The Relliard Mansion ---- part one

Story by Ainoko on SoFurry

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The Relliard Mansion

Art and Story by: Diodki666

Rewritten by: Ainoko Ironrose


Legend has it that many years ago a group of nine intrepid and adventurous furs dared each other to go and spend Halloween night in an old, rotten mansion that was said to be haunted. The mansion was said to have belonged to one of the town's richest families, the Relliard's. The Relliard's were upper crust reptiles with connections with the Hearst's, Roosevelt's, and the like. Legend also has it that the Relliard family was conversant in the dark arts and the occult. Before some of the Relliard family mysteriously vanished over 80 years ago, there were rumors that 90% of every rape, murder, molestation and robbery charges was connected to them. Townsfolk also talked about the dark art rituals that were performed on the unwary and ignorant, their weird sexual fetishes that they performed on their victims and each other before they were lynched for their crimes against man and beast. On the day of their deaths, the remaining Relliard's swore that their spirits would remain in their mansion for all of eternity.

It was also said that the spirits were most active on nights that were stormy, like it was on that fateful night some young, headstrong men met up at the front door to disprove the story about the spirits. These nine young men, Destregg, Buck, Laereon, Ainoko, Yadre, Scott, Burst, Faust and Tokky thought that spending Halloween night in the mansion and emerging unscathed would show the townsfolk once and for all, that there was nothing behind the stories about the mansion. They all arrived at the main entryway at pretty much the same time. Once they were all there, they split up in groups of three and go to separate areas of the mansion and report back at the main hall the following morning. Ainoko, Buck and Destregg were the first to enter the main hall, making their way towards the back of the decrepit building.

No sooner than entering the formal dining room, the first sign of their coming troubles made itself known. The leader of the group, Destregg walked into a nearly transparent strand of spider web that was draped across the doorframe, snagging some with his fur. No sooner than walking through the door, he was assaulted by numerous larger than normal spiders. He began frantically brushing them off his body as they ripped what clothing he had on off. It seemed for every spider he brushed off, two took its place. It wasn't long before his legs were tightly wrapped with shimmering, pearlescent silk, sending him straight to the floor. Just as he started to push himself away from the arachnids, he watched in horror as one of the creatures ripped off his underwear and burying its fangs deep into the base of his cock. Yelping in shock as a tingling numbness spread out from the bite, he watched as his member grew fully erect as the spiders encased everything from the waist down save for his cock and balls.

It wasn't long before his body was completely paralyzed, leaving the spiders free to finish wrapping his virile young body in the clear, strong silk. Soon he was completely encased save for his nose, cock and balls. He could only watch in horror as the spiders began affixing thin filaments of web to his arms, legs and neck, then pulling him up into the ceiling. He tried crying for help, only hear muffled screams through his nose. He saw his two friends look in the room before quickly backing out, knowing that for now he was on his own until they could get to him. An excited chittering made him look up in time to see a spider easily twice his size descend from the shadows towards him. Screaming in utter terror, he could nothing but watch as the massive crawler softly made contact with his web wrapped body before spitting a wet web ball over his nose cutting off most of his air.

His eyes bulged in surprise as a long thick ovipositor emerged from the spider's abdomen, before it was violently rammed through the webbing around his body and deep into his tail hole. Stars swam through his vision as the spider violated his body viciously; rocking his it against the web he was bound to. The next thing he knew was the spider's head filling his vision as it sank its fangs deep into his chest, injecting him with its deadly venom. He began gasping for air as his insides began turning into a thick viscous soup in preparation for his captor's next meal.

The last thing he experienced was his cock exploding from his last orgasm of his life, while the spider slowly sucked his body dry as evil, Maniacal laughter and icy claws gripped his soul and dragged it into the clutches of the Relliard spirits to be used as their special toy.

Destregg's two companions just stood at the doorway watching in shock at what just happened before quickly backing out into the hallway, knowing that there was nothing that they could do to save their friend from his grizzly fate. Changing his mind, Buck ran back into the room, followed by Ainoko to try and save Destregg. When the two were over halfway into the room, an ethereal tendril whipped out of the floor snaring Buck around his ankles, slamming him to the floor hard. Seeing this, Ainoko got scared and bolted towards the kitchen, stopping to turn around to watch what was going to happen to his friend.

