A cinder of power; Chapter Four; Queen of dragons

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#4 of A cinder of power

The Warfang or the City of dragons will stand no longer defiantly against Cynder's might. However, before Spyro can open the gates and let the army flood into the city, he needs to face off against the only guardian who is left. His old mentor and perhaps the closest of his friends. All this without his elemental powers, all this to prove to the army that he is worthy of being a general. That he can bring victory without their queen's might. Would he be strong enough? Would he be able to please Cynder with his strength?

authors note:

This is the second to last chapter of a cinder of power and I wanted to play with the power dynamic of the two a bit more. I know it's a bit lacking in juicy bits in the story, but I hope the ending of this chapter makes up for it. I promise that the next chapter will not take 5 months x3

this story is also uploaded to my blog: https://tretron.me/stories-nsfw/a-cinder-of-power-chapter-four-queen-of-dragons/

"My Queen," one general called up.

Cynder circled down, landing in front of the general in a puff of smoke. "Yes, general. What do you want?" She spoke, carefully folding her wings on her back.

"My queen, I wish to inform you that the siege towers are ready to move on your command. I also made sure the ramp will be in place in the morning if Spyro does not complete his mission."

Cynder growled softly. "You took the liberty? Listen up general, you will discuss these things with me beforehand. There is no taking liberty in my army. Any more insolence and you will become my next meal. Do I make myself clear, General?" Her voice boomed, letting the army around her fall silent.

The General kneeled and looked down. "Yes, my queen. However, wouldn't it be wise to have a backup plan?"

Cynder lowered her head and growled in anger, letting her hot breath flush across the fur of the ape general. "You insult me, general. I always have a plan, plans that I will not discuss with those who are not worthy to hear the plans." She spoke with her voice laced with anger. She straightened herself again and looked at the two apes next to the general.

"Take him away and strip him of his ranks. He will be in the first wave to proof he is still worthy of this army." She spoke with finality. The general looked up and was about to speak when, before he could do so, someone pushed him down and dragged him away. The general kicked in the air, trying to stand on his feet.

"Wait, my queen, I am worthy!" He called out to Cynder. "I will die in the first wave!"

Cynder licked her lips and spoke with a rumble. "Oh, I know." She turned to the other apes, looking at what was happening. "And for you, a lot. Keep on working, we have a siege to win. Or do you want to join him in the first wave?"

"That was harrowing to watch" An elder dragon's voice sounded from behind her. Cynder turned around to look at Terrador standing behind her. He bore a disturbed look on his slightly pale green face.

"Terrador, I did not expect you to be here. You are offering to join my army?" Cynder spoke with a delighted purr in her voice.

Terrador shook his head. "No," He first said, but then remembered something and quickly added, "My Queen. I am not; however, I don't wish for Ignitus to be killed. So, I want to offer my services to capture Ignitus instead of killing him."

Cynder squinted her eyes at Terrador in distrust. "What are you getting at, guardian? Are you saying my plan will not work?"

"I am afraid it works too well. You saw what Spyro is capable of yourself." Terrador scratched the scar he got from his fight with the purple dragon. "I train him and felt what is capable of in this form. I know Ignitus. He loves that purple dragon. He will stop at nothing to win him back. I am afraid that will be his death. Cynder, my queen. I came here to protect someone who has been a brother to me. I know he might never forgive me for what I am going to do to him. But he will be alive at least." Terrador's eyes were large and pleading.

Cynder hummed softly and turned her head to the city again. "Alright, you can go." She spoke and snapped back to Terrador; a claw traced along his neck. "But if you betray me, I will rip off your head and put it on a spike myself. Is that clear".

Terrador bowed for her. "Yes, my queen," he spoke and took to the sky, flying towards the city.

Spyro charged at Ignitus, he slammed his side into the elder dragon. Dealing with the first blow of the night. Ignitus roared out in pain., not prepared that the purple dragon was hurting him. Spyro did not waste time by trying to get onto Ignitus's back to push him down to the ground. However, Ignitus flung Spyro from his back with a furious growl.

The growl split the night and send out panic among the various mole people who were guarding the walls. Soon the alarm bells ran through the city and Spyro realised that this was going to be a long and bloody fight. Even with having a similar size and strength as the elder guardian, Ignitus still had experience on his side. He knew how to hold his own without breath weapon. Trough the furiousness of the corrupted purple dragon was something he did not prepare for.

Spyro came at him gain, slamming with his horns into Ignitus's chest. He could hear the cracking of scales. The blow knocked the wind out of the red dragon's chest, leaving him panting and trying to regain his bearings.

