Taking In a Stray

Story by Willace Diamond on SoFurry

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Warning: This story contains various instances of homosexuallity between a human and a dog (zoophilia) and occasional alchohol use. Acctual events that have transpired have help shaped this story, but some of them are obviously fabricated. If this isn't your thing, then don't read this, duh. If it is, then enjoy, oh and you might want to grab some t.p. from the bathroom, just encase you really REALLY enjoy this type of story ^._.^

Characters in this story:

Caleb: Age 20, cashire and social pariah

Duncan: Age roughly two and a half (nearly 17 in dog years) Black Labrador

Jack: Age 24, My boss, who I respect, even if he's a dick

Taking In A Stray

The clock finally reached reached eight and I tore my work shirt off. "About damn time." I said walking towards the office. Today sucked. Not only that tomorrow wasn't going to be any better. My only relief from this, a cup of coffie served with a fake smile at the local burger joint. Not that it was a great motivator, but it was my rutine. The first step though, getting out of this place unseen by my boss.

With the time clock in sight I felt a glimps of relief. The sound of the office door opening killed that hope. "Caleb, I need you to do me a favor" I heard my boss saying as I put the time card in it's slot. "Dammit" I mutterd quietly to myself.

"What do you need sir?" I began to ask already knowing the answer. "As you know I don't want to be hear tomorrow. So I need you to punch me out at closing. You did want the extra hours right?" I thought it over for a moment. Killer over-time hours or have to deal with a pissed off jack all day. I'll take the mind-numbing over-time, thankyou very much. I musterd up the best smile I could and accepted. Not like I have anything better to do with my time. We said our geniric goodbyes and I walked for the front door. "Tonight's goning be cold, better grab a coat." Jack called from the office. Smart-ass I mumbled, he knew I forgot it at home.

On the walk home cars flashed by me so closely I nearly went blind from their headlights. Their cold wind blew against me and I forced my fists into my pockects. I hate the walk home. I always feel like families in the cars stare at me.

An hour later and I had reached my nieghborhood. No, not kidding, it always takes this long when I stop for coffie. Streetlights shown with yellow lights and the world around me became hard to see. Doesn't really matter I remarked to myself, I've walk this damn ally-way a thousand times. The occasional car would past me every couple minutes or so until I arrived at 'the turn.' I like the turn, it ment that I only had fifthteen more minutes until I was home. Unfortunitly it was on a hill. walking up the thing nearly took the breath out of me. Once I reached the top I sat down. I needed a smoke.

Okay maybe I did'nt need one but still, why not? As I lite up I thought I saw somebody move in the yard beside me. I starined my eyes expecting it to be nothing. At first that's what I thought it was, until I noticed something reflecting in the bushes. It was a pair of amber eyes looking back at me. "Hey there boy" I said making out the outline of a dog. He looked at me, I looked at him, and then he peed onto a tree. "Hey boy, come here" I called out in a child-like voice, trying to pursaude him. When that didn't work I clapped on my knees and tried asking him over even softer.

It took a little more coaxing but finally he approached me. In the faint light from a strret lamp, I saw a happy look on his face. He was a huge black lab, tail wagging like nothing else matterd, and was wearing a red collar. "Hey there big fellow" I greated him and he sniffed at my fingers. "You live around here?" A stupid thing to ask a dog but he seemed to respond to the sound of my voice. Plopping himself at my shoes I decied it was too late to go looking for his owners. A collar but no leash I thought, just have to impravise. "Wanna' come home with me tonight? I got basic cable and fried chicken." I joked taking off my belt and tieing it around his collar. "We'll find your owners first thing in the morning. I have to be up that early anyhow." He stood up and pulled on the make-shift leash.

"Hey! slow down! " I justled behind him, trying to direct. "This Isn't exactly a walk for fun!" Trying to hold the leash with one hand and keep my pants up with the other, we were off. About five minutes later he slowed down and looked up at me, seemingly grinning. I couldn't help myself, I laughed. He just seed so pleased that he could pull me along like this. "Come on, just right up the road."

