Outcast- Chapter 8

Story by Xiuh on SoFurry

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#3 of Outcast

Again, sorry it took so long. Hope you can forgive me. *Puppy dog eyes*

(Or I guess I should say Foxy eyes :P)


I woke up the next morning and I could feel Tevin's comforting warmth in my arms. He hadn't moved at all during the night and he was snoring cutely. I untangled myself from him and I looked at the note on the bed side table. It was from Tevin's mom and said, 'I couldn't wake either of you up this morning, so I just called you off.'

I yawned softly and looked at the clock to see what time it was. It was eleven. I sighed and stood up, stretching as I did so. I tucked Tevin back in and then left the room, walking down the stairs while rubbing my eyes. Seth was in the kitchen and when I walked in he looked up and smiled at me. He walked over and pushed me down into a chair and kissed my cheek.

"Hey honey," he said, going back to the stove where he started to put food on a plate.

"Hi," I told him, smiling as he set a plate of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and toast down in front of me. "What's the occasion?" I asked him.

"Apology day," he said, smiling.

"Oh hun," I said, "you don't have to do all this. It's alright, really."

"I don't HAVE to do it," he told me as he put a cup of coffee down in front of me, just the way I like it, "but I want to."

"That's so sweet," I told him.

He kissed me on the lips and said, "That's what I was aiming for."

"Are they all still here?" I asked as I picked up my fork.

"Only Jeffery is still here." He said, "and he's asleep upstairs."

"Ok," I said. I started to eat and said, "Damn Seth, where did you learn to cook?"

"It's good huh?" he asked.

"Yes," I said, "Almost as good as your dad's."

He smiled and said, "I guess he just passed it down."

"I hope you made some for Tevin," I said.

"Don't worry, I made Tevin breakfast too," he said, "I'm trying to make up with you, not make you think I'm neglecting Tevin."

I smiled and sniffed and said, "That coffee smells good."

He nodded and said, "I pulled out the Hazelnut coffee my dad had stashed in the back of the pantry."

I smelled the heavenly scent again and said, "Can I have a cup?"

"Of course," he said, pulling a mug out and pouring some of the coffee into it. "Cream? Sugar?" he asked.

"A spoon of sugar, please," I said.

He nodded and added in the sugar and put the cup down in front of me. I sipped at it, closing my eyes and shuddering in pleasure. "Man, that's delicious."

"Have I made up yet," he asked, pressing his head against my chin.

"I told you, I decided I wasn't mad when I woke up." I said.

"I want to hear you say I made up with you," he said, his words muffled as he now had his muzzle burrowed into my neck.

"Fine!" I said, "You made up with me, now stop trying to make up with me or I'm gonna get mad at you again."

He laughed and said, "Now how do you make up to someone who's mad at you for making up to them?"

"Good question," I said, "Let's not find out."

He smiled and said, "Well... since I hate you being mad at me, I guess we won't find out." He kissed me softly on the lips and added, "For now at least."

I couldn't help but giggle and nuzzle up to him before continuing to eat my food and drink my coffee. It was unbelievably delicious. He watched me eat for a while and when Tevin walked down the stairs, yawning and rubbing his eyes he stood up and made a plate for Tevin, who took it and smiled. "Thank you Seth."

"You know a better way to make up to me Seth?" I said, my eyes twinkling as I looked at him.

"What?" he said suspiciously.

"You should hug Tevin." I said.

"What?" he said, this time more astonished than anything else.

"You should hug Tevin," I repeated, "What better way to make up to me then to prove that you love my baby brother as much as I do?"

Seth growled at me but wrapped his arms around Tevin, careful not to knock the plate of food out of his hands. I grinned and said, "There we go! That is so cute!"

They both blushed as they pulled apart and I stood up to stand between them, wrapping my arms around them and squeezing them. "My two favorite men in the world." I said.

Seth grinned and said, "Which one do you like best?"

"Hmm," I said, thinking, but Tevin interrupted my decision.

"Me, of course," Tevin said, putting his head into my armpit.

I laughed and said, "Duh, Tevin, of course it's Seth."