"Enough of this madness!" Ignitus roared out and slammed Spyro with his tail. Sending the younger dragon slamming into a wall. Spyro slummed against the wall and fell onto the ground. Ignitus kept standing in an attack position, ready for Spyro's next move, but it did not come.

"Ignitus!" Terrador landed near to his old friend. Looking at the scene that unfurled before him.

"Terrador!? What happened! Where are the other guardians? What happened to Spyro?" Ignitus turned his attention to his fellow guardian. It gave Spyro time to get on his feet again and prepare himself. He looked at Terrador, who tried not to pay much attention to the purple dragon.

"Well, Cynder got to him..." He started first, a tear falling down his muzzle. "Cynder got to us all."

Before Ignitus could realise what was going on, Spyro slammed against him again, sending him falling sidewards onto his flank. Now pinned down by Spyro, Ignitus thrashed, trying to get free from the purple dragon.

"Help me brother," He pleaded to Terrador.

"I am sorry Ignitus, I hope you can forgive me." Terrador said and used his strength to knock Ignitus out cold. The fire dragon slumped under Spyro with scars on his scales that dripped his blood onto the grey city stones.

Spyro released his grasp from Ignitus, looking at his fallen mentor. He did not speak for a while before his voice finally cracked the silence between the two dragons. "Why did you help me?"

"I couldn't stand the thought of you seriously hurting or even killing him, that's why. I will apologise, even if it means he will never speak to me again. Now go, Spyro, you have your mission from Cynder. I will make sure Ignitus will not escape". Terrador sounded mourning, like he killed Ignitus himself.

Spyro gazed for a moment longer at Ignitus' unconscious body before turning away and running towards the main gate. All around him, the city woke up with the alarms of the guards who prepared for what was to come. Trough little did they realise the enemy was already in their midst.

Spyro made straight for the large main gate that prevented the armies of his queen from entry to the city. They well-guarded it with more mole people than have been around anywhere else in the city. Archers on the wall kept on peering into the night sky to see if any of the army outside dared to come close. Behind the wall, engineers shored up the gates to prevent a battering ram from opening it and soldiers with swords walking around guarding the entire operation from whatever threat would present itself.

Spyro took his moment to straighten his back and walk like he belonged to be here. Perhaps there was still a way to get out from under this.

"HALT!" a guard called out into the night when he saw the dragon approaching. "Who goes there?"

Spyro stepped out of the shadow to present himself to the city around. "It's me Spyro, Ignitus has sent me here to guard the gate against Cynder's forces and to relieve some of you of your duty."

The guards looked suspicious to each other before looking back at Spyro. There was a murmur echoing through the guards as they tried to make heads or tails from the situation.

"Ignitus ordered us to stay here no matter the cost," a voice came up from between the guards. "We take to our own, however if you wish to strengthen our numbers you are welcome to".

Spyro snorted and looked around at the determined faces of the guards. Calculating his next move and how much time he had before the army would present itself at the gates. Best was to make his move just before the army arrived to prevent them being able to seal the gate again.

"Determined soldiers? That I like. You will do the dragon city proud. Verry well, if you don't want to rest, I will at least help with some of the burden of taking guard." Spyro spoke, alleviating some of the worry and suspicion in the guard's eyes. Though he could still see that hint around. They knew something was not right, and it was only a matter of time before Ignitus woke up.

Spyro took position to walk near to the gate, observing the engineers at work. They nailed thick wooden beams and coated them with a thick coating of tar to prevent swords and arrows from damaging the beams. Spyro realised he could never cut through the beams quickly enough. The city was already on high alert after his clash with Ignitus and if he came by and tell what happened, his game was up.

Spyro's mind raced as he observed the surrounding preparations. The tension was dripping in the air and every second counted. There was little time for him to open the gate and allow Cynder's forces to flood into the city.

He could see the guard's doubts about them clearly as they watched Spyro warily. For a moment he remembers the time back at with the guardians, fighting Cynder's forces instead of being part of it. They were all struggling to safeguard the city, and he would have to undermine it rapidly.

A thought struck Spyro. He watched two of the pans that housed the guarding flame that was part of the closing mechanism. They were lit to make sure the gate was closed, but if the fire was to touch the wood, it would quickly burn and, with the amount of tar, it would burn regardless of what happened afterwards.

