The Pill: A Story from the Ship

Story by Sorin on SoFurry

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*Legal: * This story is mine. No other person is permitted to use it in whole or in part elsewhere without my written permission.

Warning: This story contains scenes of sexual acts. If you are underage, do not read. I take no responsibility for the viewing of this content.

Author's Note: This story follows the story found in "The Ship," located at the link below. I recommend reading that one if you are curious about what's going on in this one.

The Pill

How had she gotten here? Everything had been going so well. Now, she felt her bloated belly cramp again and she gasped in pain. No one came to help her. She could almost feel the area between her legs spreading open, preparing to let the body pass through it. How much longer was this going to take?

The contraction stopped. She'd have a few more minutes of rest before another attacked her. She thought back...

Nine months earlier

Everything had been going quite well for Carline. Her and Mark had settled into a very pleasant relationship, which the aliens seemed willing to allow as long as they kept up their normal "research" activities. It was something she could live with.

She wasn't quite sure if she was starting to enjoy the daily sex. At the most, she was becoming used to it. Her older inhibitions about having sex with a complete stranger were gone. It was a time for pleasure and nothing more. And it had only taken her a month to get there.

In general, life seemed to be pleasant. She was well fed, had a romance that she wouldn't have managed to find otherwise, and had no work to distract her from studying or painting or any number of activities she would much rather do.

So it surprised her when she got a message over the computer that "they," whoever they were, wanted to see her in person. At the time, she guessed it was the aliens or whoever had pulled them all to this ship. Why they wanted her, she couldn't guess.

She passed the gym, the room that had been converted into a sort of kitchen/eating area by request of the people, a set of smaller rooms that acted as a form of university... The people had found many things to occupy their time between fuck sessions. It made her happy to know that people weren't as crude as she thought.

All of that passed and she kept walking as she had been instructed to, away from the small portion of the ship she had formerly remained in. When she approached a door, it slid open with a hiss to a completely black room. "Enter," a soft voice said to her.

A month ago, she would have paused and debated within her mind if it would have been a good idea to do so. Like everything else, that inhibition was gone and she walked in confidently if a little suspicious.

The door hissed closed behind her and a light came on overhead. Outside of the small ring of light that illuminated her naked form, she couldn't see a thing.

"Caroline," the voice, clearly male, said to her, "you have yet to conceive. Why?"

"How the hell should I know?" she asked back. "I've fucked every day like you asked. It's not my fault." Although her words were fierce, there wasn't a hint of hate in her voice.

Silence answered her for a moment. "For our research, we require you to conceive." Another light just to her left came to life, illuminating a simple table. Sitting on the table was a small white pill. "This pill will cause your body to ovulate. You will eat it."

Her fingers picked up the pill and she studied it. To be honest, she was glad that she hadn't become pregnant yet. She didn't want a child to have to grow up in this sort of place. It wasn't good for a child. But she had seen other women walking around with swollen bellies. The aliens had provided everything they'd asked for. Why would they deceive her now? And they would probably be willing to listen to her requests for her baby.

Cautiously, she put the pill in her lips and swallowed it.

"There may be some side effects," the voice continued. "In approximately 10.4 minutes, you will experience an extremely high sex drive. You will use it to conceive. We recommend you move to one of the Lounges."

Caroline let out a low growl of sudden anger. She was hoping to let Mark be the father of at least her first child. With plenty of experience, she knew they were serious about the sex drives. There was no way she'd be able to control herself.

Without a word, she turned and walked out. But she went into a run as soon as the door closed. She had no idea where Mark even was. She stopped at every door, checking for the male pony that she loved. The university: no. The cafeteria: empty.

As she approached the first section of living quarters, a wave of heat washed over her. Her legs loosened for a moment and she fell against the wall with a low moan. Heat blossomed from her vagina.

"Ten minutes my ass."

A few furs nearby walked over to her to make sure she was alright. She brushed them off and kept going. She went into the gym and searched for a few minutes with no luck. Damn. The anger in her mind gradually faded for a desperate fear. What if she didn't find him?

