Chapter 7: Who's that?!

Story by Dave-8ball on SoFurry

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#7 of Freindly Group

Okay usual spiel first, If your under 18 get gone now the following article is of adult nature and shouldn't be veiwed by those under previously stated age...etc

Secondly Woohoo! got this one done before the time totted up to a year, okay this has been done in a single sitting, only proof read once probably a ton of mistakes there but thats what you guys are for, Right? Anything out of place please comment on and votes are highly appreciatted.


Dave woke up something, or better yet someone warm was laying by him, close, cuddling even. He turned and looked expecting to see the orange muzzle of his love by him, though it wasn't orange, it was black, pointed, more canine in features than anything else. The white tier blinked and nosed into it a little making sure it was real, as he softly rubbed noses with the unknown person two eyes flickered open light blue almost grey eyes stared back at him, they were intriguiging and intelligent but he didn't know them. Pulling back a little from the grasp the figure sat up smiling warmly to him, smiling back not to seem unfriendly he took in what features he could looking down the stranger with interest as they sat up almost at once his eyes were drawn to the reasonably sized breasts.

He sat dazed for a moment staring at the black breasts, she didn't seem to mind and in reply actually purred he was taken aback by this too she seemed canine, a wolf maybe but wolves don't purr, a tail arose from behind her it was what only could be described as a panthers tail, maybe she was some cross between the two. She smiled and let out a soft yawn stretching her sharp fangs showing slightly, as she finished she lay down atop him and kissed his chest he leant forwards and kissed her button ear, again panther in shape and size but her fur wasn't as course it had an under layer of soft fur. Amazed his paws lightly rubbed over her sides and back exploring the body, but wait, why was he feeling this girl, why was he in the same bed and why were they both naked, blinking as realization took over he seemed to lose control of his actions, not knowing why his paws moved down her back paying attention to her spine making her arch a little into himself, once both paws reached her backside he softly squeezed and she let out a soft growl, almost dominant.

At this point she spoke, her voice was strong and powerful, while holding that light feminine charm a voice you'd expect to hear in a strict teacher, "How'd you sleep then handsome?" she asked casually swirling a slightly extended claw against his chest, this action alone made him shiver in pleasure which in turn made the Panther/wolf cross smile in delight "Still playful, and after last night too" she summarized, she had worked this out by slowly rubbing down his belly and too his crotch suddenly gripping his throbbing erection making the point obvious.

He smiled and responded by kissing her softly the kiss lasted a moment and as they broke the female softly bit his lip almost in a playful manner, the light foreplay went on a little, kissing and nuzzling as the two both got thoroughly into the mood, Dave went to get up not on his own accord of course he just tried, but his attempt was quickly halted as a set of sharp teeth dug into his neck pinning him down and turning him on all the more he lay helpless and gave off a soft whine rubbing along her back again and then bringing his paw around and lightly pressing against her breast groping her while trying at the same time to get her off this only got his a growl and surprised by the fact he let go again laying flat.

Seemingly appeased the female let go of his neck slowly looking to him with fierce intent and slid down his body getting rid of the covers on the bed as she did so, not wanting to move too much the tiger only watched as she stood over him on the edge of the bed slowly lowering herself and pulling his legs off the edge. He lay half on the bed his throbbing hard cock being teased by the wonderful temptress light squeezes and rubs of her paws making him shiver and moan in want and need, he only tried getting up again once she had started and it had got him a set of claws in the thigh getting the message he stopped dead and just lay back gripping the bed as he was further teased.

Eventually he felt something else tough his cock it was raspy warm and delightfully moist recognizing it as her tongue he squeezed the edge of the bed in both anxiety and pleasure he was being pleased by someone who wasn't Tiger and he was loving it, unable to fathom why he tried to make best of the situation and tried to enjoy the occasional licks and sucks on the head of his shaft feeling his body shudder in pleasure as warm lips wrapped around the sensitive flesh and slowly took him in inch by inch before long his entire cock was in her hot maw touching lightly at the back of her throat though it didn't seem to bother her.

Moaning lightly he felt as she slowly began to bob her head, her previous teasing had already pushed him slowly coaxed him further on towards his orgasm the heat and skill that she was providing had him gripping the bed for dear life his back arching into her as he moaned out doing his best to hold back the inevitable claws lightly digging into the bed as her chin pressed softly against his balls as his slick cock throbbed in her mouth, the tiger grunted and growled lightly biting his lip as he bucked lightly into her making her pull back a little as he began to cum, strand after strand of cum spewing into her muzzle, expertly being taken by the female not a single drop leaving her mouth as she slid off his member.

Dave panted softly looking to her in awe as she got back onto the bed beside him and cuddled up close he was still in the afterglow of his amazing orgasm his eyes slightly glazed over in pleasure feeling her press lightly against him barely phased him. After a few moments his senses came back to him and she was speaking that wonderful voice ringing in his ears like a lullaby "Love you Davey" she says lightly, his reply is stifled and after clearing out his throat he kisses her and says "I love your too Terri."

Then, he awoke again, his eyes shooting open, almost exactly like his dream, or was he still in it. Turning his head he was met with a goofy smile recognizing it as Tigers he looked up, the other feline was still fast on but about as close to Dave as he could get and not letting go anytime soon. Dave smiled lightly and kissed the others muzzle lightly before laying back again thoughts and slight concerns flying through his mind, why did he have such a bizarre dream, why was this 'Terri' so familiar and what was going to happen...