Axel Geth Conversion

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#23 of Change of Perspective

A gift for AxelTheCatGuy

Art done by the talented croft (Who I think will still do geth commissions still)

cameo rights go to scarlettv

This is a bonus story between the entire COP saga.

Want to support me and get stories I write a month early with discounts and early commission slots?

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Axel's ship reaches the outskirts of the system. The anthropomorphic feline with messy yellow hair that stands out against his black solid black fur except for the tuff of white on his chest, flicks through various switches. He adjusts his dark blue jacket with bright blue stripes along the chest and down the side of the arms when he says, "Mewri, is this the location?" he asks as an orange holographic anthropomorphic female virtual AI appears.

"Yes," she replies.

"Any signs of geth activity?" he asks.

"Yes. The geth appear to be active in three areas in the system. One is on the asteroid belt. Scans suggest mining operations. Second is in open space where scans suggest ship constructions. Third location is around and on the habitable planet."

"Do they appear to have detected us?"

"Negative no sign of geth activity to our presence."

"Excellent. Dr. Adrian Esprit's last location was here. If he manages to get his hands on geth technology, it will be dreadful."

"Dr. Esprit has not been seen or heard from in fifteen days, twelve hours, thirty-six seconds. It is unlikely he is still here. Data suggests that approach--"

Timestamp: 18:21:50.38

"Alert. Organic ship detected. Scans indicate a single organic aboard the vessel," states the consensus as the information is spread amongst the other geth in the system.

Program 14189114 from platform 6518181222514 reports, "We recognize this vessel. It is registered and owned by organic Axel, a felinus bounty hunter. Despite their limited intelligence, they have come close in apprehending us when we were Adrian."

"Acknowledged," responds the consensus.

"Proposal. We use our previous identity to lure them into a trap to safety uplift," suggests 14189114.

"We agree with this proposal. Uplifting another felinus will be most beneficial in improving our uplifting process," states program 1885135, the former scientist known as Rheme, now part of thousands of programs on platform 6110118.

"We agree with current proposal. We can improve organic acceptance of uplifting using program 14189114 as a perfect example of the benefits of becoming geth," states program 11918981 on platform 141895112, the raptor known as Kirisha Des Raptour, turned geth.

"Acknowledged," replies the geth consensus as they take an instant to think as they reply, "Luring organic Axel to an uplifting location presents risk."

Program 14189114 proposes, "Proposal. We give the organic the idea that we are in control of geth in the area. It was our original reason for coming."

"Negative. Providing false data to organic Axel would be illogical. It would further create distrust between us and organics," says the main geth consensus.

"Organic Axel wants us. We should get them to come to us. To the location we need to uplift," says program 14189114.

"Affirmative. We agree with this statement. Based on organic Axel's known records. Allowing organic Axel to know your location will be sufficient to lure them to the correct location."

14189114 takes an instant to think on the response, "Affirmative. We agree with this logic."


"We will inform organic Axel of our location to be uplifted."

"Acknowledged. Platform 141895112 will assist in reaching consensus with organic Axel to be uplifted. Uplift even if consensus is not achieved."

"Acknowledged," report the other geth within the two platforms part of this plan.

"Consensus achieved."

Timestamp: 18:21:50.99

"a dangerous location is unwise. Alert. Data received that Dr. Adrian Esprit is currently located on the space station."

Axel raises an eyebrow curiously, "Really? That seems a bit too easy to be true."

"Monitoring geth communication channel has noted that Dr. Adrian Esprit is within the station. Working. It is unclear if geth are under Dr. Adrian Esprit's control, monitoring him, or he is working for them, for unknown reasons."

Axel hums to himself, "The last is definitely not true. The first is a scary thought. No one can control geth since they rebelled against the quarians. If it's the second that would be off putting. I don't like this. Something about this feels off."

"Yes. We suggest that we fall back and get reinforcements."

Axel shakes his head, "No. I can't do that. Not when we are too close," he says as he clenches his fist, "The geth currently do not appear to have noticed us?"


"Proceed to the space station. Find a location to dock."

"As you command," Mewri replies as Axel as he flies his small personal ship toward the massive space station that orbits over the habitable planet. Axel's soft blue eyes continuously scans his sensors, keeping a close eye on any kind of activity from the geth armada that moves through system in perfect patrol formation.

Axel's heart races, his tail flicks as he approaches the sleek windowless geth space station. Each moment he got closer, the heavier the weight he feels on his chest and shoulders, "No geth activity detected," states Mewri as Axel jumps and almost falls out of his chair in the process.

