He Made Me Pant

Story by tokycub on SoFurry

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Chapter 1

I never understood why I got off on transformation. It always seemed like such a strange thing to get off on. Here I am, whacking off to an image of a man with fur sprouting all over his body; or maybe reading the common text of, "His sheath began to attach to his belly..." I could never begin to fathom what chemicals this image must mix in my brain in order to engorge my dick with blood. But I know one thing. Anyone who gets off on this must have a fascinating imagination. Imaginations are great, aren't they? Just imagine how this image makes you feel? The pressure building up from the crotch to the glans, that tingling sensation you get in the inner foreskin every time it's touched. It's almost like electricity, and all of this to an image of someone transforming. Your brain fills in the empty holes.

It's not that I hated being human, or humanity. But it definitely wasn't my favorite thing. Every time I found myself a "normal" guy for a date I would always get bored. Sex just wasn't the same as it was in my fantasies. I had fantasies of becoming a canine since at least the third grade. I am 20 years old and in the best shape I have been in my life. My muscles are growing thanks to working out; I've shed the baby-faced fat boy image from long ago. My arms are sculpted, my chest defined, and of course there is still a layer of fat over my developing abs but I'll be damned if I didn't say I had nice legs, or an 8 inch cock. There's the other problem, I've often wondered if my fascination with the sheath is any bit tied to my fascination with the male foreskin. It probably is, but I could never tell you if it was because the foreskin is bestial on a human or the sheath is human on a beast.

Many accused me of trying to find an escape from a problem, all the psychologists I would see when I was younger said it was because my parents were touching me, or beating me; yet from what I recall (which is a great deal) none of that ever happened. It was in third grade that I read my first Animorphs book. It was the first time I really got into reading and here it was, a boy around my age becoming an animal. My penis became hard but I never understood that it was erotic; I just knew it felt good. Watching cartoons where the main character transformed did the same thing. It wasn't a slow erection either, it was quick. I was hard as a rock in seconds, but it wasn't until much later that I discovered I could masturbate to this sort of stuff. It wasn't until even later that I discovered that there were other people into this. That's when I knew, my future lover needed to be into transformation.

I've seen posts all over the internet. Including cyoc.net or yiffstar.com asking whether or not one would actually experience a transformation if it were possible. The answers are always a mixed bag, yes, no, maybe for a day. Most are unsure of course, it's a big leap to take. Catman and Lizardman took it, but even that's not good enough for me. I need to find a way to expand the lines of body modification. I want the actual DNA of a canine within me. I'm not furry, a fur-suit isn't good enough. I need to experience a transformation to fully recognize the power of an orgasm. I need to know what its like to have a tail growing out of my coccyx, I have to know what it's like to have a sheath attached to my belly, I need to know what its like to pant to cool down my body. I don't want to experience human emotions, but animal lust. I've read stories where men were injected with DNA and became an animal...I want to try this one day but not until I have found a lover who would accept me as both his boyfriend and his pet.

So as mentioned earlier, I tried the dating scene, I tried the hooking up thing and nothing ever satisfied me. My cock would get hard, and I would cum, but it didn't feel right. There had to be something more out there, I've even tried puppy play. But that's just too weird for me. Leather muzzles don't quite feel right, and a butt plug tail? Really, that hurts after a while. I've even toyed with the idea of surgically modifying my body but none of that seems right. It wasn't until a certain evening that I was bored and I found this guy online in my area that my life probably changed forever. His online name was TFhXc, we met in an obligatory transformation chat room and we moved our chat online. He said that he lived local to me but would not be specific. I thought maybe I found the perfect guy, close to my age and apparently hardcore into transformation. But the township I lived in was big, there's no way I could find out where this guy lived, after all I was a college student in the state college with at least 5,000 people. Then there are the hamlets surrounding the college in the township. It didn't seem likely. Our role-plays where great, he knew just how to get my blood flowing, and the tempo of his writing worked perfectly with the natural edging of my masturbation sessions; I would rub my leftover foreskin up towards the bottom of my dick head and move it back down as he would describe my body changing. In detail he would slowly account for the eyebrows growing thicker, and the cock becoming harder. He would dictate how the insides of my body were morphing and squeezing. A bone in my cock started to grow as prickly hairs grew all over my scrotum, and as I was jacking off he would tell me to clean myself of all human sperm that might be left. From now on, my balls would only produce canine seed. These fantasies lasted for at least an hour, it was the first time I had ever experienced pleasure this amazing. It was almost endearing to me that someone who I did not know would take an hour out of his life to make me feel this good. We talked for at least a year online, and by my second year of college we had become really good friends online. But then I hadn't heard from him for a few months and began to forget.

