Bound by Matrimony - Chapter 1: Truth and Lies
#1 of Bound by Matrimony
This is an old story of mine, a short one. That said, this has a lot of errors grammatically and its own concept,though I wanted to hear if this story has a chance of becoming a series.
Bound by Matrimony - Chapter 1: Truth and Lies
In a city, people expect it to be clean and perfect, but not all are. In the city of Barkclaw, there are those who want to cause harm as there are to those who want to do right. Still, no matter what happens in this city, there is an angel watching over it.
Something flying by the air of the city, is a figure clad in black, a cape in the color of white and a symbol of a wolf in gray on his chest. This figure stood as the city's greatest hero, Wolf Howl. We join him now as our wolf hero flies by the national museum on one of his daily patrol.
(Another day, another time for patrols.) He thought. He is your typical gray male wolf in black tights. His short black hair swaying violently as he flies by. (Damn It! I should just make this quick or I'm going to be late.) Unfortunately, life has its own ways to get into someone's life. As he was about to pass the museum, a large explosion occurred, taking the attention of the many people below. Wolf Howl looked closely at the situation given to him and checked the current option he has.
The people inside are now running and panic stricken as a fire was starting inside the building. The flat roof of the building currently has a large gap, and smoke coming out of it. The fire department siren was echoing in the many buildings of the city trying to reach the said occurrence.
Wolf Howl was about to dive in the building to find any injured people when something large and metallic emerged from the main entrance of the museum. What was strange enough was that a very loud and boastful laughing was sounding of in the current situation.
(I know that laugh anywhere.) He told himself as he flew down a few feet away from the mech. As he waited, the sound of the laugh was getting louder and soon a female tigress clad in white tights, a long red visor covering her eyes and a large thin coat appeared behind the mech.
"Dr. Domina, what a surprise to see you again. It's so early for you to cause such harm to people today? I hope you have a way to pay the community for this?" Wolf Howl said to the feline as he stood his ground.
"Oh, my very handsome wolf, you know I don't harm people as pleasure, to be honest the thought that they are much less smarter than I am, is already enough for me" She seductively said to the handsome wolf. "Although, I'm interested to see how you fair my wolf in tights against my new robot" she boasted towards him.
"Really now? Are you sure? Cause I'm going to get y-" Wolf Howl was interrupted in his flight towards Domina by her robot. Dr. Domina started laughing at Wolf Howl at his attempt.
"Oh my handsome wolf you have no-" She was interrupted as well as her robot collapsed right in front of her. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" She frantically said to the hero.
His only reply towards her was a simple gesture of showing his claws at her. "Got my claws ready and to" he was about to grab her but as he did, her form turned pale and ghostlike until a static discharge was showing at the point of origin.
"Oh, I'm sorry Wolf Howl but I had to go somewhere before this all happened. It was worth it, just to see you again my dear handsome wolf" The image said as she tried to caress his lower jaw as the image soon faded. Wolf Howl could clearly see her wink and silently said "Let's meet again" at him.
He felt a chill on his spine as if she wanted him so badly that a thought of "doing" her came up (Damn it Ace! Pull yourself together! I'm going to propose to someone today and it's not her.) He beaten himself mentally but regained his composure after a few inhale and exhale movement. He quickly took flight out of the many reporters that gathered in the area and the spectators that wanted to thank him. But only a look in the nearby clock said a whole new thing in his mind (I'M GOING TO BE LATE!) and quickly flew to his destination.
Up in a multi-story building and in one of its fancy restaurant, sat a beautiful tigress in a black flowing dress, black heeled shoes and blue colored lens glasses. She seemed impatient at the moment as she was seated in a table beside the window that's practically the whole wall and overlooking the whole city.
Checking her watch, which was kept in her purse, she noted to herself (one minute left and he's late.) She packed her watched and stared at the many furs and humans that are in the restaurant either as waiters or customers, the whole place has made everyone blend nicely to the scenery called "A Fancy Restaurant". She once more scanned the room only to spot who she wanted to see. A gray wolf, wearing a suitable black suit, a tie, formal pair of glasses and a big smile on his face get her attention.
"Ace Arthur P. Silence, you almost made me think you're going to be late" she spoke in an angered tone at the wolf who sat down across her and taking his own pair of glasses off.
