Dream On

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A man finds himself within a persistent dream for horny sleepers known as Karvaska, where you can dream up whatever sexual fantasy you want with no consequences to the real world!

(M tf hybrid, canine, equine, bovine)

Frederick came to while in the middle of already walking forward. He stopped and looked around confused. He is walking a cobbled path sunken into blue toned grass. Frank attempted to observe the scenery but it was like his eyes had trouble focusing on anything, and the longer he looked the more it seemed like looking through a kaleidoscope. When his eyes move away the scenery shifts, and when he looks back to the same spot it shifts even more. The further away he tried to look the more amorphous the scenery became- entire mountains collapsing or erecting in the distance like nothing was amiss.

The closer area that was more static looked like some sort of gigantic ancient ruin; the giant stone blocks weathered smooth on the edges and moss carpeted most of it, while larger plants gathered in the cracks. There was many people scattered around it, and none of them looked normal! Some were half animal, some had gigantic genitals or enormous breasts, and no one was wearing clothing! It almost made Fred self-conscious about the fact that he is wearing- oh never mind. He pat his chest to adjust his shirt and realized he wasn't wearing one in the first place- he is also naked!

A woman approached him quickly from his left- toward the ruin- before he could react. "Oh hey! You new here?! Welcome to Karvaska!"

"Welc- what..?"

"Okay, confusing, yea, I know. I should probably start with the fact you are dreaming."

"This is a dream?"

"Yup, a very special dream."

Well that would explain why he has no recollection of coming here, yet he is here. Also why he is outside and naked yet feels warm and comfortable still- he is still in bed, asleep. The woman standing before him has the fattest, reddest lips he has ever seen, and her hair is bizarrely stark white in spite of her looking quite young, she has to be in her mid-twenties at the oldest. Instead of human ears she has large erect rabbit ears, and her nose is shaped like a rabbit's at the end and bright pink. From her elbows and knees down her limbs become covered in white fur and end in abnormally broad, large paws! Instead of two large breasts, her torso is adorned with six C cup breasts capped in pastel pink nipples but utterly lacking areola. She has a pom-pom tail like a rabbit but massive even for her body size- the fluff ball was almost as big as a basketball! As soon as she stopped moving toward him she slumped into a squat, placing all four paws on the ground.

She introduced herself as Clover and explained he was experiencing a persistent dream. Karvaska is a dream land, but it was magically perpetuated- made so that anyone could technically tap into the collective unconscious and find themselves experiencing it. The dream did not end when you wake from it. Some of the people he seen among the ruins were real people experiencing the dream at the same time he is. This is a sexy dream only horny people end up in- and can have as much fun as they want in any way they can imagine!

Fred nodded slowly, trying to take all the information in. "So, are you a real person?"

Clover shrugged. "I wouldn't know even if I was."


"If I was a fake woman generated by your mind, I wouldn't have been created with that knowledge, so I would be unaware of whether I was real or fake even if I was."

"So... if this is a sexy dream, why doesn't anything look particularly sexy?"

She stood upright again in excitement. "But this is just the base Karvaska! It is a persistent dream, but you still control everything on your end around your Eidolon!"

"Eye dull- what?"

"Eidolon- you right now. That isn't your real body, the real you is asleep in the real world. What you are seeing me through now is an Eidolon, it is basically an avatar for you to experience dreams in. Go on, think of your ideal sexy thoughts and bend reality to your whims! That is what Karvaska is for!"

Being put on the spot like that actually made it hard to think of anything, but he managed to do something because the ground rapidly started to sink inward! Fred panicked for a moment thinking he had somehow created quicksand. He tried to grab the ground at the sides of the rapidly deepening indent to climb out but could not grip it- the grass and stone was now an image, not actual objects on the ground- it was completely smooth! It was also oddly soft and rubbery? The gap narrowed as it deepened, but then as he fell in it expanded again and he fell into a chamber! It should be completely dark yet he could still see- the chamber is illuminated by a sourceless light.

It was hard to stand up in because the floor was rubbery and soft too, and the walls, and the roof! It only took him a few moments to realize he is inside of a room made entirely out of boobs! Colossal tits many times larger than his entire body, gently pressing into one another clustered together, moving slightly as if breathing, causing the room to shift slightly at a constant rate. A few of the nipples faced inwards- the spongy cylinders of flesh so large and erect you could sit on one and use it like a small stool! Clover scurried into the room, squeezing her way out from between two different boobs to pop in on him.

"Oooh, wall to wall titties, a man of taste."

Clover nudged him and he fell over immediately- the ground not stable enough to keep his footing at all. At least the collection of giant boobs that made up the floor were pressed together tightly enough that he did not just keep falling through them indefinitely. Clover climbed over him almost immediately, keeping her hips high enough that her plump mons held the head of his already very erect penis, so when she rolled her hips she rotated his dick around like a joystick teasingly.

Clover leaned back with a bit grin on her face- exposing her two huge front teeth and she leaned back far, placing her front paws beside her hind paws- folding her torso backward to put her tits on display. She took a deep breath and her lower two breasts swelled up huge very quickly, then she made a sharp moan and giggled as a few thin streams of milk erupted from her enlarged boobs for a moment! They went from C cups to the size of medicine balls, which is outside the range of any conventional bra sizes. Clover pulled herself back up and leaned forward a bit, squashing the round undersides of her boobs into Fred before taking another comically deep breath and causing the two breasts above those to expand to the same size! Once again they let out a short squirt of milk to signal the end of their size increase. Her top two breasts started to enlarge as well now almost immediately after the middle breasts stopped and Fred went to reach up and grab a pair but Clover got up onto all fours and with a single bounce on her large rabbit paws she leapt over his head!

Fred just looked up along the boob floor to see her wink at him and giggle before mashing herself between two boobs in the walls to escape, wanting him to have to give more of a chase before he gets a piece of her. Fred got up and licked his lips as they turned black. He touched the tit floor with his fingers to steady himself and all his nails darkened; turning into claws as his teeth sharpened to fangs in his grin. He started to take on canine traits to give chase to the little rabbit. A predator to take down the prey. Since everything around him was made of breasts there was zero chance of hurting himself unless he trips over his own body and sprains his ankles.

