Amongst the city - chapter 2

Story by shywryter on SoFurry

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"You ready?" Pup asked coming out from his room to stand behind me as I looked over the cityscape. I looked back him and eyed his attire for the night. He had his shoulder length curly hair tied back with a leather strap, a black muscle tee covered by a loose leather jacket, black leather pants and a pair of black boots. The only change to his normal outfit was the jacket in place of his trench coat but since we weren't seeking and destroying the unruly changelings it wasn't necessary to carry the extra weapon load.

I patted the various places where my knives were hoping I wouldn't need to use them on my night to hunt as did Pup. I wore my black boots, black canvas pants, leather corset top with leather jacket as cover. My medium length dark red curly hair was just short enough that I could not tie it back as he had although I preferred the cover if my fangs came out before I was ready for them to. I nodded absently drawing the sight of him in, so much that the city noises faded to a quiet hum behind me.

Pup slowly walked towards me, each step take like the predator he was. He cupped his hand to the side of my face gently lifting me to look at him, his thumb gently went to my lip touching one of my canines that I hadn't realized had extended. He whispered softly to me, "You can't go this long without feeding my love." Before puncturing his thumb and allowing me to take some of his blood. Even the small amount that he gave me rushed through my system so fast he had to wrap his arm around me to keep me from swaying.

I groaned regaining my footing on the flattened earth and as soon as he let go of me I turned toward the city ignoring his comment. The closer we got the faster our pace became. The predator in me surging forward, if I wasn't careful I would very soon become the reason we cleaned the city every other night. I stopped in an ally just beyond the main plaza where the activity was most prominent and climbed up the side of the fire escape. I felt the rush of air as Pup joined my side.

I was thankful for our unsaid agreement that when it was ones turn to hunt the other stayed silent and simple kept the mess contained. I crouched down and opened my senses to the night. I knew there were a few homeless nearby, their smell and movements like rats scurrying about were obvious. Two prostitutes were down around the corner chatting and waiting for their next john to drive by and take them some where else. Both groups of people would have been easy prey for me but I held back, no use in filling myself with bad blood.

I took in the normal night crowd recognizing those I had fed before by the scent of my blood. This pool was becoming too small to feed from I noticed as I caught bits of myself in most of those that had passed by. I looked to Pup who cocked his head sideways in question. "I have been pulling too much from here." The rest left out was many things I could not voice in my disposition. I needed a new place but my need being as great as it was and the little I had from him lit up my hunger like a roman candle. I groaned as another wave of hunger crashed over me.

Pup moved closer to me as I leaned a little too close to the edge for his liking. "I'm fine." I groaned out, righting myself. He was going to give me hell later I could feel the heat of his anger radiating off of his skin. Unable to calm myself I pivoted and launched myself at him, I locked up my dark blue eyes slipping darker. "Be angry at me but not now, I need to feed, I need to get closer, further in. I need the hunt. I want them to run and their heart to pound..." Pup flipped me onto my stomach so fast I didn't have the chance to inhale and pinned my arms behind my back with one hand.

"Little one, control yourself. Now." I struggled against his grip but with as weak I was I only managed to scrap my flesh against the roof top. When I finally gave up the fight I was bleeding from my knees and a few places where my ribs touched the ground. I took in a deep but shaky breath and forced my mind to clamp down on my hunger. I need my needs were bordering but I held a large amount of pride that I had never been "out of control" even as a newbie.

It was still awhile longer before he let me go which he did so tentatively and when I rose to meet his eyes he met mine calmly, "I stay silent until you need me not to be, don't make me do that again." I knew he didn't like doing that to me; our physical touch was viably dangerous to one another. I nodded, turned and began to make my way further into the city. I crouched down watching the lights below me speed by. I could hear the pounding music from the clubs the next street over. I felt the heavy bass and smell the abundance of alcohol swirling from the drinks and escaping from the air in their lungs.

I dropped down into an ally where no one would see. I felt Pup join my side and as long as he saw that I was still in control I passed the image to him that he could have a bit more fun. A low growl came from behind me, "Now is about you, I have had my fill." I smile knowing exactly which images to pop open inside his head until his body was pounding with need. "No you haven't." I stopped the images at him faking his orgasm right before he left the two women to find me. He growled again but I was already strolling towards the nearest club.

