In the Lair of the Dragon

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

** In the Lair of the Dragon**

** By William W. Kelso**

** Oh Gods, Mauve thought, as she stared up at the great beast crouching over her, one of his paws on her chest crushing her breasts painfully. The great beast had struck so suddenly and swiftly she'd had no chance to try and escape; despite its size and bulk it was incredibly fast.**

** "Well, well, what have we here?? The Dragon hissed, it would seem I have an uninvited visitor! A thief!"**

** "N-No, please Sir Dragon, I'm lost, I was merely trying to find someone to ask directions from! Please, please let me go!"**

** The dragon gave an angry hiss, and using its other front paw tore open the pouch on her belt with a razor sharp claw, gold coins and gems spilling forth. **

** "Please, Mauve sobbed, please don't hurt me! I couldn't resist, I'm poor, and you're so rich!"**

** She looked up at the beast as it stared at her appraisingly, saliva dripping from its fangs, its strange reptilian eyes showing no emotion. It wasn't as large as she'd thought it would be, but it was still much larger then she was even though she was a large woman. It was an impressive beast, its red skin slick and shiny, it's massively muscled legs ending in paws with large black claws, two large white horns jutting back from its head. With a soft hiss it lowered its head closer, and she cringed and whimpered as a long black forked tongue licked over her face leaving it wet with drool.**

** "N-Noo, please, O-Oh Gods, don't eat me!" She begged.**

** "Foolish human, the dragon hissed, contrary to popular belief I do NOT eat humans, let alone fair damsels. No offense, but you taste horrible. My kind much prefer a nice plump pig, deer, or a side of fresh beef."**

** "T-Then you won't hurt me, you'll let me go??" Mauve stammered, breathing a sigh of relief.**

** "NO, of course not! The dragon hissed loudly, I said I wouldn't eat you, but I never said anything about letting you go! You for your trespassing and attempted theft of my property! We do not eat humans, but we do have another...use for them, at least for...females."**

** "W-What to you mean, what do you want?? Mauve said in confusion, I have no treasure, and know no magic."**

** With a soft hiss the dragon took his paw from her chest, and reared up on his hind legs, his huge wings partially spread behind him. Mauve raised herself up on her elbows and stared at him, and then her gaze was drawn to a large slit between his hind legs, and as she watched it pursed, swelled, and the tip of what could only be a penis began to slide out. "You have GOT to be kidding!?!" She gasped.**

** "Not at all, the dragon hissed softly, if you agree to mate with me I will not harm you in any way. I could take you anyway, but it will be more enjoyable; at least for you, if you...cooperate." **

Mauve kept staring as the dragon became fully rampant, his huge penis soon rigid and erect. It wasn't as bestial as she would have expected, but it definitely wasn't human. The head was more pointed, the glans more spear shaped, and the shaft had a series of four rows of raised nubs down its length, and there was a canine like bulge near the base at the dragons vent; a rather large bulge. It was a dark pink color, glistened wetly, and had a tracery of fine veins crisscrossing it; visibly pulsing. A thick pre oozed from the vent, covering the rigid organ and dripping slowly from the tip. But it wasn't the shape that horrified her, so much as the size! It looked to be at least fifteen inches long, and very thick!

** "I-I...she gasped, there's no way!! You'd tear me in half! Perhaps, if I were to, um, orally...?"**

** "NO, the dragon hissed lustfully, penis bobbing as pre dripped from the tip and dangled on long strands, I don't care for blow jobs. But fear not, I can promise I will fit, it will be nice and tight, but I WILL fit."**

** "I-I can't! Mauve pleaded, you're too big, and you're an ANIMAL!"**

** "A pity, the dragon said, then if you will not let me take my pleasure with you I will chain you to the rocks in front of my lair, as a warning to anymore would-be thieves!"**

** Mauve whimpered, she had seen the mostly intact skeleton chained to the rocks outside the cave, and knew she would be its replacement. Despite being little more then bones with a few dried sinews clinging to them, it had been fairly...fresh. She had only been able to tell the sex from the exposed pelvic bone. It had been a man...once.**

** Tears squeezing from the corners of her eyes, she finally nodded, and said quietly, "Very well, I will try to satisfy your...needs."**

"Excellent, the dragon hissed, I thought you'd come around and see reason. But not here, come with me to a sleeping chamber. It's more...comfortable, and private. We wouldn't want to be disturbed."