"Come on Anna, be happy I'm not late for this" Ace said to her and checking the table if ever something was off.
"You know how many waiters I have to say "I'm waiting for someone" that they'd stare at me?" She now was angry at the wolf in front of her
"I'm sorry, Anna, it's just that I have some very hard work to be done as business is a never stopping flow. Even I would wish it was frequent and not in a constant motion. So I'm sorry Anna that I almost made you think I'm late." Ace pleaded with all his heart his eyes turn pouty at her.
"You better, but I suppose I could forgive you..." They were silent for a while until a waiter, which was the first one that asked Anna before, asked what they would want.
Ace ordered a simple full course meal yet very balanced in his budget. This surprised Anna and ordered the same thing as he did. As the waiter left Anna wanted to ask him a question, but Ace beat her to it.
"Anna, what do you think of this restaurant?" He asked suddenly, staring at her and somewhat observing her in the process.
She quickly answered "Fine I guess... although very strange to be here." her face showing the slight hint of confusion to him.
"Really now? Is the scenery not to your liking?" He leaned back and held his breath like there would be a large problem coming after her reply.
"Well... Its fine, but I'm not talking about the table or where it's placed in particular" she said in a concerned yet fine voice.
"Then what's troubling you" Ace clearly getting worried by how she said her opinions.
"It's about this place... Why is it this place?" a confused look on her face. Ace took the question in his mind and actually stayed silent for a while. He just looked at her and almost daydreamed in the process. Anna thought she hit a very bad idea in his head but he never showed a frown at her. Suddenly their food was just done and was currently being placed on their table. It snapped Ace out of his trance and quickly fixed his focus.
"Sorry for spacing out on you Anna, I kind of had a recall of an old friend of mine" He said with a smile and a dumbfound look. Anna just smiled at his honesty and just giggled a bit at him. "Well..." Ace took his spoon and fork at hand "Let's eat."
Anna was now confused at his actions of rushing a bit and quickly confronted it. "You didn't reply to me mister"
"Sorry Anna, I'll tell you when we're done" He said as he ate profoundly fast yet seemingly enjoying it which earned Ace a look of disbelief on Anna's face.
Anna just left it through for a while since they are starting to eat their lunch; it's 12:00 already.
The two furs ate the balanced full course meal that surprised Anna from the start. They were about to eat their main course in their small date of theirs that not much discussion arrived while they ate. Unfortunately, Anna asked a question that really got Ace's attention. "What do you think of Wolf Howl?"
Ace quickly froze in place, his eyes looking at hers. He composed himself in his seat as he nervously answered "What?"
"I know this is a bad time to ask since this is our 5th we've had, but what do you think of Wolf Howl?" She asked with such interest in her tone.
"What do I think of him? ... well ... um ... I don't know..." Ace was frantically thinking of something to say as he sweated in his suit. (Act normal! Act normal!) He tried to think as he reassures himself. "Wait isn't he the super hero wolf in black tights with flight, super strength and invincibility?" (I hope that worked.) He was clearly trying to hide his nervous and conflicted emotions as he answered.
"Yeah! That superhero and he have that "Voice of Wolves", his howl, right?" Anna acting more interested to it (I can't believe I'm discussing it with my boyfriend!) She herself thinking about it.
"Really now? I hear he doesn't want to use it accounting the casualties that would stack up if he used it" (That and I don't really fell like using it) Ace replying casually and cautiously even when he was in a conflicted state of mind.
"So, do you know of who the guy is? Or what he's supposed to do?" Anna was staring at him like spears ready to stab at him.
Starring back at her, Ace was in hot water now (Got to think of a way to change the topic...) "I don't know who he is but he should be more concerned with that Dr. Domina and her motives." He calmed down a bit.
This turn of events, mainly a change of topic, shocked Anna as she came into the picture. "Well... um... "(Think of something! Think...) "She's a villain isn't she?" (Please let this pass by) She begged mentally in her mind.
"I recall she's Wolf Howl's archenemy, that and she's a super genius" Ace still cautious with his words.
Anna was relieved nothing spilled in the conversation "I heard that to... but do you think there's something odd about the two?" (OH! SHIT!) She cursed to herself for that single slip of the tongue. This caused both parties and their respective second life in jeopardy.
"Y-you mean in TV?" Ace adjusting his collar as it felt tighter than usual.
