Pain: Part 6: Mistress' Day

Story by Fpuppu on SoFurry

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#6 of Pain

Okay been a super lazy bunny the last few umm months...ya sorry about all that this one has been done awhile, but just hadn't uploaded it...which is kinda sad since it is just hitting Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C and then Paste and do a little comment up here being all silly and cute...or trying to be....well Ramble off...Enjoy the story and have fun *loves to Everyone*

Warning...this is the warning...if you don't like warnings....then be warned you will not like this one...

This story has kinky stuff in it enjoy.

The small bunny woke up being hugged between the two canines. His tiny body squirming as his Master's muzzle moved over his neck, giving him that feral signal he was going nowhere. The small bunny calmed as he felt his Master's hot breath over his neck, sending shivers down his tiny spine to the tip of his tail. As the bunny's eyes closed he squirmed a tiny bit, testing his Master's grip on his scruff and found the more he moved away the tighter the grip became. His Mistress moved and sat up, smiling down at them, "Hello little one....seems your Master doesn't want you going anywhere.....hunny wake up..." She said touching the male's arm, With a grunt his grip released and he yawned. The small bunny took the chance and sat up rubbing at his little eyes, "Is this a dream?" he asked softly and squirmed.

His Mistress scooped him up and shook her head, the large wolfess smiling at the smaller bunny, "Nope...and today your all mine......" With that he was swept to the bathroom, "We get it first hunny.....can you get coffee started." The large wolf growled and yawned again, "" The male said grumbling his sleepies away. The door opened and closed as the wolf growled loudly hitting his toe on the banister of the stairs, followed by so many mumbled curses the bunny was sure his Master could have been George Carlin. "Don't mind him he is a grumpy lets get your cute drool covered body into this tub." She chuckled and began to let water flow into the tub and soon they had a nice hot bath drawn. "In you go....and make sure to clean your tail."

The small bunny was picked up and placed slowly his tiny paws curling up as the hot water touched them, but soon he relaxed and just let his body be enveloped in the hot steamy water. "Okay lets get you clean splashies in the morning little pet." His Mistress joined him and began to wash the small bunny the small pet helping with a paw here or there. Finally, his Mistress cleaned herself and let the water drain before wiping them dry. The small bunny taking the towel to dry his ears, making sure not to pull on the fake caps, since it did cause some uncomfortable pressure. "Ok lets go downstairs."

As they got downstairs the small bunny bounded off and into his Master's arms, "Hello little pet can eat in my lap since you will be with your Mistress all day.." His Master smiled as he and Mistress had breakfast which was mainly barly cooked meat and eggs, while the small bunny had a tiny bit of eggs and a chopped carrot. The small bunny helped clean the dishes, but was careful not to touch the bloody part of the steak juice, which his owners noted. As he was finished Master grumbled, "Alright you two have fun and I'll see you tonight pet pet..and hunny please don't spend a fortune today." She laughed softly and licked his face, "Just a few hundred, maybe thousand dollars today hunny nothing bad."

His Master chuckled and rubbed the small bunny's neck and head a little bit kissing him all over, before his Mistress clipped a leash to his collar and pulled him towards the living room, "He mine today, now you can't go nakkie so lets get you dressed." As the bunny entered the living room he blushed seeing a small short skirt and top. Under that lay stockings a pair of slip on shoes and some crotchless panties, "Hurry now, the driver is waiting and we have an appointment to keep." The small blushing pet quickly dressed and hopped behind his Mistress as she pulled him out the door, "Were late and if we miss this appointment your gonna get a spanking now lets go." His Mistress giggled as the bunny seemed to double his speed from the empty threat, in truth they had plenty of time, the small bunny caught the chuckle and blushed, noticing his skirt was too high and his tiny length peeked out for the driver to see. Quickly adjusting himself as he was put in the car.

The trip was rather short, but the small bunny watched out the tinted window the entire way. As the car stopped the female stepped out and pulled the blushing, crossdressed bunny onto the street, his leash clearly visible as two business otters parted around them as they moved toward a very fancy star front. One of them turning to look at the small butt of the bunny. The doors opened and closed as the sweet smell of perfume filled the bunny's nose. A receptionist looking over the desk at them both, "Hello Miss Trinity how may I assist you...." The small bunny moved along behind as they got to the desk, which the small bunny's head just barely reached over. "Here to get this girl some make sure to keep deep Vs out and something to show off his hips...we have an appointment with Alex." The vixen nodded and grabbed a phone, "Alex, VIP Trinity here with crossdress pet up front." As the phone was set down she smiled and looked at the pet, "Do you want a sucker to suck on girl?" The bunny nodded and smiled as he took a grape sucker. Opening and sucking happy, His Mistress glaring down, "PET!..." With a tiny swat the bunny blushed knowing why that came, "Thank you Miss.." They both nodded, "Cute but untrained..." They both said at the same time.

