Going Down Under

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#9 of The World of Bear's Necessities

The third and final chapter of Backstage Pass! Please enjoy. I love this series and I liked it so much, perfectionism made me slooooow down in writing it.

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We froze, processing our jinx moment. No one wanted to claim a coke at that moment. We were just two kangaroos trying to explain our perversions in the most positive light. Which, in this case, meant a naked father and daughter admitting a crush on each other.

I blushed madly. "I grew up with a crush on Tidam, before Mom told me he was my dad. That - uh... didn't stop me."

Casey took a deep breath. "You look so much like your mother. You really brought...that part of my life back to me."

"Can I help it if you're even hotter than Tidam?" I asked, glancing up at my father.

He met my eyes. "I mated with Sissy because I couldn't handle another minute alone with you."

We looked at each other. We said nothing. It was all out in the open now. There was no denying the chemistry between us. We -

"We, uh...should be getting back," he said, lamely.

I blinked. "Wait, what? What are we gonna do about...uh, us?"

"Us?" he said, flippantly, waving a hand as if batting a fly. He turned and hopped back toward his shack. "I'm your father. You're my daughter. That's 'us'. That's all."

"Hold up!" I called, but he was already ten feet away. I hopped after him. "We can't just pretend this never happened!"

"Uh, yes we can."

"Dad! Come on."

He refused to look back at me as he hopped. "I'm extremely good at running from my feelings, Tina. Why d'ya think I've lived alone in the bush for eight years?"

"Dad, I love you," I cried.

That, at least, stopped him. He turned back to look at me. "You're just a girl in heat, Tina. I'm old enough to be your father." The barely restrained wink was infuriating. "You met me a day ago - you don't know_what_ you feel."

"That's not f -"

He turned all the way around now, eyes stern, no longer hiding his nudity. He pointed a finger right at my face and said, "I don't want to hear another word about this outta you, or I'll throw you in the trunk of my car and drive you back to Sydney myself!"

"But -"

He put his finger on my nose. "Bup!"

"We can't -"

Shaking his head, he poked my nose again, then held his finger up to his lips to shush me. Even _he_wouldn't say a word about it! Stamping as he turned around and began hopping, I could sense him steaming.

While he was being totally unreasonable - I was a grown woman and could make my own_decisions - there was no use getting kicked out of his house. Glumly, I hopped after him in silence, the heat he'd so condescendingly blamed for my attraction to him dripping behind me. Easy for _him to say - he'd just gotten off in Sissy! I stayed close, ears swivelling to make sure Dundee or one of the other 'roos didn't try for round two.

When we reached my clothes, I was grateful they were still there, but Dad still had to hop around in the buff until he reached his jeep. Only then did he get to cover up and pretend like everything was normal. "You can collect the eggs. I'm gonna run a patrol around the reserve."

Like that, he was gone, and I was alone. Grumbling, I kicked a rock and grabbed a basket. I knew what to do and I did it quickly, grabbing the fresh eggs and leaving them on the counter. But now what? Could I just sit back and read?_No, Casey knew exactly what he was doing. He was intentionally giving me time to _take care of myself. Like him, he wanted me to get it all out of my system before he got back. He was hoping the problem would just go away without having to talk about it.

Well, I wasn't having any of it. But he was right, I needed relief, and soon. Gritting my teeth, I tried the handle to his bedroom door, and of course it wasn't locked. He'd been living alone for eight years. Maybe it was a little spiteful, and it certainly wasn't wise, but I hopped_right_ into my father's bed, propped my legs apart, and slid my paws down beneath my underwear.

Sure, we didn't have the excellent noses our feral counterparts did, but let's see Casey pretend this didn't happen! I noticed hand lotion next to his bed, imagining my dad slicking up that long, curved cock and pumping it with both hands. Squirting some on my palm, I curled my fingers around into my cloaca, groaning as the slippery lubricant coated my heat-soaked folds. Rolling my palm against my quivering pussy, I plunged my fingers deep, panting and rocking my hips as I imagined Casey climbing over me at the foot of the bed, one hand guiding the tip of his dick to me. I spread myself apart with one paw, closing my eyes as I envisioned him sliding that serpentine erection straight between my legs. Who cared he was my father? It's not like we wouldn't use protection. Who cared that he was more than three times my age? We were just two horny 'roos with just the right equipment to fix that problem.