"No, I mean in person, they seem more than rivals than the usual hero vs. villain, if you know what I mean?" Anna kept her straight face (Curse it all and my condition, being too smart!) She cursed herself in her mind.
"Well I noticed that both of them don't seem to be angry at each other, Wolf Howl seems calm in the situation and Dr. Domina is more of thought and collective." Ace had somehow returning to his phased state.
"I know, Wolf Howl seems so handsome and Dr. Domina is as beautiful as she is seductive" Anna entered her own phase of thought as she said it.
Neither body did any movement, as they stayed silent. The noise made by the people around them, were muted in a way for the two. A moment passed until the two decided to ask "Do you think they make a good couple...?" They both were in shock as both furs asked the same question at the same time. The two stared to no end at one another and their food getting cold in the process. "... Yes..." They stared silently, both blushing and fearful at the other for the two had the same Q & A.
(OH CRAP!) Ace was in a whole new world that he himself could not name. That is, until he thought up of something. "Well we certainly made a big shock to ourselves but that's not we're here for"
"I agree" Anna quickly responding to his thought.
(Thank goodness she didn't find out my secret identity)
(Thank goodness he didn't find out my secret identity)
The two clearly thinking alike as Ace and Anna were oblivious to one another's Special lives.
As the two were almost finish with their meal, Ace asked a waiter to come over and ordered a bottle of their best and expensive white wine. This got Anna's attention and made her ask "Why white? Isn't red good for the heart?"
"It is, but I just wanted to have white wine now" Ace trying to avert her suspicion
"Ok but I'm still curious as to why?" Anna looked closely at Ace.
Ace was confident that he could distract her for a while when the wine came and that is by staring at her. Soon enough the two was busy having a small staring contest as well as the wine was being prepared and poured on their respective glasses.
Ace was happy to see, in the corner of his eye, the ring in her glass and visible to her. (Perfect!) He rejoiced mentally. "Anna, don't you think you need a drink or a sip of the wine there?" He was happy enough as it is.
Anna was a bit thirsty and that a little glass of wine wouldn't be going anywhere. So she took a sip on her glass but quickly froze as something solid and cold touched her lips. She looked in her glass and saw a ring. Looking closer on it, embedded on the ring was the words "Will You Marry Me?" She was about to ask Ace as to what the ring was all about, but when she did he was not at his seat. A touch on one of her paws made her respond by looking down. Ace was there, down on one knee and smiling at her.
"You read it, now you'll hear it..." He took a deep breath and hoped in his mind "Anna J. Dust... Will You Marry Me?"
As he said his desired words time seems to stop for Anna, tears flowing down her cheeks. As this all happened, she remembered how they first met.
Anna was a scientist yet being praised too much made her sick of all of it. Her life of crime as Dr. Domina has never been stopped which bore her to no ends, although the only perk there was, was to see Wolf Howl from time to time. She had a crush on him from the start, she counted that as infatuation though in time it evolved and she has a loving affection to him. It was that one perk in being a villain to one handsome wolf that could carry make your world special. She was well happy but knew her real life wasn't going to offer that and was saddened that she could never find who Wolf Howl is.
She decided to go to a bar and drink to fill her sadness. As she sat down on one of the chairs in front of the bar and ordered her drink, he was there, beside her. He had a look of sadness in his eyes yet he smiled that had no meaning what so ever that could describe its sense of hopeful sadness. She did not notice his whole face since she was busy waiting for her drink to arrive.
When it was done, her glass was soon sliding on the table. Since the drink solution she asked for was on the other side. Unfortunately, her glass slid a bit too much that it stopped directly under the wolf's muzzle. She apologized at him and asked the glass from him. As he did, they made eye contact, rendering both to look at each other's faces. The only thing that made the two somewhat transfixed at each other was the saying "Love at First Sight". From then on the two had converse what they do and skipped a few of their workdays just to be together and their many kissing sessions.
At this point in her flashback, she looked down at the same handsome wolf she fell in love, but her heart somewhat felt in pain. (I also like to find that Wolf Howl ...) she stared at the eyes of the wolf in front of her which slowly started to look sad (But that doesn't mean I should deny this one man who has loved me and cared about me...) She swallowed a bit just to get her throat ready. "Ace Arthur P. Silence... I will... I will marry you." A smile crept in her lips as the two furs felt the happy feeling in the air.
