Wasteland Survivor – Development - ch29

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#30 of Wasteland Survivor

After my breakfast with the Sergeant I had to meet with Jennings, she had to tell me the points 'the pack' had been running, someone needed to finish out their patrol.

"Fox, just the person I wanted to see, step inside." The General said.

"Ok, we got five more locations we need checked out, they are marked on this map." She handed me a map with indicated locations, "Just head to each one and radio back here, easy as that. With Drathnial you should be done by dark."

"If all goes well you mean?" I asked, grinning.

"Always, but fox, what could go wrong with you there?" She quipped back.

"All right, all right, I get the hint." I said, leaving the room.

~"Drath, love, are you there?"~ I reached out down the link.

His awareness stirred, ~"I am now little mate, what do you require of me?"~

~"We need to finish the patrol the pack started, you up for some fast flying?"~ I asked.

~"For my pack, for my love, anything. I am almost there."~ He said, followed by, ~"Jump!"~

I laughed loudly, leaping into the air blindly. Suddenly he was there, right under me.

I concentrated on an overhead picture of where we needed to be and he confirmed it with a mental nod.

The first two points were as normal, nothing to report.

As we approached the third I felt something odd, ~"Drath, do you feel that?"~ I asked, focusing on the feeling of 'strangeness'.

~"Yes, that is Elven magics, recently used too."~ Was his concise answer.

~"Can you tell where they are?"~ I wondered.

~"No, this magic conceals them well, but at least you now have something to report."~ It was at his answer that something hit me, Bri was supposed to be running this patrol route, these Elves were lying in wait for her.

~"Take us home Drath, I don't like that taste of this."~ I told him.

I then tried something I had never done before, I reached out for Jennings, I took the feeling of how her mind felt and pulled it to my mind.

~"Fox, how are-,"~ She began, ~"Never mind, what's the problem?"~

~"We found traces of Elves at the third mark."~ Was all I reported.

~"Shit, they must still be after Bri."~ She replied, showing why she was the commanding officer with her ability to connect facts quickly.

~"Hellen, I am not going to let that girl out of my sight, you understand?"~ I told her.

~"Yeah, I understand Fox, and for what its worth, if they can either magically track her or if we have a traitor in the camp, I fully support it."~ She completed

I felt her awareness slide from my mind, I turned my focus back to Drath, ~"Lets go home babe."~

He felt the worry in me for Bri, and like me he did not like the idea of one of his pack mates coming to harm.

I then reached for Brathnian, ~"You there?"~ I called to her.

~"I am my mate, you are worried, why?"~ She returned.

~"We have found Elves trying to ambush Bri's patrol route, she may be in danger."~ I told her.

~"Fear not little lover, I will keep an eye out for our little pack mate from the air. Any Elf that dares attempt harm on her will meet his goddess sooner than he would ever wish."~ Her promise relieved me, if a dragon tells you something will die, you started counting the seconds.

From that day, each night one of the dragons would patrol the camp, sniffing for Elven magic, I made sure I had her in my sight for most of the day, and to be honest I enjoyed the work-out that keeping up with the youngsters gave me.

It wasn't for four days that the actions of Sergeant O'Brian's goddess came back to me, but it did when Crystal had managed an afternoon off work to spend with just me.

"Crystal, there... there's something I want to tell you." I said to her as we were finishing with the wonderful candlelit meal, "If, if we could have kids, would you want to?" I asked her.

Her head snapped up to look right at my eyes, "Fox, I don't hold it against you, it wasn't your fault that we can't ha-".

I interrupted, "No Crystal, that's not what I am asking. If we could, no outside persons needed, have kids, do you want to?" I asked her, nearly in tears myself. I know I wanted to, but I only wanted them if she did two.

"If" She gulped a bit, struggling with how to phrase her reply, "If we could, by some miracle, yes Fox, yes I would have children with you."

I looked up at her, she started to open her muzzle again but I silenced her with a kiss.

Drawing back I raised a finger to her lips, "No, don't talk, don't think. Lets have some fun.".

She just nodded as I led her to the bedroom.

She started to undress, making eyes at me, she knew I loved watching her disrobe.

Seeing those wonderful breasts lift free of their support to hang pert and ready to be... damn I was getting ahead of myself, but I continued to watch her, slide her pants down revealing shapely well toned legs that just seemed to go on and on forever. Her fingers hooked either side of her panties, sliding them down to reveal her womanhood.

I was practically salivating by this stage, but she wouldn't let me at her just yet.

Moving slowly she advanced on me, unbuttoning my shirt, revealing the lacy bra I had worn specially for this occasion. She ran her hands around my chest, kneading my restrained breasts, drawing a soft moan from me before sliding into a hug, her chest and mine pressed together with only a thin layer of very sheer fabric between us, a layer that was being released at that very moment.