"C-Casey!" I moaned, getting closer. Panting, I squirmed slightly out of my panties. Actually taking them off would be a bit of an ordeal around my thick legs, but I let my greased up cloaca slide directly against his bed sheets. Groaning, I grabbed the pillow behind my head and rubbed it back and forth against my vulva, really lacing it with the direct scent of my arousal. Even with a stuffy nose, he'd be able to smell what I'd done. "Let's see you ignore this," I shuddered, and then I came.

Curling my broad tail out of the way, I squirted and squealed, grinding my hips up and down against the pillow. I drenched it, then pulled it away to spill out across the bed sheets, leaving a tantalizing wet spot.

It was only afterward, panting in the afterglow, that I realized I'd basically just proven his point that I was nothing more than a "girl in heat". Would an adult woman have done this? Blushing, I struggled to my feet, but there wasn't anything I could really do. As far as I could tell he didn't have a washer and dryer, or a linen closet. He must take his laundry to town. Well, nothing for it now, I decided, fluffing the pillow and returning it to the head of my father's bed.

At least I'd finally gotten some relief. I found I could actually concentrate on my book as I lay on the couch that served as my bed, squirming until it was comfortable. He was only gone for about an hour-and-a-half before he returned, and I just tried to play it cool.

"Thanks for bringing in the eggs," he said simply, tossing a bag of equipment on the recliner.

"Yeah, sure thing, Casey," I said flatly.

"Found another camp site for sex tourists out there. Might be the same ones, and they're getting bolder. Filled a whole trash bag with their beer, crisps, and condoms."


He glanced over at me. "Looked like they forgot about the box of rubbers pretty quick - they only used two in the pack of eight. Canines, I think. Never bother to clean up after themselves."

"Oh, yeah?" I said, pretending to read my book.

Casey rolled his eyes. "Suit yourself, if this is how you want to spend your last couple days out here. I've got some frozen ground beef I'll mix up into burgers if that suits you."

"Sure," I said.

We didn't talk anymore, even while he cooked dinner all alone, without any help from me. Sometimes I would make progress on my book, sometimes I would be steaming mad at him for ignoring me, though I admit he did _try_to strike up a conversation. If only the old stunt man had a television!

We ate dinner in silence, the sun setting outside. It was only eight, but that was when Casey stretched his arms up in the air, leaned back, and said, "Guess I'm turning in for the night. You heading back, tomorrow?"

"What? No."

He shrugged. "Rental car out there must be costing you a pretty penny."

I shook my head at him. I wasn't going anywhere until we talked about it. "I'll be fine. I didn't come all this way to find you just to spend a couple days. I want to really get to know you."

"Well, you aren't learning much right now giving only two-word responses."

I shrugged. "I think there's plenty to say. About us."

Casey shook his head, warningly as I breached the topic he'd banned. "I said no talking about that."

Rolling my own eyes, I made a play of sign language, pointing at Casey, then at me, then drew a question mark in the air.

"You can be such a child," was his reply, and he turned on the spot and hopped out of the kitchen. "Good night." He changed into his pajamas, brushed his teeth, and then went to his bedroom, for the first time since I'd...left a sticky little gift for him. If he was mad now, I could only imagine what he'd do now. I might have blown my only chance to meet my real father - or I may have found a way to force him to just talk to me about our attractions to each other.

Or perhaps both. It was only eighteen seconds (I counted) before he emerged from his room, shaking his pillow at me. I hopped upright and backed up. "Now you're playing dirty," he said, actually angry. Or maybe frustrated?

Tentatively, I decided to keep up my game. "What? What did I do?"

"You went in my room and..."

"And what?"

