Dragon Ranch: Unexpected Circumstances

Story by Ausfer on SoFurry

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#6 of Dragon Ranch

(Yes, I didn't kill the series.)

Just starting out on Dragon Ranch? Read on! I try to make the stories episodic: There's not a whole lot of things you won't be able to pick up on in each chapter... so if you start reading here you won't really be missing out on anything.

And in this story there's a lot of smut. F/F between feral dragons (hell yea), then a double M/F scene with 4 characters. Two entire scenes.

Pro Tip: If you want to jump straight to the porn, hit ctrl + F and search for "lesbo". :P


Dragon Ranch: Unexpected Circumstances

Kyle closed the door to his truck and locked it. He ran a hand through his hair, scratched his head a bit, and stretched. He had a relatively quiet drive to work and had parked his truck in the shade of the main storage shed. It was still early.... way too early, Kyle thought, for any decent human being to be up, but Emily had asked him to come in and help her with some special project... She said it was a surprise. He stretched his arms over his head again and yawned.

"Ehh.... I'll deal with the early hours... everyone else on the ranch does."

He looked off into the horizon, glancing at the just-risen sun, and took in a deep breath of the fresh air around him.

It seemed like the start of a good day.

He had the last 2 days off, and spent them at home relaxing. Outside of work, Kyle considered himself a bit of a lazy bastard.... and he was mostly right. However, Kyle also had a good sense of personal duty and didn't skirt responsibility at work, always preferring to have a job well done over one done quickly. It was something he took pride in.

He was on his way to the ranch house, bagged lunch in hand, when he heard a bestial roar overhead. He looked up, surprised to see 2 figures riding a pair of large dragons through the air.

"Crap.... what are those called again? Red scales, yellow underbellies, huge wings.... a tail that would make a Stegosaur jealous.... Ah, damn, I forget."

Fumbling with his lunch in his hands, he cradled it in his armpit and pulled out Emily's hand-written list of dragon species from his pocket and scanned the lines.

"Ahh.... here it is... A ... a Spiketailed Sliver.... Who the hell comes up with these names?"

He carefully folded up the paper and put it back into his pocket when he heard someone call out his name.


It was his cousin Emily, the owner of the ranch.


And that was Rachel.

Kyle frowned. Rachel was the most skilled dragon handlers out of the 6 worked on the ranch, not counting Emily herself. Rachel was cute, playful, and silly... exactly the type of girl Kyle was attracted to. But she was also in a long-term relationship with Jacob, another ranch hand... much to Kyle's chagrin. That didn't stop her from occasionally flirting with Kyle, though... which only made him more frustrated.

He watched as the two girls circled and landed just in front of Kyle. The Slivers were graceful, elegant creatures... and on command both dragons gently bowed their chests down, allowing their riders to jump off.

"Morning, Kyle. Glad to see you get here on time." Emily spoke, petting her Sliver gently on the neck.

"... For once." Rachel snickered, taking off her riding gloves.

"Oh, ha HA...." Kyle rolled his eyes, feigning annoyance.

"What were you girls up to?"

"Ah, we were just giving Ryle and Mitka a bit of a morning fly for exercise. Jake, Ethan, and the rest are out flying somewhere, too... probably over the ravine somewhere."

Kyle smiled, a bit jealous. He had always wanted to feel what it was like to be in the air like that... the wind in his face, the feel of the thick reins in his hand, the rumbling movements of the powerful creature under his saddle....

"Oh, but now that you're here we can get you started on your special project!" She gave a over-happy smile that Kyle wasn't sure about.

"Yea... about that...." Kyle's voice trailed off, hoping for an explanation.

Rachel cut in. "Emily wants me to train you on how to mount and ride a Black Crested Sabel."

Kyle laughed loudly. "I think I had a little crash course in that already" he thought to himself.


"Oh... nothing... just got a bit of a dirty mind." He smirked.

Rachel shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Emily decided that eventually, she can put you to good use helping Ethan out with dragon training. Once we get you riding, you can take them for a spin and help us when we have to take them out for exercise."

"Sounds... pretty sweet, actually.... but...." Kyle frowned.


"Sabels are too small to fly with a guy on their back."

Emily spoke up. "Of course, Kyle... We gotta start you out somewhere so you can get used to riding on the ground first. You wouldn't last 2 seconds in the air on Mitka, here.... isn't that right, boy?" She spoke to the Sliver, who nudged her in the arm with his snout.

"Well, ok...." Kyle relented. All in all, it still sounded pretty cool that he was finally going to be allowed to ride a dragon.

"Here, Rach'... I'll take Ryle and Mitka back to their pens. You two can grab a couple Cresties and head over to the arena and get started."

"Sure thing. Come on' Kyle. You go straight to the arena... I'll meet up with you after I find you a good training partner." She motioned for him to follow. Kyle headed off with her, excited.