"Here, let me help," Spyro took laid his claws on a cauldron with hot tar. With his dragon strength, he carried it with ease to the engineers. He did not put it down in its designated spot as instructed. With a flick of his wrist, he let the guard flames dance around the cauldron's edges, setting the liquid inside ablaze. With a sudden burst of energy, he leapt up, the cauldron clutched tightly in his front paws. He glided soundlessly above the wooden structure before releasing the cauldron.

As it smashed through the beams, a loud clash echoed through the building, and sticky, burning goo splattered everywhere, setting the wooden structure ablaze. The engineers' screams filled the air amidst the flames. The guards divided themselves into two groups, each one taking a different path. Half of them frantically ran to the engineers to put out the flames and quell the roaring fire. Spyro hovered above the destruction he had caused, and the others gazed up at him in awe.

The crowd quickly connected the dots and accused Spyro of treachery, shouting, "Traitor!"

Spyro's roar echoed through the wilderness around the city, causing birds to scatter from the trees. Alerting the army laying siege to the city that the time was come.

Cynder perked when she heard Spyro's roar. She was flying back and forth along the ranks of her army. She looked over at the gate and saw the purple dragon hovering over the gate, following by a black plume of smoke rising from the gate. Cynder pulled a devious grin and roared.

Up on her command, the army moved. Siege engines moved in to climb the walls and knock down the gates. It was time to fight the end of all, and she flew straight over towards the gate. If they took the gate, the city would easily wall in her claws.

Spyro did not have time to think about his actions. When the army moved, part of the archers turned around to fire at Spyro. He zigzagged through the air to avoid the arrows flying his way and tried to fight back by making fast swooping attacks down at the wall to knock the archers off. This proofed more of a challenge than he would have expected. They were slippery and dived quickly out of his way, away from his teeth and claws.

A wayward arrow hit him in his left wing joint, causing him to roar out in pain. Every beat of his wing was making him sick with pain. He half landed, half crashed in a slow, barely controlled spiral to the ground. With his left wing hanging down from his body awkwardly, he found himself surrounded by soldiers who all raised their shields at him. Then the spears came from behind the shields and they slowly closed in on Spyro. He growled and swatted at the spears, breaking them with his immense draconic strength, but he could not defend himself from all sides and attacking one row of spears left him vulnerable for the others to poke into his scaled hide.

If it wasn't for his scales, he would have been seriously injured by now. However, whenever a spear slipped between his scales, it easily pushed into the soft flesh underneath. Spyro growled in pain, but he was determined to fight, and so he did. Even when the scales turned red with blood that dripped down his flanks and his still good wing got some punctures in its delicate membrane.

He opened his maw with an instinct to use his elemental powers, sending a wave of fear along with the soldiers that assaulted him. However, none of the elemental powers came. Spyro looked at the soldiers and a silence fell between them. Before he regained his wits again, a soldier moved and threw a robe over Spyro's flank. Soldiers caught the rope on the other side and they pulled the rope tight while approaching him again.

The roped pushed painfully into Spyro's scales. He yanked on the roped to free himself, however it only resulted in more ropes being tossed over his body. Spyro's muscles strained to move his body with the resistance of the ropes.

The surrounding soldiers with spears kept on closing in on him until there was no more room to move. Spyro's bloody dripped on the ground with the wounds the spears inflicted. Spyro growled and tried his best not to give up. He had to win for Cynder. Perhaps he held out long enough the army would flood in and give him some time to escape.

Cynder watched with horror in her eyes when she saw Spyro surrounded and pushed into the ground. She roared and dived forwards on instinct. Leaving the army that was still marching up to the gate behind.

With a furious roar, she came down on the guards, who turned around to protect themselves. Their spears pushing out to poke at Cynder. She swatted them away and gave one last warning growl.

"Surrender if you value your lives" Her voice was deep, filled with anger. The muscles in her body were tight with tension. Slowly, a mist leaked out between the corners of her eyes, a maroon coloured mist that spread around the ground. Slowly, the guards walked back to avoid the mist.

It gave Spyro a moment to push himself from the ground; the guards being too distracted by Cynder's presence to push back against Spyro's sudden jolt of energy. The ropes loosened enough to give him enough room to smite at the nearest soldiers and send them crashing through the group. Now disarray followed the group as Cynder used her psychotic powers to send fear chilling through the soldier's bones and Spyro attacking them from behind.

Spyro hissed in pain with every move, but got himself with the help of Cynder. He was free of the ropes that bound him. Cynder looked worried at Spyro, who despite his pain tried to give a reassuring smile back. He straightened himself and walked to Cynder, pushing and clawing Solders who blocked his path.