Squeezing the scent-soaked pillow, he was at a loss. He knew I wanted to talk about it, and he couldn't be satisfactorily angry at me without talking about it. He could throw me out of the house, but here I stood, ears up, calling that bluff.

Growling, he said, "You know what."

My heart was racing. I hopped forward, meeting my father's gaze. "I'm eighteen. I can make my own decisions."

He parsed it, but it was vague enough that it didn't break his rule not to talk about it. "So can I. I made a lot of bad choices and I don't want you to do the same."

"Aren't I entitled to make a few mistakes?" I hopped forward again. "Dad, I want -"

He interrupted with a loud "Shhhsh!"

I shut my mouth, but that didn't mean I couldn't show him what I wanted. Hands slipped to my tight, cloth top, and I pulled it over my head, revealing my cream-colored chest. Of course, my "breasts" were still hidden in my pouch, so I hadn't done anything especially scandalous.

"Stop th -" he started to say, but I shushed him right back. If I couldn't talk about my feelings for him, he couldn't talk about them either.

I hopped up to my father, who was just wearing pajama bottoms, showing off his muscular chest. I put my hands on his chest, one low, one high. And I said, "Choose."

The only response I got was a loud inhale, and I took that opportunity to run my paws through his fur, pressing my naked chest up against him, nuzzling his neck. I couldn't believe it! He wasn't backing away. He wasn't touching me, either, but I just had to go slow. Slowly, I slid my hands down to the waistband of his pajamas and tugged. Warm desert air rushed into his pants, and I could feel that he wasn't wearing any additional underwear. It was just fur as my paw inched down further.

Casey couldn't say anything to stop me - words were off-limits. And he wasn't choosing to _do_anything either. So I kept going, reaching his balls first. Delicately, I cradled him, rolling them back and forth in my palm. With my other hand, I stretched the pajamas far enough to reach his thighs, then curled it around the other side, the waistband tight as I lowered his pants off his legs. He'd have to step out of them at the end, but he was almost as good as naked, now.

Taking the short break, I squirmed out of my own pants, naked as the day Dundee had popped my cherry (which, by the by, was this very same day). Then I lowered myself in front of my dad, heartened that he was holding his breath, his huge thighs parted for me. Kneeling in front of him, I slid my paw this time to his sheath, where he was already showing. In absolute silence, I rubbed his cloaca, cupping his growing cock as it curved outward. Hefting him upward, I opened my mouth.

He never said a word, for or against, just quivering there as I took my father between my lips, slurping his tip. He desperately needed to be slicked up and down, my rough paw making him groan, and I'd seen enough porn to know what I needed to do. He had a long cock, I had a long muzzle. Opening wide, I plunged my mouth down around his throbbing dick, giving him a proper blowjob that Sissy never knew enough to match.

He leaned back against his tail, crossing his arms across his chest, groaning as his daughter,thirty-eight years younger than him, drooled and slurped up and down his length. I could deepthroat him with just a few inches untouched, but that was enough. I bobbed my head up and down, my right paw once again massaging his balls gently, Casey's tail flicking behind him.

I could taste him on the back of my throat, the oily pre-cum sloshing around. I heard him panting now, and he started to say, "We can't -" but I squeezed his balls and cut him off with a whimper. I'd won - he could pretend_he wasn't attracted to me. He could _say no. But with his ban on talking about what we were doing, he could only vote with his hands and feet. And he simply didn't have the willpower to push me away and walk away from my suckling muzzle.

God, it was exhilarating. Just the act of pleasuring my father after a decade of fantasizing about it had me on the edge, and I used my free paw to slide down between my legs, rubbing myself every bit as enthusiastically as I had on his pillow. My hot juices drenched my fingers, and I waited until Dad was starting to hump his hips, getting closer and closer...

And I pulled away from him, leaving his slicked, s-shaped cock glistening. I had him at the very edge, and I stood up to his height, shushing his questioning glance - with my sopping fingers. Teasing him, I hopped to the kitchen counter, lowered my stance and hiked my tail for him before flicking off the lights. The last thing he saw was my pink, quivering cloaca, dripping and ready for him.

