Gym Buddies: Part Two

Story by SpeakingWolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Gym Buddies

Gym Buddies: Part Two

Al pulled his paws off me and I clutched my body into the pull-up bar. 'Sure, now I get the strength to do it!'

"Wh-what's that?" he asked. I gulped heavily.

"What's what?" I tried to sound as casual as possible, but it didn't work. My tail felt like it was curling all the way in on itself and cramped, which made me wince.

"That," he said flatly. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before dropping to the floor. I couldn't meet his gaze, which I felt was searing into the top of my head.

"N-nothing," I whimpered.

"Didn't feel like nothing." Blood rushed to my face and caused it to turn baby pink, which was noticeable even through my thick fur.

"Sorry," I yelped out as I pushed him aside and ran into the changing rooms, which were empty. Thank God Luke had left me on my own - this was really embarrassing. I didn't want him to see me going through this. I glanced at my reflection in the mirrors over the sinks. Now my complexion had turned hot pink, and my tail was so tightly curled it looked like more like a stubby growth on the end of my spine. I bit into my lip and went into the showers, still fully clothed.

No-one was here either. Good - I didn't have to worry about anyone hearing me cry in shame and horror. I turned one of the showers on cold and ran my face under it. I needed to stop thinking about Al grabbing my crotch, which was starting to become difficult. When I heard the door opened and shut behind me, I gulped. "I'm sorry, I won't bother you again!" I heard wet footsteps splashing towards me.

"Hey, pup..." I turned around, thinking it might be Luke come to make sure I was okay. Suddenly, I would've killed for him to hold on to - he'd protect me from whatever was coming. But my initial instinct was right - the coyote was standing three feet away from me. "...I think you owe me an explanation."

"Erm..." I stammered, the cold water trickling down my muzzle. Those brilliant emerald green eyes of his pierced my plain yellow/orange ones, which were now welling with tears. "I'm sorry, I'll go... I'll find a new gym!" I reeled off as quickly as I could as I tried to move. He slammed his paw into the wall next to me with an audible thud, which made me stop in front of it and look at him. My shoulders tensed.

"I think... you owe me... an explanation," he slowly purred. I held back sobs of rejection and terror.

"I'm sorry... p-please don't hurt me," I begged. A small wail came out of my lips, accentuating the end of the sentence. I closed my eyes tight, and the water on my back had become shards of ice piercing my skin.

"Don't hurt you," he said. I didn't need to open my eyes to feel how close he was. His warm breath filled my nostrils, which aroused and frightened me at the same time. Something twisted in my stomach. "Open your eyes!" He wanted me to see this. He wanted me to watch as he beat the living shit out of me. I sniffled and nodded before opening my eyes tentatively. I'd misgauged how close he was - he was millimetres away from me, too close for me to read his expression. "Don't? Hurt you?" His face softened as I let out another cry. "Why would I do that?" And he pushed his muzzle to mine.

The way his lips pressed into me was perfect. The warm fur around them tickled my mouth as it brushed against me. I opened my maw and dared to return the kiss, closing my eyes as I did so. He moved in even closer to me, pressing me against his body and the cold tiles of the shower room. I felt strange at the freezing water on my back and the boiling coyote on my chest. The mixture of sensation made me shiver and murr loudly. He pulled away and smiled.

"You're a good kisser," he said. I blushed and looked at the sweaty water sink away into the drain.

"Th-thanks," I stumbled. "I didn't know you were..." I said, leaving a definite pause on the end of the sentence so he could use his own interpretation of the word.

"I knew you were," he smiled, "why do you think I agreed to be your gym buddy?" This wasn't fair - everyone seemed to know about me. On the bright side, it meant I probably wouldn't have to come out to my parents. I didn't realise I was that obvious. "And why do you think I lifted you up like that?" He did it on purpose! If I'd have known, I wouldn't have run away! If I'd have known, we wouldn't be here! If I'd have known, he wouldn't be kissing me.

After a moment's reflection on this realisation, I concluded that maybe this was for the best.

"You know, this icy water can't be helping your cold much. Here," Al said, turning the temperature nozzle to a hotter setting before pushing my back against the tiles again. "But then, you never did have a cold, did you?" I shook my head, smiling at the feeble attempt I'd used before.

He looked into my eyes, now penetrating them with deep hunger. He wanted me, so I gave in and opened my maw for him. After a minute of letting his tongue massage mine, he pressed his unsheathing member against me. He pulled my hips up and slammed me into the wall. I gasped in pleasure, and had to bite my lip to stop myself from screaming 'Fuck me!' at the top of my voice. He picked up on it.

"You wanna?" he asked. A moment took me where I had control of myself. I hated that part of me - the sensible part.

"We shouldn't," I hesitated. "Someone might walk in on us," I felt the need to rush when the coyote gave me a slightly hurt look. I stroked at the brown fur on his cheek, wetting it with the shower's water. "I want to, but if we get caught..."

