Demon in the Snow

Story by Razorwing on SoFurry

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#1 of Winter

The small figure of an 8 year old boy climbed over a large, snow covered log. He had been wrapped up warm by his mother but now had his hat in one pocket of his open coat and his gloves in another as he scrambled through the snow draped woods that lay behind his house. He was reaching one of his favorite spots, a small clearing that had a hollow tree in it and a small semi-circle of stones, he had played there in the summer and it was now looking much more exciting to hide here in the winter, surrounded by glistening snow. Truth be told, this wasn't his first winter here, but last year, when his family had moved in, he hadn't been allowed to wander in these woods, now, however, his parents could see no harm in letting him explore the woods that stood only a little way from his house.

When he reached the little clearing he saw a small figure huddled in the semi-circle of rocks, swathed in what looked like fur, grey and silver with some black streaks through it. The boy could see that it was a person that was sitting there, wearing the fur as a coat against the cold, he approached the person who couldn't have been much older than him,

"Hello," he said to the huddled figure, "My name is Jason, who are you?"

The huddle shifted and a small, female face appeared, so pale it was almost ghost-like, framed by raven black hair. The face also had two tiny brown horns sprouting from the edge of the girl's hairline, each horn almost directly above each eye,

"Are...are you me?" Said the girl in a quiet voice, barely above a whisper,

"Yes, who are you?" Jason asked again, walking towards her, wading through the snow that piled deeply here.

The horned child did not answer, watching as the boy made his way beside her and hunkered down in the snow, looking at her,

"You're pretty" He said, tilting his head to one side, "What are these?"

He stretched his right hand to her horns, but before his finger could touch her she slapped his hand away, leaving four red lines across the back of the boy's hand. Jason fell back into the snow, tears welling up in his eyes as the blood began to flow from his wound. The girl growled at him, revealing pointed teeth before she stood up, turned away and ran, fading away with a blue shimmer. As her back was towards the crying Jason, he didn't see the deer like legs that carried the girl away from him, or the tears leaking from her terrified eyes.

Jason made his way back to his house, sobbing as he trailed red droplets in his wake, receiving immediate attention from his mother who demand to know what had happened. Something in his head told him not to tell her about the girl, instead he said that he fell off of a rock. His cuts were washed and bandaged, but the four lines across his hand would scar and remain with him for the rest of his life.


Jason was in the woods again three weeks later when his hand began to feel warm, specifically along his scars, when he looked he saw them glowing silver and he looked around him, wondering what was causing this. From his vantage point in the hollow tree he saw a blue shimmer and then a small figure in a grey and silver fur coat appear in the semi-circle.

"Go away," he called, he knew exactly who this figure was, "I don't like you."

The figure lowered its hood to reveal the horned girl's pale face, she looked apprehensive, not that Jason knew this, and she seemed to be holding back tears,

"I...I'm sorry," she called up to him, "I'm sorry I scratched you"

Jason frowned, then climbed down, standing face to pale face with the horned girl,

"Why did you scratch me?" He asked, showing her his hand, "It's scarred."

The girl really did look sorry, "You were going to touch my horns, that...I thought...I was scared."

Jason's face softened "It's OK...I guess, Friends?" and he held out his scarred hand,

The girl took his hand, "Friends," She confirmed, "My name is Sara...You are Jason?"

Jason nodded and let go of Sara's hand, "Want to play?" he asked the girl, who shook her head,

"No...I can't, I have to go" Jason's face fell, "I'll come back, your hand will warn you. Bye bye Jason"

Sara turned away and faded into blue once again.

Sara continued to appear throughout the winter and Jason spent a lot of time in the woods with his new friend, he didn't tell anyone about her, he knew they wouldn't believe him, the adults especially, and so he kept his friend a secret, visiting her each time his scars turned silver, sometimes bringing food such as chocolate for the both of them to share, but as the winter drew to a close Sara's visits became less frequent,

"Jason" Sara said, turning to him,


"I'm not going to be around for a long while after today," she told him,

"What? Why?" He demanded, tears springing to his eyes, he didn't want to lose his new best friend,

Sara felt teas coming to her eyes as well, "Our worlds are closest in winter and I can cross over, but winter is ending, and I..." she trailed off, not wanting to finish, a small hope within her thinking that if she did not finish her sentence then it would not be true, and she could stay with her friend.

"Will you be back next winter?" Jason asked, wiping tears from his eyes, Sara could only nod, "Good, so I'll see you again?" another nod.

Jason hugged his friend, "I'll miss you" he said, seeing the blue portal out of the corner of his eye,

"I'll miss you too Jace" Sniffled Sara, using her nickname for him, then braking the embrace reluctantly and turning away, entering the blue portal and disappearing from Jason's life for the best part of a year.


