Story by Robert Wolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Wolf Heat

In the first chapter I forgot to mention this: please do not use the characters in this story unless you got permission from the author (me). Some of these characters makes apparent in my book, but they have no connection to these stories and their personality and background might be different. However the original origin of the characters is the book (even do they haven't appeared there yet).

The first chapter and this one was originally supposed to be one and the same, but I got unsure on how much space I could use.

This chapter reviles what happened while Terra and Silva was gone, it is a little bit less realistic but I hope you'll like it. Enjoy.


The wind blows through the great pine forest. In an open glade that a pack of wolves call home, the tension is high. The cause of this is the heat that strikes the female wolves. The two year old daughter of the alpha pair, a black and white wolf named Luna was no exception. She had just reached sexual maturity and the heat was something new to her. And she didn't know how to deal with it.

At first it had just bee a warm feeling, but now it was a raging fire burning through her nether region. She had spent most of the day in the den, twisting and turning, looking up at the ceiling of hard packed earth. But when she got out she could tell that she wasn't the only one suffering from the heat.

All the females suffered from it, well almost all. Luna's little sister that was born last year, a light brown and white speckled wolf named Astri, had not yet reached sexual maturity. She walked over to Luna.

'Luna, you're finally up.' She said waging her tail.

Luna managed a forced smile.

'Hi Astri. Where are mom and dad?' Luna asked her little sister.

Astri frowned.

'They're over there, keeping an eye on the others. Everyone is so busy trying to ignore each other, nobody has any time to play with me. '

Astri was very playful, and liked to play with whoever she could. Astri unlike her older sister was very social. She was quite popular, do her never ending energy could sometimes make her get on your nerves. Luna wasn't anti-social, she just didn't have that constant need for company as her sister.

'Thanks Astri. I'm sorry but I can't play with you right now.' Luna said and started walking towards her parents. Astri sighs and walked into the den with her tail lowered.

As Luna closed into her mother Silva, she felt a set of paws closing around her waist and a big weight pressing down on her back. Then she felt something hard poking at her rump. A male had mounted her from behind, and was pocking at her with his cock, looking for her entrance.

Luna's mind was in total conflict with her body, the feeling of the male's cock now resting at her entrance created tingling feeling of yearning that totally conflicted with her mind telling her that she didn't want her first time to be like this.

But before the male could enter her, he was caught by Terra. He tossed the smaller wolf aside, too busy with what he was doing to notice that it was his daughter that was the female.

As her father walked away, Luna decided that she would deal with her problem on her own, her parents being busy enough as it is. She started walking towards the nearby river. As she leaved the glade she heard Terra bark.

'Remember what I said. No mating, ok!?'

The river was nearby, but secluded from the pack. Luna lay down on the soft grass, breathing in the sent of the plants, and the sent of fish from the river. She was at the end of the river, where it flows into a lake, the river caring water all the way from the mountains. Luna used to come here to watch the moon reflect of the water surface.

She thought coming here might calm her down, but the heat burned through her even stronger then before. She could still feel the male's cock against her rump. For a moment she wished that he really would have entered her, anything to get rid of this horrible heat.

Her vagina was getting excruciatingly hot, and Luna started twisting around, whimpering against the pain. It was horrible, she just couldn't understand how the other older females deals with it.

The wind blows by, ruffling her fur. It brought the sent of a male wolf. Luna tried to get up, but before she could react, a set of paws pushed her to the ground. The wolf must have moved with incredible speed, and just the fact that he managed to sneak up on her was a big surprise.

A thought strikes her, this might be the wolf that tried to mount her earlier. She panicked, still not wanting to lose her virginity to any random wolf. She started squirming to get loose, but the paws then roughly pressed her against the ground. The wolf leaned over her and brought its snout to her ear, she could feel his chest expand over her back as he is breathing in.

'Relax, I'm here to help you.' The wolf whispered in her ear.

The wolf got off her and she turned around to face him. It was Ventus, a grey and white wolf that had joined the pack about a year ago. Luna was very surprised that it was him, she didn't know much about him, except that he often played with her little sister and that he seemed to come and go as he pleased, sometimes leaving the pack for days.

'Ventus? What do you mean, helping me?' She asked, puzzled by his sudden appearance.

He smiled. Walking up next to her as she got up, stroking against her fur.

'I'm going to do you a favour, and help you with your heat.'

Luna flinched as his stroke reached her rump.

'What!? But didn't you hear dad? No mating, we can't afford it!' She said, not sure how to react.

Ventus looked her in the eyes.

'I heard Terra. But don't worry, I won't mate with you. I said I was going to do you a favour, so just relax and stand still.' He said and positioned himself behind her.

Luna stood as if paralysed. She didn't know if she could trust him, but the promise of relief for her heat was enough to make her go with it.

She felt her tail being moved aside by his snout, the hot air from his breath hit her vagina and made a shiver go through her spine.