Ten minutes later and Kyle was waiting in a large, roofed building with a dirt floor that everyone called the arena. Technically, it was a large training pen. He was waiting for Rachel to come back with a pair of Black Crested Sabels. Kyle looked around restlessly. A thick, oval wall spanned the circumference of the floor. It was open to the elements on the sides like a pavilion, but Kyle thought the high roof and walls made the place look like a hockey rink. The arena was designed for both work and play between the different species of dragons on the ranch. Various equipment and toys were shoved along side of the walls.... large rubber balls, hurdles, and targets of various shapes and sizes. There were a few odd contraptions that Kyle couldn't even figure out... they reminded him of those in-home weight lifting equipment sets, although Kyle was pretty sure that's not what they were used for.

Kyle heard the sounds of footsteps and turned. Right away he could tell the dragons that Rachel had picked out were both female, as they lacked the large bony crests that males displayed.

Rachel walked up and introduced Kyle to his new partners. One was an old, gentle dragon named Elle. Rachel picked her for Kyle because she was a very calm and laid back dragon, and was an ideal choice for a beginner. The other, Kyle instantly recognized due to the left horn being broken off at the tip.

It was Relia. The dragon that had seduced and mated with him only several days ago. She managed to convince him when she abruptly stuck her head down his pants to lick at his cock... in the middle of an open field....

Kyle got a little aroused just remembering it.

As the Rachel approached with the dragons, Kyle held out a hand to Relia.

"Hey, careful... Relia's a bit aggressive."

"Oh, don't worry" Kyle smiled. "We've met."

The dragon accepted Kyle's invitation and licked his hand, allowing him to pet her on the snout gently. She gave a quiet trill as he ran his hand across her scales.

"Wow... I'm a bit surprised, Kyle.... Relia usually isn't too friendly with anyone but me and Jake. What'd you bribe her with?"

"I slipped her a fifty on the way here. Let's get started with this whole mounting business." Kyle couldn't hide his smirk when he said it.

She gave an overly obnoxious show of annoyance. "Oh, comeon Kyle... You act like I haven't heard that a hundred times over." She playfully mocked him, doing her best guy voice and putting her hands on her hips "'Oooh, a sex pun using the words 'mount' and 'ride'! I'll say out loud it because I'm nothing but a silly boy!'"

Kyle was not impressed, but Rachel seemed to enjoy herself quite a bit.

He gave a casual shrug. "Hey... I'm totally serious, here," he said, plainly meaning not a single word of it.

"Okay... well, lets get started then, Mr. Totally Serious," she swung a hooked arm back and forth in an overly gung-ho manner.

"Oh, give me a break, Rach." Kyle rolled his eyes. "And you say I make lame jokes."

"Ah, fine, fine." She laughed.

Kyle smiled. "It's a crying shame that she's already seeing Jake..."


All in all, his first riding experience was pretty tame. Rachel told him it was a lot like riding a horse, with some key differences. After showing him how to get the dragon to kneel, she guided him on how to climb on the saddle. All the while Rachel lectured him on the the finer points of dragon riding.

"Because Cresties are about the same size as a horse, they can be mounted up in the same way as one. We don't usually have them kneel for a more experienced riders.... But you're starting out so you get the easy way first. Believe me, though.... you'll have to know how to do this when you finally get to mount up on a larger dragon."


"Yea.... Cresties. She's a Black CRESTED Sabel, Kyle... Comeon." She teased him playfully.

"Ah... Well, I've been calling them Sables."

"Don't. People will look at you weird."

"Okay... Anyway, why shorten it to the middle word? Why not Blackie?"

She laughed "Because that sounds incredibly politically incorrect. "

"Oh yea? Well, what about... Sabel...ie? Sabelii. Sabel-y.... dang, it doesn't work. "

"Yea, I think you answered your own question, there." She smirked.

Rachel had him cantering around the area on Elle in no time. She cantered along side him on Relia, giving him pointers along the way. Kyle got the hang of it all pretty quickly.

"Don't kick your feet. Guide her with nudges, not by smacking the poor girl! Keep a loose hand on the reins. Make sure you don't lean back too much, it puts strain on the harness. Don't grab her wings! Most dragons hate having their wings touched. Keep your eye on where she's looking. Don't act so tense! She didn't stop because you weren't pulling hard enough. Be firm, but gentle when you pull the reins. Watch me. See how I do it. Quit leaning when you turn. I said don't kick your feet! "

_"Ok, so maybe 'got the hang of it all' was being a little optimistic." _

After a couple hours of practicing mounting and dismounting, going over the basic commands and signals, cantering around in circles, and lengthy lectures on dragon behavior, temperament and how "not all of them will be this easy to handle", Kyle was reeling from all the new information. Surprisingly, Rachel said he did pretty good for his first time. After they wrapped up the training, Rachel closed up the exercise pen and together. She and Kyle walked towards the stables, leading Relia and Elle toward their pens.

"You did better than I expected, Kyle... not bad. I gotta give these girls a break. You can go grab a snack or something.... see if Em has anything for you to do."


Kyle had other plans. He was going to wait for Rachel to leave. He had a little thought in the back of his mind to check up on Relia...

"You know... just to check up on her... to see how she's doing."


"Oh, damnit.... I can't even convince myself of that pile of BS. Okay, I'll admit it: I'm tempted to see if she'll give me another blowjob." He shook his head, a little annoyed at his own thoughts.

