New Journey Chapter 26: Focus (X)

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#27 of New Journey

Seth the hybrid

Soul the absol

Sky the espeon

Chp 26: Focus

TOOT TOOT. The boat horn blasted loud as the ship came into harbor. Canalave city was busy as usual, with more people waiting to board the SS Anne. First however, Seth and his party disembarked.

"I'm leaving now." Zip said. "Thank you." She sounded a bit forced.

"Wait," Soul called. "Aren't you worried about being captured? You're wild right?"

"Yes, but I-"

"Iron Island, the place we're headed, it's a pokemon sanctuary. No captures allowed."

"That sounds perfect." Zip said, coming back over to the group. "Let's go. I've been cooped up for too long."

Seth shrugged and began to walk for the boat to the island.

"So this guy, Riley," Sky explained. "He's awesome. He is responsible for keeping Iron Island safe, and he can use aura." Seth raised an eyebrow. "On the level you used to be able to. And he's human, so he's got to be able to teach you how. Even if not, he could probably help us train before taking on the gym."

"Speaking of the gym..." He muttered. "Hey!" He called to the sailor. "Do you know anything about the gym? Last time we tried to get in the leader wasn't there."

"Not there? Byron's always around. But he only has two states: drunk and hungover. So he probably wouldn't battle you. I hear the league's been riding him about it. If you pester him enough, he'll give you a badge, then you can move on."

The boat settled on the dock, and sped away after Seth stepped off. He led the way up further onto the mountain, to the lone house standing there. After a couple knocks, the door opened. A man in a blue suit like outfit was behind it.

"Can I help you?"

"Yes, I-"

"Riley? Remember me?" Sky asked, stepping forward.

"Sky? What brings you back here? And this must be your trainer." Riley extended a hand. "Riley."

"Seth." They shook hands.

"My deepest apologies about what happened to you here. Those monsters did a lot of damage before I drove them out."

"Speaking of, can I stay here?" Zip asked.

"Of course." With that, Zip turned and ventured into the cave to explore her new home.

"So, I have a ton of questions. First of all, what's up with Byron?" Seth asked.

"Yes... He has been depressed as of late. I may be able to help on that matter."

"Okay, then Sky says you can use aura."

Riley nodded. A mug, wrapped in blue energy floated over his shoulder and into his hand. He took a sip, before letting go, as the cup floated back into the room.

Seth closed his eyes and turned into a lucario. Riley didn't even flinch. "Not surprised?"

"Your aura betrayed your true form."

"Right... So," Seth reached up to the aura stumps on his neck. "I lost my aura sensors, and then my ability to form aura. All I can do is read it and use basic moves. And barely at all in my human form."

"A simple problem. All living things, even humans, are able to utilize aura. A lucario is able to do so with no prior training because of those tassels. All you need to do to regain your former power is train."

"I have been training. I'm up to six on the gyms."

"Not like that. Have you ever heard stories of monks, achieving phenomenal things through sheer force of will and focus? Aura is similar." Riley stepped to the side. "If you'd like, I can direct your efforts."

"I'd appreciate it." Seth said as he came in.

Riley walked past him and pulled out a chair. Seth sat in it and Riley crossed around and sat on the other side. "Now." He poured Seth a cup of tea and slid it over to him. "The world is full of places of power. There are numerous ways they are created. A great battle, a sad story, a mystical legend, and others have existed always. There is one such place in the caves here. Find it."

"And then?"

"One step at a time. There is a group called the aura guardians. Humans who use aura to protect the world. I am in training to be one."

"No thanks. I'm just kinda doing my own thing." Seth said before he could offer.

"Of course. I am merely offering to help a member of my favorite species of pokemon. But I am only an apprentice compared to those that came before me. Thus, I am not qualified to be a teacher."

"That's fine. And can my pokemon train here too?" He motioned with his head over to Soul and Sky, who were exploring the one room house.

"That is what this place is for." Riley chuckled.

Seth gulped down the rest of the tea and called to the girls. "Alright, let's get moving."

They left the house and rounded the corner into the cave. "So do we have any idea where to go?" Sky asked.