Disappointed that I may never actually find the right guy, I left the transformation community for a while. My hormones seemed to even themselves out and I carried on normally in my sophomore year of college. I was really hungry on a particular Wednesday, I'm not sure why but I called up my best friend, Jenny. I asked her if she wanted to grab some dinner at the Dining Hall, I had the most unusual craving for pure meat, and of course she was offended by this being a strict vegan. I told her I would take a nice big steak and eat it seductively in front of her and then take the juices and rub it all over her arms, she was horrified but she was used to my sense of humor by now. It was really odd, I've never craved meat like this before but I couldn't help it. Jenny said on the phone, "Well, I guess I can eat with you but my friend needs to come with us. I met him at work actually, he's really cool, and I think you'll like him."

"Sure thing," I responded. I wasn't too happy to meet him though; I never liked any of Jenny's friends because they usually turn out to be douche bags. But I forgot to turn my computer off because I was really hungry. I happened to be cleaning out my files, the...well you know the ones; with all that yiffy and transformation art. So I left my room and locked my door and went off to the Dining Hall to meet Jenny and her friend. I sat there uncontrollably impatient for Jenny to leave her building. She always takes her sweet ass time and I needed to eat, I needed to eat beef or chicken or lamb, or something I could sink my teeth into. Jenny turned around the corner after what seemed like a million years, and her friend...her gorgeous friend trailing behind her. He was amazingly hot; I forgot about my urge to eat and in came my urge to fuck. My cock became rock hard the minute I saw his face and I could actually feel my heart eating itself out. I eagerly put out my hand, before he was even five feet away from me and stuttered for the first time in my life, "...H...Hi..Erm, Hello. My name is James, what's yours?"

"Tim here, nice to meet you," he shook my hand and I melted into his. Sparks of electricity was flying.

"Before you ask, he IS gay," said Jenny obnoxiously.

"...and single!" said Tim but then sighed right after his exclamation. I didn't think he was into me; he looked directly away from me after he said it.

"He just had a huge fight with his now ex-boyfriend," said Jenny.

I thought to myself how ridiculous this all sounded, everything seemed to be happening all too well for me. I even took my craving for meat earlier as possibly somehow magically beginning my transformation into a dog. It's what I told you about imagination, its fascinating how I can take the slightest details and stretch them to fit the way that I feel like they would benefit me the most.

We proceeded to walk down to the serving area of the Dining Hall as Jenny blabbed about his recent break-up. "Look Jenny, seriously, I don't need to know the details, I'm sure if he wanted me to know he would tell me himself."

She instantly looked upset, and then defended herself by saying, "Well what the hell do you know, I'm trying to set you guys up. I know he's your type!"

"Jenny! This is exactly what I'm...Oh god, Tim, don't listen to her, I really don't want you to freak out."

"No, its okay," he said. "I appreciate it if it's true...that I'm your type."

"Well for the record it is, but...well...god damn you are gorgeous."

Tim smiled and gave me a big hug and I melted into a puddle right there. So I guess I'm his type eh? My craving for meat was back and a piled my plate up high with meat and of course potatoes. What a combination! Tim had a salad; I guess he was trying to lose weight. Tim was slightly overweight, a cute button nose and a round face. He looked kind of like that lonely kid you might see eating lunch in the corner. How could this kid have been going to my college for a year and I would have not known about it? He was too perfect; I loved his week old stubble, his shaggy hair. Everything about him, he was really sexy and someone who I could be perfectly loyal to. We sat down to eat and out of curiosity I asked him what his favorite dog was.