Fred charged full blast at the wall and slammed into the cleavage of two colossal boobs, feeling them smoosh across either side as he plowed through the middle fairly easily. His eyes turned golden and he became able to see even better in the dim sourceless light of the tit caverns. His nose darkened and twitched as his face pushed out a bit and he immediately picked up on the scent of milk- spotting a few beads on the ground here and jumped up, tucking his limbs in and dove into the cleavage of the floor and fell through into the room below, spotting Clover shoving against another wall of tits to try to find a loose enough gap of cleavage to squeeze out of still.

She looked at him a bit surprised a moment as a wolf tail now flicked out from behind himself, wagging as soon as it formed. "Oh, taking on some animal traits too, huh? Just don't go too crazy with that."

"Hmm? And why not?" He started to edge closer, seeing if he could get close enough to grab her while her guard is down.

"Well you are really low percentage animal now so it's no problem- but if you went entirely feral you would have problems turning back to normal, and you can't wake up if your body is 100% different."

"Really? Why not?"

"It is a bit harder to turn back if your eidolon is entirely something else, because there is no parts of your old self to use as a sort of anchor point. Plus the dream assumes you are going to be sticking around longer if you do something like that. Not that big of an inconvenience, but, y'know." She started to smile again, realizing he was edging himself closer as they spoke.

Clover tried to dart away again but he caught her by the shoulders and pinned her to the wall. She moaned sharply and for a moment seen stars in her eyes- he unintentionally shoved her back so a giant erect nipple from one of the wall boobs shoved against her anus! Clover playfully pulled his foreskin up and pinched it closed over his glans.

"H-hey! What are y-yoooh-ooh-!"

His penis suddenly bulged tremendously, causing it to look like it was doubling in girth almost instantly- trying to shove longer but Clover was trapping it in place for the moment! Fur spread across his balls from the cleft and replaced his pubic hair, then swallowed his foreskin as well as the skin there thickened and turned into a sheath instead!

"You can endow yourself like any creature, so why don't we start with the best parts~?"

The tip of his penis popped out with another surge of growth but it was much more narrow and red than he was expecting! She clamped the opening of the sheath on it using her index primarily, so when his glans bloated up- it swelled around the contour of her finger, causing it to become indented at the end! When it emerged even more with the next wave of growth it was the shape of a canine phallus! The narrow point that popped out first was just the urethral procession. She still gently held the sheath to the shaft as it slid out, trying to slow its emergence as she grinned at the sight of the huge bulge at the base from his developing knot!

Fred concentrated a moment and his entire body started to groan like the floorboards of an old house- his entire body growing all at once! Fred smiled as soon as he seen it was working and then thrust forward before Clover realized what was going on, and his enlarging dick popped free of her grip! He did not want to take his eyes off her six plump, full breasts but he was becoming so much taller than she is that he had to look further and further down to keep his eyes on her and fell over as a result! He knocked her over too- but he was so large now that she would be able to stand up, half-bowed under him while he is on all fours! He grew black fur to contrast her white and his hands and feet turned to paws but his arms and legs remained human above the ankle and wrists- the fur however stopped at the knee and elbow. He had the full tail of a wolf and his face was stretching out now into a canine shape to better host all his new fangs.

He rocked back into a sitting position and the pressure of the giant boobs under him pressing against his taint caused his dick to vibrate straight out from him- out and up at a perfect diagonal angle. Clover rubbed her face against the hundreds of tiny dark violet veins on his shaft and massaged his knot in the sheath, causing it to bloat up larger and pull the sheath back further from lack of room! By the time it was half-exposed it was the size of a basketball! Although it was hard to tell proportions when Fred himself is almost three times the size he was moments before and is in a room entirely made of oversized tits. His face pushed even further out with a final few straining cracks and the black fur consumed it and his neck, trailing a bit onto his upper back but not far before completing. This was as far wolf as he wanted to go- plenty beast enough to play with the bunny he caught himself.

His sheath actually made a soft wet *smeck* sound as the tremendously huge knot popped free and the entire cock vibrated from the force. His balls did pullups in his scrotum and a glistening drop of pre formed at the end of the urethra like a gemstone. Clover quickly licked it up and grabbed his cock into her powder-soft paws and pulled it down, putting one leg over the shaft and inched her way down on the spine of his massive phallus, grinding her searing hot pussy along it- leaving a glistening trail of her own lube on it. She made only one pass down his dick, bumping her large lagomorph butt cheeks against his knot before pulling forward and aiming the dick at her comparatively tiny pussy. Only just now for a brief moment did Fred wonder if he could even fit into her like this?

Clover did a slight hop and skewered herself on his shaft! She did not even try to ease herself down first! It slid in with surprising ease and her stomach bulged out comically far! Her lower gut projected off her in the shape of his dick! It was like she was made entirely out of soft rubber! Well, it is a dream; anything is possible if you have the foresight to retcon it into the world. He gently took her tiny shoulders into the huge pads of his paws and pressed her back to his belly as Fred made micro-thrusts into her and she rocked her hips back and forth energetically. With her leaned back against him; Fred can once again see her six tits bouncing around on her chest- colliding with one another to roll around erratically, tossing off stray beads of milk. Her muscular legs were crooked around his knot still under her- the soft pads of her oversized rear paws were pressed into his balls!

Fred pant like a dog, enjoying Clover more than the sex he has had in the real world! Using only an index and thumb he compressed her two top breasts, causing her to squeak in pleasure as several thin streams of milk erupted from her nipples- forced out from the pressure of squeezing them together! In his current form his hands are so large in comparison to her that he could cover the front of four of her breasts with only a single hand, so he only needed two fingers to milk her; a row at a time! Whenever her pussy clenched from pleasure her pom-pom tail also twitched, tickling his crotch with its extremely soft fur!

"Mmm~ muh!"


"M-oooh...re. More! Muh..." She was having a hard time talking, because her breathing was already so rapid without saying anything.