"Nope. Just a cave and a dream." Soul said.

"You ever hear that it's about the journey and not the destination?" Seth said, still in his lucario form. They went to the right, following the rails. As they did, they quickly came across a lairon, lying on its side. "You okay?" Seth asked.

"Damn, that luxray was tough... She's going after the boss, an aggron. And I was an example. I'll be okay. Just a bit tingly." His head dropped back down.

"Seems like Zip wants to usurp the alpha." Sky said. "Should we stop her?"

"Nah. She's a hardass but she wouldn't kill anybody." Soul explained.

"Seems you really made a buddy." Seth said.

"I wouldn't say that."

They continued on, eventually coming to a large room. There was a hole in the ceiling, a bright column of sunlight shining down. The room was almost silent. The rest of the cave had the noises of its dwellers, but something about this place drove them away. The only sound was the quiet whistle of the wind blowing in from outside. "Sky, do you feel that?"

"Yeah... what is that?"

"What are you two talking about?" Soul asked.

"There's like... an energy in the air. This must be the place." Seth sat back against a wall and crossed his legs and closed his eyes. His tassels rose as he began to sense for aura.

"So..." Soul asked.

"Shush." Sky told her. "We'll just leave you alone. Come on, let's go talk to Riley."

Seth sat there as the sound of them walking away got quieter. As near total silence enveloped him, he grew a bit anxious, fidgeting around. The air seemed charged with something. As he drew in the sense of aura from around him, this uncomfortable feeling only grew stronger. He was figuratively blinded by the amount of aura around him. Life energy was often bound to a body, but here, it made up the air. As if it had just been left here.

With his eyes still closed, he reached up, waving his paw through the air.


"Pickin' all day!" Chuck called.

"Pickin' all night!" Barry called back.

"Pickin'... the hell is-" The ceiling suddenly shook violently, rocks breaking loose and crashing to the ground. "SHIT!" The burly man cried out, dropping his mining pick.

"Oh fuck no." Barry growled. He went over to the pile of rubble and drove his pick into one of the boulders. It cracked in half, but the shift in rocks caused even more rubble to come down, further boxing them in.

"Don't make it any worse." Chuck told him. "I tried to tell them the supports were bad. Nothing to do but wait for the rescue." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cards.

"That your insurance?"

"Yeah. What would you have brought?"

"Good point. Gin Rummy?"

They both sat across from each other, dealing out the cards.


Seth gasped as his eyes opened. It had been so vivid. He knew so much about those two men. They were there for months. They died, in this very room. It wasn't until years later, when the mine was closed, that their skeletons were found. And there were many more. So many people had perished in this mine. No wonder it got shut down.

"What was that?" Seth asked aloud, trying to convince himself he was in the real world. So much information had just passed into him. He almost didn't want to close his eyes again, but he had no choice.


"Now, close combat!" Riley ordered. His lucario leapt forward, pounding his fists into the wall. The pokemon did a kick flip, aura forming around his foot and carving a line into the wall. It landed back and swung both paws, small spears of aura flying out and crashing into the wall, leaving several holes after they faded.



Seth's eyes opened at the distraction. He looked over to find a mawile poking his arm.

"You were really zoned out there. Could you please help me? You look really strong."

"Sorry, but I'm busy. Go ask Riley."

"You must not get how this thing works. I'm the damsel in distress, and you're the knight. You help me and we fall in love."

"No thanks." Seth said.

"Aww, come on!" She whined. "It'll be fun~" She wiggled her small hips, running a paw down her side.

"I said no." Seth closed his eyes and turned away from her. He felt a movement, rustling of fur and a weight settling into his lap. He opened his eyes to find the mawile on him, facing him and touching his chest with her paws. "Stop. Now." Seth ordered. He picked her up and effortlessly set her aside. "I'm trying to train."

"And what if I don't?" She teased. Seth raised a fist, but she didn't flinch. He swung, but stopped it short before hitting her. "HA!" She cheered in victory. "You won't hurt me. Just do me. It'll be stamina training~"

Seth grumbled and tried to ignore her.


