Teaching Brother A Lesson Pt 3

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#3 of Teaching Brother A Lesson

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .



For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.


  • Welcome to part three folks! This story is commissioned by Solerum who's been wonderful enough to let me share it with everyone. Give him some props folks. Comments are welcome, please be nice to each other please. Fav if you like it, comment if you love it, paw if you adored it!

Kat wasn't sure what she could do, should do. She wrapped her light outer jacket around her arm from where Dan had bitten her and put her hand down to pressure on it. It wasn't very deep, it was just a shallow four inch long gash on her arm, but the idea that Dan had done it was the disturbing one. She swallowed a little bit and drew in a breath before shivering it back out again. She just had to get a hold of Grandma Sophie and then things would be alright. They'd get sorted out. Dan continued to glare at her from where she was tied to Jackson, her legs splayed out to balance the way the knot was shoved and locked inside of her.

"Alright, Dad, alright. I know! I'm sorry, I forgot!" Lisa was babbling on the cell phone a little ways away. From the sound of it Officer Marchel wasn't feeling too happy with his daughter. "Dad, I mean it! I didn't think to say anything, Jackson's always really well behaved.."

"Dan, I'm sorry, alright? I'm gonna fix this, just-" She started to say before the teeth snapped out again towards her hand and she pulled back just in time to avoid another slash on her arm. "DAN! Stop that, you gotta calm down." A snarl was her only answer and she watched the fur on the shoulders start to bristle.

"Dad, I promise I didn't know! You never said anything! How was I supposed to-" She could hear the conversation coming just a bit closer and Dan's head jerked to the side to stare at Lisa and then coldly back to her sister.

"Dan I didn't say anything, alright? I'm not like you, I'm not gonna ruin your life-" She almost got the words out when there was a snarl and lunge that ended in a sharp yelping cry as the former human boy yanked on the knot too hard. She stopped her rush to try and bite her sister's leg and pushed back again while Jackson gave a baritone growl of warning.

"Hey, Hey Kat!" Lisa called towards her so that she was forced to stand up and turn to the younger girl. "Dad wants to know if you are going to take Misha home?"

"Umm, why wouldn't I? Just because of this, I'm not going to toss her in the pound." Kat let a bit of outrage in her voice and watched the girl cover the mouth piece of the phone and flush.

"No I mean-" She shook her head, "Sorry I'm kinda flustered. What I mean is do you need to take her home? Dad said Jackson got retired from the police because he's too aggressive around females in heat, he wants to take Misha to the station's vets in the morning."

"I.." Kat looked down at Dan's angry glaring eyes before back up towards Lisa, "I dunno, Misha's not that well trained. I don't want you to have a lot of problems with her..."

"It's okay, it's the least we can do! I didn't tell you Jackson wasn't fixed after all. Maybe dad can work with her tonight and get her started on her training. He's been training dogs for the force for almost ten years." The relief that welled out of that voice made her feel slightly ashamed. Lisa was falling all over herself to make things right it seemed. She looked down at the snarling Dan and swallowed, she couldn't deal with Dan like this. Hell the only reason the dog hadn't done more damage was because she was tied to Jackson. She needed to figure out what to do, and until then at least the dog would be in good hands...

"Yeah, you can. She's acting up right now and I'd feel better knowing she's being well taken care of." Kat nodded her head in agreement to watch Lisa go right back to her phone call with her Dad.

Kat leaned down closer towards Dan and watched those angry eyes glaring at her. Her eyes flickered down to see the knot that had forced her folds to stretch open wide and made the loins look puffed out. She couldn't even imagine how large the shepherd's knot was and even as she had that thought she found out. Jackson pulled forward while Dan let out a shrill yelp. She watched the dark folds stretch open wider as a slash of red was visible. Inch by slow inch was birthed out of the passage until the entire girth pulled out in a dribbling of watery semen that ran down along the hind legs. She swallowed and licked her dry lips a little bit.

"Dan, just behave while I sort this out!" She got the words out in a harsh hissing sound before standing up. Lisa rushed and got a lead clipped on Jacksons harness while the large dog tried to turn and strained to lick at the mons he had just bred.

"No Jackson, no!" Her voice was firm and the dog seemed to once again remember his manners as he sat down. The crimson-violet girth bobbed under him and started to pull back into its sheath again while Dan cringed and tucked her tail between her legs. "Alright, I'm gonna take her home with me then. I'll call you in the morning and let you know what the vet says, Dad said he'd pay for it all. M-Maybe Dan could come and get her for you if you're busy?"

"Oh, yeah I'll ask him. Lisa, thanks. I'll have to tell my parents what happened, maybe she won't have puppies.." Kat said, doubt heavy in her voice though.

She made sure Dan was on a leash, thankful that the large canine didn't snap at her again or try to do more damage. She turned over the lead to Lisa who seemed to have her own dog under control by this point. They chatted softly for a few more minutes before she gave a wave and started on home. She tried not to peer back at the girl walking two large shepherd's along, the male kept trying to crowd against the smaller ones side. At least Lisa was able to stop that. And she had just enough magic to hold the illusion of a full dog over her brother's body. Now for the worst part...to call her Grandmother.


Dan kept her tail down along her hind legs so that her folds were completely covered from the air around her. She could still taste Kat's blood on her teeth and tried to spit it out as she walked. Kat deserved it, she deserved everything that happened to her! How dare she do this to him!? Lisa seemed to keep a harder grip on the leash then Kat did, her body walked in close against the girls legs. She was finally alone with her crush and this was how it was. She didn't know she as really Dan and instead of being male and clothed, she was a female dog, naked, with her crush's dog's seed rolling down her thighs.