When his scar began to glow again Jason was ecstatic, although he had a few school friends none of them were as close to him as his demon friend, Sara had told him that she was a demon when he had asked her about her legs and horns. He practically ran into the woods, leaping over logs and rocks to reach the clearing where he saw her, his friend,

"Sara" he breathed and she turned to face him. Her horns had grown since she had left, they were now around 5 1/2 inches long, curving backwards over her head and dark black hair.

"Jason!" she shouted and ran over to him, embracing him tightly, "It's been so long"

Jason hugged her back, "It's so good to see you too Sara"

Every winter Jason and Sara spent time together, every year Jason noticed her changes, seeing how her horns grew, swept back over her head, twisted along their entire length and, after she reached 12, adorned with trinkets, two rings pierced in the ends of her horns giving her somewhere to hang jewelry. As he passed into puberty he became drawn to her figure, her soft curves and kind face, but he was unsure what would happen to their friendship if he made any kind of pass at her, and he couldn't bare a life without her.

One year, when they were both 16, Sara appeared to him, crying uncontrollably,

He had made his way to the woods, following the call of his 'demon scar' as he called it, and had found Sara lying in the snow, sobbing into her hands,

"Sara!" He cried, dashing to her side, noticing that some of her usual adornments were missing, and her horntip jewelry looked like it had been torn off,

Jason thought for a moment, his parents were away at some wedding, thus the house was free, and he couldn't leave her here in the snow. He scooped her up into his arms, careful to not touch her horns, in her current state she might claw him again, she hugged tight against him, sobbing into his shoulder as he carried her back to his house, collapsing onto a plush red sofa, Sara was heavier that he had thought.

"Sara," he said after a moment's rest, "Sara, what's wrong?"

Sara looked up at him, her sobs quieter now, "Jason? Oh Jace!" she flung her arms around his neck, "It was awful."

"What was awful Sara, What happened?" Jason asked, stroking her back gently, trying to calm her down,

It was working, she was quieter now, "Keln...He...He tried too...He gabbed my horns Jace, held me up by my horns, I tore most of my jewelry getting away" she started shaking, "He almost...But I clawed his face"

Jason was shaking now, but it was with rage, "This Keln, he tried to...To rape you?" he asked, cold fury in his voice,

"No Jace, don't try to get him, I can get him dealt with," Sara implored, knowing full well that Jason would try to go up against Keln himself, "My clawmarks are on his face, he can't hide"

It was then that she noticed something new, "Is that...a goatee?" she asked, stroking the light facial hair he had acquired during their time apart,

"Yeah, I decided to leave it there...after I had acquired a full beard due to a lack of razorblades" Jason told her, chuckling, "In the end I had to buy a cutthroat razor"

"I like it," Sara said, "It makes you look dashing"

Sara ended up staying the night, in Jason's bed, while he slept on the sofa. In the morning he found a note;

'Dear Jace

Thank you for all you've done for me, but I have to go back, I can't give Keln time to heal those clawmarks.

I'll see you soon my dashing young savior,


Jason kept the note in a small box that he kept all his mementos of his times with Sara.


"Is this the only place you can materialise?" Jason asked Sara as they sat in the hollow tree,

"I'm not sure, but this is most definitely the easiest place to materialise," Sara replied thoughtfully, "It was quite hard to transverse worlds when I was in your house that time, I had to walk back to the woods before I could get through"

Jason frowned, he remembered that day perfectly, and he knew that the Keln that had tried to rape Sara had been exiled from demon society, cast out to be ignored by all respectable members of his own race. Personally Jason wanted to kill him, but even he saw the foolishness of taking on a demon one-on-one.

He sighed, "My course is three years long, but I should be able to get back here around Christmas, so we can still meet up" he told her, He was leaving for university soon and it would be a three hour drive to return here.

"But at least we will see each other then" Sara replied, standing up, "I have to get going now Jace, but I'll see you next year and you can fill me in on how things go" She kissed him on the cheek and then turned and walked away, transversing the worlds in a flash of blue.

Jason held his cheek, wishing he could place that in the memento box before returning to his home.


'Why!' Jason screamed in his head, 'Why?' he staggered through the trees, tears slipping down his face. He reached the hollow tree and slammed his fist into the ground below it, 'That bitch! That scum sucking whore!'. He pulled a cutthroat razor from an inside pocket of the jacket he was wearing, he looked at it for a second, then the despair and rage sprang up in him again, she had made him shave it off, the goatee that had been so dashing...the goatee that Sara had liked, and he had shaven it off for that bitch. He flicked it open and, in his rage, slashed at the tree with it, punching with his left had and slashing with his right, tears of rage and sadness flowing down his face.

He slumped to his knees, dropping the razor and laying his hand on the surface of the tree, seeing the four red lines across the back of his left hand, mirroring his demon scar, which was beginning to glow silver, 'no' he thought, 'not like this, she can't see me like this' but he heard the footsteps behind him, and felt Sara's arms wrap around him as she crouched behind him.

