The Legend Of Spyro: The Aftermath CH 9

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#9 of The Aftermath (Book 1)

Spyro and Cynder prepare for their mating ceremony. Spyro's uncles finally arrive at Faun, and he introduces them to Cynder.

Spyro and Cynder woke up to the smell of food cooking. Spyro recognized the smell as a recipe that his mother used to make. They heard Nina and Mary chatting from the kitchen. Spyro looked at Cynder, and kissed her. They stayed like this for a long time, embracing each other tightly as they kissed. After a while, they got up and walked out to the living room.

"Good morning you two" Flash said as they entered "How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good" Spyro answered.

"A literal army of maildragons came by and left a massive number of packages. We left them in the nest room for you." Jake told them

"Another pile of mail?" Spyro asked

"You should have seen the one they left for Michael; it was twice the size of yours" Flash told them

"The mail came by yesterday?" Cynder asked

"Oh, I forgot to give you your stack. He handed me a massive bag and I discovered that I get fanmail now" Spyro explained

"Well of course you do, you hero" Cynder bumped his hips with hers.

Just then, Nina and Mary walked out of the kitchen. Mary carrying a few dishes to the table.

"Breakfast is ready" Nina called

The children rushed to the table and started eating. The rest of the group talked as they ate.

"This is really good" Cynder exclaimed, devouring her plate.

"Thanks, it's my own personal recipe" Nina told her

"I thought I recognized the smell" Spyro smiled "I remember eating this on my birthdays"

"Well, this is a very special occasion, you're getting mated tomorrow!" Nina exclaimed happily.

The group finished their meal, and the dragonflies left to explore the city. The four dragons started opening the pile of mail.

"When did you get home" Spyro asked Mary

"Around two in the morning" she answered "I nearly woke up the whole house with my clumsiness"

"How was the trip?" Spyro opened a pouch and poured out a pile of amethyst crystals

"Well, we found your uncles, but they weren't too willing to talk to Michael. They were aggressive at first, so I had to step in and yell at them for a solid hour. Eventually I convinced them to come to your ceremony. They are currently staying in the fortress; we can go meet them later. We looked for Jade for a long time but found no trace of her." She explained, inspecting a bracelet she pulled from another pouch. "We tried, but neither Sam, nor James knew where she was."

"That's okay, maybe I can try to find her sometime" he replied

"I would love to see her again; it's been a long time" She sighed

"Did Michael ever find any of my family" Cynder asked

"He told me he found two of your aunts and only one uncle, and he told them about you. He said that they should be coming today, but they might skip it, they don't like being in public after the whole Malefor thing." Mary explained "Even though I doubt anybody will recognize them"

Cynder sighed "I hope they decide to attend"

"I hope so too" Mary replied

Suddenly Spyro pulled a fire core out of a box, everybody looked at it for a moment, then laughed.

"Who would send you that?" Jake asked

"I have no clue" He turned the core over "But I guess they want me to have one"

They finished opening the mail and cleaned up the mess. Then Mary and Spyro left to go meet his uncles. Cynder stayed behind and took a nap, and the dragonflies returned from their trip. Flash and Jake sat out in the square and watched the children run around and play.

"It's so different here" Flash stated

"Here, as in the planet, or in a city in general?" Jake asked

"Both? I don't know, Nina wants to move to warfang so that we could be a quick portal away from Spyro, and the whole village wants to leave the swamp. The shattering has caused an increase of predators. Nina's been talking to other dragonflies and now they all are thinking about moving to Warfang." Flash answered

"Could Warfang support the village?" Jake looked at him "I don't know how their economy is working"

"I think we could find some work to do, to support our very small housing." Flash flew off of Jake and landed on the ground.

"The Council wants to send some representatives to check in on the Warfang territory and what's left of Genrir. They asked Mary to do it, she's still considering it though" Jake told Flash

"She should accept, and bring you guys. I think you will enjoy spending some time there." Flash replied

"Maybe Spyro can show us around Warfang" Jake remarked

"Not likely, Spyro spent ninety percent of his time in Warfang during it's siege. He could show you around the Guardians Temple, Tall Plains, and our home swamps though." Flash said, fluttering his wings.

