Zoo Keeper - ch16 - Convergence

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#16 of Zoo Keeper

It was a long night, warm beds and my pride close and safe, I couldn't sleep.

I padded outside and lay on the cold hard concrete, it felt more right, more what I was used to, what I had learned to live with.

The morning sun was warm and as I opened my eyes I saw a soldier standing in front of me. With confidence born from being a cat and knowing the Sergeant had given the order I got up and padded over, walking around the now worried soldier once before stopping in front of him, lowering my rear down to the pavement and asked, "To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?"

The soldier looked amazed, "Uh, you can, uh, you can talk?" I just smiled up at his question, not having to answer, "Fuck, yeah of course you can. Is Jake here? Jake Richards... I heard he came in with you." he trailed off a little.

"I will see if the soldier is awake." I replied and began to turn, "I trust you are known to him?" I purred.

The soldier visibly gulped, "Yeah, tell him Steve Bastard is out here." he managed.

"Well Mr Bastard, I will warn you Jake is currently not feeling himself, nor looking it. Something that will heal over time if he wishes it." I cautioned, "I will be back soon."

Entering the shed I caught sight of him right away, curled up with Sally, Molly and Rough, although thankfully towards the edge of the little bundle of cats.

Leaning in close I licked at his ear slowly, gently, feeling him react sleepily to the stimulation. "Jake, you have a visitor, Steve Bastard I think he called himself." I murmured.

His reaction was very sudden, leaping to his feet quite literally, using the cat reflexes to their utmost. All the time muttering, "Oh shit oh shit oh shit its Steve" over and over again.

"Calm down kitten, get some clothes on, groom a little and head on out there." I told him sweetly, but firmly. He followed orders very well.

In moments he was out the front, talking animatedly to the soldier about everything and anything.

"So what's it like being a cat Jake, I mean it looks pretty crazy but you seem pretty comfortable..." Steve trailed off, blushing a bit.

Jake looked a little thoughtful, replying, "Well, the cat bit is actually pretty awesome, its amazing how quick my reflexes are as well as how sharp my eyesight becomes when I really focus on one thing. Truth be told, its the change to being female that struck me the most, women have all the same things going on in their minds as men it seems, just slightly... to the side, so to speak."

I tried to maintain indifference, but listening to him actually putting words to how the changes made him feel sparked something within me, and I lay there enthralled by his speech.

Before I knew it I woke to hear them calling goodbyes to each other, 'Mr Bastard' wandering away, a little spring in his step. "So little kitten, I believe there is a question that I delayed asking you." I spoke softly, in the cool breeze a human would have had trouble hearing it, but Jake wouldn't, not with his feline ears.

"Yeah Queen, you were right to have me delay it. I love being this, love having not just the skill to protect my friends, my pride, but the raw ability to do it even better. Did you know that shooting back at the bus depot was the best I have ever shot, I mean it, I didn't miss a target, every single one..." he said, "What I am trying to say is, my skills are worth too much to take all they way to feline and have wasted, but combined with just a little cat" he gestured at his body, "well, that leaves me as 'something else' entirely. I am faster, a little stronger and when I am not in heat I even think clearer than I have ever done before."

I got up and padded to him, knowing I could say nothing without swaying his mind, and definitely not wanting to force the outcome of this decision on anyone.

His paw began absently patting and rubbing my ears, I couldn't help the purr that flowed up from within me at the attention of one of my kittens.

"Queen, can we just stay like this? Like I am? I understand I will shift back to human in a few more days but do you think Rough would take me again? Just once, so I stay like this." he said.

The caressing of my head continued, I was almost lost in the feel of it when I realised my kitten was almost in tears with worry, "Of course he would, the only reason he hasn't pinned you down and rutted you till your belly swells and you forget ever being human is because he cares for you and for me, and while I believe he wouldn't inflict that fate on you unless you wanted and embraced it, he knows for sure I would tear him apart one piece at a time if he ever harmed one of my kittens, mate or not."

I was on my side before I knew it, Jake pressing herself against me in a hug that almost pushed all the air from my lungs. I didn't mind, she had finally accepted something about herself and had made a choice, one she could even change if she wished. "Thank you, thank you so much." she said over and over, tears soaking my fur.

My purr spoke more to her about my acceptance of her decision than any words would, such is the way of being a cat.

We whiled away the rest of the day, merely content with each others presence and the warmth of the sun, when just about mid afternoon there was a knock at the door waking us.

Glancing up I noticed the young soldier from earlier, I now recognised, thanks to Jakes crash course he gave me a bit earlier, the 'Private First Class' insignia and with a bit of shock, the name on the uniform. "Your last name really is 'Bastard'?" I asked him, half stunned.

