The Silvered Lands

Story by Kiba_Bloodfang on SoFurry

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My paws stung with each step that I took, my back ached, my lips were dry and cracked, and still the sun relentlessely beat down on my already overheated body. If I had a razor, by god I would shave off all of this fur if only to cool down a degree or two! But no... I had to wander through the desert with the fluffiest, warmest pelt I'd ever worn. It may have been winter in my homeland, but my body didn't care, insisting to grow a thick, insulated coat of hot fur even though I was in the middle of a sweltering desert. I couldn't stop... I had no water, no food, and my tent had been blown away by a recent sandstorm. I kept seeing mirages of pools of water, but I knew better. Oasises would have trees around them, because water wouldn't be found out here in the middle of nowhere without attracting some kind of vegetation...

My name is Kiba. I'm a raccoon, about three and a half feet high. My friends said I should've eaten my vegetables to grow big and strong, teasing me, but I'm not short from an iron deficiency, no, I was a midget because the raccoons where I come from were naturally short. Not really a dwarf, but short and stocky. Folks I knew said it was cute, and not to be narcissistic, but I agreed. Too bad I couldn't charm away the sun's intense rays, though. I plowed on through the burning sand. How had I gotten here? I couldn't really remember. I think it was some foolish notion about going out to 'find myself'? Some kind of spirit walk? Whatever it was, I rued the day I decided to cross this vast des- what was that?

Up there, on the horizon, was a huge blob of blue, like the biggest mirage I ever saw. What could be causing such a massive bend in the air? Heat reflecting off of a mountain? A really big dune? No... it didn't wave and shimmer like a mirage did. It was just a big, blue... blob. The same color as the sky, but... outlined in the yellow of the sand. There were giant spires, big square ones. It looked like the horizon line of... a city... a city made of mirrors, reflecting the sky back at me. Wincing in pain, I made haste towards it. Maybe it was a mirage, maybe it wasn't... it didn't matter. I was desperate now. I began running...

I'd never run so fast or so hard in my life... but I never seemed to get closer to that shape. It got bigger, though... it was probably a lot farther away than I had anticipated. Had I lost my mind? I was running towards something that might even not -be- there, just a result of insanity from being in the sun so long. Even still... I had been out here for so long that even if it was a mirage my desperation was enough to drive me towards it, clinging at whatever hope for salvation there might be, even if I knew full well it was a false one.

I ran for hours, panting in exhaustion, sand in my paws, fur, eyes, ears, mouth... I couldn't feel my legs and my lungs were on fire, yet I still ran. Slowly it got bigger, more defined. It definitely looked like a camoflauged city. It wouldn't show up at first glance, but if you looked hard enough at it, you could make out the outline, rather than the color, of a huge metropolis. It definitely was no mirage! If a city was so advanced that it had some kind of cloaking field like ths, they would definitely have things like food and water. And a bed... after this endless sea of sand, a bed is what I needed right now above all. I fought through the pain, ignoring my screaming pads, sore legs, burning lungs...

The sun was beginning to go down when I finally got there... wherever 'there' was. I leaned down to look at the ground, hardly able to believe what I was seeing... it was like a giant mirror on the ground. I saw myself reflected back at me. I reached down to touch it with a curious paw. "Oh my..." I panted, falling down onto it. The stuff, whatever it was, was incredibly smooth! It was soft, too, and... cool. I let out a loud sigh and flopped down onto it, half on the sand and half off. "I don't care if this is a mirage..." I closed my eyes and let my cheek rub into the delightful silver surface, vaguely wondering what it was and how it got there, but more occupied with being grateful it was there, a shelter from all the sand and the heat, being smooth and cool to the touch respectively.

So this was no cloaking device. It was a city made of something... something wonderful. Something that was very nearly heaven after the rough of the desert. It was reflective, and that's why it had looked like the sky and sand. I embraced the ground, not really caring why or how it was there, just grateful that it -was-. I finally felt safe, even right on the border of the desert, because it was that nice to feel. It reminded me of a caring mother's touch, if I could be so bold. It did certainly feel loving, in a weird way... I had never been one to associate such emotions to inanimate objects before, but it just felt... different.

After laying there a few minutes, I heard what sounded like a deep, low breath... like someone was whispering to me. Or... more like someone was exhaling on me? "Wha-?" I said, looking up to see who it was. I never got the chance, because my whole world went dark, and I fell into a much-wanted, deep and comfortable sleep. As I passed out, I was vaguely aware of my feet being taken hold of, dragging me across that beautifully comfortable surface that I never wanted to leave, before I fell into a blissful state of oblivion. I would sleep for a whole week if I could. Maybe two. At least I was being dragged into the city and not away from it. Even if I ended up in a prison cell, it was better than being out there in the harsh desert.

I gradually awoke, unsure of how much time had passed. I still felt that smooth silver, and it was all around me. I didn't want to open my eyes... but I did. I was curious about where I was, now. What I saw was confusing, to say the least. Everything I saw was that same silver, ultra shiny material. It was hard to focus my eyes on anything at first, but as I stared, I saw that I could tell what was what a bit easier, like I was adjusting. It seemed duller, less reflective, and I could make out a corner of a room. Looking up, I saw the place a ceiling met a pair corner of the walls.

