Mega Trainer Chapter 18

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#18 of Mega Trainer

Seth heads for the snowy forests of the frozen peak mountains

Seth the Hybrid Trainer

Soul the Absol

Sky the Espeon

Eclipse the Zoroark

Eve the Lucario

CHP 18

Seth woke up peacefully and contented, though his balls felt sensitive. Looking at his paws, he saw he was still in umbreon form. Under him, he only felt bed. His head raised, looking about the room, and seeing no signs of Hannah. He curled around himself and licked at his sore crotch, relieving the ache a bit. *Hmm. I guess I can do that now." He thought, though pleasure was the last thing on his mind. Bringing his head back up to a level position, he noticed a note on the nightstand.

"Seth, you were out cold, so I headed down to get some breakfast. See you later :)"

He got out of bed and padded his way to the door, hopping up a few times to get his teeth around the handle. He got it open and headed back to his room. He got to the door but had a problem. The keycard, he had it in his pocket. The pocket that was wherever his clothes go when he transforms. He gritted his teeth, pacing around. He was in public, so turning back was out. He didn't have the key to Hannah's room either. He put out his paw, flexing his short claws. He reached out and tried to scratch at the door as loudly as possible. He felt helpless for a few moments before the handle turned. Eclipse opened the door.

"Oh, you're back." She said, stepping aside and shutting the door behind him. Seth trotted into the room, seeing all the girls lying in bed. He hopped up to join them, weirded out by the fact that everyone but Sky was bigger than him currently.

"Have fun~?" Soul asked with a nuzzle.

"Not as much as with you." He told her, rubbing back.

Eclipse put her paw to her mouth and made a gagging noise. "Get a room lovebirds. I mean another room."

"Well somebody is grumpy." Seth said. "Anyways, we should get back on the road. We're heading up to the frozen peaks. There aren't any gyms that way so it should be safer, more inconspicuous. Though its gonna get cold. It snows year around in those parts." Seth got packed, after returning to human form. On the way out he went to the breakfast buffet the hotel served and joined Hannah at her table. "How's it going?" He asked as he sat down.

"Still a little sweaty. I didn't want to wake you with a shower. You look so cute when you sleep. I'll get cleaned up before a head out."

"So where you heading?"

"I'm heading back towards Everlive. I'll get the other two badges I need on the way and then I'm headed to End town and then the league. How about you?"

"South, towards the Frozen Peak mountain range."

"Oh, I've heard good things about that place. Hot springs, beautiful snowfall, woodland cabins..."

"Yeah, that's why. I'm ready to go after breakfast. Give me a call sometime, maybe I'll come watch your league challenge."

"I'd like that." She said, picking up her empty plate and depositing it in the appropriate place. She came back and said, "See you later." She planted a kiss on his cheek and left the room. Seth finished eating, and the girls finished their bowls of pokechow. Seth cleaned up and they left the hotel, and shortly after Stross city. They left the city heading to the South, with the view of snowcapped mountains ahead.

Over the course of their travels, the temperature gradually dropped as their elevation increased. Soon, a light pattering of snow began to cover up the grass, growing thicker as the temperature dropped.

"Seth," Soul said, "We might have a problem. I sense a snowstorm brewing. I don't know when it'll hit, but we might wanna be ready."

"We should reach the area where all the lodges and cabins are before nightfall. I'll get us a cabin of our very own, with total privacy."

Both predictions proved true. They arrived at the main lodge just after the sun set and snow was already falling, but not a blizzard yet. He entered it and went to the front desk. "Hi, I'd like a cabin."

"Alright." The lady clerk said, checking for availability. "And it comes with access to the hot springs. I would recommend it."

"Thanks, I'll check it out." He gave her his trainer card, though he had to wince at the price. They left the lodge, hurrying through the snowy path to their cabin. Luckily, it was one of the closest cabins to the springs. They got inside, the girls shaking the snow from their fur. Seth hurried to get the fire started, struggling to light a match with his shaking hands. Eclipse pushed him aside gently.

"Let me." She said, putting her muzzle to the logs and letting out a small puff of fire that quickly caught and spread, setting the fireplace alight. Seth closed the grate after she backed away.

"Thanks." He said, rubbing her snout. "I think I'll go to the hot springs before bed. I could use some relaxation."

"What about the cold?" Eve asked.