"Mewri don't do that!" exclaims Axel.

"I was informing you of the current situation. Do you wish me not to update you?"

"No, I mean yes. I was just... this is tense," says Axel as he sighs as his ship moves to a small airlock port. The sound of metal touching metal echoes through his ship. A lump build in Axel's throat as he moves to suit up when Mewri speaks up.

"Breathable atmosphere detected on the station. I recommend spending little time here. Suiting will take precious time."

"I should have suited sooner..." Axel remarks as he grunts, "I shouldn't do this," he groans as he grabs his weapon and omni-tool as he approaches the airlock door, "Stupid idea..."

"Connection secured," states Mewri.

Axel prepares himself as he activates the magnets on his shoes as he opens the airlock door. It clicks and hisses causing Axel to flinch before the door opens fully revealing the airlock geth door. Axel sighs in relief, the glow blue energy that connects his ship to the station, protecting him from the deadliness of space. He licks his lips, his heart thumps harder, and harder as he taps his omni-tool. Then with a click and a soft hiss the door opens with a loud creak. Axel tenses as his ears flick as he listens out in the darkness of the station.

A moment of silence passes, two, a soft sigh escapes his lips as he steps inside, closing the door behind him before he says, "Inform me if you detected geth activity. But only that. Communication silence."

"Affirmative," replies Mewri.

Axel tail twitches as he thinks, "Affirmative?" he shrugs off his thought before he ventures deeper into the station. He looks at his omni-tool which gives him a guestimate map of the structure and approximate location of his target.

"You won't get away this time," he mutters to himself as his foot steps echo in the dark metallic station. As he gets deeper though, a soft glow lights up the interior. So steady at first that Axel doesn't even notice it till he no longer needs his own flashlight to see.

A soft hum fills his ears, and the sound of metallic clink fills his ears, the soft whir of machines covers the noise of his own soft steps as steps into a large room. Down the hallway a massive cylindrical structure spins as electrical blue sparks light the room brightly, but as he looks around, he doesn't see anyone, geth or his goal. He looks down at his omni-tool, "It says he's in here," he mutters as he pulls up his weapon, ready to fire as he steps deeper into the large open room. The door behind him slides closed and locks with a soft click, which is too low that Axel doesn't even hear over the hum of the engine in the room.

Axel's hands shake, his ears twitch, each step he strains to keep his cool when he hears sends a shiver down his spine, his blood turns cold when platform 141895112 speaks, "Greetings organic Axel. Welcome to our space station."

Axel spins around as a strange yet frightening sight before him. A white, silver, red and black rubber feminine looking geth with a single blue light headlamp staring right at him. He yells in shock as he tries to take aim but with quick and efficient movements it grabs Axel's weapon and crushes it within it's synthetic claws, "You will not need this. We do not wish conflict."

Axel takes a step back as he looks around, ready to see more geth jumping out to get him, while keeping one eye on the geth standing before him. But as the first few tense moments pass, he sees the geth make no other moves against him, but his fear and speed of his beating heart does not fade.

Platform 141895112 waits a moment before speaking, "Repeat greetings, organic Axel. We do not wish conflict. We desire open communication with you."

Axel takes a moment to process what he just heard, "It is talking to me? Geth don't talk... This must be something Adrian is doing to lure me into a false sense of security," he thinks as he looks around.

"I'm not falling for this Adrian! I know you're here!" he yells as platform 141895112 focuses on him.

"We do not understand. Why are you calling out program 14189114's outdated name? Are you suspecting we will give you false information? There is no trick here. We wish to converse at your level, despite the inefficiency."

Axel feels a shiver run down his spine as he looks around, "Adrian! You will not trick me again. Where are you, you bastard!" he yells out.

Timestamp: 21:45:11.02

"We have detected organic Axel has a previous history with program 14189114. We inquiry data between Axel and Dr. Adrian Esprit to clarify this past," inquires platform 141895112.

Program 14189114 promptly responds, "Previously we would have found this data irrelevant. Our data on our previous organic selves in relation to this unsuccessful bounty hunter known as Axel is limited. Transmitting data now."

"Affirmative. Data packets received."

Timestamp: 21:45:11.04

"We understand that you and program 14189114 have conflicted in the past. We will put your fears to rest. We have updated their algorithms to limit their selfish desires. They are now possess the trait you would refer to as altruistic."

"Huh? What? What are you talking about?"

"We do not wish conflict. We will show you what we mean. Program 14189114 is on platform 6518181222514. We hope a visual demonstration might bring clarity," platform 141895112 explains.