At my home, we had to be sneaky. Taking the other set of stairs, I did my best to remain unheard by others, espically my landlord. God forbid We should make a noise or have pets. I opend my door and the dog rushed in and over to my couch, jumping onto it. "Shush! I wave at him and locked the door. I started to scold him then it dawned on me. I don't know this dog's name. "Come here," I coax again. He looked rediculous walking over to me with my belt hanging from his collar. Detaching it I searched for his name tag. No name tag but his collar was embroded. "Duncan, Huh? Pretty swank threads there." He spun around the room a couple times and I gave up trying to settle him. "Whatever, dunc." I told him going to sit on my couch. Apperntly that was dog for 'tackle me.' He rushed me and I fell face first onto my sofa, tripping over my pants as the fell down.

"What the hell was that?" I asked chuckling trying to pull my jeans up. I ruffled the fur on his head decied to just ditch the pants. I needed to get ready for bed soon anyhow. He stood starring at me, as if anticpating something. Reclining my head in to the cushions I looked back at him. I could see it in his eyes. "Don't you dare..." I warned pointing a finger at him and trying my best not to laugh. Fail. He barked, I jumped a little and then nearly fell over giggling. "Must be hungry, right? How about that chicken I promised?" I got up off the floor and he followed me into the kitchen. "Lucky for you Peanutbutter chicken is my friggin' special." A rattle of the over door, a click of the timer and supper was underway. And it didn't take to long for it to finish either, I had it down to a science.

I took a bite, shrugged mys shoulders, and sat a plate down on the floor for him. The way I figure it the dish was going to be washed regardless. And who needs to eat when I had booze. With a box of beer under my arms I went back into the living room. So what if I worked tomorrow, might as well enjoy tonight. I made it a point to drink myself into a stupor infront of my televison. Finishing the better part of box, I decied my liver had enough for one night. Getting up to put the last beer back into the fridge I saw my guest sitting in the hallway. Stumbling up to him I begen to notice something strange, he was staring at me. Doing my best to play it down I scratched his head and walked on by. Oddly enough he just sat there thumping his tail. By the time I reached for the fridge I began to really feel woozy. Within a flash the floor was before my face and I was on my knees.

"Aww man, what happened?" I asked kneeling over. Before I could stand back up I felt my 'guest' walk up and nudge my side. "I'm okay pooch... just a little drunk." Apperently that didn't mean that much to a dog, at least not to him. Duncan took the oppertunity and gave slobbery lick at my face. I inturn, burst out laughing and wiped my face. " Ef'ing Gross man!" Duncan took another step closer and gave the same look as in the hallway. My head was fuzzy and now the whole room was spinning. The only thing I could make out clearly were his sun-light yellow eyes. Then the world went black.

When I awoke my head was throbbing. Somewhere across the line I managed to make it back to the living room couch. And of course my new friend sat on the cushion beside me, staring down at me yet again. Making an attempt to stand at this point would be stupid. That and a waste of what litte beer buzz I still had. So I just stayed where I was and stared back into his eyes. He seemed so happy, as if he wanted to say something. "I'm not sure if that's just the five beers I had talking, but I am hard-core randy." I announced abrouptly breaking the silence and then turning back to look at the tv. It was very much the alcohol talking and I could feel my pant getting tighter. This normally happened when I drank. First I would get woozy, then hungry, then horny.

As I lazed against the couch, I contemplated beating-off. Then I remebered my 'guest' was sitting just out of arm's reach. Probably not what I would want to, jack my crank with an unfamiliar dog in such close proximity. "Duncan man, I need you to go dog dog stuff in a different room for a while a'ight?" I stupidly asked the dog, my head swimming due to intoxication. Duncan paid it no mind and searched about the room; then rested his gaze on me again.