"Right, forgot about that" Jake said, sighing "Those two have been through so much at so young an age"

"I know, I tried to protect Spyro from it, but eventually evil sought him out" Flash replied

"Why did they have to go through all that hardship and suffering, Spyro had to save Cynder from corruption. Then he had to stop Malefor from rising, and after failing, he was trapped in crystal for three years. And to top it all off, he woke just in time to be captured and bound with Cynder. Then he had to fight Malefor and save the world from being destroyed. I'm surprised at Spyro and Cynder's resilience, they shrugged this off like it happened thirty years ago. I know Cynder has been struggling a bit, but somehow Spyro has been able to support both her and himself. He is truly remarkable." Jake stated

"I know, and I worry that Spyro won't be able to do that forever. That's why I think Cynder is perfect for him, she will be able to support him when he gets burned out." Flash sighed "If Spyro were to have a burnout, he could become depressed and stressed, he could get anger and snap at people, or he could just vanish for no reason. I hope the last thing doesn't happen, because as a purple dragon, he could disappear without a trace and not be able to find."

"You think that could happen?" Jake asked

"I don't know, when we found Spyro's egg I went to the nearest villages and listen to any stories that I could. I heard that once a dragon moved near the village, he stayed away from them mostly and stuck to himself, but eventually his family came looking for him, when he refused to return with them, they tried to make him, and he slaughtered them. He was under so much pressure because he had extreme power over four elements. They forced him to be mated to someone he didn't love, and he killed them all. Spyro has been under a different kind of pressure, but for amount, Spyro is under over a hundred times more than that dragon was" Flash told Jake

"I've heard a few stories about this, but they usually just come back after a few months" Jake added

Michael walked out of his house and looked over at them.

"What's up?" He asked

"We were worried about Spyro getting burned out because of the weight that he has put on himself." Jake told him.

"Yeah, I noticed that too, I was thinking of sending them to an abandoned paradise planet for a few months, but I don't think he'll go." Michael replied

"Why not?" Flash asked

"I think that Spyro is focused on defeating the Dark Authority because it caused Malfor's corruption. So, I probably will have to convince Cynder to drag him out of here." Michael explained "Also, he just discovered the rest of this universe and probably wants to check things out."

"The only thing we can do right now is sit and wait." Jake sighed "And hope for the best"

"I can help him, and take some of the weight off, I'm already trying to do some things." Michael replied "Like I found all of you, and brought you here"

"Thanks for that, by the way" Flash said

"You're welcome" and with that, Michael took off towards the dock.

Back in the fortress, Spyro and Mary landed and looked over to see 6 children running around a bunch of people setting up decorations. Mary looked around, then led Spyro too four adults standing and watching.

"Spyro, these are your uncles Sam and James, and their mates, Mindy and Nila" she told him

"Hi, nice to meet you" Spyro replied

"Hello, nice to meet you too" Mindy said, then turned to the kids "Hey, come meet your cousin"

The kids ran over to them

"My girls are Kai and Linda, the orange and the green ones. And the two yellows are Alina and Brenna, they are hard to tell apart even though they came from separate eggs, so don't feel bad if you mix them up. This one is Samuel, careful around him because he is still learning how to control his poison powers. Last, but not least we have little Nuri here." Mindy pointed out each of them

"Hi, nice to meet you all" Spyro said to the kids, they shyly said their hellos, and ran off to the fountain.

