Entrance, Chaper 10, Darkly Passionate Sacrifice

Story by Nuku Valente on SoFurry

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#10 of Entrance

I laid a hand on her belly. She was warm, warm and soft. She smiled at me, then cuffed me behind the ears, "Stop gawking and let's go," she barked at me and turned away. Veronica was becoming quite a sight in her gravid state. I liked the effect on her and gladly followed her along. "We're heading home today," she said, "We have to report what we've seen, done... made." The last word was emphasized as she put a hand under her own belly, smiling a little nervously back at me.

I knew she was happy to have that belly, but she was afraid what the others would think. I shoved the thought aside for the moment and played up my role for the morning, big beefy bag boy. I lumbered along quietly as we headed for the airship.

Our progress was stopped by a sudden riotous movement in the pygmies. One, a short, aren't they all?, male, looked like a badger of some kind, came rushing up towards us, "Stop, stop! The mistress, she needs you. You will go to her and please her, yes?"

Please her? Veronica was already nodding though, "Show us the way." If she was ok with it, I wasn't going to complain too much about it. I hadn't gotten my hands on her yet, who had time? Veronica was... It was confusing, people in this world don't seem to marry like my old world handled it, but she wanted me, and I wanted her, and that counted, right? The jungle queen would be a distraction at best. Feeling better about myself, I strode into said queen's room.

She was seated on a cushioned stool, her hair being brushed by her diminutive servants as she looked up at us. "I'm so glad they caught you before you left. Something urgent has come up." She gestured at a crystal sphere she kept nearby for such occasions and it swirled with smoke and magic. As it cleared, an image of a dark looking town appeared. The people moved through it with grave expressions and stuffy suits. They looked more like wall street businessmen than anything else, quite out of place with what I'd seen of this world. Tails peeked free, the only mild concession of necessity in their almost full body covering. I had grown so used to nudity, it seemed strange and repulsive for a moment.

"These people are being misled by a powerful and charismatic witch of no small power," explained the jungle queen, "She is leading them all down a path of self denial and misery. If we leave her to it, she will shackle the entire world to her frigid ways." One of the pygmies found a tangle in her hair and started tugging at it with a comb. She was in no mood to sit through it and brushed the little female away with soft shooing sounds, leaving her alone on the pedestal, "Do you understand why this is important?"

I opened my mouth to speak but Veronica was already talking, "Yea, that sounds bad, but what can we do about it? We're not spokespeople or generals. I can bring word back to the elder, I'm sure she'd send some soldiers to your aid?"

The queen shook her head. Despite the recent tangle, her hair flowed quite smoothly in the motion. "No, too slow, and would only result in the injury and death of those, still somewhat innocent, if misled, people. She has a plan. She is opening a connection between worlds and plans to draw an unnaturally pure female through. With a blood sacrifice, she will command great power for a wicked spell she has in mind."

"That's horrible," I said, "Is she going to be from my world?"

"There's a good chance of it. We can reach many worlds, but yours has some of the best recruits. Another reason I want you involved. You must go there, both of you. Your skill," she looked at Veronica, "And your pure heart," she regarded me, "Will allow us to break this spell before it is completed, and save the girl and the world."

Veronica reached to squeeze one of my hands in her soft and furry fingers, "We'll do it," she agreed easily, "But I want a reward."

"A reward?" asked the queen, "What do you desire?"

"I'll tell you when we're done."

"You want me to give you a favor, unfettered?"

"Yes," she said firmly, standing straight and tall, belly rounded before her looking for a moment like some kind of great and powerful shield instead of a burden.

The queen shook her head slowly, "You test me, child, but you will have it. Do not make me regret the decision."

Veronica relaxed against me, and she was smiling, "When do we leave then?"

The jungle queen waved us away, "No, go on. The pygmies have already put a seeing orb on your ship so I can guide the way as you go. The sooner you arrive the better off we'll be."

Veronica began to tug me towards the door, but I hesitated, "You said I was 'pure'," I said towards the queen, "But I hardly feel that way anymore. I see girls and the first thought in my head is how it'd feel to fuck them these days."

The queen smiled at me gently, "That is a positive trait in a male, but look past it besides. You do not lay with women that do not desire you, and you work hard to please and keep happy. You are a good and gentle soul, with little ambition for yourself. Self sacrificing and noble, your heart is much more pure than you give credit for, stud."