He gave a small bow to her. "The gate is clear, my queen," He spoke between gritted teeth. Cynder approached Spyro. Her nostrils flared with the scent of his blood. She reached behind to collect a red crystal from the back of her tail. She offered it to Spyro to get some of these wounds healed up before the army breached the city.

"Heal up commanded, we need you still,"

Spyro happily took the crystal and made quick work to heal the worst of the wounds he suffered. He spread his wings and roared loudly to inflict fear. in the bones of his enemies. Together with Cynder, he took off and circled above the city, outside of the reach of the arrows, awaiting the army to breach the walls and the gates.

Soon enough, the first of the army started pouring into warfang. Cynder grinned while pandemonium unleashed on the city. The mole guards could not hold back much of the waves of Cynder's army flooding into the city.

"So Spyro, have you seen Ignitus?" She asked him deviously.

"Yes, my queen. Terrador is now with him."

"Lead me to him, my general," Cynder said, licking her lips and savouring her victory over the last of the guardians. The flight to Terrador was short, and he found him still watching over the unconscious Ignitus. As Cynder landed with Spyro close behind, Terrador greeted them with a deep bow.

"I did my duty, my queen," he spoke solemnly, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Terrador, you were loyal to your friend, not to me," she stated firmly.

Terrador gave a small, almost imperceptible nod, showing his agreement. "Yes, I can't deny my motives," he said, his eyes darting nervously towards Ignitus, who lay motionless on the ground. Cynder inspected the wounds that Spyro inflicted on Ignitus.

She leaned in closer to Ignitus, examining the gash on his head, and winced at the sight of a nasty gash in his head. "My, my Spyro, you handled Ignitus thoroughly."

"That is my doing," Terrador said apologetically. "I knocked him out,"

Cynder's eyes widened with surprise as she looked at Terrador. "You can't say that you didn't do any of your duties, because you did part of it. Just not one you and I expected you to,"

"I suppose that is true, my Queen,"

Cynder moved to grab a few more of the red healing crystals. Giving them to Ignitus to wake him up. "Spyro, hold him down." She commanded Spyro.

With a growl, Spyro gripped Ignitus' neck in a stronghold to hold him down while Cynder crushed up the healing crystals into a powder made Ignitus swallow it. Not soon after, he woke up, opening his eyes to feel himself tied into place.

As he opened his mouth to speak, Cynder appeared in his line of sight, causing his eyes to widen. He pushed himself back, forcing his body up against Spyro's body to escape. Spyro only growled and pushed the guardian down again. Pushing his hurting body against the cold cobblestone of the city.

"Don't struggle, Ignitus." Cynder whispered in his ear. "You already belong to me."

Ignitus coughed, on an instinct he tried to breathe fire in Cynder's direction, but only air came out. Cynder already drained his power that faithful night, she defeated Spyro.

"Tsk, Tsk Ignitus, don't be rude. Behave properly with your Queen." Her tone was clearly artificial, laced with feigned offense.

"You will never be my queen. You are evil, and I will never join you." Ignitus spat back with outrage.

"You wound me, Ignitus. You choice this even when your priced pupil, choice my side," Cynder smirked at Ignitus.

Ignitus winced as Cynder's words hit him like a slap in the face. He looked around, trying to see who was pinning him down. Spyro's purple leg was the only thing visible to him. While he fixed his gaze on a shape just behind her leg, he could make out the green outline of the Terrador. The desperate cry for help echoed through the empty streets. Memories flooded his brain, and he winced at the pain they brought. The recession struck him. His gaze at Ignitus turned from a plea to outright anger and betrayal. Finally, he dared to turn back to Cynder, growling.

"You have corrupted them. Twisted them with your dark magic."

"Oh, but my dear Ignitus, I gave them a choice and they choice to join me. Take my general, Spyro. I gave him the choice to serve a path that was chosen for him. Or join me and make his own." Cynder hummed deeply.

Spyro pushed Ignitus down again when he tried to raise himself. "You just gave him a false chose, what if he wanted to walk away!?"

Spyro thought about it, lessening his grip for a moment. The moment did not last long enough for Ignitus to break free. Once he moved yet again, Spyro snapped back and forced the fire dragon back onto the ground. Cynder traced a single claw along Ignitus' jaw.

"I gave Spyro more of a choice than you ever had Ignitus, You talk like I am bad, but you trusted the choice up on him. Become a hero, fight those two, are stronger, more powerful and here is your result." She crooned. "So I am giving you the same choice. Join me and receive freedom among your fellow guardians. Or resist me and you will never see daylight again."

