The Everlasting Flame - Chapter 3

Story by RedneckShakle on SoFurry

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#4 of The Everlasting Flame

WOO! Finals are OVER people! I have had yet another passing semester in college, though this one was by the seat of my pants! I also set though to autocorrect, so whenever I spell though as T-H-O it'll correct it for me. And who says I don't listen to you folks. Just takes enough complaints, is all. :P

Everlasting Flame

Back to School

One week later, Red is feeling pretty darn good about himself. He can walk normally, no longer slipping at all, even on the tiled floors around the complex. He can go anywhere, and he can actually fly for an hour and a half before needing to set down to rest. It was one of the greatest feelings in the world. Cynder had said it would take a good month for him to be able to fly like a pro, but that they've got that much time. He was as big as a horse now. Most of his growth was still to come, after he was fully sexually mature, adult as Cynder calls it. That should be any time now. He turns the corner and walks into the main area Cynder was using to teach them how to breath fire. Cynder was already there, in all her glory, along with Tokaimura and Starla. Chaos was nowhere to be found, thankfully. Without her jabbering, they might get a lot more done! So far as he could tell, the only thing really good about her was her looks.

Then again, all the dragonesses were in excellent shape to him and very pretty. If they were humans, they'd be at least in athletic shape, if not model! Talk about your eye candy! The first time he had caught himself really checking out Cynder, two days ago, it had startled him. He had found her more attractive than a human female. That thought had startled him even more, and it took him the rest of the day to come to grips with it. Now, he can't imagine ever thinking a human was prettier than a dragoness! Not that their bodies didn't look good, it was just something about the scales accenting all the curves. He had seen Cynder shift down to a draconic bipedal form, called a Khutit form, and she looked great! She even put on boobs for added effect when she shifted, though she had said they weren't normally there. Just an added thing now to make them look better to humans.

She had at least been wearing clothes when she was in that form, so no peep show, but that night he had stripped her down in his mind, imagining in every detail what she'd look like naked. That was when he had gotten his first erection as a dragon. He had made sure NOT to tell ANYONE about that! What would they think if they found out he got a hardon thinking about Cynder naked?

"Red, there you are." Cynder says. "Have you seen Chaos? She was supposed to be here early, and she's nowhere to be found!" Red looks back and then shakes his head. "Nope, haven't seen her." He says.

Cynder sighs, time to embarrass her. Just as she goes to make the call over the intercom from the nearby terminal, though, Chaos shows up, panting. "Sorry!" She says. "I dozed off in the sun on the beach over by the helipad and didn't wake up till five minutes ago!" Cynder nods. "That's alright. Today we finalize your familiarization with fire breathing." She says. "After today, it'll be all endurance training to work up your muscles...especially yours, Red." This makes Red blush. He THINKS he hears a hint in that, though about what he doesn't even dare to imagine, for fear he was wrong.

Cynder smiles at him and then to the others she says. "Line up abreast." Everyone gets into a straight line. "Take your" She says. All four young dragons start bathing the wall in front of them with fire, readouts in the training headquarters going up, telling how hot each one's fire was. Thankfully the walls were meant to hold lava or molten metal, so there's no risk of fire. Cynder walks along behind each one and smiles, flicking her tail across each one's tail in turn to show her approval of their posture, flame size, flame direction, and that they were lasting. There had been several times that each one had been tail slapped because they messed up. When Cynder gets to Red, she flicks her tail along his a little longer than normal as she watches him closely as he breaths fire, evaluating his posture against what she remembers a male is supposed to look like when he breaths fire. Slightly different than a female's. She doesn't linger long enough to throw him off though, blushing to herself. She hadn't meant to take so long!

After a few minutes of this, the fires die off, each one panting a bit to catch their breath. "Good." Cynder says. "You can all breath fire for the standard amount of time." She says, happy. She had started being happy with their progress about two days after they started... "Now, all we need to do is train you physically, then we can set you to learning what you need to learn while you do your adult growth." She says. "Now, let's go, five laps around the island in the air, two on the ground, fast as you can!" She says, and sends them off, looking up at a timer so she could call their times. Yes, the dragons had indeed gotten their own version of a physical fitness test.