I felt my feline ears burning with embarassment at the compliments, and allowed Veronica to guide me off towards the airship. Something was immediately off as we approached. The deck was teaming with little forms dashing around. Veronica mounted the plank and strode up swiftly and surely, "Off my boat, little creatures, we're heading out!" she bellowed, pointing down the way she came.

One of the pygmies stopped before her. Female, otter, "No can do, ma'am. We're on orders to accompany and assist you in any way we can. We're your muscle."

"Muscle? You little things? I could kick you over the side myself," said Veronica with a snort, "Now off my boat before you hurt yourself."

The otter shook her head quickly, "We cannot defy the will of the jungle queen! Besides, two of us are more than enough for one of you, and there are a lot of us."

I started counting quickly, and saw at least two dozen of the eager little bodies. "Uh, I wouldn't want any of you to be hurt," I said, trying to defuse the situation. I stepped up and crouched down to be at her level. She grinned at me and hopped forward. She suddenly grabbed my cheeks and leaned in for a big kiss, bigger than her little body would imply. I saw stars and felt dizzy as she pulled away.

"We'd die for you, golden hearted stud, die for you a dozen times over." She looked quite serious, nodded once more, and spun around back to her work, cleaning the ship up.

Veronica shook her head with an annoyed expression, but stopped arguing the matter. She stepped up to the control wheel and gave it a spin, "Good girl, let's go get some adventure," she whispered before she took it up. The ship lifted smoothly from the ground, drifting almost aimlessly a moment before Veronica secure her will on it and it soared forward confidently.

As the ship sailed out over the jungle, the pygmies hurried up with a crystal sphere on a pillow. They set it down beside Veronica, then scurried away en masse, unwilling to test her patience again. The ball flickered, then the jungle queen appeared in its depths. "The town is not that far as your ship sails, but we don't want to advertise your coming." The ball lurched and glimmered as magic poured from it. The planks beneath my feet seemed to writhe lightly as color leeched from them, and my own feet, pouring out in great waves into the orb.

Once all the color had gone, leaving the ship and everything on it in greyscale, the rest began to go with it, as if it were a black hole sucking everything up, but nothing was really moving, simply the image of it. Soon we were sailing invisibly. I slowly sank to my ass on the deck, feeling disoriented. An invisible man flying on an invisible ship. It's not as cool as you think.

Veronica followed the now unseen directions of the ball. We zipped out of the jungle, across a brief stretch of plains, and could see a ragged set of mountains before us. "It's just at the base of the second one there, you see it? Yes, that one." directed the queen from the safety of home. We drew up on the mountain, but I saw no town, just a set of tents and a handful of people.

"Didn't you say it was a town?" I asked, though I wasn't sure which way to face.

"I did. But it doesn't seem to match what I saw earlier. Be on the watch, the witch is more clever than I gave credit for. If it's not a town, the people who follow her may be much more loyal than I feared, maybe cultists she's brainwashed, or worse. You must be careful."

I pinched at my unseen snout, rubbing between the eyes, Careful, sure, that would keep the magic away. But we were here, and I didn't want to let some girl get cut up for evil magic.

The ship lowered and touched ground. Not a sound. A part of the stealth magic? I presumed it was. I did hear the pygmies though, hurrying across the deck and pushing the plank overboard. "Ready to depart, ma'am!" one chimed at Veronica even as she began to fade in. I could see her as a hazy black and white drawing, then some of the pygmies. We were all slowly regaining ourselves, though the ship remained unseen.

"So," I asked, "If this isn't a town, why don't we go get those soldiers?"

"Because," replied the sphere, "If we wait that long, the girl will already be dead. The full moon is right around the corner, and with it, that evil witch will have her slit open from cunt to throat and extinguish the sexual magic that keeps our planet well and fit. We can't have that, not just for the girl's sake, but everyone."

That seemed reasonable enough, I supposed, and looked to join Veronica. We strode down together. I couldn't help but wrap an arm around her and support. She seemed mildly annoyed at my thinking she needed any help, but enjoyed having me at the same time. Behind us, the pygmies swarmed down in a great cloud of action.

"Ok," said Veronica as she turned to face them, "If I'm stuck with you all, you follow my orders. I want half of you to circle that way," she pointed to the left of the camp, "And the other half that way," to the right then, "Stay quiet, stay unseen, wait for the signal. Do not move without the signal. You understand?"