** The dragon fell back to all fours, and Mauve followed it as it moved deeper into its lair. On all fours it looked even more bestial, and she gave a shudder as she realized what was about to happen. Soon they reached a smaller chamber, and she was surprised to see pillows, quilts, sleeping pads, and blankets heaped on the floor in apparently random scattered piles. With small puffs of flame the dragon ignited too braziers, and soon the chamber was well lit, and began to rapidly warm up. **

** Hissing softly the dragon approached her, and as he neared he reared up again and she stared at him in resignation. She had to admit he was a...handsome beast in a way. She had thought he would be all reptile, scales and bands, but instead his dark red hide was fairly smooth, and his massive chest was muscled more like a mans, a thick neck supported his large bestial head, and when his hard rubbery lips pulled back she could see impressive fangs. The oddest thing about his head was several long thick whiskers, or...tendrils, that sprouted from the tip of the top of his snout, and they moved like the tendrils they resembled, slowly waving and weaving. She could see his long thick tail slowly waving behind his wide hips and hind legs, but her gaze was soon drawn back to the huge cock jutting up from between those legs, visibly throbbing with lust. Oh Gods, she thought, maybe she should have chosen to take the poor skeletons place; dying from exposure might be better than being fucked to death by a beast, but it was too late now. With a shudder she started to take her clothes off, but to her surprise the dragon said,**

** "No, let me. I...want to get to...know you." **

** Mauve stood stock still, trying not to flinch as the dragon hooked a claw through the top of her bodice, and began cutting the leather cords holding her ample cleavage in check. As each piece gave way her breasts began to pop free, her breasts large and heavy, but firm. As the last piece was cut her bodice separated completely, leaving her breasts hanging free for the dragon to observe. The air of the cavern felt cool on her exposed nipples, making them tingle pleasantly. With a soft hiss the dragon lowered his head, and she shivered as his warm breath washed over her exposed skin, and his long forked tongue snaked out and gently licked her breasts, the split tip curling around a nipple for a few seconds before sliding back into his mouth with a wet slurp.**

** "Ssss, you taste good, the dragon said, so sweet, so...female." **

*The dragon didn't stop there though, and after licking her breasts a few more times; her nipples involuntarily swelling and hardening under the touch of his slick warm wet tongue, he hooked a claw in her waistband, and soon her skirt and shift joined her bodice on the ground, and she stood nude before the great beast, shivering under his intent gaze, his powerful musk filling her nostrils as she breathed rapidly in helpless fear. *

** "Ssssss, you are lovely, the dragon hissed softly, your hair is almost as red as my hide, how nice."**

*He bent over, his tongue licking across her breasts, and then...lower. Mauve felt strangely...pleased by the compliment. She was a pretty girl she knew; full hipped and large breasted, but was no beauty. Still, she sensed the compliment was...sincere. *

** In spite of herself she gave a soft moan as the warm wet tongue licked over her rigid sensitive nipples, and then briefly caressed her mound. Gods, she thought, that actually feels...good. The dragon lowered his head even lower, on the level with her breasts now, and a low rumble coming from deep in his throat proceeded to lewdly lather her body with his tongue with slow wet slurps, and she moaned again as the tips of his tongue found; and explored, her sex. She shuddered, wanting to pull the questing tongue away from her privates, but it felt sooo good! After several long minutes during which the dragon pushed his tongue deeper into her sex, he finally pulled it out; equally slowly, and licking his tongue over his lips and fangs, said,**

** "Get down on all fours, I am ready for you!"**

** "P-Please..." She started to say, staring at his rampant cock with renewed horror.**

** "NOW!" Snarled the dragon; and shaking, she dropped to all fours in front of him, and with an eager hiss he circled behind her; her eyes fixed on the huge shaft bobbing under him. She squealed as she felt his tongue lick over, and into, her pussy again, and as it withdrew he hissed,**

