Sleep Over

Story by Sargonia on SoFurry

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#2 of Tales from Lyon

I'm writing the direct sequel to this so I went back to check in on my characters so I ...

I'm writing the direct sequel to this so I went back to check in on my characters so I decided that I want to change it up. I redesigned Paul from Red to Corsac Fox and I aged my characters a bit. I found a few errors and fixed them : / so it should be a better experience : 3

Paul couldn't wait, his best friend Richard was coming over later to spend the night.

"Thanks Jason" he said to his older 17 year old husky friend, who had a car and gave him a ride to and from school

"No problem, see yah whenever."

"Bye" waved Paul with his white fox paw. He was 15 and had just started High school earlier that year. He was about 5 foot with grayish-red fur and yellowish-white under fur. He was lean due to his love of running even though he didn't like to run for sports. He preferred to have fun and not worry about the competitiveness of interscholastic sports.

Richard had been his best friend ever since he had come to live with his dad several years ago and he was finally coming over since his birthday last year. He only lived a little ways up the street and it wouldn't take long for him to get to Paul's house.

Paul's dad was away doing whatever he did. He never really talked about it with Paul but all Paul knew what that he was in the Navy. He had told him it was ok for him to have Richard over since they had known each other and his parent's for so long and the fact that they lived in a good neighborhood.

Paul rushed inside and ran upstairs to throw his bag in his room and had just enough time to tidy up a bit before he ran back downstairs to let Richard in.

"Hey Rich" he said to the wolf standing in his doorway. Richard was a hair taller than Paul and had a bit more muscle too him. He had dark grey fur and wore a loose t-shirt and khaki pants while carrying a large duffle bag. He had an athlete's body because whatever Paul liked to do he liked to do too. Though Paul would have to say he was more lithe making Richard look more buff. Also the fact that wolves tended to have more muscle than a fox.

"Hey Paul, is this going to be fun or what?"

"Yeah, how 'bout you throw your stuff in my room and we can get started."

"Ok" he followed Paul up to his room and threw his large duffle bag in it, then followed his friend back downstairs into the den which housed the computer, a large T.V., and a large old leather couch, which they proceeded to flop down on. "Is there anything good on?"

"I don't know, lets find out." They flipped on the T.V. to discover that it had over 300 channels and none of them had anything that interesting on them. That's when Richard got an idea, a very naughty idea.

"Well, if there's nothing on the T.V., then maybe there'll be something on the computer" he said with a smirk looking on his friend.

"Well I have some games, and I can always go upstairs and get on my computer and we can do some co-op."

"I had something more on the line of some pictures." Paul looked at his friend with a little bit of confusion even though deep down he knew what his friend meant.

"I don't see what you're getting at..."

"I'm getting at this" he said pulling up a yiff website on the computer. Paul was a little dumbfounded by his friend's brash actions, not to say that he had never been to such web sites, he was a teenage male. It's just one usually looks at such sites alone.

"Rich, what are you doing."

"It's ok, we're just looking at some porn together. We're cool aren't we? I mean because we're best friends and all."

"Yeah I guess, but if my dad find out..." He was concerned where this was leading. He wanted something to happen but with his history his dad wouldn't be pleased.

"He won't find out, and since you're cool with it" he click a button and the computer screen was put up on the large T.V., this shocked Paul a little more, but he settled a little after realizing that the den's windows were always closed up tight with the blinds. He started to stare at the picture on the screen which consisted of a female otter and two male otters having some "fun" in a river. The first male otter was sitting on a large rock. The female had her mouth on his "rocks" while the second male was behind the female thrusting in hard. This kept him distracted till he heard the sound of a zipper, which he turned around to find Richard bare ass on the couch with a growing erection.

"Dude, what are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing? I got hot, I took my clothes off, now I'm going to masturbate to this porn. Now are you going to get out of the way of the TV and sit down on this couch and masturbate with me or what?" Paul was stupefied by this notion and the fact that he couldn't keep his eyes off of his friend's penis. He had always thought that something like this would happen but he never thought Rich would be the one to instigate. He just kept gawking through this thought. It was red and wrapped in a gray sheath, and Paul loved it. "Well now, do you like what you see? You could take that gapping mouth of yours and put it around my penis or you can sit down and enjoy the porn."

"Your really sick sometimes, you know that." He tried to hide the blush at being caught staring and the fact that he really wanted to take that wolf dick in his mouth.

"Isn't that why you hang out with me? Besides, it's not gay as long as we don't kiss."

"Just shut up and start the show and who the hell told you that? The proper phrase is 'It's not gay as long as your genitals don't touch.'" He took off his clothes and sat down next to his friend who only grinned at his victory as he started the slideshow.

It consisted of more pictures of the same threesome just later down the road. Paul was a little uneasy because he couldn't get the thought of Richard masturbating right beside him, or the urge to take up his friend's offer to pleasure him orally, out of his head. He promised himself that he was done doing that stuff no, but he just wanted to reach out and take his friend's fifteen year old balls in his paws and just suck his friend's penis like there was no tomorrow. They were best friends and Paul had sort of a huge crush on Rich but it would just be too weird for their friendship. That's when what was happening on the TV got really weird for their situation. The second male otter was now plowing away at the female while the first plowed him from behind. Paul was very familiar with homosexuality and its practices, he just wasn't sure if this felt right about him and Rich.