"Yeah, crazy family, guess mum didn't realise what she was getting into at first. Am here officially, as per the Staff Sergeant's orders, he extends the hand of friendship and wants to have a bit of a party to celebrate the return of one of his soldiers as well as for the information that will help us deal with these cats a bit better." he said, suddenly going red with the implication of what he meant about 'deal with these cats'.

I interrupted his stammering apology, "Its fine Private, and for what its worth, we agree, they need to be stopped." this halted him giving me a chance to continue at a more sedate pace, "I am sure a few of us would love the chance to unwind, we are still a little on edge here, its just been really rough for some of my kittens these last few days."

"Your kittens? The little ones?" he asked.

Smiling and purring a little I corrected, "No, for want of anyone else to do it I seem to be the pride's leader, they are even calling me Queen, damn it, but the cat side of me slid into the role and I consider most of those who travelled with me my kittens, the only exceptions being Sally, Rough and Molly." my purring increased at the thought of those three.

"So they are... that is I understand that you and the big guy would be together, I heard the Sergeant say that you and the other cat, Sally were together, but the younger cat girl? Molly?" he asked, working through the problem his own way.

I sighed, "Yeah, it was all going well, she was still a hundred percent human. She drove the bus down to get some juice, with Rough to protect her-" I began but the soldier cut in.

"That bastard did this to her?" his fingers were clutching at his gun and he was halfway to taking a step into the hanger.

Gripping the stock of the gun with my teeth I pulled back hard, throwing him onto the ground.

I released the weapon and looked to the hill overlooking the doors, nodding to the sharpshooters I knew were still there. I saw a small gleam of light reflect the sun from something shiny, they recognised what I had done, and seemed to be cool about it.

Jake was awake then and tried to intercede, my glance at her was all that I needed to calm my kitten.

"How can you let him stay with you for what he-" Steve was yelling at me, still on the ground, on his back.

In a flash I was over him, paw pressed into the chest of his uniform, pinning him. "Listen and listen close. I understand your protectiveness, and I applaud it I really do, but you would be killing her rescuer for what a dead animal did to her." I had his mute attention now, "Yes, another cat got to her before Rough could react, I know he feels bad for that, but I also know she has forgiven him for it. When he managed to get the beast off her, there was nearly two dozen of the things around the girl, he would have died had he tried to fight them, but from Molly's own reckoning that is exactly what the big guy was going to do. She stopped him, already part cat from the first beasts rutting, she rubbed herself against him, begging with him not to fight, to do it the 'other way', as we had with Jake. She had begged him not to let himself die trying to protect her and had given herself freely to save his life if not her own sanity." I paused, leaning back and letting him get his feet under him again. "That's why I call her mate, because she would go to hell and back for my mate, her mate, and because she carries my mates kittens."

I sat back and just watched him process it all, "I think I understand, its not easy for me I guess, I have never been in that kind of situation."

Looking up at him, my respect of the man restored, "I don't think anyone would know until then, when the chips are about as far down as they get. I hope to the core of my being that you never have to find out."

"Will we see you tonight?" he asked me, turning to walk off.

I thought, "Yeah, why not." I said.

I padded back inside and explained to everyone the plans.

"A party? For Jake here? Damn girl you are popular but I didn't think you were that popular!" Molly said, wrapping an arm around the blushing soldier.

"Aw you know how it is, you save the day, save some pretty girls, become one yourself... your fame spreads quickly." Jake replied, grinning as wide as she could and hugging the giggling Molly closer.

"Real cooking!" Jenny said, eyes glazed at the thought of what amazing culinary delights would be on the menu. One look at Jake told a sad story as to what would be for dinner that night, I had to hide a smile.

I leaned in close to Rough, "Hey big guy, you miss me?" I asked, rubbing my muzzle along his shoulder and eventually his head, "You up for looking out for the little ones tonight?"

Hearing him whuf, I took it as assent to my demands, whatever he thought they were.

He rose to sniff around me, I felt something within warm at the feel of him doing it.

Jake had apparently taken notice, "Thought so Queen, was wondering what the nice smell was all afternoon, guess he knew the answer before we did, and he sure looks ready to help you with it." the soldier said smirking.

I gasped out loud as the big males tongue lashed out at my surprisingly sensitive nether-lips, "Oh fuck." I said.

"Yeah, that's what I would recommend, my mate, some good 'oh fuck'ing." Molly said leaning down to me, licking me around one ear, the scent obviously exciting her too.

Without further ado I felt Rough mount me even as I cocked my tail to the side. "Let me help with that." Molly's words, so close to my ear drove a fire through me, "Mmm, your so damn hot down there." she continued as I felt her paw rubbing down between my legs and brushing past my aching entrance.

