Restoring the Balance-Under The Bridge

Story by TheFallenAngelWolf on SoFurry

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AN:this is my first story I have ever finished, I decided to post it here

Alex sighed walking into his home. Another long boring day of school had passed by with the average results. He tossed his backpack onto the chair as he yawned. Alex twisted around popping his spine to a satisfying and relaxing as the tension in his muscles seemed to wash away as he righted himself again. Turning to go to his computer he caught himself in the mirror that had been installed by the previous tenant, he tried removing it before but it turned out that the previous owner had decided to install it directly into the wall. Alex wasn't a "looker" as some people would say, he was rather plain: Poorly kept blond hair that no amounts of time, hair gel or patience could tame, His face was quite round as well he had a stubble from having forgotten to shave for two days, his body was neither Ripped nor was he overly flabby having finally beaten a long time struggle with being overweight.

He shook his head as he walked over to his computer he checked for any new messages. Much to his relief or was it regret there were none. An utterly boring life, he thought as he clicked Xfire, his in game chatting system checking to make sure no one had decided to add him on that. Quite frankly he had forgotten he had installed it, whatever possessed him to open it this time he had no idea, to his shock though he saw the prompt "AFriend wants to be friends, read invite? Y or N" Alex shook his head, "What the hell, if they looked me up they must know me." He mumbled to himself as he clicked the accept button.

"Hi, You played System Wars?" was the first thing that appeared on the screen. The time stamp showed it was the same time Alex had clicked yes,

"I remember that game." he mused, System wars was an eleven year old game that while a critical success got panned by sales those that bought it loved it and it is still a cult classic, as he typed in his response "Yea, What about it?"

"Well someone gave me a copy and well let's just say I suck" was the response from the unknown player.

"And you added me why?" Alex typed in having nothing better to do.

"'Cause you are on Xfire's top player list for it," The response was indicated by a beep as always.

"So you want me to teach you how to play?" Alex had typed before shaking his head "Its been a while since I played it but sure."

"Thxs VashTheFallen" the player had typed before Xfire indicated he had started the game, "I'll chose the server." There was a five minute delay between that message and the next "kk ready." Alex quickly pressed the controller icon at the bottom of the window, which not only launched the game but also connected him to the server Afriend was on.

The game was simple, one team would attack another would defend. Each team had several different classes and there were several different ways for a class to be played. After a while other players started to join the server as Alex helped Afriend get used to the game. Three months passed Alex enjoying the online time he had with Afriend, they told each other secrets, dreams, how life was but one night would change that.

As it got late Alex told everyone he had to go, as he closed the game he saw afriend had sent him something, he opened the window and read "Yea, I got to go to, tomorrow? Was the question, Alex knew what it ment,

"Yea sure" he typed not expecting a response,

"Cool, well this tail isn't going to was itself, bai" was all he got before Afriend logged off.

He read the post and shrugged before looking at it again, "Wait.... Tail?" he asked confused, before shaking his head "Must have typed something on accident." He concluded before yawning and stretching. He headed to his bathroom and took a quick shower. As he fell asleep he dreamt of a world where humans lived in complete harmony with creature he instinctively called furries now, and somehow he knew he had caused that.

Alex looked down at his hands. They were normal except starting at his wrist he had a silver streak running down it to his middle finger as he looked himself over he saw the same build as when he was awake, except his hair color was different and he had wolfish features, somehow though this fact didn't shock him at all. He knew he had a tail and even though it was new to him. he knew exactly how to make it move.

After that fact came slamming into his mind he realized he was at school, It was then he noticed some of the furs were not wearing clothing, the fact startled him at first but then he questioned why did it, he knew that their body temperature is different than a humans. He started to sigh again but as he took the large inhale of breath he was assaulted by hundreds of different scents. All the school seemed to slam into his skull pounding against it as his mind processed the information with what seemed to be practiced ease. One scent caught his attention easier than the rest. His mind snapped the name Noel Reed to it as well as Girlfriend at the same time causing him to lose focus on his work in front of him. He shook his head as he looked down at his paper.