More? Well, she can bend like a rubber band, so he did not see why not. Fred drew back and held her across her gut so it would not distend so easily, bending his dick up along the inside of her body. He collected her ears into his other hand while he sat on his rump and lifted her by her ears a brief moment before pushing her down lightly! She started moaning and went a bit wide-eyed! Her clit felt like it was tapping itself against his knot but it was just throbbing while squeezed so tightly against him. Her lower vaginal muscles were pulled paper thin around just the start of his knot! The lube being produced by them both was getting trapped inside of her- the seal too tight to escape. Her anus was stretched so tight around the outside of her pussy that you could not even see it anymore. As more of the knot very slowly slid inside her hips started to deform, then her entire groin shoved out, then her stomach! Like a human condom; she is conforming to the shape of his dick like she never had any bones to begin with!

She groaned, and then made a very wet burbling sound. "Oouuugh....oooh yes~ m-more..!"

Suddenly she burped out a large deluge of liquid! Clear, thick, and salty... their combined pre was forced up out her mouth from lack of room! All six of her breasts firmed up from internal pressure, the skin became shiny from tightness as they projected several thin streams of milk entirely on their own! Fred's knot finally passed the halfway point- but because it is rounded, her vaginal muscles trying to snap back into a relaxed position forced the knot the rest of the way inside almost instantly! Another burst of salty precum erupted out of her nose and mouth, forcing her to choose when to take her deeper breathes more carefully. It looked like she was full term pregnant with twins- but it was just his knot stuffed into her, taking up all the room between pelvis and ribs! That means his actual dick is shoved up inside of her ribcage, so it's a good thing he would never dream of hurting her.

Clover grabbed at her clit, pawing at it hard, which also rubbed the underside curve of Fred's knot on the other side of it. It did not take more than a few moments like this to tip Fred over the edge! His knot throbbed, Clover's entire body seemed to clench and ripple over his shaft as if she were 100% vagina. She smiled and then pursed her lips and looked up at the boob roof before powerful jets of cum erupted from her lips! He was so far up through her torso that he could easily just cum straight through her entire body!

Fred grabbed his throbbing dick, not realizing he should not be able to do that with Clover around it. "Oh YEA! Fuck y-AAH!"

He abruptly rolled off the side of his bed and popped his nose against the floor mid-orgasm! He came himself awake again. Lame. Fred managed to get himself back to sleep before it was morning again, but did not return to Karvaska. It is a dream for the sexually aroused, and as aroused as he was about his experience there- he could not physically get horny because he already blew. It is a persistent dream though... so while he woke up from it- Karvaska is still there; he CAN return. Normally Fred would scoff at the concept of 'no nut November', but from that night on he decided to keep his hands off for a while. The hornier he gets while he is asleep- the more likely he is to turn up in Karvaska again. Fred spent two weeks trying to work himself up to return there, using his memories of Clover and was starting to wonder if it had not just been a very detailed normal dream, and he could not actually go back.

After twelve days however, he found himself standing at the edge of a rooftop overlooking the blinking neon signs of a red-light district below. Fred was afraid for a moment, not remembering how he got there and why he was so close to the edge of the building. He smiled when he noticed the figures of some of the people down below on the streets though- impossibly well endowed, almost all naked, and some of them partially animals. He stomped his foot on the ground and while it felt solid- the recoil from the hit was extremely subdued, indicating that it was impossible to hurt himself here. He is once again in Karvaska.

Fred stepped off the side of the building and fell several floors down before doing the classic superman landing onto the sidewalk, breaking the concrete under the force but being completely unharmed himself. He had been plotting a sexy scenario he would want to try out when he returned here. He concentrated and took a step forward onto the side of the road off the sidewalk and a short section down the entire length of the road impacted under his foot. He did it again and again and as he walked forward across the road, the road collapsed into a wide staircase going down. The area sunk down around it as well, the buildings expanding to form unbroken walls around the area and the darkness of the night air over where the road had been solidified into brick as well- creating a subway scene!

Like holograms; dozens of people appeared walking to and from the area already, flickering into existence. Only one among them paid Fred any mind however. A woman with long, wildly wavy hair of an unusual powder-violet in color started to approach him slowly- clearly making eye contact immediately. Fred imagined her up when thinking of this scenario, and because of that he knows she is not a real person sharing this dream; she is part of the dream itself. Amethyst's chest was adorned with little B cup hills and dark, perky nipples. She is currently wearing a black fishnet long sleeve but nothing under it, so you can easily still see her tits right through it. Her eyes are a powder blue and ignore the local lighting- so if you brought them into the dark it would look like they are glowing. Her figure is not curvy at all but she does have a round bubble butt, and she is quite tall- taller than Fred. Her skin is pale peach and she is adorned with many freckles but for some reason they never stay in the same place! There are too many freckles for Fred to comprehend the static position of them all, so they randomly shift around.

Fred sat down on the steps leading into the subway lobby and waited for her to approach on her own. Amethyst wore a maroon colored pleated skirt but it's so short that when she takes a big enough step forward; Fred can see a flash of her white lace panties. In his pants his balls swelled and sunk a bit lower, then ran out of room and started to squish outward against the confines of his underpants! His penis swelled slowly- only partially from erection and partially from actual expansion, growing the bulge in his pants in preparation.

"O-oop! I will get out of your way!"

Fred looked past Amethyst and seen a large sheep hop off one of the subway cars and scurry to the other side of the stairs. Oh- it must be another dreamer!

"Unless you want to join, heh."

The sheep stopped, looking surprised. "R-really?"

Fred was surprised at how surprised she is. "That is what Karvaska is all about... right?"

"Well yea, but I am a sheep."

"An actual sheep?"

"W-well, I am a human in the real world, but my form is kinda stuck in Karvaska. Most people here can turn into whatever they want and when they stop trying they revert automatically to human. I am backwards... I can actively make myself more human but as soon as I stop concentrating on it, I revert to full sheep. I can't take on any new aspects or forms."

Fred thought about it for a second before shrugging. "As long as your actually a human in the real world- I don't mind. I was sort of going for a transformation curse thing with this dream- sex being the cure. Oh shoot- and my name is Frederick by the way."