With a patience that continued to surprise me Rough waited for Molly's paw to line him up with me and, as I felt, she gave him a little attention as well.

Very slowly, purring deeply above me the big cat leaned forward, pushing deep into me and my last vestige of sense left, buried under by his musk, Molly and my own scents and the thick blanket of my heat. Suddenly sparks flared into a bushfire that raged my body.

Deeper and deeper he pushed and I felt Molly's paw every second of the way, rubbing my entrance, paying attention to the little nub of exquisite nerve endings, and working her paw back and over my lover's rod and balls. Again and again and again.

He worked his hips now, bringing a steady pace to the enhanced mating, causing me to moan steadily, still yet to feel any vestige of his spines.

Molly's piercing cry caught me off guard and I turned my head sharply, distracted from my own pleasure for a moment, only to get a face full of Sally's rear, her tail flagging to the side, allowing me unfettered access to her, even as she pleasured our newest mate.

Lapping at her, tasting her excitement, I fell into a steady rhythm as Rough continued his pace, seemingly able to go on forever, Molly whining and simpering as she worked the juncture of Rough and me, Sally lapping and burying her muzzle in Molly's depths even as I pleased her.

A more perfect way to relieve my heat I could not have dreamed of, as I lay there, being serviced by and servicing, my mates, letting the passion and warmth burn me as many times as it wanted, bringing me screaming, yowling into Sally's love canal.

On and on we mated, until, at last, poor Rough could not hold back any longer. The heat-lust getting the better of his usual nature, he gripped my hips with his claws and sat up almost straight and began to thrust deeply into me, spines flaring widely, biting my insides, clawing their way down my tunnel.

My lusty cries grew louder, I could not take much more of his attention, swinging as it was between glorious pleasure and tearing pain, blending the two within my need soaked senses into an ache that had me only able to pant.

I felt him take the pressure off his paws, leaning forward, to grip my tightly at my neck. Pulling back I felt a last few sharp, very quick shoves before he began flowing into me. My world view narrowed to just the feelings of a one foot long tube of flesh and its contents, I know I made sounds, I know is clawed wildly, even scoring Sally, but all that was told to me afterwards, for that one instant in time I was just a very horny cat with her male filling her with seed, planting his kitten's beginnings deep within my body.

I floated away, slowly from that time, my body sated, seeded and sleeping.

"Queen, David love, the party starts soon." Molly said gently, nibbling my ear and generally making sure I couldn't ignore her.

I didn't, I leaned around quickly and pressed my muzzle against hers, feeling her rough tongue push into my maw, past my sharp teeth, even as we came together.

Pulling apart slightly, I murmured, "That was up there lover, in the top ten best wake ups ever I would say."

She purred happily and got to her feet.

Together we left behind our big half sleeping mate, guarding the little kittens, sleeping as they were with full bellies.

"Here she is!" I heard Jake calling out, "My saviour!"

Cheers passed around all the soldiers present, "Speech!" some called, I sighed. Someone else called , "Shh, she's talking."

"I saved a young soldier, screaming for her mummy, half naked running for her virginities sake across a field, took her in and protected her." that got a few laughs, but they died again as I continued, "Others too. I had some successes" I felt Molly nuzzle my side at this, "and some failures, but you know what, even if I couldn't save one person, even if it all failed again and again, even costing me everything, I would keep trying, because people are just that worth it." I finished.

There was silence then softly at first, slowly getting louder, clapping and stern voices of, "Here here."

"Now," I began, and waited for them to quieten again, "if you don't mind, I will lay down here, with my mates and watch my kittens have a good time while I relax some."

I watched as Jenny hooked up with a soldier, wandering off somewhere slightly inebriated, sure, but in charge of her faculties enough to turn to me and wink.

The night grew long, Sally and Molly ended up enjoying each other a little more, something that my heat's subsidence had driven far from my mind. With a sigh I padded back to the big hanger, and lay down with Rough and the kittens.

It was then I heard it, a soft moan here, a grunt and a giggle there. I narrowed my eyes and focused my hearing, turning my ears slightly I glanced down the far end of the huge shed and saw, to my satisfaction, Jake and Steve, her fur almost making her as invisible as his bare skin made him visible, locked together.

I began purring deeper, leaning back against my big mates chest.

My muse seems pleased with me, gave me a bit of breathing time to write this one, she is a harsh mistress, certainly not fair, and while she never gives me exactly what I want, she makes sure I get exactly what I need.


Oh, and yes, Jake is now considered a her/she. Their choice is made, at least for now.

*Purrs deeper*