A New World

Story by Kimahrimckinley on SoFurry

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A New World

I live in a world that is much different from yours, if you could live just one day in this world I think you wouldn't be able to tell the two apart. It's the future but not much has changed, the world and its people are still divided. They still argue and fight, people are still just as prejudice if not more so in this world than in yours. The only good thing is that medical advancements have opened many more opportunities for saving life, as well as altering people. And that is where the problems are in this world.

> Edward it's almost time for school, are you ready?

'-' yes mommy, I'm just finishing my school work

~ I hate when she yells up the stairs like that, it scares me.

> Ok sweetie, it's almost time for you to go

'-' I know mommy I can tell time, I'm 10 years old

> I know dear, I just worry about you is all. I am your mother!

~ I know I know jeez, I never get any piece around here. Now where was I? Oh yeah the letter through time assignment.

'-' the problems really started when doctors found a way to "splice" human and animal DNA together. It was originally a way to help people heal after operations, and to help military personnel on covert operations. But soon enough if people had enough money they could get it done to them, thus came the term "anthros". Anthros are a mix of human and animal but mostly animal, they were small in number at first but over time their numbers grew. The government tried to limit the numbers of anthros by only allowing people to have specific parts of the body "furred". That's just a fancy term for people who only have their ears spliced or they have a tail, people would say "oh she's furred". But just like everything else people found a way around that limitation, anthros and furs began to study to become doctors. Needless to say the few that got in are spreading the word and the splicing. So this is my message to you who read this, you should love people for who they are not what they look like.

~ Phew that was a hard project, but this should be good enough. It's almost 9! I have to go

I ran out of my room, tripping over one of my toys and into the hall. I could smell breakfast cooking and my tummy rumbled, mommy makes the best food! I smell eggs! I hopped down the steps and skipped into the kitchen.

> Good morning dear! Did you finish your home work?

'-' yeah! It was easy for me!

> Well that's good to hear! You are the smartest boy in your class right!

'-' I guess so....

~ I don't like to brag about anything but it's true. Why duz she bring it up all the time?

> Awwww! Is my little boy blushing!

'-' momma stop it!

> Here's your breakfast dear, eat up you have to leave soon

'-' I know

~ Mmmmmm eggs!

I ate it all kinda fast! I love breakfast foods, besides pancakes. Those are too dry for me. I put the plate in the sink; I had to pull up a chair to do it. Mommy giggled at me. It sucks I'm the shortest boy in my class too. I grabbed my bag and I put the recorder in it, mommy handed me some money and I ran out the door. I walk to school so I have to leave a bit early to make it on time. Hehehehe but I found a short cut! No one else knows it's there! It goes right behind a mini mart and through a playground and I'm at school! My momma told me not to talk strangers or anthros but I do any way, it's rude not to say high and wave if they do it to you. So most everyone knows me around here, oh here comes the bush I crawl under then a straight path behind the mini mart. On the right side of the mini mart is a dark ally, it gives me the creeps so I run through it. Ok it's coming up.......that's that? I saw a little kid sitting up against the wall. Are they ok? I should ask them


'-' ohh crap I'm gonna be late! Mommy's gonna punish me!

I ran as fast as I could to the school, I just made it in as the doors closed and locked. Phew.....that was too close, maybe I should leave earlier? I walked into the class room and sat at my desk, the teacher came in and rambled about something pointless and made some jokes that were not funny. But I couldn't stop thinking about that kid, the more I think about it the more worried I get. The rest of the day seemed to fly by for some reason, and I didn't have that much homework either! I ran to the mini mart to see if that kid was still here, I looked down the ally but couldn't see him or her. I got up the courage to walk down the ally and look; there was a big dumpster toward the end. I walked down and looked behind the dumpster and I saw legs! I followed them up to what looked like a sleeping girl! She was covered up with a ratty news paper; she was so skinny I felt bad for her. Her hair was a bit tangled and messy too, what should I do? Should I wake her? What would mommy say? I don't care I'm gonna help her! I have like ten dollars I'm gonna buy her some food. I ran into the mini mart and bought a ton of subs for her, I ran out and back to the ally and saw two guys messing with her I pulled out my cell phone and walked up to them keeping my distance

> come on little BEASTY show us yer tail!

>> Yeah we have a bone for you!!

> come on open up that pretty mouth of yours!

The one guy started to unbuckle his belt, the little girl wasn't saying anything. She was just shaking and crying

'-' h-hey leave her alone

~ Mommy's gonna kill me, but she's gonna find out any way when I bring her home

> What the fuck are you doing?

>> I think he wants us to stop!

> Hahahahaha not gonna happen kid!

'-' I'm calling the cops now so I suggest you leave now!

~ stay calm

> .......fuck

>> What if we take your phone before you can call!

> Yeah

'-' SOME BODY HELP MEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

I took a deep breath and screamed help as loud as I could, someone should hear me. And even if they don't this ruse should work on them.


>> Lets get the hell out of here

> Yeah!

They ran away from the ally and jumped in a van and drove away. I'm glad that worked, is she ok? I walked up to her; she was sitting on the ground staring blankly at her feet. Tears fell from her cheeks.

'-' are you ok? Hello, can you hear me? I brought you some food

I sat down in front of her and pulled out a sub, I paused when I noticed what she was wearing. I thought it was a shirt but it was a ratty sheet that she had turned into a shirt, it was stained and dirty and full of holes. I almost wanted to cry. Now I know I have to take her home with me.

'-' hey! I know you can hear me; I'm not going to hurt you. Your safe now, here eat this pleeeeeeeeez!

She glanced over at me; her eyes were this pretty amber yellow, orange color. They were so warm looking she reached for the sub, I saw she had claws. So that's why they said "beasty" she is the child of a fur or human and an anthro. Society calls these poor kids beastys because technically it's bestiality because anthros are more animal than human. and their kids or "pups" as some call them are born with some anthro traits because the parents DNA is fused with animal DNA so they're offspring come out as half breeds. Some look mostly human and others look more like animals and some don't make it sadly. I hope momma won't flip out about this. She ate the sub; she ate it really fast too.

'-' here you must be hungry!

~ Duh she's homeless or a "stray" as others might say

I saw something move behind her, so I looked closer and saw that it was a tail. She has a tail too; I kinda always wanted a tail.

'-' oh! Are you done already, here!

~ I was too busy looking at her tail to notice she had finished the second sub already

Her tail wagged faster I saw a grin on her face.

'-' do you have a name?

Her ears perked up, she had dog ears too! They look fun

^..^ ....ummm

Her voice was so sweet and nice, no wonder those guys were trying to do what it was they wanted to her

'-' it's ok if you don't have one I could give you one?

^..^ No...Uhh I have one, the people at the place I stayed at said my name was Kuro

'-' you mean the orphanage?

^..^ Yeah...... can I have one more?

'-' oh yeah here

She must be so hungry; I have to get her home with me

'-' umm Kuro........

^..^ Hmm? *munch munch*

'-' would you please come home with me.....

~ Why am I blushing? She is very pretty

^..^ Nnnnn *gulp* you mean for a visit?

'-' no to live at my house, at least until we can find you a safe place to live at

^..^ .......um sure

^..^~ why is he doing this? No one has ever tried to help me before

'-' great! Quick follow me!

We got up to leave and I noticed that her shirt was too small; it was starting to come up above her waist. For some reason I couldn't stop staring at her, her shirt popped up and I saw..... Boy parts?!!!

'-' wait your a boy????

^..^ Y-yeah, everyone thinks I'm a girl so I don't say anything.

'-' that's actually a good thing!

^..^ Why?

'-' cuz mommy will let you stay in my room then!

^..^ I don't get it?

'-' my momma always wanted me to have a brother my age so we can play together, but she and my daddy got separated. She says she would get out more if I wasn't gonna be by myself, so now that your here she might be able too!

^..^ are you happy?

^..^~ he's so nice to me, even after he found out I was boy

'-' yeah! Cuz now you can stay with me, I know it! Here put this on to cover yourself up.

I took off my hoodie and gave it to him; I couldn't help but look at his private parts. I think we're the same size but his looks different, why I am thinking this? Do-do I like him?