There was a strong scent of females coming from there; I looked up smiling at the name. It was one of the few gay clubs in the area. I heard him groan behind me and smiled as he wandered to the bar next door. I could see the seat he was picking in his mind and knew that he could smell his own blood within me to know where I was. The rest was up to me. I nodded to the bouncer and let myself inside. The scent of the women hit hard at first and it took a few moments to keep myself from committing a mass murder on half the club. I was glad as I briefly swept through their minds that no one had noticed the change in me. I found a small group of women huddled off to the side of the bar not really trying their drinks more than gawking at the writhing bodies on the dance floor.

I tilted my head catching the scent of the red head in the group; she was aroused by the sight that had her group anxious. I smiled and slowly made my way over to them, my eyes not leaving the female. This one was mine. I couldn't directly explain the draw to her but once I had locked on that was all I knew. Just shy of ten feet from her table she looked at me. I growled, knowing no one could hear me but Pup over the music. I inhaled deep into my lung taking as much of her scent as I could on one breath.

She rose from her group telling them she would be right back, her mind only held the image of me. At first I was a little startled at how I looked but when I dove a little deeper and saw that I was exactly who she was looking for I relaxed. She cocked her head lightly towards the bathroom but in her mind I was way ahead of her. I slide in behind her absently looking through her friends minds noticing none had taken a second glance at us. I looked back at the female watching the sway of her hips and let go of all other thoughts of those around us. She walked into a free stall and I locked the door behind me turning to watch her give my body a once over licking her lips. "What?" I teased slowly stripping my jacket off, "You want this?" She blushed and shivered, her scent growing stronger.

She parted her lips to allow more air to flow into her lungs. I launched forward faster than I should have and took her mouth with mine, letting my tongue intertwine with hers. She moaned, I ground my thigh in between hers hard against her core. I felt her body melt into mine. I smiled whispering, "Yes you do want this don't you female." Suddenly she jerked and pulled back from me, "What did you call me?" I grinned thinking that most women didn't appreciate being called that. Instead of answering her I lifted her against the wall, holding her by the waist as her hand instinctively found the bars at either side of her. I forced up her jean skirt and claimed her core with my mouth. I moaned glad that she wore nothing under her skirt.

Her juices soaked her sweet folds and slightly trailing down her thighs. I took all that was there and still demanded more from her. I felt her orgasm as it ripped threw her and my own thundered along with her. I refused to let her finish as I made her cum again and a third time before she and I caught our breath. My arms still locked tightly around her waist as we both panted for breath, as soon as mine returned I shifted my grip holding her with one arm while thrusting three fingers deep into her still throbbing core. She gasped and renewed her grasp on the bars beside her, as her next orgasm almost reached its breaking point I shifted slamming my fist inside her. Her eyes widened then slammed shut as her body was overwhelmed with pleasure and pain. I guided her legs to wrap around me as I brought her down some; I felt her shudder as she adjusted to my slow steady pumps.

I kept the pace slow watching the tortured expression on her face as I kept her from gaining speed on her next orgasm. I growled as she bore down on my fist trying to increase the pressure. "No female. You will cum when I let you and only then." I bit out keeping my own need to cum again at bay. I started to pull out and smiled as I heard her whimper before slamming back inside her core filling her as much as her body would allow. She gasped and moaned writhing on my fist trying to take as much as she could before I pulled almost free of her again.

She groaned and tensed around me as I thrust my fist faster in and out of her core creating slick friction. This time at the peak of her climax my fangs extended and I pierced her neck taking her blood in deep long pulls reaching my orgasm as well. I drew from her as much as I dared before retracting my fangs and slowly lowering both of us to the floor before we collapsed. I gently smiled pulling myself slowly from her relishing her moans as she stretched to allow me to slip back out.

As soon as we could move again I looked to her realizing my mistake, she took in a sharp shaky breath and I saw the image of myself in her mind. Her blood was trailed around my lips but surprisingly I found out this wasn't was she noticed, it was my eyes. My eyes that were black when we first entered were now more of a sky blue and getting lighter the more her blood entered my system. I looked away quickly and used the bar to pull myself up from the floor. Just as I reached out for my jacket she grabbed my wrist, "I know you..."