Kyle pretended to walk away, but as soon as Rachel was out of sight, he quickly made a U-turn and headed back towards Relia's pen.

No sooner as Kyle had turned around that he saw Ethan walking by quickly. The poor guy nearly crashed into Kyle as he rounded the corner.


"Uh, hey, Ethan." Kyle thought he looked really excited.

"Dude! Kyle, man! You gotta come see this."


"Shh... man. Jus' comon. You won't believe it until you see it for yourself."

He led Kyle to the back of the exercise arena. It was the side facing the forest, and the area was overgrown with thick grass and other brush. It was a pretty secluded area, on the edge of the ranch property. As they turned the corner, he stopped Kyle, drawing a finger to his mouth and giving him a shush. Quietly, he motioned Kyle to follow. They creeped up behind a large fallen tree and knelt down in hiding. Ethan motioned for him to wait. He then peeked over for a second, then stooped down to Kyle's level again.

"Ok, dude... look. Fuckin' lesbo dragons. Like, holy shit, man."

Kyle peered over the trunk of the tree, unable to prepare himself for what he saw.

Not 10 feet away from them were two small female dragons, about the size of large dogs... Their green and blue bodies were attached to a long, finned tail that ended in a golden hue.... a trait that gave them away as Yellowtail Garls. One had her butt lifted high in the air, her tail bent over her back. The other was sitting down, intently licking at the area between the first's legs. Kyle knew the Yellowtail doing the licking was female because he recognized the dragon.

It was Nixi. The dragon that had trapped him inside her pen and demanded sex from him only days prior. The dragon that pounced on him and serviced his cock happily with her tongue and mouth. The dragon that he had bent over and pounded until she screamed in pleasure.

Nixi was licking out a fellow female.

"Holy shit!" Kyle's eyes opened wide.

"Shhh, man." Ethan quieted him. "Keep it down."

"Yea, yea.... sorry. I just never expected, you know... THIS." He motioned towards the dragons.

"I take it you never see this before?" Ethan whispered.

"Nope. You?"

"Nah, man.... I've worked here for almost six months. But then again... If they're comin' back here, no wonder I aint seen it."

Kyle whispered. "I'm surprised... they're really into it, too."

Kyle was definitely right. Iris was turned away from them, her neck arched back and eyes closed. Kyle and Ethan could see everything between the dragon's legs... nothing was spared. Nixi was enthusiastically licking out Iris's slit, running her long tongue up her glistening labia repeatedly. She pushed her snout right up against the other dragon's entrance and lapped softly along the outside, cooing and nuzzling her pussy lips repeatedly with her snout. The treatment she was giving Iris made her squeak in pleasure. Kyle's erection was already stirring in his pants

"So, did you see this happen, or what?" Kyle whispered.

"Dude. It was crazy. I was letting the Yellowtails out, and Nixi and Iris started like playing with each other. Like wrestling and shit. Only then it was more than playing. They started like fuckin' mounting each other and nuzzling each others pussies and shit. They went back here and I followed them, cause I was curious. They started really getting into it and I was like 'Holy shit, dude'. I went to go find Jake, but you were there instead so I thought "Eh, what the hell, I'll show him". This is like, insane."

"Yea..." Kyle wanted to say more, his head already swimming with arousal, but he didn't want to come off as a pervert.

Just then, Iris trilled loudly as Nixi pressed her tongue just barely into her opening, teasing her. Nixi let out a chirp, eager to hear that her partner was enjoying the treatment. "Two female dragons... getting kinky with eachother. This is damn sexy." Kyle's erection was now tenting his pants, and his shaft ached against the pressure of being confined. He slowly and inconspicuously adjusted himself while he and Ethan watched.

".... I wish I was here by myself." Kyle thought.

"Its pretty fuckin' hot, man. I might try to get seconds." Ethan added.

"Yea.... "


"Wait. What?" Kyle did a double take.

Ethan turned and smiled. "Oh, come on, man.... don't act like you don't know what I'm talkin' 'bout. I'd be a damn fool to not know why that dragon over there got you locked in her pen a couple days ago. "

Kyle felt caught and his cheeks flushed red. "Well.... uh... You see... she came on to me, and...."

Ethan cut him off. "Dude. No need to explain yourself. Any dragon handler worth his weight in salt knows these creatures are horny little bastards at heart. Now, I doubt your coz' told you about it, but it's pretty common for dragons and their trainers to have a fling or two. If you want it, and they want it just as well.... there's nothing to be ashamed about. A few of our dragons actually prefer humans, like one of our Cresties, Relia... Glycon, and Mitka, our prize Sliver. Word of advice: Watch out when you're alone with Mitka or Glycon. Those two guys who don't care if you're a dude or not. Relia's always been a bit picky, though."

Kyle was dumbfounded. He sat there in silence, the sounds of Nixi licking Iris's slit being the only thing audible around them.

"What?" Ethan whispered, noticing Kyle was a bit quiet.