Tevin glared up at me and I winked at him, "I love ya both, but Seth is the one who sleeps with me."

That made Tevin blush softly, he wasn't used to me speaking that way. "Do I have to go home today?" Tevin asked, flattening his ears to his head.

I sighed softly and said, "You're going to have to go home sometime buddy."

He hugged me and whimpered, "I don't wanna go home."

"I know you don't buddy, I don't want you to go home either, but you're going to have to go home." I squeezed him tightly and said, "So, enjoy the rest of today, but when it comes time that school ends you have to go home. I promise you'll be able to come over again tomorrow." I nuzzled his neck softly and his ears drooped but he nodded and said, "Ok."

He walked out of the kitchen and into the living room to eat his food and I sighed, "I hate sending him home."

Seth put a paw on my shoulder and said, "So does my mom."

"You don't?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at him.

He smiled and said, "I do, just not as much as you two. I know he has a lot of fun here and your old home isn't as great as he deserves to live in, but he has to go home, and your parents don't exactly abuse him, nor neglect him although they should pay more attention to him. He deserves better, true, but we can't just steal him."

I sighed and said, "You're right." I buried my muzzle into his neck and said, "Life isn't fair."

"If life was fair, I wouldn't have you." He said, smiling.

"That isn't a guaranteed." I said.

"I'm sure it is," he said, stroking the back of my head and neck, "if life was fair someone would've snapped you up a long time ago."

I giggled and said, "I'm glad you think so."

"I know so," he said, "You're such a great person. Smart. Funny. Caring. And tight as hell." The last part he added in a whisper, lucky for him, otherwise he would've gotten slapped. And slapped hard. He seemed to sense what I was thinking and gave me an extra hard squeeze.

"Any other way I can make up to you?" he whispered after a bit. I blushed as I knew what he was referring to. After being held in his arms for a good five minutes, I was really horny. I smiled up at him and said, "I'll meet you up in your bedroom in a minute." I winked at him and rubbed my tail over his groin and he groaned.

"See you there," he said, grinning.

I walked into the living room as he walked up the stairs. "Seth and I are going to take a shower, alright?"

He looked at me and nodded his head, "Yeah, alright."

I walked upstairs and into Seth's bedroom. As I walked in I was yanked forcefully to Seth's chest, pulling a giggle out of me as he pressed his lips to mine hungrily, using his foot to close the door as he pushed me closer to the bed slowly. I grunted as he pushed me back onto it.

He grinned at me as he hovered over me on all fours before reaching his paws down and pulling down the waistband of his pajama pants, revealing his raging hard on. "No boxers?" I asked, my eyes twinkling as I reached down and touched his cock.

He grinned and said, "I never wear boxers when I go to bed."

"Mmm," I said, slipping beneath him until my muzzle was level with his cock. I gripped his cock with my paw, giving it a few strokes and listening to the soft moans that escaped from Seth's muzzle. I moved my muzzle down to bury my nose into his balls, taking a big whiff of his musk, letting a murr out of my own muzzle.

"Foxy likes that?" he asked breathlessly.

I giggled and said, "Your foxy does like that," I said, pressing my tongue to the base of his cock before dragging it up his cock slowly to the tip, torturing the veins and sensitive points of his cock to make him shudder and moan. When I got to the top I licked around the head, tasting a small amount of his salty-sweet pre-cum that had already leaked out. I took the tip into my muzzle, closing my muzzle tightly over it, moving down on his cock, taking more and more into my muzzle, my cheeks bloating as I took more in.

I used my tongue as I took more of his cock into my muzzle, licking around it and purposely letting drool escape from the sides of my muzzle so he would be able to slip into my tail hole easier, when the time came. I groaned as he started to take control, putting his strong paws on the back of my head and forcing me onto his cock.

He was no leaking copious amounts of pre and I couldn't help but moan as the delicious liquid flowed into my muzzle, over my tongue, and down my throat. Soon he was whimpering and panting and I was pulling myself off of him, listening to his whining the entire time. "Ever think there's somewhere else I might want that?" I asked, him, licking my lips to get the pre off of them.