The sheep sat on her rump- unintentionally revealing her plump black udder. "Sage. And sounds like fun. Not many people choose a ewe as one of their first choices of partner, so it's been a while since I have been able to do this two-player."

Normally Fred would be a lot more shy about such things, but inside of a dream he found it hard to worry about anything- he is just his eidolon after all, his real body is in another world entirely safe and sound. Sage concentrated a moment and her fluffy body seemed to collapse in on itself. Her wool was being re-absorbed into her on many parts of her body, exposing instead smooth jet-black skin. Her wool remained on her head and neck giving her a mane, and it remained around her wrists, ankles, and on her small tail. She had a thinner, triangular patch of wool over her vagina to simulate pubes. Her midriff sunk in to give her torso a human shape and her limbs got longer and more human, but all four of them kept the hooves on the ends, so she still had no hands. Her muzzle reduced to only half as long but her upper lips still had a deep cleft and her nose still triangular at the end so it still looked like a sheep face.

Sage bleat a few times softly looking rather bashful as her chest plumped up- it was hard to see she was growing breasts, because her nipples and areola were black, but so is her standard skin color. Even in a half human form; Sage's breasts only just barely made it to C cups. Either side of her udders however were the size of a football each, with fat cone shaped teats about as big as a shot glass! Her white wool was quite a contrast against such absolute black skin.

"So... transformation curse?"

Fred snapped out of his daze from watching Sage transform. "O-oh, yea!"

Amethyst shook her head. "Oh but it hasn't affect any of us, has it? Oooh, wait a minute~"

She looked faint a moment and stumbled forward, catching herself on the railing at the side of the stairs, knocking a few random dream-people to the side to do so. Still fully ignoring Fred and Sage, several of the dream people populating the area were now looking at Amethyst as if that were the only thing unusual. She had to bend over to catch herself on the railing and as soon as she did she moaned loudly and it was echoed by a sound almost like a horse neigh! Her ass cheeks swelled in a sudden burst- the sound of stretching tissue got tighter and louder toward the end of the burst of growth. Then her legs from the bottom up became tighter and the muscles swelled, making her thighs swell huge and then her butt once again got even bigger! She cried out in surprise and was forced to lean even further forward as her legs suddenly got longer!

Several snaps and crunches could be heard muffled under the surface of Amethyst's legs as her feet stretched out and her toes were forced together, merging into one huge singular toe as her nails united into a hoof! The bones of her soles fused into a cannon bone extending her height by at least a foot and a half, but as their growth finished her shins became a bit shorter- transferring the mass, reducing her height again by a half foot. Her tail bone enlarged but you could see a massive bulge form under her tiny skirt and bulge her panties all the way across to the front as the hair grew from her new tail and filled her panties- trapped by the fabric! The dream folk in the area had all stopped to gawk at her and she looked terribly embarrassed, but Fred and Sage were just bemused. Sage was taking mental notes- picking up on what sort of stuff Fred likes from this little scenario. Everything that was happening here is essentially a play- set up and executed by Fred's mind.

Amethyst's tail pulled up and away automatically, pulling her already tight clothing even tighter and with a loud rip her panties and then skirt were torn in half to let it out! She darted forward and turned quickly to cover her giant butt but only then did she notice she had a pair of tits forming on her crotch, and by turning to hide her rump- she was putting her forming horse udder on display! Fred quickly stood up and took her around the shoulder and dashed down the stairs to get her away from prying eyes. Sage followed quickly after- even though there was literally zero sense of actual urgency; he could just make the other people blink out of existence if he wanted to. They found their way to a storage room which of course was not locked.

Amethyst kept trotting in circles trying to get a better look at her butt- like a dog trying to chase its tail. "Oooh, what do I...? I have a horse butt! Wait, if we have sex I can be cured, right? Human sex will stave off the animal! But... you might become animal then from exposing yourself to me..."

Sage piped in. "But if I have sex with him, I can cure Fred too, and I am by default half animal already, so I am immune!"

Amethyst thrust her rump into Fred's crotch. "H-hurry then! I can feh- f-fee...eihihihi-eel it getting worse!"

Her rump shoved him against the wall of the room and her ass cheeks swelled even bigger and her legs larger and more muscular, causing her butt to also slide further up his body! It was almost big enough to cover his torso at this point, and her labia became huge and fat! Her mons bloated huge and her clit hardened and swelled into a knot of pleasure nerves the size of a ping-pong ball! Even her anus darkened and swelled up into an inviting, rubbery plush ring.

Fred's own junk increased in size faster, now his balls filled his underpants entirely on their own! His foreskin thickened to a black skinned sheath and bloated to twice its girth before the rest of the shaft growing within it started to peel away from it to extend beyond it- feeling sort of like peeling a sticker off your skin. It was the feeling of getting an erection quickly, except it just kept coming, and in addition to that; it also continued to get heavier and heavier. His balls grew so big they held his pants open on their own allowing his expanding dick to slide on out without interruption. The skin became darker and the shape became less human the larger it became.

Sage was eager to get herself in on the action- since she is smaller than both of them with the unaltered overall mass of a normal ewe; she scoot under them and helped pull Fred's pants and underpants off! She put her short muzzle between his legs- parting his balls gently over either side of her face and feeling his taint pulsing against her forehead. Sage does not have hands so she was only able to hold the base of his cock loosely by crooking them over the sheathed portion.

As he is still mostly human, his equine sheath is not fused to his underside, so it juts forward and gives still more length to the overall phallus which was still growing as well. Feeling how tiny Sage's little hooves are compared to his expanding monster of a cock turned him on even more. Amethyst's torso cracked, causing her to neigh in surprise again and stumbled forward a bit as her hands turned to hooves and she caught herself on the opposite wall of the small room. This gave Fred a bit of room. He pulled his hip back to angle his cock straighter forward and Sage tugged down on the plump, malleable folds of his sheath to help him aim at the huge horse pussy and he thrust into Amethyst! Since half of Amethyst is now the size of a full grown mare, Sage vanished a moment and re-appeared onto the woman's back! The two women were back to back, and the much smaller Sage slid down to the curve of the giant ass, which put her udders and pussy directly into Fred's face as he thrust into Amethyst!

