Fall of the modern age Chapter 1

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#1 of Fall of the modern age

?The end of the modern times Chapter 1 by Raven Fox

I got the idea from watching the series Dark Angel. I added some stuff.

Jan 2009

Josh a twenty-one-year-old human male, woke up to the sound of his alarm clock going off.

He turned his head and looked at the time. It is 7:00 a.m.. He got out of bed and went into the

bathroom of his apartment he is living at. Josh clean himself up and studied his reflection in the

mirror. He has dirty blonde hair and brown colored eyes. He stood at 5 ft five in small to a

medium build at 140 lbs. He heard a bark and a canine whine. It is his dog Bandit, a wolf husky

hybrid. Josh named the dog Bandit, because of a black pattern that went over the eyes giving the

dog a look like it is wearing a mask. "OK boy, lets go." He got dressed and hooked a leash to

Bandit to walk him outside.

It is a typical January day at Lynnwood Washington, gray clouds, cold and raining. Josh

walked Bandit around outside til he did his business. Josh is going inside when he ran into Rick

an anthropomorphic black wolf with light blue eyes, a friend of his. Rick stands at 6 ft 7 in, with

a large muscular build. He must of outweigh Josh by 100 lbs. Rick might look intimidating, he is

really a nice guy. Josh and Rick has been friends for the last two years. Josh won the Mega

millions lottery over a year ago. He used his winnings for getting into a college course for

computer graphics design. He is planning to start his own business in a year. Him and Rick are

currently planning the business. Rick who is twenty-two is almost done with programing course

he is currently taking. "How's it going Josh?"

Josh looked over at Rick. "Pretty good, I got the next five days off. I am planning on flying to

Billings Montana tonight. This state is making it hard for me to start a business. It's no wonder

Boeing moved their offices to Chicago Illinois. I just gave up. A couple of people from Billings

called my yesterday, asking me to come see them. They are interested in our idea for starting this

company. So, I am going to see what they have to offer. So instead of rain, we might be dealing

with snow."

Rick shook his head. "All right Josh, I am sorry about the problems you're having. Can't

believe this state says we support businesses? Then they make it hard for somebody to start one.

I know it's going to be a slow start. I know we can do this. Maybe a couple of years from now

we can look back at this and laugh at the hard times. Oh, Josh pack up for very cold weather. It's

really cold over there." Rick grins a smile on his muzzle.

Josh laughed. "I'll take your advice friend. I'll see you in six days. Take care of yourself.

We'll talk more about this. You need anything?"

Rick said. "No, Don't need anything, but for you coming back in one piece. You're flying

your airplane?"

Josh said. "Yes I am flying. The airlines are booked for the next week. Bandit hates those

cargo areas on airliners. Don't worry Rick. I got a good copilot." Josh pointing at Bandit.

Rick laughed and playfully slapped Josh on the back. "You take care of yourself and I'll see

you in six days." Rick walks off to his apartment.

Unknown to the world a rocket is lifting off at a launch pad somewhere in Russia. The launch

complex was hired by a middle eastern country to launch a weather satellite. It wasn't a satellite.

It was an EMP weapon disguised as a weather satellite. The Russians notified all countries that it

is a commercial rocket launch, not a missile strike. There is shielding around the main part of the

weapon. The people at the complex thought they were launching a satellite.

Josh packed for his six-day trip. He called the airport to get a weather report and to file the

flight plan. Josh made a few stops on the way to the airport to pick up cold weather gear. He

packed his bow hunting equipment and hunting knife. This is one of the reasons he doesn't fly

commercially. Since 9/11 you can't pack this kind of stuff on a commercial airliner. Josh walked

up to his airplane. The airplane is a Cherokee, a low wing airplane with a retractable

undercarriage. It is painted dark green and white. Josh started his pre-flight inspection. Bandit is

sitting in the copilot's seat.

At an earth orbit the faux satellite is given control to the customers who hired the Russians to

launch it. There were a few course inputs and the satellite started its journey toward its target.

Then something goes wrong. It started to de-orbit. The satellite started its journey into the

earth's atmosphere. The target is the Washington, D.C. area, with the Capitol and part of the east

coast. The satellite started to burn up, the shielding protected the weapon from the heat of


Josh has just passed over the cascade mountain range when he saw a shooting star. Then he

saw brilliant white flash of light. He closed his eyes and shielded them. Bandit is behind the

seats sleeping. The engine quit running, all the flight instruments went dark. Josh cycled the

battery switch and nothing happens. He opened his eyes and saw weird lighting storms. There

is a weird taste in his mouth. The airplane just became a glider.