"Bulldog," he responded.

I fell in love again, "Mine is a husky!" But after realizing how obscure the question must have been I picked it up with, "Sorry, my parents breed dogs and I was just wondering what your favorite breed was." This was a lie; my parents weren't too fond of dogs, just cats really.

"Really?" asked Jenny?

"Uhhh...yeah sure. It's a side hobby but they don't keep them at home, they do it with their friends," I said.

"Oh...okay?" Jenny sat there and ate as I looked deeply into Tim's eyes. He really was amazing, I couldn't help but imagine what he looked like inside of his pants, what he felt like inside of me, and if maybe he shared the same fetish as I did. I wolfed down my meat and Jen suggested we go to my room to play some Wii. Tim was apparently talking about it earlier; apparently he was a tech geek and had orgasms over new electronic equipment.

We went to my room and Tim saw that I had the latest edition of Windows Vista so he ran over to my computer and began to toy with it. I remembered the transformation porn and moaned to myself. The screensaver came off, luckily Jenny was on my bed adjusting the Wii settings, but Tim was exposed to my files and files of jack off material. I noticed him blush through the reflection on a nearby mirror and quietly reduced the folder after starting at it for a good 30 seconds. I saw his jaw open a bit and I swear I could feel him getting an erection but I was really worried he was thinking how much of a freak I must be. Jenny booted up Warioware and we began to play and Tim became very quiet for the rest of the game. Jenny noted that she had to leave for class and suggested that we got to know each other while she was gone. She grabbed her bag and left, and Tim was sitting on my bed and apologized. "Okay, I'm really sorry I looked at your computer without asking, my computer broke months ago and I haven't been able to afford a new one. I've been stuck using the crap at the library, I'm really sorry but I wanted you to know that I saw your porn..."

"Ugh, that was what I was worried about," I said.

"...but I get off on that too." He finished

"...Wait...Really?" I asked. This was too good to be true. Life never works out like this. This only happens in fantasy. I could not believe what just happened.

"I used to prowl chat rooms looking for awesome role play. But I can't do that anymore, not in the library."

"Your screen-name didn't by any chance used to be...TF...uhhh..."

"TFhXc? Yeah that was me, did we role-play at some point?"

"Uhh...Oh my god! Yeah! I was TF_me_now. Holy shit fuckers! This is...this never happens!"

"I have to say, you really turn me on, that's why I was so quick to hug you earlier. Ohhhhhh...remember how we used to talk about you becoming my pet? Wanna try it now?"

"I'd love to except it's not possible."

"Not yet of course, but we can role play it out. I've always wanted to fuck someone and make them believe they were transforming. And if we get to know each other and you trust me, maybe we can try out that fantasy you had, the one where we inject your balls with canine DNA."

"You know, that doesn't sound like a bad idea actually, but for now I think you should fuck me."

"Absolutely," Tim pulled down his pants almost immediately and it appears that he had a thing for jockstraps as he was wearing one. He turned around and I saw his creamy white ass, it was delicious looking, speckled with sparse blonde hairs. Round and bouncy, it was perfect. He takes off the jock strap and turns around once again, his cock was beautiful; about seven inches and uncut.

"Oh my god you are uncut...AND YOU ARE THICK," he was my dream man, there was no way I was letting him out of my grasp. But I had to breathe for a moment. "Hold on, don't you think we are taking things a bit fast, I mean you just broke up with your boyfriend..and..."

"Honestly, if I'm going to fuck you eventually it might as well be now," he took his shirt off and light brown hair dusted his soft chest and a trail led from his belly into his pubes. It was wonderful seeing a nice fat and muscle mix in his chest, he didn't have boobs but his chest was soft. I dove right into him and then he turned me around and forced me down on my bed. I thought to myself, 'And he's dominant too! Wow!"