She drew back, taking the bra with her, letting my small B cup breasts loose of their lacy cage. Taking one breast in her hand she brought her muzzle to my other, alternating licking, sucking and short spine tingling soft bites.

I was almost done for, when she drew back, beckoning me to lay back on the bed, working at the clasps on my pants. Soon they joined our other garments on the floor and I was left in just the lacy panties I had chosen for the evening.

She removed these, very carefully, using only her teeth. Having her mouth that close to me left me breathing sharply at every movement, but until they were on top of the pile on the floor she wouldn't continue.

I began to move up the bed so I was stretched full length on it when she slid down beside me eliciting a gasp of excitement from me as our skin touched through the thin layer of fur.

Simultaneously, she engulfed my mouth in a kiss and drew two fingers along my waiting sex, I arched my back into her, trying to force her fingers inside of me, but she would have none of that. Half rolling over me she continued the kiss, supporting herself on her other arm, she worked her fingers around my entrance again and again, pausing at the little nub to give it special attention.

I was lost in the world she had built for me, pleasure coursing through me at an almost uncontrollable rate yet I was denied the release that my cries would give by her needy mouth.

Finally I gained enough control to bring my own hands to bear, and due to my position, I could make use of both of mine.

Reaching up I took hold of one of her breasts, they were a handful each, so I contented myself alternating kneading and tweaking her nipple while my other hand delved down between her legs.

Just touching her I could feel the wetness within, she was ready and more so for me to begin on her, and the sudden surprise of her fingers sliding into me encouraged me to return the favour.

I began with one finger inside her, sliding it back and fourth while I used the others to rub her outer lips, soon I felt her trying to yell into our kiss as well. Looking up into her eyes I couldn't imagine another place I would rather be at that point in time than right here.

All too soon I felt the heat between my legs building and building, radiating outwards at an ever increasing rate, but it wasn't till I felt Crystal tense in my arms, breaking her mouth free to cry out that I found my own release, letting our voices mingle in their appreciation of each others efforts.

We were both panting, laying facing each other on our sides when she got enough breath for words. "What was... I felt something else then, it was, bright, warm..."

I grinned at her, managing to catch my breath as well, "O'Brian worships a goddess, some Wiccan thing. Apparently she has blessed us, according to her we are going to be mummies." I said with a silly grin plastered all over my face.

"Wait, for real?" Crystal asked, dumbfounded.

"Yes for real you silly wolf, she said 'next time we mate I will conceive'." I explained, then suddenly drew my face into a leer, "Doesn't mean we can't keep going though does it?"

I drew myself over Crystal, taking the initiative this time.


"Something looks different about you Fox, what is it?" The General asked, curiosity written all over her.

"Oh, its a little soon to be sure, but I might have a surprise in the works General." I replied, working hard not to let the news out.

The kids worked their arses off for the next two months, making it their mission to be in the best shape they could be by the start of this 'sniper training' the Staff Sergeant had planned. Some of the other soldiers joined them at times, but most had noticed the effects the training had on the pair.

The training was due to start this week and I had been asked by the Marine to assist with the field work, running along with the trainees, that kind of thing.

"Don't you think you should take it a bit easy?" Crystal had asked me that first night.

I chuckled, "Babe, even if they ran the fastest they could, all I have to do is put in a little Power and I can keep up without breaking a sweat."

She sighed, running her paw over my belly, "Your starting to show Fox, we are going to have to tell everyone soon" She said.

"Lets wait till after their graduation." I decided, "Don't want to put the kids off their game."

She just sighed, "You have a point. Oh you heard, Lylianna is pregnant, she and Kevin are over the moon about it." I knew, Lyl being the strongest telepath we have and being so proud, just about everything in a twenty kilometre radius of her that has a central nervous system knows.

"All our kids are growing up." I said with a smile but Crystal wouldn't be baited and kept her paw on my stomach until we both fell asleep.


Then the Sergeant yelled, "Snipers. Dismissed!".

I watched the pair embrace closely for a moment, all thoughts of the outside world blotted out for the duration of their private celebration.

They drew apart and looked around, almost dazed to find the world still there, still waiting for them. It was then Brianna's eyes found mine and I sensed the slight tingle of Elven magic from her, she practically leapt over to stand in front of me, splaying her fingers wide on my slightly protruding stomach.

"Fox! How long have you been-" Was all she got before a piercing mind-voice rang out.

~"FOX IS PREGNENT?!?"~ Lyls mind called.

"No hiding it now hun." Crystal said beside me, paw on my shoulder.

I guess for my part I was just grinning like a fool.

A very very happy fool.

Interesting fact, I make more spelling mistakes writing yiff scenes than at any other time.