Wasteland Survivor – Training and consequences - ch27

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#28 of Wasteland Survivor

Ok, you have all been good, here is some nice happy yiff, enjoy.

At some point in my quiet prayer the Sergeant had left me alone. I regained my feet looking around, a new wonder had filled me and I needed some further time alone to think about what it would mean to me, but first I had to see to the new recruit.

When I entered the main stores room I found the Marine instructing the quartermaster how to clean and care for the rifle. In the movements of both I could see something more and grinned quietly to myself.

I was almost about to withdraw silently when they both looked up at me, "Time to go is it?" Hicks asked.

"Yeah, plenty more of the camp to show you, I am sure the good Sergeant here will take care of your things. It would be prudent to carry your side-arm, we have no rules against military personnel remaining armed so long as its not too over the top." I told him. In response he holstered his pistol, after returning a loaded clip to it and checking the safety.

We said our goodbyes to Sergeant O'Brian and I started leading him to the mess, "She is quite something isn't she?" I asked him.

"Yeah, the woman really knows how to care for weapons." He replied innocently.

I started to cough, catching the double entendre that he had inadvertently used. "Yup, really something." I managed.

"This" I said pointing, "is the mess, we cater to a wide variety of dietary needs, some of us require very special diets, examples are the General who needs a healthy mix of insects in most of her meals, or Sergeant Cope, a snake man, who needs living or recently killed prey." at this he just raised his eyebrows.

"Hey Fox, the usual?" a civilian woman, a kangaroo morph, yelled from the kitchen area.

"Yeah Jane, and a second, not so bloody, for the Sergeant here please." I called back.

We found a bench and sat down, awaiting our meals. "So tell me Sergeant, if you don't mind, what would you like to do here? We can likely find you a place in a squad, if that's your thing" at the sudden look of distaste on his face I knew this wouldn't be, and I faltered in my speech, "... Ok, not that then, so what?" I finished.

"Commanders have made that mistake with snipers for a long time, your not the first, nor likely the last. At least you seem more flexible than most of my past COs have been. Snipers should be used as scouts the problem is a lone sniper is all but useless, you need a team of them, at least two. So I guess I do what I came here originally to, train snipers." he explained.

"So training, that would be good, we have a lot of raw talent here needing refining. You got any in mind?" I asked.

"Normally I would have my choice of the cream of the crop of marksmen, the best of the best become sniper scouts, what you have here is some extraordinary people, I have a pair in mind who I think have what it takes, but the rest, well I would like to see among your troops who would be interested." He continued.

"If the two are who I think you mean, you have some work cut out for you, the soldiers I don't know about, but you are welcome to do whatever you think. Let me know if you need a hand with anything, I think I might have a little time off from normal duties coming up." I replied with a small grin.

"Will do, although" and he rolled up the sleeve on his shirt, inspecting the muscle, "I will need to do a bit of training before I am back up to the standard I would like." I must have gaped at him, his arm, although a little thin, was corded with heavy muscles. "A sniper needs to be in absolute peak condition, there needs to be no doubt that anything they ask of their body, it will perform."

"Well, your the expert on that." I said, "Your word is law then."

He just grinned, "Its refreshing to hear a commander say that." at my protestation he quickly clarified, "I understand your not military, but around here it seems if you said to jump, people wouldn't ask 'how high', they would just jump as high as they possibly could."

I chuckled. It was then the cook yelled our food was done.


"But why us?" I asked, confusion written all over my foxy muzzle.

"Because you showed initiative, your trainer says you can shoot very well indeed and I think you have what it takes to be good at this. And I should know, I have been training snipers for six years." The man said.

"Ok, I get why you want Ryst, but I can't shoot a rifle well at all, why me?" Asked Brianna.

"For the same reasons, I have seen both of you in a tight situation act properly and with the sort of thought process my profession takes, I want at least two of my students to pass this class, and so far you two have the best shot at it." He answered her. When Bri tried to say something further he cut her off with a gesture, "As for the shooting, well I will tell you a secret, shooting is less than ten percent of a snipers job. I have seen you practising with that bow, and you can already out shoot most of the grunts here can with a rifle, not to mention that your weapon is a whole lot quieter than their rifles. I think you can make it, and I am the only one who counts."

We both stood quietly and thought about it for a few minutes. Then, turning to each other, eyes locked, we both said, "Ok, count us in. Sir." with a grin.

"Excellent." The Sergeant said.

I returned to looking at him, "So when do we start training?".

"Oh, in about two months, until then, like me, you will be building up your bodies to something closer to what is needed." He explained.