** "Good, you are wet now, that will help. Now hold still, and brace yourself. I will be as...gentle as I can, but there will be some...discomfort, at least at first."**

** Mauve flinched as she felt something bump against her rear, realizing it could only be the dragons penis, and then she did indeed brace herself as she felt its pointed head pressing against the lips of her swollen wet sex, and to her surprise her pussy quivered in...eagerness. Despite the circumstances he was very much a male, and his tongue had gotten her 'ready', her sexual juices flowing. Suddenly he lunged into her, and she gave a brief shriek, and then groaned as several inches of his cock slid into her. She was no real stranger to sex; and in fact enjoyed a good romp, but she was already more filled then she ever had been before, and she knew with horrid certainty that what was inside her so far was less than half his length, and already the lips of her sex were horribly stretched. She yelped as the dragon lunged again, more gently, and another inch or two slid in.**

** "Uggghhh, Mauve gasped, stop,'ll hurt me!! It's just too big!"**

** The dragon gave a soft hiss, then instead of thrusting again he began to gyrate his hips in a slow circular motion, and Mauve gasped in pleasure as his cock began to move inside of her. He's reaming me out, stretching me, she realized. Oh Gods, it felt wonderful!! What was inside her so far was well lubed, and the hardness moved easily against her slick vaginal muscles, and she could feel the nubs lining the dragon's penis rubbing against her in a very stimulating way. The dragon, grunting softly in pleasure, kept it up for awhile, then suddenly lunged again, and she moaned as another inch of two of his cock sank into her spasming sex, then stopped as it met the barrier of her cervix. **

** "Ugghhh, oh-OHHH, AH-AHHH!" Mauve gasped from the discomfort, but it faded rapidly into even more pleasure as the dragon began gyrating his hips again, his cock twirling inside of her in an increasingly pleasurable way. "W-What are you, ugghhh, doing?" She moaned. "UMFF-M'MM!"**

** "Errrrr, errggggg!! The dragon grunted, "My pre is an aphrodisiac, and it also, errrr-grrwllll, also relaxes and loosens your muscles, errr-grrrrr!! Oh yes-sss! Grrwwwllll, you are sooo tight, my pretty!! URRRRRRRROWWLLL!!"**

** Mauve bucked and groaned as, then gave a scream of pain as the tip of his cock suddenly pressed irresistibly against her cervix, then with an audible 'pop' penetrated into her womb. "UGGHH-AAAHHHEEEIIII!" She writhed and struggled at the horrible penetration, squealing and whimpering, but he held her pinned, his cock pinning her rear, a powerful paw gripping her head gently, but firmly. With a hiss he thrust again, and she gasped as more of him pushed into her womb.**

** "The pain will pass, erf-erf, urrrgggg, the dragon grunted as he began fucking her with steady thrusts, I-I will not...hurt you...urrggggffff!"**

** Mauve gasped again as the dragon suddenly lunged forward, holding a hand over her face in disbelief as she suddenly felt the large bugle at the base of his cock push against her pussy lips. Oh my Gods, she realized, he's almost hilted! She must have twelve inches of his cock inside of her, and as he shoved his knot against her sex again she realized he wasn't through yet!! Then he lunged again; powerfully, and suddenly, impossibly, his large knot slipped into her, and her labial lips clenched closed around the base of his shaft, trapping him inside of her. The dragon gave a loud groan of pure ecstasy, then began fucking her with rapid powerful thrusts.**

** Mauve sobbed as she felt the dragon knot with her, but they were sobs of pleasure. As the great beast had promised the pain was gone; and now only pleasure, incredible, growing, pleasure remained. She gritted her teeth and hissed as the huge phallus slid back and forth several inches with each thrust, the dragon grunting and snorting in pleasure, her pussy lips bulging, but keeping the large knot firmly inside of her. T-this can't be happening; a part of her mind screamed, he should be tearing me apart! I should be in agony, but, oh Gods, she'd never been so well fucked in her life, had never felt such pleasure! She gave a loud groan of ecstasy as he lunged into her again, his thrusts speeding up, and shrieked in delight.**