"Come on, doesn't that thought just make you go...?" he shuddered into my body, his bulge pressing against me while he nuzzled his nose into my chest. I took a deep breath and realised how intoxicating his musk was - more so than his towel had lead me to believe.

"Y-yeah, but... I don't want to look for a new gym," I explained. 'What the fuck are you doing?' my head cried out. And I really had no clue. The hottest guy I'd ever seen was offering to fuck my brains out, and I was worried about some stupid gym membership?!

"Yeah, I like this place," he agreed, though he sounded a little rejected. "You know... it closes early."

"Yeah, that is a downside," I nodded. He smiled and shook his head.

"I like that about this place. It closes early. In about thirty minutes, actually." Something about the way he spoke was very definite, and I wasn't sure what he was driving at.

"Really?" I asked, intrigued.

"Really," he said. "And they've got that weight bench out there, too." The conversation was becoming really obscure now.

"Uh-huh?" He looked at me knowingly, but I just looked perplexed. "Wh-what are you getting at?"

He sighed. "Well, I was thinking we go into one of those little rooms over there," he nodded towards a stack of private changing rooms, "maybe we fool around for a while, and... wait until everyone's gone?" My heart raced and my length sprung fully to life, which the coyote chuckled at.

"Then what?" I asked as seductively as I could. It sounded plain timid.

"Then I'll take you to that bench, I'll bend you over, I'll pull down your pants, and..." he ended by kissing me passionately, murring and then pulling away from me. "So? You wanna?"

"Uh, yeah," I moaned in disappointment.

"What's up?"

"I... I kinda promised my brother I'd call him when I wanted to go home. He's the type to worry, you know?" Part of me was starting to wonder if I actually wanted Al. Every time he suggested something, I seemed to have a new excuse ready.

"Okay. Well, we could still... mess around in the cubicle?" I smiled and leant into his ear.

"Take me," I whispered. He turned the showers off and walked towards the second cubicle on the right with me still wrapped around him. He locked the door behind him and murrowled when he looked at me. There was so little room in here that we were even closer than we were in the shower room. "So, when you say 'mess around'...?" I asked. I felt my ears flop against the side of my head - a sure sign I was nervous.

Al pulled me into another kiss and wrapped his arm around my back. I felt my member pulse against his thigh, which he seemed to like. Every rhythmic throb made him murr slightly. He ran a paw under my wet t-shirt and padded at my chest. He took his other paw and ran it across my leg, which made its way into my sports trousers. I yipped and tugged away.

"What's wrong?" Like he had to ask. "Is this your first time with a guy?" I smiled coyly.

"Well, you could say that, I suppose," I started. His eyes went wide when he understood my meaning. "That's not a problem, is it?"

"Of course not," he said, "I'm just surprised, is all. You're... really cute." I was sure he didn't want to say cute. The word didn't sit comfortably with how he said it.

"'Cute'?" I pushed, tilting my head. He looked shyly down at the floor.

"Okay, you're... you're hot," he admitted. I blushed, but before I could stare at the floor like him, he pulled me into his body and nuzzled my nose to his. "Do you... do you want to take this slower, then?" I'd blown it now. He was so determined to do something with me, and I just kept pushing him away.

"If that's okay," I said. He shook his head at me.

"If you're not ready..."

"But I am," I insisted, "I am ready!"

"If you're not ready," he said more pointedly, "we'll wait. I'll wait." I looked into his eyes with shock. "You really are cute, Dan," Al went on, meaning to use this word, "and I actually... quite like you." He spoke softly to me, as if he was trying to hold back just how much he felt about me.

"I like you, too. Obviously," I added, referring to my still stiff cock. We both smiled at each other for a moment before locking lips again. I ran my paw gently down the length of his tail and murred into the kiss, which was becoming deeper. His strong paws returned to my hips and caressed the elastic on my pants, clearly eager to take them down. I pulled out of the kiss and looked at him. A simple nod let him know that I was ready, and he started to peel away the layers of clothing from my legs. He looked at my thin white boxers, which showed seven pink, hard inches waiting for him. He touched the cotton fabric gently as I laid my head back and gasped in pleasure.

"You're thick," he complimented, giving my pulsing meat a good check over. He leaned into my ear and whispered. "But you're not as thick as I am. You'll find that out soon enough." He smirked at me, and a sharp pang of fear hit me, coupled with a sense of lust. I looked at his body and bit my lip seductively. Running my paw from his tail to the front of his shorts, I could already tell he had a greater girth than mine. I murred and looked up at him.

"C-can I see it?" He smiled and used his paw that wasn't pleasuring me to pull at his waistband. "No," I stopped him, "let me do that." He smiled and continued to paw me, slightly harder now. I was so close to coming it was untrue. I had to tense up several times to stop from spraying my boxers with hot liquid ropes. I pulled his shorts down, and was greeted with a pair of black boxers to clash against my white ones. It wasn't only thicker than mine, it was clearly longer, too. He must have been nine inches, and I gasped at the sight of it.