"What kind of choice is this!?" Ignitus protested. "Be enslaved by evil or imprisoned by it."

"Ignitus, if you want more options, you can choose to fight and perish by my hands." Cynder's voice was acidic as she spat out her words.

Ignitus looked at Terrador again and noticed the worry and fear in the green dragon's eyes. He felt a strange coolness overcome him and he stopped struggling. Cynder signalled Spyro to let loose of him slightly, allowing him to stand up. Yet he did not stand up.

"So you finally decided?" Cynder spoke again. Ignitus remained silent, offering no response. With a sharp claw, she traced along his jaw and forced him to meet her gaze. "I can't hear your choice." Ignitus remained silent, not offering a single word. Not a sound nor a twitch came from him.

With a huff, Cynder moved away, her claws clicking against the ground. "Terrador! You spared your friend's life. So you take care of him," she said with a sigh. She walked up to Terrador, breathing heavily over his skin as she approached. The elemental mist settled on his scales, making them shimmer in the light. "Imprison him for me."

Terrador swallowed. With Cynder being so close to him, he could feel the heat of her eyes burning into his flesh. He lowered his head in agreement and stepped to Ignitus to pull him from the ground. The fire dragon did not move on his own and was limb, acting more like a back of sand than a dragon in flesh and blood. Frustrated, Terrador pushed with his whole body and pulled Ignitus onto his back to carry him away.

Cynder watched the two walk away with a growl. "Seems not all are so eager to join my flank," she spoke to Spyro was himself staring at Ignitus being carried off.

"I hoped he would be more willing to do so," Spyro finally spoke. "Perhaps I should have convinced him otherwise."

"Sometimes," Cynder dismisses the thought with a wave of her hand, "the mind is too preoccupied with other things to hold any more. Now Spyro, follow me. We have a city to conquer."

The city of Warfang lay in turmoil, smoke billowed from burning buildings and the once might walls crumbled by the forces of Cynder. The city's guards fought valiantly, but they were no match for Cynder's powers and the army's overwhelming numbers.

As the last of the resistance crumbled to dust, Spyro and Cynder stood at the city's entrance. Cynder's eyes gleamed with triumph while Spyro guarded for whoever would try something against his Queen. The city was hers, a testament to their combined strength and determination.

Cynder's lips turned into a wicked smile before turning to Spyro. "Well done, general, the city is ours."

Together, they ascended the grand stairs of the city that led to the heart of the city. The temple room awaited and, with a slam, Cynder opened the doors that led inside. A symbol of Warfang's submission to her might.

"this will do for a fine throne, a city once build for dragons now reclaimed. They can worship me here," Cynder said while inspecting the room. As they emerged from the battle, Spyro and Cynder were confronted with a sea of terrified faces, both peasants and nobles alike, all staring in disbelief at the two dragons.

Cynder walked through the crowd towards the altar at the temple where elder dragons used to place themselves to help the city. Now she placed herself in the seat like a throne. She gazed over the crowd, their wills broken. The city's former rules were now nothing more than prisoners in her plan.

Spyro walked up to her, standing on the side of the mole people on purpose, and bowed for her before joining her side and sitting next to the throne. A ripple effect went through the crowd as the peasants bowed and the leader of Warfang now assembled before Cynder, fear in their eyes. They, too, bowed before her.

Cynder stood up tall from the grand throne. Her dark form casting a commanding presence over the inhabitants of the once mighty city. Cynder's eyes gleamed with power as she raised her voice to speak. Her voice carrying a tone of power and conviction while it echoed through the claimed throne room.

"Rules and citizens of Warfang. Hear me now and only now." Cynder's voice resonated, silencing any murmurs that were echoing in the hall. "today marks a new point in our history and a day that will be remembered for generations. We stand here not as conquerors but as the arbiter of a new age of dragon."

She gave the crowd a moment of breather. They only known her Malefor's slave and not as her own dragon. Not as one that will bring peace and prosperity to all dragons.

"For too long, this city remained without dragon rule. Too long since traditions that are forgotten. The city must adapt to the new way of the dragons." Cynder felt eyes burning with doubt and fear as she spoke. It did not defer Cynder from speaking.

"Understand this. Swear your loyalty to me and your life will be a pleasant one. I seek not to rule you with an iron claw, but only to restore the glory of the dragons. A future where dragons are united and a force to be reckoned with."

She extended her wings, her shadow casting over the inhabitants. "I make a promise that we will thrive together and that you shall share the prosperity of dragon kind."

