New Journey Chapter 32: Away

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#34 of New Journey

Sky the Espeon

Star the Latias

Soul the Absol

Chp 32: Away

"You sure about this? You look pretty green." Star said.

"Yea- urgh. Yes." Sky swallowed heavily and wobbled on her feet a bit. Her and Star were on the deck of Star's private ship. 'Star' was thought to be in her room, leaving the two pokemon to converse freely. "We've only got a week."

"Okay. Well... Uh... I was just a normal legendary for a while, living with just my brother on an island out in the middle of the ocean for a long time. We were..." Star blushed and shook her head. "We're still pretty close. I got bored one day and went to see what humans. Our species, latias and latios, have a special type of feather that perfectly reflects light, so I can-" She vanished completely before reappearing. "Turn invisible. And not that stupid wavey 'kinda invisible' thing either. So I spied on humans for a while, and they seemed fun, so I decided to be one. With my psychic powers and feathers, I can do a lot. But, I've barely ever fought."

"You don't have to fight to get strong. You do things on the stage that I can only dream of. That's why I picked you. I'm not the most head on fighter either. That's-" Her stomach gave a dry heave. She breathed for a moment before continuing. "That's what Soul and Seth do. I'm... more tactical I guess."

"I think I get what you mean. Let's practice strengthening your psychic powers then."


"Ughhnn..." Sky groaned. She was lying on her stomach in the middle of a grassy field. Her paws were clutching the sides of her pounding head.

"Maybe we should take a break?" Star suggested with both voices.

"Can only one of you talk at the same time?!" Sky snapped. "Sorry. I'm just getting frustrated." She took a deep breath and sighed.

"We could try something different for a while."

"Alright." Sky got up and shut her eyes tightly for a moment. A pulse of energy shot off her body as her furred whiskers grew all the way to the ground. Two more gems grew on her ear tips while the fur on them grew slightly. Her tails puffed up as well, while the tips twisted together and a fourth gem formed there. "I think I'll-"

"Woah!" Sky cried out. She floated over and began to touch at Sky. "You're so pretty! I've never seen an espeon do this!"

"Oh, yeah, I heard it was rare. I can mega evolve. Something about Seth and I's connection. I've only used it once before, so I figure I can get used to it. Soul and Seth always complain about how hard it is to maintain this."

"I've heard legends that my species can mega evolve, but I've never done it." Star floated away a bit. "You know, that gives me an idea. So I'm commemorating the renovation of the Olivine Lighthouse in two days. Want to be my headliner?"

"Oh, I uh... Are you sure? I wouldn't want you to look bad..."

"You'll do fine. Plus, it'll give you something real to practice on."

"Let's get back to work then." Sky said with a determined look.


"Let's get something to eat." Star said. She and Sky were walking out in public, near the beachfront. Despite her famous status, few people were openly freaking out at her presence. There were of course stares and whispers, but only one person, a young child, approached them. People seemed respectful of her privacy. They went into a cafe and took a seat.

"Hello. What can I get you?" A teen waiter asked as he came up.

"Chicken, fries and a milkshake." Star said.

"And for your pokemon?"

Sky was still looking over her options.

"I didn't know you had an espeon miss." The waiter said while he waited.

"Yeah, she's new. Come by the lighthouse party tomorrow to see her in action."

"I will." Sky looked up at him. Her blue and purple eyes stared up into his brown ones. "Uh... The... the wailmer burger?" He asked.

Sky nodded.

"Wow, you're really progressing." Star said in pokemon.

"I have to." A ball of water lifted out of her glass, moving towards her mouth, where she drank it without spilling a drop. "I really like this practical training though."

A short time later, their food arrived. The burger Sky had gotten wasn't made with wailmer, instead being a giant stack of food. The monster of a meal was far too big to fit in her small mouth. A purple aura covered the upper half, flipping it over onto the plate. Then that same field covered a portion of it, separating it cleanly from the rest as it drifted up to Sky's mouth. She carefully took a bite. "Say, how do you eat like that?"

"Hmm? Oh." Star leaned in and opened her mouth wide. Inside, a faint outline of white and sharp teeth could be seen just past her lips and human teeth. "I just stick my head in and put it where my mouth would be."