They soon were in a hug, as they wanted the moment to last. Although it did felt like an eternity since she had waited for months to hear him say those words to her. They broke the hug since they soon noticed a few curious eyes point at them.
Ace went back to his seat and stared at Anna for anything she wanted to say to him. As he had wished it would come. Anna asked a simple question, "Is this the wedding ring?" Surprisingly, Ace expected that question and just pointed at her side.
Anna looked and saw a small black case. She took it and quickly took a peak. What she saw was a very beautiful diamond ring and a small paper stuck on the top portion. She took it and unfolded it. What was written on the paper was "This is the proposal ring; I haven't engrave our wedding rings yet." She smiled at it and was filled with such happiness that it was this day that he FINALLY proposed to her.
"You do know I've been waiting for 8 months to get the proposal ring, right?" She spoke with a look of such annoyance on her face.
"Sorry Anna, I just thought it would have been better to be formal and I knew we didn't have such a time for a specific formality." He kept his eyes on her throughout his reason.
"I suppose" (and I'm actually busy with my other life) She looked at their plates which are now empty and its main contents gone into their stomachs. "We should get our bill and go" She said in an embarrassed tone.
"WE don't have to" Ace said in confidence. This made Anna give him a confused look. "The old friend I was just thinking about earlier is the owner and manager of this restaurant" He spilled the fact at her.
In this turn, Anna felt like slapping him for not telling her earlier and to have ordered everything she wanted to get in the menu earlier. She was about to say her complaint at him but he beaten her for the chance.
"Although he is the manager, I must warn you, he's very hospitable to me and practically everyone I'm with" He slipped, under a plate, three $100 bills and quickly stood up. "So let's leave while the leaving's good" he said with a paw gesture "come with me." as Anna was about to take his paw a very muscular and tall lion stood behind Ace. She stared at the lion that was clearly over shadowing Ace. He clearly noticed the shadow covering him and felt a drop of sweat trickle down his temples. He slowly turned around only to see the big lion smile down at him.
"And you were about to leave without saying hi to your friend?" the lion clearly hurt yet very calm to the matter.
"It's not like that Ray" Ace waving his paws from side to side, gesturing the "It's not what you think".
"Oh really now?" bending down to be in eye level to the wolf. "And I suppose you were going to leave without you introducing me to this lady you seem to be with?" He took a glance at Anna as he said lady.
"OK, you got me" Ace gave a sign of defeat in the matter. "Anna this here is-"
"Raymond Hall, owner of the venue you are in now." Interrupting and shaking hands with Anna.
"Pleasure to meet you Mr. Hall" Anna said while shaking back.
"Please call me Ray, since you're a friend of Ace." Ray implied, all the while Ace was feeling unnerved as to what is about to come.
"Ray, can we please go I just finished proposing to he-"
"Well I'm Ms. Anna Dust" Anna replied and interrupting Ace once more. Unfortunately, once she had finished saying it, Ray's paws seem to be stuck as the name passed by his hearing.
"Do you mean THE Anna J. Dust?"
"Yes, why?"
Ray looked back at Ace. "And you just proposed to her?"
Ace was reluctant to answer but he had to. "...Yes..."
As the idea sunk in Ray's mind, he quickly grabbed the two and screamed inside the whole restaurant. "Everybody in this room!" Ray shouted, getting the attention of many in the Restaurant. "Our businessman, Ace Silence, has just proposed to the successful woman of all time, Anna Dust, and she had just said YES!" As the names and event came into view as many and all inside started to clap their hands and paws for the soon to be wed. "I'm throwing an all you can eat Right NOW!!!"
There were many side comments or remarks like, "It is Ms. Dust!" "I can't believe this is happening!" "Let good fortune be in your futures" Unfortunately, there were some who we all know as "The Press" who are going to get this as front news for tomorrow's paper.
Soon, in an Elevator, Ace and Anna, was standing and waiting for the number to turn to a "B1".
"Ace?" clearly, Anna was not happy with an angry tone to get Ace's attention. "When you said he was a hospitable person you never told me he was THAT hospitable!" an eyebrow twitching in the process.
"Sorry..." Is all he replied, as they waited for the elevator to turn to show "B1" on the screen.
Please comment i anyway, I woundn't mind what they are just to confirm if this needs to continue.