She paused once more, letting a bit of her own elemental aura go to give them an imposing feeling. "Join me like Spyro and the elders did, not as subjects, but as partners in this endeavour. Together, we will conquer what is ahead and restore the draconic pride that this city once had."

She was going to plant to seed for her future right here and now. She stepped down from her throne, her movements graceful and deliberate. Her eyes fell on Spyro for a moment, who stood by her side throughout her speech. They shared only a glimpse of a moment, a glimmer of acknowledgement of their shared bound.

One by one, the nobles pledged their loyalty to her, somewhere hopeful that indeed there was a new way, somewhere fearful that standing up would injure their loved ones. It mattered not. One by one, they pledge their loyalty. Before it was the peasants' turn, Two dragons landed in front of the door and walked in. Cyril and Volteer walked into the temple. Their presence sparked a momentary hope of deviance in the eyes of the mole people.

The sound of their hope shattering was deafening as the guardians knelt before Cynder. They stood in unison, declaring their unwavering loyalty for the world to witness. Finally, Cyril spoke. "Cynder, my queen. Thank you for sparing our brother's life."

The words reverberated in the room, crushing any hope of a resistance. Now the halls of the temple slowly ebbed, empty, while generals of Cynder's army were standing outside. With the crowd away, they too entered the temple.

"Generals," Cynder spoke. "Tonight is a night of celebration. Celebrate with your armies, but do not hurt the inhabitants of this city. They are now my citizens."

The generals voiced their dissatisfaction, looking forward to plunder the city. Cynder growled deeply and ordered, "Do not disappoint me or you shall be punished."

Still, the generals hesitated to bow to her command. Trough they left one by one, seeing the determination in Cynder's eyes. She turned to Cyril and Volteer. "You are still guardians. You have my permission to stop any of the generals from harming the citizens. Call on me if they do not behave."

With the temple empty and the doors to Cynder's new throne room closed, Cynder's eyes met Spyro's. For a moment, the world faded away around them. They had come a long way from their initial rivalry. They shared a bond now that grown strong with each trial they faced.

Cynder beckoned Spyro to join her on her throne. A gesture he was all too happy to follow. She pushed herself against him and leaned in to kiss him passionately on his lips. It was a celebration of their victory. A testimony to what they accomplished together.

Cynder pulled away and whispered, with her hot breath flushing over Spyro's face. "Thank you for standing by my side."

Spyro smiled softly, his eyes filled with devotion. "I have sworn myself to you, my mind, body, and soul yours. I am glad that I could help you with this quest for a new destiny."

Cynder hummed and pushed Spyro onto his back, standing over him with a devious grin. "And the future will be bright," she leaned in closer to him. Her tail brushing against his. "Back in my castle, when you swore your loyalty to me and I formed you in the dragon, you are now. I conquered you. Made you my pet and lover. Through today, as we enter a new era, I have another role for you to fill." Cynder's voice was dripping with lust.

"And that will be my queen," Spyro spoke, pushing his nose against her neck, inhaling her scent.

Cynder traced a single claw along Spyro's neck, causing him to shiver. "A new era for dragons needs to start somewhere and I need you to seed it."

Spyro's eyes widened when he realised what she wanted. He looked her in her eyes and saw her hunger, determination, dominate nature, but also her love. Spyro gave her a bow for so far he could in his position on his back. "I am be honoured to fill that request for you, Cynder."

Cynder gave a small growl and pushed her belly on his. Her tail coiling up with his tail and pushing his back deep into the throne. Watching Spyro look at her with half slitted eyes, not caring that he was still injured from the fight. Cynder let her hands roam into him again, tracing a healing crystal sensually across his scales while working him up for the task that was to come.

Spyro gasped when the pain of the cuts on his scales got elevated by the cool touch of the healing crystal. Slowly, Cynder's touched reached down his sides and towards his groin. With a grin, she touched between it, letting the cool crystal slide over his genitalia slit. She let it slide lower and brought the point of the crystal inline with his tail hole.

"Prepare some extra boot" she whispered in his year and pushed it inside. Spyro gritted his teeth at the un-lubed penetration. It was slightly painful, but not unpleasant. When the crystal was half installed in his rear, she removed her hand from it, letting his body slowly absorb the energy it radiated. She had her own goals, and that was the hardening member between his legs. She traced a claw over the half erect cock that emerged from his slit. Enjoying the growls and hisses Spyro gave while she teased him.