Kyle laughed quietly. "Well, its just that ever since I first screwed a dragon.... I thought I was the only one here who had done it. I've been trying to hide it and stuff. I've been embarrassed, so I've been trying to find a way to justify why it happened. I had convinced myself that it was wrong cause they were just dragons.... but, hell, you're right. I don't need to justify anything. "

"Heh. Yea, man... Don't sweat it. It's all good."

Kyle realized something that made him feel a bit uncomfortable. "Wait... You said it's pretty common... So, does Emily...?"

Ethan looked away. "No clue about your coz', man... but Rach' and Jake? Definitely."

With nothing else to say, Kyle remained silent. His little revelation made him feel immensely relieved. He turned his attention back to the females before them.

Just then Nixi went a little low, and explored the tip of Iris's slit. She was searching for the other dragon's clit, and when Iris bucked and trilled loudly, Kyle could tell she had found it. Nixi began to lap in earnest, closing her eyes and enjoying the feeling of another female's flesh on her tongue. The sensation had an immediate effect on Iris, who trilled loudly and leaned back into the dragon's encouraging mouth. Nixi lapped at the other dragon's clit at a fast pace. The matriarch definitely seemed to enjoy pleasuring her fellow female. Kyle could only wonder just how wet and needy the other dragon's snatch was. He figured it was only a matter of time before Nixi would begin to crave attention to her own crotch.

Just then Nixi opened her eyes and turned her head, looking back directly at Ethan and Kyle.

"Oh shit!" Ethan hissed.

Both were frozen in place, unable to move or say anything else. Kyle felt immensely awkward of being caught in his voyeurism, and yet he was too paralyzed to move. Nixi stared at the two humans for a moment, and let out a squawk.

And then she calmly went back to licking the other dragon's slit.

Ethan laughed in disbelief. "Hot damn.... she doesn't even care we're here"

Kyle adjusted his crouched position, taking the weight off his right leg. He didn't want to say anything else. He just hoped that he could find a way to get Ethan to leave so he could get a turn somehow.

The dragon was pleased that she had an audience. Nixi loved to put on a show... it was an interesting personality quirk of the cute little dragon. Kyle figured she had to be aware of using sex as a motivator on some level... maybe she enjoyed the power trip.

Regardless of the reason, she seemed to enjoy an audience very much. Nixi angled her head away from Iris, giving the guys a better view of the snatch she was licking. She then began to lick harder, staring back at the two humans. They watched as her tongue drew up Iris's vent repeatedly, and how her soft lips gently parted under the pressure of the muscular organ. The Yellowtail then started at the tip of her clit and ran her tongue completely up Iris's entire slit, and even went up to her puckered asshole, giving both the guys and the female a tease at a little anal play. She then turned her head towards the guys, holding her tongue out, and searched for a reaction from the two voyeurs.

"Holy shit, man!" Ethan whispered.

"Shh!" Kyle did not want to be distracted. His jaw was agape in disbelief and arousal... and the Yellowtail saw it.

Nixi then let out a trill and then pressed her snout up against the opening of Iris's vent. She then opened her maw and slipped her tongue into the other female's passage. Immediately, Iris cried out and bucked her hips, eager to have Nixi's long tongue penetrate her. Iris was enjoying the the sensation immensely, and contracted on Nixi's tongue every time it retreated, not wanting her firm, musclular tongue to leave. Nixi indulged in the feeling of her tongue being constricted by Iris's passage, and she began to steadily flick her tongue in and out of her, lapping at the other dragon's vaginal walls. Iris' juices were freely flowing, and a little began to dribble down the dragon's slit.

Nixi then suddenly retreated her tongue back into her mouth. Iris looked back imploringly, but Nixi gave out a warble and several chirps. Iris then warbled back. She got up and waited as Nixi plopped to the ground and rolled onto her side. Iris happily trilled and stepped over Nixi, before lying down beside her, head-to-tail. Iris then brought her snout down to the other dragon's crotch. She began to tentatively lick at the matriarch's engorged lips, which were dripping wet with her own juices. She drew her tongue across every inch of wet skin, lapping at every scale, tasting every drop. Nixi spread her legs wide to allow Iris greater reach. As Iris began to press her tongue against Nixi's entrance, the matriarch began to trill and to brought her own snout back up to Iris's crotch to resume her oral pleasure.

The two dragons were eating each other out.

The surrounding area was filled with the noises of soft whimpers, trills, and coos as the two dragons engaged in their passionate lovemaking session. Nixi brought a forepaw up to Iris' thighs and steadied them, placing the other paw firmly on her crotch. As she did so, Iris squirmed her tongue into Nixi's passage, grabbing the dragon's legs and pulling her body closer. Iris's snout was quickly becoming smeared with female juices as she nuzzled and kissed the other dragon's soft labia. This caused Nixi to coo and she excitedly lapped at the juices that oozed from her partner. Toes flexed, wings flapped, and legs twitched as the two became lost in pleasure.