For a second, in the darkness, I worried I'd made a mistake, but he followed his nose just like I'd hoped, firm hand holding my tail out of the way as he crouched behind me. While he'd been unable to stop me from working him over, this was new. Now he was the active participant, his hot breath gushing over my nethers before he plunged his tongue into me, slurping and guzzling noisily at my fertile slit. I couldn't help but push back against his wet, inquisitive tongue, clenching and humping my hips in shivering anticipation.

I needn't wait long, as I felt the powerful kangaroo climb onto my back, a perfect reminder of our feral flings earlier in the day. But this wasn't some dumb, brutish animal on my back. This was Casey Corowa, renowned stunt double, smokin' hottie, and my father. I felt his belly against my back and instinctively raised my rump for him, my glistening opening searching for his pink tip. He slid his thick tail to the side, collecting mine as it went and shoving it to the side, his curved cock throbbing up and down until he met my wet pussy. Groaning, I pushed back against him, panting loudly.

And then he stopped. He held himself there for several moments, and when I looked over my shoulder at him, I could see him in the silhouette from the outdoor flood lights. I couldn't see his expression, all I could tell was that something was wrong. I wanted to ask, to figure out what I'd done wrong, but I didn't want to break the rules.

Neither did he. He reached forward to caress my cheek, but then he hopped backwards. Before I knew what was happening, he was hopping out the squeaky kitchen door. Running away!?

I tried to follow, but the door slammed in my face. He was hopping in the direction of the truck. And that's when I remembered the box of condoms. Six left, in a half-discarded box, in a disgusting trash bag in the back of his jeep. I'd gotten so worked up in the moment that I totally forgot that I was in heat. I was about to let him - what if he got me pregnant? I was too young, I was his daughter, I was just looking for a horny fling, not an eighteen year commitment.

Slowly, I regained my breath, watching from the door as Casey clumsily hopped over to grab a flood light and angle it down into the back of the jeep, searching for the discarded canine condoms. I had to shield my eyes as bright light poured through the screen door, the top light practically blinding me.

I turned away as he rummaged desperately through the car, smiling gently to myself that he was suddenly so eager to do what he'd fought me so long on. I decided to give him a pleasant view on his return, stepping a few paces away from the screen door and leaning forward, hiking my naked rump into the direct light of the lamp. Against the darkness of the room, my glistening cloaca would stand out like a flashlight in a cave, tail curled to the side and waiting for his freshly rubbered offering.

He must have remembered where he put it, because it was only a minute before he kicked the screen door open. Holding my breath to see if he'd somehow changed his mind, I stared back at his muscular silhouette. I wasn't going to break the rules if he wasn't, so I kept my mouth shut.

He huffed loudly as the screen door swung closed, taking in my prone presentation. How I wanted to beg for it, to push him back over the edge. My naked, horny father hopped gently toward me, his nose low. I shivered in anticipation as he once again took his position on my rump, his rough paws reaching around my waist. Again I felt his tip rubbing against my aching hole, this time covered.

This is really happening, I realized, hiking my hips and pushing back against him. Casey humped forward and upward, his curved cock finally, finally_squeezing into my quivering cunny. I dug my claws into the throw rug, dropping my jaw and tossing my head back, ears swiveled and flat. I wanted to moan, but instead I just _warbled, a low, throaty groan that would have gotten me made fun of back at school. They'd have made fun of me for fucking my father, too, but I guess I didn't care anymore. Inch after inch of his long, pink cock curved up and into me, poking me deep, the slick wetness of our union making my cloaca clench. "Aaah!" I grunted.

He was feeling the same way, bellowing every bit as firmly as he had with Sissy as he worked himself in to the hilt - or, as I soon found out, as far as he could go before grinding against one of my wombs. Whimpering, I reached down between my legs, as I'd done hundreds of times before, but instead of rubbing myself, I gripped the base of his throbbing cock, the soft, pink flesh bare - he was that much longer than the doggy rubbers. I could only hope that the condom wouldn't slip off inside me. I worked my palm back and forth, squeezing tight so that he'd feel like he truly was balls deep inside me - in fact, his testicles brushed up against my fingers.