Red flaps up high, so the lighter air density will help him. There was an altitude limit, he was beneath it still, but this way he could move faster. The girls come up with him, flying far enough apart from him and each other that they wouldn't interfere in each others' air patterns. Red can feel their eyes on him, watching him for a few seconds, then he doesn't feel the pressure anymore of being in the eyes of others as they focus on their flight. This was going to get interesting soon, he knows. He flaps faster as he comes over the ocean, so as to stabilize his flight over the moist and lower temperature air.

Ten minutes later Red sets down, hearing the approving tone in Cynder's voice. They had all gotten the flying done on time, now for the hard part of running. Red was off like a shot, pulling away from the girls almost with ease. Tokaimura lags behind somewhat, and Chaos and Starla stay roundabouts even as they run, taunting each other with panting jibes as they run, which keeps them going for fear of falling behind the other. "Getting tired Chaos?" Starla was saying. Chaos growls a bit. "You're one to be talking! All that fat on you, no wonder Red doesn't look at you much!" Chaos says back in a snappy tone. Starla growls right back at her. "Me, fat? Look at you! All you do is lounge on the beach!"

Red keeps from pulling away from them just so he can hear them bicker. They probably don't even know I can hear them. He says to himself. I wonder if they'll stop running and come to blows... That would be entertaining. He then is snapped back to reality by Cynder flying over head. "Red, you're not pushing yourself." She says, loudly and irritably. "Stop screwing around and keep your head in it!" Red puts his head down more, spreads his wings a little bit, and puts all his speed into it, pulling away from the two arguing dragonesses.

When all is said and done, everyone is panting, especially Tokaimura. She had to put her all into the running and made it a bare thirty seconds before the fail point for the run. She was happy, though, running had never been her strong point. Red is panting too, having put his all into it, and got it done in his best time ever. Cynder was looking over them all as they drank and caught their breath. "You will all be expected to keep your current scores, or improve them, as you grow in your adult growth spurt." She says. "Based on your physicals from yesterday, all of you should have crossed the line between juvenile and adult last night. Our physicals today will confirm it." She says, smiling. "Red, do you want a male doctor to attend to your physicals now? Or are you more comfortable with Clover?" Red shrugs. "I had a female family doctor before all this. It doesn't matter to me." Cynder nods.

Ten minutes later, after Cynder was done giving them last minute pointers on what to expect given this growth, Red heads over to his examination room and walks inside, seeing all the familiar posters and things that he had seen before. A few minutes later, Clover comes in and smiles to him. "Afternoon, Red." She says, putting on her gloves. She was wearing a skirt today, just like over the last week. It had started to get hotter so it was allowed. Men were seen outside in shorts too during their time off, most sunbathing and enjoying the time off on the island.

Red nods to her and settles in on the cushioned bench. "Clover." He says. "How's your day going?" He asks, unable to keep from looking at her ass as she bends over to look for her knee hammer.

"Good, and yours? Did Cynder run you all ragged out there?" She asks, standing upright. Red snorts in amusement. "Maybe Toka, but not me!" He says, his ego showing a little bit. Clover gives him a grin. "Right..." She says, stepping over to him, tapping each finger and toe with the hammer, then his joints with them. She puts the hammer aside and starts to feel along his neck. "Any stiffness? Anything harder to move after being active for a bit?" She asks. Red shakes his head. "Nope..." He says. She then takes up his wing. "Your wings felt fine when you were flying?" She asks. Red nods, watching her, her stroking along his wing feels so good, and he's completely relaxed as she handles it.

She nods, going over and stroking the other one, feeling along the joints, completely oblivious to the fact that Red was REALLY enjoying this! Unknown to Red, he was getting aroused by it, his wings being one of those points on a male dragon that, if handled right, could get a stir. She nods, backing away, seemingly happy. "Good." She says, taking up a device from the counter, a special scope that would allow her to hear him breathing. "Step down please." She says, without looking, as she readies the instrument. Red does so, feeling the erection bobbing between his legs. He blushes as he feels that, but doesn't do anything. With luck, she wouldn't notice.

She turns around and doesn't, coming from the front. She puts the scope on his chest and listens, having him breath in and out, which actually helps to ease his arousal some. She turns and writes on her notebook pad and then starts putting some of her instruments away. "I'll need to take some blood." She says, standing up and holding a needle about as long as her finger. That completely kills the arousal he had from having his wings handled! He backs up. "No...wait...don't stick that thing in me." He says. She looks at him with that coy little stance of hers. "Oh come now..." She says, holding the needle upright and smiles to him. "it's just a little needle." She says, trying to come closer.