He smiled happily as he reached over to me, pulling down my pajama pants eagerly, fumbling when it came to the point where he was trying to take them off my legs. I giggled and helped him, my boxers tented and already wet with pre from my hard cock. I quickly took off my boxers as he pulled his pajama pants off the rest of the way. I turned and bent over the bed, raising my tail high, making sure he knew I was ready.

I sensed more than felt or heard him get on his knees behind me. I felt his paws on each of my rump cheeks as he spread them, and then I felt something chilly pressed against my tail hole and realized it was his nose. I moaned softly as his tongue started to lap out at my tail, running over it a few times, the sand paper tongue of my lover rubbing over it and stimulating it in ways I never thought it would be.

He pressed his tongue into it, making sure to get as much of my sphincter slick as possible. He didn't want to hurt me, he loved me too much. After a bit I realized that he had stopped trying to lube me and was just teasing me now, and he confirmed my suspicions when his paw reached up and started to massage my balls lightly in his paw, squeezing and rolling, occasionally dropping them to give my cock a single stroke. I couldn't help but groan and moan, panting as I clutched the bed sheets tightly in my paw, my breaths coming in quick, short gasps.

He pulled his tongue out then, standing up and leaning over me, the tip of his cock pressing against my tail hole. He was whimpering in my ear and said, "I need you so bad baby."

"Then take me," I panted, pressing my rump back into him, forcing his cock into my tail hole a bit. He groaned as he sank in and I winced but kept pushing, trying to take him all at once. He bit down on my neck, sending small tingles of electricity up my neck. That was one of the most amazing things I had ever felt, but not the most. The most amazing thing was what was going on in my tail hole right now.

He panted as his he started to hump lightly, driving more and more of his cock into me with each thrust, the constant stream of pre cum lubing my tail hole up so the whole process was easier for him. I moaned beneath him as he changed the angle that he was thrusting and started to hit my prostate. My moan seemed to trigger something in him, because he bit down harder and started to pound away at my tail hole, his hips jack hammering into me, hurting me in a very good way.

I kept moaning as he continued to pick up his pace. I knew he was close because of the blow job, and I knew that if I wanted it to end I just had to apply a little pressure, but I didn't have much control over my body at the moment, and I didn't want it to end. There was too much pleasure, so much that it was overwhelming my brain. I forgot about my little brother that was sitting on a couch downstairs. I forgot that he was supposed to be going home soon. I forgot about everything except for the barbed cock that was pounding in and out of my hole.

I reached down with my paw, gripping my cock and starting to stroke myself, using my second paw to prop me up. I let out a particularly loud moan as I felt my balls tense. I pulled my paw away form my cock and squeezed my knot, triggering my orgasm. I howled in pleasure as I sprayed the cum over his bed cover.

He moaned loudly around my neck as my tail hole convulsed around his cock. He slammed his cock in once last time, leaving it in there as his teeth came away from my neck. He roared as he started to fill my tail hole with his hot seed for the second time. He collapsed on top of me, his cock still pumping seed into my tail, giving me immense amounts of pleasure.

"I love you," he whispered into my ear, his tongue lapping at my neck lightly, dragging from the bottom to the top and ending behind my ear.

I smiled wearily and closed my eyes."I love you too honey." And with that, we both drifted off into sleep.


I was woken up later by Seth's cell phone ringing. I picked it up, rubbing my eyes as I did so, and looked at the name on the caller I.D. It was Stephanie.

I answered and said, "Steph?"

"Cody?" she said. It took me a minute to realize she was crying.

"What's the matter?" I said.

"I-i-it's Tevin." She said, whimpering softly. "He came home earlier today, saying that you and Seth fell asleep and he hadn't wanted to wake you up, and dad came into the room, and saw him, and he was drunk."

"Dad was drunk?" I asked, my heart sinking into my stomach, which was doing backflips at the same time.

"Cody," Stephanie said softly, "Tevin is in the hospital."


I'm taking a break to write for the Christmas Contest! I hope you love mah Cliffhanger!