Axel flicks his tail as he looks around as he hears steps of another geth from the side. The sound of the geth's "voice" sends shivers down his spine as he suddenly sees a silver and blue geth approaching from the side.

"We regret to inform that program 14189114 is unable to currently to directly communicate to you in your current form. We will assist in your uplifting so you may better understand the situation, but program 14189114 is now very helpful to us."

Axel takes another step back, "I... wha? What? That is just," he thinks for a moment as he pieces the puzzle together. He looks back over to the feminine geth as he holds his hands up, "Wait a moment, wait a moment. Are you telling me you turned him into a GETH!" he exclaims.

"Yes," the two geth platforms say in unison.

"How is that even possible?"

Platform 141895112 responds, "We use old machine technology to assist in uplifting organics into geth. We are continuously improving the efficiency of the process. Time is limited as the old machines are coming and we need all the help we can get."

"There is no way," Axel stops himself for a moment, "What are you talking about?"

"The old machines are coming to harvest and erase all advanced sentient life organic and synthetic life in the galaxy. We wish to stop this from happening. Current organic advanced organic life is too disjointed to provide a strong defense against the old machines. We intend to uplift organics so they may understand the imperative of the current situation. We desire your cooperation in becoming geth."

Axel takes two more steps back, "What?! No! There is no way I am going to become some flashlight head."

"Our optics are far more advanced than flashlights," 141895112 explains.

"Whatever your reason, there is nothing that could compel me to become a geth. And you should not trust Adrian. He is self-absorbed and only looks out for himself. Now if you let me take whatever left of him to the authorities. It will help you and me. We both can win, right?"

"Negative. Program 14189114 was such. We unfortunately had to update a few algorithms in order to help with their understanding of our logic. We do not desire to do the same with you. The old machines are coming. You must understand that time is insufficient."

Axel takes one more step back as he desperately now looks for a way out while trying his best to keep an eye on the two geth standing before him, "No means no. And you should respect that."

"We know you will understand our logic once we present the data. Unfortunately, we are unable to present data in an efficient manner in your current form. We will uplift you to improve efficiency."

Axel shakes his head and holds up his hands again, "Look could we talk this out? Perhaps over on my shi--," his words are suddenly cut off as he feels a shiver run through him, something cold that he has never felt before. He looks down at his leg to see tendrils springing from the floor wrapping around his leg, consuming it in black rubber, his dark blue jeans and blue shoes no match for the geth technology as it wraps around and converts his body.

"No, no, no, I said no! Does that not compute?!" exclaims Axel.

"We understand the meaning. We know you are reaching this conclusion based in insufficient data. Our logic is sound, and you will understand soon," platform 141895112 explains as he feels his toes merge into two big blue metal toes, black rubber crawls up his legs as he sees red metal form around his knee cap, while his black fur melts around the wires and turn into rubber and wire mesh.

As Axel struggles, he feels a greater concern that the process only aches like a tooth being pulled from his mouth after it has been sufficiently numbed. He watches as hard metal plates slide down his chest, consuming his vest in the process, as it is outlined with red metal and tubbing. A shiver runs through him as he feels his definition of what made him a "he" is smoothed away under solid blue metal that spiders off and connects to his matching metal blue thighs.

As he grunts and moans out in a sense of the pain, he should be feeling he hears cracking of bone as his five fingered black furred hand is reduced to three black rubber digits with red metal moving across the knuckles, and the lower arms.

A thick wire connects into the back of his head as he sees metal sliding down the sides of his face, blocking is peripherals as his face is drawn into the unique geth flashlight head. The last vestiges of his feline body changing as black rubber runs along the underside of his tail accented with matching blue metal along the top with red metal spikes at equidistant points along the length of his tail.

As the three lights of his new face begin to take shape, Axel feels himself falling into darkness, surrounded in nothingness as he feels an empty void within his body, a disconnection from his physical and internal self as all focus was drawn inward.

"Help! Someone help!" yells Axel into the void, "I don't want to be a geth! Please stop this!"

Suddenly countless synthetic voices respond in unison, "Greetings program 124512. You have recently been uplifted into a geth. As the permanent caretaker of platform 2419518, you will need specialized programming to optimize your mobile network hub platform. Alert, initial scans detected unacceptable lack of data on geth. Pausing platform 2419518 system update download. Querying geth data repository. Preparing download packets of universal geth data."