Red jumps up on the table and goes to the other side of it so there's something between him and her. "No, not on your life. I HATE needles!" HE says. "There's gotta be some other way!" Clover nods. "You can either take this needle, or have Cynder slash you a bit so we can get blood from a fresh wound." Red whimpers. "That's not a good way either!" He says, and whimpers a bit. How could he get out of this? Clover makes a dash and Red makes one too, keeping the table between him and her. "No needle, no how!" He says. "And no slash either! I feel fine!" He says. She smirks at him. "We need the blood sample to see if you're mature or not!" She says, and then grins. "How about we trade for it?"

Red stops. "Huh?" He asks. "What do you have in mind?" She smiles and lifts up her skirt some, showing her panties, a dark red, silk pair. "I let you do what you want to give me all the samples I need to do my analysis." She says, grinning, hoping his hormones, combined with this new body, will be too much for his mind to stop.

Red seems to be honestly thinking about this, the sight of panties and the opportunity she has given is more than enough to bring his erection back out, which Clover is relieved to see is not the size of a horse's. It's still pretty big, but wouldn't ruin her insides and hurt too much. Red looks at her. 'Anything I want?" he asks, making sure. She nods. "Anything you want. She starts unbuttoning her top as she locks up the door. She smiles to him, taking off her lab coat and the blouse under it, showing a matching bra covering her tits. She then unzips her skirt and slides it off. Red spreads his wings a bit and brings them back in as he thinks, then looks her up and down. "Ok." He says, grinning.

He moves closer to her as she grins and starts taking off that bra from her chest, revealing those nice boobs of her, her tits already hard. She then starts taking off her panties, and once that's done, Red motions with his head to the table. She smiles and bends over it, spreading her legs, and Red hops up behind her, paws on the table, and slides himself forward, feeling the tip press against, then rub along, her snatch. She smiles and arches her butt up a bit as he slides back, then when he moves forward, the head of his cock penetrates and he humps forward, sliding up deep inside her with a low growl of pleasure, covering her gasp as he pushes in almost all the way, pressing in deeper than anyone she'd had before.

Red huffs down at her, grinning. "Big enough for you?" He asks. She just rubs along his neck. "Definitely." She says, blushing brightly. "You'd better not fuss after this..." She says as Red starts to hump up into her, going slowly at first to enjoy the feeling of a pussy around his malehood. This was training! He tells himself, his cock head taking over thought. After all, he was the only guy dragon, he'd have to help populate the species! His lower mind keeps showing him how Starla and Chaos were arguing about him, how Cynder had rubbed his tail with a long, smooth stroke. He is brought back to the real world as he hears Clover moaning under him. He had started humping into her steadily as he had been thinking, and now she was holding his cock tightly inside her as she pushed back against him. This only prompts him to thrust in faster and harder, loud slaps coming up each time his thrusts in meet her coming back against him.

He looks down at her and growls in his pleasure, bringing down one hand, one paw, to hold her back against him, squeezing the right boob his hand had come to rest on as he slams into her, the scales on his hand teasing her farther, making her cum hard around his cock, her juices dripping down as Red keeps on fucking her, time losing meaning to her as she is given the lay of her life! Red is at the eyes half lidded part of the pleasure of having sex, thrusting into her fast, going in as deep as he can, feeling her clamping down around him, the heat in his loins starting to really light up as he gets closer to going off inside her. It doesn't take him too much longer before his hot seed is rushing up into her, filling her tunnel, leaking out, coating her insides thickly.