"Uh, I hope this isn't weird for you Paul, it's just..." Paul had finally outdone his friend in brash moves by putting his maw against Rich's bulbous member, not that Rich was complaining. "Uh, Paul what are you, oh..." he was again silenced by Paul when he took his balls in his paws and started to suck his penis like there was no tomorrow. He bobbed his head up and down and licked at the shaft and head with his fox tongue to the sound of his best friend's moans. Richard started to grab at the sofa as he was overwhelmed by the experience of Paul's hot, wet mouth. The feeling of his tongue running up and down his penis, the sheer bliss of it swirling around the head, it was all too much for the virgin wolf. "Oh god Paul, I'm think I'm going to blow" he shouted as he shot his hot wolf load into his friend's mouth which he tried to swallow most of it but there was just a little too much even for him to handle. After coming down from his high Rich looked at his friend, "How did you know that I wasn't really joking?"

"I didn't, I just wanted to suck you dick, now are we going up to my room to finish this or are we just going to sit around naked down here on this leather couch, because I don't want to clean it up if we do."

"You don't have to ask me twice" said Rich dragging Paul by the paw up to his room. Paul couldn't believe that he was doing this, he had sworn to himself, but this time it was different, wasn't it? He didn't have time to think about it now. He was being dragged by a hot sexy wolf up to his room to rock his world. He was even more surprised when he got to his room when the wolf spun him around into a kiss. He just relaxed into the feeling of the wolf's warm body.

"Paul," said the wolf breaking the kiss, "I've um, never done anything like this." He received a kiss back from the smaller fox.

"That's ok Rich. It's not as hard as it looks or this" he said pressing his throbbing fox meat into the wolf that was already ready for a second round. "Now shut up and get on that bed." He was surprised again when the wolf picked him up and carried him into the room tossing him on the bed. He climbed onto of the fox and gave him a deep kiss slipping in some tongue. His hand ran up and down the fox slowly, making sure to lightly brush over the nipples he knew was somewhere under his white under fur. "I thought you said you never did this before."

"I'm a quick study."

"Well that is not going inside me without lube" he said gesturing to Rich's now again fully erect wolfhood.

"Well um, how do I go about doing that?"

"You know kissing, petting, random sexy acts, but you never covered lube?"

"Truth be told" he was acting shy now "you're really, the first guy, I've um, ever been attracted to."

"We're fifteen, how many people have you been attracted too?

"You'd be surprised."

"Well, you have two options here Rich. I have some lube in my nightstand to which you will apply generously to both me and you, or, you can take that tongue to my anus."

"Wait? My tongue to your anus, isn't that a little weird?"

"It's called Rimming and um, from what I hear, it's good." Next thing he knew his ass was in the air and Rich's tongue was working at his anus. He was full of surprises tonight. "You, ah, have to stretch me or you'll, oh, never be able to, ohhhhhohooo." He melted as the wolf's tongue slipped in exploring this new space. Two furry wolf paws joined him as he gripped both of the fox's cheeks, his thumbs exploring the fox's tailhole. "Ok I think that's good enough wolf boy. Now lube up that cock and give it to me." Reaching into the night stand he grabbed a small bottle. Undoing the lid he squirted a large amount onto Rich's aching member. Rich positioned himself outside the fox but hesitated.

"I'm just... are you sure you want to do this?"

"Rich, I don't think I would want it any other way." That was all the reassurance the horny teen needed. He slowly entered the fox being careful not to hurt him. He was nervous; he didn't want his first actual sexual experience to be an awkward one. Paul couldn't wait that long. The fox wrapped his legs around him and pulled him in all the way to the hilt. It was more like he lurched forward and he was lying on top of the impatient fox. He gasped at the feeling of his penis being engulfed by the wanting anal cavity.

"Oh god Paul, it's..."

"I know I'm amazing" he said drawing the wolf in for a kiss. "Now let your animal instincts take over." Rich just nodded as he slowly pulled out, shuttering with every inch all the way to the head and then thrusting back in. The sensations were overwhelming his teenage brain. Each gyration caused a wave a pleasurable lighting shooting through his body followed by heat. His blood pressure was rising to a boil. He tongue hung out as he panted trying to cool himself off but he knew there was only way to relieve the heat. He started to thrust wildly closing in on his climax. His senses dulled by his animal instincts, he couldn't hear the slapping of his balls against Paul's rear, or the sound of the fox's moaning. Then "pop" went the wolf's knot through the fox's sphincter that was also shuttering underneath him as Paul reached his climax shooting his cum over his chest and stomach. His anal muscles clenched around the wolf and his swollen knot and he let out a howl as he spilled his wolf seed deep into his newly discovered lover filling him up. He thought that he had exploded earlier but that was nothing to what he just did. He sighed and collapsed on top of Paul, riding out his orgasm. He received a lick from the fox bringing him out of his sex haze.

"So Rich, how was that?"

"Best... sleep...over...ever" was all he could muster. His penis had already started to go flaccid so he started to pull out but received protests for Paul so he just rolled over onto his side and Paul did the same to the point they were laying both on their sides, Paul's back against Rich. That's where they fell to sleep.