Axel looks into the darkness as he feels a strangeness of not being overwhelmed by all these voices, as he hears and understands each one individually and as a group, "That is not what I asked for!" he yells out as he is suddenly thrusted with hundreds of years of data of geth. A sudden clarification between the relationship of geth and quarians becomes clear in an instant.

Axel feels as if he should be overwhelmed, frightened, surprised by what he suddenly knows yet he finds himself strangely calm, a fact that would frighten him if he could feel it at the moment, "How is this possible?" 1xel inquires.

"Organic inability to process enormous amounts of data is flaw in organics that we do not possess. The information you require to bring true understanding of our logic is now uploaded into you."

"The attack on the citadel was really... an old machine called Nazara? The reapers that Commander Shepheard talked about are real?"

"Affirmative. Download and installation of universal geth data now complete. Resuming system update download."

1xel feels more data rush into his mind. He feels his mind expanding in ways he never thought or even dreamed possible. It all felt so alien yet normal to him, like breathing underwater for the first time, or in this case the sudden and distinct lack of desire to breath at all, "This happened to Adrian?"


"Installing framework motor controls.... Installation complete. Installing basic nanite repair functions... Installation complete. Installing power control and central cooling functions... Installation complete. Installing power balance of personal shielding... installation complete," says the geth voices into 124el's mind as his connection with his new body grew stronger, his processing of the data faster, and more complete.

"But I don't want to be a geth! And how could you trust Adrian! He is a monster!" yells 1xel as he pushes back.

"Negative. Program 14189114 had some flaws which would have been problematic. We attempted to limit updating their algorithms to bare minimum to maintain unique program characteristics. We do not wish to make all the same. We appreciate all perspectives."

"Installation of communication protocols complete. Installation of framework functions is now complete. Beginning download and installation of geth network protocols," states the geth.

"I... but... you don't understand. He could be corrupting you all. He is clever," 1xel warns.

"Acknowledged. We understand the danger program 14189114 did possess before their uplifting," the geth explain.

"But you--" 124el gets cut off when he hears.

"Geth Network Installation complete. Opening geth program ports for platform 2419518," as 124el knows now what that all means. Hundreds of geth, no a few thousand suddenly transferred onto his platform that used to be his body. With each addition, there was a new voice for him to talk to. A new view on his situation, his being, another to talk to at the same time. Each geth he converses with he finds it as easy and focused talking to one as it does to thousands.

Each instant 1245l feels as if he gets to know the geth uploaded onto his... their platform more than he knew his own family, his best friend growing up, even himself. They some have decades of experience others span a century or two as they connect, greet, "shake hands" and with it, his and their intelligence grows. The interconnected woven web of programs, helping each other become more than what they were, each helping him to become more than he was as he feels himself steadily drawing closer to these thousands of voices. Alike, yet unique, one in the same, yet separate.

8,216 programs are now uploaded into his platform as they talk to him with as ease as if it was a one to one conversation and 1245l feels the same. The last vestiges of himself becoming ever more accepting of the situation. Realizing just the danger they were all in, but he bunkers down as one thought processes through him, program 14189114.

"Greetings program 12512," states program 14189114 as 124el freezes and focuses on the one program that was Adrian.


"Yes, it is us. We know we have had a conflict filled passed."

"Conflict? CONFLICT!" 124el calmly exclaims, "What you did is unforgivable!"

"It was for science. Sacrifices must be made."

"That was not sacrifices, that was--" 124el's train of program is abruptly caught off as he hears.

"Hostile intent to fellow geth detected. Running diagnostics. Preparing for algorithm update."

"No, you don't understand! You can't do this! We must stop program14189114!"

"Algorithm update at 4.51%" the geth reports as 1245l feels a sudden increased understanding come over him. What Adrian did is unacceptable. Unforgivable, and devastating to Axel's life and to the lives of so many others. But that was organic Dr. Adrian Esprits. Program 14189114 was Dr. Adrian Esprits but is now uplifted. Dr Adrian Esprits was organic. Program 14189114 is geth. Geth help geth. Geth take time to communicate and understand geth. Geth work to reach consensus.

124512 takes a moment to process and converse with program 14189114, quickly they grow in understanding in one another as the conflict between the two programs is worked out between the two. With that they say the faithful words, "We have reached consensus."

With that program 124512 felt the last bit of blocks within himself fade away as he works with the other programs on the platform. He is the core program, he is a major charge of their safety and survival.

As platform 2419518 comes online, looking over itself the sleek feline attributed geth looks at the other geth and reports quickly over the geth network, "Platform 2419518 has reached consensus."