Red sighs and pulls himself back off from her, panting a bit, his virginity as a dragon lost, and, though he'll never admit it, his virginity overall too. He looks at Clover as she slowly moves away from the table, going over to the desk and pushing some of his semen out into a cup. She then takes the needle and walks over to him as he is trying to clean himself up with some water from the sink, and takes blood from his back while he's distracted, slipping the needle under some of his scales. Red doesn't even notice the prick. It takes him a few minutes with a wet paper towel or three, but he gets himself cleaned up. "From what we've seen and what was told to us by Cynder, we know that when dragons mate, it's not quite so messy." She says, cleaning herself up some. "When you go in a dragon, you'll pretty much go right into the womb, which seals when you pull out, so nothing comes out after. The only thing on you is from her." Red rolls his eyes. "That's so much better..." He says sarcasticly. "So, when are you gonna draw blood?" He asks. She smiles and points to the full vial. "Did it while you were cleaning up." Red is, understandably, a bit taken back. "I didn't feel a thing!" Clover nods. "Yup. Your scales don't really have nerves like skin does." She says. "The scale has most of the nerves, so if I slip a needle underneath, you don't feel it!" She fixes her hair a bit, it had gotten out of place during the hard rutting. "Skin doesn't have that ability." She shrugs.

A few minutes later, Red gets into the main room where all the dragons sleep at and settles down, the girls playing a game of monopoly since it was their free time. "RENT!" Calls Starla, grinning at Chaos, who is shaking her head with her hand over her eyes. "You owe me 800." She says, smiling. Shaking his head, Red settles down and picks up a book that he was reading, the final book in the Inheritance series. He had been waiting forever to see how it ends! The girls stay remarkably quiet as they play their game. They are far enough away that their banter back and forth, in regular tones, is just a murmur, so as he gets more and more into his book, he phases their talking out. This goes on for an hour and a half, all of them enjoying the down time, before Cynder comes out. "Alright everyone, time for your classes." She says, smiling. She then looks at Red. She had gotten some interesting info in that hour. She walks over to him and sits next to him, and in a low tone, starts speaking with him.

"I know this is going to sound...awkward." She says. "Lab tests just confirmed that you have viable sperm." She says. "So I wanted to warn you, they might try to bribe you into sperm samples or into...pimping yourself to the girls." She says, blushing a bit at talking this way. "You have my support if you don't want to do any of it." She says, then gets up and quickly makes her escape before Red can really say anything. He was still shocked she had been so forward about that subject! He jumps up. "Uh...Cynder!" He says, trying to catch her. Cynder stops, freezes slightly actually, and then turns her head. She's got a blush on her cheeks just under her eyes. "You'd better go Red, before you're late for Mitchell's class." She says. That stops Red. Mitchell? He turns and heads out the door, not wanting a tail slap by pressing his luck!

Cynder is unable to believe it. It was worse AFTER she had told him! It was always awkward to her when she addressed this subject, whether in passing jokes with friends, or, long ago, with her boyfriend. Now she was feeling the same way she did before! Why was she so giddy!? She goes into her lair, of sorts, to sit down and think about things, try to figure things out!

Red, meanwhile, just barely skids into class before it's slated to start and quickly pads over to his seat in the middle of the group of girls. They had formed a line across the classroom, and a man in military uniform was standing at the front. "Well, glad you made it on time, Redneck." The man says in a gruff voice. "I am General Mitchell. I will be your teacher in the arts of warfare you will need to know and master before we send you out to fight against your enemy." He smiles. "Or did you think we'd be sending you out alone?" At their silent stares, he starts to pace around. "You will all be assigned to battalions inside the newly formed Joint Strike Force." He says. "This division of the military is designed to do to modern countries what our army did to Iraq's army. You're going to be riding along with them, and you'll tear through anyone in front of you like a hot knife through butter." He says, smiling. "In a few days, you will take an extended ASVAB test and a practical test, and it'll determine where you are placed." He says. "For now, it's basic tactics training."

Two hours later, they're all leaving the classroom, talking about what they've learned, wondering how exactly they'll be placed into this 'Joint Strike Force' and whether or not it'll be as cool as it sounds! Their conversation is interrupted by a chime. "All dragons, please report to airfield immediately for deployment." Comes a male voice. They all are immediately on the move, taking to the air once in the clear and heading for the airfield, where a large C-17 is taxiing to the loading area. Cynder meets them. "Here's the deal." She says, no sign of her earlier blush on her face, and in anthro form rather than natural. "New York is under attack by...something. They don't know what it is, but they know it's big! This could be Bordraab's first attack." She says. "We're going in to deal with whatever it is." She says, motioning for them to get on. "I'll deal with the beast itself. You'll deal with anything smaller he sends my way." She says, grinning. She's hoping it's Bordraab himself, so this could all be ended now.

Ok, next chapter to be put up shortly. Comments welcome!