"They have heard a lot of stories from you" Mindy told him, and James grunted "Much to their dismay"

"Look, I wouldn't have let the story spread if I had a choice." Spyro said

"Nobody blames you for that" Kai replied

"So, when are we going to meet this Cynder of yours?" Mindy asked

"I can send a message for her if you want to meet her now" Spyro answered "Oh, Thanks for coming, I know you didn't want to come"

"Of course we wanted to come, It's just that Sam and James don't like going out often" Kai told them "And they don't like Michael too much either"

"Why? It wasn't his choice to leave, Fury made him" Spyro asked, looking at his uncles

"Were mad because he actually listened to him, instead of staying anyway and helping defend them against Malefor's attack" Sam answered

"It goes against his code to go against the orders of the king of elemental dragons, he couldn't stay, much as he wanted too" Spyro replied

"Let's change the subject, we heard the stories, how did you two fall in love?" Kai asked

Spyro pulled out a pen and paper "We first felt a connection during our first winter, when we had to huddle together to stay warm." He told them "And I knew I fell in love during are celebration after the siege of Warfang, and I couldn't stop looking at her beautiful face under the fireworks."

Kai and Mindy smiled. Spyro wrote a symbol on the bottom of the paper, just like Michael taught him, and thought of Cynder. Then the paper burst into flames and vanished.

"Cynder should be here soon" Spyro told them

Back in her bedroom, a letter appeared over Cynder's head. She jumped up and grabbed it. Then realized it was from Spyro, asking her to come meet his uncles and their families. She left the house and flew out too the fortress. As she was riding the windstreams, Cynder passed over a group of heavily armored dragons with wolves on their backs. She looked down and watched them passed, one of the wolves looked up and waved, she realized this was the same wolf Spyro had saved. 'Small world' she chuckled at her own joke and watched the dock appear on the horizon. She arrived at the fortress and landed in the main square, and saw a group of children playing in the fountain in the center. She looked around and spotted Spyro and Mary with four other dragons. Shyly, she approached them.

"Hi, I'm Cynder, nice to meet you"

"Same here" Kai replied "We heard a lot about you from Mary"

Spyro introduced them to his future mate, and they talked for a while. Eventually the decorators finished setting up the square. Kai and Mindy called the kids into the mess hall for dinner. They all settled down in one of the big tables with their food,

"So, what's it like on Ronos?" Cynder asked

"Ronos is a beautiful planet, we live on an island village not far from the capital. It's covered in beautiful palm trees and surrounded by turquoise waters. Both of are families live in a nice villa right on the beach, and a strange phenomenon for Ronos is that it almost never gets large storms." Mindy explained

"Sounds great" Spyro replied

"We like it" Mindy said

"So, for the ceremony tomorrow, do you need an officiator" Sam asked

"No, Michael's doing that. The only thing you guys need to do is show up." Spyro answered "And have fun at the party after"

The brothers shared a look, Sam sighed but said nothing.

"You two look great together, I hope you have wonderful memories together" Mindy replied

Suddenly Michael entered the hall and looked over at the group.

"Cynder, come meet some of your family" He shouted, ignoring the looks Sam and James gave him

Cynder got up and walked out into the lit-up square. She saw four dragons standing next to Michael

"This is Jasper, and his son Camry, this is Flora, and this is Lily." Michael introduced them

"Hi" Cynder replied, shy

"You look just like your mother" Lily said "We were friends"

"I get that a lot" Cynder told them

"It's true" Flora replied

Jake flew in and landed next to them, three young dragons and four dragonflies leapt off him.

"Heard everybody was meeting up here" He said

The group joined the others in the mess hall, immediately Cynder's family dug into the food. After everybody had finished their meal, they talked for a while, about everything from the war, to current events. After a while, parents carried their sleeping children to their beds and said their goodnights. The group landed outside their house to see Ember and Flame fly in behind them.

"Where did you two go" Cynder asked

"Flame took me to a nice restaurant that he found while looking around, it was really romantic" Ember asked.

After a few minutes, Spyro and Cynder said their goodnights and went to bed. Cynder looked at Spyro and smiled.

"Were almost there" she said

"I still can't wait" He smiled back

"I can't believe I had family this whole time, its baffling."

"Same, I never thought I would have anybody else other than my adopted family"

"And look where we are, almost drowning in family members"

Spyro laughed, then closed his eyes and fell asleep. Cynder stayed awake for a while, thinking about how her family had reacted during the war just because they were related to Malefor. She couldn't imagine how the people must have treated them before they found out that Malefor did not choose to be corrupted. Slowly her eyes closed and she drifted of to sleep.