"The hot springs lives up to its name. The snow won't be a problem. So, who wants to come." He looked at Soul and she shot him back a death glare. "That's what I expected. Sky? Eve?" They both nodded. "Eclipse, you too?"

She smiled. "Why not." The four of them left the cabin, leaving Soul there alone.

The lone absol lied down on the large bed covered with large comforters. Her mind quickly drifted into contemplation. Memories ran rampant through her mind, and a single tear rolled down her blue face.

Seth and the others arrived at the springs. The snow was already beginning to pick up, the wind blowing it around, stinging the small bits of exposed flesh of Seth's winter outfit. They rushed inside to find two sections, with two doors, one marked for males and the other for females. "We'll have to split up." Seth said, making sure no one was listening. "This is a public place." Pokemon were considered intelligent enough that being naked around them was taboo. Sky let out a whine, but accepted, the three girls heading to their locker rooms and then straight to the hot spring. Seth did similar, though he stripped off his clothes and had a towel wrapped around his waist. He entered the men's area to find it empty.

On the other side of the wooden fence that separated the sections he heard distinctly human laughter. "You are just the most precious little thing!" A voice he estimated to be a teenager said.

"Thank you." He heard Sky say. Seth relaxed back, resting his head against the towel propped on the edge of the water. He sunk down, only his head above the water. Not even the snow was a problem, as the place was roofed. The wind was negated as well by the copious amounts of steam in the air. He couldn't help but let out a contented sigh, his eyes drifting shut, though he stayed awake.

His relaxation was broken when he heard footsteps. He opened his eyes to see another person coming into the male section. He looked normal enough so Seth did not worry. The guy sat down to his left and Seth returned to his previous position. He remained relaxed for a while, until he felt a whisper in his ear. "Enjoying yourself?" He recoiled back in surprise, falling into the water with a splash. He wiped the water from his eyes and saw the guy looking at him with a smile.

"What the hell?" He asked, trying not to cause too much of a scene.

"Relax. It's me, Eclipse." He said, holding up his hands. "I need to talk with you, alone."

"You know why that is suspicious I assume." Seth said, his body tensing.

"Please. You have to trust me."

"I want to. Really, I do. But until this whole thing is over, I can't. You are a trained assassin. I hope you can understand my reasons." Seth said, melancholy entering his tone.

"I do... So if we deal with Team Purity, you can trust me?"

"Yes. That would prove everything, mostly that you care for me and the others."

She sighed. "Alright. I was afraid that it would be too dangerous... but it would help us..." She seemed to be thinking out loud. Seth came over and put a hand on her shoulder.

"What is it?"

"I know where their base is. It's here in the mountains. My team was brought there when we were put on the payroll."

The idea of ending the threat to his and the girls lives trumped his distrust and sense of danger. The possibility of an end was worth the possibility of a trap. "Alright. Tomorrow, we end it. We take them down."

Eclipse walked over to him, her form shimmering a bit as he looked directly into her eyes. She took a hand in hers and brought it to her face. He expected to feel skin, but all he felt was her course fur. "Seth... Please trust me. It is true that I only joined you out of boredom, but I've grown close to you and everyone else. I feel like you hate me!" She said, tears forming in her eyes, their natural color and shape bleeding thorough her illusion.

Seth felt a pang of guilt run through him. He opened his mouth to say something, but the words would not come. He rubbed his thumb over her eye, wiping the wetness away. "Eclipse... Think about this from my side. If you wanted me dead, joining me would be the perfect way. I had to keep you at a distance, just in case. I'll make it all up to you after this all settles down."

"I would like that." She purred under his touch.

"Go get the other girls. We should get plenty of rest."

Shortly later, they regrouped and trudged back through the furious blizzard back to the cabin. Seth opened the door to find the lights off, only the fireplace lighting the room in flickering orange light.

"The power went out." Soul said as she saw them. "The heater is out too." The fire did provide warmth, put compared to the closing in on negative temperatures outside, it was fleeting. Seth had a plan though. He took a bunch of blankets and pillows from the bed and made a makeshift bed in front of the fire, far enough away that nothing could go wrong. When they were all huddle up under the covers, he revealed his plan.

"Tomorrow, we take down Team Purity. We know where they are. With all five of us, they can't possibly stop us. It will be dangerous, but if we do this, we can live in peace."