"C'mon girl, here we are." She pulled at the leash firmly as they turned up the drive way of a rather nice looking home. The sharp scent of male dog was all over the place! "Good Misha!"

Dan let her ears fall back at that praise and drug her paws on the ground as they went up the walk way. She was careful not to look at Jackson. Despite having just bred her, the dog he kept leaning against Lisa's legs and trying to snap his jaws towards her. The scent of him pricked her nostrils, not just form the male himself, but from the fact she was covered in his smell! She was grateful when Lisa unlatched the gate to the backyard and let the dog slip through the fence before securing it.

"There ya go, girl, he won't bug you anymore." She rubbed along Dan's ears so that she wanted to push into that gentle touch. Her long muzzle leaned in to snuffle and draw in the warmth of the girls scent. "Let's get you cleaned up okay?"

She padded in behind Lisa with her tail still dropped low, she'd felt dirty since Patrick had used her. Now it was just worse. She didn't even think about what it meant, all she knew is that she wanted to be clean again. Maybe stop smelling like a used dog. She padded after the girl with her head down and followed the pulls of her leash all the way towards the tiled bathroom. She heard her blunt claws clicking on the ground all the way into it before she realized what her school mate had meant. She froze as the door closed and the warm water was turned on to splash into the tub. Lisa was going to give her a bath!

She whined and twisted around to rear up and try to grip a hold of the door knob. The short stubby fingers that she now had couldn't quite get a grip on it to turn it around. Laughter was heard behind her and nimble fingers unclicked the lead from the collar. Oh god, she didn't want to be bathed like this! This was worse than simply humiliating, this was devastating! She tries to claw at the door frantically as Lisa's hand gripped against the collar and gave it a tug backwards forcing her to strain against the hold. The collar bit against her neck so that she wheezed for a moment and dropped back down.

"Easy girl, it's just a bath, you'll be fine." The girl grinned a little and a hand slipped under her furred belly and heaved her upwards towards the tub.

Dan flailed helplessly in the air for a moment before she was dropped down in the rising water. The wetness came up along her ankles as for a moment she scrabbled against the too slick bottom of the bath tub making water splash around the edges. Lisa laughed playfully and helped her stand before she leaned up to pull down the shower head. Her ears went down and she looked at her crush with heart-rendingly sad eyes. "Oh don't give me those puppy eyes, you smell!" Dan felt her ears darken and burn at that, "Don't worry you'll get nice and clean."

The water was switched to the shower head Lisa held and Dan was soon being sprayed down under the assault. It splattered against her back and sides and started to trickle down and into the fur so that it was weighed down. To her horror she heard herself whining, almost keening under her breath in her distress. The girl paid no attention to her distress, instead she worked on spraying along her sides and then under her chest. The room started to reek like with wet dog smell that even made her wrinkle her nose back. That smell was coming from her? It was horrible and a humiliating reminder that she really was a dog.

Lisa put down the shower head and lathered up her hands with a sweet smelling shampoo, just acrid enough for her to realize that it was designed to keep fleas off her. Flea shampoo? Ugh! The hands moved and started to work against her coat, massaging and ruffling up her thick fur as she was lathered up. Despite the humiliation of having a girl she'd often day dreamed about in quite erotic teenage fantasies working her fur and massaging her sides. For a moment she was glad she wasn't male, it was the most contact she'd ever had with any girl!

The girls fingers moved against her chest as more and more soap was smoothed through her coat and underneath of it to the skin. She found herself pushing into the touches and her long red tongue lolled out as she began to pant shallowly. The fingers ran over her chest and she felt a tremor run through her as the soap was lathered up right along either side of her rib cage and caught against the small formed nubs of her nipples there. She whined out harder and gave a push backwards at the sudden sensation of her body growing wet and aroused. Instead of being able to back up she was being held firmly in place by her collar.

She franticly looked at Lisa's face as the girl didn't even seem to know what she was doing! She just kept up the firm rubs back and forth starting to clean down her stomach. The nipples that lined either side were being pulled and rubbed just by accident! Her lower belly warmed up as she realized her struggle backwards had kicked up enough water to wet down Lisa's light tan shirt so that the darkened material clung against her firm round breasts. The nipples were perked and she vividly imagined her lips wrapped around one and suckling the wetness free of the material. But she couldn't, she didn't even have a human's lips. All she had were dark thin canine lips.

Dan pushed her muzzle forward in an attempt to rub herself against those soft breasts, she couldn't seem to help herself. She heard and felt Lisa's chest vibrate with laughter but she didn't push the head away. Her hands had started to work against her lower belly and pushed upwards to start in on her hind legs. It was here the fingers worked harder where Jackson's cum had managed to make her fur tacky and sent Dan to arching her back a little bit. It felt good, her fingers were so gentle as they stroked and lathered up the fur so it was slick and slippery. The canine muzzle rubbed against the breasts gently, breathing in the sweet female scent beneath her own wet dog smell.

The dog almost cried out with shock as the fingers lathered upwards almost against her folds and purposefully shifted her hips so that they grazed against her sore and now aroused mound. She pushed herself again as the fingers pulled away, frustratingly trying to not touch the bare heated skin of her swollen canine sex. Her head pushed harder against the breasts and she tried to rub her cheek against them, feeling how the soft mounds dimpled in against her cheek. Part of her was horrified at her own actions, was she so desperate? That part was too small to control her as the fingers dropped away from her sex and she wanted to cry. She could feel the wetness beading against the crease of her cunny.