Ventus waited a moment, breathing in her sweet sent before giving her vagina a lick.

Luna yells out in surprise, her eyes widen. It was a wonderful feeling going through her entire body, making her back arch down.

Ventus nuzzles her fur.

'See what I mean?' He asked. Giving her no time to answer before giving her another lick, making her moan loudly.

He kept licking in a rapid pace, lapping her sweet fluids, getting her closer and closer to her orgasm. Luna moaning with every lick, whimpering for air as the strokes of his tongue lifts her rear. By tilting his head to the side, his tongue got into a vertical position, and he could use it to enter her, licking her soft vagina from the inside.

Luna felt his tongue entering her, moving in and out, licking her juices and rubbing against her inner walls. It felt so good, but her body kept craving more. She wanted more then this.

Then she felt her muscles tighten as she reach her orgasm, a strong vibration starting in her cunt and spreading through her body, forcing her to the ground as she looses the strength in her legs. Her body was shacking and she panted exhausted from the immense feeling. But she still needed more, her body craved for a male's member.

Ventus looked down at Luna, laying in front him panting. His cock had long since unsheathed and was hanging between his legs. He licked his snout clean from her juices that had covered it during her orgasm. He positioned himself above her, every fibre in his body wanting to enter her.

Luna noticed his shadow over her, the sound of him breathing right above her head. She hadn't thought of how this act must have aroused him as well, and now he prepared to enter her. She didn't flinch at the thought that was what she wanted, she needed it.

Ventus lowered his body, his cock closing into her rump. But before he could enter her, they heard a voice and they both freeze.

'Luna, are you here!?' Astri shouted, and they could see her ears pointing out of the bushes nearby. But before Astri reached them, the wind blew by, ruffling Luna's fur.

'There you are Luna, what are you doing?' Astri asked as she walked up to her. Luna looked around her and noticed to her surprise that Ventus was gone.

'N-nothing Astri. What is it?' She asked he sister, trying to remain calm.

'Mom and dad are back. You where going to ask them something before, but then you just walked away. I thought you might want to know.' Astri said, sniffing in the air.

Luna realised that her juices, those which had seeped into the grass, and those sticking to her fur, must emit a revelling sent that might give her away. But it also seemed to cover up the sent of Ventus.

'Thank you Astri. You go ahead, I'll be right there.' Luna said, still lying down.

Astri gave her a wondering look, but decided to do as she was told. Later when Luna had regained some strength in her legs, she got up. Her own juices as well as the saliva from Ventus made her fur stick together, she needed to wash that out before retuning to the pack.

She slowly walked into the lake, every step soaking more of her body. The cold water rushing over her woke her up from the dream-like state she had been in, returning her to the present.

The embracement of the lake loosened her muscles and she sighed relieved.

Getting out of the lake soaking wet, Luna immediately shakes her entire body, throwing the water out of her fur. At summer Luna loved to cool down by taking a swim in the lake. Now the air was still a bit chilly, making her shiver as she walked back to the pack.

As she got back she overview the pack. She saw Terra basking in the sun at the top of the den.

Her mother was by the watering hole with the other females, and some of the males where blowing of some steam by wrestling. Her sister Astri came running towards her.

'Hey Luna, Ventus is back.... Ventus!' She barked, smiling.

Luna stared at the wolf walking over to them. Ventus showed a friendly greeting with his horizontal ears and wagging tail.

'Yes Astri? And Luna? Nice seeing you.' He said, showing no signs of what had happened between them. Luna looked at him surprised, he really acted like nothing had happened!

'Ventus just came back from one of his journeys. Hey, Ventus. Bet you can't catch me!' Astri said while dancing around, making play bows by placing the front of her body down to the ground, before running off.

Ventus laughed.

'Oh, you're on!' He barked. But before he went after her, he looked at Luna and smirked.

Luna lay down. He must have understood that she didn't want everyone to know about what had happened. She watched as he played with her sister, chasing her back and forth, eventually getting into a wrestling match. He had been with the pack for almost a year, he had been a good friend to her sister ever since she was old enough to leave the den. She couldn't help but wondering why she never really had noticed him before.

To be continue....

Ok, this seems like as good time as any to tell you another thing about the names. All the names this far is on Latin and their meaning can give some insight on the character and also explain the name on this chapter.

Terra: Earth (ground)

Silva: Wood (forest)

Luna: Moon (I think most people knew that one)

Astri: Star/heavenly body/constellation

Ventus: Wind (thus explaining the name of this chapter)

I hope you enjoyed reading this and I'd appreciate it if you would rate it. The 2 first chapters are very clumsy written, but I'll take more time with the third chapter, making sure to give it lots of details and the story will progress too.

But it will take some time, one reason is because I had chapter 1-2 all figured out when I started this story, so I need to think about what will happen. Also I have had to make a schedule to have time for all my projects (a book, comics, this story and what not) so I'll work with this every Friday only.