Sky mentally took off another piece of burger and began to move it to eat. Suddenly there was a crashing sound, a dish breaking. Sky's concentration broke for a moment and the bread and meat was crushed, as if by an invisible fist, to a small ball. She frowned, but still ate it. "I am starved. Who knew thinking could be so tiring."

"I'm not surprised. You push yourself really hard."

"Like I said, I don't really have a choice. Seth and Soul are so tough, I have to keep up somehow."


"How's everyone doing tonight?!" Star called out. The crowd was not as big as a normal show, but they were no less enthusiastic. "Well that's lovely. You might not think a big hoity toity celebrity like me would care about a local building like this, but you'd be wrong. There's so many cool things, all over the world, and this is one of em." She pointed up at the pulsating light at the top of the lighthouse. "So, to celebrate, I've got someone to introduce to you all. Her name's Sky and I'm babysitting her for a friend, so I thought, what better way to make her feel special than to teach her how to be a star! Come on over Sky!" She called, ushering Sky onto the platform. She and the real Star were sitting just off stage.

Sky took a deep breath and began to walk forward.

"Good luck!" The real Star whispered from behind.

Sky came up onto the stage and stood next to Star. Her entire body was shaking and she had an awkward smile. There were so many people.

"As you can tell, this is her first time. Come on," Star reached down and rubbed behind her ears. "This is a party! Just do your best!"

Sky closed her eyes and took another deep breath while stretching her shoulders. Form a shape, with exactly the same dimensions as her own body. Her psychic energy began to take shape right in front of her. It slowly began to coalesce into a recognizable form as the crowd went silent. Now add- "Ahh!" Sky cried out in pain as a sharp pang stabbed at her forehead. She flinched and her psychic projection exploded.

The audience gave a cheer, thinking the shower of blue sparks to be her performance.

She could do this. She had to do this. It was just that damn shape. The trick worked because the psychic dummy was exactly identical to her, making it effortless to control with her thoughts. Effortless to control, not to make. Star's version was actually tougher. But it was the detail that was stumping her. She just couldn't shape her psychic field into a perfect replica of herself. A ball was easy. One with physical presence of a designated thickness wasn't too much to ask. But shaping that to her own body, then projecting color onto that psychic field to create the clone... Maybe if she had a mirror, it would be easier.

She almost slapped her paw into her face at the realization. She could look at herself. Raising her head, her body shook and split, the clones forming a circle. Double team only created afterimages, just a trick of light and speed, but they looked just like her. She stared herself down, the image returning it identically. A blue aura formed around the clone, pushing in and causing the image to vanish. But it was a perfect copy, almost like a mold of psychic energy. The color wasn't even intentional, it just happened, and it was exactly like looking in a mirror. It was her. The other her raised its head and looked side to side, coinciding with her thoughts.

She smiled. It was barely a strain to maintain or order it around. It was harder to curl her tail. Making them was the hard part. Currently, there were still six more double team images in the circle, her and the psychic clone making eight. One by one, she went around and made more clones. The effort increased slightly with each but it wasn't a challenge. It might have been tough if she was battling at the same time. By the time she finished, she was panting, but she did it. Seven identical clones stood around her. She saw the audience behind the furthest one and remembered where she was.

The first three clones lined up, the next two climbed onto their backs, another two onto theirs, and Sky leapt up onto the top. She raised her head high and let out a loud "ESPY!" before flipping off, as the seven clones exploded like the rest, showering lavender energy all over. Sky yelped as she was suddenly picked up and squeezed tightly.

"Ha ha! You did it!" Star cheered and snuggled her cheek.


"I must say, your life isn't too bad. I thought it would be busy and hectic, but it isn't at all. Seeing the world, making people happy..."

"I know. That's why I still do this."

"Yeah." Sky looked over. They were currently aboard Star's private ship, which served as her home. They were docked however, and Sky wasn't feeling too sick. In the corner of the room was a pile of about thirty espeons. They were all fully featured, with color and texture, exact copies of Sky. "So I was thinking... you can change your clones, so I could probably too." While her clones were solid and textured, like Star's, they did not have a heartbeat or warmth and they didn't appear to breath.

"I can't see why not. You're progressing so much faster than I did. It took months for me to learn to not have my clone do every little thing I thought of."

"They are me, but they aren't. They're like my minions, or an extension of me. That's how I think of it."


"Thank you so much. For everything." Sky said.

"Don't mention it. There aren't many people I can call friend. I've got your backs. Now let's get you back home."