She wasn't left wanting for long, instead of those gentle long fingers an old rag was wet down and Lisa's breasts moved away as the girl stood up. Gently she started to wash over Dan's mound so that she felt each of the fibers move over the swollen flesh as she cleaned. The soap lathered and cleaned away the last of Jacksons cum, and started to rouse the nerves up even more. She felt her tail swing to the side to expose herself completely to the attention of each stroke of the cloth against her. The movements start to push her folds apart as her classmate seems bent on trying to get the last from her earlier rape.

It was torture, the worst sort, since she loved it. Her legs spread and as the soft rag worked the lather up she felt herself growing horribly closer to climaxing. The moment it stopped and Lisa put on more soap she found herself whimpering under her breath and closing her eyes tightly before that wonderful sensation came back. Her folds were slick and smooth under the touch, growing even more slippery as she started to grow closer to her peak. It wasn't like Jackson or her brother, it was wonderful and made her want to push back against the touch and give herself over to it. Beneath it all was a sense of humiliation that she was going to unknowingly cum right at her crushes fingers and touch.

Before she could reach that pleasurable height the rag moved away from her folds completely and she heard Lisa's soft laughter above her, "Alright then, alright. We're done, just gotta wash you off, Misha. Geez, not even Jackson whines that much when it's bath time!" The soft accented voice was like a splash of cold water. No, she didn't want the girl to stop! She wanted to cum, she felt her belly tight, so close to actually having release. She whined again in a higher pitch, almost keening out in a pleading cry for the school girl to go back to working against her mound. The girl couldn't understand her and just picked up the shower head again.

The sudden blast of warm water against her plumped and now highly sensitive outer lips so that she cried out and scrambled to get away from it. To her embarrassment Lisa was ready for it and gripped more firmly around her collar to keep her in place. The spray splattered over her under tail and then started to move up and sprayed over the curve of her sides and along her chest. The water and suds that fell down from her fur seemed slightly grey from the grime that had been worked out from her fur. She dropped her head down and whined under her breath the entire time that the water splashed against her sides and dribbled downwards towards the bottom of the tub. Silently she cursed Kat for ever having been born.


Kat ran up the steps and into the house with barely a greeting to her parents. Her mother had gone to stop her but she had laughed and told her she had to do some homework for Monday. She didn't really know what to say to her parents right now. At least they hadn't asked after Dan or the fact her light jacket was wrapped around her arm. The first thing she did was peel off the jacket and go to the bathroom to tend the light scrape over her forearm. She winced as she peeled the coat back and ran some cool water over it to clean it off. She was pretty sure it wouldn't need any real tending except maybe a bandage or two.

By the time she came back to her room with her arm snugged under a white bandage she was feeling dread in the pit of her stomach. She had to call her Grandmother, she really didn't want too. She couldn't imagine what she'd have to say about this entire matter. She sat down on the edge of the bed and just stared at the phone as she rocked slightly back and forth. Could she still fix this? The lingering feel of exhaustion and the steady drain as she used the last of her magic to keep up Dan's illusion of being a full dog. She finally bit her lip and picked up the phone and tapped out their grandmother's number and steeled herself.

"Hello?" After just two rings Grandma Sophia answered and she felt like a child again. She wanted to hide what she'd done.

"Hey grandma, it's Kat."

"Kat, dear, I thought you'd be calling me." Grandma sounded pleased and for a moment she thought maybe she already knew what had been done. "I didn't think you'd wait for me to come visit again before having questions."

"Oh, right. Yeah I had a few, I wanted to know how much power I had." She swallowed a little, "I mean there's gotta be a limit right?"

"There is, Kat, you'll get better with time, but at first you'll quickly run out because you're not used to using it." She opened her mouth again but her grandmother continued on. "I'm sure you're already finding that out. All youngsters do. "

"Well, yeah. I think I kind of over spent myself." She closed her eyes and silently prayed that Sophie wouldn't ask doing what.

"Understandable. It'll take a few weeks for it to revive itself again I'm afraid, but it will, don't worry, child." The older woman's voice sounded rich with amusement.

"Weeks?!" She felt her stomach turn over, she wouldn't be able to turn Dan back for weeks?

"I know when you're young that seems like forever, but it will simply fly by. Don't sound so disappointed, a few days ago you didn't even realize you could use magic!"

"I guess. I also wanted to ask about the rules about using it. " She felt her tongue go dry, "I mean if you did something wrong, are there rules about it?"

"Of course there are, but I hardly think you'd go around causing too much trouble. Some mischief won't hurt anything." The dismissal in her grandmother's voice almost stopped her from asking what came to her mind next. Had what she done just been mischief? She didn't think so..

"Well just in case, I mean I'd want to know what the rules were."

"There's no real set of rules. The only ones there are not to harm anyone purposefully." Kat closed her eyes, and bit her lip a little bit. She hadn't really harmed Dan, she'd just been teaching him a lesson!

"Well what would happen? Are there like police or something?"

"Not at all, magic has a way of coming back at people who use it wrongly. It sets about to balance what's been done to harm the other person and that's that. It's completely unbiased so it can't be abused or swerved by lies or pretty words like lawyers bandy about." Her grandmother sniffed a bit, "A fine way of dealing with it as I see things."

