My Life as a Furry: Chapter 1

Story by Aquos on SoFurry

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Hey everyone! I bring you a SPECIAL PRESENT: a NEW STORY!!!!!!!!! Hope you like it as much as the last one "A New Start as a Trainer"! It's doesn't have Pokémon, but........ it IS fictional and there is yiff and sex and all that kind of stuff you furries love so much so...... ENJOY!

Warning: This story contains yaoi and sex scenes in future chapters. So if your physically and mentally mature enough, you may read this to your extent; if not, DON'T. Also, I own NO rights over any other character other than my own.


As the final bell rang, I picked up my backpack and headed to the door of the classroom, thankful it was Friday: start of my weekend. I walked sluggishly to my locker on the other side of school so I could get the books I needed and drop off the books I didn't. As I walked, my best buddy, Johnny, came up to me. He just exited from his Biology class.

"Hey Logan! Ready for the weekend?" he said in a cheerful mood. Barely anything brought him down. He also had a way of cheering people up with his positive attitude, though today it didn't rub off on me: I was pissed and that was that.

"*sighs* Yeah, I guess." I replied. He and I have been friends since 3rd Grade, so he could tell that I was upset...... and as usual he tried to know why.

"What's up? You seem a little down, something happen?" he interrogated, having a weird expression on his face as he stared at me. I could help but laugh a little.

"No..... just a little down." I said, depressed. You see, besides myself, Johnny knows one thing NO ONE ELSE knows: me being gay. Sure, I could hide as well as anything and act completely normal; that's how I survived High School as a Freshmen and still surviving as a Freshmen so far...... but, recently, it was getting harder.

"Talked to him again during Algebra? You know if anyone finds out, your dead meat to the Seniors."

"I know! But I can't help it, I miss him." I said getting more upset. We usually have these kind of fights, everybody does with THEIR bestie. We were talking about my mate, and I always talk to him during my free time on my computer. We met over a site called SoFurry, and it was love at first "site"; we talked and soon we both fell in love with each other. We only know each other by our user names: mine is Sol y Luna; his is iceblood and he lives in Germany. I met him four weeks ago and I couldn't stop thinking about him, that's what I'm mad about.

"I know that, but like I said 'THE SENIORS WILL KILL YOU IF THEY FOUND OUT!' and I will keep saying that if you continue to be so reckless when talking on that site!" he said in a whisper so no one would hear. We reached our lockers, which were next to each other, and I got my English binder to exchange for my World History book in my backpack. He continued on.

"You know I support you 100% on whatever you do, just as you do for me," I started thinking about his dream of becoming a pro drummer "but your starting to become obsessed with iceblood. Maybe you should give it a little rest."

"I can't help it: SoFurry is my drug and I'm its victim. I don't care anyway; this is the closest I ever felt to someone...." Johnny looked at me, hurt. So I quickly added in "Sexually." He replied with a "Better." I continued.

"I gotta go; my big bro's picking me up. See ya."

"Okay, see ya." Johnny said back as we high-fived. I closed my locker and headed outside. The chilling breeze from the winter season hurt my throat as I breathed it in. I saw my college brother, Matt, and ran to his car: a blue, 2003 Taurus. I stepped into the front seat and tossed my book bag behind the seat and buckled up. The whole time Matt was wondering what was wrong for I was doing it very forcefully. I looked at him and asked steamed, "What?" He was wearing a blank expression before he shook his head and said "Nothing." He put the car in Drive and we made our way home.


Ten minutes later Matt started up a conversation.

"How was school?"

"Fine." I answered in a monotonous tone.

"Just fine? Nothing special happened?" he questioned again.

"Nope." I answered again in the same tone. I knew what he was doing: he was trying to know what I was so pissed about and I wasn't giving him the info he wanted. It was constantly like this: he went Sherlock Holmes and I became the unsolvable mystery he's trying to solve.

"Any homework?"

"No, I finished it during free period." Then I went onto SF to talk to IB. It was ALWAYS like that; day-in and day-out, and I was starting to make it routine.

"Well, I guess you can come with me to my hockey game tonight!" he said as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder, which I shrugged off.

"You know I'm not into sports. Never had." I said, trying to be as nice as I can (even though he WAS my brother and I could talk to him anyway I wanted).