Their heads bobbed like one of those toys, all of them shaking up and down at varying, but all fast, rates, then scurrying off in two separating clouds to flank the camp. It wasn't much of a camp, maybe ten tents, and one shaky looking wooden building. A large fire blazed towards the center of the whole thing. I glanced to the sky and saw it was growing dim as Veronica urged me forward.

As we approached, crouching low to the ground, I could see the people who lived there. They were dressed as the business men in the orb, but had heavy robes over that even. Not even their tails displayed, only an occasional snout peeked free from under a cowl. Their robes were festooned with many dark symbols of sinister appearance, and they walked with somber steps as they seemed to all gather up around that fire.

The witch was not hard to spot. She was the only one without a cowel. She had matted grey fur and a wild look in her eyes. Her canine ears twitched lightly as she looked over the crowd. If I had to guess it, I'd say she was a coyote, or a wolf maybe? It was hard to tell at a distance. Either way, she hadn't taken care of herself, that much I could clearly see. She was thin under the robes and bedraggled and wild. "Is everyone here?" she barked at a portly looking beaver. The man made an odd salute and nodded at her.

"Good, you know your parts. Today we do what we were made to do," she said, turning away from the crowd and raising her hands. Darkness seemed to gather at those paws as the people chanted and sang, "Bring us, bring us!" she called.

Her servants were more ornate in their words, almost singing as they danced and cavorted, "Bring us a child who's heart untainted. Bring us a child who's groin is unpainted. Untouched by lover, untouched by lust. Bring us the child who only knows a parent's trust. May her heart be true and her soul be pure, for our purpose, for our cause, to be sure."

I glanced sidelong at Veronica, but she was just watching, giving no sign we should act yet.

The darkness at the witch's paws mushroomed out into a circle. Fits of light flared from within the dark, roiling, mass. She thrust her crooking looking paw into it, fishing around like someone who lost something in a backpack, her followers singing all the louder. I could feel a terrible pressure all around me, pressing into my fur like a dirty rag as my ears popped. The witch gave a feral shout of triumph as her hand snagged something, and she wrenched it free. A figure came with it, tumbling into the dirt.

The small thing squealed in surprise and pain, but was on her feet almost instantly, wide eyed and alarmed. She was feline, with white, black, and brown spots, calico clearly. She looked young, and trembled as she backed away from the gathering of sinister looking people. Her dress was odd, like something I'd expect queen Victoria's little sister to wear, all ruffles and fabric you could get lost in.

She backed away trembling as the witch's hand came down and seized her quickly, one shoulder, then the other. The girl squealed, a piercing shriek that was powerful enough to collapse the portal, or maybe it was just timing, I wasn't sure. The witch only laughed, shaking the girl lightly, "You will do just fine," she said with a filthy looking sneer.

"Let me go, let me go!" wailed the girl, trying to escape the old canine's grip futily. She looked utterly terrified, and I felt horrible watching it.

I leaned in towards Veronica, "Now?"

"No," she hissed back, "And be quiet. We have to wait until they're at their altar."

This wasn't their place of magic? What do I know about magic. I still didn't like it. That girl looked so frightened. I wanted to run out there, punch that old lady in the face and just... I don't know, hug the girl, keep her safe. Anything but stand there and watch.

The witch was pulling her away, up towards a trail in the mountain they lived in. Her followers did what they were named for, trailing along behind them, still singing their song unwaveringly. When they had passed from the light of the fire, Veronica rose and pulled at my hand, coaxing me up. We crept up after them slowly. I heard a faint sound and looked over shoulder. The pygmies were following after us. Despite their usual chaotic ways, they were pretty quiet and organized now that things were serious.

We ascended the mountain for what felt like hours, but was probably only one, keeping just out of sight of the cultists. Their singing let us keep track of them easily enough. The girl let out another terrible shriek and I started towards them, but Veronica yanked me back so hard it felt like my shoulder had popped, "No!" she whispered urgently, "We will save her when the time is right," she said, then licked my ear, "Caring fool, you'll kill us all."

I blushed, and tried to hold myself in check as we climbed. The trail evened out at last, leading to a small valley. Inside was another great fire that lit up a great stone altar, and a statue that was hard to see. We crept up closer to it and it became clearer. It looked like a nun, though devoid of any religious symbol. It was simply chaste, wearing concealing clothing and with a demure posture. The statue reflected what the witch wanted, I could only guess, a world of taboo and restraint, a very different world than where Veronica would be happy in.