Kat wanted to drop the phone. She hadn't meant to do anything wrong or hurt Dan. Didn't' that matter at all? Or would it still be seen as abusing her power. If so, how in the world would magic punish her for changing her brother and possibly impregnating him? She barely was able to continue the conversation as she tried to act normal for her grandmother. A new worry on top of what she'd already brought on her plate.


Dan curled herself up in the living room miserably on an old towel as she dried. She wanted to use her tongue to relieve herself but Lisa wouldn't leave. The very idea of starting to lick herself in front of someone she'd wanted to date and sleep with since the beginning of the school year was too much even for her. She just stared up at the girl with martyred eyes as she worked on a book report until she heard her father's footsteps on the front porch. She looked up as the door opened and the salt and pepper haired man walked into the room. The dog swallowed a little as this was the first time she'd seen Lisa's father.

The man stood well past six feet tall and was built like a brick wall. His uniform strained over his chest and she had a sinking feeling it wasn't with fat. The man was impressive and suddenly she was almost grateful she was a dog rather than someone that had come to take his daughter out on a date. She sat up while they talked over her head and she sniffed the air a little. Sweat, strange dog smell, some sort of aftershave. Nothing too odd. Wait? Dog smell? She realized what that meant too late as a large showy Doberman pinscher came in beside his master and wagged his stub tail back and forth.

"Dad! Remember, Misha's here!" Lisa came to her swift defense at least even as the dogs nose had started to twitch at the scent of bitch on the air.

"Captain!" The voice was deep, almost painfully deep, like a bass growl. The pinscher dropped down on his haunches, but his eyes didn't stray from Dan who crouched further towards the old blankets she was laying on. "Don't worry, sweety, Captain won't bother her. Just don't leave them alone together. We'll let her stay in your room tonight so she's not getting picked on."

Dan let out a sigh of relief that was broken off when the man walked towards him and crouched down on the tips of his feet next to her side. She wanted to shrink away, some part of her afraid that he'd know what had happened in the bathroom. But the man just moved the hand down to start rubbing against the back of her ears and along the thick fur of her neck. His fingers felt slightly rough and firmer then Lisa's had ever been and she tried to squirm out from under it with a sneeze. The scent of male dog lingered heavily on him and it made her want to wrinkle her nose backwards. Twin desires warred in her, wanting to both suck in the scents of male dog and sneeze them out again.

"Well, sweety, why don't you start on dinner and I'll take some time and see what she's been trained to do. Has she seemed to be in any pain since you got her home? Hurt at all?" The hand followed her movements backwards and gripped her scruff to pull back and forth lightly. It almost felt good.

"No, I gave her a bath though and she seemed to hate that worse then even Jackson does. She never stopped whining." Dan folded her ears back at that, she wasn't whining in protest of the bath really. A flush rushed to her ears and she felt the large hand grip her collar as the officer stood up with a tug.

"Well she's probably fine then, but we'll have the Doc give her a good look over in the morning and make sure. For now, I'd better see how unruly she is. Your friend doesn't need a dog that's not been trained not to bite. German Shepherds can be aggressive if they're not trained properly."

"Okay, Dad, I'll have dinner ready in an hour or so. Go on, Misha, go with Daddy. He's got treats!" Lisa crooned the words down towards the changed Dan so that she flattened her ears and followed the tugging hand on her collar.

Lisa's father pulled her off towards what looked like a large rec room and her nose picked up the thicker scents of male dogs. She spotted the pair of cages in the corner and could only assume that that was where Jackson and Captain were kept at night or perhaps just when people weren't home. The thought of the dogs made her turn her head around to look for the other male, but didn't see him following behind her. Well that was a relief. She looked up at the sound of buckles and metal and watched as the officer pulled his heavy belt off and placed it over the back of the couch.

"Come, Misha. Come." The words were firm and she flattened her ears and padded towards him. Being told to come wasn't that bad at least. As she arrived at his legs there was a sudden loud click that made her jerk in shock and crane her head backwards. The man held a clicker in one hand that were often used to train animals and right after he'd made the sound he held out a small round treat. She twitched her nose at the scent of it and drooled slightly, how long had it been since she'd eaten? She took the treat delicately, her teeth tugging and then snapping it up so that she could taste the slightly sharp taste of dried meat and a slightly chalky taste.

"Good girl!" He crouched down again and gestured. "Lay down, down, Misha. Down."

Dan stared at him in outrage and kept her seat right on haunches and then looked to the side as if she hadn't heard what was said. He repeated the command again and again she pretended that she was completely deaf to it. The third time the words came she felt the legs pulling just against her forelegs and started to tug them forward in front of her. She let out a bark of surprise and struggled to keep her footing even as the hands tugged more. He ignored how she twisted and suddenly she went down on her belly. -CLICK CLICK-

The sound of the click made her jerk her ears again, but she felt a rush of embarrassment that she was being rewarded. The hand came down and offered another tidbit to her muzzle and this time he held it rather than let go of it. She had to try and nibble around his fingers and work to get at it treat. She wanted to refuse it, but her stomach growled and the taste of it made her salivate slightly. The human part of her was disgusted by the taste, but a more canine part took over. It tasted amazing to that part, delicious, meaty, never mind the chalky consistency.