As the bunny blushed Alex came from a side door that appeared to be a wall, "Ooo Trinity dear...hello hello.." The male with a high voice made the bunny jump and turn around, "And this must be your new indeed cross I would love to see him between my legs at some point.." The bunny was red as his Mistress and the male kissed and chuckled, "He may end up there today if we can get a discount.." The one named Alex laughed, "O that can be arranged. Let me see him walk a bit, come this way." The small bunny was pulled though the wall door, blushing as the male gripped his rump and nodded, "Oo ok I got the perfect thing for him...So what you think about ten everyday outfits, one dress, and maybe something a bit more....ummm sexy?" His Mistress nodded and smiled as they entered another room. "Sounds about that discount?" The male laughed and nodded, "I was thinking the same thing...may I?" The female nodded and gripped the bunny, "You can stop this today, but in the future you won't have this offer...i know this is fast, but you are to having a true follow him if you want it." The small bunny took a few steps forward and blushed as the male sat down in his chair.

The bunny kneeled at his feet and blushed, "Your Mistress is lucky to have such a slutty pet like get to work for the discount.." The male laughed as he pulled his length out and fed the small pet that length, "Suckle good for your treat little one, much better then that sucker." As he said that the small pet happily began to work, sucking and licking that length feeling the tiger's barb scraped the roof of his mouth. Meanwhile, the male and female began to discuss business, "He needs to grow his hair...and maybe take some female hormones...if you want to make him more passable...he is now, but you can make him like more like a her." His Mistress spoke up as the small bunny's throat was entered, "We want him to look a bit like a girl, but want him to be noticed as a boy in public a boi more so..." The male nodded and gripped the boy's head, "Watch his ears......" The male nodded and leaned back, "Can I breed his mouth?" She chuckled, "Breed it as much as you like...." The tiger moaned and nodded and gripped the bunny's head and began to thrust into it, "Swallow...bitch swallow your daddy's tiger cum" The bunny shook as his muzzle was instantly filled with such hot seed. Swallowing once only to have it filled once more. After the third spurt the bunny had it down swallowing the thick creamy load fast, not spilling a drop, "Keep it in your mouth.." The tiger said at the last spurt.

The bunny blushed but kept a mouth full, "Open!" His Mistress said, now behind the Tiger. The bunny's muzzle opened to show a tongue submerged in tiger seed. "Oooo good one Alex...Bet his throat is covered..." He nodded and moved back getting his tape measure, "Keep it in there...." He said and she nodded, "Don't swallow little one keep that nice treat in your muzzle like it supposed to be." The large tiger chuckled and rubbed the boy's face as he sized him up perfectly, checking each measurement twice. HIs Mistress came behind him and leaned his muzzle up as the male finished, kissing him deeply and taking half of the yummy seed for herself, "mmmm Alex...wish you would let me have some from the source...." The tiger chuckled, "I bet I could sell it.." They both laughed and looked at the bunny, who still had a mouth full of seed, "Swallow now.." The bunny blushed and swallowed. Opening his muzzle to show it now clean, "Great potential to be a cock sheath I tell you Miss Trinity..get him trained and he could win awards with that body. The clothes should be done by next week...still at the same place?" His Mistress nodded and smiled, "Yes Alex....want a quick glance at his other hole?" The Tiger nodded and looked away from his work. She grinned, happy to show off her pet, bending him over and lifting his tail, before moving the panties to the side, "Pink and barely touching yet... though.." Alex pouted and sat down, "You little tease...." The female chuckled and pulled the bunny back up. "You know you love it babe." Alex laughed, "O I do..Yes I do..Okay next week...they will be there..and maybe something else.."

His Mistress nodded and carefully guided the bunny back out of the shop helping him in the car, "Did you have fun pet?" She asked lifting her skirt and pushing him to the floorboard, "Yes Mistress." He answered. She smiled and pulled his muzzle to her cunny, "Good...." The bunny knew his place and happily began to lick, "Driver take us around the block a few times.."