The EMP pulse happens at two hundred thousand feet. Instead of the Washington, D.C. area

the whole world was effected. Due to the height of the pulse and all the pollution the world was

putting in the air from the last eighty years. The pollution acted like a conductor, the pulse went

around the world. It altered the molecular structure of air and conducting material. Since that

moment they're will be no electricity and internal combustion. At the moment now thousands of

airplanes were falling out of the sky and Josh's is one of them.

Josh wrestled with the controls and tried to restart the airplane's engine. There is no power

for the starter. It is dusk. He saw a lake. He turns the airplane toward it. He circled around and

saw a beach area. Josh turned the airplane and belly landed on the water to make the airplane

loose the momentum on the beach. The airplane stopped thirty feet from shore line on the beach.

He checked Bandit he is ok a little shaken. Josh got out of the aircraft and inspected it. The prop

is bent and the engine mounts were broke. The nose is bent. The rest of the aircraft is in one

piece. He tried the distress beacon. It wasn't working. He tried his cell phone the battery is dead.

Nothing electrical is working. Josh grabbed the survival kit which included a hatchet and started

chopping small trees down to build a fire. It didn't explode, when he poured the fuel from the

plane on it. "Something's wrong here. The fire didn't explode when I poured fuel on it. This is

strange." Josh looked over to Bandit.

Three years later

He survived those years at the lake. His hair has grown pass his shoulders. Josh, has a beard

way pass his chin. He lost some weight and gain some muscle. The airplane was gutted and

made into a shelter. Josh made one of the wings into a makeshift raft for fishing. There is game

around for him to hunt for and wild fruit. He always retrieved his arrows because he only had

fifteen. His still has some fuel from the plane for starting fires. Bandit is all right. He helps Josh

track down game. Josh is now wearing animal skins, because his clothing rotted away a year

ago. He didn't want to, but he had to keep himself warm.

Josh packed three days of food for a hike he was planning. He filled some skins full of water.

He put fuel in a couple of water bottles for starting fires. Josh looked at the remains of his plane

and started walking east. He has an old fashion compass his dad gave him. After one day of

hiking, he had this feeling he was being followed. Bandit would run off sometimes chasing

something. In the middle of the second day Bandit ran forward then he suddenly yelps and falls

down. Josh ran up to him and saw a dart sticking out of his side. Bandit is still breathing, Josh

felt something prick him and he started feeling groggy. He fell down. "This one is mine. Rick

promised me the next male." Said a female voice as Josh lost conscious.

Josh opened his eyes. His hands were tied behind him. Bandit was laying down with a rope

around his muzzle. Josh is lying on the ground inside a log room. He turns his head there is a

light gray female anthropomorphic wolf looking at him. She walked outside. A minute later a

large black male with light blue eyes walked in. "Rick is that you?" Josh asked the wolf.

The wolf looked at him. "Yes that's my name." Rick looked closer to Josh and Bandit. "Josh

I thought you were dead. Were, have you been?"

Josh sat up and looked at Rick. "I was at a lake west of here, since I last saw you. How did

you end up here?"

Rick sighed. "Well Josh, the day you left for that trip. The shit hit the fan. All electrical stuff

quit working. Fuel and gunpowder doesn't explode. Means cars and guns are useless. We're

back in the stone age Josh."

Josh laid back down. "I was wondering why nobody came looking for me. After a couple of

months, I just settled down at the lake. I was going to check out some towns. Then I ended up


Rick stared at Josh. "You're lucky that we found you first. There are some hostile people out

here. Josh, I was looking for you when I ended up here a year and half ago. It took me a year to

get to this area. I've been looking for you for a long time. Josh, you have to make a choice. Live

with Lisa or be a prisoner. Males are in short supply. I was given the same choice Josh. Trust me

Josh. You don't want to be a prisoner. If you chose to live with Lisa, we can still have our talks

and I can still be your friend. If you choose to be a prisoner, they will kill Bandit and I'll never

see you again. Josh, It's best for you to live with Lisa."

Josh sat back up and looked at Rick. "I'll live with Lisa, she better like dogs. Rick some of

my hunting stuff is at the lake with some food, you guys might need it. How old is Lisa?"

Rick smiled and walked up to Josh and cut the ropes on Josh's wrists. "She's twenty-six.

We'll send a hunting party to the lake tomorrow. You made the right choice Josh, sorry about

this but it's for your own good." Rick removed the rope off of Bandits muzzles and petted him.

Josh rubbed Bandits ears and asked. "Ricks are there any other humans here?"

Rick answered. "There are two others, both guys. They are living with fox vixens. You'll see

them soon. I'll get Lisa." Rick walked out.