While she was distracted trying to get at more of the treat his other hand had started to rub her ears and touch around her cheeks. The intrusive touching had her push her ears back against her head and stifle a growl. Her eyes darted to watch the movements of the fingers as they scruffled up the fur along the back of her neck and then down to her neck before the fingers relented and she was apple to snap up the entire treat. She dropped her head as she ground up the treat against her back teeth and then licked her lips. The insides of her ears started to flush as her tongue found drops of drool along the corners of her cheeks.

Lisa's father wasn't done yet, he pushed against her side lightly so that she was pushed down and then rolled onto her back. She struggled for a moment and twisted as she tried to push herself back onto her feet. She felt vulnerable, exposed! A soft whine came from her throat as the man started to talk softly to her and rubbed along her chest. They weren't even real words! It was the nonsense one used on a dog, not on a person! She wanted to cry as the hands started to rub against her belly and examined her without a thought to her own embarrassment.

He offered her another treat and while she started to snap it down he started to probe at her foot paws. She tried to pull them back and out of the way, and she was allowed to. But after a few moments he'd be back probing at her paw pads and toes. He handled her firmly but not harshly, she couldn't even find a reason to complain beside the fact she was being treated like a common beast. He moved down to her hind paws and started to squeeze the toes one at a time. She noticed he was carefully keeping away from her head as if afraid she might snap out at him as he tested her reactions. When she had swallowed the treat she tried to roll back onto her feet again.

The man stood up and gave her side a rough pat with the flat of his hand and she was rewarded with another "Good girl" that made her want to tuck her tail between her legs in embarrassment. Instead she felt it wag back and forth behind her reaction to the praise. She had barely gotten back to her feet before he commanded her to go down again. She hesitated for a moment and felt his hands move to her paws again as he repeated the command. She was dropped down onto her stomach again as she was inched forward all the way until her chest was back on the ground. The -CLICK-sound stung her ears and she felt her eyes water when she immediately nosed up for the expected treat.

She was allowed to stand up again as she chewed her treat and felt a few crumbs fall from her muzzle. She didn't' think about it, it was instinctive, she dropped her muzzle and used her long red tongue to rasp up the treats with her tongue so that she could get each crumb from the ground. She was allowed that long at least while Lisa's father rummaged in the corner and came back with a long thin chain that had a metal ring on each end and a worn leash. She knew what that was, it was a choker chain! Oh hell no!

Dan turned to make a bolt for it, her tail tucked down behind her and she got as far as the door before Lisa appeared. She ran right into her legs with a sharp little yelp and backed up with her ears back. She looked down and tried to bolt around the legs but it was too late, the large male hand came down against her back and gripped her collar. The metal chain was slipped over her head and muzzle, the cold metal ran over her large ears until it fell securely around her neck. The chilly feel of it rested under her fur and she whined out pitifully.

"Well she at least knows what this is." His voice sounded amused. "Did you need something?"

"Not really, I just wanted to know how things were going in here." She gave a little bit of a smile and leaned down before kissing the tip of Dan's nose. "Aww easy girl, Dad won't hurt you. Stop fussing now." Her arms wrapped around the dogs neck and Dan breathed in her scent with a shiver of pleasure, she could feel the breasts pressing right against the broad expanse of her chest.

"It's going alright, she seems a bit defensive of her foot, but she's alright having her paws handled and examined. She's not well trained, but I think a little effort will make her much easier to handle. We're just going to take a walk to see if she knows how to heel." He clicked the leash in place so that Dan stifled a sigh.

"Alright, well dinner will be ready soon." She pushed herself up with a final kiss to the tip of the dog's nose before she moved away from the door.

"Misha, heel." The voice came out firm and her ears flattened down, her tail dropped before the chain was tugged lightly.

It didn't choke her, it was a moment of pressure rather than a yank, but it still made her realize the potential of the collar and what it was designed to do. She lifted her paws and followed him out through the back door and started to move forward before the word, "HEEL" was stated again the moment she went past his legs and the collar was pulled. The tightening of the chain was firmer this time and she slowed back down to his side. The clicking was heard again and she turned her head up for a treat again only to hear him praise, "There's a good girl!" No treat came, only a ruffling of her ears and she stifled a surge of disappointment.

She drug her paws after a few moments when they walked along the side of the house towards the back fence and the moment she did the man responded. There was a sudden sharp pull that strained down around her neck and she almost gagged in reaction before the moment was gone. She gaped her jaws and scrambled to catch up again. She strived to hear the click of the training aid that told her when she'd come to the right position. It was a hard short walk, she wasn't sure where she was supposed to be.

Each time she tried to go slightly faster there was a sharp tug and pull from the collar to make her slow down again. If she tried to slow down too much there was another pull of the leash that forced her to slow her movements down again. She struggled and felt her stomach turn as she started to respond a bit more towards the sound of the click. Every now and then she still got a treat for behaving, but the fact that when it happened she felt a surge of pleasure made her uncomfortable. She was being treated like a common dog, and she was responding to it! Was this what Kat had wanted? To have her become nothing more than a house hold pet?

It finally came to an end after they had made three circuits around the house at a sedate pace and heard Lisa call from the house that dinner was ready. She lunged forward after a moment at the sound of the girl's voice only to have a sharp pull and rebuke from her father. She wheezed for the moment around the choke chain before she dropped back down on all fours and lolled her tongue out. She was forced to walk at a sedate pace up the front steps and into the house again, her nails clicking under her. She stood impatiently as the chain was taken from around her head and she got another click and a final treat.