"So," Soul said. "I need to go into town to get something."

"What do you need?" Riley asked.


"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. I can't understand pokemon quite as well as your trainer."

Soul frowned for a moment, before her body glowed and her form shifted upwards. The light faded, revealing a human female, a very pale and slim one, wearing obvious boy's clothes. The shirt bulged from her sizable breasts, and the shoulders didn't fit right on her frame, and the shorts were way too small for her long legs.

"I thought there was more to you." Riley said.

"Yeah, yeah, you're so smart and special." Soul muttered. "I'm going to town to buy some things, but I don't have any money. Can I borrow some? I'll get Seth to pay you back."

"I suppose." Riley took a trainer card out of his pocket and handed it to her. "Please spend responsibly."

Soul smiled ominously as she took it. "You got it." She spun around nimbly and left the house. "Sky, keep things under control here. I'll be back with the surprise."

"Get a nice one!" She called to the leaving woman.

"Care to explain?" Riley asked.

"It's a secret." Sky told him.


"Ughh." Soul groaned as she stretched her arms above her head. Her hands then went to her breasts and hefted them up. "These damn things are heavy... How do humans manage?"

She stepped off the dock and back onto the pavement of Canalave city. First stop, some clothes that didn't feel scratchy.

Pokemart? She wondered. No, They only sold trainer supplies. Travelling clothes, food, pokemon stuff, camping junk, but no nice soft clothes. She wanted something like her fur. Well, really, she wanted to just go nude, but humans were prudes. Their whole society was weird. When a pokemon wanted something, they took it. No exchange of currency, they just did it. All the complex junk just slowed down the natural process.

"Big store... big store..." Soul muttered out loud as she looked around the town. Towns were usually organized into sections based on what was there, so all the stores should be together. A department store would be her best bet. She had never been inside one, but had heard about them. Everything the human world had to offer, in one building. She was on the eastern side of town, heading south.

There was a forest leading back out into the wilds, but looming in the distance was a giant building. Not tall, but flat, spreading out into the distance. A mall, if memory served her. "Perfect." She walked closer, noting the lack of a parking lot, something that was bad about them. She went in and was stunned. The map alone was too much. There were so many stores, all packed into this one tiny building. Normal human buildings were small, like their house, the one they sold back in Daedris. The pokemon center was big, and there were sometimes even bigger hotels. She'd never been in those big hotels, but had seen them on the internet. This place, was a whole other thing. At least a hundred stores were all crammed in here. Now which one would have clothes...

Jones'? It was a big one, towards the back. It didn't say anything more than its name however. It looked more promising than any of the other hundred stores. She made one last check and began to walk in the right direction. As she did, curiosity got the better of her, causing her to look at the various stores she passed by. It was mostly human junk. Expect one store, for pokemon fashion. A little detour couldn't hurt. She went in and began to look around.

Bows, hats with straps, little fancy stickers, and other stupid crap. Nothing that fit a refined absol like her. Oh! A sparkly thing caught her eye. She looked at the rack that held several shiny strips of cloth. One of them, a fluffy white scarf with glints of light in it, would look really nice on her. She grabbed it and walked over to the register to buy it. At least she hoped that's how this place worked.

"Card or cash?" The girl behind the counter asked.

"Card." Soul reached into her pocket and gave her Riley's card.


Oh fuck. "I'm Riley's girlfriend." She explained.

"Ah. You're a lucky girl." The teen behind the counter said. "And I'm pretty sure you couldn't steal his card..." She muttered as she swiped it. "Is that for his lucario?"

"Yeah. White doesn't match his fur, but I think it'll look good." Soul took the bag and left the store to resume her quest. As she ventured through the colossal mall, her nose picked something up. The weak human sniffer couldn't pin it down, but it smelled good. Something sweet...

She wandered off her path and found her way into a place with several food places built into the walls. The sign said food court. Whatever it was, it made her hungry. There was a greasy fast food place, something she often stole from her old trainer, but her nose was drawn to that delicious smell. She found her way to a sweets shop. They had candy, cookies, ice cream, but the thing she wanted most was a bun covered in sugar and icing. "Can I get one of those?"