The next thing he saw was the roof of his apartment. He quickly pulled up his hand and saw nothing different at first, but then he saw that some of his Nails looked a little sharper and more pointed then usual but he shook it off after realizing it was a trick of the light.

On his computer there was a Message from Afriend, Alex didn't see it as he hurried out the door.

"Oh about my name, I know its stupid but if you want call me Noel okay?"

Alex went to school as usual nothing seemed out of the ordinary, there were no animals walking and taking classes with him or any other humans, he didn't have a tail he would have noticed it by now. He sighed shaking off the strangely vivid dream as he went through school. The real shock would come when he got home.

Alex couldn't believe it he had recently started playing with someone he knew simply as afriend but the message was sitting right there plan as day, Noel wasn't online yet and he shook his head "It must be a coincidence, yea that's It." He said as he sat down at the computer. He started to look up information about Furs, what he found started to peak his interest but as he started to read more about this fandom he saw a few posts here and there about people claiming to have met a real fur or being one.

The beep of the unread message scared him as he opened up Xfire, playing it cool he typed "Tail?" after he had hit enter there was a long, pregnant pause as no one typed anything. After 5 minutes that seemed like five hours there was a single response.

"I know you live in my city, its on your profile... At midnight come to the east park, go under the dock, I'll be there, I trust you." Was all Alex received from Noel. He sighed as he got ready for the midnight excursion, taking a quick shower and a nap before he left. Alex didn't have a car but luckily for him east park was not that far away if anything he could use the jog. As he approached the park a feeling of dread washed over him, what if this was a trick, some rapist using games to attract nerds to the park to have his or her way with him?

Alex shook his head; he had faith in Noel something about the way she typed and played told him she meant no harm to anyone. He slowed down though as he got closer to the dock, it was hard to see but if you looked just right there was a small plate of land that people could sit on and relax with out being seen, it was a popular spot for couples that couldn't wait to get home. He slowly climbed his way down to the ledge, keeping a firm grip on everything to avoid falling into the icy water below him. As he got to the ledge he was panting a bit, tired from the jog and the climb. As he turned to look around him he saw someone sitting against the wall of the cavern at first he thought nothing of it, until he noticed the tail, taking a closer look he saw a gray wolfess siting her knees tucked to her belly her arms wrapped around it and her tail wrapped around her ankles staring into the wall. Alex moved closer only to stumble and have the wolfess looked up from where she had been staring wide eyed with panic.

"Don't come any closer!" she yelled, getting defensive Alex could see her muscles tighten in anticipation for an attack, the black streak he saw in his dream was on her arm stopping just at her paws, her maw had pearl white teeth as she started to growl.

Alex took a step back "Its me VashTheFallen." He said and almost instantly the wolfess calmed down, he quickly drew the connection, this was Noel, and this was what those people on the forums said but others thought crazy. Alex slowly sat down but stayed a respectful distance. "Noel?" he asked.

Noel seemed to slink back at his question "Yes" she muttered after a while her maw working in perfect order to form the words, she shook her head "You're going to run now, aren't you? If you do, please don't tell anyone, I broke the law just by showing you, my mom and Dad would be hurt knowing I did this." Noel turned her head away from Alex as she finished her sentence. Only to let out a tiny eep when she felt a human arm wrap around her

"And I would do that why?" Alex asked as he pulled her head towards his. "Your still my friend Noel." He smiled but it quickly turned to a frown "Why do you have to hide?" he asked as Noel frowned as well

"Well a long time ago, we lived in harmony with humans." She explained "But you see as we are animals that can walk, talk, and fight like humans. We also have our animal instincts, and physique making some of us stronger, faster, hornier" she giggled at the joke when Alex looked lost "Rabbits" she explained and Alex made a small Ahh movement "Well as I was saying, after a while we were called demons, well our ancestors where, and well humans and us, Furs, can crossbreed, and well there was an evil man, who had a lovely lioness as his mate, when their son was born, he killed the lioness and told the child of the evil we are" she seemed to be spitting out the story angerly "So the child waged a war against us all, it took all of our people to subdue the Child and execute him. And the leaders of the races decided it would be best to hide from the world" she finished. A tear running down her maw

Alex would gently rub the tear from her maw. "How do you know this?" he asked as he kept his arm around her "And why don't humans remember?" he waited patiently for the answer engrossed by this secret world that Noel lived in.