Fred wasted no time rolling his tongue on the round bump at the head of the leaf-shaped pussy, knowing it was her clit under the thin veil of labia flesh. With his mouth on her hot ebon pussy her udders were pressed into the bridge of his nose and eyes, her fat teats jut into his forehead. He rolled his head back and forth in the soft rubbery cleavage of the taut, smooth tits as he licked at her pleasure button and fucked Amethyst!

A medial ring was only just starting to form on Fred's cock under his glans almost looking like a second corona forming somehow, and his dick was already almost three times the size it had been as a human- while only half transformed! Now when he shoved into Amethyst her tight vaginal muscles tugged so firmly on his shaft that it forcefully pulled the skin of his shaft back, causing it to divide where the medial ring formed; causing the third tier of dick meat to slide out of him! Every time he thrust in, his dick would slide in a bit deeper- like he was shoving in more cock than he actually had to thrust in, in the first place. He gently held Sage's sides just under her arms, so his thumbs could rest on her human nipples and roll them around, feeling them stiffen and fold under his touch.

Sage breathlessly smirked at him. "That all you got for yourself?"

"Hmmm?" He did not take his mouth off her pussy.

"Well it feels good to change, yea? If this was all you were going to change you should have paced it out slower to enjoy longer. You are still mostly human anyway- why not go all out? This is a dream after all, it should be everything you ever wanted. What about more muscular? Strong like a bull! Even better endowed! Just slap some random changes in there just for the sake of feeling the change!"

It is true- all changes felt at least mildly pleasurable, even if the change wasn't even of a sexual nature. Because the transformation triggers all the nerves in the area where it happens, but it cannot hurt his body so it doesn't send any pain signals- so it triggers a pleasure response. Sage gasped long and hard and groaned as soon as her lungs filled- her clit tightened and started to swell massive! It became a little marble for him to bat around with his tongue, then swelled to a ping-pong ball in size like Amethyst, except it crowned a much, much smaller pussy. Then it swelled still larger to the size of a golf ball for Fred to suck on, like a live example of the pleasure of transformation!

Fred concentrated the best he could in the onslaught of pleasure and Amethyst's body grew larger and more muscular, becoming more horse in her upper body as well so she could properly brace herself against the other wall as his thrusts became stronger and more aggressive. He let go of Sage afraid he might accidentally hurt her, and gripped Amethyst's sides instead for a moment. He groaned long and hard as his voice deepened and almost made it sound like a roar! His entire body bulged with muscle! His skin pulled taut, his veins became visible and bulged. He took her 'strong like a bull' comment literally. The muscles on his upper back especially bulged obscenely huge, and his neck became so muscular and wide that it was actually wider than his head itself at the base.

Between their legs his balls swung more aggressively as his scrotum became longer and longer. His balls swelled heavier and larger, becoming the size of a football each in only moments and did not stop till either ball was the size of a watermelon! The scrotum was so long that his giant nuts swung far enough forward that they slapped Amethyst's udder from below! His taint ballooned in size and became black like his sheath, and the coloration bled further up till his own anus swelled large and inviting like Amethyst's own. His tail bone grew out and developed into a tail as hair grew long and wild from the tip, but it seemed to be taking both horse and bull traits in this. The body of the tail is long and wispy like a bull, but the tassel on the end is extremely long flowing hair, like a horse tail. Two horns lanced the skin above his temples and Sage was quick to reach down and grab onto them like handles, pulling him up to her pussy as his nostrils broadened.

The more he fucked and sucked these women the higher the sexual tension built and the tighter the pleasure nerves pulled, becoming more sensitive. This seemed to magnify everything though! The normally subtle pleasure caused by wherever the changes took place also hightened as his overall pleasure spiked, causing the increasingly orgasmic pleasure to spread through his entire body! Feeling physical pleasure in places that didn't even make sense to feel it in! This caused the increase of his muscles to become stuttered in pulses that mirrored the throbbing of his cock- which in turn is an echo of the pulses from Amethyst's pussy, milking his dick. He was trying to stop or slow down to savor and drag the changes out as long as he could, so the pleasure would wrap around his entire body in bliss, but whenever the pleasure spiked his willpower folded and the growth surged a bit more!

His dick was slowly getting bigger as well- surpassing the size of even a normal adult horse, causing Amethyst's insides to stretch and wrap around its ever contour. Fred's upper body was surpassing elite bodybuilder in proportions and his skin darkened as a pelt of glossy black fur started to spread on it- becoming more bovine. His tongue surged in size, outgrowing his mouth by quite a bit and penetrated Sage's pussy deep inside, putting her tremendously engorged clit at his lips still. His enlarging, darkening nostrils were pressed into the underside of her udder and he could still shake her tits around by shaking his head!

Fred's eyes went wide and his entire body surged in size and muscle mass, losing control- the pleasure was too good to hold himself back! His face started to snap and stretch longer! Sage's rear hooves kicked loosely as she bleated in pleasure and orgasmed around his massive tongue and Amethyst neighed in orgasm, rippling around his cock! The pleasure explosion was too intense to ease back from, there was no reeling this in! Fred orgasmed and as he came- the feeling of flesh and fur against his body faded to the feeling of soft sheets and blankets. He orgasmed himself awake again. Back in his bedroom. Well, at least he knew he also made Sage orgasm before he left, so she wasn't left abandoned.

Fred was obsessed with Karvaska now! He once again abstained from touching himself, but still took to looking up his usual porn to rile himself up, and get new ideas for his next visit to that magical dream. Sage opened his eyes in the last trip there- pace himself out, and plan more changes, even if just for the sake of feeling the change rather than the actual shape he changes into. The knot of a canine, the flare and cock size of a horse, the immense balls and muscle of a bull- he wanted to experience it all again!