"One cinnamon roll. Is that all?"

Soul nodded. She was handed a box contained her sweet treat and paid for it, before moving to one of the tables to sit down. She popped open the box and ran her tongue along the sugary surface of the bun. She smiled and raised the box to her mouth again, holding it up to her mouth as she took a bite. She chewed loudly, and messily took another big chomp out of it, moaning quietly in pleasure. Fuck, it was good. She'd have to get Seth to buy more. She lowered the box, tongue flicking out to lick up the icing and cinnamon on her smooth chin.

But now, she felt eyes on her. She looked over, finding a trio of teen boys staring at her. She smiled at them, then stuck a finger into her bun, pulling up a chunk of bread and icing, and slurped it off her finger.

One of their mouths dropped. She chuckled quietly, amused with her little game, but she had more important things to do, no more distractions. She closed the box, containing the rest of her treat, and put it in the bag with the scarf.

Back on the path, she soon struck gold when she arrived at the gates of Jones'. Inside was a treasure trove of fancy looking clothes. Following the directions, she found her way to the women's clothing section. Now... There was a sign that pointed to a fitting room. Could she try them out in there? One way or the other, she had to pick one out first. There were thousands of different things, but she was going more on touch than sight. She eventually found of group of long dresses that felt nice and soft. She didn't know what it was made of, but it was a deep and shiny blue while still being comfortable. Taking it off the rack, she went into the fitting rooms, claiming an empty one.

There was a giant mirror on one wall, and a bench to put her other stuff on. Within moments, she had stripped nude, laying aside Seth's itchy clothes. Now that she thought about it, humans were supposed to wear even more clothes. Underwear, Seth called them. And... She reached between her legs, touched and moving her human labia to get a good look at it. It was weird. Back up topside, she turned to the side and took a handful of her tits. They were heavy and bothersome, but humans really seemed fascinated with the things. They were about the size of some things she saw on TV, coconuts.

Getting back on track, she put on the smooth fabric of the dress. With a couple turns and glances, she was happy with how it looked, and felt, on her skin. Now that she wasn't being strangled by her clothes, she could get on with what she came here for. But now she had to find a different kind of store...


"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Seth roared at the small pokemon. "I don't want to have sex with you! Get it through your thick little skull!"

"And you get it through your skull that I'm not leaving 'till I get what I came for." The mawile retorted. She was sitting on the jaws protruding from her head, as they were as big as she was.

"Please?" Seth asked, sounding as nice as he could.

"If you'll please fuck me." She said in a mocking tone.

Seth growled and looked away. A bit later, he yelped as something pinched at his tail. He bolted up and pulled it away. When he turned to look, he found the mawile with her second mouth facing him, a bit of blue fur caught in it. "Why you little..." Seth clenched his paws. "So you won't leave until I..."

"Not until I get laid. And don't worry. I'm not in heat or anything. Just some casual fun."

Seth gave her an unamused look. "Fine. But you'll be leaving me alone afterwards."

"Deal." She smiled. Leaning back on her mouth, she spread her small legs wide open and made a come-hither motion with a paw.

Seth sighed, but still came towards her. A paw went down to his sheath to help get him erect. "You got a name?"

"Let's keep it at Mawile. No need to get too chummy." She rubbed one of her own paws around her clit. "I'm all ready big boy."

Seth got down onto his knees before leaning forward, leaning onto the smaller pokemon. She was tough, as a steel type, and could easily support his weight. Her paw wrapped around his growing meat and lined it up with her slit. Body shaking, she pulled him closer, causing his tip to press against her vulva. "Good boy." She purred.

Seth was tired of her. All he wanted to do was train, and this little mawile was the only thing standing in his way. Maybe he should teach her a lesson.

"Ah!" She let out a surprised cry of pleasure as he slammed in to the sheath. "Did somebody change their mind?" She cried out again as he roughly pulled out and slammed back in. A rumble buzzed against her forehead and she began to her the blue hound growling above her. His throat was pressed against her head and his body completely covered her. Warmth radiated off his furry body and he held her down possessively while he mated her. "MORE!" She screamed.