Buck squawked in both shock and surprise as his body hit the floor hard before rising off the floor as his clothes were unceremoniously ripped off his body by an unseen source. A cold chill swept Buck's body as small, thin chains appeared out of nowhere and started wrapping themselves around his naked body. He whimpered softly in pain as one of the chains began twining itself around the base of his cock, pulling out tufts of fur as it did. He reached down to try and stop what was happening but was stopped as his arm were quickly snared by more of the chains as again, his fur was getting pulled out as they were encased by the metal filaments.

He shivered in the cold room as he felt whatever it was holding his legs together release its grip and spread them wide open. By this time, his entire body was wrapped in the thin wire like chains, tufts of fur drifting to the floor as blood from various cuts from the metal seeped through staining the silver metal red in some places. A soft slinking sound made his ears perk and rotate forward, making him look up in time to see more of the chains congregating around something and forming a rather large and intimidating figure. He began struggling when the figure turned out to be a large reptile with an enormous heavily barbed cock. He began screaming in abject terror as the figure floated towards him and positioned itself at the entance to his exposed tailhole.

His screams became louder as the chain reptile slowly and painfully pushed its barbed cock into his hole. Buck cried as it felt like his hole was on fire as the spectre hilted deep inside his ravaged body, before beginning to thrust hard inside him as it reached around to begin slowly stroking his painfully swollen cock with a spiked paw. Soon his screams were violently cut off as a large something filled his muzzle, making him gag a little. He began choking as what appeared to be a golden chain in the shape of a noose, appeared around his neck and slowly tightening around it until he was wheezing hard trying to get as much air into his lungs as possible. No sooner that the noose stopped tightening around his neck, pressure began building all over his body as the chains from his neck down began tightening around him. His pained, pitiful whimpers soon turned into pained yips of pleasure as his captor both furiously stroked his cock and pounded his hole, sending him over the edge in a mind blowing orgasm. Loud snaps pops could be heard as his body was crushed within the chains as the entity that was violating his body, victoriously grabbed his soul, dragging it down into the nether regions of the mansion to be with its companion Destregg.

Ainoko screamed Buck's name out frantically as he watched his friend succumb to the malicious entity inhabiting the house. He turned and ran towards the kitchen and the back door trying to get out of the house and to the safety of the outdoors, never making it as something invisible grabbed and violently tossing him back into the room he was fleeing and onto a long, hollow pole where he was immediately bound to it by thin metal straps as like his friends before him, his clothes were violently ripped from his body. He began squirming as someone or something began stroking his cock and balls, and fingering his tailhole. He began moaning from the stimulation to his bottom, starting to enjoy what was happening when something long and hot forced its way into his muzzle, filling it with a warm tasty liquid.

He began purring loudly as whatever was in his muzzle began thrusting slowly making him suckle hard on it, it was then that he felt what that was fingering his tailhole pull out and get replaced with what felt like a hot, thick, throbbing cock that began fucking his ass hard and fast. He relaxed letting who or whatever that was using him have its way with him, enjoying getting filled with the ghostly cocks. So deep into the pleasure that was encompassing his body, Ainoko barely felt the rising heat around him as loads of ectoplasmic cum filled his ass, belly and muzzle, as well as coating his entire body, matting his fur down. It wasn't long before the two ghostly cocks were removed from his body, letting copious amounts of the cum filling him leak into the roaring fire below and forcing him to face the reality of his coming death. He began screaming and bucking in terror as an invisible tube encased his body and focusing the heat on it. The sizzling of the cum on his body filled his ears as his vision was filled with a blue, ghostly image of one of the Relliard ghosts as it reached into his cooking and dying body with sharp claws to pull out his soul so that it can join the others for all eternity to be used as the playthings for the Relliard spirits. He had just enough time before he succumbed to his death to wish that he and his friends had never gotten the idea to do what they did.

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What can I say about this? Diodki666 was looking for some 'victims for a three part snuff pic series and I got onboard. I promised him that I was going to rewrite all three parts, and here is the first part.

Be warned, this is not for the weak of heart, squeamish or easily offended.

The original pic and story can be found here:

Marked adult for the ghostly shenanigans going on

Please go and give Diodki666, bucktheyena, & destrega your love, page views, watches, love, shouts, comments, love, faves and if they are doing them, commissions. If and when you do, please tell that Ainoko sent you their way.

As usual, please leave feedback on this story so that I can do a better job on part two

The original story had 669 words, and my rewrite has 1817 words. Be expecting a similar word count increase for parts 2 & 3

Art (C) diodki666 Destregg (C) destrega Buck (C) bucktheyena Ainoko (C) Ainoko