Noel would smile "I'm supposed to be the next one in line to be leader of the wolves" she responded, "And the reason humans don't remember is easy, you think we are myths." She would turn towards Alex "So what are you going to do?" She asked looking into his blue eyes.

Alex smirked "Something I wanted to do for about a month." He responded. Alex would push his lips to her maw, capturing her full attention.

She would murr happily as she started to get over the shock of the impromptu kiss returning it eagerly, but after a few seconds she would push Alex away "No Alex." She said as she looked at him "You don't know how many laws I'm breaking already." She tapered off as Alex gentely placed his hand under her maw

"Noel, Your people shouldn't hide. I want to help make that a reality." He said. Noel on the other hand would grab his wrist and pull it away half-heartedly; Alex let her remove his hand this time

"Alex, you just found out about this how are you so sure?" Noel asked dead serious, "not that I don't agree with you, but why?"

Alex responded in the same tone as Noel "Would you believe me If I said I dreamt about it before this?" he watched as Noel started to chuckle then she started to laugh.

"The only way that would have happened is if you're related to our species in some roundabout way" she continued to laugh but after a second she stopped and looked at him "Are you sure Alex?" Alex nodded and she smiled. "Alex, you are one hell of a stubborn person." She commented before reinitiating the broken kiss.

As the kiss deepened so did the heat that Noel had been feeling for the past two days, her lions were set ablaze by the simple act of kissing this impossible man. Alex was feeling similar effects of this act, his member was straining uncomfortably against his jeans his hands would roam through the fur that covered Noel's entire body, his left hand idly tracing the long silver streak down her arm as he wrapped his right arm around Noel's waist pulling her as he laid back. His back laid against the cold stone of the ledge as he wrapped his left arm around her, soon though they were forced to separate the passionate kiss, the need for air was too great.

Alex could feel a light dampness through his jeans as they panted, their hands and arms never wavering, Noel's tail swayed side to side as she brought her paws to Alex's shirt, as she roamed across the fabric of the shirt she would smile. Desperate to feel his skin on her paws she would snake both of her paws under it rubbing his muscle and body as she worked the shirt off.

After having his shirt removed Alex was not one to be idle in times like these. He would rub his hands through her rear fur, his right hand finding her tail he gently started to rub the base of it much to the delight of the wolf on top of him. His left hand continued to roam lower and towards her front, he brushed across her inner thigh fur as he got closer to the source of the dampness on his leg. When he found his destination he slowly massaged her entrance teasing her with his fingers as he would bring his right hand from the base of her tail to her waist so he would have leverage to roll them over, now on top he would slowly insert one finger into Noel's core eliciting a gasp from the stunned wolf. He started to pump tantalizingly slow as he would bring his face up to hers and captured her maw in another passion filled kiss.

Noel moaned into the kiss, and as she arched her back to let his finger have more access to her virgin wolf cunt. Breaking the kiss Noel would wrap her paws around Alex's head and started nipping where she would have to bite, to prove that she accepted him as her lover. Alex tensed at the feeling of teeth against his skin but continued to move his hand in and out of Noel's dripping core. Noel feeling her limit being reached would lean forward and whispered into his ear

"Do you trust me?" Alex would nod as he felt Noel position her mouth to his shoulder. Unable to disappoint noel he continued to thrust his finger into her pussy his thumb starting to rub her clit. When he touched that nub of flesh he felt Noel's inner muscles contract and would feel her snap into his shoulder he gritted his teeth at the sudden pain in his shoulder but soon he would feel warmth trickle little by little out from the bite, his sight became sharper than ever as did his sense of smell.