"So what have you been up to?" Soul asked.

"Do you care?" Mewtwo asked flatly.

"Good point. So where have you been? Seth almost died like... three times since we last saw you."

"A calculated risk. He is not worthy if he would be killed so easily."

"You're kind of a bitch, you know that?"

"Insult me however you like."

"Sooooooooooooo..." Soul dragged it out for several seconds. She began to tap her claws on the stone floor.

"Please stop."

"Are we gonna do anything? Or just sit in this cave all day."

"The day is over. We will depart in the morning."

"It's barely night time. Like... eight maybe?"

"Then do something on your own. I am finished with today's tasks."

"Like what?"

"This cave, it is home to monstrously strong pokemon, no doubt drawn to my presence. The pokemon are so strong that only those who are permitted access to the elite four are allowed in. And I use my powers to manipulate the structure to prevent any human from reaching this chamber. We are safe. Go fight some of the other pokemon. If you are in danger, I will teleport you back here."

Soul turned away from her and looked around. Mewtwo's 'home' was simple. It was situated in a large dome like cavern, with a moat of water almost surrounding the island in the middle. On the island, there were several carved blocks of stone, making weird shapes, and little else. Light came from a gigantic crystal glowing on the ceiling. Mewtwo just sat in the middle, right under the crystal, her legs crossed. There was a path of dry land leading to the exit. Soul began to walk down it, into the dark corridor beyond.

Her eyes quickly adapted to the dark cave as she wandered further out. It was just as rocky and boring as any other cave. "Hello?" She called out. The place seemed empty. And not just 'no one was around' empty. It was creepy empty. Her paw pads seemed to crash loudly with every step in the dead silence.

Before she could take another step, her horn vibrated almost painfully. It was like there was about to be an earthquake. She leaped back just in time as something burst through the ground right where she was standing just an instant ago. The first thing she saw was the spiraling horn, followed by the rest of the rhyperior's giant body. The hole underneath was quickly filled with rubble as he fully surfaced and looked towards her.

"Well hi. That wa-" Soul started.

Rhyperior roared and aimed its hands at her. Two rocks shot out at blinding speed. Soul barely had time to jump into the air. The rocks hit the ground, exploding into powder, which obscured her attack as she swung a night slash right down his chest.

"Rude." She finished. "If you don't wanna play nice," She whipped her horn back up for a second slash. "Neither do I!" The rhyperior barely flinched. He put his hands together and smashed down. Soul dodged straight back, where the ground burst into spikes. The stone edge attack hit her dead on, launching her airborne. Before she could recover, she took a fired rock to the gut.

She opened her eyes to find herself in Mewtwo's chamber. She took a second lying on the ground to catch her breath, before she stood up. "What was with that guy? Was he feral or something?"

"Not quite. The pokemon here only value one thing: strength. They can't be bargained or reasoned with, only dominated." Mewtwo explained.

Soul smiled menacingly. "Oh, I made the right choice." She turned and sprinted back out into the cave.


"Will you please stop?" Mewtwo complained. "I would like to sleep."

Soul just laid still for a bit, panting loudly. "Kay." She muttered, not even bothering to look over.

"You should rest too. We are going back to Sinnoh in the morning." Mewtwo looked over as Soul began to snore loudly.


Soul groaned and raised a paw to shield her eyes. It was bright. She tried to cover her face, but the damage was already done. When she opened her eyes, she was looking right up at Mewtwo.

"You're awake." She said, flipping Soul over and setting her on the ground.

"Were you... how long were you carrying me?"

"We left at sunrise."

Soul leaned down and stretched. "Must say, never would have expected you to do that."

"We have work to do, whether you are conscious or not. Having you here may actually help."

"So... Okay, first off, why are we in the middle of the city?"

"We are safe. I've created a forcefield around us. No one can enter and it hides us from them."

"That... whatever. What are we doing today?"

"We are looking for someone." Mewtwo said.

"Looking for who?" Soul asked, getting annoyed.

"Let us proceed."

"Hah... and just like that, my like for you vanishes."

Mewtwo led the way down the road. They were already on the outskirts of what seemed to be Hearthome, and heading out into the woods.

"There's something I've always wanted to know. Why Seth?" Soul asked a little later. "I mean, I can think of a handful of reasons, but I wanna hear you justify it."