I heard him give a final snap to the condom he had just rolled on and he positioned my ass with his body. "Close your eyes boy and envision my words as I fuck you." I felt the cold lube smothering my pucker and then I yelped as he shoved his dickhead into my anus. "Now boy, that's what you are going to get used to being called right boy? It's how I address all my pups," he said this as he began to move slowly in and out. "Yer gonna be my pup, oh look at that I already see the little nub above your ass, I guess that's gonna be your tail boy." His thrusting began to move a bit faster as he described to be what he felt in front of my body. "You like that reach around boy? I can feel your foreskin stretching out and becoming thicker. That's what a sheath feels like. You are growing a sheath boy! I bet you like how that feels, can you feel it adhering to your stomach? I can't move your penis left or right anymore. It must be growing a bone!" His thrusting was at top speed and I could feel his balls slapping against mine, "You can feel them getting fuzzier, right? Feel the prickly fur growing out around your balls and on your newly developed sheath." His dick slammed into my prostate sending messages to my brain to create more and more pre-fluids. "Aww yeah, I feel your precum changing the shape of your cock, I bet its getting all red." I began to pant at this; I felt like a dog, I felt hot. I felt dizzy, I felt an eruption of cum streaming out of my cock and I fell asleep from exhaustion.

Chapter 2

I woke up 30 minutes later and there was no boy in my room. My pants were back on and I thought that maybe that fantasy was too good to be true, but apparently it wasn't there was a note on my desk that told me to meet him behind the dorms later that evening. I was a bit confused at what just happened. I whored myself out to a guy who now appears to be mostly shady. But I didn't care either, I was going to meet him behind the dormitory. But first I was going to kick back and watch some television.

He never specified what time I was supposed to meet him, so around 9 pm I figured I couldn't wait any longer and I walked outside behind the dorm. There he was smoking a cigarette, once again I thought 'Damn, what am I getting myself into, I better not have an STD.' He called my name and I walked over to him, I inhaled some of his smoke and began to cough. "As an RA (Residential Assistant) I have to say that you cannot smoke near the dorms," but as someone you just made sweet hot love to, I don't give a damn."

"Look, do you want to try becoming a dog or not." He barked.

"Whoa, what are you talking about? All of that we spoke about was in fantasy, and besides why can't we do this in my room."

"We will, I had to make sure you were serious."

"Serious about what?"

"About becoming my pet dog. I wrote on the back of the note, 'I have the DNA, I've been working on a mixture.' Did you not read it?"

"Haha, I guess I didn't! But sure, I'm willing to give it a try." We began to walk towards my room. I really didn't think any of this would work, and the creepy signals started to go off in my head but I realized that I am only living this life once; I might as well learn to trust people. In the end if I don't die, I'll have an amazing story to tell people. "So wait, no offense but if you can do this why haven't you done it before, why hasn't there been national studies or any of this shit?"

"That's a good question, and something I really can't answer. But do you wanna try this or not?"

"Abso-fucking-lutely!" We enter my hall and travelled to my room, and I unlocked my door. We entered and he went over to my bed and we talked quite a bit just getting to know each other more. "I can't help but feel we are rushing this, I'm 20, I'm in college, I...but...well. I really do want to be your pet. I always had those role plays with you online and I never felt happier. For an hour of my life I was the happiest pup alive. If only I had had a tail to show it."

"With any luck, this DNA that I'd like to inject into your balls will do the trick."

"Yo wait what, sharp objects and my balls don't mix!"

"Right, but this is the best solution. I've used a needle before," He lied and I knew it but I figured, well...why not. I hesitatingly pulled down my pants and my underwear, my dick was still covered with dry cum. "Don't worry about the cum, even if this doesn't work I will wash you up. We talked about you being my pet so many times I feel like I can do it."

"Before I let you inject me with this random DNA, where did you get it from and how did you get a hold of a syringe?"

"My dad's a doctor and my mom's a vet. I snuck in and did some experiments, I was able to take my favorite animal, the Bulldog, and make a serum out of its DNA."

"Do you think if this works we can try some Husky in it too? I want to be a mix breed."