^..^ thank you...

^..^~ it's so warm, is this what it feels like when someone cares about you? I like it!

'-' hmm it still looks a bit small; ok pull down your shirt like a skirt.

^..^ Why?

'-' to cover your self up, it'll draw in less attention.

^..^ ....*pulls down shirt* like this?

'-' yeah that's good, ok follow me!

^..^ Where to?

'-' a short cut to my house, can you run?

^..^ I think so

^..^~ I can try but I don't think I have the strength

'-' ok lets go

We left for the short cut; we had to run because the man that owns the house duzn't like it when people go through his yard. Kuro was having some trouble keeping up so I slowed down; we made it through the yards and were on the side walk outside of my house.

'-' this is my house, I hope you can stay

~ It would suck if mommy said no, I can't let that happen

'-' come on, just stay behind me

^..^ ..... O-ok

^..^~ why is he so concerned about me? And what is this feeling?

We walked across the street and up the stairs to the front door; I took a breath and grabbed Kuro's hand. I looked into his eyes, he nodded and we walked in

'-' mommy I'm home! I have something important to talk to you about

^..^~ important.... he thinks I'm important, why duz that make me feel good?

> Ok sweetie what is it

She came walking out of the kitchen

> Ohh who's this? Is this your new friend!

'-' mommy he has no place to live, can he live here with us pleeeeeeeeez

> Oh sweetie I don't know about that, I mean she has to have a family

'-' no HE duzn't, I found him sleeping in an ally. Some grown ups were trying to make him do things

> w-what.....

'-' and he was starving to death momma, he duzn't even have any cloths

> E-Edward sweetie there are laws that say...

'-' NO... I told him he could stay *sniff* I told him it would *hic* be ok

~ Why am I crying?

> Ohhhh baby come here, give mommy a hug

'-' *hic* can he stay *sniffle* y-you said y-you wish i-i *hic* h-had a brother-er

> *sigh* come here Edward

I walked up and mommy hugged me, the tears kept falling down my cheeks

> ok sweetie he can stay, tomorrow all of us will go and fill out paper work to make this legal

'-' *hic* r-really momma?

> yes baby

I hugged her as tight as I could!

'-' so he can *sniff* stay with us!

> Yes, I can't say NO to you. Now you two go wash up for dinner, and make sure to wash your friend REALLY good.

'-' I will mommy! Wait...... you want us to take a bath together?

~ Why is my body all hot?

> yes why? You 2 have the same parts any way, what's the problem? My mom bathed me and my sisters at the same time

'-' n-nothing I guess, come on Kuro

> Dinner will be ready by the time you two get out

'-' ok momma, come on Kuro!

I gave Kuro the thumbs up! I was so happy!

^..^ How did you do that?

'-' do what?

^..^ get me to stay with you, I'm not mad or anything just surprised

'-' fake tears! Hehehehe works every time!

We walked up the stairs and to my room, I hate the peach color momma picked for the hall way. I like my dark green room color better; I grabbed some cloths for both of us and a brush. I might need a comb too; I went to the hall closet and grabbed two towels.

'-' ok this way to the bathroom, you don't mind if we bathed together do you? Momma said it was ok cuz we have the same parts

^..^ U-umm no...

^..^~ why do I get this strange feeling?

I walked in the bathroom and closed the door; my heart was beating really fast. I turned on the water and closed the drain. I took off my shirt and dribbled some shampoo in the water, I like watching the bubbles rise! I turned around and Kuro was already undressed, I don't know why I can't stop looking at his privates?

^..^ So do I get in now?

^..^~ why is he looking at me like that? It makes me feel warm

'-' uhhh yeah, guess I should take my cloths off too

I took my pants off as Kuro climbed into the tub, his tail was wagging. He's so lucky; I wish I had a tail. ......... My underwear feel tight?? Why is my private getting bigger??

^..^ are you gonna get in too, the water feels nice

'-' uhhhhh yeah just uhh

~ What to do what to do got it!

'-' let me brush out your hair, it'll make it easier to wash

^..^ Ok

I grabbed the brush and the comb and sat on the edge of the tub, I told Kuro to face the wall, that way he couldn't see my private. I started brushing out his hair

^..^ Sssss ow!

'-' sorry, your hairs all tangled

^..^ I know, it's ok

^..^~ his hands are so warm, ouch

After a few minutes I had brushed out his hair, I could get a good look at his ears now

'-' ohhhh

^..^ what?

'-' oh I'm just looking at your ears; they're so tiny and cute!

^..^ You like my ears?

'-' yeah and your tail too!

~ I think its ok for me to get in the tub now

I took off my underwear and crawled in the tub, his tail wagged when he saw me naked and his face turned red. His tail still needs to be brushed

'-' can I brush out your tail?

^..^ U-uhhh y-yeah

He turned around I held his tail out of the water, his whole body twitched. His tail was easier to brush out cuz the hair was shorter. Or is it fur?

'-' ok all done! How duz that feel?

^..^ ...........

'-' Kuro?

~ did he fall asleep leaning on the edge of the tub?

I leaned over him to see his face, my wet body slid against his. I could feel my private get big again so I backed up. Why duz this keep happening?

^..^ ....did you say something?

'-' are you awake now!

^..^ .......yeah

'-' good!




'-' y-yeah almost

~ She scared the crap out of me! And Kuro too

'-' we better finish up

I dunked my head under the water and scrubbed my head, Kuro did the same. I think he was copying me, so I stood up and sat back down! He didn't do it? Too obvious ok then, I turned the shower on and rinsed all the bubbles off. Kuro walked up close to me and did the same, my private got big again and I couldn't hide it this time. I saw Kuro look at it, and his did the same.

^..^ *looks down*............

'-' *looks down*.............

We both just looked at our privates, I touched mine

'-' *gasp*

~ I hope he didn't hear that, but it felt so good. Why?

^..^ What did it feel like?

'-' what did what feel like?

^..^ *gasp*

'-' it felt like that

~ Why did he touch himself too?

'-' w-we better get out, dinner is ready!

^..^ Ok

We dried off and got dressed; Kuro looked more like a girl with his hair all brushed out! He looked so cute, is that why I like him? Or is it cuz he's my only friend? I gave him a long sleeved black shirt and black shorts; I don't know why I picked out all black for him. I put on a white shirt and blue shorts, I like to miss match my cloths for some reason? We headed down the hall, Kuro stayed close to me, like really close. I wonder if he's scared to be by himself. His tail is wagging though so he's happy, we walked into the kitchen. Momma had ordered a pizza!

> Well well look at you! All clean and cute!

^..^ .........thank you

He hid behind me

'-' momma your making him blush!

> Ohhhh how cute! You two look like brothers! Let me get the camera!

She danced into the living room

'-' *sighhhh* sorry Kuro, I told you she always wanted me to have a brother

^..^ I-is this what a mommy's like?

'-' yeah, she has her moments though. Don't worry I'll keep you safe Kuro........if you want me too?

^..^ YES........y-yes

^..^~ can he really? I want him too; I want him to always be there for me

> Ok you two smile! *click* ohhhh how cute!

'-' momma, stop it!

> Hehehehe ok sweetie, now let's eat dinner

We all sat at the table Kuro was a little shy to get some so I grabbed some for him, he blushed as he ate it. Momma kept looking at us for some reason, I gave Kuro all the meat on my pizza and he gave me all the veggies on his. It was so cool, I like having him here. We finished dinner and me and Kuro went up stairs to my room, I pulled the blankets off the bed and laid them all on the floor.

^..^ What are you doing?

'-' I'm lay'n all the blankets on the floor for us

^..^ Why?

'-' cuz my beds too small for the both of us

^..^ o-oh

^..^~ he wants me to sleep with him, me...

'-' ok all done, would you mind sleeping toward the wall?

^..^ n-no why?

'-' because I have to pee a lot at night

~ And I don't wanna pee the bed again

^..^ Ok

We both crawled under the covers, it was a bit cold but Kuro was so warm. He snuggled up onto me, he was so warm. His skin was soft and smooth; his warm breath tickled the back of my neck sending Goosebumps all over my body. I fell asleep almost right away, that's the first time that's ever happened to me. I felt something during the night but I was too comfy to care, I thought it was Kuro.

