onto the field. Most would have seen her as showing off with the way she moved but the way she flagged her tail, giving quick glances of blue flesh in her white pelt, she was trying to tease me. As she sized up her opponent, she quickly realized what I meant, becoming serious.

"A dark type? I've trained my espeon to be invincible, types be damned!" Alex boasted.

"Soul is plenty strong! Let's go!"

Both pokemon took a ready stance and began the fight. Soul opened with double team, creating several images of herself. The espeon countered with swift. This is where the weirdness began. The stars formed by the attack were huge but there were so few of them, it seemed like it was holding back. Then, instead of tracking the target like a normal swift attack would, it destroyed several of Soul's clones but completely missed her. Soul leaped from her images, slashing at the espeon with her horn. The attack knocked the espeon down and Soul pounced her.

They exchanged "sol's and espy's" until Soul got up, turned around and walked back to me.

Alex yelled out "We're not done yet, come back here!"

"Nope. She's done. I forfeit, here's your money." I said, handing him a couple hundred pokedollars.


Later that night, me and Soul regrouped in our hotel room, the room still smelling of our actions last night, although much less strong with my human nose. Soul had a very serious look on her face. "Okay, so what's the deal?" She went wild with barks, ab's and sol's. "Soul, I can't understand you." I could see the urgency in her eyes though, this was serious. She lifted a paw and I connected my hand to it. After over thirty seconds, nothing happened. Soul looked quite angry at this. She began growling and pushing against me harder. "It's not my fault, calm down. We still have no idea how this thing works. How about this, I'll make some guesses and you nod your head."

"Okay. Is it bad?" She nodded.

"Did he steal her?" She shook her head.

"Did he hurt her?" She nodded heavily.

"That bastard. Is that it?" She turned her head sideways. "What does that mean?"

She frowned and shook her head. She walked forward and jumped onto the bed, lying down. "Alright. I'm gonna get ready for bed then."

After coming out, Soul was curled up on the bed. I climbed in next to her and she lifted her head to look at me. I could see tears staining her blue face. " it really that bad?" I said with concern. She nodded slowly and deliberately. "Alright, I'll think of something. Don't worry, we will help her." I reached over and pulled her body close, cuddling her as she tried to choke back her tears.

Before I could fall asleep, a familiar feeling began to make me itch. I was growing fur! Soul looked up as I began to evolve. However this time, my changes felt very different. They were more extreme. I felt no pain as my back shifted and my legs and arms changed into quadruped legs. My fur this time was also thicker, with my muzzle being shorter than last time.

As my changes finished I saw Soul's jaw drop. [You're...] she started.

I looked down and my chin impacted my mane of white fur. At the top of my field of vision, I could see a blue sickle shaped horn.

[An absol] Soul murred.

[Soul, no.] I told her sternly. [Not now. First of all, what changed between now and then?]

She lost her look of lust and got serious. [I was just lying there, feeling sad, and then I started thinking about how lucky I am to have been captured by you, and then I started to get... needy.]

[So, it's only lust that triggers my evolution. And as for why I'm an absol] I held up a paw [I have no idea. Now, what happened with that espeon.]

[Her trainer did hurt her. But not just physically. He raised her from an eevee and when he was training her early on, he was really nice and friendly, but as soon as she evolved...He stopped all that. He started to push her way too hard and would beat her senseless every time she lost a fight. She begged me not to hurt her in that fight. She said that if she cried or lost, he would hurt her again and make her train even harder.]

I fought to keep my composure during this story. I knew that eevee evolved into an espeon if they were happy enough, but to use her, just for a powerful pokemon, a fighting machine! My paws clenched, tearing holes in the sheets. [I've got a plan. We'll save her, don't worry. I swear it.] I said proudly.

[I can't help it. You just look so sexy like that. Can we please mate?]

[No, dammit!] I said with a light growl. [Sorry, I snapped but we have to help that poor espeon. And we'll both need to get up early and have energy for my plan.]

She winced a bit. [No, I'm sorry.] She said in a sad tone. I leaned over and gave her a lick on the cheek.

[If this works, I promise, I'll devote an entire day, just for you and me.] This perked her up. We both snuggled up, our coats keeping each other warm as we drifted off.