The witch lifted up the squirming girl and dropped her onto the altar. The stone seemed to quiver and warp, and suddenly the girl was bound at her hands and feet with thin bands of the stuff, holding her on all fours on the altar. "What do you want from me!" she cried, tears streaming down her small face, "I want mommy! I want daddy! Where am I!"

The witch reached to run a finger along the confused girl's chin, "Shhhh, don't you worry. We'll be done in... just a moment. First, we must remove those ghastly clothes, you must be beared to us."

"What? No! Noo! These are mine! Mommy n Daddy paid for em," she said, shivering on the altar, "I don't want to be naked!" Her every statement was a forceful gust, small form wracked with the power of her emotions, "Daddy saved for months!" It was a formal dress? I remembered reading about those. Regular people didn't have much more than one or two, they were very expensive. Hell, those things are still expensive today. No wonder she's... well, ok, random strangers wanting to cut you naked is bad whether you're in your Sunday best or not, but still.

The witch didn't seem to care much for the girl's opinion, drawing out a sharp looking blade that glinted black in the light of the fire. She grabbed the girl's tail and yanked. Her shriek became a feline yowl as she looked over her shoulder, "Why do I have a tail, oh, oh, what's going on..." the word on extending into a series of deep sobs as she broke down, ears wilted against her head. The witch cared not, pressing the knife against the hole her tail made and slicing along it, tearing through those thick layers of fabric with loud scissoring noises. The dress, dissected, began to fall from her, sinking along her arms and legs, leaving much of her sides bared.

"Now?" I whispered to Veronica.

She squeezed my hand, but didn't move.

The witch moved up to her arms, cutting down them methodically, silently, except for that noise of metal against cloth, tearing into the dress. The sleeves fell down in pools at her hands, ruined. Without them to support it, the dress sagged lower, then fell in a mass beneath her belly. She was young, still developing. Her chest couldn't have been more than an A cup, which she did her best to hide by curling on herself, whimpering and sobbing desolately.

The witch sneered at her, "Look at this craven slut," she called to her cultists, "I think she's too filthy to use!"

The girl seemed confused, more than a moment ago, "What's a slut? I am not dirty," she objected, "I washed just yesterday, you mean ole..."

Her words were cut off with a sound cuff from the canine across the ears, "Sluts don't talk unless talken to. You whore, you hussy, strumpet!" She pulled the girl free of the altar suddenly, throwing her to the ground in a rough pile. One of the words must have been understood though, guessing from the change of expression on the girl's face, but she didn't have time to argue it before she was tossed, and was crumpled on the ground, bruised and mortified.

The cultists advanced on them, grabbing at the girl with many hands, dragging her through the dust towards a small waterfall that fell from above. I hadn't noticed it before, so focused on the girl. It was like someone left the tap on more than any real waterfall, but more than enough to wash up in I guessed. Like a single stream shower. If she wasn't dirty before, she certainly was after the dragging.

She struggled against their pawing grasps, but the secured her to the ground with metal shackles around ankles and wrists, snickering darkly as they worked. Most of the mob backed off, leaving two of the cultists and the witch behind. "Let us clean this filthy bitch, so she can serve us properly," she declared, "Let it begin."

She pulled out what looked to be a normal bar of soap and handed it to one of the cultists. They brushed their cowel back as if signaled to do so. A rat, male by the look of it, but I was no expert on rodents. They grinned and approached the girl with it. The other decowled as well, revealing a cheetah. She I could more easily identify. She joined the rat at the opposite end of the girl. They tilted her just enough to let the water splash over her back. She went tense and squealed as the cold water ran over her dirty form.

"Squealing won't get you out of the cleaning," said the rat, the first non song sentence I heard in a while from the cultists. Their hands wandered over her now wet fur, passing the soap back and forth as they began to work a lather into her small form. Vigorous rubbing kept the girl squirming and wiggling, but it did little to escape their rapt attention. As the bubbles got thick, the girl's soft squeaks of displeasure seemed to change, growing quieter, then becoming little quaking sounds of delight. Her nose was red, her ears were red, the animal way for blushing as her body glowed with odd feelings.

"The slut is enjoying the touches," mocked the witch, but the girl was mostly beyond reproach, shuddering and giving a sudden loud moan as her hips stretched and grew, becoming grabbably round. The cheetah did just that, swatting the bubble but and rubbing over it, working the soap in as the girl began to wail, not in torment but in pleasure. The rat reached under her, working the soap across her chest as it began to grow out, stretching with ever trembling gasp as if she were breathing air directly into them as they reached a firm A, then B, slowly inching towards C as the witch crossed her arms, "It's too late for you now. Only a pure touch of a breeding stud could save you at this point, a hard fuck from a warm heart." she looked over the crowd, "Any warm hearts with us tonight?"