Mewtwo sighed. "I was created by humans. I am unnatural. There is no other pokemon like me. I have tried, unsuccessfully, to breed with many other pokemon. I am hoping that a hybrid will be the thing to save my species. Seth just happens to be the hybrid that I have had the most contact with."

"Hmm, that's actually kinda sad. You ever think that maybe you should do something nice for him? Seth doesn't like to fuck just anyone."

"That is what I have been doing. He will beat the elite four, with my help."

Soul smirked. "Just between you and me, we need the help. The eighth gym leader just rocked us."

"Volkner of Sinnoh? That is not surprising. He is well known for his skill and power." Mewtwo stopped walking and looked around. "We are close."

"If you told me what we were looking for, I could help." Soul suggested.

"No need. I can sense them."

"Then why didn't you teleport right to 'them'." Soul said, her air quotes nearly audible.

"It requires much more energy to go to a specific point. Far more than simply walking."

"Whatever." Soul huffed.

They went through some woods, across as path that led up to a mansion, and back into woods. Until Soul spotted something. It was well camouflaged, with tan and green fur, but the movement gave it away. She perked a brow and ran off towards it. The leafeon smelled familiar.

"Drew? Was that you?" She rounded a tree and came upon him. "Hey! Long time no see!" Pokemon all looked mostly similar, but it was him, no doubt.

Drew didn't even react. He was looking around at the base of a tree, inspecting the apples that had fallen. At his hip was a basket made of vines attached to his body, cradling the food he had gathered. He turned and walked right into her. He flinched back and stared right at her. "What the..." He raised a paw and batted Soul on the forehead.

"He can't sense you. As I explained, you and I are hidden. He cannot hear, smell, or see you. The only sign of you is that he cannot enter your space. For all my power I cannot change reality. Although I could... What are you doing?"

Soul had a big smile on her face as she hopped around, poking at Drew from all directions. She couldn't help but snicker every time he looked around in sheer panic.

"What- who-" He cried out in fear as she pounced on top of him.

There was a noise from behind as Mewtwo snapped her fingers, dispelling her barrier. Drew looked up and blinked for a moment, coming to terms with the laughing absol that suddenly appeared on him.

"Wait a minute... I know you... what was your name?" Drew asked.

"I am Mewtwo." She came up and picked Soul up physically before setting her aside. "I am here to make a request. However, I would like to return to your den first. Your mate should be around for this."

"O...kay. Absol lady? Uh... S... Your trainer's name is Seth... uhh."

"SOUL!" She barked angrily.

"Oh, I remember now! Care to explain?" Drew said awkwardly.

"Well, Seth and I split up for a week to train. That's Mewtwo, she's helping me out. Kinda. Anyways, I'm tagging along for whatever this is." Soul explained.

"Yes, that is mostly correct. May we go to your home now?" Mewtwo asked.

"Yeah... Dust should be getting back anytime now."


"Drew? I'm back." Dust announced as she came through the entrance. Their den was located underneath a large tree, in a hollowed-out section of ground. Vines and roots, presumably shaped by Drew, supported the ceiling. The glaceon gasped loudly when she saw the guests. "Soul! I haven't seen you in so long! And uh... Seth? You... got tall."

"I am Mewtwo." She said. The nearly seven-foot-tall pokemon was hunched over, her head nearly scraping the four-foot-tall roof.

Soul gave her a quick rundown on events while Drew used his vines to put the food he'd gathered on the table.

"We do not need any food. Let us finish our business and we will depart."

"Speak for yourself." Soul said.

"Now, Seth is about to challenge the elite four, the strongest trainers in the entire region. He is woefully unprepared however. I would like you to assist him." Mewtwo told them.

"Strongest? Are you sure we're up to it?" Dust asked.

"No, I am not. However, everything will help. I will give you one week to consider it and make preparations. When the time comes, I will be your transportation. Now, Soul, we are leaving."

"Aw, come on!" She complained. "I wanna have lunch with my friends."

"We do not have time. Come." Mewtwo ordered as she began to crawl for the exit.

"At least buy me dinner first." Soul said, causing Drew to snicker.


"Hah!" Soul roared as she violently cleaved at the crobat swooping towards her. Her night slash cut right through its pair of wings. It dropped to the ground with a few drops of blood, twitched for a few moments, then fell still. Soul poked it a few times to make sure it was really dead, before biting into its body.