Now there are a lot of dreams going on at any one time, yours, those of the people around you, and the occasional public-access dream that only blinks out of existence when all active dreamers wake up. So even if you are really horny when you go to sleep- it is not particularly easy to land in Karvaska specifically out of all those other possible destinations. The fact he knew about it already and its rules improved his odds a bit. Even then; Frederick was lucky to once again find himself inside the dream world after only a week of attempts this time, almost as if something within Karvaska itself was drawing him in- like he had become a VIP there for visiting so often in such a small frame of time.

This time he appeared in his jeans and a white shirt- what he had worn earlier that day rather than what he was currently wearing in the real world. Rather than get right into it he wandered the area to look around- it was the ruins area he first appeared in again. No matter how far away you look at it from, this colossal ruined ziggurat was clear even when everything else in the dream was a shifting, abstract mess waiting to be given a proper shape. Most of the people here were relaxing or at most enjoying some foreplay. It made sense- if you were having sex and really getting into things already; you'd have manifested your own personal area to take it too, not stay in the default ruins. Inside of the giant ruins was an odd monument; a giant slab of stone displaying a circle of giant bone shards. The bones were fragmented but still larger than any bone in the human body... dinosaur bones? But they are not petrified- they are held in stone but are still made of bone. In the circle of bone was etched something that looks like an in-between of a series of runes and a spider web carved into the stone? After a few moments of looking at it, Fred also realized the monument resembled an odd Dreamcatcher!

"Oh gosh, is tha-a-at you, Fred?" She was so excited she bleated by accident.

Fred turned to see Sage trotting up to him quickly from outside! What a coincidence they would both be dreaming in Karvaska at the same time, a second time! Her body seemed to collapse into itself and she almost stumbled head first into the ground, but then stopped and shoved herself onto two legs; once again taking her demi-human shape! She asked if he remembered what she told him last time and of course he did- it has been on his mind ever since. Even as a regular human Fred is almost twice her height, so when she got to him he lifted her up entirely, twirling her around and chuckling! Their surroundings seemed to smear, drip, and blur together like a painting someone had dropped in water- Sage was dreaming up a different location for them to be.

The colors of the old area re-settled into the image of a farm! They are in a sunny field just outside of an open barn with a farm house across the way. He let her down onto her dainty little cloven hooves and she placed her fore hooves onto either side of his crotch, pushing the flat top of her head against his body and taking a deep breath- being able to smell his arousal with her caprine nose.

"Such a big, strong ma-a-a-an~"

He felt his muscles twitch a moment and then flexed entirely on their own in a wave down through his entire body, becoming a tiny bit bigger, but then repeating the process every two seconds! He stumbled back a bit, having to look further down to keep eye contact with Sage as he continued to grow larger than her, and she skittered forward to keep her front hooves resting on him till he backed himself up against a wall. Once he was pinned to the wall, Sage grabbed the fly of his jeans with her teeth and only pulled lightly to get the zipper down! His clothes were getting tighter and tighter thanks to his body growing and getting a lot more muscular. She made no move to remove his pants though... she only undid the fly- so his junk wouldn't get crushed. Fred arched back from the sensation of a surge of muscle growth! The divot between his abs deepened looking like someone shrink wrapping his skin to his muscles below. He tried to make a move to undress himself but his muscles clench as they swell on their own, making them all preoccupied, and he was too distracted by the sensation to try very hard in the first place.

Fred squirmed as his shirt became impossibly tight, and still he tried to take it off- though at this point it was squeezed so firmly to his body that he would not be able to get his fingers under it to grip it. Just trying to move his arms however immediately blew the seams on his shoulders out! His muscles swelled from being given more room and he groaned, unintentionally leaning further forward on reflex and then he REALLY swelled! His upper body muscles exploded in size and his voice deepened as he groaned from the feeling. It was like a good stretch after sitting still for far too long, except the feeling just kept going! His pectoral muscles alone were as big as both of Sage's udders- each. Veins fattened and bulged under the surface, pinched between muscle and the outer flesh. The sound of stretching tissue in his body almost as loud as the sound of the seams of his shirt giving their death rattle. His neck bulging caused the collar to burst, and then the tear progressed down his back as he bent forward. Enormous upper back muscles bulged so far out it almost looked like he had a hunchback as they billowed up out of the expanding gap till his entire shirt burst off him entirely!

Finally his muscles stopped growing once he had surpassed his ability to be clothed properly, and gasping to catch his breath; Fred slid down the wall and plopped onto his butt. Sage did not waste any time moving in on him now that she could actually get her face to his.

"Remember, steady pace, like edging yourself in the real world toward orgasm. Don't go too fast, but don't completely stop, either."

"I uhm... I heard something about going too far? On the first day... I can't remember what she said exactly but, we aren't supposed to transform too far?"

"Oh, that is only if you are 100% transformed and no longer human. That is easily avoided. It doesn't matter if you go 99.9% animal- as long as you are not 100% turned it won't matter. Really a non-issue."

She used her mono-digits and wrists to hold the sides of his face as she kissed him on the lips a moment, before plopping down on her own rump, still holding his head. Her udder started to billow out in size making her bleat with her own pleasure. Fred's face started to crack and stretch slowly! His neck muscles pulled taut and the pencil-thick veins in his neck throbbed with so much force it almost felt like someone flicking an elastic band in his neck. His ears started to stretch out and becoming leaf shaped, his nostrils flared larger and his skin darkened quickly starting with his lips turning glossy black- but progressing down his entire body slowly from his head. His groans deepened even further and became more animalistic as his face started to push out while she gently cradled him. Sage's udder continued to swell bigger and his face grew further forward- eventually she was able to roll back and pulled Fred forward onto all fours into a sort of crouching position- his lengthening face now rested on the cleft between udder segments like a pillow!

His ears continued to grow longer and deform past leaf shaped however- taking now a bit of equine into them, but not the traits of a horse either... asinine aspects instead. The ears stood tall and lengthened longer and longer as they slowly transitioned to the ears of a donkey! He was going to say something in mild protest but his mouth already did not work properly to do that.

"Wuh, I dun... dunno aboooooht dun...kuh? Muh, m-m-mooo!"

Sage's pussy clenched at the sound of his thunderously deep bellow. "Oh yesss~ such a handsome beast!"