There was a general fit of laughter in the crowd as the girl looked up at her, "What's a fuck?" she asked despite the pleasure tingling through her sudsy form.

The laughing only grew more intense as the witch reached to lift the cat girl's chin up, "So innocent, so naive. The Gods must smile on us, to send us such a perfect little girl. You will never know what a fuck is." she said with contempt in her voice, straightening herself out.

I watched all this with trembling anger, but something else as well. The girl was growing increasingly attractive, and seeing her being handled and touched and spanked. I didn't agree with it, but I couldn't help but become arroused by it as well. This damned lion's body was always ready for that sort of thing, and my cock was becoming achingly hard as I watched them abuse that innocent youth, though she hardly seemed a youth under the magical effects of the soap they were scrubbing into her so eagerly.

The girl was wailing again, calling for help whenever she wasn't moaning her forced delight. The cultists seemed to enjoy each cry, laughing and mocking. "No one can hear you," said one, "No one that cares," said another. "You're going to die here," chimed a third, all laughing at her suffering. At last, they seemed satisfied with her cleaning, and were rubbing the water into her densely furred body, cleaning away the soap to reveal a somewhat bedraggled looking but much more shapely female. The two that had cleaned her both swatted her on the rump as if in fond parting, then backed away into the crowd. There was soft whispering as they jealously congratulated the two that got to touch the sacrifice.

The witch silenced them with a glare, and stepped up to grab the girl at a wrist. Despite the shackled, she yanked the girl to her feet as if they weren't there, and they fell free without resistance under her fell might, "Now that you are prepared," she said, waving dark magics that leeched the water from the cat's fur, making her look less drowned and more stunning by the moment, "Back to the altar."

"Altar?" she said in a tiny squeak, as if suddenly realizing exactly what was going to happen to her. She pulled against the witch's grip so hard the witch leaned over, almost toppled, "NO!" she cried in her spirited final attempt to get away, "No No No No No No" She repeated like a mantra, half dragging the witch with her renewed spirit to resist. The witch hissed and growled with displeasure.

Veronica leaned over, "Remember how evil this is," she whispered, "Remember your hate of it, keep it in your mind when you get to her and fuck her free of it, ok? Don't forget. Soon."

I wasn't sure what she meant, but I saw the witch make a strange gesture with her free hand, and the girl went still as stone. The witch hefted up the cat and carried her to the alter before placing her on it on her back, securing her down tightly with no wiggle room, "It is almost time. If any of you have lingering passion, have peace with it, for we banish it tonight," she announced gravely as she circled to between the cat's legs, hopping up onto the altar and drawing out a deadly looking blade, the one that had torn through the girl's clothing not long before.

"Now!" whispered Veronica's voice in my ear, and suddenly I was moving. I don't remember standing up, but I do remember running. The cultists turned around at the sound of my coming and looked quite shocked. Most people do when a huge, beefy, lion man with a foot long erection charges them. One of the small things I learned from my time in this world. I grabbed the first cultist and thrust them aside like a curtain. They barely got out a squawk before they were eating dirt, skidding several feet. I was shoving and pushing blindly towards the girl.

The witch snarled, "Too late, too late!" She mocked as she brought her dagger down towards the shrieking girl's heart. A bright flash blanketed the area, and the witch was thrown clear of the altar, the dagger clattering down just beside the cat. I couldn't help but peek, seeing Veronica panting loudly, one of her paws glowing with whatever spell she had just used. I could also see the pygmies rushing in not far behind me.

They fell on the cultists in an angry swarm, kicking, clubbing and biting ferociously at them. It was chaos, but I had my purpose and I kept to it, shoving through the confused ranks of the cultists to rush up to the girl. She saw me and looked uncertain, ears folding back. "I'm here to save you!" I shouted as I hopped up onto the altar into a single bound and reached to undo her bindings. As I pressed my belly to hers, a sudden urge grabbed me. I was in position, she was there. My mind quailed at the thought, but suddenly I was shoving into her. Her face went confused, then ecstatic. I could feel immense energy pouring between us as my hands grabbed at her, squeezing her enhanced breasts as I sat up and began to rock into her form.