He could smell the need and want that was being expelled from his mate below him. Noel smirked as she let go, the mating was successful, soon she would no longer be alone she slowly rolled Alex over and smiled as she was on top. Slowly she would lick from the neck wound that she had created and down his chest, to the seam of his pants. She slowly took the jeans into her mouth and worked at them, unbuttoning them. Her own paws were busy rubbing her core to keep the urge to fuck like a rabid animal down until she had finished pleasuring Alex. Taking his zipper into her maw she pulled against it, the slow sound of the zipper parting tantalizing them both, she pulled his jeans completely off, Alex having kicked his shoes off earlier.

She smiled at the tent in his underwear, "For me?" she asked with the sexist smile she could pull off as she removed his underwear. Using her furred breasts to incase his member she smiled as Alex shivered, Noel at first would slowly raise and lower her tits against Alex's decently sized member when she could she would lick the tip of his dick causing it to twitch with his pulse. Alex groaned trying to hold off from cumming in Noel's face wanting to plant his member deep into Noel's accepting cunt and breed her like the bitch she is. Noel would smirk pulling away from the teasing and would stand up

"Alex, I need you." She whispered as she got on her hands and knees and presented herself to her alpha "I'm your bitch, breed me. Fill me with your cum, FUCK ME" she finally shouted out as Alex stood up behind her.

"Not yet." He whispered before getting on his hands and knees behind her and slowly smelling her eager sex, oh god it smelt wonderful to his enhanced nose, like roses and cherries a pure and innocent scent. "I wonder how it tastes." He commented before taking a lap at her entrance. Noel instantly fell down he ass still raised, Alex taking this as a sign of encouragement continued to lick her beautiful flowery lips. Noel gasped each time he licked against her mound, she screamed when she felt his wiggling tongue pierce her entrance and lick the insides of her walls, her cum saturating his face as he lapped up the juices from her.

Noel would pant as she laid there, oh god, if that was just his tongue, what could his dick do? She thought to herself as she rolled over and spread her legs apart, using her paw to spread her entrance. She used her other paw to motion for him to come to her "Alex, make me your mate, I need this, I need you." She begged as Alex walked over to her, quickly getting on his knees he pulled her to him, her fur feeling wonderful on his skin as he leaned over her. His pillar of flesh ready to skewer her, he would wrap his arms around her and whisper into her Pleasure addled brain "This is my first time." He whispered, she would lightly smile

"Mine too." Alex would slowly push himself into her velvety folds. She howled out as she was being filled for the first time, she her eyes would widen as she felt his dick met her hyman "Do it," she commanded as Alex nodded and pulled back before hilting himself into her. She gasped at being full, her heart was pounding in time with Alex's as he waited for her to relax.

"Do it," she whispered as she repositioned her self-moaning a bit as he pulled away from her only to merr when he had slammed home inside of her. Alex was in heaven; his dick was both melting and cool. He could lie here for ever as he slowly rocked against her, gritting his teeth to keep from spilling his seed to early. Noel would moan as she rocked against his intruder, "Fuck me" she said as Alex started to speed up, repeatedly meeting her fur with his flesh. Breaking almost every rule in the entire world he fucked his bitch, His mate. Noel would grip around his waist with her legs, her fur sending him into over drive as his thrusting became erratic.

Noel gasped as she felt something she didn't expect, a knot, Her mark must have caused this. She thought in the back of her head as she ground against the lump of flesh, knowing that she was no longer innocent or pure had droven her into a frenzy she quickly rolled over, as she was on top she would bounce up and down screaming and howling to the moon as she road the male under her, on her last bounce she felt her flesh give in to the knot and swallow it locking them together as Alex Howled along with her cumming inside her and filling her with cum, impregnating her with the first of their many pups. She gasped as she felt her strength sapped from her as Alex pulled her to him he whispered into her ears "My love, My bitch, My mate." He said rolling them over, laying next to each other they fell asleep, to be found by the police....