Even the face of a bull looks muscular- well defined and chiseled flesh. His skin and eventual pelt was black as night so the only difference between the regular flesh and the skin of his lips and boxy nose is that his nose is textured and moist- so it's even glossier than the rest. By the time his ears stopped growing they were over a foot tall each! Colored black still like the bull, but a diffused red on the inside. His horns growing out felt weird even compared to the other changes- because there was a mild hum of pleasure around his face as it happened but he could not really feel the horns themselves as they grow- only the feeling of the bone sliding past the skin on the surface. The horns are charcoal in color, so a near-black shade of grey, making them slightly lighter color than his pelt. They grow forward at first but then once they have equaled the length of his geometric face, they arch upward and curl back in a gradual arch. His horns are so colossal even his disgustingly muscular neck can feel their weight.

Even as Fred rolled his neck and chin back and forth in the bouncy, smooth cleavage of Sage's obese caprine udders his own skin started to soften and become more plush! After the muscle of his neck stopped growing- the skin did not. His neck was developing more skin than it actually needed, creating soft plump folds of empty flesh, and still more thickening skin created more and more folds! From his jaw to his chest between his enormous pectoral muscles- Fred is growing massive dewlaps! Since the skin doesn't contain anything, it is quite amorphous and soft. You can grab up a handful of it and squish it around in your grip like dough. He retained his human hair even after his head went full bull- but spread across the top of a head that is much bigger than a humans, it looked like there was a lot less hair, even though there actually isn't.

An unforeseen consequence however- having turned his entire head bovine, his thoughts regressed a bit as well. His instincts become louder and the influence of his testosterone much stronger. His iris widened and his pupils deformed into rectangles- a trait of equine, not bovine.

Sage scoot forward a bit, causing his chin to plop off the back of her udder and thud against the ground for a moment, but rather than hurt- the ground rippled. He tried to get up and rather than lift himself off the ground, he shoved the ground inward causing it to collapse! They fell through the earth as it turned to earthen toned sheets and the two of them plopped down onto an enormous bed in the middle of a pink-light lit room! The walls had many mirrors around them and the room was circular... the room of a 'love hotel'. Sage rolled over, getting onto all fours facing away from him- though her udder was so large now that she could not actually stand on all fours, her udder bloated the same distance as her legs could lift her, so her back half was resting on her tits, not her rear hooves. In this pose however- Fred no longer had to try and get up, her plump ebon ewe pussy was already right in front of his nose. He grunt and his huge bovine tongue speared her once again, thrashing around her vaginal passage, enjoying the mildly salty taste of her lube. Her pussy gripped his tongue like it was a cock still- contracting with pleasure in reaction to its touch, gripping and drawing it further in on reflex alone. His horns are so giant that in this position she has to put her fore hooves over the outside of his horns to use them as guard rails to make sure he does not accidentally spear her on one.

Sage glanced back at the sound of a subtle gurgling and smiled at the sight of the bulge in his pants. Since she opened his fly his balls ballooned out, stretching his underpants further than his jeans could have stretched. Bigger and bigger they got, exposing more of his genitals past the waist which no longer clung to his body itself. The muscles in his legs twitched- trying to grow but trapped in solid fabric. His jeans groaned but the seams still held for now.

The pleasure of his balls growing, the weight, the warmth, and the feeling of being pent up all increased quite quickly, causing him to low in response, gusting hot air against Sage's butt from his large nostrils. His dick started to look comically tiny in comparison as his balls darkened and swelled up past the size of a soccer ball each! The scrotum growing loose and dense along with them saved them from being damaged by the too tight fabric before his underpants ran out of elasticity and tore down the middle- between either testicle. They hit down on the bed behind Sage so heavily it felt like someone dropped a cinderblock on the sheets!

Fred reared up, bellowing at the roof from an explosion of pleasure as his prostate swelled massively and several jets of precum fired out of his dick looking like he was having an orgasm already! His anus then started to billow up as the muscles swelled giving him a soft doughnut shaped anus! Then his taint pulled taut and bloated out huge from his anus forward, and it felt like he was getting a fast, powerful erection even before his dick itself even started to move at all! The seams along his thighs started to burst as the muscles in his legs tightened even firmer than the seams of the jeans could hold to break their prison. A tail started to grow but was trapped in the back, adding to the tension against the cloth.

Sage turned around and squirmed her way under his enormously muscular chest, cooing at the feeling of his tight, smooth pecs brushing across her back as she made her way to his dick! Sage sucked on the end of his dick, letting his pre spill back out of her mouth since it was erupting from him in volumes that made it impossible for her to swallow it all anyway. With every gentle suck, she caused the pressure in his dick to rise in a short pulse. It became fully erect almost instantly, then started to stretch longer than normal. Then in pulses it became thicker. The foreskin started to bloat faster than the rest of it, becoming thicker as it turned into a sheath instead. During this phase it almost seemed to grow exclusively in girth, becoming almost as thick as a beer can, filling Sage's mouth already.

As Sage licked and pushed her tongue against the slit of his urethra it started to stiffen separately of the rest of the cock and project out. It shoved out as the divot around it became deeper, at first giving it to the appearance of an equine urethra, but then it projected even further out into a bit of a rounded cone like a canine urethral procession.

As if to allow him better balance to hold himself up off Sage while she sucked him- Fred's hand started to crunch and deform, compressing and devolving into the cloven hooves of a bull. Behind him though; his feet started to stretch and his toes curled around fat deposits swelling from the bottom front of his feet as they transitioned instead into paws! His leg muscles and size was that of an equine, but his feet were the hind paws of a wolf! As rips in the seams spread- the bushy hair of his tail started to emerge from gaps in his pants! It was also a mix of canine and equine- most of the tail was hair and very long like an equine but the hair was very soft and light, making it very bushy from canine traits!

Sage popped off his dick a moment, still connected by a thin stand of precum as Fred bucked his hips involuntarily and grunt several times in his thunderously deep voice. With a quiet squelching sound the skin on the inside of his foreskin started to divide- the outer casing now a sheath, so the skin split so that the shaft could emerge from itself to double its length; just as a starting point for its impending growth. Fred tensing from the sensation also flexed his leg muscles even tighter and finally with a dry popping sound his jeans completely exploded apart and burst off him- most of the fabric was still intact but the threads of the seams were completely blown out. His massive bushy tail lashed around erratically, clearly happy to be set free finally.