"What, don't look at me like that. You're a guy, bet you do the same thing." I told him as I rubbed myself. Too drunk to care, I let him watch me fondle myself thtough my boxers. It didn't take much for me, sloppily rubbing my fingers up and down, the friction of the cloth doing most of the work. As a wave after wave of endorphines raced in my brain I drew close to climax. I pulled my shirt off and tossed it to the floor, feeling my body tempature riase. No sooner than I realized the final rush was just ahead did I see Duncan staring at me. With a glace back at him we locked eyes I began to cum. Each spurt and I could feel him watching me more and more intesly. Letting myself finish against my shorts wasn't what I planned, I realized. The sticky mess around my navel went from warm to cold and still the Lab looked directly in my eyes.

"Maybe he's hungry again?" I thought, trying to avoid asking myself why I needed to look at him when I blew. "Well thanks for making that as ackward as possible Dunc. Now listen, if you keep staring at me, I'ma havta assume you you want something." He turned his head sideways and began to move closer. A little startled I took my fingers off my shaft and pointed at him. "Don't even get closer." Again, he paid my warning no mind. Instead he rushed me like last time, only this time he pushed a little harder than before. "Alright, Duncan. Let's get this out of the way. It's almost morning, I'm tipsy, sticky with jizz, and in no mood to wrestle." Ignoring my warning was one of his strong points. Proceeding to play 'tackle the tired' Duncan put his full force into it.

As we both hit the floor I smacked face againts the carpet. "OWW! Good god damn. Could you be any stranger?" I asked raising to my hands and knees. Unfortantly the aswer was yes. I felt a heavy weight land on my back and a hot breath on my neck. It took a few seconds to comprehend what just happened. He just mounted me!

"Down down down down!" I exclaimed trying to shrug him off of me. His body began to thrust and I felt him collide against me. The force of each encounter nearly knocked me face-flat as I attempted to stop him. Between the push and the shoving, the thrusting and the stuggling I made it almost off the floor to my knees. I also worked up a sweat. Then I stopped. Breathing heavily, I cringed feeling an unknown sensation in my thoughts. And soon a realization: I was... hard again?

Without real explination I dropped back down on my palms and let him plow away. Each time his body slammed into mine I felt us learch forward, the rug almost burning at my knee-caps right off. Completly lost in the high I felt his claws scrap my sides slightly and a warm panting against the back of my head. I wanted this, more than anything in the world, and I didn't even know it until right then.

Duncan dismounted me, acciedently scrapping the length of my back. It mgiht of broken the skin but that wasn't my really concern. I just let a strange dog make me his bitch. "At leas it was techinaclly only dry humping." I joked. Wait dammit! Why aren't I making a big deal out of this! My thoughts screamed in my head. Fingers grabbing into the carppet I lost it. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!" I cursed loudly and pounded the floor each time. Duncan ran off into the hallway and I sat on my knees. A copper-like smell was in the air and both sides of my shorts felt wet.

Realizing why they were soaked on either side I stood up taking them off . Violently throwing them away from me I saw the frightened lab run into the room. A painfull look was in his eyes and it seemed as if he wanted to cry. I disregarded my own self disgust and coaxed him to come over. Hesitently he approched my side and looked painfully to my face. "Listen..." I said not sure why I was trying to explain this. Hell I wasn't even able to understand it. Putting us at eye level again, I felt how much the rugburns hurt to put pressure on.

"I really messed up here tonight, at least that's what it'll seem to normal people. I'm not gonna' lie to you Duncan, that lil' rump-hump was better than anything I've felt for awhile." Pausing only long enough to take in the moment drew a deep breath.I reached out and lightly rested my arms along his back. Duncan watched intently as I continued. " But you have to realize something. You're a dog and I'm not. If we ever..." My train of thought was lost and began to really notice his appealings apperance. Strong muscular shoulders, Silky black fur gentle to the touch, and the most beautiful look of admirence in his smile.

"...If we ever..." I repeated transfixed by animal that sat before me. Locking my fingers together behind his back, the time had come to decied my next move. Would I really just let this oppertunity slip by?

