Race for Life

Story by Shippku on SoFurry

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#1 of Race for life

EDIT! Friend pointed out a few spelling/grammar errors so I am just fixing them

Second story on here :D first one with smut in it XD Please critique and etc. If you want me to continue with this story, just let me know ;)


I was by myself in the locker room, preparing for my big race. Every race was a big race. My life depended on it, I didn't have a choice. I had to win. It was the way things were. I had to win. It was the only way I could continue to be with him. In this world, animals were genetically modified. Originally it was for military purposes, but now, it had gotten to the point to where the extremely wealthy would pay for animals like me, and turn us into a way to up their social standings. That was what happened to me. The family that bought me, the Burmans, had me engineered to be a racing machine, I started out as a simple Dalmatian puppy, but now, I race, for him, the only person I truly liked by any stretch of the imagination. I used to just race because it was all I could do, I had seen what they do to those that disobeyed or lost in their competitions. Most, didn't survive. But him, the Burmans' youngest son, Zeke, I raced for him now.

He was five when I was brought to the Burmans' mansion. In all honesty, the Burmans were really a nicer family than most. They allowed me to learn to read and speak, and they even bought me clothes, even though most were just basketball and running shorts. I still hated them though for what they did to me. But little Zeke, I knew the second they set me in front of him, he wasn't like them. When he was still very little, we would always play when I wasn't practicing. He would sneak into my room and read stories to me while I fell asleep. He was incredibly intelligent for being so young, I would wake up hours later, and still hear him reading to me.

When he got into his teens, he convinced his parents to let me learn to read and speak. He would help me study and work with me day after day. I got to the point where I could speak in some more of the basic complex sentences, but I had issues with bigger words and sentences.

Something else happened during this time. It was a rare day where I didn't have practice or study sessions. I was walking down the hallway that his room was connected to and I started to smell something. I never smelled anything like it before. I was worried that he might be hurt, or maybe someone had snuck in! I ran up to his door, and opened it, but stopped before it was opened all the way. He was sprawled across his bed, naked. His hands were exploring his body, and his face looked like he was in some kind of pain, but like he was enjoying the pain. I continued to spy on him even though I felt dirty for doing so. But I couldn't help myself. Like, some primal urge took over. I could see him biting his lip as he rubbed one of his hands up and down his crotch. His other hand was down lower, and one of his fingers was inside of him. This hand would move back and forth, in and out of him. I could hear him moaning something, but couldn't really make it out.

As I watched, my own hands subconsciously went into my shorts and I started to mimic what he was doing to his own crotch. His moaning started getting louder and louder, but I still couldn't make out what he said. His body started squirming and his chest was heaving up and down. The smell that lured me to his room got stronger and stronger. Then, I finally heard it, what he was saying. "Joey... Joey... Fuck me Joey... please..." He was fantasizing about me. He wanted me to fuck him (I knew what it meant because I had learned words to never say a month earlier and I wasn't just content knowing I shouldn't just say them, I wanted to know what they meant).

It was in that moment where I felt my own body fill with lust. I started stroking myself faster as I watched him violate himself. I had never thought of mating before, but in that moment, images of mounting him and making him my own filled my head. This didn't last long however, because soon after he got loud enough in his speech to hear him pleading for me to dominate him, he reached his breaking point and unleashed his seed all over himself. I was amazed with how much semen was pent up within his small body. And it shot with so much force, some landed onto his chin and face. The smell of it filled me with an even stronger lust and seconds later, I spilled my own seed. Although, since I was stroking myself in my shorts, mine didn't get everywhere, although, I could tell I spilt just as much as him.

After he had cleaned himself up he pulled the covers over himself and went to sleep, never noticing I was still watching him. I made sure he was asleep before I walked into his room. I shut the door behind me and walked over to him. I never saw him asleep before that day. He looked beautiful. I could feel myself getting hot underneath my fur, at the time, I didn't realize what I was feeling, but I went with it. I leaned over him, and kissed him on his lips. It was a soft kiss; I didn't want to wake him. But it still felt amazing. As I was leaving I heard him shuffle in his bed, I looked back and saw him turned towards me, but his eyes were still closed so I didn't think much of it and left.

I could hear the announcer on the field prepping the crowd. It was almost show time. I started to pick up on the familiar scent of flowers and berries. Zeke busted into the room and ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"OH JOEY!!!" He did this eveyr race. We had been open with each other about our feelings and he worried about me loosing a race and being "undone". His face was buried into my chest as I petted his hair.

"It will be ok Zeke. I will win for you," He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. It ruined me to see him cry like this. But, in a way, it also encouraged me. It just made me want to strive harder to win.

"You promise?" He said in a soft shaky voice.

"I promise," in that moment he lifted himself up towards me and we shared a kiss. His lips pressed against mine and I pulled him closer to me. But it couldn't last as long as we wished.

I was on the field, with the other eight animals of varying species, mostly dogs and cheetahs, lined up. I looked up at Zeke as I got into my stance. In less than a minute, the fate of both of our lives would be determined.