"Sure thing, I've always had a soft spot for Huskies, but first we try this. But if I am right, you will need multiple injections anyway, its how hormones work. A steady flow of hormones will keep your body changing.

I stripped off my underwear and he told me to lay back, my balls rested right above my asshole, and my legs were spread wide open. He gave my balls a quick lick and took out the syringe in his pocket. "You ready?"

"Of course," and then I winced in slight pain as the needle went directly into my right testicle.

"I'm injecting this into the right testicle because I noticed you were right handed, I feel like the change might accelerate faster in the dominant side of the body."

I felt the fluid, and it was a lot being pumped into my scrotum. He removed the syringe and I winced in pain again. I sat there for ten minutes and nothing happened but then I began to feel a surge of energy rush into my head. "Oh my god, I feel so great, oh my god is there a bug in the room, I see something moving. Ugh my head hurts Gahhh!"

"Whoa, down boy! It seems like you've got the energy of a bulldog all of a sudden, but I don't see any changes." I then began to calm down again and I fell asleep next to him and he cuddled up behind me.

I awoke after dreaming about chasing things, things that were fast. I loved the feeling of running, and I could only imagine what Husky DNA would do. Tim woke up after I did and inspected my body, "Huh, no changes, we'll give you another dose this morning."

Groggily, I spread my legs open and he refilled the syringe and injected it into my right testicle again, the pain wasn't as bad this time and it felt the same as last night. I swear to god my penis felt harder as it became erect, I wasn't sure if it was morning wood or it was the hormones, but ten minutes later I became super hyper again and then it was followed by a headache. We continued this line of behavior for a week, and every day he fucked me at least once. I was starting to fall for him, maybe fall isn't the correct word. I felt devoted to him, but nothing was changing in my body. I would get the rise and then the low but nothing was changing. So he stopped the hormone treatment and he thought all of his attempted at creating the perfect serum was a loss. After all, there was no sense in injecting my balls everyday if nothing was going to come out of it. It was spring vacation the next day so we would have had to have stopped anyway.

The trip home felt long and arduous, I kept looking outside at the cars and was so amazed at how fast they went. I loved hearing the noise whizzing by my ears, it made my heart beat fast and I stared at them out the window. The specifically noticed how dull the colors seemed to be on the cars, I thought it was odd because typically the brightly colored expensive cars drive in the particular areas of my college and my home. We arrived home and I saw a squirrel on the front lawn and thought it would be cute if I ran after it. I hadn't seen many of them up in college, so I jumped out of the car and scared it away and started to laugh. My dad looked at me weird, after all who chases squirrels?

I went to bed early that night and woke up the next morning having to take a piss so badly. I grabbed my fly and unzipped it and pulled out my meat, which happened to feel meatier. My leftover loose foreskin felt looser, I looked down and it covered my corona fully, rather than bunching behind it. I found this strange; it must have been the workout I was giving it last week with Tim. I've heard that foreskin can grow looser depending on how often it's used. Immediately after I found myself cooking up a steak and eggs for breakfast; "That's an awfully big breakfast, since when did you start eating like that?" asked my Mother.

We did have a dog at home, a female who was not spade, and apparently before I had gotten home she had gone into heat. She walked over to me and I got a super hard erection. 'That's odd' I thought to myself, the smells around her were so good. I immediately went over to my computer, opened my TF files and began to whack off. I came really hard and it felt great, but an hour later my dog was sitting near me and I got a hard-on again, so I whacked off again. This repeated itself well into the week, and I put two and two together. The serum must have done something, so I called Tim and told him the good news because by the end of the week, my urges had become very strange. My dog had this tug-o-war rope that she used to chew on and I threw it to her and all of the sudden I found myself on the floor biting at it but unsuccessfully grabbing it. I wound up grabbing at one point with my teeth, "OW! SHIT FUCK OW OW OW!" The dog yanked it out of my mouth and broke my tooth in half, but my mom said we didn't have the money or insurance to get it fixed. It really hurt but I had to deal with it. A few days later the entire tooth fell out which I found incredibly strange. I also noticed that a few days later my foreskin was a about a millimeter longer than it had been since I came home. You wouldn't think these things would be noticeable but they are. You get used to one thing being one way for such a long time and the slightest difference feels like the entire world has changed.