I bit my lip, almost drooling, as we humped and bucked together, squeezing and grinding our burning loins together. He was so experienced, pumping down my medial vagina, poking deep inside me with each steady thrust. Then, he curled his tail around mine. I shuddered, pushing back hard and bleating. I could only imagine my mother, her tickets still in hand as she went behind John's back and grunted under Casey to make me. At least this time we were using a condom! He was perfect, strong, sexy, and thick. He felt even bigger than Dundee, and with Casey I wasn't frozen in fear. This was my real first time. The feral roo may have tested my pussy first, but Dad was making love to me.

His hot breath and body rested on my back, and I whined, curving my long neck to look back at him. He was so lost in the bliss of fucking his little girl, panting with his eyes straight ahead, that he didn't even see me looking at him, opening my mouth, begging for a kiss. He'd forgive me for breaking the rules. Taking a deep breath, I fluttered my eyes and said, "Kiss me, Casey..."

Nothing - still sticking to the rules. He didn't even spare me a mean glance, he was so lost in humping under my tail. "Please..." I gasped, bucking my hips, my paw still squeezing the hilt of his cock.



That's when the screen door opened a second time, and I heard behind us Casey's voice. "What the fuck, mate!?"


The light flicked on, and my turned head was already in the perfect position to see that the jack on my back wasn't my dad. Casey stood, stunned, five feet back, naked at the door with a clumsy canine condom covering his curvy cock. Realizations hit me one after another as steady and as forcefully as the pounding I was getting under my tail. I looked up into the male's face - it was Dundee, back for more. He'd followed his nose and kicked open the door for me. I'd just raised my tail for him, and let the feral animal eagerly into my pussy, while I was deep in season. And since he was just a dumb 'roo, he most certainly wasn't wearing a condom.

Second verse, same as the first. An unusual thought, but there I was, seconds from getting bred by the big, red king of the kangaroo court, just like my first time the day before. "W-wait!" I gasped, adrenaline pumping through my veins. I remembered what Dad had said - just hop forward and he'll let you go. But when I did that, he held on with his powerful front claws, biting his lower lip as he grunted. I couldn't get the same amount of friction between my long feet and the kitchen tile that I could in the bush, and he seemed more determined this time. "Casey, get him off me!"

"Oh, fuck," the old stunt double exclaimed, hopping forward to grab the powerful young buck with his arms.

Dundee shrugged off his opponent with practiced ease - he knew how to rebuff other claimants. I was_his_, and he was so close. "I thought he was you!" I gasped, trying to dislodge him with the strength of my tail, but nothing could keep his hips away from mine, pumping and grinding deep inside me, his curved tip nestled right against his goal. He was like a bull rider on his bull.

"I'll get me gun," Casey gasped, turning away from the two of us.

I don't know what spurred me more, the horrifying thought of having Dundee shot to death on my back, or my father's willingness to harm the mob he'd sworn to protect and help regrow. Either way, I gasped, "N-no, don't!"

"But he -"

I shook my head, tears in my eyes. "It wouldn't be fair. Just - just let him..."

There was a pause, and then, "You sure, Tina?"

"N-no, but it's too late now!" I said, interspersing grunts between each word. I could hardly believe it as he pounded me into the floor. The shock and horror of discovering the animal on my back, the knowledge that he might well breed me with a feral joey, and the sheer pleasure my quivering cunny felt with each squirming thrust combined, clouding my judgment. Bellowing, I hiked my tail, spread my large, stable hind legs, and shuddered, squeezing down around the powerful male even as he erupted inside me, loud, wet splashes drenching my twin uteruses. The virile breeder did what only came naturally to him, bleating in triumph to what he must presume was the weaker male behind him as he claimed his flyer, and I could only bug my eyes out, moan, and take everything he had to give me, my wet cloaca hilted to his sheath.