** "UGGHHH, she sobbed, OH-OH-OH!"**

** "URF, URF, URGGGGGOWWLLLL!" The dragon bellowed as he felt himself nearing his climax, but he managed to slow down, not wanting the pleasure to end yet, and the female's cries died down as well.**

** Mauve rested her head on her hands, giving little moans and groans every time he thrust into her and hilted, he'd been fucking her for what felt like hours. When would he stop!?! She couldn't stand much more of this pleasure, yet at the same didn't want it to ever stop! **

"Mmmm, ohhh, uh-uh-ugggghhhh!" She gasped and moaned. Oh-oh Gods!

** Finally the dragon, having reached his limit and finding it impossible to hold back his release any longer, sped up until his lunges were lifting the females legs off the ground with each thrust, and as he climaxed he closed his eyes tightly and hissed through clenched fangs as his cock exploded deep inside her, pulsing as it filled her womb with thick draconic cum.**

** Mauve's whole body quivered and shuddered as the most intensely violent and pleasurable orgasm she'd ever had exploded in her sex; and washed over her straining body in waves of pure sexual ecstasy as the felt the dragons hot cum spurting into her body as he orgasmed, and she gave a shrill high pitched scream of euphoria. She'd been cumming for quite some time, there was no way she couldn't, but it paled in comparison to this sudden nova of almost painful ecstasy.**

** With a final groan the dragon laid his head on her back, his tongue licking her head and neck affectionately, then he had to wait for some time before his knot shrank enough to dismount, and with a wet 'slurrrp' he pulled his cock from her, and not a drop of cum escaped, her cervix having snapped shut as his penis slid from it and trapping his seed inside her womb. Kneeling by the apparently comatose woman he felt around under the pillows and pads until he found what he was looking for, then snapped a heavy gold collar around her neck.**

** Mauve rested her head on her hands, eyes closed as she panted and breathed heavily, trying to suck in as much air as possible as she slowly came down from that incredible sexual high. The dragon's rock hard cock was still inside of her, and every time it moved or shifted her pussy twanged in response, and she would gasp from the pleasure. When he finally dismounted she squealed as his knot pulled loose from her tight embrace, and she realized she really didn't want to let him go, her pussy clenching in an effort to keep him inside of her. Gods, so much pleasure!! She'd never felt anything like it, and she was so lost in that final intense burst of pleasure as he slid from her she hardly noticed the gold collar being snapped around her neck.**

** Finally, her rapid breathing quieting, Mauve slowly; unsteadily, pulled herself upright, sitting back on her knees, and felt something around her neck. Puzzled, she reached up and felt what could only be a collar, and it was attached to a gold chain. She pulled the chain, but found it was attached firmly to a staple in the rock floor under the soft pads.**

** "W-What is THIS!?!" She finally blurted out.**

** The dragon, who had been lying down nearby, said "It's a collar."**

** "B-But why? Mauve asked, perplexed, I gave you what you asked for, let you take your pleasure with me! You have to let me go!"**

** "No, the dragon said, I never said anything about letting you go, at least not for awhile."**

** "Y-You PROMISED!" Mauve yelled, shaking the chain, and then something occurred to her, "Oh Gods, you're going to keep me your sex slave!"**

** The dragon leaned closer to her, and when she pulled away he gripped her arm; gently, but firmly, and said, "No, not that, I will keep you as my mate, until you lay my egg."**

** Mauve froze, her pussy still quivering from the incredible coupling, and thought, MATE? EGG!!! "WHAT EGG!" She finally squealed.**

** She flinched as the dragon gently ran a claw down the side of her face, and said in a low gentle voice, "The egg growing in your womb even now, do you not remember that I asked you to mate with me? Not just have sex, but mate. When you have laid the egg, then I will let you go."**

** "B-But, why ME? Mauve sobbed, I don't to lay an egg, like a...a reptile! It's impossible, I'm a MAMMAL, for the Gods sake! This wrong!"**