Josh sighed and looked at the ground. The door opened. The same female gray anthro wolf

who was studying him walked in. She is six feet tall, medium to a large build. She has long

black head hair pass her shoulders. She has dark green eyes. Her body is muscular with dark

gray, light gray coloring hair all over her body. She is wearing only a deer skin that is made into

a one piece bathing suit. It's laced on the front covering her 38 DD breasts. Josh looked at her.

Bandit lifted his head and looked at her to.

The wolf looked at Josh and Bandit. "I am Lisa. I hope he's house broken. Come on Josh, I'll

show where you two are going to be living at. You made the right choice. You won't regret it. I

got some scissors, I'll give you a hair cut and clean you up. We'll get to know each other. I use to

be a hair stylist." Josh and Bandit got up and followed her.

The village is made up of crudely made houses. Some houses are cabins made of logs.

Others are made from pieces of sheet metal. The population comprising of different species of

anthropomorphic beings, mostly female. Lisa saw Josh looking at the population. "We have to

practice polygamy. Your friend Rick is bonded to three female wolves. You being a human you

only get me. Come on Josh we have to get bonded together in order to make you a citizen of this

village." She grabbed Josh's hand and led him to a large log cabin.

They walked in the large cabin. It was lit by a few fires. There is an older male gray and

black anthro wolf looking at them. "My name is Dan. I am the leader of this village. So my

daughter, you want to be bonded with this male?"

Lisa looked at her dad. "Yes father. I do. This is Josh and Bandit." She looked down at


Dan looked at the both of them. He walked to the back and got a chest. He removed some

items from it. He draped a cloth around his shoulders and put a piece of cloth on Lisa's head.

Rick walked in with three female wolves one of them is pregnant. Rick grabbed Josh's left arm.

Josh felt Lisa grabs his left elbow. Josh grabbed Lisa's right elbow. Dan handed Rick a gold

colored ribbon. Rick wrapped the ribbon around Josh's and Lisa's arms. Dan raised his arms

and said. "I hear by bond Josh and Lisa together for all eternity. You are both joined together."

Lisa kissed Josh.

Lisa lead Josh to a medium size cabin. He walked in. Lisa sat him on a chair and picked up a

pair of scissors. She cut his hair short. His beard got trimmed short. "Well you look a lot better

dear mate. I think I can live with you now. I'll warm up some water so you can clean yourself

up." She started heating some water at a fire pit.

Josh looked at Lisa. He had to tell her. "Lisa just to let you know. I never had sex with a

woman. Being a scrawny kid I never had any luck. You're going to be my first. So I am not

experienced." Josh removed his clothing and climbed in the bath tub. Lisa poured water in the

metal tub.

Lisa looked at Josh and her muzzle broke in a grin. "Aw don't worry. I'll teach you

everything you need to know. Don't be embarrassed Josh. You have nothing to be ashamed of."

Lisa is thinking. "I am going to be his first. Well time to teach him." She climbed in the tub and

washed him. "This Josh, is called fore-play." She continued washing Josh and cleaning him.

Josh laid back and let Lisa wash him.

Josh was lead to a large bed covered in animal skins. Lisa laid him down on the bed. She

undid her outfit. Josh studied Lisa's body. She has nice firm breasts with black inch and half

areolas. He looked at her black colored vagina which was covered in thick dark gray hair. She

climbed onto the bed and sat on Josh's stomach. Lisa bended over and kissed him. Josh felt her

hairy breasts press on his chest. He started getting an erection and his penis is poking her in the

hind quarters. She got up and sat down on his penis. He watched as it disappeared inside her.

Lisa grabbed his hands and put them on her rounded backside and instructed him to hold it as

she had sex with him. Josh used one hand to feel her tail. He petted it. Then he moved the hand

to caress one of her breasts. Lisa grabbed the other hand and put it on the other. He felt and

fondled them. "Don't worry Josh we're mated you can touch them. You're doing ok for your

first time." Josh put his hands back on her backside. Lisa moaned and Josh felt her pussy

contract and he felt a wetness running on his testicles. "Don't worry, I just orgasm. You should

be orgasming in a bit." Lisa said to Josh. He felt something build up inside him and he yelled

and released inside her. Lisa got up and cleaned him off. "Not bad Josh. I'll show you something

else later on. It's called oral sex. But that's another lesson."

It was dark and late. Josh got under the skins. Lisa got under to, she held him. Bandit is

sleeping on the floor. Josh looked in the darkness of the cabin. He is now married or bonded to a

female anthro wolf who is two years older than he. He just lost his virginity to her. Josh's life is

just changed forever when he decided to go exploring pass the lake or when the pulse happen

three years ago. He turned around and looked at her. Lisa is looking right at him. Josh hugged

her and he fell asleep in her arms.