"Ughh." She grimaced, but still swallowed the bloody meat. "Fuck. How did I ever survive without human food." It was nasty, but it was food. And Mewtwo didn't have any. All she said when asked if she needed food was 'no'. "Fuckin bitch needs to learn how to be social. She looks and acts like a damn alien. And here I am, talking to myself. I'm going crazy."

"Meat..." A male voice growled.

Soul looked up to find a houndoom walking out of the shadows. "Oh, sorry if I'm on your territory. I was just getting a snack. You can have the rest." She backed up some to show her intention of letting him have the majority of her kill.

He continued coming with an angry scowl on his muzzle. Once he reached the crobat, he batted the carcass aside. "You think that can satisfy me?"

Soul stood her ground. He did look strong and intimidating, but she refused to show fear.

He stopped just in front of her. His eyes slowly looked over her. His scowl softened and turned into a smirk. "I was thinking about food... but you've got me wanting to satisfy something else." He lunged forward and locked lips with her. Before she could react, an intense heat passed through his mouth and into hers.

She flinched and leapt back, coughing a couple times. "Wha- what the fuck!? You ass...hole..." She struggled to draw in a breath. The hot air he had breathed wasn't fading away. If anything, it was getting worse, spreading through her entire body. The feeling was kinda familiar, as if he had used attract. Her paws clenched on the ground, leaving cuts in the stone. It was a strong one, but she could resist.

He let out a dark chuckle while watching her fight an internal battle. "A strong female." He complemented and took a step forward. "That decides it. You will be my mate."

"Y-y-yeah right." Soul stuttered. She swung her horn sideways, sending out a horizontal night slash. He easily jumped over it and came crashing down, planting a paw on her head and slamming her into the ground.

"Submit." He ordered. Soul glared up at him. Her head was pinned, so she couldn't swing at him, and her mouth was pinned shut too. She began to aim her paw, but he let up and began to walk around her. "I can keep you safe. All you have to do is bear me some pups."

"Too bad I'm not in heat." Soul growled. She attempted to spin around and cut him, but her body refused to move. This gave him enough time to mount her. Her tail was pinned, her legs were pinned, and a paw pushed her head back down while his weight pushed her forepaws down. She was completely locked down now.

"That's not a problem for a fire type. Your womb should be ripe and ready for me by now." He began to move his hips around. Soul could feel his sheath rubbing her. She was wet. That familiar tingle of arousal filled her body, despite her best efforts.

"Fucking jerk! Get the hell off!" Soul growled angrily. She tried to push up, but he was holding her down. He was too strong. She had never been dominated so easily. It was... humiliating. Infuriating. What was Mewtwo doing? She was in danger-

He did it. He thrust into her, causing her to cry out in pain. She doubted he knew how to be gentle. And he kept going, rutting her brutally. Soul grit her teeth, biting her cheek as well. Her damned body was liking it. His member was gigantic, far too big for a pokemon of his size. She could feel every fucking vein on the damn thing. He put Seth to shame. She bit her tongue hard enough to draw blood. How dare she compare this bastard to him. His knot was already large enough to start slapping into her. If she didn't do something...

"Ready to be my mate? I'll fill you up every season and we can have our own pack, right here in this cave. You'll be screaming the name Duke every night." He promised. His thrusts were slowing down but getting even more fierce. Suddenly, a wave of razor sharp air blasted off of Soul's body. It didn't have enough force to lift him much, but it did cut him badly. He yelped and pushed off and away from her. "You stupid bitch." He growled. She quickly crawled forward and turned around. He had a lot of blood dripping from his underside. She hoped his dick had taken some of the blow too. "You could have had it all." Fire began to lick from his bared fangs, before he opened his mouth and let out a wave of fire. It filled the entire cavern as it barreled toward her.

Her surroundings changed instantly, as she was transported back to Mewtwo's cavern. "What took you?!" She shouted at the larger pokemon sitting in the center.

"Your life was not in danger." She said plainly.

Soul leapt forward and swung her paw at Mewtwo. She attacked with the full intention of harming her, however a barrier formed and blocked the attack. "Fuck you!" She glared daggers at Mewtwo for a couple seconds, before turning and taking a sprinting dive into the water.


"Teach me something." Soul said. She was lying down, her fur still wet.