Eventually, claws found their way to soft little nubs of flesh, and both dragons began to rub and massage the others lips and clitoris. Kyle noted that apparently, both dragons were accustomed to using their paws for pleasure. Their scaly toes a were bit less uncoordinated than human hands, but the treatment seemed effective nonetheless. Kyle smiled. He thought it was a very human-like action. He wondered if they had been taught how to use their hands by someone, or if they learned on their own.

Nixi was enraptured by the dragon snatch in front of her. The taste of Iris's fluids was familiar to her... comforting, in a way, being similar to her own taste. Time after time she slid her long tongue deep into the depths of Iris, exploring with her mouth, and coaxing out more of her fluids. She had her snout pressed firmly against the dragon's labia, and nuzzled it, feeling the soft skin and scales give easily. As Nixi licked with reckless abandon, she began to feel the other dragon clamp down on the intruding tongue with her powerful muscles. She squealed in pleasure as Iris's tongue worked the same way inside her own passage, and she couldn't control herself as she too began to rhythmically contract. Both dragon were approaching their climaxes, and they began to speed up out of excitement. Their actions became more erratic, sloppy, even, as pleasure took over their bodies.

Suddenly Iris cried out, being the first one to hit orgasm. Her voice was muffled by having her tongue stuck deep inside of Nixi's vent. She shuddered and convulsed as she released fluids into her partner's waiting mouth. Nixi happily licked up all that she could. Iris continued to penetrate the dragon with her tongue throughout her orgasm, which eventually caused Nixi to hit her own climax. She too cried out in pleasure, rearing her head back and squawking loudly, reflexively grabbing onto Iris's thighs for support. She came hard, nearly popping Iris' tongue out of her from the constricting movement of her muscles. Both dragons moaned into each others pussies as their fluids flowed freely.

As each dragon began to relax as their orgasms faded, they began to coo and nuzzle the other, enjoying the company of and bonding with another female. Kyle thought it was quite an intimate scene. Ethan took this opportunity to come out of hiding, and Kyle, not wanting to be left out, stood up as well.

"Comon, man... lets see if we get lucky." He began to step towards the dragons.

"Uh... what?" Kyle was a bit unsure of what was happening.

"Hey, if you don't want to, I'll gladly take both." Ethan smiled broadly.

Kyle shrugged and followed. Together, they walked up to the dragons. Iris weakly looked up at the two humans, slightly dazed from her powerful orgasm. Nixi, however, immediately leapt up and approached Kyle. She rubbed up against his legs as she passed him, drawing her tail over his crotch. She then doubled back and nuzzled Kyle's erection through his pants, which was almost painful at this point. It was obvious she was ready for more.

Ethan frowned. "Oh dude, you lucky bastard. Oh well, I'll gladly take Iris, assuming she's ready. Come 'ere, girl." The dragon slowly got up and walked over to him, inquisitive and excited. Ethan bent down to rub her snout a bit, before his hands traveled lower to her flanks. Iris in return gave him a pleased nuzzle on the arm. It seemd to Kyle that the ranch-hand was accuainted with Iris on an intimate level already.

Standing back up, ethan then began to strip. Kyle frowned. He had never had sex with another guy present, and was a little uncomfortable with the idea. However, he glanced back at Nixi, who was patiently sitting down in front of him, and he decided that it was worth it.

He took off his shirt and pants and threw them to the side. He glanced up at Ethan, who was somehow already naked and letting Iris lick his cock. He had a hand on her head and held her there as she licked him. His other hand was on his dick, which he was holding for her, as he was not fully erect yet. Kyle frowned and turned back towards Nixi. In a moment he hooked the elastic around his waist with his thumbs and dropped his boxers.

No sooner that Kyle freed his own erection that Nixi pounced on it, engulfing Kyle in her maw all at once.

"Oh gosh!" Kyle shouted.

The dragon's aggressiveness took Kyle completely by surprise, causing him to stumble back several steps, almost tripping on the boxers around his ankles. The Yellowtail stayed with him, and eagerly tasted the precum that had accumulated at his tip. She than began to aggressively suckle on Kyle's already hard shaft. His hands immediately went to her head instinctively, and he cradled her gently, massaging her chin and cheeks.

"Oh shit, man... where did Nixi learn THAT?" Ethan looked on, incredibly jealous.

Kyle could barely talk... he was too enraptured by the pleasure to concentrate. "I uh.... I kind of taught her... it. Oh man...."

"Go on, dude."

"I... uh... well, I just kind of gently opened her mouth, mmmmm.... stuck it in, and... oh man, Nixi.... she kinda figured the rest out. I think she knows how much I like it...."

"Shit, man... it's worth a try."

Less than a minute later and Iris had Ethan's cock in her mouth.

The inquisitive Yellowtail found the action curious, and she experimentally tried several different ways of using her mouth on Ethan's shaft. After giving her a few moments to get her bearings, Ethan then gripped her horns firmly and began pump into her mouth. He surprised Kyle with how much more rough he was with dragons, but Iris didn't seem to mind.

In fact, as she gave out an excited squeal, Kyle realized she probably liked his aggressiveness.