"Jace? Jace, what's happened?" then she saw his hand, and the red droplets of blood staining the white snow, "Jace, what have you done to yourself?"

Jason hugged her arms, tears flowing down his face. He told her all that had happened, how his girlfriend of the past 2 years, someone he had talked to Sara about, had thrown him and all of his stuff out when he found out that she was pregnant with someone else's baby. He had moved in with her just after they had left university, four months ago, and now, the only home he had left was the shack he had built in these woods two years ago, his parents having moved out just over two years ago.

"You still have me Jace, don't forget that," Sara said softly, pressing her face against the side of Jason's own face, her horn rubbing against his head.

Jason raised a shaking hand, stroking her face, "I'm sorry Sara...I should never have gone with her, I betrayed you, I even shaved off my goatee that you..." he was cut off by a finger pressing against his lips,

"Let's get to the hut, we need to dress your wound" She led him to his own hut, one arm around his shoulders.

Once inside she sat him on the bed and took his hand in hers, her long tongue snaking out and licking the blood from his hand. Sara smiled up at Jason before giving him his hand back and fetching the first aid kit, binding his wounded hand up tight. She sat beside him on the bed, an arm around him, and looked into his eyes, drawing closer, and kissing him softly on the lips,

"Jace, I love you...I have for years...and I don't want to lose you again" she said and his hand came up to stroke her face,

"I...I know Sara...I love you too, I, I'm sorry for leaving you, I promise I never will again" this time he kissed her, feeling her tongue brush against his mouth. He opened it and Sara's long tongue entered his mouth, wrestling with his own before they drew apart.

Sara, removed her fur coat and the flowing silk shirt below it, exposing her smooth skin to Jason's eyes, her nipples a pale pink on her pale breasts. Jason lifted his hands and stroked her body, letting his hands flow over her breasts, teasing her nipples with a thumb before moving down to her hips.

She slid his jacket off of his shoulders and he shucked it, removing his turtle necked jumper and T-shirt in one move as Sara stood up, undoing the belt that kept her skirt around her and letting the silken garment fall to the floor to pool around her deer like feet. Jason fully disrobed himself and looked at Sara as she climbed onto the bed beside him, stroking along her body with one hand.

He kissed her again then trailed kisses down her neck, across her chest, between her breasts, then down, along her stomach and navel, stopping just north of her jewel.

Sara took his scarred right hand in hers and raised it to her left horn, stroking Jason's hand along it, a sign of affection...between lovers.

"How does it feel Jace, this is what you tried to touch all those years ago."

Jason could feel the twisted horn beneath his fingers, brushing against the various decorations hanging from it. He leant forwards and kissed Sara, who then rolled him onto his back, stroking his chest, then down across his abdomen and finally up the length of his penis as it stood erect and hardening with every passing moment in her company.

Sara sat atop Jason, gazing into his eyes as she lowered herself onto his member, Jason's arms at her waist. His penis slid into her, he could feel her tight walls gripping him, before he encountered a blockage. He looked up into her eyes,

"You're..." He began, and she nodded, making Jason once again feel guilty about leaving her for Amy

She grasped his face tenderly between her hands, "Don't" she told him, 'It's alright, there's no need to feel guilty" and she forced herself down, breaking her hymen and adding blood to the lubricant within her.

She whimpered slightly and a single tear rolled from her eye as she slid herself down Jason's member feeling it pulse in time with his heartbeat as she pressed herself against his chest, his arms hugging her to him as he hilted his length all the way to her core.

"You alright?" he asked the demon in his arms, who nodded, biting her lip and raising her hips, sliding his length almost completely out of her, then sliding herself back down.

Jason stroked down her back, his hands ending up at her hips, and began to slowly thrust into Sara, in time with her movements.

"Faster, please," she said, and Jason began to thrust faster, feeling her walls clutching at his penis as it slid within her with increasing speed.

Sara began panting, closing her eyes and pressing her hands onto Jason's chest, her claws pressing into his skin, but she continued to rhythmically move her hips, up as Jason pulled out, down as he thrust in, up and down, in and out, getting faster and faster. She could feel her orgasm building, and pain from losing her virginity being drowned in the wellspring of pleasure rising up from where she and her love joined.

Sara cried out as her orgasm hit her, clenching her fists, scraping red lines into Jason's chest, causing him to give a little yelp, and thrust up harder into her, pushing her orgasm along as her juices lubricated her already wet tunnel. Jason, feeling his own orgasm closing in on him, began to thrust faster, and harder, moving Sara's hips with his hands, pumping up into her until he reached the point of no return and, with one final thrust, shot his seed deep inside his love, the feeling of his cum coating her insides gave Sara another, smaller, orgasm.

They lay there for a while, content to stay joined for as long as Jason's member remained hard.

Sara stroked his face, "I love you Jace."

Jason smiled at her, "I love you too Sara, now and forever."