"Yeah, I know..... which is EXACTLY why Mom and Dad said you had to go!" snickered Matt as he turned onto the exit that was halfway home. I groaned, than spoke.

"Sometimes I REALLY hate you, you know that right?"

"Yes..... yes I do!" he said proudly.


Twenty minutes we arrived at our house: not very impressive to anyone. It was made of normal red bricks and it was small; smaller than what we, frankly, really needed. To me, though, it was perfect. When the car stopped, I reached behind me and grabbed my backpack, remembering that I had to be a little more careful on my force with it: it held my laptop, my only connection to IB. I got out, closed the door, shouldered my bag, and headed for my room. Matt, instead, flopped onto the couch and turned on the TV. I looked back, rolled my eyes, and made my way upstairs. When I was in my room, I closed my door. I pulled out my laptop and put it on my desk net to my bed. Then I zipped up my backpack and tossed into my game chair across the room. After my backpack landed in the chair I flopped onto my bed, tired after a long day of school. I checked the time: it showed 3:40; an hour and twenty minutes until my parents came home since they said I would be home by 4:30 due to them going grocery shopping (don't ask me why, they just take that long).

Soon after I relaxed in my bed, I heard my sister, Emily, come upstairs. She had Laura, Johnny's sister, close behind her. She and Laura cheerfully said hi to me.

"Hey bub!"

"Hi Logan!"

"Hey girls." I answered back in my usual tone, filled with sincerity but not so much as caring. The girls didn't care, though, so I had nothing to worry about. Both Laura and Em (nickname for Emily, just as buboo is my nickname she has for me) were 12, and were EXACTLY the same! Well, in physical appearance that is: both had medium brown hair and blue eyes. Both were small, but contained a ferocious amount of speed and stamina and a cunning mind..... though usually the cunning mind isn't shown that much. Her appearance contrasted with mine: I had dark brown hair and hazel eyes that hide my true feelings. I can be smart when I want to...... although others expect SO much of me it's hard for me to please them. I continued on.

"Did Mom say it was OK to have Laura over?"

"Yes, just as she said it was OK for you to ditch school last week for some stupid duelist club your part of."

"Touche, Little Girl!" I replied back then started to laugh as her face became bright red. She HATES being called that.... and that's the reason why I say it a lot.

"I told you to stop calling me THAT!"

"Which is why I keeping saying it!"

"Please, just ignore him. We have a paper due Monday." said Laura. She was one of the few people who I couldn't, really, get mad at. She was able to calm me and Em down when we started getting into fights..... this was almost constantly.

"Fine. But only because you asked," she said looking at Laura, then turning her attention to me "You win this time bub. Next time, though, you won't get as lucky." I knew she wouldn't do it; Matt keeps a constant eye for me. He's always looking out for his little bro, though sometimes I want to handle things on my own.

As Em said this, they went into her room and closed the door. Girl stuff, never will understand it. I thought, but, then again, I didn't understand most people so..... can't really judge them. As I was lying in my bed, I grabbed my laptop and turned it on. After it was done loading, I clicked the tab that took me to my profile page on SoFurry. I clicked on my PMs, one new one. I clicked the little envelope and it took me to my inbox, there I checked the PM. It was sent by, in all caps, 'THE SOFURRY COMMUNITY' and the subject was 'The Time Of Arrival'. I was curious so I clicked it to open it up, but the minute I opened it a bright flash of light engulfed my room. It was too bright for me to look so I covered my eyes. The light eventually dimmed down enough for me to see, but what I saw horrified me: in black letters, a message was painter across my screen 'IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO COME!' I was freaking out as I put my laptop down and began to dial Johnny's cell number on my cell, but it wouldn't turn on no matter what I did. I started for the door but it was closed and locked from the outside. I was trapped in my own room! I looked around and saw my laptop start glowing brighter again so I closed my eyes. Soon I heard a voice, my voice, talk to me. It said, "The time has come, Sol y Luna...... are you ready?" Soon I felt the feeling I was falling; not fast or hard or anything, just falling. I tried to scream but my voice wouldn't let me. I don't remember hitting anything, but soon I blacked out.

Done, so.... what do you think?

I know it's similar to my last story but the outcome is different..... even though you guys probably know what's going to happen next. The only way to find out is to read Chapter 2! Till then, I'm out!