** "It's magic, the dragon said, my pre and cum has changed your body, first so you could accommodate the size of my cock, and also so you can bear my young."**

** "B-But, it's not natural!! Mauve moaned, why don't you just find a nice lady dragon!? Y-You're big and strong, surely they'd like you!"**

** The dragon gave a sad sounding sigh, and said, "Have you ever wondered, he hissed, why dragons have such a reputation for kidnapping 'fair maidens'? Tell me, have you ever seen a female dragon?"**

** Mauve sniveled a little, and said, "Well, dragons are fairly rare, and how can we tell anyway, I mean, your females don't have...have breasts or anything."**

** "No, the dragon said, it's because there AREN'T any female dragons, only males!"**

** "B-But then how do you...oh Gods!" Mauve stammered in realization, putting her hands on her belly.**

** "Ah, you see, the dragon said, our mates are human females. It is the only way we can reproduce. I am sorry for the collar, but I cannot take a chance on your running away before you lay the egg, that would be a disaster. The egg; and quite possibly you too, would not survive."**

** Sobbing softly, Mauve said, "I-I don't want to lay an egg! It''s... unnatural!"**

** The dragon leaned closer, and spreading a wing over her, said, "It won't hurt you, and when you've dropped your egg I'll let you go, with a great treasure in payment for giving me a son. I'll also cast a spell on you so you won't remember anything about what happened. We do that to protect our secret. Tell me, was our joining really so bad??"**

** Mauve had calmed down by then, finding the dragons closeness strangely comforting, and, truthfully, said, "No, I've never felt such...pleasure before."**

** Lowering his head the dragon gently licked her breasts, and said, "It will take almost a year for your egg to ripen, and in the meantime we can...give one another more pleasure, if you'd like too. But...I will not force you."**

** Mauve shuddered as she remembered the incredible pleasure, but looking down saw her pussy had returned to its normal appearance; right after the dragon had pulled out her lips had been impossibly stretched and hanging in frilly folds, protruding several inches. The dragon, almost seeming to read her mind, said,**

** "Until you lay our egg you sex will accommodate me with no more stretching required, you have the sex of a dragoness now. After you lay your egg and leave it will return to normal in a few weeks, and you'll never even know it ever happened. There are no lasting effects."**

** Reaching up she stroked the side of his jaw, the dragon giving a soft hiss of pleasure, and she said, "Yes, I want more of that pleasure, I-I want you to mate with me again." And to her surprise she realized she meant it.**

** With a hiss of delight the dragon was more than glad to comply with her request, and soon she was sobbing in ecstasy as he mounted her again, but this time he hilted easily after only a few wonderful lunges, and as he fucked her she moaned and shrieked in ecstasy as her strange lover gave her more pleasure then she'd ever thought possible. Again and again.**

** The months passed in a daze of sexual bliss, both of them experimenting in new ways to pleasure one another. Despite his size and appearance he proved to be a kind, considerate, and gentle lover; much to Mauves delight, and she did her best to satisfy him in turn. They tried different positions, with her on her back and him on top, with him on his back and her on top, and he found that, yes, he did indeed enjoy blow jobs. And they found more uses for his tongue they then would have ever imagined. **

** The dragon was gentle and doted on his mate, providing her with fine foods he acquired from who knows where, catering to her every wish. All but the one to remove her collar; that he refused to even consider, and she soon reconciled herself to wearing it. When they grew tired he would curl around her protectively, and she found comfort in the presence of the great beast as he watched over her. And slowly her belly swelled as the egg grew in her womb, and he would often lie next to her and gently rub her swollen belly with a paw as he licked and nuzzled her. **

