The Tame and The Wild

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#1 of Short Stories

This short story is over a year old. I would have posted this on my Patreon first, but I let this fade from my mind. I was anticipating patrons from the get-go before uploading, only to meet disappointment.

I found inspiration for this from a short comic collaboration between Anhes and Chicobo and made the character Brits because I was big on making British characters. I was indecisive about how to end the story, but stuck with a cliffhanger. I thought that a follow-up would make sense because of how I imagined events would follow. I never picked up on that.

The Tame and the Wild

It came off as an honour to be accepted when one wanted a meeting with the lovely tabby cat leading the art club. In the spring evening, following the discussion about the choreography for the drama club's project, a grey wolf standing at a hundred ninety centimetres strode the campus pavement. Jason Bosch had a brilliant mind, but he was neither the social type--for a wolf--nor an honour student. He still wore his school clothes: black khakis, a black pinstripe vest, a white shirt, and a loose grey necktie in a Windsor knot. The only sounds that he cared to hear were his own loafers tapping against the stone. He liked taking walks outside from one classroom to the next, especially between the auditorium and art studio. The Eurasian Wolf had taken quite a shine to that tabby cat, but to ask for a meeting had taken him a long time to muster the courage.

Like the other facilities, the building with the art studio was accented orange by the light of the setting sun. Jason came off as bold when opening the front door. How surprised the lobby guards were that a student was entering after hours. What students did on or off campus wasn't the university's business unless said students were held accountable for property damage.

As casually, the formal-looking wolf continued his stride in the halls and up two flights of stairs. He knocked on the door of room 418B, his destination. Jason paused, looking around, only to knock on the door again. A fraction of a second later, the wooden door opened, a female voice spitting, "I 'erd you the first bloody time. I wos cleaning up."

Confounded, Jason looked down, and the cat that he expected wasn't there. Yet the door was wide open. Though hesitant, he entered the chamber. The natural light shone through uncovered windows, the walls plain. Curiously, an armchair, couch, and coffee table took up the space, to add to the bookshelf of binders and portfolios.

The wolf had no time to question the layout, for the door slammed, and there the blue-eyed orange tabby was. "You must be Jason. I believe you wanted to see me." Jason only nodded. She added, "So, whot is your humble request, oh great wolf?"

Kiera Stanford, standing at a hundred twelve centimetres, wearing a grey-blue work shirt, navy-blue khakis, and black flat-heels, was well-known by her classmates for overly abundant sarcasm coming off as condescending. Many would quit the art club or drop out of their projects for finding her difficult to work with.

"I come on behalf of the drama club."

"No shit," the cat interrupted. She sat in the armchair in front of the wolf, who preferred to stand. "Get to the point."

Even now, the wolf found the cat's visage attractive. He had been thinking about her since laying eyes upon her. Even when their respective guilds worked together, he could not tell her what he thought of her, for he assumed that interspecies relationships were taboo. Regardless, he was willing now to get lost in her beautiful eyes like clear pools on a summer afternoon.

The wolf still preferred to go into detail. "Well, the drama club 'as olready bin workin' on blockin' and the choreography. The time 'as come that we enlist the art club for the backdrops. The current project is more ambitious than our last one. Most of it has an outdoor setting... but the times and changes in environment make for... diversity." He seemed to make the list with his hands and not even know it. "Trees are colled-for... but we got a church scene, a village sequence, a pub, and a prison. For the outdoor sequences, Professor Miner suggests, uh, a Countryside... influence, for forests, meadows, and in between"-

"Why are you so nervous?" Kiera interrupted. The wolf paused, his arms staying where they were. He looked like a cliché mad scientist--in a painting. Kiera then added, "You keep making gestures that make no sense."

Suddenly, Jason swung his arms behind his back and joined his hands. His swift transition was to a recruit listening to a drill instructor. "Did that bother you?" he asked.

"It distracted me, but I am curious."

"I... I get nervous around other people..."

"And yet you are part of a club."

"That nervousness goes away when... I act... When I am up there, in a costume... the world I know disappears..." His gaze had wandered to out the window, as if something else was on his mind.

"Tell me more."

Focusing on the European Shorthair again, the wolf asked, "Whot about?"

"The backdrops for this play."

"Sorry. Got side-tracked. Professor Miner doesn't want to reuse any older ones. Quite frankly, I agree. I am just an actor"--he started using his hands again-- "but they asked me, of oll people, to ask you: which painters in the club would be up to the task? The changing settings would mean colourful and various backgrounds. The... pieces... are three metres tall."