So I called Tim up and told him after putting two and two together that the serum must be doing something "Excellent, while I'm at home I will get Husky DNA and mix it into the fresh batch I've created. This should work 10 times more efficiently, if I'm right we should only need to inject you then once a day."

I got hard again and waited for spring break to end.

Chapter 3

We drove back up and the cars seemed even duller than usual, actually the trees did too, I figured it was due to global warming. The plant-life losing their, you know...life. I was so excited that about the possible changes happening to me that I forgot that I was staring at the cars. But before I knew it I was back up on campus and Tim was waiting for me in his room. I knocked on his door and he opened it up and threw me on the bed. I thought he was going to fuck me but instead he began to inspect me. "Yes, yes, AWESOME. Dude you definitely have a bit more foreskin here, and your dick head looks a bit redder too if I'm not mistaken."

"I guess I didn't notice that, that's awesome though if it's true."

He continued to inspect my body, "No new hairs though, it seems as if you are missing pubic hairs...and your tooth fell out? " He inspected my gums, "I see a very, very tiny white cap coming in. Either it's a brand new tooth, or you never lost your baby teeth."

"But I have all my adult teeth in."

"Your body doesn't seem to think so. I have a feeling the serum made you lose the appropriate human calcium to keep your teeth together. Be careful if you are going to eat tough things." My legs were open and I felt the sharp needle in my testicles and winced again. He was injecting me with the new DNA. "This should make you feel better." This time the rush came but it felt different, it felt natural. "I'm going to see if this works, if I am correct since you just cycled on the hormones this should have a magnified effect and I should be able to teach you a trick or two while you are in this elevated state of mind." I didn't feel much like talking instead I was very restless, "Now boy, I'm going to teach you to sit." He put pressure on my back and forced me off the bed and onto the floor and pushed my downwards and said, "Siiiiit!" and my body was forced into a sitting position. He took out a bag of dog treats from under his bed and put one in his hand and I instinctively licked it up. "Good boy!" he patted me on the head, and then the rush started to die down. I tried to stand back up and he said, "Sit!" I fell to the floor and he took out another treat and I licked it up again.

"Good boy! Aww Who's a good boy! You are!" The high was dropping but this time there was no headache. I remembered everything he told me, and I remembered the treats tasting really good.

"Whoa, that was an intense high."

"I figured it would be"

"I want another one of those treats!"

"Then sit!" I sat down

"Good boy! Good job!" he fed me another treat and I became happy and horny. He let me get back up on the bed and began to fuck me. "Good boy, you are going to start growing a tail soon, and I already see your sheaths begun to grow. You are going to be such a good puppy!" He fucked me and I fell asleep in his bed.

I woke up to a syringe being injected into my scrotum again, "Morning sunshine."

My nose was running, "Morning." The high came again.

"Sit," I sat. "Good boy," I ate the treat.

This was becoming normal, we did this for a few days, and then on Wednesday while I was in class a student got up from his seat and the professor shouted, "Sit down!" and when there was no treat afterwards, I began to whimper. I got confused because I was already sitting and then there wasn't anything for me to eat. I also realized that my pants were getting wet and I quickly got a hold of myself and ran to the bathroom.

"Shit!" I murmured. I went into the nearest stall and the piss was still flowing out of my dick, I couldn't control it. I aimed my penis toward the toilet and I noticed my dickhead was half covered by foreskin when soft now. I was looking half uncut, it was so weird. My scrotum also seemed tighter, not as loose and bouncy as it used to be. I called Tim and explained the situation to him.

"Okay, we need to start house training you right away then. It seems your instincts are kicking in before your physical changes."

He met me at the bathroom with a fresh set of pants and I put them on, he grabbed the old pair and threw them in the garbage. "As my pet, you will be needing less and less of these."