She drank in his aroused scent. Watched his teeth grit and listened to his breath quickened with every slight touch on his body. She couldn't deny her own arousal that made the scales between her legs with anticipation of what was to come. Slowly, she pumped his member, letting it harden in her clawed hand.

With his member fully hard and spreading its heavy fertile arousal through the room, Cynder moved to grind her slit against the member. Coating it with a layer of her clear and pheromone rich juices. With hungry eyes, she watched Spyro stare at the display on top of him. She could see the lust and want in his eyes, yet he hold back. Perhaps this one time? Maybe he earned it.

Cynder pulled from Spyro, leaving him hanging with his member exposed to the chill air of the temple. He growled softly in annoyance, his member painful and in dire need of attention. Cynder simply walked from the throne to stand on the ground. Her tail curled up over her back and she looked back at Spyro.

"Come on hun~, claim your queen." Her voice was low and seductive. Her nether region was burning for attention.

Spyro moved on command, not wanting to let such an opportunity go. Cynder thought he would mount her outright and rut her into oblivion. She did not count for her General to be such a gentle lover. Now she allowed him to set the pace instead of claiming him like she normally did. Spyro gripped her hips and brought his snout to her groin. His hot breath flushing over her engorged nether region.

She was about to demand that he continued before Spyro opened his maw wide and licked from the tip of her slit all the way to her tail hole. Leaving her wet and shivering in anticipation. He brought a claw to her slit and slowly pushed it in while he kept on breathing in her heavenly scent.

Cynder gave a soft moan at the penetration of his claw, feeling how his claws pushed her open and exposed her vulnerable core to the hungry dragon behind her. Again, she expected him to take her like that, pushed into her core and shoot his seed deep into her.

Spyro again took it slow, pulling out his claws only to push them into her tail-hole, receiving and surprised loud and deep moan from his queen. With a grin, he descended on her slit and pushed his tongue into her vagina. He enjoyed her. unique taste, the pheromones in her juices that told him that this was a dragoness ripe for the taking. He could taste himself faintly in her juices, his mark on her. A mark that by the end of the night he would claim many times over.

For now, he kept on pushing his tongue and claws deeper into her, exploring her body and leaving her moaning and wanting for more. Every one of her muffled, contained moans was music to his ears. Every drip of her juices on the stone floor below was motivation to continue. He pushed his tongue against her sensitive spots, stimulating them with the low rumble of his purr.

She growled, hissed, clawed, and moaned. She wanted him to just claim her, yet wanting him to just continue with this. Cynder was in bliss, leaking juices all over while he expertly ate her out. The purple dragoness coiled her tail down and pushed against the back of Spyro's head. Forcing him deeper into her snatch. She simply could not take it much longer, her orgasm building. Her body was on fire and ready to explode all for him, for her lover, her mate, her pet, her general and her king.

"Please..." she gasped with a moan, trough she could not continue her beg. Spyro knew what she wanted and pushed all four of his claws into her tail-hole, stretching her wide while coiling his tongue inside of her slit to press against all of her pleasure spots at the same time. His nose pushed against her clit and, like that, he pumped into her. Bringing her to a new high and a fast, explosive climax that made her squirt her juices all over his face and neck. She laid her front on the stone while craning her neck to look back at Spyro, catching her breath while she looked at the hungry and needed dragon behind her.

She pushed her hind up high and coiled her tail over her body as far as it would go. This position of submission it made her feel vulnerable. For the first time in her life, she did not care to feel vulnerable. She could dominate her pet another time. She could fuck him senseless tomorrow. But now she just wanted to be rutted while he claimed her most intimate spots. She wanted him to seed the next generation. She knew she was not in season, that there was little chance that she would become gravid, trough that did not stop her.

Spyro licked his lips, tasting her juices on his lip while he looked down at the lewd display his normally dominant queen portrayed for him. He drank in the scene, knowing that he would not likely see this again. Trough he did not want to leave her hanging like this, needy and wet. With her vents twitching and demanding to be filled.

He mounted her in a shift motion, pulling himself on her back and pushing his groin against her back. His erect and painfully throbbing member pushing against her slit with a swift motion. Both dragons gasped in pleasure at the contact. Spyro felt the heat that his lover radiated from her snatch, how her muscles pulled at his member's tip.

"Spyro," she moaned breathlessly, "Don't make me beg for you."

Spyro bowed his head to her, nibbling softly at her neck. "Begging would be unbecoming of you" He hummed deeply and slowly pushed his member into her. Gritting his teeth at the hot, wet tightness that surrounded his member.