The cat muttered, "I see." She propped a leg over her knee. "Now I'm curious: whot's your role?"

Jason was willing to answer that question, but didn't know what statement should be first. He paused awkwardly before saying, "The protagonist."

Convinced that the wolf was lying, the cat asked, "You're not ashamed of your role, are you?"

"Fuck no," he spat. "He is my kind of character: a fighter. I couldn't wait to learn to fence." He went off on a tangent. "I play a mercenary hired to protect a countess while taking her to a safe place, only to fall in love with her."

Now she knew that he told the truth. "I believe that the best painters can make the environment fitting," Kiera stated.

Jason joined his hands and bowed. "Thank you, Kiera."

"But that is not the only reason you wanted to see me." How blunt she was. For an enthusiast in acting, the wolf didn't catch on to such implications. The cat explained, "Felines have a sense enabling them to see whot other mammals cannot. My siblings and I are better at reading facial cues than others. And I 'ave bin in the same room as you often enough t-know how you act. My friends refer t-you as The Tame." Jason didn't know how to react, but he looked ashamed. "I can tell that you don' talk much. You olso back yerself to a corner. Hard to believe in a Venn Diagram with 'Wolf' and 'Actor', the word 'Shy' would be in their overlap."

"Is that a crime to you?"

"I only coll it unpredictable."

Jason finally approached the cat. "I... wos not olways social... I would rather have been anywhere else, even during recess. When I got into drama... I sought roles that I... could take seriously. I olways wanted t-be somebody else."

Kiera asked, "Whot's wrong with the real you?"

"My voice... I olways turned away from fights... I olways gave up on whot stumped me..."

"Whot kinds of fights?"

"I never wanna tolk about it," he muttered.

Kiera thought of another point. "You could be wearing another costume right now. Dressed like that, you look like an office worker taking 'is job very seriously. If that were a uniform, it would be fer an employee at a restaurant or hotel. Generally, you would look smart, which you do. You must be, as it's expected of the silent type." Jason had no answer to that. So, Kiera changed the subject. "Have you relied on the same costume for flirting?" Jason only looked at her, expressionless. His ears didn't even twitch. "Surely you flirted with someone."

The wolf muttered, "I tried... only to give up on flirting..."

"Not even with me?" Jason only shook his head. "You find me attractive, and yet you never thought to ask me on a date?" Jason went motionless.

Suddenly, the cat changed her attitude. "Take off your clothes." She was blunt again.

That caused a reaction from the shy wolf. "Wh-what?" His mouth remained open.

"Let me see the real you, wolfie."

He scowled. "I despise that term."

"Sorry. Won't happen again. Fer future reference, though, whot else d-you hate being called?"

"Woofie, Barky, and Giant."

Kiera decided not to press on that. Instead, she spoke, "I reiterate: take off your clothes."

Jason was hesitant about it. In his mind, he questioned the Shorthair's intentions. She just sat there, still with her left leg propped over her right knee, her right hand on her face. As if his image were nothing without it, the wolf was reluctant about unbuttoning his vest. Throughout all that time the wolf stood still and quietly pondered, the cat made no move, bar her ears bending.

Finally, the wolf unfastened his waistcoat and slowly shrugged it off. He folded it and placed it on the coffee table. Then, Jason bent down to slip off his loafers and socks. Facing the cat again, he loosened his necktie and lifted it over his head. He set it atop his vest. Though Jason was willing to be shirtless around his dorm roommate and other actors behind or on the stage, and even though he knew this cat, he was about to take his shirt off in front of a stranger. Her blank stare was like a nudge, for he unbuttoned his white shirt and untucked it. He undid the cuffs before shrugging his shirt off. He placed it over the back of the couch, and stayed still. Jason wanted the image to sink in: all muscles of his chest, midsection, and arms were distinct. All wolves had well-defined muscles. With the hackles raised and ears bent aside, Jason fought the instinct to cover his chest. Even now, the cat showed no sign of arousal. Given her pose, she might have expressed intrigue, but it was hard to tell. He unbuttoned his khakis--he thought they were tight enough to not need a belt--and unzipped them. He bent forward as he pulled them down. He still folded them up before setting them atop the couch. He wore black boxer briefs, and he was more nervous than before.

"All your clothes," Kiera pointed out.