> time to get up boy's, we have important stuff to do today

'-' nnnnnnnnnn *yawn* mmm yeah momma

^..^ ......*zzzzz*

'-' Kuro we have to get up now *yawn*

^..^ Nnnnnnnnnn hmm?

I sat up and felt something wet; great I pee'd in the bed again. I looked at my undies but my private area was still dry???? Was it, I looked at Kuro. He looked embarrassed and sad

> Ok boy's we have too go.......who wet the bed?


'-' I did momma, I drank too much again.

> *sigh* it's ok dear you two go take a shower and make it fast ok

'-' yes momma!

I grabbed Kuro's hand and ran into the bathroom, momma handed us some towels.

^..^ Why did you say you did it?

'-' cuz I didn't want to see you sad I guess, your my only friend.

^..^ Friend

^..^~ I'm his friend

'-' ok we need to hurry up and shower

I took all my cloths off; I didn't feel so weird doing it a second time. I felt at ease actually, Kuro walked by me naked. I tried not to look but I couldn't help it, my eyes wandered down to his private again. He looked at me and I turned my head quickly

^..^ It's ok if you look........I don't mind

^..^~ I like it when he looks at me, I like his calm soothing brown eyes

'-' i-i don't mean too, I just can't help it

^..^ I feel the same way, I like looking at you

We got into the shower and I turned the water on, we stood closer together then we did last night. For some reason I liked him being so close, I didn't feel so alone. We washed up and dried off got dressed and headed down stairs to meet momma. We all got in the car and drove to a big building like four hours away, I couldn't read the name cuz it was so big. Momma told us to wait in the lobby as she walked into a room. After a few minutes she came out and called Kuro to her, they walked back into the room. My heart was pounding, are they gonna take him away? I crept up to the door to listen in, I couldn't hear much cuz it was muffled.

>> ..............Kuro.............beasty..........

What! I heard him say Kuro; did he just call him a beasty? That's it if he says it one more time I'm go'n in

>...........Edward............like brothers............beasty.......

Ok that's it, I opened the door and walked in. they both stopped talking and looked at me, I saw Kuro sitting all curled up in a chair. I walked over to him and stood in front of him, blocking them from his view.

'-' what are you saying to him? Stop calling him a beasty; he's a 10 year old boy just like me

^..^ ....*whispers* Edward...

^..^~ he's standing up for me again, he's so cool

>> Now son you know this is what we call them

'-' excuse me....call THEM? And just who is THEM?

>> You know, beastys and anthros

'-' and this makes them less human? So looking different defines them as not human?

>> U-uhh n-no it just means

'-' so by that logic being born different makes you less human too then

> EDWARD, enough sweetie

'-' but momma it's wrong and you know it, being different isn't bad and it is not justification for being treated unfairly

~ I hate that man; he's just like everyone else

>> My my that's quite the vocabulary for a 10 year old, I'm impressed

'-' hmmmm

> That's my little boy; he's the smartest boy in his grade level!

'-' momma stop it

> And he's so modest!

>> Well I'm sure you provide an excellent learning environment! And your son seems to care about Kuro very much. So you may foster him until his mother father or relative claim him, is that understood

> Yes it is, you hear that Edward he can stay with us

'-' ..... H-he can!

^..^ I can!

>> Now sign here and initial there.........m'kay print name here, ok all done!

'-' yes! Come on Kuro!

^..^ Uh, yeah!

Momma had to sign a few more papers and we finally left, we stopped up at a drive through and got some food. Kuro really duz like a lot of meat, he got a double cheese burger with out the cheese and onions and everything. It was just bread and meat, I got an almost completely veggie meal. I made Kuro eat a piece of carrot and the face he made was so funny! But I felt bad for making him do it so I gave him a piece of my chicken. We stopped at a park cuz I wanted to play with Kuro; we got out of the van and ran to the play set! We played for about two hours, run'n and jump'n! It was so much fun. Until some of the kids started picking on Kuro, I stood in front of him again. I just get this feeling to defend him, he really means a lot to me

> Beasty lover!

One of the kids threw a rock at Kuro, I jumped in the way

'-' OUCH!!

>> Beasty beasty you're so nasty

>>> Beasty beasty you're so nasty

> Beasty beasty you're so nasty

They all started chanting it, my cheek was bleeding and it hurt. They picked up more rocks to throw


I felt a hand on my shoulder

'-' k-Kuro?

^..^ It's ok; you don't have to protect me

'-' I don't have too I WANT too *turns back to the kids* LEAVE HIM ALONE

^..^~ why why is doing this, he's hurt because of me. But he still duz it


'-' m-momma *sniff*


'-' *points* a-all o-of *hic* them


Momma made all the kids bring their parents over and she yelled at all them! I was sitting against a tree drying my tears with Kuro; he kept looking at my cheek.

'-' I'm ok Kuro, it duzn't even hurt!

~ That's a lie, it really really hurts

^..^ *mumble* it's my fault

'-' what?

^..^ My fault, it's all my fault!!! You should have left me in the ally!!!

'-' w-why are you yelling? And no, I wasn't gonna leave you there

He ran away from me, I chased him. He ran into the woods, I knew there was a pond in the middle of the woods. I ran at an angle to cut him off when he got there


^..^ ..................

He reached the pond and stopped; I came up from behind and jumped on him. I tackled him to the ground and sat on top of him

'-' *huff huff huff* would you please *huff* stop and listen to me!!!

^..^ *pant pant*......

'-' Kuro this is not your fault, people do dumb stuff all the time. I would defend any of my friends the way I do you; you're just my only friend so I cherish that.

^..^ E..... Edward

'-' and I wont let anyone hurt you or make you feel bad about who you are, GOT THAT!!

^..^ Y-yes...

^..^~ why duz he care about me so much??? I-is this love? I think I love him...

'-' now will you come back home with me please, mommy's prolly look'n for us

^..^ I'll go with you any where Edward...

'-' good come on I bet your hungry!

We met up with momma and we drove home. Three years have passed since that day, me an Kuro are both 13 years old and are attending the same school. I asked my teachers if I could be in the same classes as Kuro, I couldn't be in all of his classes but we have three together so I'm ok with it. It's become a little awkward around the house lately, me an Kuro are going through puberty. And mom just loves make'n fun of us cuz are voices crack from time to time; she makes us feel so embarrassed because she keeps asking us if we have hair yet. I try to avoid her but she always finds us, she's been giving me an Kuro strange looks too. I wonder what that's about. But she only duz it when we're alone some where too long. She made us stop bathing together too even though it was her idea in the first place. We still share a bed though, and I'm glad. I've go'n use to Kuro being next me while I sleep, it's relaxing. I'm a bit worried though, mom got a call from the foster people and they said that they tracked down his parents. Mom wouldn't tell me what they said so it bothers me......I don't want him to go. I also think about why I like him being around me so much but I can't put it into words though, it's a nice feeling though.

^..^ Hey Edward *crack* your mom wants to see us

'-' hehehe! Ok *crack*

~ Dammit

^..^ Hahahahaha and you laughed at me *crack*

'-' ok let me finish my thought *scritch scritch*

^..^ So what ya write'n bout?

'-' you really wanna know!

^..^ Yes *crack*!!!

'-' I was write'n about you! And how you make me feel *crack*

^..^ Oooo tell me!

^..^~ he thinks about me too.......should I tell him?

'-' well you give me this feeling that's hard too describe, but I like it. It's strange


'-' OH KAY *crack* come on we better go see what's up

^..^ Mmhmm

^..^~ I make him feel like that, maybe I should tell him.....my hearts pounding right now. I want him to know but I'm scared he might not feel the same way I do.... but I can't keep it to myself for ever or nothing will change

'-' hey Kuro

^..^.....uhh-huh yeah?!!

'-' hahaha lost in thought!

^..^ I guess so...

'-' well it must be important tell me later tonight kay

^..^ uh uh y-yeah sure

^..^~ did...did he just read my mind or something? He always knows when I'm troubled by something

'-' don't worry you can tell me anything Kuro, just relax!