"I cannot simply teach you without direction. There are far too many things you do not know."

"Yeah whatever. How about why we can all mega evolve?"

"That... I actually do not know. Mega evolution requires several things. An incredible bond between pokemon and trainer, a keystone held by the trainer, and a mega stone held by the pokemon. You and Seth only hold two of those. I believe he can do it because of his father being a mega evolved lucario. You swallowed a mega stone, correct?"

"Yeah. Did I ever tell you that?"

"I read it from your mind. But... you said all?"

"Yeah, Sky can mega evolve too."

"An espeon... I find that even more peculiar. To really answer your question, I do not know. I can only guess. Perhaps it has something to do with your sexual bond, or maybe Seth being a hybrid."

Soul took a deep breath. She was still tired from her long swim. "You know I got raped, right?"

"Sex is a natural function of pokemon. It is simply part of our nature. The strong dominate and take what they need from the weak."

Soul took another deep breath to prevent lashing out. "That's not exactly right. You see, sex is... an intimate thing. It's not about the reproduction. It's about feeling good and making someone you love feel good. I only want sex with people who I care about and that care about me back."

"I see..."

"Yeah, like how you're helping out Seth. He won't bang you for a favor, he'll do it because he considers you a friend." Soul rolled onto her other side and huffed. "Fuckin' asshole used some kind of fire powered attract. My pussy's still buzzing."


"Are you ready to return?" Mewtwo asked.

"Not yet." Soul said. "There's something I need to do. Be back in a bit." She sprinted down the path, into the cave. The place was a confusing maze where everything looked the same, but she wasn't going by sight. She was hunting by smell. She was no stoutland, but if he was nearby, she'd pick it up.

Eventually, she did find the scent. Thankfully, most of the wild pokemon were avoiding her. She followed the trail into a large open cavern. It was segmented by a large cliff, leaving a higher and a lower section of the chamber.

"Duke!" She shouted up. It echoed through the cave.

There was a growl from above. The houndoom appeared a moment later and looked down. "Who... well hello again. Come back to apologize?" He turned to the side and raised his leg. There were several painful looking red scars on his balls and sheath, which made Soul smile happily. "Maybe if you kiss it better, I'll only hurt you a little."

"You put that thing anywhere near me, I'll rip it off."

"Big talk for such a little slut." He spat a fire blast down at her. Soul seemingly vanished, her body moving forward in a blur. The ground began to shake, before the rock below him split in two. A wave of darkness burst from it and launched him into the air, knocking him over the ledge. He fell nearly fifteen feet down, right onto his back. "Fuck!" He shouted angrily while he got back up. Just ahead of him was the absol, standing at the base of the split cliff. "Where was this last time!?"

He only saw her smirk, before she began moving again. She was like a white streak of wind, blasting towards him at blinding speed. His trained senses reacted quickly, allowing him to let loose a sweep of flamethrower. Soul seemingly ran headfirst into it. Strands of fire shot off in every direction, as if parts of it were being flung aside.

Soul wanted to laugh, but she was too busy keeping her razor wind active. Instead of blasting the air off her body, she wrapped it around her. The wind sliced through anything that got close, and her thick fur protected her from it pretty well. She still had a couple cuts on her face from practicing it. A side effect of the rapidly swirling whirlwind was that it made her look blurry, but it wasn't exactly a problem. It was a supporting move, a defensive move, and an offensive move, all at the same time. As pleased as she was with her genius, bragging about it may put her plans at risk.

She burst through the trail of flame, delivering a slash to him as she dashed past. Before he could turn, she was upon him again, hitting him again, and again, and again. But she wasn't out her blood. Her attacks weren't cutting into him.

He let out a pained grunt as he fell to the ground. His entire body was stinging and sore, after only those few attacks. He grimaced and growled, but he couldn't muster the strength to do anything.

Soul smiled and came to a stop in front of him. Before she even opened her mouth, she winked, shooting out a pink heart of an attract into his face, nearly point blank. "I'm not going to kill you." She said. "I think I'll just leave you to suffer." His mouth started to open, but she planted a paw on his muzzle. "How does it feel? To be completely dominated? To not have any choice? Just remember one thing." She leaned down to whisper in his ear. "Your bitch is stronger than you."

She turned and looked up. "Mewtwo, let's go!" A moment later, she vanished, leaving the emasculated houndoom alone.