"Well, shit," was all Casey could say, as he watched us.

Dundee wasn't interested in me anymore. He'd done what he came for. After only about thirty seconds of working his fat balls, his bleats echoing off the kitchen walls, he pulled back. That didn't matter to me. I was moaning and shuddering there the whole time, even after he slid his long, bare cock out of my clenching pussy, fresh feral cum dripping from my heated cloaca. I'd been bred by the big, dumb brute, as easy as you like. Hell, I'd invited him on. The inner maze of tunnels inside me was drenched in his hot, bubbling cum, one, if not both of my wombs sloshing full. Not quite as romantic as when Tidam had put me in my mom. "Ohhhh...Goooood," I wailed anyway, slamming my fingers up my soiled hole.

"Git! Git, ye' dumb bastard!" Casey exclaimed, using the broom to push the disinterested jack toward the open door. Dundee had done me, and there was nothing left for him inside except the peculiar air conditioning. But he was made for the outdoors, flicking his ear and hopping out so fast that the screen door got pushed past its spring and swung back closed with a clatter.

But Casey's main interest was me, not the opportunistic feral. "Fuck, Tina, are you okay, mate?"

I was still shivering, leaning forward so far I could have licked the floor, my tail still curled out of the way. I didn't care about anything except the climax still rocking my body. I'd rubbed one off many, many times before, but nothing that compared to the half-minute of our trembling, squeezing union of slippery cock and juicy pussy. I jacked off right in front of my dad, tail up, fingers visibly working my freshly bred cunt. "Y-you...have to help me..." I whined.

"What the 'ell?"

I stood up, panting, and faced him, ears raised. "H-he wouldn't -"

"Girl, I think I kin get you to -"

"He wouldn't kiss me." With that, I stepped up to my father, placing my paw-like hands on his shoulders, leaning up to meet him, nose to nose.

"Ti -"

But I wasn't interested in listening. As soon as he opened his mouth, I tilted my head and pressed my lips to his, mouth trembling as he accepted my tongue. And not just in the moment. Soon, his arms were around me, cradling me, and we were kissing. My first kiss. I felt his strong paws grab my naked fur and pull me toward him as we made out, pulling me toward the bedroom. But I couldn't make it that far. I swiveled and shoved him over toward the couch, pushing the surprised 'roo onto his back on the couch, my soft, slender body resting on top of his harsher, longer fur.

Thank God he'd sprung for an extra deep couch - typical for kangaroos. My hands explored his bare chest, my tongue explored his mouth, like the quick feral fuck I'd just gotten hadn't interrupted at all. And his mouth was too full to complain, until I broke our frantic kisses and straddled him. I smiled down at my sexy, muscular father, the insufficient condom still clinging to the end of his cock proof that he'd made the right decision. Well I wasn't going to let him back out now.

"T-Tina, I think we should talk about this..." he gasped, once his muzzle was free of his daughter's probing tongue. He stared up at me; I was the one in control.

"I'm not letting_Dundee_ ruin this for me, Casey. I promise - this is what I want."

Gulping, the much older 'roo nodded. But when I reached down to tug his condom off, he stammered again, "H-hey now..."

"What, you'd rather I have a feral joey?" I asked.

He shook his head, but said, "But I'm your father."

I just laughed. "John thinks_he's_ my father, Mom thinks Tidam is. Literally nobody knows the truth but us, Dad, and I'm not telling. If I'm gonna get knocked up, I'd rather it be you than Dundee."

I watched his eyes as I spoke, widening, then scanning down my body to his cock-tip, now bare and leaking, then back up to my face. "Y-you're right," he panted. Which part? All of it? I didn't care as long as he behaved. And that he did, as I raised myself sensually above him, fingers reaching down to spread my sloppy cloaca apart as I lowered myself to his curved, throbbing dick. He took my waist in his paws, but let me do the work as I smeared myself against his bare tip, making him groan. But that first groan was nothing compared to his second, when I finally did it. I pushed myself down onto my crush, my dad, my_love's_ stiff erection, the third time a curved cock slid into my tight tunnel - third time's the charm.