Mom said she was leaving to go pick up some stuff, like it was something important the way she called us. Pshht I hate when she duz that, it's only 5:30. I kinda wanna go for a walk; I bet Kuro wants to too!

'-' hey Kuro wanna go for a walk!

^..^ Really *crack*

'-' yeah! I also wanna pick something up for you

^..^ Oooo what is it!

'-' well I saw it yesterday and I think you'll like it.......or I hope you do

^..^ Lets go!

We left out of the house and headed up to the main shopping plaza, the walk took about half an hour. People were looking at Kuro the whole time but didn't say anything to him, more like they wouldn't dare say anything to him! After three years of my defending him everyone knows now and Kuro walks around with a little more confidence. That makes me feel good, like beyond words. We got to the store and I told Kuro to wait outside while I got it

'-' hello is my order ready?

> What's your name?

'-' Edward Mathews

> let me see........ Yes it just got finished few minutes ago

'-' thank you!

~ I hope he likes it

I walked back out to Kuro he turned to face me, his tail started wagging

'-' h-here I hope you like it

I handed it to him

^..^ *stare*

'-' so do you like it?

~ He hates it I know it, I guess it is a bit racist. I should have known better

^..^ *click* I love it!

^..^~ this is the first gift I have ever received that meant something to me

'-' you really like it! I'm glad it's just a red collar!

^..^ *whisper* not to me...

'-' what?

^..^ I said look you even engraved my name in it!

^..^~ that's it I so have to tell him tonight, I'm gonna tell him I love him

'-' moms gonna flip if we don't head back like now!

^..^ Yeah!

Edward took the lead as always, it's fine with me though I like following him. I like how fast he walks, I like looking at his butt too. He's so cute too and he's so short! I'm a foot taller than him! And I like the crescent shaped scar on his cheek, it means a lot to me and I will never forget that day. Some people started staring at me again but Edward just looked at them and they kept walking. He's just amazing! We got in the house and his mom pulled in the drive way, she's been looking at me strangely for the last couple of days. She's hiding something I know it, maybe that's why I feel this strong urge to tell Edward how I feel. I heard the door slam she's coming........

^..^ Edward

'-' yeah?

I leaned in close and kissed him

'-' *kiss*

^..^ *kiss*

'-' w-why'd you do that?!!!

~ And why didn't I mind it? He's a guy and I'm supposed to like girls.....supposed, why I am supposed to like girls? It's almost like I'm being forced to like only girls, I can like guys if I want too right? Kuro why did you do this to me? You know how I get about these types of issues. Maybe.... I-is this what he wanted to tell me tonight, that he's gay. Well he didn't have to kiss me to let me know he likes guys he could'a just told me

> Hey boys I'm back, Edward your momma has a date tonight!

'-' w-what?

~ I was still in a daze after what Kuro did

> Yeah can you believe it! I'm gonna go get ready right now!

'-' good for you mom!

She ran up the stairs humming and singing, she must be happy!...... that's right, where's Kuro? He snuck away somewhere

> Ok I'm off be back later you two don't stay up too late *slam*

'-' Th-that was fast..... *touches lips tenderly with his fingers* Kuro...

~ He has to be up stairs *deep breath* I can do this..... My hearts pounding

I walked up the stairs and into my room; Kuro was sitting by the window looking out at the night sky. The moon was full and bright, Kuro looked at me

'-' so here I am Kuro....what did you want to tell me?

^..^ It-it's difficult to say......

'-' I think I know

^..^ y-you do?!!

'-' yeah, I'm fine with you being gay. But you didn't have to kiss me to prove your point!

^..^ No that's not it; well that's part of it.....

'-' what do you mean?

He got up and started walking toward me; he was standing in front of me

^..^ Edward.... i-i.....

'-' its ok you can tell me...

~ What is he trying to say?

^..^~ Edward I love you, I love you. You have always been there for me protecting me and helping me. You supported me and treated me with love and care; you look past my body and into my soul. You make me feel so warm and safe; I just want to be in your arms......why can't I tell him?

^..^ I-i.....I.....gawd!! Forget it!

'-' k-Kuro?

He ran and sat on the new bed we got, he huddled up on the corner. I think he was crying..... What is it that has him so worked up? He said it was important he said he was gay h-he kissed me he.......oh my god....... I know what is now

'-' Kuro....I know...

^..^ *sniff* know what?

I crawled on the bed next to him; I wrapped my arms around him

'-' it's ok Kuro, calm down and say it... tell me how you feel

^..^ *sniff* I......I

^..^~ come on he already knows just tell him!!!

^..^ I...love you Edward.......

^..^~ I, I did it

'-'........do you feel better now Kuro

^..^ Y-yes, I feel better now....even if you don't feel the same way about me...

'-' who said I didn't...

^..^ *gasp* w-what??

'-' Kuro I feel the same way, I just didn't understand it completely. I thought I just liked you as a friend but every time you get close to me I can't control myself...I get horny and all these thoughts flood my head.

^..^ E-Edward....

^..^~ now's my chance...

I reached into his lap, I felt a lump. It's true; he is all worked up over me.

'-' *gasp* k-Kuro!! What are you doing?!!!

^..^ I can't help it any more.... i-i want you

I started to take his pants off

'-' a-are you sure...

~ i-i don't want him to stop

^..^ Yes

I tugged his pants off, his underwear came down a little and I could see he was starting to grow some hair, but I was more interested in his lump! I pulled down his underwear and his penis sprang up


~ is this really happening!

^..^~ his looks different from mine but we're the same size I think. I can't hold back any more

'-' *gasp* uhhhhh <3

~ It feels so good and he only licked me... he's opening his mouth....here it comes!

'-' Ohhhh *gasp* <3

^..^~ he's mine now

I pushed him back on the bed so he was on his back, and I sucked on him a little harder. I could taste something a little sweet and bitter, is this pre seminal fluid? We learned about it in health class, I-it kinda tastes good

> *SLAM*

'-' !!!!!!!

^..^ !!!!!

^..^ Your moms back

'-' *huff* y-yeah

^..^ You better get dressed...

'-' that's not fair, what about you...

^..^ y-you mean

'-' yeah

I pulled my pants up and pulled his down; i slid his penis out of his underwear and slid it in my mouth.

^..^ *gasp* ahhh <3

^..^~ his mouth is so warm...mmmmmm


'-' you better get dressed....

^..^ *pant* uh yeah...

We sat in silence for a bit, I couldn't stop thinking about his body. I wanted more of Edward; I wanted to feel him climax in me. I've had a taste and now I want more. I hope Edward does too

> So how did you boys behave while I was gone? I'm not gonna get a call from the police station am I!!

'-' no mom! Although we did burn down the neighbors house!

^..^ Hehehehe

> Alright you two! I ordered a pizza so you two get washed up before dinner, separately

'-' yeah yeah we know!

We took our showers and ate dinner; I was waiting for this moment ever since mom got home. She went into her room and closed the door; I and Kuro were in my room alone at last. But what do I do? I can't just go over there and suck on him can I? Can I.....

^..^ could you turn the light off Edward

'-' y-yeah *click*

He was already curled up in the bed, when my eyes adjusted I could see his tail was wagging. I-is this an invitation? I don't care if it's not I'm going for it, I slid in close to him and wrapped my arms around his waist

^..^ *gasp* Edward...

'-' *whisper* who else!

I slid my hand into his underwear and kissed the back of his neck

^..^ Ohhhh <3

^..^~ why is he doing this, I don't care as long as he duzn't stop!

'-' I'm gonna suck on you

^..^ *gasp* please, take me Edward. I only want you

'-' I only want you too, you mean so much to me

I crawled under the covers and pulled his underwear down; I slid it into my mouth

^..^ OHH *covers mouth* nnnnnnnnnn <3

'-' *suckle*

~why do I like this so much?

Apparently I wasn't the only one enjoying it; Kuro started bucking his hips a little. I could taste something sweet? What is it?

^..^ Nnnnnhnnnn *gasp* ahhh *whisper* ed-Edward I'm almost mmm <3

^..^ *spurt*.....*spurt*....*spurt*

Kuro climaxed in my mouth, it was warm almost hot and thick. It tasted sweet; I sucked on him until nothing else came out. His whole body shuddered and let out these cute little moans. I crawled out of the covers, I licked my lips

'-' what did it feel like?