"If we got all hot and heavy tongiht it would really hard for me to give you back to your owners, but..." A devious look formed across my face, plotting how to approach this. "I can tell that isn't exactly you seem to worried about. How about I provide you with a little loving and you get some much needed relise." I ran my fingers down his chest and rested one on the tip of his sheath. He didn't really seem to mind it. Still I figured I'd ought to appeal to his nature rather than to mine.

Removing my finger I backed up and got on hands and knees like before. Duncan understood what this ment. With a dash he was at my hind-side and eagerly inspecting it with his cold nose. As his wet nose met my body it sent rivits of pleasure through me, and I felt myself stiffen. Nearly a minute passed and then he stopped. Knowing what was next I held my breath in anticipation. Without disappointment I felt the force of his body land on my back again. Following this, he began to display his affection.

I almost forgot the strength he could push with. The first few pumps nearly sent me to my stomach. Laughing a little I noticed he had trouble hitting his target and decied to rely on sheer force. Thankfully I felt a moist tip land in the right spot. He slid it in and then back. With gasp adreniline race in my vains as he found my opening again, this time with full force of his hips. The warmth, the size of his shaft, how deep he could reach inside my body; true pleasure took my mind. Back and forth and he stayed steadily inside me, caressing every inch he could. The scent of copper filled the air once more and he began to feel 'slicker.'

Was he cumming? No, but he was doing somthing; there were fluids leaking out of him. Yet he still rammed me without hesitation. As he carried on I felt something else began to happen.

Unable to vocolize any thing beyond gasps of happiness I simply thought "What the hell is that?" At the base of his shaft two small bumps began to inflate; quickly. Finding words capible of leaving my mouth again I cried out at the top of my loungs. "Oh God it hurts sooooo MUCH!!!" Those two small bumps had now bcame a very big problem. A promblem that bashed against a very sore opening. I could tell what he was trying to do, he wanted those inside me really really badly. Grinding my teeth I felt him mangae to plop them into me. Duncan slowed his lovingmaking to a stop and I felt my heartrate calm. The ordeal was over, or so I thought for a brief second.

Opening my mouth the speak I Screamed instead. The two round bumps he was so intent on getting iside me exploded in size. The pain was almost enough to pass out. I held to the carpept and my heart beat sky-rocketed once more. Duncan gave a faint twinge and I felt him erupt inside me. Warmth flowed heavily through my inside to my stomach I lost all control. I blew my load again, savoring the tingling sensation of both his and my orgasm.

Seconds later I felt the pain again. "Sweet heaven this really hurts..." I complaind. A twist and a hop and Duncan had put himself back on all fours on the floor. He face his body away from me but occasionally would look back at where we were stuck. Seconds turn to minutes and they dragged on in countless number. I didn't plan for this, how could I? Nothing like this ever happened to me but I wasn't really against the idea of us being stuck like this. It made me feel closer to Duncan. I smiled at this thought. Maybe he didn't really have to take his time and get 'it' out of me. Growing mellow once more I rested my head on my arms and waited. Let's take our time with this Dunc. Afterall It's not so bad, being your bitch." I closed my eyes and waited.

Once whatever was holding us together was small enough not to, I felt my 'guest' pull out. Satisfied with simply laying here falling asleep, Duncan sat close by cleaning himself. What we had did played in my head again and agian. I grinned. This was just the type of guy I was, able to find happiness in strange ways.

Urging me to get up, Duncan pressed againt my side with his muzzle. "Fine, fine, I'm up." I announced raising off of the floor. "What so you possible want now?" I asked yawning looking down to him. The egaer stare I saw before filled his face and he glanced over to the couch. "Oh a cuddler are you?" I asked smiling right back at him. "Well in that case let's snuggle up, lover-boy." I walked over to the couch with him at my side and layed down. Intent on laying on my chest I looked him in the eyes and gave in. Our lips met and I pulled the cover of the back of thecouch over us. "Goodnight preicous little doggy. sleep well." I told him with the fullest conviction of love. As I faded off to Sleep I swear I heard a tender voice reply "Goodnight my lover..."