The wolf pondered on how he would do it. He didn't want her to see his maleness until after his legs were free of his boxer briefs. Jason opted for bending forward yet again. He lifted his left leg out first, and then his right. He dropped the textile on the floor and pushed it aside with his foot. Even now, he felt uncomfortable with the cat seeing him naked as the day he was born.

The second that he looked at Kiera with his hands over his groin, she dashed toward him. She tugged at his arms and spat, "No cheating!" Though Jason stood straight, arms to his sides, he couldn't help but tremble. Getting a good look at the wolf's cock, and then examining the fur defining his muscles, Kiera commented, "Impressive." She then got behind Jason, for a view of his back and buttocks. His tail whipped like the rhythm of a heartbeat. Then, she returned to face him again. "You should learn to be bold, Jason."

"I don't understand," he muttered.

The tabby backed up. "Allow me to simplify," she said before unbuttoning her shirt. "You find me attractive; I am giving you a chance." She untucked her shirt. Upon taking it off, she placed it on the couch's back.

"But... I barely know... about you..."

She hoped to make it easy as she continued undressing. She took off her shoes-- "This is my fourth and final year at this university, and I already aim for an internship at a museum for the experience. I started paying my own tuition in my second year, modelling for fashion magazines." She placed her socks in her shoes, revealing white-furred feet. She looked at Jason again, undoing her pants. "I aspire to open my own studio without my wealthy parents' aid and maybe draw for comic-book publishers"--She lifted her legs from her pants, which she folded and placed in the chair without looking back. All that hid her sensitive areas were a black cotton bra and matching hipster. She reached behind her back-- "I didn't even know whot career I wanted until my final year of high school"--she casually tossed her bra behind her, revealing plump breasts complemented by white fluff-- "Then I joined the art club in my first year here, the head at the time in his final year. After he graduated, I took control of the guild." She slipped her legs out of her hipster and left them on the floor. She then asked, "Like whot you see?" The white of her neck was the start of a stripe down her body to her groin. Through such thick fur, the wolf could see a lithe frame. "I knew that you wanted to look for a relationship with me, Jason. This is my nudge fer you. I wos like you once: angsty and uncertain." She sauntered toward him, swaying her hips. Most of the light had disappeared with the setting sun. "My predecessor in leading the art club got me opening up. He made me wan' ter 'ave the perfect body. He taught me"--she placed her hands on his soft chest--"to make love." Suddenly, the cat became someone else, groping and nuzzling the wolf's midsection, purring. He could feel tightness in his groin, but still did not understand it. Noting this, Kiera looked up. "Do I olready stimulate you?"

"I know how sex works, but not much."

She took one of Jason's hands. "Then I have much ta teach ya," she responded.

Jason went with her to the couch. Kiera lay on her back and tugged the wolf into joining her. He looked down, awkwardly, hovering above her. He whispered, "Kiera..."

"Yes?" she chirped.

"D-do you like... g-get-getting y-your nose licked?"

"Why don't you find out, Jason?" The wolf hesitated, unable to discern whether she would cut his tongue out if he did. So, the cat added, "Whot're you wait-n for?" He dove toward her and lapped her nose. "Try not t-be so forceful," she said monotonously.

The wolf lowered himself again, and this time, kissed her lips. He was calm with it, but when pulling away, he was about to ask for her approval.

"Do that again," she spoke. Jason felt like Kiera read her mind and was happy to oblige, for he avidly lowered to kiss her lips again. This time, he felt small hands holding his square muzzle, and the cat's lips danced with his. To surprise him, a barbed tongue met his. He hesitated at that, as well, unsure what he felt. After another awkward pause, he pulled away.

"That's your first lesson, Jason," the cat said. "We like to tongue kiss. We lap one another to begin stimulation."

The wolf wanted to experience it, for he locked his lips with her again. He felt the sandpaper-like tongue on his again, and welcomed it this time. Their tongues danced with each other, and he felt some inner heat rise. In addition, the fluffy fur felt good on his body. Upon breaking the kiss to breathe, Jason looked into the cat's blue eyes. He whispered, "You're so beautiful." In response, she pulled his muzzle closer and lapped his nose. His eyes still showed his dreaminess.

"Next lesson, sweetie," Kiera murmured to get the wolf focused again. "Use your muzzle. We oll love that." Jason was glad to hear that, for he plunged toward her. As the wolf was eager, she spoke up, "Not too hard." Jason complied, for he withdrew before brushing his face fur against the cat. The nuzzling got her purring, much to the wolf's enjoyment. He took it slow, rubbing his face against her. He even liked their whiskers entwining. He moved down, to nuzzle the cat's neck, getting a better feel of vibrations from her purring. How soft she was. He didn't mind her shedding possibly getting on him. Now, the cat felt her loins burning.