^..^ *pant pant* how about I show you

I crawled under the covers and pulled his underwear down and licked up and down his entire length.

'-' *gasp*

~ I can't believe this is really happening

I sucked him up into my mouth; I want him to do the same thing in my mouth. He's all I ever want in this life right now, and he chose me

'-' Ahhh ohhhh <3

He's so good at this

^..^ *suck suck*

Would he mind if I sucked harder? I don't think so

^..^ *SUCK*

'-' *covers mouth while squirming* OHHHHHMMmmmmmm <3 *spurt* *spurt* *spurt*

Mmmmmm it's so warm, and there's a lot of it. Did I do it good enough for him? I pulled the covers off my head and looked up at him

'-' *huff huff*

^..^ was I good enough for you?

'-' *huff* my gawd.... Kuro! *huff*


^..^~ I think that's a yes!

'-' duz this mean we're a couple now?

^..^ do you want to be one?

I pulled Kuro close and kissed him

'-' duz that answer your question!

^..^ *BLUSH* yes! *WAG*

^..^~ I'm so happy! I hope nothing ever changes, I hope we continue to share our lives together!


'-' nnnnn......*click*

> *5 mins later* BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP

'-' .......*CLICK*

> *5mins later* BEEP BEEP BEE.....*crash*

'-' zzzzzzzzz...

> Edward not another alarm clock..............what are you two doing?

'-' nnnnn what??

^..^ Zzzzzzzzz

> Why is he sleeping on your chest?

'-' ......... I don't know? Why duz it matter?

~ Crap

> Well I don't like it; I think one of you should move into the spare room

'-' why do you have a problem with it now? We have shared a bed since we were 10 years old, and now you have a problem with it?

> Well your both young men and 18 is just around the corner

'-' and what are you saying? You think we're gay or something

> n-no I never said that

'-' you didn't have too

~ I knew it; she's been looking at Kuro strangely of late. I was wondering what her problem was and now I know, should I tell her? Or would she make him leave, I don't think I could take that

> well it's almost time for school you two get up and get dressed so I can drive you

'-' we'll walk

> ....... ok

She looked a little sad, I don't care. How dare her.

'-' kuuuroo wake up sleepy head!

^..^ ....nnnnn is it time to get up already? I don't wanna

^..^~ he's so warm and soft......like a pillow

'-' yeah....*sigh*

^..^ *yawning* what's wrong?

'-' mom's acting weird, she saw you sleeping on my chest and kinda flipped out

^..^ did I do something wrong...I'll stop....sorry

'-' NO Dammit you never did anything wrong, that's why this world pisses me off. Just because you were born different duzn't mean you should be treated so badly or discriminated against. People are just wrong and I hate it, who set the rules for normal huh? Who said if you look like this your normal and if you look like this everyone should hate you and pick on you. People are so ass backwards, how can they hate each other so much but share the same world? Grrr I'll never understand it and my mom is just the same as they are

^..^ C-calm down Edward......I'm still here

^..^~ is this how he feels about me? Its nothing but love and concern for me, for us. And he's kinda scary when he's pissed; it's kinda turning me on

'-' yeah your here for right now but who knows for how long? She might throw you out, the only one I really care about *sniff*

^..^ don't cry Edward

'-' *sniff* swear to me *sniff* swear to me that when we're old enough we'll move in together and stay with each other *hic*

^..^ I swear Edward, that's all I want in this world


^..^ Crap it's time for school; I don't feel like it today

^..^~ I didn't do my home work either......Edward had my full attention last night

'-' ..................

^..^ *getting dressed* come on Edward we have to go or else we're gonna be late

'-' *sitting on the bed*.................

^..^ Edward??

'-' lets skip today

^..^ What??? Your mom would kill us!

'-' the way she just acted she already killed me on the inside, it's good to know that me being gay is wrong to her. She just ruined all my chances of being happy with you in front of her

^..^ ...Edward.... does she know?

'-' no she duzn't, she might though after what I said to her

^..^ You could tell her you're not gay

'-' and deny the way I feel about you, never


'-' lets go

^..^ Where?

'-' I have no idea, lets just walk around till we find a place to hangout together

^..^ sounds good!

'-' were going mom, see you after school

> By dear

~ She never looks when we leave, maybe she would notice we didn't have our school bags.

We left out the house and walked down the sidewalk for a while, we watched all the kids going to school as we passed them

^..^ won't they call the house?

'-' ..........maybe

^..^ do you care?

'-' not really, I get straight A's why should they

^..^ I just don't want you getting in trouble is all

'-' tch..... As far as my moms concerned I already am in trouble. I wonder what she's planning.

^..^ What do you mean what's she's planning?

'-' I have this bad feeling that she's gonna do something, and I think it involves you

^..^ ........I've been getting that vibe too, and the way she looks at me when she thinks I can't see her

'-' I hope I'm wrong I really do...

~ I know I'm not, I over heard her talking to someone on the phone about Kuro. She said his name about 5 times in one minute.

We sat around at a park in the woods, we just held each other. A long deep warm hug, for when the time comes when he has to go. I looked at him closely and took in all of his details, his silky black hair his amber eyes his warm fuzzy ears his fluffy tail his warmth. We're more than friends but not quite lovers just yet, and I feel he might be ripped out of my arms. Two hours after we got to the park my cell rang, it was mother. She was pissed that we skipped school and she said she had some bad news for us, my heart thumped hard in my chest. I was depressed the whole walk home, Kuro was too. I think he knew what happened; his ears were drooped the whole time. I rubbed his head to cheer him up a little, he gave me a little smile but his face was still sad. We got in the house and mom was waiting for us in the living room

> Oh so you two finally got here

'-' yeah.....

~ Why isn't she mad? Something's way off here

I heard a car pull into the drive way then I heard the door open and close

> Oh he's already here, good timing

'-' who's here? And good timing for what?

The door opened and in walked that man from the foster building

'-' you....

^..^ ..........

>> Ahhh Mrs. Mathews how are you!

> I'm fine thank you! How about yourself

>> Well I would like these visits to be pleasant but they rarely are

'-' what's this about?

>> Well Edward as you know it's been three years since your mother started fostering Kuro

'-' yeah

^..^ .....

>> and remember I said that if his parents called or any of his family members called and wanted to take him in that he would have to go

'-' ..........

^..^ ........

>> Well his grandmother called us and she wants to take him in

'-' lies...lies...LIES

^..^ *gasp*

>> Uh.... what?

'-' why did she wait this long to take him in, your lying

>> No I assure you it's the truth; she had trouble tracking him down

> Edward calm down, it's what his grandmother wants

'-' no it's what you want isn't

^..^ ....

^..^~ so this is it.......I have to leave

>....... Mr. Richmond I think this is best for all of us

'-' no just you

>> I do too, now if you can sign these papers everything will be legalized

> can do *scritch scritch*

'-' why are you doing this...... he's my only friend he's.....he's like a brother to me...

^..^ E-ed.....

^..^~ no.....I shouldn't make this any harder....I'm sorry Edward

> *pause*....*scritch* there all done

>> Very good, now Kuro if you'll follow me to the car please

^..^ .........*looks at Edward*.....yes.....

'-' no.......Kuro don't go......with out you I'm back to being alone

> Oh come on Edward your young you can make friends at school!

'-' SHUT UP!!!!!

> E-Edward!! Don't speak to your mother like that, what's gotten into you?

'-' hmph... like you care

^..^ ....by Edward......

Me and Mr. Richmond walked out the door and to the car; I've never felt so sad and alone.......not since then. But I never had anything or anyone so I never knew what I was missing.......but now.....


^..^ *gasp* Edward! Where is he?


^..^ *looks up*

'-' CATCH!! *toss*

^..^ *catch* what is it?.....*gasp* the collar!