Dan perhaps had hoped that she'd get fed something better here, that she'd be able to coax a snack from Lisa in the form of real food. She was rewarded with better food, but definitely not what she wanted. Before Lisa and her father sat down for dinner she was called into the opposite end of the kitchen from Captain and she grinned down at the dog. She smelled something that made her nose sting slightly and her jaws to salivate slightly. It smelled more like meat then anything she'd yet to experience, rich in layers of flavor or the promise of something amazing to fill her stomach.

"Here girl, you deserve something better." She placed a bowl down at Dan's paws and walked away while the dog stared down at her dinner.

It was wet and a brownish grey. The texture looked like the canned pumpkin filling that her mother bought around the holidays and mounded up from the bowl. It was layered with scents that made her nose start to twitch and move to suck them in while her lips parted open slightly. She didn't want to eat this, it was disgusting, but she was so hungry. It had been a long time since she had last eaten and the scent of it made her want to dive in. She finally squeezed her eyes closed as she started to feel them water and opened her muzzle wide to snap up a bite. The wet food squished in her jaws and it was moist enough that she didn't even really have to chew.

The second bite and the third were taken down with her stomach churning, even as the taste made her go more eagerly for the next. The shape of her muzzle did not lend for easy eating and she could hear the wet slurping sounds from her muzzle. Her tongue licked out to clean the clinging wet food from around her muzzle before she went back to take another mouthful. She couldn't stop herself, once she tasted the meat rich taste it was too late for her to stop, all she could do was feel the hot humiliated tears roll down her cheeks as she swallowed mouthful after mouthful of the cold wet mush.

It didn't take long for her to eat the very last of it, but found that she couldn't get the rest from the bottom of the bowl. She contemplated it for a moment before her tongue slathered out and started to clean the bottom of the bowl. The force of the appendage moved the bowl across the floor so that she had to walk to follow it. The plastic made a loud noise as she licked and slurped at the edges and pushed it across the kitchen and only stopped when she heard a giggle from her class mate and tensed up. Her ears flattened back against her head and she let out a soft whine in her throat before she backed away and started to lick her chops clean. Hot wet tears made streaks down along her muzzle. Why had Kat done this to her?!


"Dad said Misha is really smart, he's been teaching her how to heel." Kat held the phone as Lisa talked and she let out a little breath.

"Then she's behaving okay? She's not giving you any trouble?" She was worried about that, worried that Dan would find a way to communicate or run away.

"Oh yeah, she was kinda upset getting a bath, but we gave her some canned food for dinner and she seems happier after that. Want me to call you when she gets done with the vet in the morning?" She blinked a little at the idea of Lisa bathing Dan, she could only imagine how her former brother had felt about that.

"Sure gimme a call and I'll come pick her up from your Dad. Thanks again, Lisa. You're being really great about this."

"No problem, I'll see you then, Kat! Bye!" The younger girl all but chirped the words before the phone went dead and she set it back in its cradle and she leaned back in her bed. Her eyes drifted over towards her books and couldn't quite get up the drive to want to work on her homework. There were too many things on her mind. She finally put her books away and opened her door to poke her head out to see her parents sitting in the living room.

Well there went going to watch TV. She threw herself back on her bed again and rubbed the bridge of her nose wearily. She had no idea what to do with Dan, she didn't want to tell her Grandmother about all of this. She couldn't imagine the amount of trouble she'd get in, but at least she knew she'd get her magic back. That was something, she just had to find a way to make sure that her parents didn't miss Dan. As she tried to work that part of her plan out exhaustion claimed her and when her Mother opened the door that was how she was found. Fast asleep and surrounded by her school books as she often was found.


Dan waited for hours for Lisa to fall asleep, she lay stretched out on a pile of old blankets in a corner of the girl's room. It was an uncomfortable time for her. She'd never been in a strange girl's bedroom and she had a sinking sensation that she might never again. She'd felt some panic, what if Kat's magic wore off? How would she explain being naked in Lisa's bedroom? Her father would kill him! But she had slowly formed a plan to get out of this, there was no way in hell she was going to allow herself to be taken to a vet!

Once she heard Lisa's breathing steady she padded over towards the door and very quietly reared back on her legs. Her hands now had stubby fingers, but they were still fingers. She kept her ears back towards the sleeping girl while she started to move her fingers to fumble with the door knob. It took a few tries and pulls against the edges of it, the rough pads of her fingers slipped and slid against the metal. Her frustration started to mount as she couldn't get a firm grip on the door knob and gave a harder little pull as very slowly it began to turn.

There was a click and she almost ruined it by losing her balance and landed against the door! But it opened slowly towards her as she dropped back to all fours and used her nose to wedge her way through the crack. Freedom! She slipped down the hall way as quietly as she could manage and with a feeling of triumph. She'd seen the cages in the den, the other dogs were crated so they wouldn't be around and she could bolt out of here and get home. Her eyes darkened at the thought of home, Kat was going to pay for this!

She made it down the stairs awkwardly on all fours, at times she felt as if she were about to tumble down and fall completely. She sniffed through the kitchen and slipped her way towards the front door. Freedom! She padded closer and sniffed at the edge so that she could feel the warm breeze sneaking out from under the door. Her nose twitched rapidly at the scent of freedom was so very close. She moved her stance to rear back so she could catch a hold of the door knob when she felt hot breath snuffling against the base of her tail a hair before a wet soft tongue rolled out to graze against her swollen folds.