She nudged him to withdraw again, to which he complied. "Most essential information: worship a woman's body," she pointed out. "Show your appreciation; exploit the precious areas, but savour the moments."

Jason took it as slowly, but had to back up for his hands to touch her body. He paused at just touching her shoulders. The tabby's arms were thin, but the wolf still loved the soft orange fur. He caressed her arms, feeling for her muscles, before he placed his hands upon her breasts. He cupped them and lightly squeezed them as if he were afraid to make them explode. His hand heels were at the nips, and the fingertips reached her shoulders. The cat's chest felt small in his hands!

The tabby placed her hands over his wrists and rubbed them. He took it as direction and fondled her breasts back and forth. Yet again, her purring delighted him. He knew that it would be the place to please her most, but he wanted to feel the rest of her.

"C-can I... explore further?" he asked. She merely nodded. So, Jason lowered his hands, but slowly. He rubbed her midsection with both his hands, where her fur was erratic. He was willing to make a mess with her shedding from there. He moved his hands in all directions before he felt the curves of her sides. How slim she was. His hands were flat against her hips and upper legs.

She signed for him to advance, and he complied. She got up, to nudge his position, and then he knew what she wanted. "This is how a woman worships a man's body." She cupped his goolies, and had to use both hands. As it had been slowly doing, Jason's member engorged, the head already out of its sheath. The tabby then caressed the top of his member. She looked so daring before, but now she might have been apprehensive, given Jason's size. Before the wolf could possibly question such, Kiera placed her rough tongue over Jason's member. He couldn't suppress a yip.

"I know how it is," she said. "But trust me: you'll enjoy it."

Before Jason could object, Kiera licked him again. He wanted to speak up after that, only to be stopped. This time, he moaned. He found the roughness painful; he felt like he was a spy being tortured for information. He could only groan and worry about his maleness bleeding. Yet, his body liked it. Before long, the cat took his member in her maw and continued lapping it. For such a small mouth, she managed to not bite down on him, but her barbed tongue still bothered him. Not wanting to self-restrain anymore, he barked, "Stop!"

She looked up, dismayed. "Whot's wrong, Jason?"

The wolf moved to sit on the couch, facing the table. "I couldn't handle it," he whispered. He looked aside, ashamed. The tabby placed a hand on his arm. "I know... it's meant to... stiffen... but it didn't."

"You're the firs' ta reject my tongue," she commented. "I thought that you would like the action."

Jason felt like he could weep. "Kiera..." he mumbled. "Is it wrong that... I cannot take it?"

Kiera didn't want to give up just yet. "You know the fundamentals," she said plainly. "Do you know how to go oll the way?" He nodded. So, she added, "I want to know how well you can do it."

The wolf finally turned to look at the cat. "Whot do you propose?"

"I wanna see yer face when y-cum inside me," she answered bluntly. His answer was just a blank stare. So, she added, "I'll walk you through it."

Jason turned his body, and Kiera lay flat, her legs spread wide. Her vulva stood out well as a pink drop among white fur. The wolf moved as if his surroundings were houses of cards and got as close as he could to the cat's vulva while still being on the couch. He took in the sight of it and contemplated how fragile it might be. Then, with a hand on each of the tabby's hips, he quickly licked over the slit.

Kiera took the wolf's right hand and said, "Try spreading the opening."

He complied without hesitation. With two fingers, he opened the dam. He could make out the tiers, but he was also afraid of cutting her with his claws. He was quick again with licking over it. "Try different methods," she suggested. Jason instinctively looked up, wanting her to elaborate. She did so. "Start with licking up and down."

The wolf complied. As he kept it up, he got in a little deeper. Just when he was getting used to it, the cat noticed, for she spoke breathlessly, "Now, go in circles." He started from the vulva, licking clockwise. He switched to anti-clockwise when passing the first tier. He could hear her moaning in pleasure to add to her purring.

Kiera started panting. "Now, go... side... to... side..." she added. Jason tried just that. To get it right, he tilted his head. Jason found the position uncomfortable. So, he straightened himself, and went back to circling the urethra. This stirred the cat, for her fur stood up, and she wanted to writhe.