However, Nixi was a far more aggressive dragon than Iris. Kyle was barely prepared as she began to bob her head by herself, aggressively coaxing more pre out of him with her strong, undulating tongue. Because she had just eaten Iris out only moments ago, Nixi's mouth was incredibly slick and wet with Iris's fluids, and the extra lubrication only added to the pleasure. His shaft slid in and out of her maw with ease, and the dragon's tongue danced along his shaft, pressing it upwards into the top of her jaw where the head would rub non-stop. It was practically too much for Kyle. He gasped and held onto her head weakly, his eyes rolling back into his skull. He was getting close and moaned loudly.

Then she stopped. His cock sprung from her open mouth.

Kyle huffed loudly, trying to catch his breath. His mind was full of frustration. He looked down at the dragon, who seemed delighted in seeing him not be able to finish.

He pressed his lips together and shook his head. "Damnit, girl... that's twice now you havn't let me finish. You owe me."

The Yellowtail cocked her head and looked at him indignantly, then turned and lifted her tail for him.

"Wha-? No! Ugh.... Nixi, You are SUCH A TEASE, you know that?"

The dragon let out a chirp and lifted her tail higher. Nixi knew exactly what she was doing to him.... and she loved to see his reactions, to drive him crazy and to see how far she could push the human. Last time she had gotten him to mount her this way.... But this time, Kyle shook his head.

"Not this time, girl. I'm finishing in your mouth, wether you like it or not."

Nixi looked back with wide eyes. Kyle looked at her sternly, then let his serious expression slowly creep into a smile. He grabbed the dragon and nixi yelped as he jerked her body around. Kyle swiftly brought her head back to his erection. She looked surprised, but did not object to his forcefulness. He pushed her head closer to his cock and gave a single forceful command.


Nixi paused and looked up at him. Then, to his surprise, she trilled happily and relented, opening her mouth wide and waited for Kyle to stick it back in. It appeared that the dragon was enjoying his dominant attitude and decided to play nice for him. He eagerly stepped forward and placed his erection on her tongue, and she closed her mouth. She then bent forward, taking Kyle's shaft in one swift movement, causing him to gasp. Though Kyle did not know, Nixi was no stranger to oral on her own kind, and looking forward to tasting a human's spunk for the first time. She had loved the taste of Kyle's precum and was eager to see what he had in store for her. Nixi cooed around his erection, looking up at him, letting him know that his aggressiveness had earned him a reward. As she vocalized, Kyle felt her voice rumble in her throat and around his shaft. It felt wonderful.

Nixi began to bob her head on Kyle's shaft once again. His erection surged with pleasure... and the excitement of knowing she was finally going to let him finish pushed him onward. His hands went back to her head, caressing her cheeks and forehead, and whispered words of encouragement to the dragon. She massaged him with her tongue, running it on the underside of his shaft and growled cutely. Again Kyle surged as he felt the vibrations from her throat ripple around his shaft. She began to clamp down on him gently, increasing the pressure, coaxing him to finish.

It didn't take much longer.

Kyle groaned as he felt his orgasm approaching. His erection stiffened and he couldn't help but thrust into the dragon's mouth. Nixi noticed his impending climax, and opened her mouth wide, flexing her tongue on the underside of his shaft. With one last moan, Kyle came. His first spurt sprayed a bit high and caught her in the face. Some dripped from the sides of her mouth on to her tongue and Nixi tasted it. She found that she loved the flavor of the human's semen, and the taste caused the dragon to trill with excitement. She then immediately went down on Kyle again as he continued his second spurt, which sprayed across the roof of her mouth and teeth. She clamped down and suckled, drawing the semen into her mouth and eagerly swallowing. Kyle stumbled, nearly losing his balance as the dragon growled into his crotch. Her jaw and tongue were milking him, coaxing all seed from his shaft. His flow slowed to a trickle as Nixi drew out every last possible drop. The dragon couldn't get enough of his taste. As his erection softened, she popped him out of his mouth and licked at his sensitive tip tenderly. Kyle looked down at the Yellowtail, who stared back at him with a bit of cum on her snout. He drew a finger across it and let Nixi lick at his hand eagerly.

"... Wow..." Kyle huffed. His orgasm had been incredible and he was still coming off the high. He considered himself lucky that he could watch a dragon eagerly finish him off in her mouth like that.

Kyle looked over at Ethan, who was still pounding poor Iris's mouth. Ethan was focused, pulling out and thrusting into her maw at a steady pace. He had his hands wrapped around her horns and used them to pull her head deeper onto his shaft. Iris's eyes were closed and she was drooling freely, unable to close her mouth. Her tail was motionless on the ground... very unlike Nixi's erratic tail slapping. Apparently she liked to relax and let her partner take control.

Iris's tongue was hanging lazily out of the front of her jaw, the dragon looking quite content to be used like a tool. Kyle could hear her give a cute little grunt every time Ethan thrust into her maw... it was turning Kyle on. Spittle had collected in the corners of her lips and a single strand of saliva was dripping down from her lips, shaking frantically with the motion of Iris's head.

It was really hot to watch. But Kyle had better things to turn his attention to. It had only been a few minutes but already his erection was stirring again from watching Ethan and Iris. Looked back at Nixi and smiled. He wanted to waste no time. The dragon caught his eye contact and chirped once, turning around and again presenting her snatch to him.