Seth growled louder as he picked up speed. She was the tightest thing he had ever been with. And he was thrusting as hard as he could, to the point where it almost hurt. Despite his efforts at being as rough as possible, she was in ecstasy. Every pounding thrust was accompanied by a moan from the female. Her pussy was tight, pressing against his member at every point, but she wasn't very textured. It might have been more pleasurable, if he would take his time. This wasn't about pleasure though. It was about teaching her a lesson, and getting it over with.

He picked up the pace even greater, hips turning into a blue blur. He hoped the pounding smacks of his hips onto hers would cause her pain, or upset her, or something to prove him right. All it did was make her more vocal. "I knew you couldnuggh, resist my pussy!" She yelped as his knot slapped against her. "Were... oh... you just playing hard to get?"

"Stop talking." Seth growled. "Bitch..." He swore from the screaming pain of his muscles.

"YES, I'm your bitch! Make me your bitch!" She cried out. Her short arms and legs wrapped him, or tried to. The best she could manage was to grab his fur. Her second maw slipped out from under her and wrapped around his back. This left her fully suspended, allowing her to sway with his humping.

As much as she was trying, she couldn't get onto his swollen knot without his help. Seth wouldn't give her the satisfaction. With no reason to hold back, he began to cum. Seed spurted out of her tight cunny liberally as the onrush of lucario cum filled her up. Seth pulled out of her long before he was done, causing sperm to fly out and dribble down his member. Taking a deep breath, he pried her clinching paws off and moved her other mouth aside, causing her to fall to the ground. He then fell back, raising his head and closing his eyes.

He hissed when something slippery latched on to his still sensitive cock. The mawile had wrapped her second mouth around him and the gigantic tongue inside slurped up all the leftovers. She removed the appendage and turned around again. "How about round two? And somewhere tighter?" She spread her rear, pointing to her tail hole.

Seth growled angrily. "NO! LEAVE!"

"Yeah, it's dinner, so go find something else to hump." An absol said as she entered.

"Back off, he's my man now." Mawile threatened.

"Soul, little help here?"

"He might be a nice little pussy ass, but I'm a bad bitch." Soul warned her.

"Bring it sister."

"Stop!" Seth called out. He held up a paw at the mawile, and she was encased in a cube of aura.

She smacked her paws against it a few times. "Let me go! I'll rip her throat out!"

Seth got to his feet, shaking a bit, and walked over to Soul. "Let's go eat."

"You look like you get use the energy. That little thing tire you out?"

"Don't even." Seth said. As the two walked away, the angry yelling got quieter. Eventually, they got too far away and Seth had to drop the barrier.


"So what did you two do today?" Seth asked.

"Well, Riley makes a mean cup of coffee." Soul said.

Seth, now human, looked right at Riley with a stern glare. "Do not give her caffeine."

He let out a quick chuckle. "Will do."

"Make any progress?" Sky asked.

"Well I found the right spot, but..."

"He got distracted and had to bury his bone." Soul snickered.

"Let me guess, a mawile?" Riley asked.

"How'd you know?"

"She's been an annoyance for a while. I assume you know the reason behind that spot. It resonates with aura. It was where my master trained, and where I did as well."

"Thanks for letting me use it. I saw..."

"I know. The echoes of the past. Try not to let it get to you." Riley said with a knowing nod.

"Is it always like that?"

"Yes. But thankfully it is rare."

"What are you two babbling about?" Soul asked.

"It was like a... dream? Vision? I don't know how to describe it. There were two men who died in that room. And a lot of people died in these mines. I could feel all their emotions. Their fears... And it was all so vivid. It all happened really fast but I felt like I spent an eternity with them, while they starved to death."

"Are you gonna be okay?" Sky asked.

"Yeah. I think so. Just... shook up."

The oven dinged. The house was only one room, with the kitchen stuff off to the right side. "That would be dinner." Riley went over and came back a short time later carrying two big plates of chicken breasts and french fries.

"I want more human sweets some time. Like cinnimon rolls." Soul said.