I gaped at him, he had muscles on muscles, was strong as an ox and he expected to have to train for two months to 'get back up to speed'?

"Sir!" Was what I replied, all you really could reply to a Sergeant when they know what they are doing.


It was getting dark, another day spent running as far and as fast as we could, interspersed with weight training was behind us. Starting at dawn, for the last twelve weeks we had done nothing but work ourselves as hard as we could, and still the Sergeant had wanted more from us.

Finishing our meal, Ryst and me were about to retire to our room when the Sergeant was standing in front of us. "Tomorrow, runts, I want you in debriefing room four, your training will begin then." And with that he turned and left.

Talk about how to give someone a sleepless night.

We staggered up the stairs and to our rooms, helping each other to undress, Ryst was removing my sports bra when he commented, "Where is my girl under all this muscle?".

Suddenly put in the mood, I glanced up at him, "Is that a question or a request?", I had his shorts half down when he gripped them with a sad look on his muzzle.

"Better not love, if we are too tired for tomorrow we will not be able to survive for the grilling the Serg would put us through." He said, resigned.

"Yeah foxy, your right." I climbed into bed feeling tiredness take hold quickly, but not before Ryst curled his form around my back, squeezing my arm warmly.

"Night love." He breathed.

Almost instantly the light was streaming in the window, I started unhooking myself from Ryst, waking him in the process. "Ugh, already?" He asked.

"Yeah, come on fuzz ball, lets shower quickly and get down there, he wants us at oh six fifty hours. That's" I quickly glanced at the wall, "enough time for a long shower, if we take it together..."

He was suddenly pressed against my back, his 'readiness' to have a shared shower quite evident. "Lets hurry." He said quietly into my ear.

Grabbing a towl each from the hamper we made for the shower, it was shared between all four of us, but we were always up first of late plus Kevin and Lyl were out on patrol a lot lately.

Starting the shower I dropped my boxers and stepped in, Ryst following suit behind me.

I reached for the shampoo, most of him would not need full washing, but he prided himself on his tail and I loved to see him when he preened with it, so fluffy. My hands worked the mixture into his fur, sudsing up the length of it.

"There's something in front that needs attention too." He said, drawing my attention up to his face.

I kissed him, trailing my fingers around to the front of him, finding him ready. His hands in turn began to rub my chest, making me sigh into his kiss.

He manoeuvred me into a corner and I gladly raised to my toes so he could get the angle he needed, "Mmmm ugh." I let out, gutturally, feeling his hot length play into me. His mouth working its way with kisses over my neck and chest, his paws gripped at my rear as I raised my legs to his back, resting my weight into his strong arms and not a small amount onto his member, pushing it further within me.

He pressed my back against the wall of the shower, and raised me up, with his arms and assisted by my legs, only to let me fall back onto him, hilting himself fully.

I managed to get some breath back, "Love, don't tie, we don't have time for that." His only reply was a warm grunt as he repeated the manoeuvre, drawing a moan from me as well.

Suddenly we were both in full motion, he lifting and pushing, me raising and lowering, our bodies working in unison to fulfil our carnal urge.

My world receded all of a sudden, his strength enough to maintain his pace, extending the duration of my orgasm.

Slowly the warmth of him still working himself in and out of me brought me back to reality and I raised my eyes to his to see his concentration as he worked himself deeper and deeper into me all of a sudden I could feel him flair within me and I felt his seed pour loose, filling what small room was not occupied by him within me, the feeling of which threw me back over, gasping and heaving into another release.

A few minutes passed of warm afterglow, before we both realised we would now need to hurry or be late.

I stepped off him, feeling more warmth flow down my leg. He was busy alternately sudsing up my hair and kissing my neck while I rinsed out his tail, he followed quickly with my hair and we left the shower. Quickly towelling down me while I towelled him and then worked the big blow dryer one of the engineers had made for our furrier members.

Once clean and dry we ran, streaking back to our room with a giggle, I spared a glance at the condoms still in their box, the doctor had explained to me after the first week of our training that I shouldn't expect to have any periods while working myself that hard, that my body would be working itself as hard as it could just to 'survive' and that reproduction would be secondary. We could experience each other as we never had before, the extra muscle we both sported made for some very aerobic work outs in the bedroom, now, with little consequences.

Dressed, we ran via the mess and grabbed some fruit each and made our way to the briefing rooms, ten minutes to spare.

I looked at Ryst, "Ready for this?" I asked.

"With you beside me, always." He said, holding the door open for me.