Fred should have been a bit more concerned with how much of himself was turning animal at this point, but the thought did not cross his entirely bovine head. The only thing left of himself that was human basically is his genitals, but of all his body parts that was definitely the one he wanted to feel changes in the most, so even if he had the concern he likely would be unable to bring himself to act on it.

Sage sucked on his dick again, shoving her tongue into the gap between sheath and shaft as it became deeper and shallow at the same time. The further she can shove her tongue, the deeper the divot is, but the deeper it gets the more shaft emerges and once again erases the gap. His cock quickly became too long for her tongue to even reach that far down and it was only just starting still. His human shaped glans bloated massive, pulling perfectly smooth and turning violet from blood pressure. The little helmet shaped glans became so enormous it caused the entire shaft to bob as it struggled to carry that much weight on its end. The bumps around the corona enlarged and the divot in the glans spread, now dividing it into quarters instead of half. The corona enlarged further and further, pulling the helmet shaped glans into a mushroom shape, then more of an umbrella shape and even further! The last tenth of the shaft itself started to deform wider to try and transition better to the enormously engorged corona! The glans themselves were stretched flatter, forming into four tight, broad hills that made up its face creating flared equine glans!

Even as the equine traits manifested on one end however; canine were summoned to the opposite end! His sheath bulged massively and Sage placed her hooves under the bulge, rocking her arms back and forth to rub the swelling knot with her wrists since she lacks hands. The medial ring formed just behind the glans and the shaft started to peel out from itself once again, causing Fred to moo mindlessly in pleasure. As the skin stretched now sections of increasingly large pink flesh started to break up the black, turning the latter half of his shaft mottled. The knot grew from the size of two chicken eggs, to the size of a softball, to the size of two softballs, to the size of a soccer ball!! The knot was a canine trait but the shaft was already sized up for a stallion, so the knot had to match it proportionally! It popped out so suddenly the entire dick wobbled violently. Sage could only fit the glans in her mouth- that alone filled her mouth entirely and streamed pre directly into her throat. She did her best to work the knot- knowing it is extremely sensitive, but had to be careful not to catch it on her actual hoof.

By this point; Fred's body was being wracked with so much pleasure so constantly that he could not form a single thought in his entire head. He could not even catch his breath. He was panting and grunting, letting out breathless half-lows occasionally as his entire body convulsed from surging pleasure! The already orgasmic levels of pleasure caused his muscles to tremble and stole away their strength- he could barely keep himself upright off of Sage to let her work him over. Since he is so much larger than she is, with Sage at his crotch he had plenty of room left over to curl his giant neck under, rest the flat of his head against the bed and once latch on to one of her giant black teats from behind! His long scrotum started to tighten, reeling his giant balls back in toward his crotch. They clenched up to his groin and his entire body pulsed in waves of blinding pleasure! Sage had to pop off the end of his dick before the flare grew so wide and tight that it locked its position in her mouth and blocked her throat!

The streams of cum fired off the side of the bed, across the room and hit the wall on the other side with enough force to make a clearly audible thudding sound! He bellowed between each jet and fired stream after stream across the room! After only three shots he collapsed onto his side, no longer able to hold himself up. Not wanting to drown in his cum, Sage instead moved in when he fell over to suck on his massive knot, to keep his pleasure riding as long as possible. His orgasm seemed to last forever- though time does not mean much inside of a dream where an entire week in the dream could be a mere minute in the real world.

After it ended, Sage chuckled a bit breathlessly herself as she watched him gasping for air. His giant chest heaving as she gawked at the roof mindlessly- his thoughts still whited out from pleasure overload.

"Wow... that looked incredible."

Usually she only catches half the orgasm... because the person wakes up before its completely over.

Sage gasped and looked at herself frantically a moment in surprise. It took a few moments more before there was anything outwardly visible happening to her, but eventually her flesh started to blush brightly! Pitch black flesh turned instead to a diffused red. White wool seemed to blur and lift off her like colored vapor! Where there had once been a demi-human sheep woman was now a young native American woman!

She gasped again, covering her mouth a moment with her hands, looking at Fred and shaking her head lightly. "Oooh... I am sorry- really I am. I am finally free!"

"Hrnn? Muh wuh... hu-hummm-mooo." He tried to speak but could not in this form. It did not occur to him to use the bent-reality of the dream to project his voice instead, which was how Sage did it when feral.

"Okay... uhm... okay, don't... be too angry, okay? Listen- Karvaska assigns dreamers as nodes... caretakers I guess of the dream, because there needs to be a mind to generate the dream in the first place. If you go full feral the dream assumes you mean to stick around for a while so it assigns you as a caretaker. That is why I was stuck in the form of an ewe... I went fully feral and because of that I could not wake up. I have no idea how long I have been trapped in this dream for since time basically means nothing on this side of reality. If I told you about that beforehand you never would have done it and I would remain stuck here. In order for me to leave, I needed to get someone else to take my place as caretaker of Karvaska... so I tricked you into turning fully animal. You can't fully revert from that form now, nor can you wake up."

He stood up with an angry grunt and stomped a hoof on the bed, causing it to creak from his weight.

"But I get to go free! You set me free! I know you did not meant to, but thank you anyway. Look- all you really need to do to get out of here is trick someone else to turn fully feral and they will get stuck in your place, just like I did. Lots of people appear here from all over the world- finding people will never be a problem. You just have to build yourself up to play the villain and trick them to save yourself. Well... and you also have to find a way to seduce them while being part bull, horse, and wolf at the same time. But you do look amazing~"

He grunt again and swung his head, trying to swat her with the sides of one of his giant horns but he could not get good enough footing on the soft springy bed and stumbled over while Sage easily hopped out of his range.

"Sorry again! Maybe we will find each other in the real world some day? Heh. Till then-" She salute him before blinking out of existence as she finally woke from the dream. "- dream on."