She kept going down the hall, trying desperately to ignore the growing burn between her legs. All she had to do was fuck... No! Find! She had to find someone to fuck. NO!

A door just ahead of her opened and a smell crashed into her nostrils. Sweat... Musk... Cum... Her body stopped on its own and she looked inside. It was a similar scene to how it always was: an orgy with dozens of participants of every species and sexuality. The more she looked, the more she noticed the males, big and fertile males who would more than easily satisfy her desire.

With Mark forgotten, she walked through the door. And not a moment too soon. Another wave of heat hit her body. Her vagina quivered and burned in heat, driving her down to her knees. She only just managed to catch herself on an ottoman.

She lay there to catch her breath. The smells were driving her crazy. So much sex... She needed it.

Shuffling sounds surrounded her. She looked up and around her. A ring of males, each with ready cocks, stood eyeing her. Without thinking, she spread her legs wide. "Fuck me," she pleaded desperately.

A hyena walked forward and drove into her. The sound from her throat was of complete pleasure and satisfaction. Burning desire became replaced with overwhelming feelings of ecstasy and being filled wonderfully. "Oh, god yes. Fuck me hard."

She couldn't keep track of how long it took for him to explode into her tunnel. There was only a slight change of feeling as one moment she was being fucked and the next she was being filled with hot, sticky cum. The deeper hunger in her loins suddenly abated softly, leaving her in a sweating high of bliss.

The hyena started to pull out. As soon as his limp cock left her lips, the hunger returned. She let out a whimper and held her ass up to present herself. "More... Someone, please..."

Another set of strong hands gripped her hips and another cock plunged into her slick snatch. Once again, the burning vanished for sexual pleasure. She didn't know who it was and she didn't care. All that mattered was that she was getting fucked. Roughly, softly, loudly, all manner of sex she craved was given to her.

One after another, they came to her. Between the mind-numbing sensations of pleasure and the intermittent moments of more burning desire, always wanting more, she lost all track of herself.

Later, much later, she awoke laid out on the same piece of furniture. Her mind spiraled, trying to make sense of what had happened. Her crotch was sticky and sore. Memories crashed into her head. Amidst the still-progressing sounds of sex, she cried.

Another spasm in her stomach brought her thoughts to the present. Instincts caused her to push down with her muscles to coax the baby out. She just wanted this to be over.

When it settled, she found herself crying again. The one thing she wanted was to give Mark her first child. But she knew that was impossible. It would be some bastard of another fur that she didn't even know.

Something shifted below her. "It's crowning. One more great push, Caroline." The gelatinous chamber she lay in was shifting itself again.

The cramp hit her and she tightened up everything she could. The bulge in her vagina suddenly slipped out and she heard the cry. It was soft and high pitched with a pure warble.

Her mind instantly split in two. Her natural instincts drove her to hold her child and cuddle it and love it. The part of her that was ashamed of its very existence wanted to pretend it didn't even exist.

Her tunnel closed as the entire body left her. She released her held breath and began to pant. Finally it was over. Even the crying ceased after a few moments to leave her in silent peace.

The wall over her head became transparent and a small form floated above her. It was a small baby, part cat like her, but with scales blended amongst the fur. Its short tail was clearly reptilian and it had a snout somewhere between its two parent species. Despite its appearance, Carline couldn't help but find it completely beautiful.

"A male," the voice told her. "A wonderful specimen."

And once again her sense of peace crashed. She noticed how fluid tentacles caressed the creature and a large orb acting like a fake breast was feeding it. After only seconds, the thing carried the child away and the pod became colored again, blocking her vision.

"You may rest. Do not fear for the child. We will care for it and study it."

She didn't know how to respond. That thing was her son. How could she just let them experiment with it? But that's what it was made for. She was only the tool for making it.

With no other knowledge of what to do, with no other being to comfort her in the cold pod, she cried.

She cried for her love, who would very likely never hold their child.

She cried for her son, who would never get to run and play like a child should.

She cried for her heart, which was slowly becoming torn asunder.

She cried for many things. In the end, she just cried.

*Author's Note: * Yes, it's rather sad. But it's not meant to be happy.