^..^~ I'll never forget you....not ever

Kuro got in the car and they drove off, I didn't know where they were going or where his grandmother lived. But I will find him....even if it takes me a life time. Since then me and my mom grew more distant day by day, I often cry at night into my pillow. My bed has never felt so cold and void of life, I miss his warmth. I miss how his tail would twitch and move while he slept. I miss his warm flesh.........like a kiss from the sun. His gentle smile, his sweet grin. I really do love him; I regret not showing him how much he means to me. I'm gonna move out really soon so I can start college, I picked one far away from my mom.........not far enough. My 21st birth day is coming up soon, like any one cares. The only person who would care is gone; hey his birth day is coming up too!! I should get him....that's right, he's gone. But I'll buy him a present any way, like something to remind me of him. Not like I'd ever forget him in the first place, I wonder what he looks like now? Well I better start packing up the few things I'm gonna be taking

> Edward dinners done

'-' I'm not hungry.....

> ....... why do you hate me so much? I've done everything for you

'-' yeah including making me loose my only friend, THANKS

> I did not make you loose anything

'-' BULLSHIT!! I heard you on the phone the next night, you had the chance to adopt him but you didn't, you money grubbing whore!! You only wanted the money for fostering him didn't you!!

> Ed-Edward!! You know that isn't true, I just...

'-' just what?? Didn't want me happy? Didn't want him with me? Didn't want me to turn gay?

> I'll talk to you when you calm down....

'-' what ever...always bothering me when I'm writing, where was I?

I'm only gonna take a few things with me, my father's give'n me some money and my mom too. To pay for my dorm fee's. I'm just happy I'm getting out of here.

'-' *grumble* nnnnn... she's lucky I'm hungry

I went down stares and ate, she tried to talk to me but I wasn't in the mood for more of her lies. I took a shower and crawled into bed, it felt as cold as ice. I felt like crying but the tears wouldn't come out, maybe I cried them all out the night before. Just one more day and then I can leave to start college

'-' *yawns* just....one.....more...day...

> Teeeep teeeep teeeep..... Teeeep teeeep teeeep

'-' .........nnnnnnnnnn *yawnnn*

> Teeeep teeeep tee*click*

'-' mmmmmm mmm it's so early.......... why do I get up so early? Well I gotta pack

> *knock knock* can I come in?

'-' I guess...

~ Why? To try and act like you care

> Well I just wanted you to have your money

'-' thank you

> Well have fun on your first day!

'-' I'll try, I gotta start packing now

> Oh yeah... well I guess you better get to it

It took about two hours to finish packing and boxing all of it up, and the calling to confirm my room was the worst. People can be so stupid. My dad pulled in the drive way, looks like it's time to go. He helped me pack my stuff into the car; he asked me why I looked so down. I told him because my closest friend was taken away from me. He really didn't seem to care like I expected, he always was an asshole. When we finally drove into the college parking lot I felt kinda free. My dad helped me unpack and put everything into my dorm room, it was small and I had to share it with someone. He wasn't in there though, I wonder where he was? I'd like to meet him at least once if we're going to share a room; I got there on Saturday so I had a day to relax after packing and unpacking. I decided to go for a walk around campus and the local stores, the stores were pretty close by. Good to know incase I get the munchies for something while studying at night. The small stores were all 24 hour, that was the best thing ever.

> Ring ring ring *beep*

'-' hello, Edward speaking

> Hey sweetie how is your day so far?

'-' ok I guess

> How was your father?

'-' I really don't care how he is

> Now Edward I know you don't mean that

'-' well then I guess your wrong

> Edward don't get an attitude with me

'-' why? After what you did to me and Kuro I think I need more of an attitude toward you


~ bitch.....

I walked around for a couple hours after that, it started getting dark so I walked back to the dorm room. The lights were off and I think my roommate was in his bed, I couldn't tell cuz it was so dark. I walked to my bed and stubbed my toe on one of my box's

'-' OUCH!!! Son of a!!!!

> .....You ok?

'-' huh??? Ohh yeah, just stubbed my toe on a box

> ....oh well that sucks

'-' yeah it duz! My names Edward by the way, what's yours?

> .... *zzzzzzzzz*

'-' .... Hello? Guess he fell asleep? *yawn* I'm tired too

I didn't unpack any blankets so I had to put on a hoodie to keep warm and role a coat up for a pillow. It was cold but not that cold, I dreamt of Kuro again. We were sitting in the woods talking drinking coffee but I don't drink coffee? I woke up to the sound of voices in the hall way and people running, it was kinda loud. I rolled over and saw that guy from last night was still in his bed sleeping, and I got curious as to who he was. So I crept over to his side of the room and started looking at his stuff.

> ....*mumble*.....*rolls over* *clink*

'-' *shock* what was that? *looks down* what's that? *picks it up* a red collar *gasp*..... Could it be!

> *yawn* ahhhhhhhh!! Where is it? *tosses covers off and searches around the bed* where is it? I cant loose it, not that..... Where is it *pats around the bed*

'-' Ku-Kuro.....

> *freeze* p-please don't hurt me...

'-' why would I hurt you Kuro, I've been looking for you all over the damn place!

^..^ *looks up* Edward!!!

'-' yeah it's really me! Long time no see eh.

^..^ *jumps up and hugs him* where have you been? *squeeze* I was so lonely without you there.

'-' I know how you feel, wait who's been hurting you?

^..^ ....... Just some guys who attend class's here

'-' What did they do?

^..^ It's ok you don't have to do anything Edward

'-'what did they do

^..^ W-well they throw things at me and a couple days ago two of them beat me up....

'-' Who? Do you know them? Do you remember there faces?

^..^ It's fine Edward... I took care of it

'-' what do you mean?

^..^ Well I had to learn to fight back cuz you weren't there, and my father was kinda...

'-' did he hit you

^..^ *nods* he didn't like me being gay, and he really didn't like when told him wasn't a wolf.

'-' Your dads a wolf anthro?

^..^ Yeah... but he duzn't act like a wolf, he brings home strange women every night . I thought wolves mate for life? ...... I do

'-' so he hit you because of that!!

^..^ Y-yeah so I called the cops on him, that's how I fight back

'-' Kuro.....that's so sad *sits on the bed next to him*

^..^ I see you still have that crescent shaped scar on your face

'-' yeah, it reminds me of you so I like it!

^..^ *touches it* it's so smooth

'-' that tickles!

^..^ So have you been with any one...

'-' what do you mean?

^..^ You know like sexually?

'-' ohh n-no, I was waiting until I found you again

^..^ Me too... soooo

'-' I hate awkward silences too! Oh I have a present for you!

^..^ f-for what?

'-' remember our birth days are coming up soon! So I got this for you *digs through on of his box's* here it is!

^..^ What is it? I feel bad I didn't get you anything

'-' it's ok, close your eyes!

^..^ *closes eyes*

'-' Hold your hands out!

^..^ Ok *holds hands out* *jingle*

^..^ *opens eyes* *gasp* a new collar!

'-' Yeah it's bigger and I added a lucky charm to it, I didn't think it worked till now!

^..^ *looking intently at the collar* you still thought of me this whole time, like this.

'-' Yeah, I had every intention of finding you again. You never left my mind this whole time Kuro.

^..^ You haven't left mine either but after so long I thought that you did

'-' Never Kuro, you mean to much to me. *sits on the bed*

^..^ do.... Do you ever think that night?

'-' You mean the night we first y-yeah

^..^ m-me too, my father told me that oral isn't counted as sex though. Do you think that too?

'-' Well now that you mention it.... I guess not, I mean I think you have to be penetrated in order for it to be counted as sex.

^..^ So in other words we're both still virgins, and in this room alone

'-' Kuro what are you saying? Do you want to *heart beats faster*

^..^ Only if you want too *kneels down between Edwards legs*

'-' I-I want you too

^..^ *unzips pants and pulls them down* are you sure

'-' *nods* like you can't see for yourself

^..^ *giggle* yeah I can see how ready you are! *slides boxers down slowly* here I go *slowly takes Edward in his mouth*

'-' Ohhhh g-gawd *blushes and closes eyes*

~ I-is this really happening?

^..^ *suck suck suck suck* ......I want you inside of me....

'-' Uh-ohhhh *huff* w-what?!!!!!