Kyle got down and lined himself up with Nixi's waiting entrance. Nixi's entire backside was glistening wet from her own juices and Iris's saliva. Her recent orgasm and foreplay still had her sensitive, and her smooth pussy lips were engorged and slightly parted from arousal, allowing just a tiny glipse of the flesh inside. Kyle loved the feel of the dragon's pussy lips... her scales down there were so soft to him, feeling like silk on his skin. He began to press in slowly to savor the moment, but she leaned back into him as he pressed, causing Kyle to gasp as she hilted him immediately. Kyle was fully erect again in no time. Nixi stretched her wings and sighed as she was penetrated. She rocked slowly against him, grinding her hips and enjoying the feeling of the human's cock in her depths. She then bent forward and turned to Kyle, her look giving him the goahead.

Kyle partially pulled out and began to thrust at a steady pace. He watched as his shaft spread open her pussy lips and disappeared into her warm depths. "Such a wonderful sight to see..." he thought. Leaning over her, he adjusted his position to get better leverage and gave her a rough push, causing Nixi to squeal excitedly. Kyle smiled.... He knew very well that the dragon under him liked it rough. He grabbed her chest and wrapped her in his arms as he thrust. The dragon eagerly pushed back at him, stiffening her legs to support his weight.

As Kyle continued to thrust, he looked over at Ethan and Iris, who were now lying on the ground. Iris was on her stomach and had her legs spread eagle, and Ethan was lying on top of her and thrusting away. Iris looked like she couldn't be happier. Her snout was buried in the grass and her tongue was still hanging out. Kyle saw that she had bits of semen smeared on her face as well. She gave trills of pleasure as Ethan humped against her body. Sharp, black nails clawed at the ground, grasping at clumps of grass. Ethan was breathing heavily, silent and focused on the small dragon that he was dominating. He propped himself up on his arms to allow him to pound the dragon with greater ease.

Kyle picked up his own pace and rocked against Nixi with greater force, causing the dragon to trill loudly. Her tail began to erratically twitch again. Kyle was ramming into the small dragon, causing her to rock forward with every thrust. She enjoyed it immensely.

Just then, Kyle had an idea, and pulled out. The dragon immediately turned and glared at him, her angry expression demanding to know why he had stopped.

Kyle patted the ground several times with his hand. "Nixi, can you roll onto your back, please? We're gonna try something new."

The Yellowtail Garl gave a pained expression and huffed, appearing quite unhappy with the request. But Kyle gave a stern look and patted the ground again firmly, adamant about his decision. Seeing his seriousness, the dragon reluctantly did as ordered, rolling over and exposing her belly. She then bent her neck forward to watch what the human would do. Kyle could see her wet slit glisten in the sun and her tail sway slowly in the grass... she was more than ready for him.

Kyle was eager to try missionary with a dragon for the first time. Something about seeing the dragon on her back was really enticing to him. He gently climbed over Nixi and positioned his shaft once again at her entrance. Nixi watched his every move as he climbed on top and slowly straddled her, tensing up at first due to the unfamiliarity of the situation, but then slowly relaxing as Kyle encouraged her with rubs on her flanks and snout. Setting himself firmly on the ground, he pressed in between her scaled slit lips once again.... Kyle was eager to get back inside. Feeling himself slide back into her slick passage, he sighed in satisfaction and looked down at the dragon below him. The two shared eye contact as Kyle continued to thrust, Nixi staring back at him with the dragon's golden-yellow eyes. She licked her lips once and cooed.

Suddenly, Kyle and Nixi's tender moment was broken by a screech. Both human and dragon looked up to hear Iris in mid-orgasm, the dragon in total rapture over being dominated by Ethan, who had by now broke out in a sweat. She craned her neck into the air and groaned, unable to focus as waves of pleasure rocked her body. Ethan grunted, spilling his seed into her snatch as he pounded her with reckless abandon. The dragon squirmed and moaned under the weight of the human... totally unaware of what was going on around her.

Kyle then realized that Nixi had some catching up to do. He returned his focus on making love to the sweet little dragon under him.

Nixi loved the exotic nature of this human's body. His cock provided such a unique feeling for the Yellowtail... she greatly enjoyed the break from her own species' tools and much more simpler mating habits, and the human seemed to satisfy her and fill her up better than any of her Yellowtail mates. She closed her eyes and gripped his waist with her forepaws, reeling in the delectable pressure he put between her legs. the human above her looked focused and determined. Nixi trilled and grunted as she got to see him take her body from above.... The dragon certainly enjoyed being able to watch.

