Wandering Thoughts - Chapter 1

Story by Ceron on SoFurry

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Wandering Thoughts - Chapter 1

Author's Note : This is the first time I've published a story of mine for others to read let alone a romance story. Hope you like it. :)



"Hurry up Dray! We're almost there!"

"That's not fair! You're the fastest person in the school Kain!"

Kain chuckled. He was slowing down so he would be just 5 feet away. He's teasing me. We'll see about that. I ran faster in a burst of speed as I raced past Kain. He grinned.

"Oh no you don't!"

We sped past obstacles and pedestrians as if it was child's play. We nearly ran into a lady with her baby though. I almost won, until I tripped. Almost landed face first into the asphalt if Kain didn't catch me.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yea, just a scrape on my knee, nothing serious."

"Guess that means this win doesn't count." He broke out into laughter, he looked cute.

"Yea," I said grinning.

First things first, my name's Dray. Dray Silvertail. I'm a red fox with, ironically, black and grey fur, green eyes, and, obviously, a silver tail. I'm about 5'8" tall, taller than any fox I've met, maybe even the tallest in history. My parents died in a car accident when I was 3 and I've been cared for by my uncle Henry ever since. Oh, and also I'm gay.

I and Uncle Henry moved in here later because Uncle Henry had a transfer for his firm. That's when I met Kain. Kain Rech has been my best friend for six years now. He's a white wolf and about 6'1". When we first met he straight out asked if he could be my friend. I liked his outgoing and social personality, one of the reasons why I love him.

The warning bell rang signaling that it was almost time for class. We walked towards our first class, P.E. I was doing laps while he was playing volleyball. I watched him spike the ball winning his game. He was the few smart athletes of the school. When I took a shower he came in and took one next to me. I had to a chance to look at his manhood. It was 10 inches and fully erect. I wonder what he was thinking about. I almost was caught staring while I was thinking.

At lunch we had another conversation like usual but this wasn't a usual lunch.

"Almost forgot Dray, happy birthday!"

"Thanks dude, too bad nobody else remembers though."

"What? No one's mentioned it? Well then, come over to my house later and we'll have our own little party. It's a Friday so I have nothing to do either."'

"You don't have to. We've been friends for a long time anyway."

"Naw, we have to. That just means I would be a bad friend if I didn't," Kain said with a smile, "well, gotta go. See you cute birthday boy."

He left as I just sat there. Cute? Did he call me cute? I never thought he would say something like that to me. He never showed any sign of being gay or anything. Although, I've never seen him with a girlfriend either. I ran back home after school, eager.

After finishing my homework, I ran over to Kain's house even though he was right next door. He opened the door wearing only some shorts. God, he was muscular.

"Hey Dray. Sorry looking like this. I was about to take an evening shower," He led me to his room, "You can stay here for a couple of minutes while I shower, I take a while though." He walked into his bathroom as I stared at his nice ass.

Kain's room was pretty cluttered. Posters hung on the wall of famous sports players and trophies and medals shone brilliantly.

I noticed a computer in the corner of the room and decided to poke around at his stuff. His computer had a password to use it though. I tried a bunch of different passwords like volleyball, Kain, Rech, and art. But when I tried my name, it worked. His desktop had a drawing of him completely nude, with me giving him a blowjob. Shocked I investigated more. It seems that he had a folder of a whole comic about us even as far back as when we first met.

I heard the shower turning off so I quickly turned off his computer. He came out with some sweatpants and a t shirt.

"Hey Dray, I got you a present," He grinned as he pulled a box out of under his bed.

"What is it?"

"Just open it up and see," He replied.

Stripping the box of its gift wrapping I opened it to see a Wacom tablet.

"Wow, this looks a lot better than mine how did you afford it?" He blushed.

"I had to work two jobs for the past couple of weeks."

"This is way more than I deserve, let me give you something," I pulled him forward and kissed him full on the lips. He looked shocked from his expression but closed his eyes and pulled me forward into a passionate kiss. He broke the kiss first.


"What?" I asked still smiling.

"I never thought you'd be interested in me. I didn't think you were gay,"

"Well, I didn't know if you were until I saw your desktop," He blushed. It was cute.

"You saw that? I hop you're not mad."

"Mad about what? They were beautiful and I hope we can do that for real,"

"Are you serious? Are you sure?" I laughed.

"Yea. Unless you don't want to."

"Let's do it." He replied without hesitation,

He stripped me, taking off my shirt then unbuckling my pants. He stripped down right in front of me too revealing his rippling muscles and manhood fully erect. We went back to kissing. His tongue moved to French kiss me and our tongues intertwined around each other. We jumped into bed snuggling as I nipped at his nipples. He moaned in pleasure as I moved down his chest. I came down to his manhood licking the tip and the leaking precum. He moaned louder. I licked up his shaft and moved it all the way into my mouth. I began bobbing my head up and down as he began to move his hips to my sucking.

I felt his dick tense up and slow and soon his seed flowed into my mouth. I moved my mouth out and tuned my ass to him, tail up.

"Fuck me."

"You don't need to tell me,"

He moved up to me and licked my tail hole. It was paradise as his wet mouth and tongue explored my ass. He removed his mouth and moved forward, the tip of his manhood against my tail hole and slowly inserted it into my virgin ass. I winced at the pain but it was soon replaced when it rubbed my prostate. I moaned and it seemed to turn him on even more. He pulled out a little and thrust again forming a rhythm. I clenched my muscles and that seemed to take it even further. An explosion of seed soon filled the inside walls of my rectum. It was paradise. We lay there cuddling.

"This was a different way to spend my birthday but it was the best was I could imagine,"

"Yea it was,"

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"