He watched in disbelief, grunting as I worked myself down, pulling him deeper and deeper through Dundee's earlier contributions. Thick cum ran down onto his balls, and I couldn't help but slide my paw from my pussy to his scrotum, proudly resting above his shaft. It took a little shifting, but soon enough, I was fondling my Dad and rocking my cloaca all the way to his hilt, even deeper than the feral 'roo had managed. From this angle, we melded together perfectly, his tapered tip nestled up against one of my uteruses. The same one Dundee had spent most of his load in, or the other one? I couldn't tell and I could hardly bring myself to care.

"Oh, Tina," he groaned, rubbing my bare belly, devoid of the nipples that graced so many of my former schoolmates. He may have wanted to take things slow, but already he was humping up against me, unable to hold back as he mated his own daughter. I rode him there, my powerful leg muscles having no trouble, though the couch squeaked and shook like it might break. Up and down, up and down, his sensual erection fitting like a jigsaw puzzle with his daughter, a third his age. He hadn't even known I existed until this week, despite sharing half my DNA, and now we were fornicating every bit as furiously as the ferals outside were prone to do.

Again and again I sank down his serpentine shaft, quivering as he stretched my medial vagina apart. Now I could tell he wasn't quite as thick as Dundee, but the way he gyrated my hips in his paws really grinded against my shuddering cunny, poking deep. My ears laid back, I moaned freely in the air, wondering if this was how Mom had felt when she and Casey had made me. Eyes blurry, I dug my claws into his chest fur and curled my thick tail around his, both appendages curling off to the side at the end of the couch. "Better than Sissy?" I moaned.

"Almost," he teased, but I could see from his face that he was overwhelmed beyond how he'd humped that feral 'roo.

Grinning, I said, "Well you're gonna need to pull out all the stops to make me cum harder than Dundee."

"Is that any way to treat your father?" he joked, before lifting himself up to meet me. I was riding him, still, but now he embraced me, the creamy white fur on our chests nestled together. "I'm not a miracle worker." I felt him slide a paw down my chest, hovering at the slit in my belly fur. I was still self-conscious about my pouch, having grown up where 'roos were rare, but he cut off my murmured protest. He slipped his paw inside, my virgin pouch still pretty dry. I bleated like a feral as he searched around in the stretchy pocket, until he found my four little nipples that had had to serve as my breasts all this time. For once, it didn't seem to matter that I wasn't like the other girls. Casey was a kangaroo, and he didn't care how feral we looked. He didn't need double D's. My father was content to fondle my four little nipples, and I found myself grinding against him despite my shame.

"D-dad..." I whined.

"Fuck... you're... perfect..." he groaned, interrupting each word with another kiss along my neck, until the last word when he kissed my mouth again, entangling us up so completely that every sense in my body was tied to him. From our tongues to our chests to his grasp to our tails to our pumping loins, we were united as one. Hell, even our genetic material overlapped!

"Because I'm half you," I groaned, bouncing up and down. "I'm almost there, Daddy. You knocked up mom, now do me. These," I said, gripping his balls, "are my family heirlooms."

"Passed down from generation to generation," he huffed, curling his toes.

We'd come a long way from refusing to entertain our attraction because of incest. Shivering, I said, "I hope it's a boy, because I don't need any competition..."

"You dirty little minx," he groaned, balls starting to tense up. He was almost there, panting, but he managed to gasp out, "I'm hoping for a Josephine - you know me. I'm all about keeping up tradition..."

I don't know if it was the dirty talk, the tight clenching of our entwined genitals, or the image seared into my mind of Casey teaching our daughter the way he was teaching me, but I couldn't hold back any longer. Squealing, I slammed my hips down against him, pressing him deep against one of my wombs. I grabbed his arms to hold myself there and came buckets, squeezing down and gushing around my father's cock, bestial bleating bouncing off the walls.