"But I am going to saviour every moment like this. Tonight you are not my queen, Cynder, tonight you are my mate. A mate who I am going to claim repeatedly." His voice dripped with lustful hunger. "I am going to make sure that you will long for nothing and that you fall asleep seated with my cock in your snatch."

Cynder's growl was full of desire as she coiled her tail around his midsection. "Spyro, don't push your luck. If you don't stop talking dirty and start mounting me, I will make sure you will walk funny."

Spyro grinned. "Is that a threat or a promise?" He spoke and pushed more of his member into her, slowly pushing fully inside of her till, with a wet slap, their hips met and he was fully inside of her.

"It is bo~oth." Cynder gasped when he pushed his member fully inside. She was not complaining. The throbbing, hard heat inside of her made her long for more. Her vaginal walls were massaging and milking his member already. Spyro gripped her neck between his teeth, just behind her head, and started his push into her. Starting slowly, picking up pace slowly. His pushes were powerful, his pace was steady.

Cynder moaned deeply with each of his humps into her. She felt at the place below him; she felt safe and loved at the same time. A feeling that all her domination of him did not give her. Perhaps she should allow him to mount her more often, perhaps. Her tail coiled tightly around his midsection with every thrust in him. She pushed back up at him to give him just that extra depth. She could feel his knot push against her opening with each thrust. Her core was on fire, wanting more, wanting his seed.

"Spyro," she gasped between the thrusts, but words escaped her into bliss. As if Spyro knew her words, he changed his speed, building up., feeding the fire within her. His pre-cum dripping inside of her to add to the wetness and mess they made of their scales. When they were done, the entire city could smell their lovemaking. She did not care. Let them know that this stud of a dragon was her mate and lover. No one could deny his claim as her king after that.

She could feel Spyro's teeth dig into her scales. Spyro no longer was making gentle love to her. He shifted into overdrive and let his animalistic side guide him to breed. Having a willing, hot dragoness like her would drive any male into a sex craze. That it took this long surprised Cynder, that he was still holding on and pushing into her, was a heavenly promise about the rest of their lives together.

She could feel a drip of blood pass her scales when Spyro's teeth dug into her scales. She did not care. Cynder only wanted more. She wanted him to quench the heat in her core. Not long after, He handsomely rewarded the black dragoness. He pushed the full length of his member inside of her, knotting her and continuing with fast and short thrusts. She was close and so was she. She had no breath left to demand him to come inside, but he was In tune with her and with one last thrust into her he roared out and climaxed.

Cynder followed suit and let out a long plume of fire along the ground, enjoying the sensation of being filled up. She coated his groin with a healthy dose of her juices. Spyro almost collapsed on her back from the intense orgasm. He kept standing above her with shaking legs. Cynder laid on the ground basking in the afterglow.

Her belly was slightly swollen with the amount of seed that Spyro pumped into her. This was her heaven. When she got more strength in her system, she guided herself with Spyro still inside of her to the throne curled up on it, with Spyro draping his wings around her and pulling her close against him. In the warm embrace, they drifted into a peaceful sleep. Dreaming of their future together, of the future of dragon-kind and a future filled with the sound of little hatchlings running around.

"I will not listen to your damned command dragon," an ape general shouted at Volteer. "I don't give a damn about what Cynder said. I am here to claim what is mine."

Volteer huffed softly. "What you try to claim is rightfully property of Cynder. Now scram, you thankless fur ball,"

"Malefor promised me this portion!" the general complained, and the apes in his command jumped up and down indignantly.

"Well Malefor is dead. So you suck it up or I will get Cynder myself. Do you want that?"

The general turned to his apes. "Alright we go. We find our place somewhere else." He turned to Volteer again. "And for your sake, I hope Malefor is dead...because if he isn't, he will skin you all alive. And I would love to see what he would do to that bitch of a dragoness."

Before Volteer could respond, the apes left.

"We should report this to Cynder, don't you think?" Cyril spoke.

Volteer nodded in response to his icy brother. "Yes, but that can wait till tomorrow. I feel like Cynder is working on another propose that she doesn't want to be interrupted with,"

"What?" Cyril spoke cluelessly.

"Cyril, are you really clueless? Those two are the same age, come from the same nest. Someone practically destined them to be together. Besides, Cynder claimed Malefor is dead, so we have time. I saw we go to a bar and get some good ale to drink."

Cyril snorted. "You really think they will serve us after we betrayed everything we stood for?"

Volteer took a deep breath. "I hope to drink till that is a worry for tomorrow."