"Little pup isn't scared, is he?"

"A little," I said, taken aback by his mammoth cock. He smiled and ruffled the fur on my head. I must have been cute - everyone did that to me. Trying to come across as sexy, not cute, I rubbed softly at his boxers, murring as I did.

"Do you mind if I..." Al asked, withdrawing a claw and placing it to the line of my boxers, "...take a proper look?" A dribble of pre stained my boxers, turning the point where the skin touched them bright red. Before I could answer, he was slowly pulling down on them, moving them away from my body. He was just about to see my tip, when... phone rang and killed the moment. Al stopped pulling.

"Saved by the bell, eh?" He made it sound like I didn't want this, which was completely untrue. I wanted this more than anything, even if my nervous heartbeat was displayed in my throat. I shot him a look as I rifled through my pocket to find my phone. It was a text message.

waitin 4 u outside. b quick. im freezin my ass off! L.

"For fuck's sake, Luke!" I shouted, slamming my phone back into the pocket now beside my knees. My hard member had softened slightly.

"What's up?" the coyote asked.

"My brother's waiting for me outside," I explained.

"Well, then... maybe next time?" he asked in a reserved voice. I didn't like the way he said it - almost like I'd lost interest in him and he was simply confirming a 'no'.

"Definitely!" I beamed, reassuringly. Again, perhaps I was too enthusiastic about this. "How often do you come here?"

"Twice a week, maybe three times?" he said.

"Okay, when should you be in next?"

Al considered it for a moment, checking through a mental diary and counting the days on his fingers. "Tuesday," he said, "I've got to work on my cardio."

"All right. That's three days," I confirmed, pulling his pants over his still stiff member.

"No, Dan." My heart sank. "I should be in on Tuesday. But I will be in tomorrow." He smiled at me and I let out a gasp of relief.

"Okay!" was all I could manage. He smiled and looked at the clothes around my thighs before moving slightly back.

"A parting gift," he murred and lowered himself to my crotch. He placed his lips to the white boxers and kissed the base of my cock. He went on to rub his tongue along the length until he reached the pre-soaked fabric. He murrowled as he let the clear juice slide across his tongue. I'd never felt anything like it - and the fact that I didn't come there and then was a miracle. He slid my pants over my hips and stood me up, my member so hard from being teased it was painful. "You want me to walk you to the car?"

The thought made my stomach lurch. It'd be great to have him walk me over to Luke, but my brother's flippancy of certain words made me unsure.

"Well, I'm not... out, you know?" I tried my best to make it sound as if I didn't reject the offer, but was sure it came across as otherwise.

"What are you talking about? We're gym buddies, right?" A knowing smile crossed his face, which I was quick to share. We walked out of the changing rooms and into the parking lot, which were relatively quiet. The sun was starting to set, turning the sky pink and the clouds a deep shade of violet. "There's your brother," Al said, nodding towards Luke.

The husky waved at me from the side of his car. He didn't look freezing in the slightest. In fact, he was wearing a tight vest and jeans, trying to show off his recently worked out muscles. A pair of women walked past him and he threw his head back over the car like he was modelling for a dirty magazine.

"Oh, my God," I said incredulously, unable to watch him. Al laughed.

"He's very similar to you."

"He's nothing like me," I spat out.

"I don't know, he's kinda hot," Al considered. My look of shock didn't seem to stop Al's opinion. "Well he is! But he doesn't have your eyes." I looked away from Al. No one had complimented my eyes before, especially in comparison to my brother.

"His eyes are better than mine," I said dully.


"His are a really bright ocean-blue - they're miles better than my yellow ones!" I sneered out the word yellow like it was bad language.

Al lifted my face looked into them. "You can't see your own eyes, babe. Trust me. I'd take your amber eyes over those dishwater ones any day." He kissed me again. He did it quickly so that no-one would see us, then turned on his heel. "I'll see you tomorrow then, gym buddy!"

"Y-yeah," I said, still in the world of his kiss, "I'll see you then!" I walked over to Luke with slight a jump in my step and a boyish smile on my face. I couldn't believe it - Al called me 'babe'! And he liked my eyes - the eyes I'd always hated! I beamed greatly on my way to the car, which Luke was still posing against. I shook my head at how involved with himself he was. In fairness, if I bought a copy of 'Doggy Style!' and he was the centrefold, I'd be quite happy with the purchase. I went to open the passenger side door, which was locked.

"Sorry, bro, new policy: No gays allowed in the car without paying the toll." I didn't care how much of an asshole he was being, I was too high on the moment.

"What's the price?"

"Information! And that goofy smile tells me you have something juicy! Tell, tell!"

"I will in the car," I said. I had no intention of telling Luke about my day, though. That'd be a secret to be kept between me and my gym buddy.