We went to his room and I explained to him in further detail what had happened. He removed the pants and I began to squat down, once again I didn't realize what I was doing. "No! Not all over the..." he moaned. Fuck, clean that up now! So I started to but he said, "Pup, house training now, I'm gonna inject you good and you WILL obey." I was on all fours cleaning my mess and I felt the prick. I felt the rush in my brain and I felt him take control. Now pup, I'm gonna take you for a walk in the woods and you are going to do your business there. He put my clothes back on me and took me outside, once we were deep into the woods he stripped me of my clothes and put a leash and collar on and gave me another injection but this time in the left testicle. The rush was so deep now I couldn't feel what it was like to be human. I was still walking on two legs but I began to urinate against a tree. The smell was so amazing, I could smell everything. Including Tim, he smelt best of all. After I urinated against the tree he told me I was a good boy, and I sniffed it and it smelt really good too. Then he fucked my ass and I woke up the next morning in his bed.

My face felt extra squishy, I looked in the mirror and noticed my jowls were a bit droopy. Tim woke up and stared at my face for a while, "Ohhh, I can see a hint of some bulldog in you. It's not a lot but there's some in your face. I'm sure most people won't notice it. I felt a sharp pain in my lower back but I didn't think anything of it. I realized I had to piss really bad so I scratched at the door. "Okay, walky times for pup," said Tim. So we went back into the woods and I sniffed out my tree and I took a piss on it, I was rewarded with a treat. I looked down at my cock and I noticed the very bottom of it seemed to be small webbing attached from the top to my pubic area. And Tim was right, some more pubic hairs were missing but where the missing ones were days ago, some grey hair was coming in. I had this distinctive urge to start running in the woods so I did, I began to run and I pulled Tim with me and he pulled back on my leash and told me to heel. I didn't know what it meant so I kept running, and he pulled hard and a choked and I stopped. So I tried again and the same thing happened and I realized heel meant to slow down and walk at his pace. He took me back to his dorm and gave me another injection. This line of life continued on for days, the physical changes were slow however.

I wound up becoming color blind; I could no longer see color. My feet also felt a bit bouncier to walk on. It became difficult to piss on two legs with the new webbing so Tim taught me to get on all fours and lift my leg so I wouldn't get pee all over my belly. I was becoming much more aggressive so Tim bought me a ball and a bone to chew on and play with. I stopped going to classes. Chasing things around his room became much more interesting. The pain in my back sprouted into a tiny nub that began to wiggle slightly whenever I became happy. The tops of my ears became slightly pointier and my hearing increased drastically.

It wasn't until I noticed that Tim was significantly taller than me now by about half a foot that he no longer let me sleep in bed with him. He said my breath smelled bad like a dogs and I was emitting some weird smells, especially after I got wet. I had to sleep on the floor, but he bought me a dog basket. Several teeth has fallen out since the first one, and all of them were being replaced by what appeared to be canine teeth, and he still fucked me every night which I looked forward too. My front finger nails would always scrape on the floor when he did this; I liked the clicking sound they made of the tile. They were getting sharper and curvy as time when on

I wanted to do everything for Tim.