Dan twisted with a muffled yelp and felt her heart beat pound against her chest as she came face to face with Captain, the Doberman pinscher. Her ears went back and a tremor ran through her as the dog didn't seem ready to attack her as Jackson had, instead he padded forward and wagged his stub tail back and forth. Her stomach rolled at the sight of the male and the sharp scent of him on the air. She forced her tail down between her legs and backed up towards the door as she waited for the animal to rush her as the other had.

Captain gave a leap back and let out a muted bark before he dropped his fore paws down and raised his rump in the air in a play bow. His tail wagged wildly before he leaped forward to jostle her playfully against the door. She stumbled back and made a break for it, her belly going down against the ground as she slipped into the family room. The pinscher gamboled along beside her and playfully gave a few nips against her side as she tried to escape him. The overly friendly approach confused her as he kept bowing down towards her and wagging his tail rapidly back and forth behind him. Her eyes darted around as she tried to find an escape.

The large sleek dog slipped in closer and ducked his head down to try and lick beneath the curve of her tail. His long tongue uncoiled to stroke over her folds gently and she felt a tremor of pleasure run through her from that single slow touch. A vivid memory of Lisa cleaning her overwhelmed her mind so that she whined out softly and froze in place. The tongue rolled out again and started to push against her folds more insistently as it wiggled and pushed them open around the slender tip. Her back arched up and a shudder of pleasure ran through her as the dogs sleek side pushed up against her so that her head nearly touched against his rump.

Dan squeezed her eyes shut and tried not to give in the urge to cry, not because it hurt, but because she could feel tremors of pleasure from the animals touch. The slow strokes lingered over her swollen mons and forced the walls to open up wider so that the tongue could start to dig into her. She knew what he wanted, he wanted to mount her and she shivered slightly. If she wasn't pregnant now she didn't want to find out what would happen if she managed to catch from a male. Her ears strained back against her head as she dropped it downwards towards the ground miserably and suppressed a tremor of pleasure.

From her position she could see the leathery lips of the sheath being parted by a hint of the red tip that was starting to move past the thick pouch of skin. A shiver ran through her, she didn't want it in her, not again! She didn't want another animal to take her! The thick rush of male musk teased against her muzzle so that she started to pant shallowly. The dog's tongue drove into her body and seemed to slip all the way into the snug passage and spread it open wide. She opened her mouth wide with a whimper of pleasure and pushed back against the sensation. Her long tongue tip fluttered out and caught the tip of the sheath on accident but that was all it took.

At the touch of heat and wetness to the tip of his sheath Captain drove his hips forward in a rough sharp thrust towards it. Dan let out a muffled yelp as the slimy hot tip pushed out and ran against the softness of her tongue. Before she could figure out what to do the tongue pulled out of her achingly swollen sex and there was a lunge and scrabble of paws against her shoulders. The weight shoved her head down while the hind legs gave another thrust. The Doberman mounted her fore body as the thick crimson cock shoved out of its sheath and into the heat of her muzzle making her almost gag in reaction.

A watery splatter caught her tongue, it was salty and bitter all at once as the dog's hips thrust forward against her muzzle harder and started to drive into her muzzle. Her eyes watched in horror was the sheath was pushed down under the growing erection and her tongue was forced up as she closed her muzzle and tried to force it back out of herself. As much as she forced she couldn't push it out under the hard thrusts of the dog's hips against her muzzle and the tip forced its way down her constricting and gripping throat. She gagged around the taste of him and choked as the hot watery pre erupted from the tip in hot gouts that splattered over her muzzle.

The heavy dark balls slapped up to hit against her chin as her own lips forced the sheath down to reveal the thickness at the base. The still soft knot jabbed against her lips and teeth roughly while the hot panting muzzle was felt against her shoulders. The forelegs gripped against her fore legs and pulled her forward roughly as time and again the glassy smooth shaft rubbed along her tongue and muzzle. She tried to jerk her head back only to have her muzzle burrowed roughly against his groin and the hot scent of male dog flooded into her muzzle with each breath.

Her only warning was Captain's soft growl of warning, she thought the dog was warning her. Then weight shoved against her hindquarters and nearly knocked her down as a pair of familiar and harsh paws wrapped under her belly and a chest pushed over her haunches. The hard jabs of Jackson's cock hit against her inner thighs for a moment and she yelped out around Captain's shaft as he drove in until the knot slid past her lips and her tongue lapped over it. She tried to suckle and swallow down the precum that kept rolling out of the tip as she lowered her hips down to avoid the other male's attention. It was too late for that, the large shepherd had her in the position he wanted her.

The crimson violet cock muffled her shrill scream as the cock shoved up against her slickly lubricated folds and slammed into her body. It forced her walls open again as the other males hips started to thrust in rough sharp movements that drove him all the way in. Her walls strained and snapped wide around him as he dimpled in the Y of her sex all the way to the base before yanking backwards again. The larger dogs thrusts forced her muzzle forward to take more of the Doberman's cock into her muzzle and she felt herself drooling around it. Her jaws strained open so wide her jaws started to hurt as the pair of dogs growled at each other from over the back of their prize.

Hot rushes and splatters of precum erupted into her achingly spread passage as the shepherd's balls slammed in hard against her with a lewd slap. Her walls burned from trying to hold around him as he used her with sharp rocking thrusts that sent shudders of pleasure through her. It hurt, it burned, and all she wanted was more as she muffled her cries around the thick jabbing cock that slammed into her throat. Her throat constricted and rippled each time she swallowed around it and made it harder for him to pull back. Her long tongue undulated around him and she squeezed her eyes shut to stop watching how her maw was violated with the bitter salty taste of his slimy precum that she was forced to swallow down.