Her excitement was not lost on Kyle. Seeing the little dragon below him, looking into his face as he took her drove him wild for reasons he didn't quite know. He bent down and began to kiss the dragon on her neck and cheeks, eager to share the intimacy of this new position with her. The dragon trilled in response, and he could feel her tail flick against the ground between his legs. she began to lick him back, and eventually Nixi's tongue met his lips. Caught up in the heat of the moment, Kyle pulled her into a kiss, cradling her head in his hand. The dragon was unused to the action, but let her instincts take over and began explore his tongue with her own. Kyle let in a sharp inhale in excitement as he felt her tongue enter his mouth. The long, muscular organ flicked and slid all over, and he savored the taste of her saliva, mixed with the faint earthy taste of Iris's dragon cunt. Kyle also tasted his own spunk... he had forgotton about that, but in the heat of the moment he didn't mind. Kyle broke the kiss and stared back into her eyes lovingly, stroking the back of her head.

"You are such a wonderful dragon, you know that?" He gave her a warm and open smile.

Nixi cooed and licked his cheek again in response, and he chuckled.

He picked up his pace, each thrust spreading her tight snatch wide. The dragon bent forward and curled her neck around his shoulder, and pawed at Kyle's back. Kyle was focused... the pressure that this dragon put around his shaft was building up, and each thrust brought him closer and closer to orgasm. He could only hope that she was not far behind. After only a few more minutes he felt her start to contract around his shaft.

"Are you close, girl?"

The dragon looked back at him with pleading eyes and whined.

Her expression said everything.

Just then the dragon bent her head down and slammed her eyes shut as she came. Kyle felt her powerful inner muscles constrict his member, pulling it, squeezing it, and not wanting to let go. Nixi let out a growl, her legs quivering under Kyle's weight. Her vent was trying to milk Kyle, coaxing him to release his seed.... and it was working. He could feel the stirrings of his own orgasm start to rise up, and only moments later he found the pleasure welling up inside of him. With a grunt and push, he thrust into her as far as he could go as he felt his tension release and he came deep into her depths. Nixi cried out, in total bliss from Kyle's thrusts. Her tail twitched erratically, slapping at the ground as the dragon was rocked by Kyle's pounding. She shivered as she felt Kyle's seed spurt deep into her passage.

Eventually, the two lovers came to a standstill, Kyle's thrusts slowing down until he felt his erection soften. He stayed inside of her, and on top of her... enjoying his time with the cute, and now exhausted little dragon. She looked up at him and licked his face gingerly, enjoying the moment.

Just then Kyle realized he could still hear the sounds of sex, and he looked up at Ethan and Iris. They were both on the ground, Ethan spooning with the Yellowtail. He was slowly thrusting into her from behind, his arms wrapped around her body, with one hand caressing her folds as he penetrated her. Iris was facing Kyle, and he could see her closed eyes and focused expression as Ethan simultaneously pleasured her with his cock and hands. Her legs twitched occasionally and she vocalized soft cooing sounds to the human behind her.

"_Spooning... I'll have to try that some time..." _Kyle lazily thought, and rolled off of his exhausted little dragon. He realized he was pretty tired from his little romp at the edge of the woods, and barely noticed as he closed his eyes.

_"Whew.... Now that I know Nixi will screw another female.... man, I gotta get her and Relia together..." _Kyle couldn't help but begin to think at the possibilities of having the two dragons in the same room.... with him.... On him.... If he hadn't already came twice, Kyle would have definitely been hard from the fantasies.

As Kyle continued to lie on the grass, getting sleepier by the minute, Nixi stood up and streched slowly, before turning around. She stepped over his arm and laid down next to the human, curling up against his chest as Kyle quickly fell into a nap, sleeping soundly.




~Damn, this was a long one... longer than any of the other Dragon Ranch chapters so far. I think this is about 1500 more words than some previous chapters. I introduced some new characters, some new dragons.... and Kyle's starting to learn how to ride! Lots of fun possibilites to explore in later chapters.

~For any of you who have read the previous chapters: I decided to start naming new stories with a secondary title.... Because I realized that these stories are less about plot and continuity than they are individual romp scenes that just happen to take place with the same characters. I don't want to confuse people into thinking that you know... this might be an actual narrative with complicated story arcs and such. :P I may change the old titles too, just so everything has the same naming style... I dunno if people would find that confusing or not, so I'm not sure if I should do it. Also, let's face it: naming stories with chapter designations just looks boring.

~Oh shit, the cat's out of the bag. Kyle isn't alone in his deviant dragon desires.... In fact, there's quite a few people in the same boat! This could open up all sorts of possibilities. Also, Kyle finally is able to free himself of his guilt. Whew!

~Did ANY of you notice in the story... that Rachel said Relia normally is only friendly to herself and Jake? And that Relia was friendly to Kyle only AFTER they screwed? Feel free to draw any conclusions you have about Rachel and Relia.... heh. hehehe.... heheheheheheHAHAHAHA.... Ahem. Anyway, if you noticed, you get a cookie for being a good reader. ^_^

~Its becoming more and more apparent just how intelligent these dragons are, so in case anyone still is confused, Yes, they can understand english, for the most part. And yes, they can talk in their own tongue which Kyle can't understand.

~Bisexual girls are FUCKIN HOT. No arguments. Bonus points for Bisexual girls that are also dragons.

Oh, and sorry folks, there was a virus, and uh.... everyone died. No more Dragon Ranch. (Translation: I'm working on other stories next)