** Eleven months later Mauve watched, soaked in sweat, as the dragon tenderly cleaned the large melon sized egg she had somehow managed to give birth too. It should have been impossible, but her sex had stretched and stretched as the egg broached, then finally slid free in a spray of thick mucus. Her lips had spread almost to her navel; her legs splayed out to her sides; and her sex remained horribly stretched, the wet folds hanging limply; but slowly they were returning to their 'normal' size. The experience of laying the egg had been strangely and horrifyingly erotic, and oh so very pleasurable. There had been no pain, only some discomfort and pressure, as the huge orb had been forced from her sex by powerful muscular contractions, and she'd been cumming almost constantly, orgasming again, and again; her loud groans and shrieks of pleasure filling the chamber. Her mate had remained by her side, helping by licking her straining sex to help lube it and the egg even more, one of his great paws gently holding her hand to comfort her as she desperately clutched at him, hissing and straining. But now it was over, and she watched the great beast as he licked and tended to their egg, then as he started licking her face she fell into an exhausted sleep.**

** Mauve woke slowly; and sitting up was amazed to find her stomach and sex had returned to their normal flat taughtness, no sign of the huge bulge she'd gotten used to, or the traumatic birthing remaining. Other than a little soreness there was no evidence of what had happened. And the gold collar was gone from around her neck; it lay next to her. As she watched the dragon entered the room carrying a bundle of her clothes; he had allowed her none while she had been pregnant, and also a large heavy looking bag. He set the clothes down, then handed her the bag. As she opened it she gasped, it contained gold coins and gems, a king's ransom.**

** "As I promised, the dragon hissed, you are free to go now. This treasure is payment for giving me a son."**

** "Where's o-our egg? Mauve asked; Please, may I see it?"**

** "Certainly, the dragon said, he is, after all, your son as well. It is in a special chamber where I can keep it warm and protected."**

** As Mauve put on her clothes; it felt strange after having been nude for almost a year, she was surprised to find they fit so loosely. She'd certainly not been fat when she'd decided to raid the dragons hoard, but the constant strenuous sex had burned up what little fat she had, and she realized she'd never been in better shape in her life. And despite having laid the huge egg less than a day ago there was no soreness, no weakness. In fact, she felt wonderful.**

** As she followed the dragon she admired his sleek powerful body, muscles rippling under his tough hide. He's so...beautiful, she realized. The intimacy they'd shared for so long had long removed any inhibitions she'd had about 'sex with an animal'. Despite his size and appearance he was gentle and kind, and had never once hurt her, and she so loved to sleep cuddled next to his warm body after a night and day of glorious mating, to listen to his soft heavy breathing and feel the beat of his heart, his arm wrapped around her holding her close.**

** The dragon led her to a smaller chamber nearer where he spent most of his time when he wasn't with her, next to his huge hoard. He enjoyed curling up on top of the pile of coins and other treasure and dozing. In the center of the 'egg chamber' was a small raised platform lovingly carved from solid stone, and the egg was nestled snugly on a soft pad surrounded by large smooth stones. The dragon picked one up, breathed fire on it until it was warm, and then repeated the process with the other stones.**

** "These are a special stones, he said, they will hold the heat for days. It's best to keep the egg at a constant temperature, and I lick it several times a day to keep it from getting too dry."**

** "M-May I touch it?" Mauve asked.**

** "Of course, my love." The dragon hissed.**

** Mauve carefully picked up the smooth leathery egg, and held it next to her breasts. It was so warm, and she nuzzled her head against it. She was still amazed she could have had something so large inside of her. She rubbed her cheek against the smooth surface, and thought. My baby, my dragon baby, my child. Looking up at the dragon; who was watching with...pride?? She asked,**

** "Do I...Do I have to go? Can I stay? I'd like to see my...son. Please, I...I love you, so much."**

** The dragon reared up a little, and sucking in a breath, said, "Yes!! You may stay as long as you wish, my mate! I was hoping you would ask, and I love you too; I always have, with all my heart. We need love just as much as any other beast, but we so seldom find a true mate, someone who doesn't care what we are. I have had others who bore my eggs, but never a true mate who could see me as something more than a mere animal. So, yes, you can stay, and we will raise our son together, and will have many more. And I will give you the gift of long life, so that we can be together, always!" **

** Mauve gently; carefully, put the egg back in the 'cradle', and when the dragon lowered his head and rubbed his snout against her she hugged his great head, tears running down her cheeks, and kissed his hard lips. She'd never been so happy in her life. She'd finally found a home, and someone who truly loved her.**

** The End**

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