I looked down at what I was laying on. It appeared to be a couch, and I was covered in a blanket made of that same material. I picked up its edges, and it slid so sensually across my paws as I let it slip back down. "Ooh..." I marvelled at its feel. I hadn't imagined what it would feel like molded into a fabric, and I still couldn't, really. It seemed like it was melting into the couch around me, but easily slid away when I pulled at it. It was kind of like silk, in a way. I looked back up again to see a huge window, letting sunlight into the room. The window itself looked to be made of... glass? It shimmered like the rest of the city, most of which I could see through the window, but I could still see through it. Then I noticed the edges of the panes graduated to silver, so the glass must be that material stretched unimaginably thin...

The city itself looked so much bigger from here. I could see the tops of all the buildings that reached up to this level, and none of them were taller than this window. I was in the tallest building in the city... possibly even the highest room. Looking back at said room, I could see a bunch of expensive looking furniture. It was swanky indeed, and the unique shine everything had made it look that much more special. I only then wondered who the occupant of the room was, and as soon as that thought came into my head...

"Ah, you're awake." The sudden voice startled me, making me jump and gasp. I looked to the windowsill where it had come from, and there was a... well... it looked like a greyhound. Its legs and tail seemed to be part of the sill it sat on, but seperated after just a moment. Had it just... melted through? I know it wasn't there earlier. And... it was talking. Talking to -me-.

"U-uh..." I responded, not having spoken to another... being... in a very long time. "Hi?" I was totally at a loss for words, except for -

"Where am I?"

"Well you're in my city. The locals call it the Silver City, so I guess you can, too. I'm Echo." He said, his voice as smooth and flowing as his city. He was made of that same stuff... a greyhound seemed a fitting species for him to be, already known for their grace and agility, their sleek, pointed bodies. It was almost like a joke how well his shape matched his... his substance.

"Oh. Uhh... it... it's a nice city. I like it."

Echo seemed to grin at that. "Heheh, many people do. I'm glad you like it here."

I just stared, not sure what to say...

"Did you enjoy your nap?" He said softly. "I would normally have woken you as soon as you were brought here. You, however, seemed like you desperately needed the rest. Your clothes were torn beyond repair. Sandstorms can be vicious like that." He said, nodding as if agreeing with himself.

I let the blanket slide off of my body, looking down to see that I was naked. I gasped, blushing brightly as I pulled it back over myself.

"What are you ashamed of?" Echo asked in that smooth, deep voice of his. "No one else wears clothes here. Look out on the streets, you'll find everone else to be naked as well. Oh, except for anyone wanting to appear professional. They wear clothes to let their employees they mean business, but those are usually starched, uncomfortable suits."

"Oh..." Is all I can find to say.

"So tell me, my silent companion, what brings you to my city?"

"I... I found it. Uh... I was in the desert, and... I saw this place, so I started running because I was thirsty. I hoped I'd find food or water here."

"I can understand that. But what were you doing in the desert in the first place?"

"...I've asked myself that several times. I really don't know. I think I went out there because I wanted to prove myself to someone... or something like that..."

"That kind of thing could get you killed. You look like you've endured a lot... it would be a shame to waste such a hardy little thing like yourself. What is your name, by the way?"

"Name...? Oh. I'm Kiba."

"Well, Kiba... welcome to the silver city." He said, hopping off the windowsill. It looked more like he -slid- off... or perhaps glided. He walked over to me, seeming to glide across the floor, and sat in front of me. He leaned forward and gave my face a lick, and it sent a shiver down my spine. He felt... even -more- wonderful than the city, the furniture and

my blanket somehow! I blush at the lick, letting out a slight moan.

"Liked that, did you?" He grinned, licking down my neck, making me gasp and shiver. He seemed amused by my reaction. His tongue slowly slide out further, sliding across my neck and all the way around it. What a long tongue! It seemed to fuse into itself where it met, and then it came out of his maw altogether! I saw that he still had a tongue, though, and a very shiny one at that... but he left one around my neck. It seemed to get thicker and just slightly tighter as I thought about it... it was a... a collar?

"I usually make my pets into canines before I collar them." Echo said. Pet? He didn't even ask me if I wanted to be his pet! "But you seem... special, somehow. I'd like to see if this form suits my tastes." -HIS- tastes? What about me!? It was my body!

"Now, before you argue with me... think about this. I let you come into my city. I brought you into my very room, and I gave you a place to sleep. By anyone's standards, you're in my debt, and this is how I choose to take my payment. Fear not though, Kiba. It's not bad at all being one of my favorites. I could make your life a silver nightmare with a single gulp." He grinned, mincing no words.

He was right, I had to admit. He could easily just send me back out into the desert... and I was in no hurry to have that happen. Suddenly, being his pet and even surrendering my body to him seemed like the obvious choice. Rather than risk being exiled back out there to take my chances in the desert, I bowed my head obediently. "Yes sir."