Jackson's hips slammed harder and faster against her body as his paws curled up against her stomach and the blunt claws left red welts behind from where he was gripping against her. His breathing was felt against the middle of her back as she felt his hind legs coming up on either side of her body as he pulled her back and the thrusts forward slammed him deeper. The base of him strained her lips open wider as it forced in and then pulled back out with a rush of precum being forced out with her own heat and wetness. The scent of sex and heat flooded the air around them as the tapered tip jabbed up hard against her cervix and made her walls clutch down in a demanding squeeze as if she were trying to pull him deeper.

The harder thrusts of the pinscher on her front started to grow careless and rougher. Her muzzle was coated in drool and precum both as she tried to handle the base that had started to swell and pry her jaws open. Her tongue lashed and pushed up against him as she choked harder when the base stabbed deeper into her throat so that she clenched down harder to try and push him free. The base had started to swell open and pushed past her lips to make her wrap her muzzle around it before it pulled back out again with a wet pop and her drool left strands around it before it shoved forward again. A sudden jab of Jackson's hips rocked her forward so that her nose was ground up against the sheath and she felt the knot swell open to its peak against her tongue.

Dan struggled for a moment before the hips stopped their rough jabs and held still a moment before the hot rush of dog cum flooded into her throat. She felt each twitch and spasm against her tongue as she tried to swallow and prevent herself from gagging around the taste that was rolling down her tongue and coming back out of her muzzle. Her lower jaw became spikey and sticky with the mix of semen and drool as the large Doberman rested over her back panting heavily through his climax. Jackson powered harder into her until her hindquarters were constantly being jarred and jerked back and forth.

Her yelp erupted from her throat as she was pulled back roughly to swallow the slowly swelling base into her aching folds and she clenched around the cock. Her lips pulled free of the Doberman's knot and then the entire girth fell free of her muzzle as a last splatter from the tip hit against her muzzle as the sleek animal slid from her head and shoulders. She lowered her head with a muffled cry while Jackson powered on. Captain dropped himself onto the ground and had started to lick his own erect cock while he watched his house mate abuse their prize.

Each pull outwards strained her folds open wider and wider before a thrust forward drove him in deeper. The constant movements of him on her back made her writhe and twist with pleasure and pain both. She clenched her walls down tightly as the knot began to reach its peak inside of her, it forced her outer lips to look puffy with the effort of holding the knot inside of her. Her stomach tightened and what she had wanted to happen with her bath finally happened. She writhed and leaned her head back with a muted whimper as the first rush of pleasure rolled over her and she drove her hips backwards against him.

The very tip of the cock pierced itself inside of her cervix, it nudged firmly against the bottle neck of muscle until it was strained open. Her orgasm made her ripple and close the muscles down tightly around the girth while she trembled. A final harsh thrust happened before the dog rested over her back with a low groan as the first pressured spurts of cum erupted from his tip inside of her. A splatter of drool fell down against her shoulder while her walls kept on milking and pulling the semen deeper and deeper inside of her.

Dan opened her eyes and watched as Captain messily and lewdly licked his cock clean while it kept bubbling out hot white dribbles of cum. A reminder of what was being released inside of her as the massive dog on her back let out a grunt before he slipped backwards. She twisted and tugged with pleasure as her soft inner walls locked harder around his knot when he swung his leg over her hind quarters to face her ass to ass. His tail wagged in his own pride and she felt his full balls twitching against her rump cheeks each time he forced up another wash of cum to claim her body.

She lowered her head and tried to cough out the taste of Captain's cum from her tongue, she could feel the warmth of what she had swallowed pooling in her body. The taste of it clung on her tongue and it was dribbled over her muzzle. She lowered her head almost to the ground and let out a keening whine to herself as she realized she was trapped until Jackson was finished. Upstairs she heard lights being flipped on and heavy foot steps as it seemed that Lisa's father had finally roused to the commotion. Damn Kat. Damn her all to hell.


Miles away Kat slept fitfully in her bed, tormented by nightmares and worries so that she twisted and ended up half out of her covers and sprawled side ways on the bed. She never knew that there was an electric feel to the air. A prickle that stirred and rushed through the house of its own volition to find Patrick and Daniel's room upstairs and invaded it.

From the hallway a shadow passed along the railing towards the stairs and started to slink its way downwards. It had ears and a tail and thick heavy fur that ran along its body. It was outlined in something like blue light that illuminated what looked like a German Shepherd, but far larger then had ever been seen naturally. Upstairs Patrick's bed was now empty and the canine that padded through the house looked with animalistic eyes as it dropped down to the ground floor and twitched its nose. It sought for a certain scent and the magic lead the beast that had been Patrick towards Kat's room.

The door creaked open and the animal stood there for a moment and observed its sister as she tossed in the bed. Whatever mind Patrick had was carefully drawn away as Kat had first done when he was transformed and as he took a breath he could scent a bitch in heat in the room. His sheath stirred until the blood red tip pushed outwards and drooled wetly onto the floor and it padded closer towards the sleeping girl. The magic that ran over the house to lash out punishment on the girl made sure the parents were sleeping and would stay that way. What she had started with her magic was coming back to her.... And this was only the start.

(To Be Continued)

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