^..^ I can't take it any more. I-I want you inside of me

'-' If you really want too

~ h-he wants me inside of him....

^..^ *takes pants and boxers off* I've been waiting for this day for so long *crawls on the bed and gets on all fours*

'-' *thump thump thump* me too

~ My heart is pounding so fast

^..^ I can't take it any more; I need you inside of me

'-' *gets positioned behind Kuro* ar-are you ready?

^..^ *lifts tail up*

~ That little gesture was all I needed; I knew in that moment that he was ready

I grabbed myself and positioned the head right on his tail hole; I pushed in firmly but gently. I slid in slowly, the feeling was incredible. I was half way inside of him

^..^ H-harder Edward

'-' Ar-are you sure?

^..^ Yes, thrust yourself all the way in!

'-' O-ok *thrust* ahhh! Ar-are you ok Kuro *huff huff*

^..^ *bites lip* mmmmmm mmhmm!

I could myself reaching my limit; I grabbed his hips and pulled him closer to me. I continued thrusting into him faster, he started to clench down on me. I couldn't take it any more it was too much I erupted inside of him.

'-' Gahhh uhhhhh *collapses on Kuro's back panting*

^..^ OHHH GAWD! *huff huff*

'-' d-do you mind that I came inside of you? *huff huff*

^..^ No, I wanted you too

'-' can I do you now?

^..^ WH-what do you mean

'-' well I got off but you didn't.... and I really wanna suck you off

^..^ G-go ahead *rolls over and lays on his back*

'-' are you ready!

^..^ Y-yes

I lowered myself and was about to suck on him. I had his hard warm dick in my hand, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time.

> Vrrrrrrrmmm rinnnng vrrrrrrrmmm rinnnng vrrrrrrrmmm

'-' .....Nnnnn *sighs*

~ It was just a dream... *looks over at his room mate*

> dude you all right over there! That must have been one hell of a dream! I could hear you moaning all the way over here!

'-' yeah I did, I wish it wasn't a dream though....

~ Where are you Kuro?

I started my first day after that, I couldn't focus at all. I kept looking for Kuro every where I went, I didn't see him any where but I did see a lot of furs and anthros though. I was happy to see so many attending college here, and no one was bothering them from what I could tell. And it was like that for the first couple weeks, I really didn't talk to anyone there. I was sad cuz I still had no idea where Kuro was.

~ walking to the cafeteria* where would he be? And how could I look for him? I only know his first name and his age

<..> P-please leave me alone...

> No way, we want your kind to leave this college right now

>> Yeah so you and your beasty friends should leave

>>> Now scurry along and go tell the rest of your woodland friends

>>>> Hahahahaha woodland friends!

<..> I'I don't have any friends, and I didn't choose to be like this.... I was born this way

>> Awwww look it's gonna start crying!

I heard a bunch of commotion in the hall way, they kind I really can't stand. I rounded the corner and saw three guys messing with a little fox. I marched right in with out hesitation

'-' why duz this shit never change? Why is it that in this day an age people still get hated and harassed purely on the basis of them looking different, can anyone tell me that? Clearly college guys such as yourselves should be able to provide a substantial answer, I'd love to hear it *walks right up and stands by the fox*





'-' I'll take your silence as a "no" I thought so. That's why your bully's because you have no answer. You have no reason to mess with this boy, he's done nothing wrong. He's the same as you and I scratch that we have more brains then you four

<..> *giggles*

> You can't talk to us that way

>> Yeah

>>> I think this little beasty and beasty lover need to be taught a lesson!

>>>> Yeah in life

'-' umm no thank you, if I had one of your lessons I'd be just as brain dead as you four. So this is how it's gonna work listen close cuz I'm not gonna say it twice. You will not mess with any furs or anthros or their friends, if you have a problem with them stay away from them. How is attacking someone who didn't do anything wrong just? How do you even begin to justify what you four brain dead jocks do is ok? I am interested in your answer and I swear if any of you say "because we can" my heads gonna blow up





'-' I knew it! Gawd you four are easy to read, you're like a children's book! Big colorful pictures and all, ok you're giving me a headache. I can only be around stupid for so long

<..> *giggles*

> Lets kick his ass first then the beasty for laughing at us

>> I'm all for it

>>> I'm sick of his attitude

>>>> Fuck'n beasty lover

'-' oh my gawd, did I not just say to leave him alone? I'm pretty sure I said that, ok here's one more lesson for you guys so listen up. Why do colleges have armed security guards almost every where? And why do some colleges go so far as to make their students walk through metal detectors before entering the main building? Ok those are more like questions but do you see where I'm go'n with it, you prolly don't cuz you all have the I.Q of a grape fruit. They have all of that to prevent people from bringing in knives and guns, mostly guns. So what do you think would happen if I took this fox's brown paper bag, filled it with air yelled gun and popped it! *takes the bag* actually I think the noise alone would be enough to bring every security guard who could hear it! So who wants to play with me *blows into the bag*

> *group hesitation* y-you wouldn't do that

'-' ohhhh I would! Because I'm mad as hell and I'm gonna prove my point any damn way I can, so I'll tell you all again. Leave furs anthros and the people who like them alone from this day forward, spread the word to the rest of the grape fruits while you're at it.


'-' *sighs* I grow tired of this, it's like talking to a fuck'n a wall


> FUCK he did it, run!

'-' *grabs the foxes hand* come on we need to leave this area too

<..> O-ok

We ran to the bathroom

<..> W-why did you do that?

'-' were you not listening to what I was saying?

<..> S-sorry

'-' no it's ok I'm just pissed that this shit still happens, and in a college of all places. A place where people go to better themselves a place where people of all races and walks of life go to study together.

<..> Your so passionate about this, I wish I was strong like that. Maybe they wouldn't pick on me as much

'-' I'm sorry but they'd still pick on you, sad but true

<..> Why?

'-' because your cute and small, an easy target

<..> I-I'm not gay

'-' I'm taken, and I wouldn't care if you were gay. There's nothing wrong with that either.

<..> Your so cool

'-' nah I just treat people the way they should be treated, I don't care how they look or who they love. And I won't stop defending their right to do so.

<..> can I help in any way?

'-' hmmmm I think you can!

<..> How! *wags*

'-' do you have any friends? Any family that's like you here?

<..> No friends but my older brother is here, why?

'-' because little one there is strength in numbers, bring all the friends you can make and your brother and his friends and so on to dorm 201.

<..> Ok I'll do it!

'-' is that gum on your tail?

<..> Y-yeah.... Those guys spit it on me when I tried to walk away and ignore them.

'-' *sighs* come here little one, I'll get it out for you

<..> I really don't let people touch my tail

'-' its ok, your safe with me. I'm not gonna rape you or feel you up, it bothers me that they did that to you.

<..> *walks over and turns around*

'-' *tug* it's really stuck in your fur, it would hurt if I pulled if it off. Do you have any scissors?

<..> Y-yes...

'-' don't worry I'll save as much fur as I can, I know how scarring this whole thing can be. I mean so quite literally I have a scar on my cheek. *snnnnp snnnnp snip* that's all of it.

<..> You do? *looks at his face* I'm sorry

'-' its ok it's old news.

<..> It looks like a crescent moon, it's kinda cool

'-' well you go gather up your friends little one so we can get this plan started!

<..> My names jack, and I don't have any friends

'-' I'm your friend jack! I'll watch you go in case those guys come back

After jack left I went back to my dorm and waited, I did some work and wrote in my book a little. I asked my room mate what he thought about furs and anthros; he didn't really care too much either way. I guess it's better than him hating them, I wonder if jacks ok? Did he make it back safely?

> knock knock knock

'-'I'll get it *opens the door* hello

<..> H-high

'-' hey jack!

<..> I brought all the people I could

'-' that's awesome! Thank you so much, how many? *looks out in the hall way*

<..> About 20

'-' DAMN!!

<..> is that ok?

'-' more than ok! I was only expecting like 10 to 15!

<..> I'm glad your happy

'-' your awesome jack *ruffles jacks head* ok looks like we should take this outside

<..> hey *wags*

We all walked through the hall to the front entrance, everyone was watching us. My plan was already in motion, we walked out the front doors and sat around by the fountain.