She was a perfect fit around my urgent cock and I forgot about everything else, just fucking her, it's all I wanted. A small voice seemed to whisper from inside me as I pistoned against her, 'Don't forget'. And I remembered. The evil that had drawn this girl here, the suffering she had endured. I focused agaisnt it. I would protect this girl from such evils, the world from such evils. My thrusts become firmer, powerful strokes against the anvil of the girl's quivering pussy. No matter how hard I shoved, she wailed in pleasure, my magic as a breeder keeping her from harm, intensifying the pleasure of our coupling as we rose and fell together in increasing joy.

Dimly, I could feel the witch's presence. She was coming towards me with no good in mind, but I couldn't focus on her, just the evil, the evil she was in the grips of, that I would defeat. My balls clenched as the girl trembled with pleasure. Seed rushed up along my mighty member as I howled, a mighty lion roar that echoed an intense pulse of energy that rippled through the both of us, then outwards. It struck the witch head on and she yelped, trying to shield her eyes even as her robes were torn clean from her.

Her emaciated form shivered like a wet rat on a cold day and she fell to her knees in sobbing, but the powerful magic I had unleashed was still swirling around her, caressing her. I didn't see any of this, of course, I was entirely focused on the girl, nuzzling into her neck as I cut the bindings free from her with the very knife she was threatened with. Perhaps as a side effect of our magical union, it looked clean and straight, glinting with perfect steel as it freed her. I hefted her into my arms and hugged her, and she hugged back. She understood, deep inside, that I would not let any more harm come to her, and we grasped each other tightly, even as my shaft twitched inside of her.

The witch was sobbing as the magic poured into her at all sides. Her cultists were defeated, cudgeled to submission by the pygmy brigade and rounded up. There was no one to help her as she curled up in a ball. The magic was not malign, however, and her ribs, painfully visible, began to recede as flesh grew in over it. Her crooked fingers slowly straightened and fur smoothed across her form. Her tail, shorn half off at some earlier time, gave a powerful spasm as it reached out voluminously, now clearly a fluffy coyote's tail. The witch's noises of displeasure were becoming soft gasps of delight as her body, muted to pleasure's touch, began to come around. She grasped at her breasts, no longer sagging but becoming full and round as my magic whirled into her in powerful surges, banishing the evil that she had built up for herself over so many years.

The Pygmies suddenly put down something heavy that shook my attention free of the girls in my arms. A sedan? Where had they snuck that away? "We will carry her," one said with a bright smile. I moved over and set the girl down gently, but she did not let me go, clinging.

"Thank you," she whispered, "For saving me," and she kissed my cheek. "I'm sorry," she then said, glancing around, "But do you.. have some clothes?"

The pygmies all giggled in unison, sounding much less malign than the cultists' jeering laughter before. One hurried up with a thin blanket and handed it to me. I gently wrapped it around the girl, and set her in the Sedan, ruffling the top of her head. "If you'd like," said a pygmy, "You could climb in and give her one more round to keep her happy."

The pygmy was smiling in a most lecherous fashion, "We could stand the weight to see the mighty stud doing his magic one more time."

I went warm in the ears, but gently waved them off, looking around for Veronica. She was by the defeated cultists. She gestured for me to come over, then shouted at them, "Your cult is destroyed, your leader vanquished. If you have any further... intent, this man will mete out your punishment," with that said, she grabbed me and put me forward towards them. They looked up at me, and my half hard member, and looked away as if quite cowed.

"I don't want to punish anyone," I whispered to Veronica, and she shook her head slowly.

"You won't be, promise. They're quite done. And look what you did to the witch."

That was the first time I looked at her. She was standing up by then, looking herself over. She looked... hot. Her fur was clean and glowing with health, her breasts stood high and perfect, and all the ugliness had fled her. Her wide hips swayed as she turned this way and that. "Witch!" called out Veronica. The renewed coyote turned to look at her, confused.


Veronica smiled, "Nevermind. Come with us, we'll find you a nice, safe home, you'll have lots of friends, won't that be nice?"

The coyote smiled at that and bounced over, her curves jiggling in most wonderful ways, "That sounds lovely. I can do magic you know. I'll work for my keep," she assured in a bubbly tone. She would be a good wizard instead of a cold hearted witch. I smiled at the thought, then squeaked. A glance down showed Veronica squeezing my firmed member and pulling in slow strokes, "Come on, Todd, they have a sedan for us, too."

I laughed softly at Veronica's eagerness, but did not deny her. We had a wonderful ride back down the mountain.