"Are you okay?" Jason asked, backing up. His tongue glistened, and the cat's shedding clung to her chin.

"Of course," she answered breathlessly. "You got me loins burnin'."

He looked down at his engorged member. "When is the right time?" the wolf inquired.

The cat answered that by taking his pecker in both hands and stroking back and forth. The tabby kept up with the motion, watching with intrigue as it kept growing and stiffening. Now, Jason was the one moaning in pleasure. His tail wagged, and he felt his groin tightening again. She would let go as his willy twitched. She let it alone for a few seconds before resuming. When she saw the stiffy looking stonking to her, she spoke, "You're ready."

"Am I truly?" the wolf asked, unsure of himself. The tabby nodded. "But whot about you? I could hurt you."

"Women like large penises regardless."

As he had been doing the whole time, he approached slowly. Jason took his penis in hand and aligned its exposed head with Kiera's vulva. With both hands over her hips, Jason pushed his pelvis toward the cat.

"Any discomfort?" She shook her head. He pushed himself into her again. "How about now?"

"Don' worry about me, Jason," she said. "Just keep going." He still went in gently to avoid hurting her. He was concerned for a second upon hearing her moan. However, he did as she wanted. He repeatedly drove his pecker in her cunt, albeit gently. The wolf felt tension in his maleness as he did so. It would keep growing and stiffening as he got inside her, a centimetre at a time. He growled with each thrust for emphasis of effort. He eventually snarled, "Fuck!"

"Please do!" the tabby quipped, feeling matching tension.

Jason looked down, to see that half of his member was past her labia. He tried thrusting further, only to see no difference. He was convinced of such, just like that, for he said, "I can't go further inside."

"S' oll right, Jason." She paused before adding, "Jus' cum inside me." Jason kept going at the same pace, only for Kiera to command, "Faster!" He paused, hesitant about going faster, afraid to cause her pain. Then again, his member ached, throbbed, and twitched.

So, the wolf complied. He rocked his hips all the way back and forth, both hands securely holding the cat's hips. He ended up lifting her with each sway. He panted as he did so. His breathing synced with his pushes and pulls. Before he could worry about causing any pain to the cat, Jason felt a flow.

He came inside a vagina! When he noticed, he abruptly stopped. That was when he felt his eyes well up. He expected to last much longer.

"Believe me. You couldn't... 'ave gone on... long."

He shoved the cat away by the buttocks, and his pronger had already started going down. He kept his eyes fixed on it as it slowly shrivelled and withdrew. He was so occupied that the cat surprised him, wiping his maleness with tissues. She quickly went to discard those tissues, before returning to the couch. She offered him her hand, which he accepted. The two contrasting figures moved to lay on their sides, Jason holding Kiera from behind.

"Wos I good?" Jason asked

"You were exemplary," the tabby answered breathlessly. She turned her head to look up at him, smiling. "Congratulations, Jason. You are now a man."

He then wondered what else there was to go on. He just knew that couples would talk after intercourse. Then, something returned. "About your... love-making lessons..."

"You're the sixth one I taught to make love," she interrupted. "You're also not my first virgin. My predecessor and I merely 'ad an understanding, even though I would feel attached to him. Oll the more reason to not be in a relationship wos his future intention. He is a European Shorthair, like me. I wanted to continue his work, teaching other boys to make love and become men. Each one would be larger than the last, and you, Jason, are my biggest."

Suddenly, Jason felt disappointed. "So, I'm yer best... only by default?"

"No. Not just fer yer size. You really care about me, handling me as if I could shatter at the slightest touch. You can show your appreciation of a woman's body."

That left Jason thinking. "Whot if the only woman I want, is you?"

"I find that hard to believe," Kiera puffed. However, she rubbed the wolf's muzzle with one hand reaching. "I thought that I would be attached to the other men I taught, but I never felt romantic toward them."

The thought that the cat in his arms never loved a man, saddened the wolf. "Sex should be between two people who love each other, and feel comfortable around each other," Jason objected. "That is why I want to know if I can bond with you."

"Oh?" That was all that the cat could say.

Jason rolled her over, to look at her face. They could see each other perfectly despite the darkness of the night. How he loved the contrast of the orange fur and blue eyes. "Kiera, may I take you out on a date?" Jason asked.

The cat's expression was stern and cold. She thought hard about such a simple question. For the shy type, the wolf had just overcome a hurdle. Kiera decided that she wanted to see this wolf for who he was.