'-' hello everyone my names Edward

> *group* hello Edward

>> So what's the point of this crap?

<..> shut up and listen, he's the one who stood up for me. So don't treat him bad or you can leave

~ damn jack! Looks like you found your courage

'-' I'm here to help all of you, just hear me out that's all I ask. If you don't like what I have to say you can leave at any time.

^^ how are you gonna help us?

'-' the same way I helped jack but I need all of you for this too work. I know how mean some people can be

> Some, ha!

'-' I know.... I am truly sorry for the unfair treatment that most everyone shows you. And the few friends you have. I've seen this first hand and experienced it, this scar on my face is what I got for defending someone who is very close to me. And I know a large portion of you have been harassed and beaten up for absolutely nothing. Something as mundane as walking down the street or play'n outside. This has to stop now! Raise your hand if anything I just said has happened to you

> *hand raising*

'-' so all of you know how unfair and stupid and utterly ridiculous it is. Now let ask, who is with me?

<..> Me hands down

>>> But what can you do?

>> Yeah what she said

<..> He's getting to it

'-' those are very good questions, and in truth I can't do anything if all of you choose not to help and trust me. So who here trusts me?

<..> With my tail

> *group* we all do

'-' good! Now for the plan, it most likely won't be that easy. I can't be there for all of you all of the time but I will do what I can for you. The first rule of this plan is never go anywhere by yourself. When you are alone you are a target, bully's won't think twice about attacking you when your by yourself. Rule number two always stand your ground, never back down . If you faultier for one moment it's over. Rule number three always carry a brown paper bag with you at all times, this go's with rule number four. Rule number four you must all memorize this line "Why do colleges have armed security guards almost every where? And why do some colleges go so far as to make their students walk through metal detectors before entering the main building? Ok those are more like questions but do you see where I'm go'n with it, you prolly don't cuz you all have the I.Q of a grape fruit. They have all of that to prevent people from bringing in knives and guns, mostly guns. So what do you think would happen if I took this brown paper bad filled it with air yelled gun and popped it! This works, and if they don't run any security guards in the area will show up.

> Duz that really work?

>> It sounds made up

<..> No it works! He did when I was be'n picked on. I thought it was dumb too but I was amazed.

'-' it's true, now the goal of this is too get all the furs and the anthros to unite in this action. There is strength in numbers! If you out number the bully's they won't fuck with you! And if you are alone you have too out smart them, hence the bag. You can all trust me, I'm on your side. Now it's getting late and we all have work to do but if you could please bring all of your friends here tomorrow and their friend's friends and so on we can move this along faster. First the college then the world my friends!

This went on for a couple months, I was suppressed at how many of them kept showing up day after day. I started see'n groups of them go'n everywhere together, bathrooms and to class. It made me feel really good, I was hoping Kuro was gonna show up to one of my little group meetings but he never did. Me and jack have been hanging out more, he really didn't have any friends poor guy. And he's so short and soft spoken, he's 25 too. I thought he was younger at least my age but he's older. He comes over to hang out a lot, I don't mind. He reminds me of kuro, he said he has a boyfriend. But he duzn't want anyone to know so I keep it to myself. It's fall now so my group meetings have been small and short, I have more free time now though. I've been asking my room mate for help on some subjects but he's not too good at it.

'-' I really don't get this, do you know?

> lemme see *picks up the book* hmmmm I'm stuck on this too

'-' *sighs* I'm go'n for a walk I can't focus on this right now

> o-ok

I left the college and headed for the little stores, I had another dream about kuro last night. He's all I can think about, I can't even focus on my school work. and it seems like I'll never find him. I miss him so much, and the dreams aren't helping. I never get to make kuro cum, why is that? I always do but when I'm about to suck on him I wake up. I walked into the store and looked at the wide selection of junk food

~ I want something sweet and crunchy and something salty, oooo but Pringles are always good! Honey mustard score!

I walked over to the drinks and grabbed some tea's, I walked up to the counter to buy it but no one was there. So I set it up there and dug in my pocket for my wallet

^..^ Edward.... Is it really you!!!

'-' *shock* ku-kuro *looks up* it is you!!!

^..^ oh my god! I thought I'd never see you again!

'-' me too! I've been looking everywhere I could for you

> Evans get back to work please

^..^ oh sorry about that, I'll talk to you later ok

'-' what time do you get off? I attend the college here

^..^ you do! In about half an hour

'-' I'll be waiting!

I walked outside and sat on a bench , is this another dream? I don't think so cuz my room mate was in it. When kuro finally came out I had finished the chips and the tea, I was so nervouse. He looked so sexy now, his tail was very fluffy I wonder if his ears were that fluffy too.

^..^ it's kinda cold out, wanna come back to my place? It's not too far

'-' sure! How have you been kuro? It's been 8 years since I've seen you

^..^ good I guess, you got tall Edward!

^..^~ and sexy

'-' thank you, you look good yourself too

~ gawd I missed my chance again

^..^ *blush, wag* that's a lie, I look like crap!

'-' what do you mean?

^..^ I'm still in my work uniform and my fur looks like crap. It's all hat heady

'-' pshht I see nothing wrong, you always looked good

^..^ *wag* well I'm glad you like my messy look!

'-' would you mind if I asked a personal question?

^..^ not at all

'-' are you still a virgin?

^..^ that is a tad bit personal

'-' sorry

^..^ no it's fine! Yes I am, it's been hard though.

'-' hard how?

^..^ well when my friends started finding out I was gay some of them kept trying to get into my pants, and when they found out I was mostly a bottom they really came on heavy. Soon I had furs anthros and guys try'n to get into my pants left and right, I couldn't go any where. It's still like that now and the fact I'm still a virgin only makes them want my tail hole more. I'm sick of it, sex is something special ya'know?

'-' yes I do know, I'm still a virgin too and I'd like my first time to be with y...

^..^ go on! *ears perk up*

'-' nothing *looks away*

^..^ Edward I know what your going to say, and I'd want my first time to be with you too

'-' i-I never said that *looks away*

^..^ *gives him a hug* you didn't have too, I already knew. Why else would you tell me you were looking all over for me, then agree to come over to my house

'-' your so warm, I forgot how warm you were. It's nice

^..^ I'm warmer on the inside *gropes his crotch*

'-' *gasp!* kuro!

~ shit, I'm get'n hard!

^..^ look how red you are! Well I know I have your attention now, I don't think I can hold out any more. I'm about to crack.

'-' w-what are you say'n?

^..^ I'm say'n I can't last, my house is too far away. I need you now Edward.

'-' r-right now!!! Were in the open!

^..^ the park over there has bathrooms and at this hour is empty!

^..^~ he's hooked now!

'-' if you want me too kuro I'm yours

he grabbed my hand and ran to the park, we looked around first then opened snuck in the bathroom. My heart was pounding in my chest, if this is a dream I'm gonna be so pissed. I grabbed his waist and undid his pants

^..^ a little fast there! You could slow down a little

'-' I can't, this day is the only thing that I've been thinking about.

His pants fell to the floor, I grabbed his boxers and pulled them down.

^..^ really, I'm sorry if you don't like the way it looks

'-' yes, I've been having dreams almost every night. And you look fine

^..^ *BLUSH* a-about what?

'-' me sucking the shit out of your uncut cock!

^..^ r-really OHH GAWD!!!!

'-' *SUCK suckle suckle SUCK*

~ I've had way to many dreams where it ended before I could do this, so I'm gonna do it now!

^..^ *GASP* e-edward s-slo-OHHH down *pant pant* I'm not gonna last long a-at all

'-' *SUCK SUCK SUCK slides around his cock, suckle suckle*

~ no, we can go slow later. I want you to cum in my mouth!

^..^ *breathing heavily* sh-shit Edward! OHHHH GAWWD *knees buckle* i-I can't take it any more!

I grabbed his hips and buried his uncut cock as far down my throat as I could, he moaned loudly as he erupted down my throat. He collapsed on the floor panting, I sucked on him until he softned up. His legs would twitch everytime I sucked on his head. I can't wait to get all of him! Everything seems perfect now, my life is complete! I should call my mom and tell her I found him!