He was happy to oblige, his bare tip erupting with thick, fertile juices. His balls convulsed there, trembling above his shaft as he drained himself up into me, his cries echoing my own. Father and daughter, forty years apart, together in the most intimate way possible, his cum flooding one of my heat-primed chambers. Would he claim one over Dundee? I had no idea, but I hoped so. One quick, backstage fuck had created me, but unlike Mom I wasn't going to give Casey up without a fight. He was my dad, after all. We groaned and humped and came together, every fur on end, wet and hot and sticky until we were panting and groaning, Casey lying back against the couch before I joined him, laying across his chest.

He started to pull himself out but I said, "Not yet."

He fell asleep, and when he woke up, I was gone. Blinking, Casey Corowa grunted as his old bones protested him standing up. "Tina?" he asked, trying to make out anything in the darkness.

He stumbled around, sniffing, until he followed his nose. He didn't know how many hours had passed, but my scent was still strong, stronger than the last time I'd rubbed myself all over his room. He flipped on his bedroom light and smiled.

I was there to greet him, on all fours on his bed, tail raised like an obedient flyer, achingly wet and ready for round two. And he was too smart to bother fighting it anymore - like that, he was on me.

* * * * *

We spent the rest of my heat like that, and by the end of it he could outdo Dundee - but only in the same position. I couldn't help but lose myself the most when I was on all fours, getting pounded from behind, tails curled. That's not to say I didn't like making out with him, and I got really well acquainted with my father's tongue. I'd saved myself for him, and had to make up for lost time.

Sure enough, I'd gotten pregnant, though I didn't know until a month later, when the little joey finally crawled into my pouch. That quick meant it had to be Dundee's. I was helping Casey's feral mob in a way the old stunt double never could - directly. There was something magical about sustaining the little fluffball with my own milk, the baby girl growing over many months.

At first I'd been too ashamed to try anything with Casey while she was in there, but when my heat came again, there was no stopping us. Besides, little Dulcie was half-feral and couldn't understand what was happening anyway. By then at least Casey had sprung for Kangaroo condoms. She probably just thought I was rocking her to sleep. Dad didn't believe me when I said I could handle living so far from civilization, but I learned how to take care of the chickens, how to scout for poachers, how to fix a broken carburetor. Nothing I'd learned in school, but it was easy now. Learning was a cinch when it actually mattered.

One thing I'd never bothered to learn came to bite me in the ass though. With Dulcie starting to venture outside the pouch after five months, she'd be ready to join the mob soon. After that - my plans were up in the air. Casey didn't seem to want to talk about it. I knew he thought I'd leave. I had a life back in America after all, and it was pretty hard to contact Mom or David or "Dad". Honestly, I wasn't sure what I wanted either. Casey wasn't going to leave his mob. Was I just as committed to wildlife preservation? Sure, I'd committed a_lot_ of time and energy, thanks to Dundee. But -

Until the second joey appeared.

I didn't even notice her at first. She must have snuck into the pouch while I was asleep and curled up along the smaller nipples next to her sister. I just woke one day to realize I had two pups in the pouch. "Uh...Casey..."

A trip to the library for a book on kangaroos later, and we found out that a mother 'roo could hold onto a baby in the womb until the other joey was mostly full grown. We'd been pretty careful with condoms after that first go ahead, so Casey must have made me a mom that very first night, alongside Dundee. I'd been pregnant with my Dad's offspring the whole time without even knowing it. Because little Lisa wasn't like Dulcie. She grew slower, needed more milk, learned quicker. And then -

"Dada," the littler joey finally said, while I was feeding Dulcie.

"That settles it," I said.

Casey, beaming at his little girl, shared a glance with me. "Settles what, mate?"

"I know you're big into tradition, but this one's got to go."

Casey blinked. "Which one?"

"The one where your daughter grows up apart from you, dummy. We're not going anywhere."

Casey looked surprised at first, then smiled. He perked his ears, bent down, and picked Lisa up. He wasn't alone anymore. He hugged his little girl, and I hugged him. He'd never spoken up for Tidam, and it had broken his heart. Well, he didn't need to propose this time, either.

We were already a family.