Chapter 4

A month later I definitely had a full foreskin. Tim was giving me a full inspection, he did this weekly. "No frenulum, but the skin is covering your cock head with some extra overhang," he said. "I hope you wanted to be uncut, this is your closest chance to feel what it's like before it becomes a full on sheath!" I began to get hard and he saw a slight bulge forming at the base of my cock. It wasn't very big but it was definitely there. Because my body was changing into that of a dog's it took a few minutes for the dickhead to extend out of the growing foreskin, but because of the creeping webbing, my erection was also going to be perfectly upwards. I would never point down again, "Oh wow, your cockhead is incredibly red, it's the reddest it's ever been. It even looks like its lost some meat around it to get a slightly tapered look," then he noticed the bulge forming at the based of my cock "Oh, I see the knot is beginning to form, wow that will be fun to experiment with." I began to get really horny and Tim decided to take off his pants and get onto his hands and knees. I instinctively went up to him and licked his ass. My tail nub has grown out about three inches by now and began to wag. I sniffed at Tim's ass and balls and it smelled wonderful, his musk permeated into my nostrils and my cock became even harder than it had been, so I mounted him. I began to pump in and out my hands were only starting to become a bit rubbery so they had excellent grip on his chest, and my nails slightly dug into him, I couldn't help but think my early forepaws were gripping him similar to how a dog would. I could feel my tail stand straight up as I entered into his pink hole, and I began to thrust. It didn't feel like much though, I heard dogs fuck for the sake of fucking and not for pleasure. But then the human side of me kicked in and I began to fuck him even harder and I could feel pricks of pleasure as what appeared to be my knot expand. "Good boy! Goooooooood boooooy," moaned Tim as I began to slam against his prostate. I could no longer pull out, all the current thrusting has to be done within Tim, pulling back would have been difficult. My balls pulled up inside their thicker scrotum, the skin was becoming much darker on them too. I could feel my foreskin moving in and out, the knot expanding within my shaft, it almost hurt but the pleasure was increasing. Then, I erupted, cum poured out of my dick as if I were pissing, I howled for the first time. Tim came at the same time and it was a wondrous experience. Then I tried to pull out, "Ow! Ow! Ow! No boy! You cannot pull out while your knot is expanded." I forgot about that part and I cuddled him until I could slip myself out of him. "That felt wonderful...we need to give you a new name...how about..pup! It will always remind you of your place in our relationship and its simple."

"Absolutely! I love that name," I tackled him.

"Hey puuup" it was mid-summer and I was living in an apartment with Tim. I ran over to him, half limped. It was difficult to run like a human, my limbs were shorter and the muscles were developing different. By this time all of my pubic hair was gone and it was replaced with a fine growing in fur. Grey with spots of white and black. My jowls were becoming difficult to hide, luckily school was over. It was summer break and Tim took me to an apartment he was renting out. My jowls looked more like a bulldogs than anything else. I was starting to get folds of skin all over my face actually. So he started to take care of me as an actual dog. Luckily the backyard of the apartment was fenced off. No one could peer in, and luckily no neighbors ever spotted me going to the bathroom. It was strange, Tim inspected my body and while I had a foreskin there was no frenulum. It was just a tube of skin that began to slowly grow a bit fuzzy the webbing on the top side of my dick crept upward as my penis became literally unable to point downward. The webbing must have reached halfway up my dick by June. Husky patterned fur began to grow across my back too; I really liked it when he pet me.

My teeth began to fall out as time progressed and Tim didn't want me to ultimately forget my humanity so we had to cut a hole out in all of my shorts and underwear to make room for my growing tail. That was really strange to have it grow out; it took from June to July to grow out fully. Tim upped my injections to twice a day, and I could feel this dead sack of skin and bone extending further out each week. It began to be difficult to hold and upright position, I would forever be slightly hunched over.

Padding grew on my palms and my nails became thicker. I could hear them click when I went barefoot, in fact I could no longer wear socks. My nails would poke through the toe area.

I had to go for my first physical as a dog boy. Tim took me to the vet, and the vet couldn't believe her eyes. "This is a breakthrough for medical science!" she said. She studied my body, my cock officially sheathed, it was almost like my cock broke away inside shaft skin as it attached to my belly over the course of a few months, and reshaped itself inside that skin. Patches of fur covered my body; my balls were now producing mostly canine DNA. The sac took on a leathery texture. "Honestly, he will never be a full dog from my understanding. Over time he might be what is called an anthropomorphic animal. He will always be a good deal human, but he might be able to make puppies, but because of all the sex that you've told me you had (which I'm not even sure is legal or not) you've extracted all of his human sperm every time you've introduced the canine hormone so its unlikely he will ever be able to make human babies again since the human sperm never had time to be introduced to its canine counterpart. I would love for you to hand him over to us for studying, but I'm sure you won't do that. I'm sorry to rush your visit, but there isn't enough information on how this works to give you the full answer."

"That's okay," said Tim. "He's my puppy and I love him!" He pet me and I began to pant.