"Good boy." He said, grinning as he licked my forehead with that wonderfully textured tongue of his. I closed my eyes and leaned into it, purring softly.

"Yes, I do think you'll like it here, Kiba." Echo grinned again. "You can't resist your master." He grinned teasingly. "I'm sure you'll love it here, you already seem to be enjoying yourself so much. Did you know that you're the first biped I've let remain that way?"

"I didn't, no..." I shake my head. "So, uh... what kind of things do you want me to do for you?"

"What kind of things do I want you to do for me...." He stopped in midsentence, expecting me to finish for him.

"Oh... what kind of things do you want me to do, sir? Master?"

"Much better. Let's stick with 'Master', 'Sir' makes me sound like a drill sargeant. You will do whatever I ask you to do. Don't worry, I won't have you do any extremely difficult things. Mostly, you'll grant me sexual favors."

I blushed brightly again, suddenly thinking of his sleek form in a much different way. I'd never thought about what other things I could do with that texture... but now so many different possibilities raced through my mind. My eyes ventured down his body, affixing themselves on his flank, trying to glimpse what he had in store between those legs.

"Ah, only natural that you'd be curious." He said, noticing my stare immediately. He turned to the side and lifted his leg so gracefully, the material bending out of the way, proudly showing off his silvery prize. I tried to look away, suddenly very self-conscious even though it was Echo's bits on display and not mine. My blush intensified when, looking at the floor, he addressed me, leg still raised. "Pet, I don't show off my goods often." He said in a smooth, yet commanding tone. "You would be privileged to look, and I might get offended if you don't." There was some amusement in his voice, as if he were only half-joking.

I forced myself to look up, eyes trailing along his reflective leg, across his flank which was as smooth as a mirror, and then gradually to down to his silver package. They looked like any other bits you would find on a dog, except these were as silver as the rest of him. They were also much bigger than would be proportional to Echo, bulkily hanging down to his thigh like a couple of tennis balls nestled in a chromium sack tucked snugly up against his pelvis. His sheath bulged with untold silver treasures, smoothly filling out the rest of the space between his legs that his scrotum didn't, hanging droopily a bit at the end, and I was able to see just a bit of the tip of his shaft inside the stretched sheath... How had I not noticed that earlier? It was nearly too big for him to walk! Echo's package was an incredible sight. The very nature of his material was alluring enough that I found my paw wandering out to touch him. He didn't object. The musk coming from his genitals smelled unmistakably like vanilla... though I couldn't tell why.

"Mmmh..." He moaned softly with an amused grin as my paw pushed up into his bulging ballsack, the silver flowing over my paw much like the blanket had. My other paw joined it and I began to gently massage them, purring to myself as I found myself off of the couch and on the ground behind him. I pressed my muzzle into his taint and nuzzled firmly, and Echo tilted his head back and let out another, deeper moan. His shaft started to emerge from his sheath. His body felt incredible to the feel! I couldn't pull my paws away, too in love with the way his flesh, if it could be called flesh, flowed and billowed between my paws. One of the paws traveled up his scrotum and to his sheath, wrapping around that delightfully round and smooth organ beginning to protrude from it. It was even slicker than the rest of him, like it was covered in lube! But it wasn't wet... just incredibly smooth.

It was the only part of him that even looked uncumbersome, which was odd because the rest of his bits looked bulky and likely to slow him down. Instead of worrying about it, I closed my eyes and wrapped my paw around his shaft, and he gasped as I started to stroke him firmly, moaning yet again. "I don't normally display myself so boldly like this." He explained to me. "I'm normally streamlined and subtle, but since you're new, and so... oohhhh...." He stopped to moan and enjoy what I was doing to him, slowly starting to rock his hips into my paw, leaking pre that was as silver as everything else here. "S-so eager... I'm deciding to provide considerable girth in myself for you t-to play with."

I did appreciate the gesture very much, and I started nuzzling into his tailhole, the orifice feeling like it was ready to suck me in, yet at the same time offering resistance to my nudges. I started stroking his marvelously textured shaft faster, gripping a bit tighter with the intent to bring my new master to orgasm, when suddenly his bits vanished from in between my paws and he pulled away, turning around and sitting in front of me.

"That's enough play for now, pet." He said matter-of-factually. He seemed to be panting a bit, having almost came into my paws... I stared at my suddenly empty paws... what had happened? His package had just... melded into him! He grinned at me, noting my disappointment. He seemed pleased that I enjoyed fondling him so much that I was nearly upset when he took himself away.

"Don't worry, pet. There'll be plenty of time for that later; So much, in fact, that you'll become accustomed to it." My eyes stayed on his groin. Where once there was a bulging set of silver bits, there was now nothing but a smooth surface tapering to a streamlined finish beneath his tail. I looked back up to his face as he spoke to me, still feeling disappointed...

"I want to save my orgasm for later, Pet... we're going to play a game." He said, grinning at something that he knew but I didn't. "How fast can you run?"